Page 1: The Messenger · 2019-06-12 · letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight

The Messenger

~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~

September 2018

Volume 64, Issue 9

We are God’s children called to seek, share, teach, and continue to experience the Word of God.

Autumn is coming. The changes of the seasons are inevitable as the rising of the sun and the waning of the moon. The leaves of the trees will soon display their multi-colored splendor and the air will be crisp and cool. Soon the harvest will be ready and farmers, with their mammoth combines, will be doing their work to provide food to our nation and to the world. And by the time you read this newsletter, children will have returned to school for another year of learning. Going to school for me was not only a time of learning, but also a time of fun. Sure, when a school year was coming to an end, I was excited for the time off and all the things

summertime provided. But by August I was ready to return to school, first in New Douglas (K through sixth grade) and then in Highland (grades 7th through 12th). I have to admit that sometimes my fun got in way of my learning. So long ago. So time and the seasons wait for no one. I felt the weight of that in my life, recently. My sisters and I sorted through our parents' clothes. It felt like another step of letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight timeline to it. Well, you know that. You have experienced what I'm talking about in your own lives. It's part of life. I firmly

believe that if we try to deny the process of grief in your lives, we will harm our souls. Salem Church has been going through that process. Salem is a church strong in faith and works. It's a good church made up of good people. I love being here. But let's not deny our grief. Let us mourn in the appropriate matter and time as is necessary for each one of us. Psalm 147:3 tells us, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." And from Joshua 1:9 it says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." --- Pastor Ivan

Labor Day Weekend Family Fun at Shannondale!

Friday, August 31-Monday, September 3, 2018

Activities include canoeing/kayaking, swimming,

hiking, volleyball, sightseeing, etc.

Dining and accommodations are at Timber Lodge.

Tent/RV camping spaces are also available.

Come for all or part of the weekend!

Please contact Krista Mansholt at 488-6765 or [email protected] with questions.

Sunday, September 9

Salem Seekers & Sunday School classes will meet at 9:00 a.m. at the park. Church will begin at 10:00 a.m. After worship, we will have a potluck lunch; the meat and drinks will be provided by the Men’s Fellowship. Please bring a side dish and/or dessert to share and a lawn chair. After lunch there will be fellowship; feel free to bring backyard games to play.

We hope to see you at the park!

Page 2: The Messenger · 2019-06-12 · letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight

The Great Transfer of Love (Suggested reading: John 7:38)

Yesterday was another

beautiful day made in the

hand of the Lord. Our Lord

is dynamic and there is a

continuous transfer of love

through the hands of Christ.

We gathered at the church to

work about the church

grounds and outer building,

each life accepting the

goodness God gives and

freely returning that love in

new and different ways. So

what is the transfer? It is

from our morning breakfast

into the energy that moves

limbs, leaves and bushes

and aligns landscaping. It is

the wisdom we were gifted

with by those who taught us

how to cut wood and tend

gardens. It is the vision of

another that invites new

vision within us. It is the gift

of the very breath we take

that gives us the presence of

mind to dive in to the work,

seeing for ourselves what

needs attention and going

after it with enthusiasm and

fervor. The sunflowers in my

garden receive sun and rain

from the hand of God. They

do not seek to keep it for

themselves, nor do they

return the sun, rain and

nutrients in like manner; but

rather transform the

goodness of God into

beauty, blossom, seed and

more. These days the

sunflowers which have been

fed by God’s hand now feed

the wild canaries that visit

my garden. As I recently

surveyed the sunflowers,

beholding many showy

blossoms, I lowered my gaze

and I looked upon a single

sunflower leaf. It was

rugged and rough; it did not

assume a position where it

commanded attention. The

leaf was larger than a dinner

plate; it had blotches of

brown, perhaps from

catching the burning rays of

sun. It had holes where

insects had chewed and also

been fed by it. It hanged

there all unassuming. I

touched it and said to myself,

“you are as important as any

part of this all. If not for you

catching the sunlight, how

would seed and blossom

come?” Then I looked upon

the stalk and said to myself,

“those showy flowers are so

graceful, but how would I

behold them if you didn’t lift

them so very high?” I

wonder do they ever tire like

arms of Moses in Exodus,

Chapter 17? Every life is

uniquely beautiful and

needful in this artistry of

God! Yesterday we

gathered to be in the flow of

God’s love, as we attended

to the churchyard. Some cut

high branches, others low

bushes; some blew leaves

away from the building and

landscaping, dragged limbs,

loaded trailers and tractor

buckets; some sat along the

walk and didn’t move

hundreds of pounds every

few minutes, but mere

ounces of little weeds and

straightening the rocks. In

each movement is a flow of

love relationship in the hand

of God. This is not just

about a workday at the

church. This is about our

every movement, as we

gather as the church for

worship, play and prayer

together and every flow of

relationship, is a transfer of

God’s love. May we gather

together! Friends it is far

less about what we think we

may or may not receive by

being together. It is far more

about what we have to give

to each other. God is

pouring His love upon us; we

must not attempt to keep this

for ourselves. God’s

goodness and love is a flow;

it is transformed within us.

We must not impede God’s

loving hand. May we truly

gather together as often as

possible. This is a priority,

and not only about filling our

church pews, but also about

being in the flow of God’s

love. I need you. We need

each other. How much

sadness would there be if

there was a delete button

and we would not know one

another! Thanks be to God

we do know one another.

May we always celebrate

each other as often as we

can. We have much to give

and receive! Finally, God

calls us to gather together.

As we say yes to Jesus, we

bring the wonder God has

given us into the flow of the

body! This is God’s design;

the more we live it the more

we appreciate the beauty.

God Bless You, Pastor John

Page 3: The Messenger · 2019-06-12 · letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight

“Leading with Lollipops” Suggested Video: Drew Dudley Ted Talk - Leading with Lollipops

I want you to ask yourself a question: Who do you see as a leader? As you picture that someone in your head, here is another question: What makes that person a leader? At a Ted Talk in Toronto, Drew Dudley suggests that we as a society have put too much pressure on being a leader that we seem to think it is only for the select few. There can only be one leader at work, the boss. There can only be one at school, the principal; only one at church, the Pastor. But, Dudley goes on to explain that being a leader hasn’t always been so selective. Many people are leaders or role models every day, simply by doing everyday things. He tells a story about a girl who was so inspired by him just because he offered her a lollipop and called her beautiful. Ten years later, he had forgotten about the small gesture, but it impacted her life greatly.

As a new school year begins, teachers are working extremely hard to get to know all of their new students. I personally have 110 students on my team this year. Yes, I could go through the school year calling them students or “hey kid.” But it makes a huge impact on the student-teacher relationship if I can call them by their name when they talk to me or enter my room. A simple act of using a child’s name and knowing something about them is a small, simple task that makes a huge difference. Next question: Are you a leader? And I don’t mean are you the president of the United States. I mean do you have qualities that make you a leader? Do people look up to you, ask you for guidance, see you as a role model? Do children see you as a leader? You don’t have to be “in charge” to be a leader or

to make a difference in someone’s life. As our church continues to find the perfect leader for our church, I encourage you all to think about what makes you a leader as well. Because even “lollipop” moments like Dudley talked about are important. As a kid growing up in our church, there were many adults that I looked up to that were not the Pastor. And many of you have no idea the impact you have made on my life. Now that I am an adult, I hope to be the same sort of leader to our kids that many of you were to me. So, as we are looking for who will lead our church in our Christian journey, we should all strive to have qualities of a leader to keep our church family moving forward and thriving, but also to inspire our youth and be their role models. ------ Becca

Exhale Schedule Sunday, Sept. 2 - No Exhale Sunday, Sept. 9 - Rally Day / Exhale 4-5:30 Sunday, Sept. 16 - Exhale 4-5:30 Sunday, Sept. 23 - Exhale 4-5:30 Sunday, Sept. 30 - Exhale 4-5:30

From the Music Director

I want to thank everyone for providing special music this summer. It has been wonderful having so many talented volunteers share their music with us this summer. Now that all the choirs have had a break this summer, it's time to start again. Please consider joining one of these groups. We love to have new people join us. The choir schedule will begin on September 5 with the following Wednesday night schedule: 6:00-6:30 - Chimes (ages Kindergarten to 8th grade) 6:30-7:30 - Ringers 7:30-8:30 - Chancel Choir We also have the Praise Team which is open to all ages and practices on Sunday mornings after church. I am looking forward to a great year and we hope to see you in one of these groups.

National Grandparents Day

September 9, 2018

Happy Grandparents Day to All Grandparents!!!!

Page 4: The Messenger · 2019-06-12 · letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight

Come on out from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and join the fun! You’ll find crafters, live music, an Upscale Resale Shop, plenty of delicious food and more. This is a family friendly event, so bring the kids! They can enjoy our Kids Korner with lots of crafts and games, or any one of our numerous activities around the grounds. Ride a horse, take a cruise on the pontoon boat or tour DuBois via hay wagon.

We also have a Quilt Drawing available - entries are $1 a piece or six for $5. This year, there are three unique and beautiful quilts available!

Fall Festival is free to enter, and parking is free as well. Activities and food are at an affordable cost. This is a great event for families, church groups and friends to get out and enjoy a beautiful fall day at DuBois.

Fall Festival is not possible without the help of countless volunteers. They help the event run smoothly, and are needed in a variety of areas. For 2018, we still need volunteers in the following area:

Kids Korner

Upscale Resale Shop

Various Activities

And more!

This is a great opportunity for church groups to volunteer together for a service project. Volunteers may also work in shifts should they not be able to attend a full day, or even just wish to enjoy the festival. If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact the DuBois Center office at 618-787-2202 or [email protected].

Sweet Treats – Each year, our Sweet Treats shop raises money for the DuBois Scholarship Fund. We ask for donations of breads, pies, brownies, cookies and more so that all proceeds may go towards helping children and young adults attend summer camp. If you’re interested in donating, you can drop of the treats the day of the festival or arrange for them to be picked up. *Please denote if your treats contain fruit or nuts.


Salem Seekers will begin on Sunday, September 16 at 9:00. We will meet in the Gathering Room for the Bible Story, and then the children will be going to a rotation. We are reinstating a version of Bible Bucks and we are going to call them Disciple Dollars. Each Sunday you are in Attendance you will receive a Disciple Dollar. If you are in attendance the following Sunday, you will receive two Disciple Dollars; and the third consecutive Sunday, you will receive three Disciple Dollars and so on. Each Sunday without an absence, you will continue to receive an additional number of Disciple Dollars. When you miss a Sunday, the Disciple Dollars will start over with 1. There will be items each week that can be purchased with the Disciple Dollars or they can be saved to purchase something worth more later. In May, we will have a store for the children to spend any remaining Disciple Dollars. We look forward to seeing you in Sunday School on September 16 at 9:00.

Page 5: The Messenger · 2019-06-12 · letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight

Thank you to each and every one of you for the role you played in our success!! In its beta-battle (second year) against hunger, the Bunch SPENT countless hours of HEARTWORK planning, preparing, packing, praying....numbers that reinforce what we all knew – the LUNCH Bunch was doing incredible things!! A daily average of 106 lunches! How do we begin to understand what that looks like, other than it’s a triple digit figure ? Imagine 100+ hungry youth gathered around NOONDAY in a church social hall or in a sunny park. The following are web images of gatherings of 100 or so children— Each weekday ~100+ youth were fed lunch throughout the Highland School District!!! Of course, they weren't all in one location; 2 here, 12 there, sometimes 65 just on the Orange route. Some days we served 70 total for the whole day, one day 138 for a daily total!! These are just numbers but what really counted were all the smiles and they were BRIGHT AS THE NOONDAY !! From the gifts given through time and talent to the stewardship of donors it was forty nine days of pouring yourselves out heart and soul in pursuit of our mission. From the young lives touched and the stories shared about the work being done to the vision of our community. Thank you for SPENDING your summer days, your lunch hour, time away from family, your hard earned dollars and your hearts in support of our shared belief that no child's health, growth, abilities, spirit or confidence should be limited by a lack of food! Just know that each weekday you helped better more than

100 young lives through the life-giving gift of food.

Praying that you will be refilled and your gloom lifted so that

you will shine as bright as the LUNCH HOUR!!!



Volunteer Program Coordinator

Highland L.U.N.C.H. Bunch


Mission “We are the hands and feet of Christ”

In September, the Mission Committee would like to recognize all the mission our congregation already does, both as a church and as individuals. The bulletin board in the hallway will be our "Mission Board" where we will have notecards for people to fill out with any mission work they have done. This can be with the church, on your own, with another organization, with your job. It can be local or a mission trip to a different place. Help us celebrate doing God's work and recognize the mission that we are already doing as a Salem family.


Weeks Serving: 10

Days per Week: 5

Days Serving: 49 (No lunches on July 4th)

Overall Total Served in 2017: 3,905

Overall Total Served in 2018: 5,212

2018 Daily Average: 106

Page 6: The Messenger · 2019-06-12 · letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight

Salem UCC’s 11th Annual TRUNK-OR-TREAT

Sunday, October 28, 2017 - 3:00 p.m.

Save the date – more details to follow


Who conducted the worship service for Salem on Sunday, November 30, 1952? Answer: Rev. George Schuette conducted the service. Remember to stop by the historical display cabinet in the passageway to see Rev. Schuette's home communion set.

Confirmation Corner

We look forward to being with all our confirmation students. This year we have many new and exciting

ways of exploring our faith. We will be meeting in different areas of the church each week, going on

several field trips, and participating in an Unplugged “lock-in”.

We will be using Facebook “Salem UCC Confirmation Class 2018-2019” and “Remind! text” for important

information and upcoming dates of importance.

Confirmation students, parents, and mentors:

If you have not received a Facebook invitation to join the closed group “Salem UCC Confirmation

Class 2018-2019”, let Joye know.

If you have NOT received a text notifying you that “you were added to Salem 2018-2019

Confirmation Class with Joye Brase on Remind!”, please let Joye know.

If you will be in confirmation this year and were unable to make the August 19 meeting, please contact one

of us as soon as possible.

Looking forward to a great year!

Pastor Ivan, Pastor John, Joye Brase Important Dates: Sunday, September 9 – 9:00 am Sunday School classes begin 10:00 am Rally Day / Worship in the Park Wednesday, September 12 – 6:30 Wednesday Confirmation Class begins Friday, November 9 – 6:30 pm Unplugged Lock-in

Several members of our congregation visited Uni-Pres Kindercottage on Tuesday, August 21. According to Brenda Crisp, Program Administrator at Kindercottage, a person’s first visit to Kindercottage is to get to know the children. The group spent the afternoon visiting the various classrooms and playing with the children.

Page 7: The Messenger · 2019-06-12 · letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight

Thank you for awarding me the scholarship.

Also, thank you for all the opportunities you gave

me through Exhale and Confirmation to meet new

friends and help others. --- Dacoda Riechmann

Hitz Memorial Home sent thanks for the $175


On behalf of my staff, our children and families,

I think you so much for sharing your gifts with

us ($254 donation). This is a blessing. Thank

you and God bless each of you.

--- Brenda Crisp

A big thank you to all who helped with the Lunch

Bunch this summer. From helping spread the

word, packing lunches, handing out lunches,

donating juice to the generous monetary

donations and everything in between. I am

overwhelmed by your support and know the youth

and their families feel the same! Much

appreciated. Thanks a bunch! --- Missy Loyet

Dear Members of Salem United Church of

Christ, Your thoughtful gift of $563 helps

families and individuals who find themselves in

circumstances they can’t address without your

help. It is our hope that you will take

satisfaction in this kind gesture and the way it

helps to ensure brighter futures for many.

--- Chris Cox, Hoyleton Youth & Family Services


Cradle Roll Kira Ray Conrad received her cradle roll at Salem U.C.C. on Sunday, August 19, 2018. Kira is the daughter of Clint & Jenna Conrad.

From The Men’s

Fellowship & Women’s


Next Meeting of the Men’s Fellowship & Women’s Guild:

There will be a meeting on

Thursday, September 20, at 7:00 p.m.

September Golden Agers Are:

Fayette Frandsen on September 12 Wilma Blom on September 19 Olin Zweck on September 19

Men’s Fellowship & Women’s Guild Report:

We were pleasantly surprised at the attendance to

the corn roast…45-50 people attended. September is usually election of officers for our organizations.

Favorite Hymns

September 2 Just As I am - submitted by Donna Yates. This hymn is such a good communion song because it reminds me of my confirmation and taking communion for the first time. Coming as I am as a 14 year old, uncertain of the future, but knowing that my relationship with God will never change. Now as I stand here in "my Salem", much closer to the end than the beginning, the future is once more uncertain. This is our final favorite hymn for the summer. A big thank you to all who submitted hymn requests. We have enjoyed singing them this summer!

Food Pantries Need Your Help!!!

Highland…Highland Food Pantry is in need of

personal care products, toilet paper, and facial tissues.

Hamel…Hamel Bread of Life Food Pantry is in need of Peanut Butter, Syrup, Laundry Detergent, Bars of soap, Salad Dressing, Spaghetti sauce, Shampoo, Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Dish Detergent, and BBQ Sauce

Page 8: The Messenger · 2019-06-12 · letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight


MEMBERS PRESENT: Richelle Ernst, Nancy Heidbrink, Emily Uhe, Jerry Frank, Carol Reckman, Jerri Riechmann, Ron Schmidt, Judy Zimmerman, Jill Verson, Kris Lynn, Derik Payne, Kerri Reilson, Pastor Ivan Schoen. CALL TO ORDER: by President Richelle Ernst at 7:00pm DEVOTION: Pastor Ivan read devotion from Joshua Chapter 1, verses 1-9 and led us in prayer. PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES: CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS: Jerri made motion, to accept and was 2nd by Derik, motion carried. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Lap Tops being locked up in office. Insurance renewal, pay for internet Thrivent Financial Securities- advertisement TREASURER’S REPORT: Mission fund, was an error on report was added and should have been subtracted. Jerry made motion to accept the report and Carol 2nd motion carried OUTSTANDING BILLS: Light bulbs, Derik made motion to pay bills, Emily 2nd, motion carried COMMITTEE REPORTS:

Board of Christian Education- Rebecca reported on the Mid-High Mission trip to Shannondale and the High School Mission Trip to Houston. The Exhale Kick-Off is on August 12th, at Edison’s in Edwardsville from 6-8 pm. Confirmation materials have been ordered, and Pastor Ivan, and Joye Brase along with Pastor John have been meeting and are getting things lined up for confirmation. The curriculum committee reported that they are planning a different story each week that will follow the UCC lectionary. They are in need of volunteers to present a rotation one Sunday per month. They are also introducing Disciple Dollars, which is an updated version of Bible Bucks. Trunk or Treat is planned for Sunday, October 28th at 3pm.

EVANGELISM/WORSHIP- Discussed nursery attendance is low, but will continue to provide the service. Pastor Ivan will ask committees to review and update their mission descriptions. The Committee is adding a 7pm Family Worship on December 24th. This will be addition to the 11 pm service. New choir music has been ordered for the upcoming year, Christmas cantata will be on December 16th. Dawn and Pastor Ivan will plan the service. Pastor Ivan will prepare the Thanksgiving/advent/Christmas worship schedule letter.

MISSION- Next meeting to be held on Tuesday, August 28th

PROPERTY: Elevator inspection is in progress, work day Schedule is Saturday, August 11th at 8 am. Boiler inspection will be in September for the insurance company. Property committee will continue discussing pressure washing the shutters on the parsonage/church. There is concern the paint may peel off the shutters. The committee will be calling Mike Youngblood for consultation of a possible small gutter problem on east side of church. The Fire pits needs attention we need to have more discussion on this.

VISION: no meeting

Search Committee: Meeting has been scheduled with Pastor Shanna for her to view on the profile of the church

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Counting Schedule: for September 2nd, Kris, Derik, Richelle, Jerry. Communion Schedule: Set up: Emily and Judy to prepare, Kris and Carol to help serve. PASTOR’S REPORT: Planning of Worship services and preparing sermons, messenger, and weekly staff meetings. Monday morning at Maedges. Planning for confirmation classes. Still working on dates for field trips, helped with last lunch bunch. Visited, Bob Dauderman and Eleanor Stille. OFFICE COORDINATOR: Keys were installed to lock up the lap tops, we have two keys, and one key was not working correctly. Staff members have keys to get to laptops. Becca trained the staff on how to setup the projector. Jerri Riechmann will order communion plate to replace broken one, in memory of Dexter. Kerri looking into buying cheaper church envelopes for giving. Received letter from US post office to go with electronic payments for church box.

Page 9: The Messenger · 2019-06-12 · letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight

OLD BUSINESS: Hot spot- Ron checked into access points, there is only one. He will continue to look into this. Email Blasts- Kerri did some research but there will be a fee involved for doing this. We will table this for now and continue to utilize the Salem Wire. We will check into what kind of system is needed to place phone calls, etc. for getting information out to the congregation. Will have to contact as they being the registrant, point of contact is Beth Firsching on how to we can get the domain name transferred to Salem. Jill Verson will check into contacting Beth. Swing City- Hallway speaker and vestibule- Ron Schmidt is looking into this and it may just be a switch. He believes he can fix this at a minimum cost. Work day at Salem is at 8am, Saturday, August 11th. NEW BUSINESS: Pastor Ivan and Kerri will work on getting Pastor Ivan some business cards as a motion was made by Judy to get Pastor Ivan business cards and was 2nd by Derik. Judy made a suggestion that we should send a Thank you and donation to Alhambra Fire Department. After some discussion Kris Lynn made a motion to put a basket out for donation this Sunday, August, 12th and the following Sunday the 19th for a Thank you donation for the firemen. The Thank you is for the Sunday they arrived when smoke was detected and they found it was from a light bulb. PPRC will be meetings will be scheduled for yearly reviews with Staff. There was information given to us given to us from Thrivent Financial charitable grants. We will be looking into this more. Kris made a motion that all committees will provide a short report to be put in the messenger to Kerri along with their full minutes that is viewed at council meeting. This needs to be done each month and should start in September. Carol 2nd this and motion carried. Dead line is the 15th of each month. Nancy will put a short note stating this in the office boxes for each committee. COMMUNICATIONS: Thank you note from Reagan family was read for support received from Jim’s father’s passing. We also received a Thank you note from Kindercottage for the donation of $254.00. In addition to the Thank you from Hitz home for donation of $175.00. ADJOURNMENT: Ron made motion to adjourn at 8:40pm and was 2nd by Derik. Next meeting is Thursday, September 13th, 7pm Blessings, Nancy Heidbrink – Council Secretary ******************************************************************************************************************************

From the Search Committee ……. Our Committee is happy that we are getting close to completion of the Church Profile. We met with Rev. Shana Johnson from Illinois South Conference for her expertise and tweaking in finalizing the profile. The profile is a snapshot of our congregation, and we definitely have a story to tell. Thanks to everyone who was willing to share input on the “idea tree”. Gena has done a great job getting your participation, and we appreciate your help. It is our goal to share the profile with the Council in September. After approval from the Council,

our projected date for posting our opening for a settled pastor on the Illinois South Conference website is October 1. After completion of the profile, it is our plan to have a couple copies available for anyone choosing to read the profile. These copies must remain in the facility, but certainly we wanted to make the information gathered available to our members. We are anxious to progress to the next steps, but it’s important to reiterate what Rev. Shana told us at our meeting with the congregation and again at our committee meeting, that this

process can take 18-24 months after the position for Settled Pastor is posted. We are most grateful for Rev. Shana’s help in our work on the Committee. As always, remember to lift up our church and our Search Committee in your daily prayers. Learning to listen to God is the real work of the Search Committee. We seek to choose the candidate we believe God desires for our congregation. His Blessings and Peace, The Search Committee

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Salem UCC Treasurer's Report

Month ending July 31, 2018

Current Activity YTD Activity

Beginning General Fund Balance 43,553.59


Offering-Loose 8,592.58 60,180.60

Offering-Envelopes 8,163.00 57,328.00

Facility Use Donations 44.00 3,494.00

Miscellaneous Receipts 0.00


Interest Income-General Fund 6.91


Benevolence Received 757.30 6,951.53

Total General Fund Income 17,563.79


Salaries 9,135.65 67,835.17

Employee Benefits 2,071.23 8,517.31

Maintenance/Property Services 698.76


Insurance 3,218.50


Utilities 2,264.97


Supplies-General 356.68 3,521.46

Professional Expense 49.27 487.37

Miscellaneous (14.89)


Search Committee 0.00


Worship 95.48 1,432.30

Christian Education 518.44 1,130.94

Evangelism 165.85 409.28

Stewardship 42.20


Pastoral Care 4.50


Benevolence Paid 3,422.41 5,699.90

Total General Fund Expenses 22,029.05


Ending General Fund Balance $ 39,088.33

$ 39,088.33

Beginning Memorial Fund Balance 24,382.28 25,627.18

Memorials received 0.00


Honorariums received -


Miscellaneous Receipts -


Memorial Fund Expense:

Worship (musical instruments) 0.00


Road signs 0.00 (1,550.00)

Ending Memorial Fund Balance $ 24,382.28

$ 24,382.28

Building Fund Balance 46,533.77


Building Fund Offering 908.40


Memorials received -


Building Fund Expense:

Parsonage Roof-balance of project -

(15,935.00) Parish Hall-replace A/C units (11,340.00)


Ending Building Fund Balance $ 36,102.17

$ 36,102.17

Sabbatical Fund Balance 13,086.30


no activity

Endowment Fund Beginning Balance 62,121.35


no activity

Beginning Investment Fund Balance 104,149.09


Change in Market Value 781.04


Scholarships Paid


Ending Investment Fund Balance $ 104,930.13

$ 104,930.13

Beginning Mission Matching Fund Balance 117,369.00


Change in Market Value 1,815.65


Donations/Fundraising for Ecuador trip 0.00 1,235.38

Mission Fund Disbursements:

Donation to Mission (LUNCH Bunch) (100.00)


Expenditures for Ecuador Mission Trip -


Ending Mission Matching Fund Balance $ 119,084.65

$ 119,084.65

Beginning Reserve Fund Balance 22,196.53


Interest Income-Reserve Fund 14.90


Ending Reserve Fund Balance $ 22,211.43

$ 22,211.43

Beginning Other Restricted Fund Balance 1,709.11


no activity

Page 11: The Messenger · 2019-06-12 · letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight

Worship Ministry Schedule

Nursery Schedule

September 2 September 9 September 16 September 23 September 30

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Need Volunteers Patty Uhe Emily Uhe

Need Volunteers

Worship Schedule


Scripture Readings Worship Leader

September 2- 9 a.m. Worship with Communion

Song of Sol 2:8-13 / Ps 45:1-2, 6-9 or Deut 4:1-2, 6-9 / Ps 15 / James 1:17-27 / Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Pastor Ivan Schoen

September 9 - 10 a.m. Worship

Prov 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23 / Ps 125 or Isa 35:4-7a / Ps 146 / James 2:1-19, (11-13), 14-17 / Mk 7:24-37

Pastor Ivan Schoen

September 16 - 10 a.m. Worship

Porv 1:20-33 / Ps 19 / Isa 50:4-91a / Ps 116:1-9 or Wis of Sol 7:26-8:1 / James 3:1-12 / Mk 8:27-38

Pastor Ivan Schoen

September 23 – 10 a.m. Worship

Prov 31:10-31 / Ps 1 or Wis. of Sol 1:16-2:1, 12-22 or Jer 11:18-20 / Ps 54 / James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a / Mk 9:30-37

Pastor Ivan Schoen

September 30 – 10 a.m. Worship

Est 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22 / Ps 124 or Num 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-39 / Ps 19:7-14 / James 5:13-20 / Mk 9:38-50

Pastor John Mindrup

Communion Schedule for Hitz Home

September 2 - 9 a.m.

Lisa Uhe

Date Greeter(s) Liturgist Ushers

September 2 (9 am)

Dave & Jerri Riechmann

Patty Uhe Laverne Korsmeyer / Laura Muench Judy Blom / Justin Bonnell / Paige Basler

September 9 (10 am)

Jim Annable Lisa Uhe Ken Suhre / Donna Yates / Sydney Basler Sharon Kaufman / Denise Grandame

September 16 (10 am)

Kathy Porter Kathy Porter Ken Suhre / Larry McGee / Anita K. Cain Debbie Passig / Kathy Porter

September 23 (10 am)

Ken Gehrig Dagmar Annable Thomas Eyman / Brenda Schlechte Bev & Leroy Engelke / Josh or Tiffany Gillison

September 30 (10 am)

Donna Merkle Need Volunteer Lewis & Lorene Knackstedt / Ken Gehrig Steve Stille / Sue Liefer

To give online, visit

Select “Online Giving” / Click “Create Your Online Profile”

Enter your email address / Confirm your email address / Enter required information

Choose “add transaction” / Designate contribution amount, frequency, and start date

Choose account type, routing number and account number / Choose “process” Note: You may change your contribution at any time.


Salem Church uses Livestream to broadcast our worship services.

Go to

Click on the black and white picture of the church, and you will either see the live broadcast of the worship service or you can look for archived services.

To view an archived service, click on the play button of the date of the archived service you want to view.

If you are sad or struggling inside, do not suffer alone. Ask for help. We have a team of Stephen Ministers who are ready to listen, care, encourage, pray, and Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our Stephen Leaders listed below. Our Stephen Ministers are there to care!

Pastor John Mindrup: (C) 618-409-3941/ Betty Imboden: (C) 618-973-0572

Page 12: The Messenger · 2019-06-12 · letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight

September 1 Irving Gray

Debbie Passig Patti Reckmann Alisha Tucker James Quade

Amelia Luitjohan Saylor Capstick

September 2

Carol Henschen Rhet Mansholt Carson Porter Brynnis Fitterer

September 3 LuAnn Boda

Leon Uhe Nick Henschen

Michael Hackethal Megan Porter

Bradley Dauderman

September 4 Mike Nagel

September 5 Mike Brown

Nicole Mindrup

September 6 Kyle Griffith

September 7

Casey Western Destiny Poggemoeller

September 8

Crystal Stumpf-Ash Braden Bowers

September 9 Tom Capstick

Mike Otto JoBeth Winet

September 10 Sherry Warren

Kyle Brase Emily Stille

September 11 Bev Engelke

Sandra Snyder Dana Jarvis

Angela Snyder Olivia Collmann Brandt Mansholt

September 12

Fayette Frandsen Kendall Brink

September 14

Hope Washburn Sherry McKinley

September 15

Liz Field

September 16 Gene Hosto

September 17 Richard Hosto Clint Conrad

Corbyn Boxell

September 18 Tara Schuster

Annabeth Eilers

September 19 Wilma Blom Olin Zweck

September 20

Lee Stille Eric Price

Addison Korsmeyer

September 21 Pat Hinton

Klarann Voegele Dakota Reckman Lia Braundmeier

September 22 Vivian Mayer Craig Wright

Jenna Conrad Gavin Stewart

September 23

Terry Henschen

September 24 Terry Hosto Tina Koch Chris Uhe

Reese Bolen Syler Hogg

Averi Henschen

September 25 Mike Whitworth

Stephanie Monroe

September 26 LaVerne Bloemker

Janelle Reilson Todd Eyman

Emily Gibbons

September 27 Judy Zimmerman

Charlotte Schneider Krystal Conrad

Tiana Rex

September 28 Kris Rutz

Josh Gillison Megan Pfingsten Chelsea Eilers Madelyn Moore

Cooper Glassmaker-Becker

Luke Glassmaker-Becker

September 30 Kim Moore

09/02/1983 Brett & Wanda Bruhn

09/03/1994 Tim & Nancy Stumpf

09/03/2005 Cale Ash & Crystal Stumpf-Ash

09/03/2005 Brett & Jennifer Henschen

09/04/2004 Eric & Allison Price

09/07/1968 Robert & Joan Kakac

09/07/2002 Shawn & Shannon Hogg

09/08/2007 Brady & Katie Quade

09/09/1961 Olin & Betty Zweck

09/11/2009 Kyle & Molly Thornton

09/12/1975 Vernon & Linda Uhe

09/12/1995 Matt & Lara Collmann

09/12/2009 Bryan & Kris Rutz

09/12/2015 Keith & Jessica Iberg

09/13/2003 Jason & Lisa Schuetz

09/14/1979 Jim & Dawna Mize

09/21/2013 Justin & Jessie Stumpf

09/24/2005 William Becker &

Melissa Glassmaker-Becker

09/27/2014 Jeremy & Chelsea Eilers

09/28/1991 Dave & Ronna Renken

09/28/2002 Scott & Sherry McKinley

09/29/2012 Mike & Barbara Whitworth

09/30/1994 Collin & Devon Reckman

Prayer List

Cancer Concerns: Wayne Gentry,

Heather Potthast (Don & Ginny Gehrig's granddaughter), Jennifer Koester (Sue Liefer's daughter)

Health Concerns: Connie Abert (Niece-in-Law of Fern Scheller) / Linda Abert

Quintin Byrne (Cousin of Lisa Reinhardt) Diana Donohoo / Ginny Gehrig Lester Gentry / Marie Mindrup

Melvin Roberts / Toni Rozanski (daughter of Connie Duft) Wayne Stille

Alhambra Care Center: Velma Henkhaus

Eden Village: Hilbert & Verna Klenke

Highland Healthcare Center: Anita Suhre

Hitz Memorial Home: Electa Leitch / Vernon Otto

Our Servicemen & Servicewomen: Lt. Col. Derek Bright / Airman Dustin Garner

2Lt. Sarah Guithues / Jason Schlechte Sgt. Kenny Randle / Jared Thiems

Kyle Thornton

Page 13: The Messenger · 2019-06-12 · letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight

september calendar

Sunday September 2 9:00 am Worship with Altar Communion

Food Collection for Local Food Pantries

Praise Team Practice following Worship

Monday September 3 Office Closed

Tuesday September 4 6:30 pm Property Committee Meeting

6:30 pm Evangelism/Worship Committee Meeting

Wednesday September 5 6:00 pm Salem Chimes Practice

6:30 pm Salem Ringers Practice

7:30 pm Salem Chancel Choir Practice

Thursday September 6 7:00 pm BOCE Meeting

Sunday September 9 9:00 am Salem Seekers (Sunday School) at the Park

10:00 am Worship / Rally Day

4:00 pm Exhale

Wednesday September 12 6:00 pm Salem Chimes Practice

6:30 pm Confirmation

6:30 pm Salem Ringers Practice

7:30 pm Salem Chancel Choir Practice

Thursday September 13 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting

Sunday September 16 9:00 am Salem Seekers (Sunday School)

10:00 am Worship

4:00 pm Exhale

Monday September 17 9:00 am October Messenger Articles Due

Wednesday September 19 6:00 pm Salem Chimes Practice

6:30 pm Confirmation

6:30 pm Salem Ringers Practice

7:30 pm Salem Chancel Choir Practice

Thursday September 20 7:00 pm Guild & Brotherhood Meeting

Saturday September 22 9:00 am Exhale Work Day

Sunday September 23 9:00 am Salem Seekers (Sunday School)

10:00 am Worship

4:00 pm Exhale

Wednesday September 26 6:00 pm Salem Chimes Practice

6:30 pm Confirmation

6:30 pm Salem Ringers Practice

7:30 pm Salem Chancel Choir Practice

Thursday September 27 6:30 pm Stephen Ministry

Sunday September 30 9:00 am Salem Seekers (Sunday School)

10:00 am Worship

4:00 pm Exhale

The Pastor/Parish/Personnel Relations Committee

The Pastor/Parish/Personnel Relations Committee (PPPRC) is always ready to hear ideas and suggestions. If you have a concern that you feel is not being addressed, please feel free to contact a member of the PPPRC. All concerns expressed will be held and addressed in confidence. Please refrain from contacting staff members at home.

2018 PPPRC members are:

Dagmar Annable / Justin Bonnell / Ann Frank / Sherri Korsmeyer / Jerri Riechmann / Ken Suhre


President Richelle Ernst

Vice-President Judy Zimmerman

Secretary Nancy Heidbrink

Treasurer Jill Verson

Financial Secretary Emily Uhe

Jerry Frank

Kris Lynn

Derik Payne

Carol Reckman

Jerri Riechmann

Ron Schmidt

Patrick Stille

Are you on the List? There is a lot that happens from Sunday to Sunday…births, deaths, schedule changes, etc. Wouldn’t it be nice to know these things sooner than later? The Salem Wire is an email message delivery system where you would receive notice of events and happenings in the church. To sign up for the Salem Wire distribution list, please email the church office at [email protected]

Did you know that you can receive The Messenger by email?

The Salem E-Messenger is a delivery system where you would receive

The Messenger by email instead of regular mail. To sign up for the

Salem E-Messenger, please email the church office at [email protected]

Page 14: The Messenger · 2019-06-12 · letting go. The task wasn't all that difficult to do, but it was difficult to experience. Grief is an odd thing. It waxes and wanes. There is no straight

Salem United Church of Christ 1117 West North Street Alhambra, Illinois 62001 Phone: 618-488-3215 Fax: 618-488-3212


Pastor Ivan Schoen, Interim Pastor Pastor John Mindrup, Assistant Pastor Kerri Reilson, Office Coordinator Becca Braundmeier, Youth Director Dawn Reinhardt, Music Director Patti Reckmann, Custodian

The Messenger ~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~

Church’s Email: [email protected] Web Address:





Pastor Ivan’s Office Hours: Monday 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday 9:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Wednesday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

(Available for Appointments)

Salem UCC Office Hours: Tuesday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.


8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

~ 2018 FINANCIAL REPORT ~ July Year-to-Date


Offering – $ 16,756 $ 117,509

Expenses – $ 18,607 $ 114,987

Difference – $ (1,851) $ 2,522

Other Income –

(i.e. facilities rental, etc.) $ 51 $ 4,360

Net Change – $ (1,800) $ 6,882


OCWM – $ 182 $ 1,482

Other Benevolence – $ 575 $ 5,469

Total – $ 757 $ 6,951

Would You Like

Home Communion or a Visit

From Pastor Ivan?

If you would like or know of someone who would like home communion or a visit from Pastor Ivan in your home for conversation and prayer,

please contact him to schedule a time.

Church – 618-488-3215 / Cell – 815-621-0406 Email – [email protected]

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