

Volume 44 Issue 5

JUNE 2013 JUNIO 2013

The Messenger ~ El Mensajero



Changes for summer worship

The season after Pentecost is long (May 19 to No-

vember 24). There is plenty happening in the fall,

like Welcome Back Sunday (September 8), St. Luke’s

~ San Lucas Sunday (October 20), All Saints ~ Dia de

los Muertos (November 3), and Thanksgiving ~ Dia

de Accion de Gracias shared dinner (November 27).

During June, July and August we have a lot of peo-

ple travelling, visiting, and the Choir will be resting.

So our liturgy for the summer will have some chang-


The 8 o’clock service will use Rite II for the sum-

mer. This should shorten the service a bit, accom-

modating the early tee times for good weather .

The 10 o’clock service will vary the Gloria/Song

of Praise each Sunday, sing the psalms to hymn

settings, sing the confession, omit the absolution,

chant the response to the Prayers of the People,

and use more silence, particularly

after the sermon,

before the confession and

after the fraction (breaking of the bread).

The 1 o’clock musicians, led by Willy, will visit

the 10 o’clock service to sing an anthem or a com-

munion hymn or both on one Sunday, preferably

a bilingual one.

In the Spanish service at 1 o’clock, we will be us-

ing more bilingual hymns. We have lots of

younger Latinos who prefer English. So we are

also trying a class in English about the faith for

the older teens after services.

Some of these changes are not innovations at all! The

use of silence is written in the rubrics of the Book of

Common Prayer, and so is the option to vary the

Gloria with a Song of Praise. Other items like the

chanting or singing of the confession or the response

to the prayers of the people are more innovative,

although the rubrics also say that any said part may

be sung, and vice versa.

I would love it if we could form a group that likes to

sing and play popular forms of music for worship, to

meet for prayer and praise once a month. I love to

play my guitar, and I’ve played this kind of music

since I was 12, and the whole vision I have for this is

the evenings at home when we sat around the table,

before cleaning up, to sing together as family and

friends. If you want to be part of such a group, call or

text me 360-606-4285, or email

[email protected].

PS: We have to sing some Spanish songs or bilingual

songs, too!

Fr. Jaime Case


Cambios para Verano

La estación después de Pentecostés es larga (19 de

mayo a 24 de noviembre). Hay mucha actividad en el

otoño, como Welcome Back Sunday (Domingo de la

Bienvenida, 8 de septiembre), Día de San Lucas (20

de octubre), Todos los Santos – Día de los Muertos (3

de noviembre), y Día de Pavos – Día de Acción de

Gracias cena compartida (27 de noviembre).

En junio, julio y agosto muchos viajan, visitan, y al-

gunos grupos no están trabajando. Entonces la litur-

gia incluirá algunos cambios también:

La misa de las 8 utilizará inglés moderna (Rito

II). Hará más corta la misa para acomodar los

que quieren ir de paseo .

A las 10 la misa tendrá variaciones para el cánti-


co de alabanza (Gloria), canciones para los sal-

mos, cantar la confesión, omitir la absolución,

cantar la respuesta a la Oración de los Fieles, y

usar mas silencio, particularmente

Después del sermón,

Antes de la confesión, y

Después de la Fracción del Pan.

Los músicos de la misa de la 1 visitarán la misa

de las 10 para cantar una antífona durante el

ofertorio o durante la comunión.

La misa de a la 1 incluirá canciones bilingües

con mas frecuencia, para incluir a algunos jóve-

nes que hablan bien el inglés. También daré cla-

ses en inglés sobre la fe a los jóvenes durante la

hora de café.

Algunos de estos cambios no son innovaciones. El

uso de silencio está en las rúbricas del Libro de Ora-

ción Común, y también existe la opción por variar

la Gloria con cánticos de alabanza. Otras variacio-

nes como cantar el salmo o la confesión o la res-

puesta a la Oración de los Fieles son más nuevas.

Sin embargo las rúbricas dices que cualquiera cosa

dicha puede ser cantada, y viceversa.

Quisiera formar un grupo que quiere cantar y tocar

música popular para albar a Dios, para reunirnos

una vez al mes para orar y cantar. Me gusta mucho

tocar mi guitarra, y he tocado este tipo de música

desde que tenía 12 años. El sueño que tengo para

esto está formado de mi experiencia como niño de

quedar después de la cena alrededor de la mesa an-

tes de limpiarla para cantar juntos con familia y

amigos. Si tú quieres ser parte de tal grupo, llama o

texto a 360-606-4285, o email al

[email protected]. Nota bien, vamos a

cantar en español también.

Padre Jaime Case


¡Estamos tan ocupados! Me agrada mucho el invo-

lucramiento de todos. En serio, pienso que tenemos

la parroquia más trabajadora. Nunca me faltar estar

sorprendida por los muchos voluntarios que tene-

mos en St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas que son dedicados a

hacer florecer nuestra iglesia. ¡GRACIAS! La Junta

Parroquial esta ocupada con muchas cosas. Hemos

puesto en orden las metas de la parroquia. Un poco

más tiempo las pondremos en un calendario con

fechas para finalizar. Muchas estrategias ya se están

implementando, y más llegaran a su final. Hemos

completado una nueva Visión y Misión.

Como ustedes ya saben, nuestra miembro de la Jun-

ta, June Clarke, se va para Georgia. Hemos seleccio-

nado a Stephanie Aschmann para llenar su puesto

hasta la próxima elección. Con gozo, se digno acep-

tar. Ha sido miembro de la Parroquia desde 2010.

Ha servido como guardián de la Junta en St. Mark’s

(San Marcos) en Lincoln, Nebraska. Es miembro del

coro, de los campaneros, y de la cofradía del pan.

Nos alegra trabajar con ella este ano.

Gracias a todos los que participaron en el

“fundraiser” en Burgerville para HOPE. Den Mark

nos dijo que fue entre los mas exitosos esfuerzos de

colaboración en las historia de Burgerville. Debe-

mos estar orgullosos. Quiero dar gracias personales

a todos los que ayudaron en el directorio de fotos:

especialmente a Kris Lawless y Tatiana Sullivan

que hicieron la mayor parte del trabajo por compu-

tadora. También, le agradezco a Jeremy Clow por

tomar tantas fotos para los que perdieron sus citas,

para asegurar que todos estén en el nuevo directo-


Gracias por sus contribuciones a “Babies in

Need” (Bebes Necesitados). Es un proyecto impor-

tante el la sociedad. No se olviden que puede hacer

donativos todo el ano. Hay un contenedor en la Ofi-

cina donde se pueden meter panales u otras cosas

para bebes. Cuando ves un rebajo bueno, puedes

aprovechar para dar algo a “Babies in Need”. Tam-

bién se acepta cheques. Mientras escribo esto, no se

lo que se ha recogido por el “Rummage Sale” pero

pronto sabemos. Que haríamos sin Russ Roseberry

dirigiendo este proyecto y todos

los voluntarios fieles que ayudan

ano tras ano.


Dena Cassidy,

Guardián Mayor



Un comité para campaña para remodelación se ha

levantado, y estamos listos para lanzar la campaña

en la reunión de toda la parroquia el 9 de junio.

El comité consiste en By y Sue Henry, John y Jamie

Mathieu, y Russ y Claudia Roseberry.

Por favor, miren por una carta y tarjeta de promesa

que llegará por correo. Es un proyecto importante

por St. Luke’s – San Lucas. No recuerdo ninguna

remodelación desde 2007 para mejorar nuestro acce-

so para los incapacitados. Este proyecto mejorará

grandemente el acceso para los con problemas de

movilidad. Me siento muy orgulloso, y tú debes sen-

tirlo también. Ayudará a miembros y visitantes ex-

perimentar toda la vida de la parroquia. Alabar en la

nave o asistir a programas en el salón parroquial u

otras áreas de la iglesia inclusive el sótano.

Es muy importante que todos contribuyamos a la

campaña. Ayudará a mucha gente involucrarse en

actividades de la iglesia. ¿Que mejor sentimiento

hay que esto? Pronto tendrás más información sobre

todo el proyecto.

Paz con ustedes,

Dena Cassidy, Guardián Mayor


Escuela Dominical

Cada año terminamos escuela con sugerencias para

el verano. Vamos a descansar de Jugar Junto a Dios.

Padres de la Escuela Dominical pueden llenar el pa-

pel de leer una historia los domingos, tomando tur-

nos. Hay muchos libros disponibles. Leer una histo-

ria es buena diversión, y no hay necesidad de prepa-

ración. Tenemos CD y artes manuales también.

Apúntense para un domingo y de a los maestros un


Semana de Niños (Escuela Eclesial de Verano)

22-25 de julio, lunes a jueves 9:00 – 12:00

El tema es Atenas. Se presenta dramatizaciones de la

misión de Pablo. Hay un mercado griego, comida

griega, artes y manualidades y canciones llenos de

gozo. Se aparta tiempo para “oikos”, cuando los ni-

ños se reúnen en grupos pequeños para discusión y

diversión. Se juega afuera, deportes de la Arena.

Cada día los niños vuelven a casa con tarjetas de Pa-

blo, y versículos de la Biblia para memorizar y com-

partir con la familia. Apúntese ahora para partici-

par. Amigos y vecinos bienvenidos.

¿Cómo puedo ayudar?

Jóvenes pueden ayudar con canciones, artes ma-

nuales, refrescos y pequeños grupos mientras te


La congregación puede ayudar por ser volunta-

rios en el Mercado por una hora o por toda la

mañana, y ver que los niños se porten bien y es-

tén bien cuidados. Aunque solo sierva un día

será bien.

Nos alegra recibir donaciones de dinero. Provee-

mos la Caja de Atenas para recibir moneditas,

billetes o cheques por las cuatro semanas por


Se busca ayuda para adornar las decoraciones

del salón el sábado, 20, de a las 2, y el domingo

21 después de la hora de café.

Por favor, done o presta plantas artificiales, vi-

ñas, flores, para nuestras decoraciones. Tela, sá-

banas también son útiles.

Nos urge tener un compromiso pronto para tener

los voluntarios y actividades. Hemos

gozado de ayuda generosa en el año pa-

sado. Sé que ustedes

apoyan a sus niños.

Ebie Mountford

360-433-2239 [email protected]

6 de mayo, 2013

St. Luke – San Lucas

A la Buena Gente de San Lucas- St. Luke,

¡Qué día tan maravilloso estar con ustedes! Ustedes

son una inspiración en tantas maneras. Me fui llena

de alegría después de contagiarme de la energía de

ustedes. Bendiciones sobre cada uno de ustedes, con

mis agradecimientos más profundos.

Fielmente, +Greg

El Reverendísimo Greg Rickel,

Obispo de Olympia



A hospitality campaign committee has been formed

and we will kick-off this new project at the All

Parish Meeting, June 9th.

The Hospitality Committee includes: By and Sue

Henry, John and Jamie Mathieu and Russ and

Claudia Roseberry.

Please watch for a letter and pledge card coming to

you in the mail. This is an important and significant

project for all of us at St Luke’s ~ San Lucas. I don’t

remember remodeling since 2007, when we began to

improve our ADA Access. This project will greatly

expand our ADA Access. I feel so good about it, and

you should too. It will help all who are members

and or visiting us to fully experience parish

life. Whether it is worshipping in the sanctuary,

attending activities in the parish hall or other areas

of the church, including the basement!

It is very important that we all contribute to this

campaign. It is going to allow many people to fully

engage in church activities.

What could feel better than that? More information

about the whole scope of the project will be forth-


Peace be with you,

Dena Cassidy, Senior Warden

Mark your calendars!!


Sunday, June 9 at 11:30am

Parish Hall

Refreshments Provided

Spiritual Development


Sunday School

As we wrap up the school year, I would like to make

a suggestion for the summer.

We will take a break from Godly Play. Parents of

Sunday School children may sign up to do a Sunday

or two of story reading. We have many excellent

books available and this would be a good time to

use them. Reading a story is enjoyable and cuts

down on prep time. We have good CDs and art ma-

terials too, so sign up for a good time with the chil-

dren and give the teachers a break.

Children's Week at Church (VBS)

July 22 to 25 Monday to Thursday. 9am to 12pm

The theme is Athens. We will present dramatized

stories of Paul's mission. There will be a Greek Mar-

ket Place, some Greek food, arts and crafts and joy-

ful singing. There will be "Oikos" time where chil-

dren meet in small groups for discussion and fun.

Arena Games will take place outside. Each day chil-

dren will take home Postcards from Paul and a Bible

Memory Maker to share with their family. Sign up

brochures are now available. Please sign up soon, as

it helps with planning. Friends and neighbors are


How can you help?

Youth can help us sing, do crafts, serve snacks

and help with small groups while having a good

time yourself.

The congregation can help by volunteering time

in the Market Place for an hour or joining for the

whole morning and helping in keeping children

safe and orderly. Even if you only help for a day

it is okay.

We would greatly appreciate monetary dona-

tions. For the next four weeks, we will provide

an Athens Box for donations of cash and checks.

We will need help setting up our focal decora-

tions on Saturday 20 at 2pm and our Greek Mar-

ket after coffee time on Sunday 21st.


Please lend or donate artificial plants, vines and

flowers, especially ivy, for our decorating. Fab-

ric and old sheets in stripes or plain colors

would be useful.

We do need a commitment fairly soon as we need

to know if we have enough volunteers

for activities planned. We had such

generous help last year, I know you are

supporting our children. Thank you.

Ebie Mountford

[email protected] 360-433-2239

ST. LUKE’S YOUTH Saturday, June 15 - we gather at Arnada Park for a

cook out and to practice music for our parts in the

10:00am Sunday service, the next day, to honor

Dads and Grads, especially two of our own: Sean

Brown and Justine Hanrahan. (We will also be

providing refreshments for the Coffee Hour that

Sunday.) This will be our last “official” youth night

until September, but not our last activity over the

summer months.

Sunday, July 28 - we will be having

morning prayer, a picnic and hike at

Battle Ground State Park. More de-

tails to come. Plans are in the works

for an activity in August too!

Donna Greene and Don Lawry

6-DAY CAMP Dates: Wednesday,

June 19, 2013 - 12:00am -

Tuesday, June 25, 2013 -


Location: Huston Camp

& Conference Grounds

Full description: Offered in June, 6-Day combines the

elements of an HYC conference with elements of a sum-

mer camp. It is offered to youth who have completed

grades 9-12. The youth campers and adult staff members

live in community and focus on a theme that is carried

through in music, worship, speakers, workshops, pray-

er, games and in small and large group activities. Typi-

cal summer camp activities, such as a talent show and

craft activities, are also offered. The community is sup-

ported each day by visiting clergy from around the

Diocese. 6-Day is held at Huston Camp & Conference


For more information/registration:

Shannon Jergenson - [email protected]

Office of Faith Formation, or contact our youth

leaders at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas.


TIME CHANGE The 10am service has moved to 12:15pm. We hope

that this will make the service available to those

who work and can attend during their lunch hour

and others who may find this a more convenient



May 6, 2013

To the Good People of St. Luke’s ~ San Luca,

What a wonderful day I had being with you! You are an inspi-ration in so very many ways. I left with so much energy after being wonderfully infected by yours! Blessings on each and every one of you, with my deepest thanks!



The Taizé service combines readings, chant-like

songs, silence, soft light and a unique chancel

display in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. Our

service theme this month will be “Readings from

past Taizé services, 2002-2009”. Come and enjoy

this unique service on Saturday, June 15 at 6:00 pm

Service Organizers:

Hanni Bureker, Melanie Kenoyer

and Den Mark Wichar


June brings to a close another liturgical year for the

Choir and Handbell Ringers at St. Luke’s ~ San Lu-

cas. The last Singer/Ringer Sunday will be June 9,

proclaimed hereby as “Pat-a-St. Luke’s-musical-

volunteer-on-the-back” Sunday. It is just the third

season I have completed with the parish musicians,

but already I have seen a great deal of musical

growth and continued camaraderie here. Both

groups have taken on some pointed musical chal-

lenges and exceeded expectations in every way.

The week-to-week commitment and volunteer

hours that are logged in the Music Room and the

back balcony are truly exceptional. We welcomed

three new choir members recently, Deborah and

John McCullum and Nicholas Hill and, in one

sweep, doubled the size of our tenor section. We are

truly bursting at the seams in the rear gallery. Per-

haps the Thursday Crew can start erecting support

columns behind the back pews in the nave and

hammer in some plywood sheets to extend the bal-

cony - by next week? Seriously, we do cherish our

singers, new and old alike, and we still mostly fit


Speaking of the Thursday Crew, I am half a year

late in publicly thanking them for rebuilding the

harpsichord stand. One of my summer projects will

be to replace broken strings and plectra (the little

pieces of delrin plastic that actually pluck the

strings) and have the instrument in full functioning

mode – and ready for a permanent home in a possi-

bly expanded gallery at some point in the future.

The final Jazz Vespers service at St. Luke’s (until

October) will take place on the first of June. Scott

Franklin, who initiated our series about a year ago,

will join us. Scott is a founding member of the ‘50’s

Rock-and-Roll cover band Johnny Limbo and the

Lug Nuts, and now plays regularly and has record-

ed with the Rae Gordon Band. This service offers

song, prayer, scripture, and jazz classics in a mix

that is ideal for inviting friends, neighbors, and

family into the church for an alternative 45-minute

ecumenical service without communion. Please

attend and bring someone with you. The music

starts at about 5:50 and the service begins at 6pm.

The following afternoon, Sunday, June 2 at 5pm,

our own member Catherine van der Salm will again

be the featured soprano at St. James Lutheran

Church, just south across Jefferson St. from the Port-

land Art Museum over the river in Vancouver’s Sis-

ter City. The Bach Cantata Vespers series there fea-

tures Cantata #18, “Just as the Rain and Snow Fall

from Heaven”, with an interesting scoring for four

violas without violins. The focus of the service is a

blessing of gardens and fields, and the rich produce

of the earth that sustains us all.

Finally, on Saturday evening June 22, the

Vancouver Madrigal Singers will present a fund-

raising concert for St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas in our

Parish Hall. “Sumer Is Icumen In” is the title of the

7pm non-sacred madrigal non-dinner of ice cream

Sundays-on-a-Saturday. Sandy Geer will have de-

tails as they develop. You can vet the madrigal

texts with Karen and Tony Burgess-Cassler to see if

the lyrics are even suitable for a parish hall! Please

join us for the fun, bring your friends and neigh-

bors, and help the St. Luke’s budget - all in one en-

joyable evening.

One more big THANK YOU to our parish music

volunteers. The choir will bless you in return at the

end of the Sunday service on June 9 with the

famous choral benediction by Peter Lutkin using

the words God passed through Moses to Aaron:

“The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make

his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto

you.” Amen!

Tim Nickel, Director of Music




Beginning the first week of June, the Prayer Part-

ners will be taking a break from serving each Sun-

day in the chapel. Of course we will be happy to

pray for and with any of you who call for help, but

we would like to be free to travel, make plans with

family and just relax without having to worry about

the chapel schedule. We have never taken a vaca-

tion before, but now we are short-handed and

scheduling has become a challenge. We need more

help next year.

In September, we will be back to man the chapel as

usual. Please consider volunteering to join the

Prayer Partner team in the fall. The more partners

we have, the more people we’ll have to rotate. At

first it may seem a little uneasy for you to serve in

this private ministry, but you will be surprised at

how natural it will become. As you stretch yourself

and let God lead you and guide your words, you

will be blessed more than you may know. The only

requirement is absolute confidentiality. Please call

Joan McLean (256-1513) or Peggy Jones (695-8051) if

you want to help us. There will be a meeting and

training before we resume in September. Have a

blessed summer!

Out Into The World



May 22, 2013

Dear Friends:

It was lovely to worship with you on Mother’s Day

and pray with you for all mothers and children.

Thank you for your hospitality and for the shower

of gifts for Babies In Need. The clothes, blankets,

handmade quilts, purple hats and baby accessories

will help get lots of families off to a good start with

their newborns. What a boost for a single mother in

a shelter, a family with extra medical expenses or

someone who has to choose between utilities and

food. Your gifts will bring smiles and tears of grati-

tude to many faces.

Thanks also for your cash donations that totaled

$364.00. We’ll use that for car seats, diapers and

pac ‘n play cribs. Your faithful outreach donation

of $35 every month continues the blessings.

You are God’s hands and feet in Clark County –

sharing His love with His children.

In Christ,

Kitty Ash, Director, Babies In Need

Community Life COFFEE HOUR

Thanks in advance, to our June Hosts who will be

providing treats during Coffee Hour. Remember,

Sunday treats can be as simple or fancy as you

chose. Episcopalians love to eat and they never



Judy Morrison is in the process of working on the

schedule for the 2013-2014 year. If you are interest-

ed in being a coffee hour host or partnering with

someone else, please contact Judy at 360-574-2441.


June 9 Sandy Geer and Ruth Werts

June 16 Youth Group

June 23 TBA

June 30 TBA

July 7 TBA

THE LUNCH BUNCH In June, we will meet on Tuesday, June 11 at

12 noon. We are working on plans for a fun pro-

gram, so be sure to save the date. We have two sign

-up sheets: one for attendees and one for luncheon

hosts. Please add your name if you are coming and

if you can bring something to share for lunch.


We want to know if you or a family member will be

graduating from high school, trade school, college

or post-graduate. Please add your name to the sign-

up sheet on prior Sundays or contact the church

office. A celebration for graduates will be held on

June 16 during the 10am service and at coffee

hour. For more information, contact Donna Greene

or Don Lawry.


HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES You’re invited to celebrate the graduation of this

year’s St. Luke’s high school seniors in the Parish

Hall on Friday, June 14 at 7:00 p.m. We’ll have live

music performed by Vancouver School of Arts and

Academics students including our own Ryan Han-

rahan. Come celebrate!

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE! In June we will gather at the

home of John and Jamie Mathieu

on June 28 at 6:30 pm. Mark

your calendars and add your

name to the sign-up sheet locat-

ed by the kitchen door. Maps will also be available

closer to these dates. Our Hosts provide the main

entrée and we all bring a side, appetizer or dessert

to share. Also, each family brings a beverage to

share. Questions or more information? Please con-

tact Ginger and Brad Harris.

Administrative & Financial


ANNOUNCEMENT!!! You can help!! Metal recycling

Fundraiser Metal can fund St. Luke’s

~ San Lucas ministries. Do you have

any metal just lying around? Are

you replacing a washer, dryer, hot water heater,

chain link fence, gutters, pipes? Donate metal to the

church to be recycled for cash. Easy, contact me for

a pick up. Russ Roseberry (696-2941).



Saturday, June 22 from 9:30 am - 2:00 pm

Safeguarding God's People: Preventing Sexual Ex-

ploitation in Communities of Faith provides train-

ing for clergy, members, employees, volunteers,

and church leaders about sexual exploitation be-

tween clergy and church leaders and those they

serve. Attending the full training provides a five

year certification. Attendees are asked to bring a

brown bag lunch. Beverages will be provided. A

Sign-Up Sheet will be in the Narthex on Sundays or

call the church office .



We are such a busy parish! I appreciate everyone’s

involvement, we must have the hardest working

parish around. I never cease to be amazed at how

many volunteers we have at St Luke’s ~ San Lucas,

who are so dedicated to making our church

thrive. THANK YOU. The vestry is working on

many things at this time. We have arranged all the

information from the parish survey with Paula

Franck’s help into four main goals for the par-

ish. We have almost completed these into workable

goals with time tables. Many of the items are cur-

rently being implemented and more will follow. We

did accomplish writing a new vision statement and

mission statement.

As you know, our long time member and current

vestry member, June Clarke, moved

to Georgia. We asked Stefanie

Aschmann to fulfill her position,

until the end of the term. Gladly,

she accepted. Stefanie has been a

member of St Luke’s ~ San Lucas

since 2010. She previously served

on vestry at St. Mark’s on the cam-

pus in Lincoln, NE. She is a choir member, bell choir

member and part of the bread guild. We are looking

forward to working with her on vestry.

Thank you to all who participated in the Burgerville

fundraiser for HOPE. Den Mark has told me that it

was one of Burgerville’s most successful partnership

evenings ever! We should be proud.

I personally want to thank all who helped with the

photo directory, and especially to Kris Lawless and

Tatiana Sullivan who have done the lion’s share on

the computer end of things. Also, to Jeremy Clow

for taking endless make-up photos so everyone is in

the new directory.

Thank you for your contributions to the “Babies In

Need” baby shower. This is such an important out-

reach project for us. Don’t forget it’s not just once a

year that you can contribute. There is a permanent

container in the church office. So, when you spot a

good sale on baby items you can always bring them

to the office for distribution to “Babies In

Need”. Checks are always welcome, too.

As I write this, I don’t know the total of the rum-

mage sale, we’ll soon find

out. What would we do without

Russ Roseberry leading this huge

project and all the devoted helpers

year after year?

Peace, Dena Cassidy

Senior Warden

REMINDER - If your Ministry group would like to

submit an article for the July-August Messenger,

please submit your written article on or before

June 16 to the church office or email it to

([email protected]) Thank you!

Did you know?

WEEKLY SERMONS ARE ONLINE Just a reminder that we provide an audio version

of Sunday sermons available on our website.

Simply go to and

click on “News and Events” on the top toolbar.

Then select “Audio Sermons”.


VESTRY SUMMARY – May 2013 PARISH GOALS: Work continues on all four goals.

As a reminder, they are:

Develop closer relationship between Anglo an His-

panic members of the parish.

Expand Outreach programs into the local commu-

nity and beyond.

Promote the growth of the parish.

Provide a safe social environment to explore faith.

BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: The black locust tree

behind the Williams House was professionally re-

moved. Also, thanks to the generosity of George Se-

pelak and Heather Lund, for a round patio that will be

installed in the Peace Garden.

SAFETY POLICY: We can legally ban anyone exhibit-

ing disruptive or threatening behavior while on church

property. Church staff and leaders have access to Tres-

pass Notification Cards which cite Washington State

law in enforcing that ban.

INTERNET POLICY: This document is nearly com-

plete. Vestry will act on it when Tatiana Sullivan re-

turns from vacation.

VESTRY HANDBOOK: Jim Schlatter reviewed Chap-

ter 3,”Finances”, for the group.

HEADS UP! Please come to the next All Parish Meet-

ing, at 11:30am on June 9, to learn about our Hospitality

Campaign to raise funds for narthex expansion and

make our buildings more ADA compliant.

NEW VESTRY MEMBER: Stephanie Aschmann will

serve the remainder of what would have been June

Clark’s final year on Vestry. In January, Stephanie may

then run for a full three-year term.


Sat, Jun 1: Jazz Vespers, 6:00 pm

Sun, Jun 2: Vacation Bible School planning meeting,

Parish Library, 11:30 am

Sun, Jun 2: Don Lonsborough art show,

615 SE Chkalov, 1 – 6 pm

Sat, Jun 8: Vancouver Seafarers concert, First United

Church (33rd & Main), 7:00 pm Tickets $20.

Sat, Jun 15: St. Luke’s Youth Group

Mon, Jul 22 – Thu, Jul 25: Vacation Bible


Tom Amies, Clerk of the Vestry



“Dollars and Sense” At the end of April we expect percentages to be at 33.3% of

budgeted revenue and expense.

Summary as of April 30, 2013 Total Budget Year to Date Percent

for the Year Actual of Total

Amounts Budget

Revenues $420,672 $162,660 39%

Expenses $420,672 $155,349 37%

Net Income 0 $7,311

Revenues: Actual revenues for April are ahead of

schedule due to pre-pledge contributions. Total

revenue is 39% of budget forecast which is more

than the expected 33% YTD revenue through April.

Expenses: Expenses are over YTD budget projec-

tions by $12,112 but can be partially explained by

quarterly pension payments and a one time extra

monthly medical insurance premium.

Additional Comments:. Thank you for continuing

to fulfill your pledge contributions.

Net total for April, 2013 is $7,311.10. Last year at

this time we had a net balance of $55,490, and

$27,110.67 in 2011.

To further analyze the YTD revenue picture several

accounts are below predictions. However, this may

mean that funds are still anticipated later in the

year. A few to watch are: overall fundraising has

raised $3,264 out of $12,104 in budget; children and

youth is at $775 of $5,399; music $0 out of $568; and,

youth scholarship fund $0 out of $834.

On the expense side, if discretionary spending is

controlled in areas such as Services We Provide,

Utilities, Office Expenses, and Building Mainte-

nance, then efforts can be devoted to increasing rev-

enue as a means for ending the year in the black.

The Outreach committee is always in need of addi-

tional monetary support. This month, parishioners

contributed $720 to Fr. Case’s discretionary account

to help individuals and families in


Thanks for your continued financial

support of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas.

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer




REYES, Andres & CRUZ, Agustina

Erika, Jhoana & Andres


8249 NE Showberry Loop Vancouver, WA 98664

McCULLUM, William (John) & Deborah


12702 NE 57th Ct Vancouver, WA 98686-1909


CLARKE, Nigel & June

(912) 988-7179

[email protected]

1515 Benton Blvd Apt. 2213

Pooler, GA 31322-1955

VITORT, Gerald & Anne


600 SE 177th Ave Apt. U-229

Vancouver, WA 98683

Around the Diocese

WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW? Would you like to know what our bishop is up to, or

interesting events happening at churches across our

diocese? Would you like to hear about fresh ideas

and exciting ministries? Great things are afoot in the

Diocese of Olympia, and we'd like you to know. On

two Sundays, June 2 and June 9 we will provide a

card with each service bulletin. Please fill out the

"Please Keep Me Informed" card (or go to http:// and

we'll get you on our email list for the information

you've selected. You can unsubscribe at any time,

and your information will not be used other than the

ways you authorize. Thank you for helping us keep

in touch.



On Saturday, May 18, during a

diocesan festival at St. Mark's

Cathedral in Seattle, the Dio-

cese of Olympia launched an

app. Folks were encouraged to

"download the new Dio Olym-

pia app and get the bishop on

your phone." The free app is currently available for

iPhone and Android platforms. "It has been said that

most communications electronically will be done

through apps, and at least we know that to be true at

the moment," said Bishop Greg Rickel. "The devel-

opment of this app is a deeper step into the social

media world, a place we, as the Church, need to be

and need to be competent in. I am very excited

about this new addition to our ever changing and

multifaceted communication strategy. "

To download the bishop to your

phone go to the Apple or Android

store on your device and search

"dio Olympia.”

Around Town Presents an evening with Wm. Paul

Young, author of The Shack Tues-

day June 18, 7pm St. Andrew Lu-

theran Church 5607 NE Gher Rd

Vancouver. Paul’s newest book –

Cross Roads – came out this past November and he

has new insights and new projects to share with all

of us. Please plan on joining us on June 18!

“HERE COMES SUMMER!” Ft. Vancouver Seafarers Center presents their 2013

fundraiser concert, “Here Comes Summer” with Jim

Fischer & Friends, Saturday, June 8 at 7:00pm. First

United Methodist Church, Vancouver, 401 E. 33rd

and Main Street, Vancouver, WA 98663. $20 general

admission. For tickets and information, call (360) 694



For those celebrating their birthday.

2 - Ellen Hiromura

2 - Ken Andrews

4 - Tony Espinoza

4 - Jhoana Reyes

6 - Susan Cole

9 - Jenny Roa

10 - Jacque Mason

11 - Kelly Cassidy

12 - Marj Beall

13 - Yasmin Casarez

14 - Kreta Saathoff

15 - Harvey Burwell

15 - Herb Femling

15 - MonicaVazquez

17 - Angela Brothers

18 - Less Hunt

19 - Elaine Baker

19 - Peggy Bowe

20 - Melanie Rios

21 - Lorrice Tomer-White

21 - Max Pauletto

22 - James Gregg

22 - Dan Lincoln

22 - Angie Samaniego

23 - David Ross

24 - Vicki Holman

27 - Ramon Samaniego

28 - Barb Jagelski

28 - Deborah McCullum

28 - Diego Prado

29 - June Clarke

29 - Moses Lehman

30 - Will Lonergan


For those being remembered on the anniversary of their death.

1 - Eleanor Chiswell

2 - Walter Mortlock

3 - John Dietrich

4 - Ruby Chapman

4 - Maybelle Davis

4 - Mildred Manfull

5—Katharine Knapp

6 - Charlotte Wilhite

8 - Margaret Johnson

9 - Violet Weeks

10 - Charles Cox

14 - Robert Mendenhall

15 - Arthur Johnson

15 - Paul Gutierrez, Sr

17 - Ruth Kirk

17 - Lesla Scott

18 - Lloyd Johnson

18 - Harold Nolte

19 - Helen Bowen

20 - Tito Gebregiorgis

20 - Helen Woolery

20 - David Nelson

24 - Jewel Norman

25 - Winston Anderson

25 - Ezetta Tilford

26 - John Bolen

26 - Jack Matlick

27 - Irene Meyers

27 - Elizabeth Kirby

27 - William Bourne

28 - Raymond Stipek

28 - Margie Underwood

29 - Ruth Candella

Episcopal Diocese of Olympia

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

June 2 Huston Camp & Conference Center, Gold

Bar; St. Andrew’ House, Union

June 9 St. James Family Center, Cathlamet

June 16 Episcopal Retirement Communities &

Earth Ministry, Seattle

June 23 Church of the Apostles, Fremont;

Episcopal Mission to Seafarers

June 30 Refugee Resettlement Ministry;

All Commissions, Committees &

Programs of the Diocese

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & Middle East

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

June 2 All Saints International Church,

Beirut, Lebanon

June 9 St. John’s Parish, Haifa, Israel

June 16 St. John’s School, Haifa, Israel

June 23 Saviour Church, Zarka, Jordan

June 30 Saviour’s School, Zarka, Jordan


Daniel Able

Rolando Barba

William Berger

Chaplain Bob Blessing

Paul Bradley

Robert Cole

Brian Cooper

Shane Denny

Ben Farber

Matthew Garver

Randy Gibson

Chris Jones

Alan Kenoyer

Bryan Reeves

Thomas Sherman

Jennifer Whitehouse

For those serving in the armed forces, support organizations and on missions at home and abroad.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Regular Sunday Schedule

8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:00 Adult Discussion 9:45 Nursery Care 9:45 Sunday School 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:15 Coffee Hour 12:45 Guardería de niños 12:45 Clases para niños 1:00 Santa Misa

Office Closed





& 1-5 pm

Tues. - Fri.



for Staff

Meeting, 3-

4:00 pm

If you have

any questions

about the cal-

endar, please

call the

church office,



2 2nd Sunday of



11:30 VBS Planning 2:00 San Lucas Youth


Office Closed

4 Food Outreach

6:30 Outreach

7:00 San Lucas Music Practice

5 Food Outreach

12:15 Holy Communion

3:00 Staff Meeting

6:30 Handbells

7:30 Adult Choir

6 Food Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

7 Food Outreach


9 3rd Sunday of




2:00 San Lucas Youth

10 Office Closed

11 Food Outreach

12:00 The Lunch Bunch

6:30 Vestry

7:00 San Lucas Music Practice


Food Outreach

12:15 Holy Communion

3:00 Staff Meeting

13 Food Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

14 Food Outreach

7:00 Celebration for H. S. Grads


6:00 St. Luke’s Youth

6:00 Taizé

16 4th Sunday of



Youth Sunday


2:00 San Lucas Youth


17 Office Closed

18 Food Outreach

6:30 Evange lism Comm

7:00 San Lucas Music

19 Food Outreach

12:15 Holy Communion

3:00 Staff Meeting


Food Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

21 Food Outreach


9:30-2 Safeguarding God’s People Training 7:00 Madrigal Sing-ers Concert and Ice Cream Social


5th Sunday of



2:00 San Lucas Youth

24 Office Closed

25 Food Outreach

6:30 Pastoral Care

7:00 San Lucas Music Practice

26 Food Outreach

12:15 Holy Communion

3:00 Staff Meeting

27 Food Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

2:00 Life Goes On

28 Food Outreach

6:30 Friday Night Live @ the Mathieu’s


30 5th Sunday of



2:00 San Lucas Youth

July 1 Office Closed

July 2 Food Outreach

6:30 Outreach

7:00 San Lucas Music Practice

July 3 Food Outreach

12:15 Holy Communion

3:00 Staff Meeting

July 4

Office & Buildings


July 5 Food Outreach

July 6


Prepared by:

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard

Vancouver, WA 98663

Request delivery by dates: May 31 - June 3

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St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector

The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy

The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

Chess Getsinger, Treasurer Emeritus

Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer

Tim Nickel, Music Director

Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator

St. Luke’s – San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853.

Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of

Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need

through service, and to grow in faith together.

Senior Warden: Dena Cassidy Junior Warden: Jamie Mathieu

VESTRY MEMBERS: Stefanie Aschmann, Jeremy Clow, Michael Morrison, Kreta Saathoff,

Jim Schlatter, Tatiana Sullivan, Lee Wilson, Joseph Ziemba

Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies

The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Non-Profit

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(360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182

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