Page 1: THE MESSENGER - Mountain Home Church of Christ · The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ ... I. WHAT DID _____ _____SEE WHEN THEY ... host a monthly devotional

THE MESSENGER The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ November 6, 2016



SONG LEADER Michael Lance




LESSON Ken Burton

“When I Survey the

Wondrous Cross” #1 Galatians 6:14





SONG LEADER David Pitchford



LESSON Ken Burton

“The Vision of the Son of Man”

Revelation 1:12-20


CLOSING PRAYER Rodney Covington



INTRODUCTION: Paul had many things in which he could have gloried (Philippians 3:4–7). He

chose to glory in the cross of Christ!

I. WHAT DID _____________ _____________SEE WHEN THEY SURVEYED THE CROSS?

A. From the crowd around the cross:

1. _________ ___________saw a robe to be won by gambling (John 19:23, 24).

2. The _________ saw a rabble-rouser to be destroyed (John 19:6, 7).

3. __________-____ saw a criminal, and wagged their heads at him (Mark 15:29).

4. One thief saw a "_______________" to be railed upon (Luke 23:39).

5. Another thief saw a __________ for heaven (Luke 23:40–43).

6. Sticklers for a strict observance of the ____________ saw a body to be disposed of

quickly (John 19:31).

7. Joseph of Arimathea saw a body to be _________ laid away (Luke 23:50–53).

8. A ____________ saw and heard evidence which caused him to confess, "TRULY,

THIS MAN WAS THE SON OF GOD!" (Matthew 27:54).


A. What ______________ has the cross for you?

1. Do you tend to “_________ ______ __________” and see just what they see?

2. Do you see the shameful _______________ of a man who was delusional?

3. Do you see the painful death of a _______________ of the people?

B. Or, do you see the voluntary ________________ of the Savior to His Father’s will, lov-

ingly ___________ in your place, to give you the opportunity to have eternal life

through Him?

CONCLUSION: Next week, Lord willing, we will continue to “survey the wondrous cross!”

Election Day Reminder!

While this coming Tuesday’s Presidential Election will be an important day, and the beginning of a new chapter in America, may we be reminded of the following.

Neither the Elephant nor the Donkey will save you,

it will take “The Lamb!”

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven

and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 (ESV)

Page 2: THE MESSENGER - Mountain Home Church of Christ · The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ ... I. WHAT DID _____ _____SEE WHEN THEY ... host a monthly devotional

HAITIAN CHRISTIAN’S RELIEF “CHRISTIANS HELPING CHRISTIANS” “He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.” Proverbs 19:17

For many years, Christian generosity has been repeated multiple times under multiple circumstances by our congre-

gation. Your loving heart of compassion is again being felt among the Haitian Christians, whom by your efforts have

been able to obtain some food. I cannot think of a greater physical stress than seeing the end results of ones own chil-

dren or spouse spending the last few hours of their life crying and wasting away with no personal means of obtaining

food. Food and other such necessities are only assured to those who have funds to purchase. Unfortunately, most Hai-

tians do not have such. Due to the devastation of both houses and personal property created by Hurricane Matthew

and subsequent flooding, it also brought the additional loss of the small family garden plots and limited livestock on

which they depend. The rural areas seem to be hit the hardest as it relates to food needs.

Based on a request for additional information, Brother Lucner responded to me in an e-mail I received this past

Tuesday, which reads as follows: “Dearest Brother, I am so sorry. I have to leave Cap Haitian now in order to go to the

South and Grande Anse of the Country. Their situation is so critical that I have to go back quick. I will be in Cap on Fri-

day then you will have more pictures. Thanks.”

The submission deadline in order to print this article does not allow for a Friday delay for his further evaluation and

response. We will provide that to you as things develop further.

In an e-mail preceding this, addressed to the Church, he said in part the following: “May the richest God’s blessing

be upon you and your family. Thank you very much for thinking of us in Haiti. Your action proves to us that we are not

alone in Haiti. You do something special that showed us WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE BIG FAMILY. You are a big

example for us. You encourage (us) to live in spite of our trials. You did exactly what Jesus would do for us. Thank you

for your donation that was helpful to many Christians. Everything is not done yet because it is still raining and most of

the Christians’ houses have no roof. Some church buildings are in the same condition. Some are completely de-

stroyed. Again, thank you so much and God bless you. —Passion for Christ, Brother Lucner Pierre”

Again, both your Christian faith and works have combined in this effort to bring both help to those suffering, and ulti-

mately Glory to God, who has sufficiently blessed us all so we can share.

“The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.” Proverbs 22:9

A servant with you Wayne



A congregational potluck will be held following

services this morning to welcome all those who

have been baptized or placed membership this

year. Everyone is encouraged to attend.

Today is the deadline to turn in names for

prospective deacons. Recommendation forms

are available at the sound booth. Please

turn them in to any elder.

If you would like to buy a Christmas gift for a child at the children’s home at Paragould, please see Dana Rowlett for a name. A box will be in the foy-er for the gifts. Gifts need to be turned in by November 26.

Elders and deacons will meet tomorrow

evening at 7:00 in the youth room.

Monday Night Ministries will meet

this week in the library at 6:30.

49ers will meet Thursday, the 10th, at 6 p.m. in building B. Bring your favorite games and snacks.




Page 3: THE MESSENGER - Mountain Home Church of Christ · The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ ... I. WHAT DID _____ _____SEE WHEN THEY ... host a monthly devotional


Please keep these people in your prayers as they contend with illness and other situations:

Leo Fortenberry, Velma Cotter, Dick Young, Betty Lonon, Chad & Jamie Peeples family, Rosemar-

ry Richey, Roger Fisher, Michael Mount, Shelby Morris, William Crawford, Larry Pitts, Cindy Shaw,

Betty Atkinson, Leslie Cones, Charlotte Burton, Nancy Warren, Uneda Watters, Dorothy Kitchens,

Carolyn McCullough, Bessie Saxion.

Family and Friends….

Allene James (Pam Estes’ mother), Patricia Green (Sandra Pitchford’s sister), Margaret James

(Bertha Kitchens’ aunt), Aubrey Williams, Bill Hill (Evelyn Osborn), Larry Spurlock (Jim Estes), Mike

Priborsky, Mike, Jeff & Roger Townsley (Terri Holsonbake), Bessie Richey (James Richey), Mary

Scribner (Hazel Wyatt), Gayle Smith (Tracie Gilliland), Sue Stafford (Jo Baker), Charles McMillan

(Fay Miculka), Charlie Pate (Sylvia Harden), Wayne Heide (Mary Ann Worsham), Tawnya Johnson

(Barney & Hattie Barnhart), Mona McFall, Alan Sheckell (Chip Smith), David Burleson (Jessie

Camp), Kerry Gilbert (Jo Rainey), Naomi Pearson (Sylvia Harden), Alice Clark (Mary Ann Dillard),

Brenda Brock (Jim Gilliland), Jim Gilliland’s dad, Margaret Ellis (Brad Ellis), Larry Davenport (Linda

Rucker), Douglas Jones (Rector Jones), Harley Roswell (Kyle Camp), Linda Dabney (Larry Green),

Thelma Pendergrass (Mickey Pendergrass), Eulah Anderson (Richard Morris).

Baxter Retirement Village Mike Nash Danny Phelps Deidree Smalec

Care Manor Lindel Anthony Charlotte Burton Lozell Pitchford Mary Scheer

Good Samaritan Naomi Britt Elise Nichols

Homebound Veneda Hayes T.J. Henderson Charlene Messick Bessie Saxion Uneda Watters

Monroe House Doyle Hammack

Pine Lane Fay Miculka Juanita Stone


Children’s Homes

Food Barrels:

Strawberry Jelly,

Velveeta, Ritz Crackers,


The Dreaded Task

“I found the task that I had dreaded so, Was not so difficult when once begun: it was the dread itself that was the foe. And dread once conquered means a victory won."

How true is the above statement. The first time brethren asked me to teach a Bible class (it was 5th and 6th graders), I recoiled—grimly dreading even the thought. I guess the elders were hard pressed for teachers, so my arm was twisted until I finally relented. Once I got started, however, the task became such a joy that I did not want to stop. I even enjoyed decorating the classroom with my own homemade posters. I have been teaching ever since, and enjoying every minute.

It is the "getting started" that seems to be the real hurdle. If we can get past that, the rest goes easier. Is there a hurdle between you and attendance to Bible class, or attendance on Sunday nights? Is there a hurdle for you in leading a public prayer, or inviting your neighbor to church? There are precious benefits that ac-company each victory we win over dread. One result is we become a fruitful and stronger Christian. Dread makes us weak and unproductive.

Are there important things that you should be doing, but because of dread you have not accomplished them? Let me encourage you to get past the dread. Look to the Lord for strength (Eph. 6:10- 11; Phi. 4:13). Lean on your brethren for support (Gal. 6:2). Remember, it is "not so difficult when once begun."

Written By: Richard Massey via The Eastside Edifier

Youth group families, please consider signing your family up to host a monthly devotional on the youth bulletin board. If you have any questions, please see Chase.

Old lesson cassette tapes are available in the

foyer for anyone to pick up and take home.

Please remember all those serving in the military and in other ways — in and out of the country: David Arana, Lance Caldwell, Addison Cones, David Foret, Dustan Foret, Timothy Hathcock, Christopher Hodges, Ian Huddleston, Jeremy Lance, Zach Martin, James Medlin, Beau Pyeatt, Jacob Spillman, Jeremy Spillman, Mike Uskali, Michael Wayland, Jonathan Williams

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Mountain Home Church of Christ

380 North College

Mountain Home, AR 72653

A friendly cha with a vital message!

Phone: 870-425-4330 Fax: 870-425-8118

E-mail: [email protected]

Service Times

Sunday Morning Bible Class............. 9:30 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship................ 10:30 a.m.

Sunday Evening Worship...................5:00 p.m.

Wednesday Night Bible Class............6:30 p.m.

T.V. Programs

“In Search of the Lord’s Way”

With Bro. Phil Sanders

Sunday Morning 7:00 A.M.

KOLR Channel 10, Springfield, Missouri

A friendly church with a vital message!



ANNOUNCEMENTS: Richard Byrd SONG LEADER: Hayden Strider CLOSING PRAYER: Dennis Tindall



SONG LEADER Cameron Davis Andy Bell

OPENING PRAYER Tim Paden Tony Bunch

SCRIPTURE READING Tim Brown Jim Gilliland

CLOSING PRAYER Dick Young Tim Herold

GREETERS Tim & Connie Paden

George & Dana Rowlett

FOR THE RECORD October 30, 2016


Preaching the Gospel currently airs on DirecTV, Channel 376, Dish Network, Channel 276, and You Tube every Sunday morning at 6:30 a.m. reaching more than 30 million homes. It also airs daily on Gospel Broadcasting Network. Visit for times. Sponsored by White Oak Church of Christ, P. O. Box 15148, Chattanooga, TN 37415. [email protected]

Mountain Home Church of Christ, Inc., 380 N. College, Mtn. Home, AR 72653

The Word of God says... Hear...Romans 10:17

Believe...Hebrews 11:6 Repent...Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38; 17:30

Confess...Matthew 10:32,33; Romans 10:10 Be Baptized...Mark 16:15,16; Galatians 3:27;

I Peter 3:21; Romans 6:3,4 Be Faithful...Revelation 2:10

Monday Night Ministries meets each week

at 6:30 in building B

Devo at

Baxter Retirement Village

Wednesdays at 1:30

Our Shepherds

Wayne Camp 404-3000

Cameron Davis 404-7367

David Pitchford 425-8554

John Schuhknecht 404-0114

Dennis Tindall 481-5063

Our Servants

Our Staff Minister, Ken Burton 405-0865

Associate Minister, Chase Almond 501-454-4378

Secretary, Donna Smith (M-T-W) 425-4330

Secretary, Kelda Jones (Th-F) 425-4330

Andy Bell Bruce Caldwell JR Camp Lloyd Camp Rodney Covington Chad Dewey

Delbert Dover Jim Estes Ellis Jones Jerry Maleare Landon Pitchford Dennis Priborsky

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