Page 1: The MetaFluor System - Molecular Devices Professor Colin Izzard, SUNY University of Albany. CALIBRATION ... > Grynkiewicz equation > Titration calibrations with choice of curve fits


Fluorescence ratio imaging is the monitoring oflive cells in which a fluorescent indicator ofintracellular ions is introduced. Indicator dyeshave been designed to shift their fluorescenceexcitation or emission spectrum when bindingwith specific ions. Images are obtained at twodifferent wavelengths, typically matching theabsorption bands at the high and low bindingconditions.

By ratioing the intensities in the images, it ispossible to construct a map showing the localion concentrations throughout the field of view.Since the monitoring process is nondestructive,image acquisition can be repeated frequently totrace and monitor the time course of cellularresponses.

The MetaFluor® Imaging System is designed fordual-wavelength intracellular ion measurements.

The system provides simultaneous display of theraw data, ratio image, graphs of intensities,ratios and ion concentrations, and a non-ratiometric image such as a brightfield or phase-contrast image. Two different ratiometricindicators can be imaged and measuredsimultaneously.


Toolbars, menus, wizards and dialog boxes helpmove you through the image processing stepsquickly. Features such as multiple imagewindows, flexible device control, synchronizationand timing, and journals allow for automatedimage acquisition and analysis unlike any othersystem.

With the MetaFluor System, you customize the set-uponce, then let the experiment run by itself. You areable to collect a large amount of data online andprocess it with either MetaFluor or an analysis-only copy of the software.







Page 2: The MetaFluor System - Molecular Devices Professor Colin Izzard, SUNY University of Albany. CALIBRATION ... > Grynkiewicz equation > Titration calibrations with choice of curve fits

MetaFluor enables sub-region, binning andanalog-to-digital (A/D) selection if the cameraallows it. Gain and exposure time can be set perwavelength for acquisition.

Streaming can be used as an acquisition option.With the appropriate devices, streaming allowsyou to acquire a predefined number of images atthe maximum frame rate of the camera(patented).

device control and system automation


MetaFluor works with microscopes equippedwith epi-fluorescence illumination.

The system includes device drivers for numerouscommercially-available filter wheels, shutters,monochromators and high speed filter changersfor illumination control.

Camera drivers are optional. The MetaFluorsystem's camera drivers support acquisition froma wide variety of digital cameras.


Journals are sophisticated and customizablemacros that execute many tasks withoutrequiring you to know any programminglanguage.

The software's Journal Editor allows you tocreate functions to simplify system operations,automate acquisition and device control, andsequence events.

User-definable taskbars make it easy to achieve“one-button” control of your system.

typical system configuration for fluorescence ratio imaging

light source

filter wheel










Page 3: The MetaFluor System - Molecular Devices Professor Colin Izzard, SUNY University of Albany. CALIBRATION ... > Grynkiewicz equation > Titration calibrations with choice of curve fits

fluorescence ratio imaging applications

Reproduced from The Journal of Cell Biology, 2003, 160(2), 235-243 by copyright permission of The Rockefeller University Press.

MetaFluor is an ideal tool for:> Ratio imaging> Calcium imaging> FRET> pH measurements> Ion concentration> Intensity-over-time

MetaFluor provides the flexibility to measureFluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer(FRET). FRET involves the non-radiativetransfer of energy from a fluorophore in anexcited state to a nearby acceptor fluorophore.FRET will occur when fluorophores are withinangstroms of one another. This technique is usedto infer protein-protein interaction andcolocalization.

Spatio-temporal activation of caspase revealed by indicatorthat is insensitive to environmental effectsKiwamu Takemoto 1,3, Takeharu Nagai 2,4, Atsushi Miyawaki 2,and Masayuki Miura 11 Laboratory for Cell Recovery Mechanisms and2 Laboratory for Cell Function and Dynamics, AdvancedTechnology Development Center, RIKEN Brain ScienceInstitute, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan3 Laboratories for Cell Biology and Neuroscience, GraduateSchool of Medicine, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871,Japan4 Structure and Function of Biomolecules, PrecursoryResearch for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO),Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST), Nittochi535, Akinono-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-0847, Japan

Figure 5. Nuclear activation of caspase-3 precedes apoptoticnuclear changes. (A) Ratio images and phase contrast imagesof NLS-SCAT–expressing cells. HeLa cells were transfectedwith 0.5 µg pcDNA-SCAT3. Imaging analysis was started 18 hafter transfection. (B) Venus/ECFP emission ratio changes ofindividual cells examined in A.


MetaFluor supports multi-wavelength emission-splitter acquisition. The Dual-ViewTM deviceoption separates the fluorescent image into a setof two or four spectrally-discrete images andacquires them on a single CCD chip with asingle exposure without overlap. Using theTwinCam option, the Dual-CamTM multi-wavelength emission splitter device is used toproject one wavelength to one camera and adifferent wavelength to a second camera,allowing simultaneous acquisition from twocameras. This allows the measurement ofemission-shifted probes (Indo-1, SNARF, JC-1)or FRET-based sensors (CFP, YFP) at very highspeeds, without any moving parts.


Once acquired, the wavelengths are groupedinto two pairs of ratiometric wavelengths, andone isosbestic or transmitted-light image. Withthis arrangement, it is possible to monitor twoindicators simultaneously, such as BCECF andFura-2 for pH and calcium respectively, whilealso obtaining a brightfield image of cellularmorphology.

Page 4: The MetaFluor System - Molecular Devices Professor Colin Izzard, SUNY University of Albany. CALIBRATION ... > Grynkiewicz equation > Titration calibrations with choice of curve fits

powerful real time processing acquisition


MetaFluor will perform frame integration oraveraging and background subtraction on yourimage as your experiment progresses. Ratioshifts or ion fluxes are observed immediately,providing instant feedback on your experiment.

When acquiring from video sources, MetaFluorcan average up to 256 images per time point,significantly reducing random image noise.Background subtraction is also used to improveaccuracy by correcting for stray light, cameranoise and auto-fluorescence.

A simultaneous display of multiple wavelengthsimages and various customizable graphs providean easy point-and-click interface. When playingback an experiment, clicking on the graph willrewind or fast-forward the experiment to showthe images that correspond to that location onthe graph.

CHO cells loaded with Fura-2. Experiment fromthe Optical Microscopy and Imaging in theBiomedical Sciences short course at the MarineBiological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA. Courtesyof Lynda Pierini, PhD, Cornell Medical Center, KenDunn, PhD, Indiana University-Purdue University,and Professor Colin Izzard, SUNY University ofAlbany.


A direct display of intracellular ion concentra-tions is obtained by using the various calibrationoptions offered; the Grynkiewicz equation(Grynkiewicz et al.,1985) and titration equationfor both in situ and in vitro experiments. Thesecalibrations can then be stored for future use.

G. Grynkiewicz, M. Poenie, R.Y. Tsien (1985) A new generation of Ca2+

indicators with greatly improved fluorescence properties. The Journal ofBiological Chemistry. 260(6):3440-3450.

Page 5: The MetaFluor System - Molecular Devices Professor Colin Izzard, SUNY University of Albany. CALIBRATION ... > Grynkiewicz equation > Titration calibrations with choice of curve fits

image analysis and processing


If needed, MetaFluor can log and export allmeasurements to either a text file or to aspreadsheet program such as Microsoft® Excel®.


Because MetaFluor saves images in TIFF fileformat, you can import them into MetaMorphfor further processing and analysis.

Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry (2003) 278, 19127-19133 by copyright permission of The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

In Vivo Imaging of the Dynamics of GlucoseUptake in the Cytosol of COS-7 Cells byFluorescent NanosensorsMarcus Fehr, Sylvie Lalonde, Ida Lager, MichaelW. Wolff, and Wolf B. FrommerThe Zentrum für Molekular Biologie der PflanzenTübingen, Plant Physiology, Auf der Morgenstelle1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany

Figure 3. In vivo characterization of FLIPglu-600µ.A, averaged YFP-CFP emission image showsFLIPglu-600µ in cytosol and exclusion fromnuclei (N) and lysosomes (triangles). Emissionintensities were higher in thicker layers of cytosoladjacent to the nucleus. Ratio images arepseudocolored to demonstrate glucose-dependent ratio changes. Red indicates highratio, and blue indicates low ratio. Integration ofthe ratio over the entire cells was used to quantifythe ratio change. Arrows indicate the addition of10 mM sugar. Each graph shows ratio changes fora single cell. B, direct addition of 10 mM glucoseled to a decrease in ratio. Because of continuousexternal glucose supply, the ratio remainedconstant. Increasing the external concentrationto a total of 20 mM did not cause further changes.C, following addition and detection of glucose,external glucose was removed by perfusion withglucose-free solution. The subsequent increase inratio indicates reversible glucose detection. D,according to the FRET theory, the decrease inYFP emission is accompanied by an increase inCFP emission. Probably, because ofphotobleaching, YFP emission decreased. E, theaddition of glucose but not of 10 mM of othersugars led to ratio changes.

Regions of interest can be generated automati-cally or manually placed on your image tomonitor intensity, ratio value or ion concentra-tion. Measurements are then made simulta-neously on all the regions of interest and updatecontinuously on a scrolling graph, allowing youto follow dynamic changes as they occur in yourliving samples.


A display of multiple graphs gives flexibility inthe presentation of your experiment’s data.MetaFluor enables you to click on graph tracesto display a readout of the time and data valuefor the region nearest to the click.

The Event Mark function is useful to recordwhen drugs or solutions were added, experimen-tal conditions changed, triggers were received orsent or other events occurred. You have theoption to associate a timer and an alarm bell toeach event. Additionally, for perfused samples,ambient conditions can be logged and tracked.

Each image has an annotation that is savedwithin the TIFF file format. The annotation willrecord wavelength-dependent settings.Additional information can be stored in aprotocol file.

Page 6: The MetaFluor System - Molecular Devices Professor Colin Izzard, SUNY University of Albany. CALIBRATION ... > Grynkiewicz equation > Titration calibrations with choice of curve fits

Technical Summary


> Ratio of up to two indicators per cycle> Automatic generation of multiple regions of

interest> Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer> Multiple graphs display> Event Marks and image annotation> Tracking of experiment conditions> IMD, pseudocolor or monochrome display> QuickTime® or AVI formats for movies> Data logging to text file or spreadsheet such

as Microsoft® Excel®

> Compatible with MetaMorph®


> Multi-users environment available> Settings storage for each type of experiment


> Technical support via phone, e-mail or onlineat

> Electronic documentation


> Intel® Pentium-4 processor or later> Microsoft® Windows® XP> CD-ROM drive> 512MB or more system memory (RAM)

(more memory may be required for processinglarge image data sets)

> 200MB free hard disk space for program only(image storage requires more space)

> 24-bit graphics display


> Up to five wavelengths per cycle> Real time background subtraction (indepen-

dent background for each wavelength)> Real time shading correction (independent

shading reference for each wavelength)> Time lapse


> Control for multiple shutters, filter wheels,monochromators and other wavelength-changing devices

> Device triggers for pumps, valves, strobes orflash lamps using TTL outputs

> Customizable journals and taskbars


(depends on imaging hardware used)> Exposure time, gain, A/D transfer speed, bits-

per-pixel for each wavelength> On-chip gain multiplication> Binning and sub-region selection> Control of integrated camera shutter> Support for frame transfer, interline, full

frame, back illuminated sensors> Streaming of data for high speed applications


(depends on imaging hardware used)> RS-170 or CCIR video inputs> Frame averaging, on-chip camera integration,

summation into a 16-bit buffer> Analog gain and black level offsets for each

wavelength> Adjustable intensifier gain for each wavelength> Compensation for camera lag


> Grynkiewicz equation> Titration calibrations with choice of curve fits> Calibration maps to directly display pH,

calcium or other ion concentrations



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