
Who am I


- A & B testing

- Set based development, A-B testing- It is a multi purpose tool -

- Lets you go from cost optimizing, I.e developing only A to options generation and exploration, I.e value optimizing

- A & B testing

- Set based development, A-B testing- It is a multi purpose tool -

- Lets you go from cost optimizing, I.e developing only A to options generation and exploration, I.e value optimizing

Behead Your Legacy Beast
Restructure & Refactor relentlessly with

The Mikado Method

Code change horror stories!!Code change horror stories!!

A code change horror story...A code change horror story...

Once upon a time,
we were to change
a codebase...



A change

Lets say this was our system...

We were to make a change...

...but we got some errors...

Patching led to more errors...

...and each patch led to even more errors...

Like trying to stop the shockwave with our hands...

We could only revert.

A change





The same change...


...the same errors...

This time, we noted a prerequisite for each of the errors...

Then we implemented the prerequisites, one at a time...

...until we could do a prerequisite w/o errors

In time, all prerequisites for the original change were in place...

...then we reverted the errors,but we kept the notes! newerrors...

...noted the new prerequisites...

But we really needed to do that change!

...and reverted again

Picked thenext leaf a.s.o...

...getting transient prerequisites in place...

We were done!

We continued with all leaves...

...working the way back to the original change

...fulfilling prerequisites...

The change was now easy to implement.

Mikado Methodrules

Be naive

Revert broken code

Fix prerequisites recursively

Write down your goal


Always deliverable - from the main branch

Goal focus - do only the necessary

Visualization - memo and cooperation

The Mikado Method?!?


Now, wheres the code...?!?

Welcome to Pasta Inc.


Learn more ...

Daniel Brolund @danielbrolundOla Ellnestam @ellnestamMikado Method @mikadomethod

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