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    December 1992

    Topics: Needs Supplied

    Volume 1 The Miracle of Supply

    by Ernest An gley

    How many times have you been in a valley, disappointed,

    wondering why God hasn't moved in a greater way? But today we

    have entered a miraculous hour; for the miracle of supply belongsto the Children of God. God works with miracle supply for His

    honor and glory. Daily the Bride will dwell in the miraculous

    realm where God will be able to give miracles to her, wonders that

    He has not been able to manifest on a large scale in the past. A

    new day has dawned; the gift of miracles, one of the nine gifts of

    the Spirit, is operating in a most beautiful way.

    In II Kings we read of a widow, destitute. The creditors were

    about to take her two sons as bondmen. Brokenhearted, she came to Elisha with her pitiful story.

    What a need! Would God supply such a need? Yes, the Lord loves to come to the rescue of his

    children when the need is great, when He gets all the honor, praise and glory.

    In II Kings 4:2, And Elisha said u nto her, W hat shall I do for thee? tell me, w hat hast

    thou in the house? What do you have to work with? Elisha asks. She didn't think she had

    anything, for she was a pauper: Thine han dmaid hath not any thing in the hou se, save a

    pot o f oil. In that pot, however, she had the makings for a miracle, something more valuable than

    silver and gold. Oil in the Bible represents the Holy Spirit. When you have the oil of the Spirit, you

    have the makings for a miracle of supply. The Bride today has the oil of the Spirit. In this

    miraculous hour we must realize how rich we are in His Spirit.

    Elisha gave the woman definite instructions: Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy

    neighbors, even empty vessels; borrow n ot a few. And whe n thou art come in, thou

    shalt shut the door u pon thee and u pon thy sons, and shalt pou r out into all those

    vessels, and thou shalt set aside that wh ich is full (II Kings 4:3,4). The Lord will give us

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    definite instructions, but only the very obedient will take them. Some of God's instructions can

    make us look odd to the sophisticated of the world.

    Elisha did not tell the woman why he wanted her to collect empty vessels; he did not explain the

    miracle to her, and she did not question him. Faith was needed to bring about such a fabulous

    miracle. It had to be miracle faith working, faith that God loved her, God would make the way.

    Because she had faith in the man of God and knew what he told her wasthus saith the Lord, she

    asked her neighbors for empty vessels.

    So she went from him, and shut the door upon her and upon her sons, who brought

    the vessels to her; and she pou red ou t. And it came to pass, whe n the vessels we re

    full, that she said un to her son, Bring me yet a vessel. And he said un to her, There is

    not a vessel more. And the oil stayed. Then she came and told the man of God. And

    he said, Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the r est

    (verses 5-7). This is one family's faith. No one was included but the widow and her sons. She went

    into her house, closed everyone out but her family, not letting anyone else know what she was

    doing. Shut in with God, she started pouring. She didn't say one pot of oil couldn't fill all thevessels she and her sons had collected. She used faith, God's faith, and the vessels started to fill.

    It takes God's faith to make miracles. The man of God told the widow to borrow empty vessels, and

    she obeyed. He said to start pouring, and she poured. She believed the Word of the Lord. This is

    the secret of it all: accepting thus saith the Lord. The prophets of old lifted their voices, cryingthus

    saith the Lord, and God performed. Thus saith the Lord, and God did it.

    As the woman poured out the oil into vessel after vessel, the family was excited, she and her two

    sons. At last the vessels were all full. But she didn't stop there, wondering what in the world she

    would do with all the oil. She came back to the man of God for more instructions. Sell the oil, pay

    the debt and live off the rest, he told her.

    The Lord needs vessels empty of self through faith, nothing in the vessels that would prevent Him

    from filling them to the brim and performing that miracle of supply needed.

    We must listen to what the Spirit is saying and take God's directions in this final hour, so God can

    do all He desires. He wants us to take directions that are completely His, not directions mixed withour own ideas of how things should be done.

    When all the vessels were filled, the oil stayed. It didn't run out. The oil of the Spirit never runs

    out; it will never run out as long as you have nothing in your life to choke off the flow. There will

    be a flow of the Spirit in your obedient life in this final hour that will provide the miraculous supply

    for your needs.

    Who ever would have thought God would perform such a miracle of supply for the widow woman?

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    God will do anything for His yielded, obedient Children through His faith, through His pure love,

    through His pure grace and through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will be in complete control of

    the Bride, and that's the reason the Bride will be without spot, wrinkle, blemish. Because she will

    be holy, the Holy Spirit will be able to serve her one hundred percent.

    The widow woman used faith, taking things step by step. Some of us have made it a habit to wait

    around, not willing to take the first step into using God's faith for a miracle. We want to know all

    God is planning before we commit ourselves. Many times we block God by showing a spirit of self,

    of misgiving. We don't have full assurance that God is directing, that God said it.

    No need to play with the Word of God; the Word is something to stake your life on. God said it;

    God will do it. God promised; God cannot fail. You need to be just that sure about the miracle, that

    positive. God will do it.

    Bu t un to you that fear my name shall the Su n of righteou sness arise w ith healing in

    his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall (Malachi 4:2). Calves of

    the stall receive the best of care. They are stall-fed, given rich milk and fodder to fatten them up,

    shelter in time of storm.

    Those who fear God's name receive the richness of Him, the grace of His love and salvation,

    nourishment and protection in the storms of life.

    Bu t unto you that fear my nameIf you respect, believe in His name, in the power in His

    name, Jesus will come with healing in His wings.

    Not afraid to trust Him, the Early Church believed on His name, and the oil of the Spirit flowed to

    the extent that fear came u pon every soul: and many w onders and signs were done by

    the apostles. And all that believed w ere together, and had all things comm on; And

    sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men , as every man had n eed

    (Acts 2:43-45). In the beginning, the Church gave everything. They knew the Lord would look out

    for them through His Spirit of supply. Harboring no misgivings, they were not afraid they would bein want.

    When the Holy Spirit is flowing through you, you are not afraid to trust God. Not by might, nor

    by pow er, bu t by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6). In this final hour we

    must live in the Spirit. We will yield to God through His Spirit, think through His Spirit, have

    knowledge of Him through His Spirit. We will be served and blessed through His Spirit. By His

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    Spirit it will be done. We are to be baptized in His Spirit in this hour.

    The widow woman didn't have the baptism in the Spirit, but that oil in her home was a shadow of

    the Holy Spirit to come to dwell in our homes, in our lives, living on the inside of us. Not a vessel of

    oil, but the Holy Spirit Himself would come. How blessed indeed!

    The Holy Spirit looked out for the family in Eden, blessed them. They didn't worry about food

    because they lived in a flow of the miraculous. No weeds, no insects there; the miraculous was

    their way of life. By His Spirit it was done. The Garden of Eden was covered by the Holy Spirit;

    the soil purged by Him. Through the Holy Spirit, the Garden had life. Nothing unlike God could

    stay in the Garden. The Lord intended it to be like that. Now, just before Jesus comes, the Lord is

    bringing the Bride as close to that reality of what He planned for man and woman in the Garden as

    He can. She will dine through the Holy Spirit, be served by Him, her needs supplied. This kind of

    reality in God's plan was the secret of the Early Church's strength and overcoming power.

    God supplied the family in Eden before they rebelled against Him, and God gave his miraculous

    supply to families outside of Eden. Again we see a family supplied by the Holy SpiritNoah's

    family in the ark. Think what a mighty flow of the Spirit took place on that ark. No doctors were

    on board, no hospitals; it was just one family in the ark for over a year. Today if the ark were

    sailing more than a year, people would see to it that doctors, medical equipment, psychiatrists, all

    sorts of supplies would be on it along with communications gear to call out for help when needed.

    Blood pressure checks daily, diaries recording the mental states of those on board would be

    expected. When the people came out, a host of tests would greet them.

    The Lord told Noah and his family what foods to take on board, but it had to be the miraculous flow

    that preserved the food for that length of time and kept them in good health. Many have tried to

    calculate how enough food could have been put on the ark to last the family and the animals for

    such a long time. All that food wasn't put on board. God provided for them. In the ark, the Lord


    People by-pass God in their human reasoning, not weighing the miraculous Spirit of God. God

    served the Israelites, spread a table for them in the wilderness. They dined in style as the Lord

    opened up the heavens and rained down food. They didn't have to season it, bake it, boil it; manna

    came prepared from heaven.

    The Lord is showing you His power in the Old Testament; it all belongs to the Bride in this her last

    hour. She will be served, preserved and well taken care of through the miraculous Spirit of God.

    We can depend on it.

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    A meal barrel on the order of the meal barrel of the ark showed up in the home of another widow

    woman. During a severe drought, her food supply had dwindled so low that she was down to a

    handful of meal and a little cruse of oil. But the prophet Elijah said to her,For thu s saith the

    Lord God of Israel, The b arrel of meal shall not waste, n either shall the cru se of oil

    fail, until the day that the Lord send eth rain u pon the earth (I Kings 17:14). The miracle

    power was in the meal barrel, multiplying, multiplying the meal. The miraculous Holy Spirit got

    into the nearly empty oil cruse and multiplied the oil. And the barre l of meal wasted n ot,

    neither did the cru se of oil fail, according to the w ord of the Lord, w hich he spake by

    Elijah (verse 16).

    The Spirit of God multiplied the loaves and fishes when Jesus was here on Earth. On two different

    occasions, thousands were fed. The Lord was showing us the miraculous for the Church Age. It

    should have lasted throughout the entire age, but after the first thirty-three years, the Church went

    into darkness that almost completely blotted out the light of God.

    Now once again, the light of God is shining brightly in this the Bride's last hour. The Bride has

    come forth adorned with the supernatural fruit of the Spirit. The miraculous Holy Spirit Himself

    produces that fruit of the Spirit. Man, woman cannot. The Holy Spirit is serving the Bride

    supernatural fruit, spiritual fruit. Just as He preserves her through spiritual fruit, He will preserve

    her through the natural things needed. She will be provided for in a most blessed way because she

    doesn't fear to trust.

    The Lord is ready to supply good health for you, ready to take that cancer, that heart trouble, that

    diabetes from you. He is the one to supply you through the Holy Spirit. He supplied good healthin Bible days, and He is doing it today.

    Child of God, stop worrying and fretting. Encourage yourself with the Lord will provide! The Lord

    will provide!

    Abraham, father of the faithful, told the son he was planning to sacrifice on Mount Moriah that God

    would provide. And Isaac spake u nto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and hesaid, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: bu t where is the

    lamb for a burnt offering? And Abraham said, My son, God will provide (Genesis

    22:7,8). And God did provide. Abraham lifted u p his eyes, and looked, and b ehold behind

    him a ram cau ght in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham we nt and took the ram , and

    offered him up for a bu rnt offering in the stead of his son (verse 13). When you learn to

    tell your children that God will provide in the faith that Abraham told his son, God will provide for

    you. Trusting in the love of God like Abraham, knowing you have direction from the Lord for you

    and your family, you are assured that God will provide.

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    God fed a family of eight in the ark, and He fed a family of millions in the wilderness. The Lord is

    with His Children. The Holy Spirit is seeking daily to flow the supply needed into your life. Take

    time to accept that flow of the Spirit, to give your mind over to the Holy Spirit so He can bridge the

    gap between soul and mind. That which has been placed in your soul by the Holy Spirit

    Himselfthat greatness of heaven, that wonderful love inside of youflows into the mind from the

    soul. It's miracle supply, miracle supply, and it's yours!

    Recognize what the Lord is seeking to give you in this last and final hour. In the Old Testament

    days when each family yielded to the plan of God, He was there with the miracle supply. It didn't

    matter about the disobedient around them. Neither can you let the disobedient hinder you. God

    will supply. God will stand by you, look out for you. God will supply through your obedience.

    Hear the voice of the Lord: open your ears to what the Spirit is saying.

    And it came to p assthat Ben -hadad king of Syria gathered all his host, and w ent u p,

    and besieged Samaria. And there was a great famine in Samaria (II Kings 6:24,25). The

    Israelites, surrounded by their enemies, were besieged and starving. One mother killed, boiled and

    made a meal of her son for herself and her friend. Then she was furious because her friend

    wouldn't do the same. And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answe red,

    This wom an said unto m e, Give thy son, that we m ay eat him to day, and we will eat

    my son to morrow . So we b oiled my son, and did eat him: and I said un to her on the

    next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son. And it came to

    pass, when the king heard the words of the w oman, that he ren t his clothes (II Kings


    The king blamed Elisha for the plight of the people and vowed to kill him. Then Elisha said,

    Hear ye the w ord of the Lord; Thus saith the Lord, To morrow ab out this time shall a

    measu re of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and tw o measu res of barley for a shekel, in

    the gate of Samaria. (II Kings 7:1). It was thus saith the Lord. Tomorrow there would be plenty

    of food. One doubter said it couldn't be, and God killed him the next day in the rush of people

    getting food. He saw the plenty, but was trampled to death before he could eat.

    The Spirit of God that filled the meal barrel is the same Spirit working for you today, the same

    Spirit that increased the oil flow to make a miracle of supply. You have it all available. The Bible is

    yours with its every promise. The greatness of Jehovah God is yours in this final hour. You who

    are totally obedient and in love with Him are God's chosen; you're part of the Bride of Christ, the

    Church of Jesus Christ walking in the divine favor of God. God has chosen you; you did not choose

    Him. With the favor of God upon you, let Him supply in a miraculous way.

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    Many limit God, thinking He can supply only for the soul and not the body, that He can supply

    salvation but not health. Some people believe God can supply salvation and healing, but not meet

    other needs. Then there are those who believe with the apostle Paul that God can supply all their

    needs. God will supply allbelieving that, you realize the fretting, worry and fear are wiped out.

    If you don't believe God will supply all your needs, you don't believe all the Bible. Wake up, know

    who and what you are. Know the oil of the Spirit is to be yours. As long as it flows in the home, the

    miracle of supply is within your reach. You must have the flow of the Spirit in your home, in your


    Fear will come in at times, but use the promises of God to destroy the fear. Conquer it; don't let it

    possess you, rob you. Fear cannot conquer you unless you allow it. You have the strength of God,

    the Word of God to conquer fear. Don't give up when fear comes; step forward into the Word.

    God gave my mother marvelous knowledge concerning the miracle supply. She taught her family

    much about it, how God would supply and make the way. God will do it, honey; God will do it.

    You don't have to worry about it; God will take care of it. Her faith was just that simple in God:

    God will take care of it. When Mama prayed, I knew God was listening to every word, that she was

    really talking to God, and everything would be all right. The need would be supplied. Mama didn't

    live in this hour of God's greatness, but she used a lot of God's greatness, nevertheless. God gave it

    to her in a special way that helped me, that instilled in me a strong biblical faith in Him, a faith that

    couldn't be destroyed by the enemy.

    Remember, the miracle supply is through Himby His Spirit, by His power. You may think you

    have nothing, but when you are born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit, you have everything.

    The widow woman had only a pot of oil. You have more oil of the Spirit than the widow woman:

    you have a whole soul full of it.

    That oil of the Spirit brings mighty production of miracles. That greatness of the Spirit works in

    many ways, tearing down strongholds of the enemy. The Lord will provide for you.

    Dine on the greatness of the Lord. Look again how the Lord provided for the Israelites, led them

    from the wilderness to a land flowing with milk and honey. He told them if they remained

    obedient they would enjoy it all.

    Today in this great spiritual Canaan we live in, the obedient can expect all of their needs to be

    supplied. The Lord wants us to come to the place we know He will supply our needs so we won't

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    have constant worry about finances.

    The devil has tried to rob each Child of God of everything he possibly could. He is a robber, but he

    isn't going to be allowed to rob the Children of God in this last hour because they will have so much

    of God and His Spirit that they will overcome him. By the Spirit of God, not by man's might,

    strength, knowledge, wisdom and power, but by the hand of God will the Bride be supplied with all

    things needed.

    Look up, Child of God, in this miraculous hour. You are being tested and tried, but you will come

    forth as pure gold. Deliverance will be yours like it was in Old Testament days. All of those

    victories wrapped in a bundle will be delivered to the Bride in this her last hour. All the strength

    heaven has afforded to mankind down through the years will belong to the Bride. That's the reason

    no power will be able to defeat her, that's the reason the world will see Jesus, Jesus.

    The world may hate Jesus, but they'll see Him through the Bride. They may hate His life like they

    hated it when He was here on Earthmany of them, no doubt, will hate His love, His faith and the

    miracles He performsbut they will have to see them just the same. His enemies had to see themwhen He was here. Now the Bridelike Him with the same love, the same compassion, the same

    greatnessreceives the miracle supply.

    The Early Church didn't strain and worry about finances in the beginning. In the beginning God

    supplied; it was fantastic what God did. Notice, they were not searching for riches, for the wealth

    of the world, but for a city whose builder and maker is God. If you seek to make yourself rich in the

    world, you become poor in the greatness of God; but if you seek the greatness of God, you becomerich in Spirit. Jesus said it this way: For w hat shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the

    whole w orld, and lose his own sou l? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his

    soul? (Mark 8:36,37). When you set your goals in the riches of this life, you do not have your goals

    in the wealth of heaven. But when you set your goals for the wealth of heaven as the Early Church

    did, you receive the wealth, the peace of heaven. Jesus brought samples of heaven. Because His

    followers in the Early Church trusted Him completely in their hour of trial, He was able to serve

    them in a blessed way.

    The Bride of Christ has carried heavy financial burdens, but in this last hour, I am persuaded to

    believe that she will not be weighed down with financial burdens all the time. God will lift the load

    of financial worry; however, there is a special burden for the Bride to carry, the burden of the lost

    that Jesus carried when He was here on Earth. The Bride will take His place one hundred percent

    for the lost, yea saith the Lord, in this final hour. She will take the place of Jesus and carry the

    burden for the lost just like He did with all the tears of Calvary. Weeping her way through the

    valleys of the lost, she will bring many, many out, delivered from sin, snatching them as brands

    from the fire. What a divine mission! On this divine mission, the need will be supplied.

    We live in a blessed time! Instead of tarrying all the night through as some of us have done in the

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    past for God to meet certain financial needs, we have come to the hour in which God will supply.

    God will make the way. Your time can be given to praying for the lost. Oh, God, give us the lost!

    The Spirit will be plentiful, working in a beautiful way and supplying our needs.

    These are profound statements that the Lord has given.

    Prayer within itself is not enough. Some have prayed and prayedand nothing happened. It hurt

    their faith in prayer.

    Some say they have fasted for a miracle, and it didn't happen. Fasting within itself will not be

    enough. The miracle power works through prayer and fasting. Prayer alone or fasting alone is not

    sufficient. Jesus said: This kind can com e forth by nothing bu t by prayer and fasting

    (Mark 9:29). What kind is this kind? The miracle kind.

    Fasting helps you prepare for the miracle supply, but the devil makes you doubt. You thoughtfasting alone would do it, but fasting helps you get ready to yield so the miracle can be done. It

    brings you down to the foot of Calvary and all the humility that Jesus had when He was here on

    Earth. The Holy Spirit works with that kind of humility. That's the reason the Holy Ghost moved

    so greatly through Jesus.

    Many read the Bible but close its holy pages empty hearted because they have not taken the

    wonderful Bible promises with them. When they stop reading, that's the end of it. They are not

    able to lift God's promises out of the Word and use them, not able to take thus saith the Lord with

    all the strength in which God spoke it. But the Bride will be able to do exactly that. She will be able

    to take the Word with her in one hundred percent purity as God spoke it, with all the strength, all

    the healing, all the greatness, all the love, faith, wisdom of God. How beautiful indeed!

    Although He was very God, the very man part of Jesus yielded to God through the holy Spirit. He

    yielded that wholly man to the Spirit of the living God, to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was able

    to flow the greatness of heaven to Him and through Him. God used Jesus as very man as well as

    very God to show us how we could live and be partakers of the divine nature, how we could have all

    the greatness of heaven that was served to Jesus when He was here on Earth.

    By His Spirit should be our song in time of darkness, in time of trouble. By His Spirit it will be

    done. Shout it: By my Spirit! saith the Lord. You who are saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit

    have Him within. He is working within you, for He has come to live and dwell in your heart. You

    have the power, the oil, that which makes a miracle, that which makes the miracle supply

    available. Use it in this your hour.

    Don't look back; there is much to enjoy right now. Every day brings a change because God is

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    working so much with people. God has been the same, but people have not been what they should

    have been and what God needed. Many have come into the greatness of the Lord now, yielded to

    the Word in a beautiful way and to the Holy Spirit. So many have yielded to the Holy Spirit that He

    can supply in a miraculous way. It's the miraculous supply working for mankind.

    It was the miraculous supply working for mankind in the Garden of Eden when God first made

    man. It was the miraculous supply that first served man. For his crops, Adam needed no fertilizer,

    no bug killer. Through the miraculous supply his food was all furnished. Man needed no hospitals,

    no doctors, no operations. Man was not sick. He was cared for by the miraculous supply.

    Again I say, we see different periods in Bible days when God was able to take over a few and a

    miraculous supply resulted. The Noah family, the Abraham family, the Israelite family in the

    wilderness all received a miraculous supply. In the Early Churchwhat a miraculous supply!

    Have you ever thought how they had to live? We have no record of the many ways they made their

    living, no record of them starving; God provided for them through His miraculous supply.

    Decide that God will provide. You had to decide that God would provide eternal life, eternal

    salvation for your soul before it could be rescued. You who have received a miracle of healing

    either decided that God heals, or else the Lord slipped up on you, gave you a miracle of healing that

    opened your eyes and suddenly brought you into the knowledge of His healing power. Suddenly

    you accepted the miraculous supply. Only through God could it have been done.

    Many have been in situations where only God could have accomplished for them what was done.

    In this final hour, the Lord is bringing to your mind the necessity of looking for His miraculoussupply. Know He will stand by you. Because He is counting on you to take this Gospel to all people

    throughout the whole Earth He will provide His miraculous supply for the task. It sounds like a

    huge undertaking, butby my Spirit makes the difference. By my Spirit, saith the Lord.

    We see all the amazing inventions of man, all that man provides; and if we are not careful, we will

    not look beyond man's provisions for the miraculous supply. But in this hour, saith the Lord, it's a

    must that His Children look beyond to see His mighty hands ready to supply in the most

    miraculous way. Behold the hand of the Lord! Behold the hand that was lifted to separate the

    waters! Behold the hand that closed the mouths of lions! Behold the hand that quenched the

    violence of fire! Behold that hand! Behold the hand that defeated the devil again and again!

    Behold the hand that moved for you when nothing else could have helped! You were a lost cause

    until His love lifted you out of the slimy pits of sin and despair and established your goings, set

    your feet on the Solid Rock Christ Jesus. When nothing else could help, God the Father gave Jesus

    for you, provided you a redeemer kinsman.

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    You who are born again and filled with the Holy Ghost have received miraculous supply for your

    soul, so much so that your soul has been sealed with the blood of Jesus through the power of the

    Holy Ghost. No one can break that seal on your heart but you yourself. The devil can't break that

    seal; it's strong as heaven, strong as God Almighty. You are sealed with the seal of redemption,

    eternal redemption.

    Anyone who can look at that great salvation provision and not think of the twofold atonement is

    missing the atonement's full intent. The twofold atonement provides healing for the soul and

    healing for the body. The same miraculous provision that was made through Jesus Christ for

    salvation was also made for healing, the same remedy. It came through the same Jesus, the same

    Christ. It all happened at the same time, the same placeon Calvary. But he was wound ed for

    our tran sgressions, he w as bruised for our iniqu ities: the chastisemen t of our peace

    was u pon him; and w ith his stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). What a provision it is, the

    miraculous supply for the soul and body! Jesus went to the whipping post and paid for your

    miraculous supply.

    It's through prayers, fasting and living in the Word that you are able to yield to the Holy Spirit so

    He can flow the miraculous supply to you. To receive the miraculous supply you can't be

    lukewarm, unconcerned; you must be established in the way of the Lord, led by His Spirit, not by

    your own. By the Spirit these things are done, by the Spirit.

    What a difference it made in lives when the Holy Spirit came down on the day of Pentecost and

    possessed men, women, boys and girls. The miraculous supply went into operation. God was in

    business on Earth once again just as He was in Eden and at different times in Old Testament days.We have looked at miraculous supplies, little realizing the hour would come when God would go

    into business on planet Earth in such a miraculous way of supplying all our needs.

    God is the way maker. We will behold his glory, His power in this our last hour. We, as soldiers of

    the cross, will glorify our God. A country that cares for its soldiers provides food, clothing, shelter,

    the necessary equipment for the job to be done. The Holy Spirit is giving us the equipment we

    need through the miraculous supply.

    For all-out war against the devil, put on the whole armor of God, the armor of heaven: gird your

    loins with truth, wear the breastplate of righteousness, shod your feet with the gospel of peace, take

    the shield of faith, wear the helmet of salvation and wield the sword of the Spirit which is the Word

    of God (Ephesians 6:14-17). Rest in full assurance: the devil can't destroy or penetrate the armor of

    God. When you are clothed in the whole armor of God, you have protection as though God Himself

    had come down to do battle with the devil. His armor gives you the same greatness, the same

    strength, the same courage, knowledge, wisdom, the same everything that God has. Thank God for

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    Jesus, for His plan in this last hour that will go into full effect!

    God hasn't been able to bring His plan into completeness since the beginning of the Early Church.

    For the first thirty-three years, the Church was so obedient to God they were able to evangelize

    their known world. It's time for us to embrace that same obedience, to believe in the miraculoussupply that will help us evangelize the world today. Instead of groaning beneath the load, just say,

    My God will supply! My God will supply! The Holy Spirit will turn His faith over inside you and

    destroy every doubt, all fear, frustration, take away despair.

    Calm in the arms of your Lord, you will have peace in the time of storm. For others, the storm will

    be raging, but not for you. The Holy Spirit is working, and He has put the storm outside as he

    performs heaven's good work inside you.

    Let the Spirit work. By the Spirit it will be done. By the Spirit every miracle, every healing takes

    place. By the Spirit souls come to Calvary. You can't reach Calvary without the Spirit drawing you.

    Why should you feel alone? You are never alone because He that walks all the hills and valleys, He

    who has all power is walking with you. Thank God for the old rugged cross, for the power of

    Calvary, for the armor of heaven! Thank God that we have all we need, that we are complete in


    It's time we as Children of God shout the praises of God instead of talking doubt. Don't let a wordof doubt come through your lips, not one word of doubt. Speak what God has said. Say the things

    of God in all faith believing. Instead of repeating what people say, speak the Word of God. Some

    preachers quote people more than they quote the Word of God. I seldom quote anyone outside of

    those whom God put in His Holy Bible. God put them in His Word as witnesses, and I use them as

    such. I stick with the Bible, the truth. Jesus said:Ye shall know the tru th, and the truth

    shall make you free (John 8:32). I want to give people that which will set them free, the truth.

    The Word of God sets free and crowns with glory.

    Live in the righteousness and holiness of God, and liberty and freedom will be yours. With tears of

    gladness shout, God, you are supplying my need! Lord, you are making miracles of supply! One

    day you will cry, Bring another vessel, and there will be no more. The need has all been supplied.

    You have everything you need. The oil of the Holy Spirit will stay, and plenty will be in supply for


    When you get to heaven it will not be by the skin of your teeth, but by the grace of God. Blessed be

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    the name of the Lord! Believe for the miracle of supply in heaven. If the Lord can supply God's

    people for all eternity, you know He can supply them for a few more weeks, months or years. God

    can supply. Decide to trust God, and He will start moving for you.

    God's miracles of supply worked through people who rose above the fear and frustrations inflicted

    by Lucifer, those who entered into the Spirit so the Spirit could use them. Remember how the

    Spirit used the widow women in Elijah's day, in Elisha's day, through the miracle of supply. When

    you go into the miracle of supply, you are going into the greatness of God.

    Before Elijah met the widow woman, he had stepped into the miracle supply. He was accustomed

    to having plenty of food, but now a famine was raging. The Lord told him his miracle of supply

    would come in this manner. And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have

    commanded the ravens to feed thee there (I Kings 17:4). Would you go along with God if He

    told you He would feed you this way? Some of you would think you were in fanaticism, that your

    mind was going bad. You'd check into the first hospital you came to, saying you were hearing

    voices. Why, a voice told me a famine wa s coming, that I should go over by a brook, drink out of

    it and ravens would come and feed me. Not a human being was included in the process. Brother

    Elijah went over by the brook, rested, and the birds fed him. It was the miracle of supply.

    God didn't say how He would supply your need: He just said He would do it. Some of you have

    tied the hands of God for a long time. When are you going to turn Him loose? Israel tied God's

    hands. Ye a, they turn ed back an d tempte d God, and limited the Holy One of Israel

    (Psalm 78:41). You have limited God by tying His hands if you won't take His instructions. God

    gives definite instructions. They're His. Man has nothing to do with them. I have nothing to dowith God's instructions; I just give you thus saith the Lord.

    The Holy Spirit is with us to stay. He will not leave. Again and again, He will perform miracles of

    supply in this last hour. Live in the promises of God, paying no attention to what man says.

    Some, unsure of the strength of God's promises, step very carefully. They don't know if His

    promises will hold them up. Turning from God and looking for security in man, they find it to beshaky. There is nothing shaky about God's promises. Step onto them in pure faith. Trust in the

    Lord, in the God that made man, and not in man.

    As long as you can see your path clearly before you, you walk with the Lord. But when you can't

    see it, when the Lord says, Come on! anyway, does fear take you over? That's the time to cry,The

    Lord will provide: here I come! The Lord will do it! I'm stepping on the promises of God, living

    by promise, by the faith and strength of God.

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    What insurance policies have you taken out for eternity? How will you make a living in heaven? Of

    course, you are leaving heaven up to God, and that's what He wants you to do with your Earth life.

    Put things into His hands, saying, God, you will do it. In heaven a miraculous supply is waiting for

    youno want, everything will be in abundance. Since you believe in the God of heaven, you should

    believe in the One who came down to help us reach heaven. Jesus brought God's faith to make you

    secure on your journey.

    In this last hour, take on the security, the miraculous supply of the Lord. Step into is miraculous

    power; there is work to do. Busy people wait upon the Lord. When you are waiting for someone,

    you are alert, looking for them. It's wonderful to really wait upon the Lord.

    The Noah family labored over one hundred twenty years preparing the ark, working to have faith

    for the miracle supply in the ark.

    The instructions Elijah gave the widow woman had to be followed carefully: Bake the man of God acake first. She used her faith as she baked that last cake for Elijah, serving it as unto the Lord,

    believing the promise of God. God's salvation is a working salvation. You don't work to get it, but

    you work to keep it after it's yours. You work to stay on the paths of righteousness and holiness

    with what God gives you, walking with the Lord and doing the things of God. It's time for the

    miraculous supply, time to enjoy it. Do what you can and God will do the rest. When your meal

    barrel can no longer be filled by you, know that you have the Lord to fill it.

    Jesus said to the apostles, Come ye you rselves apart into a desert place, and rest a w hile:

    for there were m any coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat

    (Mark 6:31). But when people heard where Jesus was, they followed Him. Moved with

    compassion, Jesus began to teach many things.

    In the evening, He said to his disciples, Give ye them to eat (verse 37). The only food they had

    on hand were five loaves and two fishes a young lad had brought with him (John 6:9). One little

    basket of food.

    Jesus told the disciples to have the crowd sit down by companies. And w hen he had taken the

    five loaves and tw o fishes, he looked up to heave n, and b lessed, and brake the loaves,

    and gave them to his disciples to set before them; an d the tw o fishes divided he amon g

    them all. And they did all eat, and w ere filled. And they took up twe lve baskets full of

    the fragments, and of the fishes. And they that did eat of the loaves were abou t five

    thousand men (Mark 6:41-44). The miraculous supply fed those five thousand men, not to

    mention the women and children who ate, too. The Spirit went into operation when the Lord

    blessed the food, took over and multiplied.

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    God doesn't need a vast stock of raw materials to work with in order to bring about the miraculous

    supply. He just needs total obedience; He needs people who will take instructions. Breathing

    upon that which you have, he will supply that which you do not have. It's just that simple.

    This is a new step with God, a new walk in the all-out miraculous in which God can do that which

    He wants to dobut it's not a new doctrine. The miracle of supply has been in the Bible all the

    time. I brought it to you from the Bible, telling you it will work, for it has worked in the past. The

    miracle of supply worked in Genesis, in Exodus, in Kings, in the New Testament. I'm just bringing

    to you what God has said, what has already worked, and what He is going to do now. It's thus saith

    the Lord. You've entered into something that can be great for you, something that can work for you

    in many blessed ways by just your yielding to the Lord and believing that God will provide.

    Be rid of all selfishness; yield as willingly as Christ yielded to the Father. He did everything He

    could to save the lost. With His Spirit of love and compassion, the Holy Spirit will be able to reveal

    Jesus through you in many, many ways. He can use you to manifest the miraculous supply that

    God has promised in your life for you and yours. God help you to step into his greatness in a way

    you have never stepped before, to use the pure faith of God, to walk the path He wants you totravel. God help you to be used of Him and to have your needs supplied in a way you never

    thought possible.

    Pray, fast, live in the Word. These three things bring you into the will of God, into the humility of

    Him so the Holy Spirit can use you for the miraculous supply.

    If you are unsaved, your first and greatest need is salvation. It's by His Spirit you are drawn; by HisSpirit you are a new creation. Pray the sinners' prayer with me now:Oh God: I know you provided

    salvation for us all, and I know the Spirit is moving for the lost, for the backslider to come home.

    Oh God, I confess that I have sinned against you. I am so sorry. I know there is power in the

    blood of Jesus to wash away all of my sins. Come on in, Jesus! Come on in!

    If you meant that prayer, He has come.

    If you are sick or afflicted, reach to God for the supply needed for good health in your mind and

    body. Pray for healing for someone in need whom you dearly love. God's miraculous supply of

    healing came to me, giving me life many years ago. Such life comes through Him, the healing

    Christ! With his stripes w e are healed (Isaiah 53:5).

    I am not a healer; the Lord is the healer. I am the believer. Lord: I bring the sick and afflicted to

    you. Lay a healing hand on the sick and afflicted. You have taken care of the sick and afflicted

    for so many thousands of years, and you w ill do it today in a beautiful way. The supply that they

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    need for good health comes through your gifts of healing, your miraculous gift of miracles,

    through the power of your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus. Heal, in the all-powerful, holy name

    of Jesus! Heal the people today, oh Lord; make them well. In the name of Jesus I pra y.

    The healing power is flowing, for Jesus came to supply what man and woman needed. He asked of

    the sick and afflicted,Wilt thou be m ade w hole (John 5:6)? The miraculous supply includes

    healing for the whole body. Come an d dine, Jesus said (John 21:12).

    God is great and wonderful toward His people. My soul doth magnify the Lord God of Abraham,

    Isaac and Jacob! My soul is a witness to His divine greatness in the midst of the Children of God.

    He is doing wonderfully mighty things in the name of His Son Jesus. The blind are receiving sight,

    the deaf their hearing, dumb tongues are being set free, the crippled made to walk. It is all by His

    Spirit and the miracle of supply.

    Yea, saith the Spirit of the Lord: I'm in your midst. I have given you my Word; I have given youmy promises. Abide in my Word. Walk and live in my Word so that I can fulfill all that I desire to

    do for you in this your final walk.

    Be not afra id; be not troubled in spirit. I am with you, and I will supply, I will supply. But you

    must know that I will supply. You must use my promises. They can't be just hidden in your heart

    and not work. You must let my Spirit flow the greatness that I've placed in your soul into your

    mind that your mind will be in harmony with my Spirit, in agreement in the moment that I want

    to fulfill a promise for you.

    Be keepers and doers of my Word. Use my Word; you will find the strength you need. You will

    find the power you need. All of my Word wa s given with powernone without my Spirit, none

    without my power. And it's by my Spirit that I work for you. It's by my Spirit that I fulfill my

    promises. Know that I am the Lord thy God. Know the strong hand of your Lord, and it's lifted in

    your favor. It's lifted for your help, for your deliverance. Know that all things are possible when

    you walk with your God and that you w ill not be defeated. Trust in the Lord thy God, and it shall

    be done, saith the Lord.

    It doesn't matter how you feel. The disciples had toiled all night and caught nothing. Then Jesus

    came. Cast the ne t on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find (John 21:6), He declared.When they obeyed and cast their net on the right side, they were not able to draw in their net for

    the multitude of fish in it. What a catch! What a miraculous supply the fishermen had!

    Tired, weary, hungry, discouraged, the disciples had been out on that boat all night, but Jesus

    brought life and encouragement. They then had only to sell their fish and their needs would be

    supplied. Sell the oil and pay the creditors.

    God's instructions are definite. He is a working God, and He uses those who will work. It is vital to

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    be obedient to the Word of the Lord. Then the miraculous supply is yours. Use this message; it's

    the Word, and it works. We have the evidence down through the years, and now in this last hour

    the Word will work in a greater way than ever for the Bride, the joy and pride of God's heart. The

    Lord is moving. With joy and gladness, come and dine on the miraculous supply. Bu t my God

    shall sup ply all you r nee d accord ing to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians


    THE MIRACLE OF SUPPLY, All rights reserved. Copyright 1992 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

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    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

    Miracle of Supply - Ernest Angley Ministries

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