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The Mobile Marketing Race is On!How to ensure you don’t get left behind.

Prepared by Steffan Berelowitz, Conductor and CEO, BlueTrain MobilePhone: (888) 595-BLUEE-mail: [email protected]: @bluetrainmobile

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Is there a Bluetrain??!

Mobile: Opportunities and Perils

How-Tos & Best Practices

What YOU can do now!

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You can relax – no worries.


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Marketers not focused on mobile

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Actually, your competitors are chasing your tails!

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Oops, your customers are racing onto mobile

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Confidential, BlueTrain Mobile |


Read your tide chartsThe Eldridge Tide and

Pilot Book was first published in 1875

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1 Is there a Bluetrain??!

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2 Mobile: Opportunities and Perils

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1450 Printing press leads to flyers and brochures1730’s Magazines1836 Newspaper advertisements1864 Telegraph1867 Billboard rental1922 Radio advertising1941 TV advertising1980’s Database marketing1984 Guerrilla marketing1985 Desktop publishing democratizes print-advertising1990’s CRM1995 WWW Web marketing1996 Identification of viral marketing2000’s Search marketing2004-6 Social Media Marketing: Facebook, Twitter2010: Mobile marketing

Marketing technology innovations


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The opportunities and perils of innovation


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Morgan Stanley, Internet Trends Report, April 12, 2010Nielsen’s State of the Media Report, dated Jan. 5, 2011

Don’t underestimate the size of the change


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The majority of Facebook, Twitter, and Pandora mobile users access these services via the mobile web. Mary Meeker

83% of Americans currently have mobile phones. The percentage of this population that have web-enabled smartphones doubled from 21% in 2010 to 42% in 2011. Pew Research Center; Nielsen Research

The Pew report also found that 87% smartphone owners use their device to access the Web or e-mail at least once a day. Pew Research Center

Revenues from mobile search are projected to reach $3.7 billion in 2012

Additional Key Stats


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The more time people spend on mobile during the day, the more likely it is that mobile is the launching point for other interactions on the web

Additional Key Stats


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3 How-Tos & Best Practices

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What company did you say you’re calling from?


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Mobile Website vs. App


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Mobile Websites are for Lead Generation


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Mobile Website Publishing Options


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Example of Content Length From Desktop to Mobile


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• Text and navigation menu are too small to read, repeated pan and zoom action is required to access contents of the site.

• Heavy javascript image slideshow is lagging.

• Branding gets lost.• The site takes more

than 20 seconds to load on a 3G network.

• Text is perfectly legible.

• Content is condensed and gets right to the point.

• Call to action is clear.• Branding is consistent.• It takes less than 10

seconds to load.


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Your Audience is MultitaskingSocial media audience engagement increases by 4.3% on mobile devices when messages are < 70 characters long.Lauren Johnson, Mobile Marketer

Mobile internet users often are in transit or waiting for transit – smartphones & tablets collectively hold 59% of airport WiFi Connections.Nesto Bailly,

• Prioritize mobile website content & navigation using Google Analytics and Common Sense

• Keep your copy brief and to-the-point• Skip the intro and top-load your content:

• Put the most important information at the top of the screen; users will quickly scroll to the bottom if they can’t find what they’re looking for right away

• Place Buttons at Top and Bottom of pages


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Hook Them With Your Homepage

• Make sure your brand or logo is well represented

• Choose a captivating focus image or splash image (may be different from your desktop website)

• Use Analytics to find most-visited pages from mobile devices; optimize navigation

• Include Calls-To-Action on homepage, e.g. Call Us, Contact Us, Sign Up, etc.

Other Mobile-Friendly Content: Directions, Events Calendar, Locations, Special Offers

Learn More:


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Copywriting Guidelines• The average desktop website page

has 250-400 words• A typical mobile site should have

75-110 words• Create a template for copywriting

that enables you to “see” how much copy will fit on a typical mobile page

This template is set to a width of 4.4in

Font Size = 15pt Total of 90 words


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Conversion In Context• A core component of mobile content is Conversion Call Outs• Make it easy for users to click and contact

• Click to call• Click to email

• Short, mobile-friendly forms• Pass form data to your Customer Relationship

Management (CRM) System

18% of users who saw an ad with a click-to-call action called the business.The Mobile Movement Study, Google, Inc.

Google mobile ads with the 'click to call' feature have a 6-8% higher click through rate than those that don't.Surojit Chatterjee, Senior Product Manager of Mobile Ads for Google, Inc.


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Conversion Tactics: Do’s and Don’ts

Visible branding

Simple form

Strong call-to-action

Explanation of benefit

Top-loaded page

No clear branding

Confusing navigation

No call-to-action

Scrolling necessary to find content

Don’t… Do…

Learn More:


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4 What YOU can do now!

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Mobile Marketing Map


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White Paper: How to Build a Mobile Website


Download it at

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BlueTrain Mobile lets you easily create a beautiful mobile site that’s optimized for the world’s most popular mobile devices: iPhone, Android and BlackBerry

About BlueTrain Mobile41

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Small business Medium business Large organizations Agencies and marketers

Mobile solutions tailored for you


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Professional and unique design Advanced navigation Hybrid approach for content

Why BlueTrain Mobile?

“Unlike other mobile CMS platformsI’m not stuck with a cookie cuttertemplate, I can design a site thathas a completely custom look, and yet it’s managed through BlueTrain’spowerful standardized mobile marketing engine.”


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Easy to set up• The platform is a web app, there’s no software to install• Choose a custom design from BlueTrain Mobile or design your

own• Structure your mobile website in minutes• We take care of making your mobile website look great on the

latest iPhone, Android and Blackberry devices• Mobile users are automatically redirected to your mobile site

- Insert simple code snippet for mobile redirect- Use your own URL such as


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Simple to maintain• It’s easy to make changes and additions• No programming required• Automatic updates keep your mobile website compatible with

the newest smartphones • Works seamlessly with your advertising and e-mail campaigns• Easily integrate your blog content, news, events, and social



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Reliable & fast• Our platform manages the hosting of your mobile website• Our hosting service is on the cloud, which means your mobile

website is served at top speed no matter where your customers are located—New York, London, Tokyo, or anywhere else in the world

• And our infrastructure is ready to scale with your business, whether you are making 1 page or 100


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Sample mobile websites built on our platform


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Q&ASteffan Berelowitz, Conductor

Share your thoughts and comments:


[email protected]


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