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The molecular genetics of Marfan syndrome andrelated microfibrillopathies

Peter N Robinson, Maurice Godfrey

AbstractMutations in the gene for fibrillin-1(FBN1) have been shown to cause Marfansyndrome, an autosomal dominant disor-der of connective tissue characterised bypleiotropic manifestations involving pri-marily the ocular, skeletal, and cardiovas-cular systems. Fibrillin-1 is a majorcomponent of the 10-12 nm microfibrils,which are thought to play a role in tropo-elastin deposition and elastic fibre forma-tion in addition to possessing ananchoring function in some tissues.

Fibrillin-1 mutations have also beenfound in patients who do not fulfil clinicalcriteria for the diagnosis of Marfan syn-drome, but have related disorders of con-nective tissue, such as isolated ectopialentis, familial aortic aneurysm, andMarfan-like skeletal abnormalities, sothat Marfan syndrome may be regarded asone of a range of type 1 fibrillinopathies.

There appear to be no particular hotspots since mutations are found through-out the entire fibrillin-1 gene. However, aclustering of mutations associated withthe most severe form of Marfan syn-drome, neonatal Marfan syndrome, hasbeen noted in a region encompassingexons 24 to 32. The gene for fibrillin-2(FBN2) is highly homologous to FBN1,and mutations in FBN2 have been shownto cause a phenotypically related disordertermed congenital contractural arachn-odactyly. Since mutations in the fibrillingenes are likely to aVect the globalfunction of the microfibrils, the termmicrofibrillopathy may be the most ap-propriate to designate the spectrum ofdisease associated with dysfunction ofthese molecules.

The understanding of the global and themolecular functions of the fibrillin con-taining microfibrils is still incompleteand, correspondingly, no comprehensivetheory of the pathogenesis of Marfan syn-drome has emerged to date. Many, but notall, fibrillin-1 gene mutations are expectedto exert a dominant negative eVect,whereby mutant fibrillin monomers im-pair the global function of the microfi-brils. In this paper we review themolecular physiology and pathophysiol-ogy of Marfan syndrome and relatedmicrofibrillopathies.(J Med Genet 2000;37:9–25)

Keywords: Marfan syndrome; fibrillin; microfibrillopa-thies

Marfan syndromeMarfan syndrome (MFS) is an autosomaldominant heritable disorder of connectivetissue that involves primarily the skeletal,ocular, and cardiovascular systems. The lead-ing cause of premature death in MFS patientsis progressive dilatation of the aortic root andascending aorta, causing aortic incompetenceand dissection.1 2 MFS has an incidence of atleast 1:10 000 and about 25-30% of cases rep-resent new mutations.3

A wide variety of skeletal abnormalitiesoccurs with MFS, including dolichosteno-melia, arachnodactyly, scoliosis, chest walldeformity (pectus carinatum or excavatum),tall stature, ligamentous laxity, abnormal jointmobility, and protrusio acetabulae. Scoliosis isfound in about 60% of adults of both sexeswith MFS.4 Pectus excavatum of some degreeof severity occurs in about two thirds of allMFS patients, and may have a greater tendencyto recur after surgical repair than idiopathicpectus excavatum.5

Ectopia lentis occurs in up to about 80% ofMFS patients and is almost always bilateral.6

The most common cardiovascular manifesta-tions of MFS aVect the atrioventricular valvesand the aorta. Mitral valve disease may be theearliest of the cardiovascular manifestations ofMFS. Progressive dilatation of the aortic root isresponsible for most cases of aortic incompe-tence; usually, there is a gradual dilatationstarting at the aortic root which may extendinto the ascending aorta. This may then lead tothe sudden onset of aortic dissection, whichcan cause acute aortic regurgitation or aorticrupture with sudden death.2 Generalised aorticroot dilatation7 as well as a family history ofsevere cardiovascular disease in relatives withMFS8 are associated with a greater risk for aor-tic complications.

The average life expectancy has risen signifi-cantly since 1972,9 which is at least in partbecause of the benefits arising from cardiovas-cular surgery10 and medical therapy with betablockers.11 12

The diagnosis of MFS can be made accord-ing to the criteria of the Gent nosology whenmajor criteria are present in two organ systemsand a third organ system is involved.13 Diagnos-tic dilemmas may arise because of the consid-erable inter- and intrafamilial variability ofMFS. Also, many features of MFS, such asmitral valve prolapse or scoliosis, are commonin the general population or may occur in otherconnective tissue disorders. Many manifesta-tions are age dependent, and therefore theclinical criteria as defined in the Gent nosologycannot always be strictly applied to paediatric

J Med Genet 2000;37:9–25 9

Laboratory ofPaediatric MolecularBiology, Departmentof General Paediatrics,Charité UniversityHospital, HumboldtUniversity, D-10098Berlin, GermanyP N Robinson

Department ofPediatrics and MunroeCenter for HumanGenetics, University ofNebraska MedicalCenter, 600 S 42ndStreet, Omaha, NE68198-5430, USAM Godfrey

Correspondence to:Dr Robinson

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patients. This is particularly true in the case ofchildren with sporadically occurring disease.14

The identification of the fibrillin-1 gene(FBN1)Several strategies led to the identification of thefibrillin-1 gene (FBN1) in 1991. Fibrillin, a350 kDa glycoprotein, was discovered in 1986and characterised as the main component ofthe extracellular microfibrils.15 By means ofimmunohistochemical studies with mono-clonal antibodies against fibrillin, it was shownin 1990 that most Marfan patients displayabnormalities of the microfibrils in the extra-cellular matrix.16 A peptide from fibrillin wasisolated from which a 20 amino acid sequencecould be determined; this allowed appropriatecombinations of PCR primers to be designed.One combination led to the amplification of aPCR product, which was used as a probe toisolate a 1.6 kb cDNA fragment belonging tothe fibrillin-1 gene that was then assigned tochromosome 15q15-21 by in situhybridisation.17 By this time, linkage analysishad mapped the MFS gene to the long arm ofchromosome 15 in 1990,18 19 making thefibrillin-1 gene a promising candidate gene forMFS. Finally, Dietz et al20 showed a de novopoint mutation in the fibrillin-1 gene in twounrelated Marfan patients.

The structure of the fibrillin-1 geneThe fibrillin-1 gene (FBN1, previously Fib15)spans about 200 kb genomic DNA21 with 65exons and a transcript size of 10 kb. ThemRNA possesses 9663 nucleotides with anopen reading frame of 8613 nucleotides and 5'and 3' untranslated regions of 134 and 916 nt.22

Fibrillin-1, the protein product of FBN1, is acysteine rich monomeric glycoprotein with amolecular weight of about 350 kDa.23

Profibrillin-1 contains 2871 amino acids andcan be divided into a signal peptide forextracellular secretion and five structurally dis-tinct domains22 (A-E). Domains B and D arecomposed of repeated motifs, which can bedivided into three groups based on sequencehomology (table 1). The first type of motif,termed epidermal growth factor-like motif(EGF), occurs 47 times in fibrillin-1; EGFmotifs contain six highly conserved cysteineresidues which form disulphide bridges withone another. Forty three of the 47 EGF repeatsof fibrillin-1 also contain a calcium bindingconsensus sequence24 and are termed calciumbinding EGF-like motifs (cbEGF). The secondstructural motif is analogous to a motif firstdescribed in the latent transforming growthfactor-â1 binding protein (LTBP motif, alsoreferred to as 8-cys or TGFâ1bp motif) andcontains eight cysteine residues with aninternal cluster of three consecutive cysteine

Table 1 Consensus sequences for motifs shared between the fibrillins and the LTBPs. Consensus sequences were determined from sequences taken from thereferences cited in fig 1. In the consensus sequences, X may be any residue and the numbers in parentheses indicate an average number of residues

Motif Proteins Consensus sequence

EGF Fibrillin-1,2, LTBP-1, -2, -3, -4 C-X(3)-C-X(4-5)-C-X(4-5)-C-X-C-X(8)-CcbEGF Fibrillin-1,2, LTBP-1, -2, -3, -4 X-D-X-(N/D)-E-C-X(6)-C-X(4)-C-X-N*-X(2)-G-X-(Y/F)-X-C-X-C-X(2)-G-X(9)-CLTBP Fibrillin-1,2, LTBP-1, -2, -3, -4 X(3-21)-C-(Y/F/W)-X(7-8)-C-X(12-13)-C-C-C-X(8)-C-X(2-4)-C-P-X(9-10)-CFib Fibrillin-1,2, LTBP-1, -2, -3, -4 X(6)-C-(Y/F/W)-X(7-8)-C-X(12-13)-C-C-X(10-11)-C-X(2)-C-X(5-21)-C-X(2)-G-X(7-8)CFib 4-cys motif Fibrillin-1,2, LTBP-2 N-V-C-G-X(2-6)-C-C-P-G-W-X(6-8)-C-I-X-PLT 4-cys motif LTBP-2, -3 I-C-K-R-C-X(4)-C-X2-S-C-X(21-24)

Figure 1 Domain structure of proteins of the fibrillin and latent transforming growth factor â1 binding protein (LTBP)families. Fibrillin-1,22 fibrillin-2,32 LTBP-1S,194 LTBP-2,56 LTBP-3,59 and LTBP-461 are shown. All proteins were sketchedfrom the human sequence, except for LTBP-3, for which the human sequence has not yet been completely determined. Inaddition to the symbols shown in the figure, grey horizontal rectangles are used to denote sequences at least 40 amino acids longwith an unusually high content of proline (P) or glycine (G); the approximate percentage of these residues is indicatedunderneath the corresponding rectangles. Horizontal lines denote unique sequences in the N- or C-terminal regions or elsewhere.





P = 42%









"Fib 4-cys"

"LT 4-cys"LTBP-4



G = 39%

P = 15%P = 10%








P = 15% P = 19% P = 20%P = 10%G = 8%

P = 21% P = 26%G = 11%




P = 27%P = 26%P = 34%


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residues. Seven LTBP modules occur in fibril-lin domains B and D. The LTBP motifs displaya globular structure and interrupt multipletandem stretches of cbEGF modules that arethought to form rod-like structures.25 Thefourth LTBP motif contains an RGD(arginine-glycine-aspartic acid) cell adhesionmotif. RGD motifs interact with cell surfacereceptors of the integrin family to mediate celladhesion. Integrins are transmembrane pro-teins which can interact with proteins of theextracellular matrix and with elements of thecytoskeleton, resulting in an anchoring of cellswithin the extracellular matrix (ECM).26 TheRGD motif of fibrillin-1 was shown to promotecell adhesion via integrin áíâ3.


The third structural motif may represent afusion of portions of the EGF and LTBPmotifs22 and has been termed the Fib motif.Like the LTBP motif, the Fib motif containseight cysteine residues, two of which areclustered together in the same relative locationas the three consecutive cysteine residues of theLTBP repeat. A nine cysteine derivative of theFib motif is found in domain B.

Exon 1 contains the ATG start site for trans-lation and codes for a signal peptide followedby a consensus processing sequence forpropeptides RX(K/R)R↓; in vitro evidencesuggests that fibrillin-1 undergoes intracellularN-terminal processing at this site.30 The cleav-age site is followed by 12 mainly basic aminoacids of unknown functional significance (do-main A).

Domain B (exons 2-10) begins with a fourcysteine motif with some similarities to the Fibmotif, and also contains three non-calciumbinding EGF-like motifs and the first twocbEGF motifs, a nine cysteine derivative of theFib motif, and the first LTBP-like motif.

Domain C (exon 10) is characterised by anunusually high proline content (42%). It hasbeen speculated that the high proline contentmay allow region C to bend in three dimen-sional space and act as a kind of molecularhinge.31

Domain D represents the largest singledomain and comprises 2240 amino acidsgrouped in 49 cysteine rich repeats, comprisingone non-calcium binding EGF-like motif and41 cbEGF motifs, six LTBP-like motifs, andone Fib motif (exons 11-63).

The carboxy-terminal domain E (exons64-65) represents a unique sequence whichcontains a pair of two consecutive cysteineresidues within a sequence which is highlyconserved between fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2(see below). This high level of conservationbetween the two fibrillins suggests that theregion may possess a specific functionalsignificance.32 In addition, the carboxy-terminus contains a stretch of basic aminoacids harbouring a tetrabasic cleavage site(RKRR↓), which undergoes extracellularcleavage by an enzyme of the PACE (Pairedbasic Amino acid Cleaving Enzyme) conver-tase family.33–36

Fibrillin-1 contains 14 sites for N-linked gly-cosylation, the majority of which are located indomain D.22 Some, but not all, putative

N-glycosylation sites in normal profibrillin areused during its regular intracellular post-translational processing.37 Also, a specific Asnresidue forming a part of this calcium bindingconsensus sequence is â hydroxylated.38

The fibrillin-2 gene (FBN2)The fibrillin-2 gene (FBN2, previously Fib5)on chromosome 5q23-q31 is closely related tofibrillin-1 (fig 1). The domain structure as wellas the number and order of the sequence motifsare identical between the two proteins. Do-mains B and D of fibrillin-1 and -2 are 80%identical at the amino acid level. However,fibrillin-1 and -2 have important diVerences,which may reflect diVering functional roles.Fibrillin-1 contains one RGD motif andfibrillin-2 contains two. Whereas domain C offibrillin-1 is proline rich, domain C offibrillin-2 contains a high content of glycineresidues.32 Domains A and E are comparativelyless related to the corresponding domains offibrillin-1 (19% and 50% amino acid identity).

Fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 are diVerentiallyexpressed, both in terms of developmentalstages and tissue distribution. In most cases,developmental expression of the fibrillin genesexhibits a diphasic pattern, with the onset ofFBN2 expression occurring earlier than FBN1expression. FBN2 transcripts seem to accumu-late before tissue diVerentiation and to de-crease rapidly or disappear thereafter; FBN1transcripts increase at a gradual rate thereafter.Fibrillin-2 is found preferentially in elastic tis-sues, such as the elastic cartilage, the tunicamedia layer of the aorta, and along thebronchial tree.39 The two fibrillins may there-fore have diVering functional roles; fibrillin-2may possess a major functional role duringearly morphogenesis in directing elastic fibreassembly40; in contrast, the predominance offibrillin-1 in stress and load bearing structures,like the aortic adventitia, the ciliary zonules,and the skin, suggests that fibrillin-1 may bemainly responsible for the structural functionof the microfibrils.39

A second locus for MFS onchromosome 3?Linkage to chromosome 3p24.2-p25 has beenshown in a large family with a Marfan-likephenotype for whom linkage to the fibrillinshad been previously excluded.41–43 While acumulative lod score of >150 for linkagebetween fibrillin-1 and MFS makes geneticheterogeneity unlikely in classical MFS,44 it willnot be surprising that mutations in other genesmay cause non-classical Marfan-like pheno-types.

The latent transforming growth factor-âbinding protein (LTBP) genesThe fibrillins are structurally related to theLTBP gene family. To date, four LTBP geneshave been identified, all of which contain multi-ple tandem copies of the cbEGF motif as well astwo diVerent eight cysteine repeats found to dateonly in fibrillin and in the LTBPs. The first ofthese, the LTBP motif, contains eight cysteineresidues with an internal cluster of three

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consecutive cysteines. The second motif, termed“Fib motif” because it was first described infibrillin-1,22 contains eight cysteine residues withan internal cluster of two consecutive cysteines.The terminology surrounding these motifs canbe confusing, especially since the LTBP motifand Fib motif have occasionally been lumpedtogether as “8 cys repeats” or “TGF repeats”.Table 1 supplies a summary of the consensussequences of the motifs found in the fibrillinsand LTBPs. It is noteworthy that the order of theEGF motifs and the eight cysteine repeats in theLTBPs is similar to that in the fibrillins (fig 1).

LTBP-1 was initially characterised as aregulator of transforming growth factor-â(TGF-â) metabolism. TGF-â is a family ofproteins that regulate growth, diVerentiation,adhesion, and migration of various cell types.Although TGF-â is growth inhibitory for mostcell types, it can stimulate the production ofextracellular matrix proteins, such as the colla-gens, fibronectin, elastin, and tenascin.

TGF-â is synthesised in a precursor formthat undergoes self-association followed byendoproteolytic cleavage to form two disul-phide bonded homodimers: mature TGF-âand the N-terminal propeptide of the TGF-âprecursor. The N-terminal propeptide istermed latency-associated peptide (LAP),since it renders secreted TGF-â latent byremaining non-covalently associated with it toform the small latent TGF-â complex. Thelarge latent complex additionally containsLTBP-1, a monomeric molecule that is cova-lently attached to the LAP by means of anexchange of cysteine disulphide bonds betweenthe third LTBP (eight cysteine) repeat and theLAP during secretion.45 46

LTBP-1 undergoes rapid intracellular as-sociation with TGF-â, which augments thesecretion of TGF-â from cells.47 Followingsecretion, LTBP-1 is able to store latentTGF-â in the extracellular matrix.48 49 LTBP-ECM interaction may be an important inter-mediate step in TGF-â activation.50 Release ofTGF-â from the ECM as a consequence ofproteolytic cleavage of LTBP-1 is one possiblemechanism for the regulation of TGF-âaction.51 52 LTBP-1 may also participate in theactivation of latent TGF-â by concentrating iton the cell surface where activation occurs.53

In addition to its role as a regulator ofTGF-â metabolism, there is evidence thatLTBP-1 has a distinct role as an independentstructural protein of the ECM. LTBP-1 andTGF-â1 co-localise not only with fibronectinand collagen type IV, but also with 10 nmdiameter structures thought to representfibrillin-associated microfibrils.54 The bindingof LTBP-1 to the ECM is mediated by a cova-lent interaction localised to its amino terminaldomain.45 An alternatively spliced form ofLTBP-1, which is longer in its amino terminaldomain (LTBP-1L), binds even more eY-ciently to the ECM.55

To date, little is known about the diVerentialfunctional roles of the four LTBP isoforms,although LTBP-2, -3, and -4 share at leastsome of the functional properties of LTBP-1.LTBP-2 also forms a large, latent TGF-â com-

plex and can associate with the ECM.56 BovineLTBP-2 localises to elastin-associated microfi-brils of the bovine nuchal ligament, and isbound covalently to the microfibrils by reduc-ible disulphide linkages. Interestingly, theLTBP-2 was found not to bind to latentTGF-â, but appeared to be an independentstructural component of the microfibrils.57 LikeLTBP-1, LTBP-2 binds to the ECM via itsamino-terminal domain and can be releasedfrom the ECM by proteolysis.58 Like LTBP-1and -2, LTBP-3 can also bind to the TGF-â1precursor,59 and this interaction also appears tobe mediated by an LTBP motif.60 Finally, afourth LTBP has been identified61 and appearsalso to undergo association with the extracellu-lar matrix.62

Many of these microfibrillar elements local-ise to fibrillin-containing microfibrils. There-fore, they can be considered candidate genesfor many of the disorders, named and un-named, that clinically overlap with MFS.Preliminary studies based on such an approachare described later.

Elastic fibres, microfibrils, and fibrillinThe elastic fibre is a complex structure, whichcontains elastin, 10-12 nm microfibrils, lysyloxidase, and perhaps proteoglycans. By elec-tron microscopy, elastic fibres can be seen to becomposed of two morphologically distinctcomponents: an amorphous fraction lackingany regular structure and constituting about90% of the mature fibre, which consists exclu-sively of elastin, and a microfibrillar compo-nent consisting of 10-12 nm microfibrils.Elastin-producing cells secrete tropoelastin,the 70 kDa monomeric precursor of elastin,into the extracellular space, where it is rapidlyaccreted to the surface of elastic fibres andbecomes highly cross linked by the action oflysyl oxidase to form mature elastin. Elastinendows the elastic fibres with the property ofelastic recoil, which is essential for the functionof resilient tissues, such as the aorta, the lung,and the skin.63 The 10-12 nm microfibrils arelocated primarily around the periphery of theamorphous elastin component of the elasticfibres. The microfibrils display a “beads on astring” structure with a diameter of 8 to 12 nmand consist of several distinct proteins includ-ing fibrillin. Morphologically identical microfi-brils have been found in association with elas-tin in a wide variety of tissues, including skin,lung, kidney, blood vessels, cartilage, andtendon. Microfibrils not associated with elastinmay be observed in other tissues, such as theciliary zonule.15

Whereas the role of elastin in mediating elas-tic recoil of tissues is well established, the func-tions of the microfibrils are not yet fully under-stood. The microfibrils do appear to subserveseveral global functions. First, they act as ascaVolding for tropoelastin deposition andelastic fibre formation.64 Second, microfibrilsthemselves are extensible,65 and they may con-tribute to the mechanical properties of matureelastic tissues by means of load redistributionbetween individual elastic fibres.66 Third, theyprovide structural anchorage in non-elastic tis-

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sues, such as the ciliary zonules.67 Fourth,microfibrils may serve to anchor endothelialand epithelial cells to elastic fibres of the ECMvia cell binding domains.28 Fifth, a role for themicrofibrils in the provision of a flexiblemechanical anchor at epithelial-mesenchymalbasement membrane interfaces, such as at thedermal epidermal junction, has beenproposed.68 In addition, a role for fibrillin con-taining microfibrils in the support of plateletadhesion has been reported.69

In addition to fibrillin-1 and -2, a series ofother proteins has been isolated from themicrofibrils (table 2). Microfibril associatedglycoprotein 1 (MAGP-1) is a 31 kDaglycoprotein consisting of two domains: anacidic N-terminal domain without cysteineresidues and a basic C-terminal domaincontaining all 13 cysteine residues.70 MAGP-1appears to be covalently bound to the microfi-brils by intermolecular disulphide links71 72 andis also a substrate for transglutaminase,73

although it is not known which component ofthe microfibrils undergoes crosslinking withMAGP-1. Since the N-terminal region ofMAGP-1 can undergo binding with bothtropoelastin73 and type VI collagen,74 it is possi-ble that MAGP-1 is responsible for the organ-isation of tropoelastin monomers in the ECMbefore cross linking,75 as well as playing a role inthe interaction of fibrillin containing microfi-brils and type VI collagen, which forms exten-sive networks of 3-5 nm microfibrils in virtuallyall soft connective tissues. MAGP-1 localisesspecifically to the “beads” of isolated microfi-brils, and multiple MAGP-1 molecules may bepresent in a single bead.76

The fact that dermal microfibrils containgene products of both FBN1 and MAGP-1 isunderlined by observations in early immuno-fluorescence studies of MFS patients. In thesestudies, abnormal (decreased) immunostainingresults were noticed when antibodies to eitherfibrillin or MAGP-1 were used (Godfrey andHollister, unpublished data). Thus MAGP-1was as good a candidate as fibrillin in the questfor the aetiology of MFS. To date, however,there are no reports of mutations in MAGP-1.

MAGP-2 is a 25 kDa glycoprotein that isalso disulphide-bonded to fibrillin containingmicrofibrils.77 There is a close similaritybetween MAGP-1 and MAGP-2 confined to acentral region of 60 amino acids in theC-terminal domain including a precise align-ment of seven cysteine residues.78 MAGP-2does not appear to possess tropoelastin or typeVI collagen binding properties, but insteadpossesses an RGD cell adhesion motif in its N

terminal domain which can interact with arange of cell types via áíâ3 integrin.79 MAGP-2has a more restricted tissue and developmentaldistribution than MAGP-1, which may reflectits presumed diVering functional roles.80

The microfibril-associated protein 1(MFAP-1) is a 58 kDa protein that isapparently post-translationally cleaved to a 32kDa fragment that becomes an integral compo-nent of microfibrils.81 MFAP-1 does not appearto share sequence homology or domains withother known proteins, but is characterised by alarge amount of glutamic acid residues (22%)as well as a clustering of lysine residues on theC terminal region.82 Human MFAP-1 does notcontain any cysteine residues. Interestingly,MFAP-1 was mapped to chromosome 15q15-q21, the same region as FBN1, which madeMFAP-1 an alternative positional candidategene for MFS. However, extensive mutationanalysis failed to show mutations in MFAP-1 inMFS patients, thus ruling out this locus as areservoir for hidden MFS mutations.83

MFAP2 is an earlier designation for MAGP-1. MFAP3 consists of merely two exons encod-ing a protein of 362 amino acids that displaysno homology to other known proteins. Thegene is located on chromosome 5q32-q33.2,near to the locus 5q21-q31 reported for thefibrillin-2 gene.84 At present it is not known ifthe co-localisation of the genes FBN2 andMFAP3 (or of the genes FBN1 and MFAP1 onchromosome 15q15-21) has some functionalsignificance. Interestingly, the gene for theabove mentioned lysyl oxidase is located onchromosome 5q23.2-q31.2, whereas a newlydiscovered lysyl oxidase-like (LOL) gene hasbeen mapped to chromosome 15q24-q25. Thefunction and tissue specificity of the LOL pro-tein remain to be elucidated.85

MFAP4 is a 36 kDa glycoprotein whose tis-sue distribution appears to be highest in theaortic adventitia.86 MFAP4 has a fibrinogen-like domain and an RGD cell adhesion motif inits N-terminal domain. MFAP4 is one of thegenes deleted in the contiguous gene syndromeof Smith-Magenis.87

A family of microfibril-associated proteinstermed aortic aneurysm antigenic proteins(AAAP) with distribution limited to the aortahas been identified and preliminary resultshave been presented.88 89

While the above proteins, and perhaps one ormore of the LTBPs, are thought to be integralcomponents of the elastin-associated microfi-brils, a number of molecules has been shown toco-localise with these microfibrils or to be ablespecifically to bind to them (table 3).

Table 2 Protein components of fibrillin-containing associated microfibrils

No Protein Localisation Exons Size Remarks

115 22 Fibrillin-1 15q15-21 65 350 kDa, 2871 amino acids RGD motif232 Fibrillin-2 5q23-q31 65 350 kDa 2 RGD motifs373 195 MAGP-1 (MFAP-2) 1p36 9 31 kDa 13 cysteine residues477 MAGP-2 12p12.3-12p13.2 9 25 kDa; 173 amino acids RGD motif581 82 MFAP-1 15q15-q21 9 439 amino acids 22% glutamic acid684 MFAP-3 5q32-q33.2 2 362 amino acids 23% glutamic acid; 6% aspartic acid786 87 MFAP-4 17p11.2 ? 36 kDa; 255 amino acids RGD motif888 AAAP-40, rAAAP-CL4 ? ? ? Not yet well characterised

MAGP = microfibril associated glycoprotein; MFAP = microfibril associated protein; AAAP-40 = aortic aneurysm associatedprotein-40.

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A specific binding interaction with fibrillin-1has been shown for two proteins of the ECM.Fibulin-2 is a four domain ECM protein whichis able to form disulphide-linkedhomodimers.90 Fibulin-2 appears not to be anintegral component of the microfibrils, but wasshown to co-localise with fibrillin-containingmicrofibrils in some, but not all tissues.91 Inregenerating skin, fibulin-2 associates withfibrillin-containing microfibrils only at latestages of skin morphogenesis.92 Fibulin-2specifically binds to the N-terminal region offibrillin-1.91 Since fibulin-2 was also shown tobind with a distinct aYnity to fibronectin,93 itseems possible that fibulin-2 plays a connectingrole between various ECM proteins, as hasbeen hypothesised for fibulin-1, which canundergo binding with laminin,94 nidogen,95

fibrinogen,96 and fibronectin97 as well asself-association.98 Interestingly, fibulin-1 wasidentified within the amorphous core of elasticfibres, similar to elastin, but not in the fibrillin-containing microfibrils.99

An interaction of region C of fibrillin withlaminin â2 was identified by yeast two hybridanalysis and confirmed with a protein basedaYnity assay. Since the laminins are found inbasement membranes and fibrillin-containingmicrofibrils insert into basement membranes, abiological significance for this finding seemspossible.100 The laminins are ubiquitous com-ponents of the basement membranes andappear to play a role in protein-protein andcell-matrix interactions.101

A series of other proteins has been reportedto co-localise or to associate with fibrillin-containing microfibrils. Emilin (elastin microfi-bril interface located protein), a 115 kDaglycoprotein, associates with the elastin-microfibril interface. Emilin appears early inembryogenesis and may be involved inelastogenesis.102 103

Fibrillin-containing microfibrils were shownto be closely associated with a chondroitin sul-phate proteoglycan; at present neither thenature of the proteoglycan nor whether its pro-tein core or glycose amino glycan chain(s) isresponsible for the association with fibrillin isknown.104 Interestingly, the expression of deco-rin may be altered in cases of neonatal Marfansyndrome105 106; as decorin is a member of thesmall proteoglycan family, it would seem to bea particularly interesting candidate for the pro-teoglycan association partner.104

Versican, a large aggregating proteoglycan,showed an apparent co-localisation with theelastic network of the dermis in human skin.Since anti-versican antibodies also stained

structure resembling microfibrils owing totheir oxytolan staining, an association withmicrofibrils appears very likely.107

Fibrillin polymers as components of themicrofibrilsThe mechanisms involved in the assembly offibrillin monomers into polymeric structureshave been among the most controversial topicsin the field. The key questions include whetherfibrillin monomers are arranged in a parallel,head to tail manner or if they form an antipar-allel arrangement; whether the monomers arestaggered or in register; the sequence of stepsinvolved in polymerisation; the location of self-association sites on fibrillin; if polymerisationoccurs by self-assembly or if other proteins orcells are required; what portion of the beads ona string structure of the microfibrils is made upof fibrillin; and how the other components ofthe microfibrils interact with fibrillin. Althoughmuch progress has been made since thediscovery of fibrillin in 1986, many of the abovequestions still remain unanswered.

Taken together, the published evidencespeaks strongly for fibrillin monomers poly-merising in a parallel, head to tail conformationrather than in an antiparallel fashion. Immuno-electron microscopy with a combination of twomonoclonal antibodies shows a periodicitywhich is only compatible with a head to tailconformation.30 By examination with diVerentmonoclonal antibodies it was shown that theN- and C-termini of fibrillin-1 are located inthe immediate vicinity and on either side of thebeads of the microfibrils, with one bead perfibrillin monomer.30

The fact that individual fibrillin monomerspossess a width of 2.2 nm and the microfibrilsa width of 10-12 nm23 suggests that the micro-fibrils may consist of a bundle of individualfibrillin monomers, which is supported by theelectron microscopic observation of multiplefibrillin monomers being associated with a sin-gle bead.76 108 It remains to ask whetherindividual, head to tail filaments of fibrillinmonomers are arranged in a staggered or an inregister fashion within the microfibrils; the evi-dence reported to date seems to support acombination of these two arrangements.

At least two forms of intermolecular linkageoccur in fibrillin microfibrils. Within hours ofthe extracellular secretion of fibrillin mono-mers, aggregates are formed which are stabi-lised by intermolecular disulphide bridges thatare not reducible. Fibrillin is thus a covalentlybound integral component of the microfibrils.65

Probably, multiple fibrillin monomers areassociated with a single bead.76 108

Homodimerisation of the N-terminal do-main of fibrillin-1 or -2 appears to be the firststep in microfibril assembly and is mediated bydisulphide bonding.109 The notion of ho-modimers with an unstaggered alignment isalso supported by observations on the tightskin mouse, which carries an in frame duplica-tion of mouse Fbn1 exons 17-40, since wildtype monomers do not appear to be able topolymerise with mutant monomers of a corre-spondingly increased length.110

Table 3 Molecules which may be able to associate withfibrillin or fibrillin containing microfibrils

No Protein References

1 LTBP-1 55 1942 LTBP-2 563 LTBP-3 594 LTBP-4 615 Fibulin-2 916 Laminin â2 1007 Emilin 1028 Versican 1079 Chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan 104

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In addition to disulphide bonds, á-glutamyl-å-lysine crosslinks are also present in fibrillin-containing microfibrils111 and result frommodification of fibrillin by transglutaminase.112

The cross links were shown to localise to theinterbead regions in a way consistent with aparallel staggered arrangement of fibrillinmonomers in the microfibrils.113 One way ofreconciling the data would be a model in whichindividual monomers form parallel, unstag-gered dimers that in turn associate with otherdimers in a staggered fashion.

Whatever the arrangement of fibrillin mono-mers may be, evidence has underlined theimportance of lateral monomer to monomerinteractions. FBN1 mutations causing skippingof one or more exons are associated with analmost complete absence of higher molecularweight aggregates in the ECM fraction in cellculture,114 115 which suggests that the correctlateral alignment of fibrillin monomers may benecessary for the assembly of multimericaggregates. This is compatible with the obser-vation that in frame exon skipping mutationstend to be associated with severe clinicalphenotypes.116

Although some issues have been settled con-cerning the aggregation of fibrillin monomersinto multimeric structures, very little is knownconcerning the interaction of fibrillin withother integral protein components of themicrofibrils such as MAPG-1 and -2; to date, ithas not been possible to show specific bindinginteractions.

FBN1 mutations in Marfan syndrome andrelated type 1 fibrillinopathiesWith a few exceptions, all known FBN1 muta-tions identified to date have been unique,which probably reflects the high mutation rateof the fibrillin-1 gene and the impairedreproductive fitness of MFS patients owing toearly morbidity and mortality. As of 1998, 137mutations have been entered in the inter-national Marfan database ( for FBN1 mutations.117

Only 11 of the 137 entries represent recurrentmutations.

The mutations identified to date have beenfound in almost all exons of the fibrillin-1 gene.Aside from a mild clustering of excess muta-tions in exons 25, 27, and 28,117 the mutationsidentified to date appear to be spread across thegene with no clear predilection for any one areaof the gene.44 118 119

For reasons that are still not completelyunderstood, mutations have been found in onlya minority of patients analysed to date. Follow-ing the discovery of the fibrillin-1 gene in 1991,numerous reports on cDNA based mutationanalysis of the fibrillin-1 gene in Marfanpatients appeared; the sensitivity of mutationdetection, when indicated, was between 10 and25%.120 121 In 1995, the first report on exonwisescreening of all 65 FBN1 exons was published;a detection rate of 78% in a group of ninepatients was reported.122 However, a subse-quent study could duplicate this result only ina small group of well characterised, multigen-eration Marfan families (7/9); for the entire

group of 60 unrelated patients and families,only 17 probable disease causing mutationswere found (28%), suggesting that overdiagno-sis of Marfan syndrome may be responsible forthe low overall mutation detection rate.123

Other factors, such as the large size of the geneand the large number of exons, may also bepartially responsible for the low eYciency ofmutation detection in Marfan patients.

The majority of mutations identified to daterepresent missense mutations (99/137 or72%); of these, most aVect one of thenumerous cbEGF modules dispersed through-out the protein (73/137 or 53%). Mutationspredicted to lead to premature protein trunca-tion including nonsense mutations and out offrame deletions represent a small proportion ofmutations. Exon skipping mutations, associ-ated mainly with mutations aVecting splicingconsensus sequences, are relatively common(18/137 or 13%). Although mutations ofconsensus splice sequences are the mostcommon cause of aberrant splicing in humangenetic disease, several instances of exon skip-ping associated with nonsense mutations in theskipped exons have been reported, includingone nonsense mutation in FBN1 exon 51.124 125

Unusually, a “silent” mutation in the sameexon also was shown to cause skipping of exon51 in a patient with classical MFS.126

Clear genotype-phenotype correlations havebeen slow to emerge. In light of the high intra-familial variability, it is to be assumed thatenvironmental and perhaps epigenetic factorsplay a significant role in determining the sever-ity of the phenotype in a patient with a givenmutation. In addition to mutations found inpatients with classical MFS phenotypes, FBN1mutations have been found in a series of relatedconnective tissue disorders, termed type 1fibrillinopathies (table 4).

Neonatal Marfan syndrome (nMFS) repre-sents the severest end of the spectrum of MFSand is characterised by a series of manifesta-tions, which are rare in classical MFS. Patientswith nMFS are typically diagnosed at or shortlyafter birth and present with symptoms such asmitral or tricuspid insuYciency, congestiveheart failure, pulmonary emphysema, jointcontractures, crumpled ears, and loose skin.Death occurs usually within the first year oflife.127 128 In contrast to classical MFS, wheredeath in untreated patients is most oftenbecause of aortic dissection or rupture follow-ing progressive aortic root dilatation, theprimary cause of death for children with nMFSis severe congestive heart failure owing tomitral and tricuspid regurgitation. If one uses astrict clinical definition of nMFS, there is aclustering of mutations in exons 24-27, wheremissense mutations as well as small deletionsand one exon skipping mutation have beendetected in nMFS patients, as well as exonskipping mutations in exons 31-32.127

Patients carrying exon skipping mutationstend to have severe phenotypes,116 and five ofthe reported nMFS mutations are exon skip-ping mutations. It appears likely that in frameexon skipping mutations may disrupt thelateral alignment of fibrillin monomers and

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thereby cause a radical disruption of microfi-bril formation.116

Autosomal dominant ectopia lentis refers tobilateral ectopia lentis without the typical skel-etal and cardiovascular manifestations of theMFS.129 This disease is linked to the fibrillin-1gene.130 To date, the responsible FBN1 muta-tion could be identified in just one aVectedfamily.131 The mutation is predicted to substi-tute the fifth residue of the cbEGF moduleencoded by exon 59 from glutamic acid tolysine (E2447K). The position within theaVected module and the type of residue substi-tution are not suYcient to explain the pheno-type, since a mutation in the cbEGF moduleencoded by exon 26, which is predicted to sub-stitute the analogous glutamic acid residue to alysine (E1073K), was found in a patient withnMFS.122

The Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome (SGS)is a disorder characterised by craniosynostosisand a marfanoid habitus with a range of otherfeatures including tall stature, arachnodactyly,dolichocephaly, pectus deformities, scoliosis,joint hypermobility, mental retardation, andmore rarely, aortic root dilatation and mitralvalve prolapse.132 A de novo FBN1 mutation(C1223Y) was found in a patient with sporadicdisease,133 and a second change (P1148A)initially reported to be a mutation was latershown to be a polymorphic variant rather thana disease-causing mutation.134 135 It is unknownif mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene are presentin most cases of SGS, or if mutations in thefibrillin-1 gene merely contribute to the SGSphenotype in some cases, or whether any trueassociation exists at all.

Autosomal dominant Weill-Marchesani syn-drome has been linked to the region onchromosome 15 that contains FBN1.136 Fibril-lin immunofluorescence abnormalities werealso noted. Patients with Weill-Marchesanisyndrome have ectopia lentis, but unlikepatients with MFS, are of short stature.

Two FBN1 mutations have been identified infamilies with marfanoid phenotypes character-ised only by skeletal abnormalities. The first(R2726W in exon 64) is predicted to substitutetryptophan for arginine at a site immediatelyadjacent to a consensus sequence for proteo-lytic cleavage. The mutation apparently abol-ished the proteolytic processing of the mutantmonomers, which were not incorporated intothe ECM. This may provide an explanation for

the relatively mild phenotype of the aVectedfamily, since the cellular eVect of the mutationmay thus be equivalent to a “null” allele notexpected to exert dominant negative eVects.33

The second mutation137 aVects a non-conserved residue in the cbEGF moduleencoded by exon 28 (R1170H) and is of as yetunknown significance. R1170H has recentlybeen described in a second family with skeletalmanifestations and mitral valve prolapse.138

The mutation G1127S in FBN1 exon 27 wasfound in a family in whom ascending aorticdisease had been identified in 10 members,nine of whom were shown to carry themutation. None of them had classical MFS ortypical signs such as scoliosis, pectus deform-ity, arachnodactyly, or ectopia lentis. Althoughexon 27 encodes a cbEGF module, the residueaVected by the mutation G1127S has noknown significance for calcium binding.139

NMR analysis of a chemically synthesised pep-tide consisting of fibrillin cbEGF modules 13and 14 (exons 27 and 28) with either the wildtype sequence or the mutation G1127S showedmisfolding restricted to module 13.140 Two fur-ther mutations have been reported in patientswith isolated thoracic aortic aneurysms,141 butnot all families with autosomal dominantinheritance of thoracic aortic aneurysms showlinkage to FBN1.142

In summary, the mutation data published todate have shown the existence of a hot spot fornMFS in exons 24-27 and 31-32, and that exonskipping mutations tend to be associated with asevere phenotype. The mutations identified infamilies with variant phenotypes have notallowed generalisations on the relationshipsbetween fibrillin pathogenesis and clinical dis-ease. It is to be hoped that the internationaldatabank for FBN1 mutations will contribute tothe understanding of FBN1 genotype-pheno-type correlations in the future.117

Fibrillin-2 mutations in CCA and otherphenotypesCongenital contractural arachnodactyly(CCA) is an autosomal dominant disordercharacterised by a marfanoid habitus, arachno-dactyly, camptodactyly, crumpled ears, andmild contractures in the elbows, knees, andhips, as well as mild muscle hypoplasiaespecially of the calf muscles.143 During thequest to identify the genetic basis of MFS, asecond fibrillin gene was fortuitously discov-

Table 4 Type 1 fibrillinopathies

No Syndrome Clinical features Mutations Refs

1 Marfan syndrome See text, section 1 See text, section 10 1172 Neonatal MFS (nMFS) Severe manifestations (see text). Death usually in the first year of life

owing to congestive heart failure.“Hotspot” in ex 24-27

and 31-32Reviewed in 127

3 Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome Craniosynostosis and marfanoid habitus C1223Y (ex 29) 1334 Familial arachnodactyly Arachnodactyly, dolichostenomelia, no cardiovascular manifestations R1170H (ex 28) 1375 Ectopia lentis Bilateral ectopia lentis, in some cases scoliosis, no cardiovascular

manifestationsE2447K (ex 59) 131

6 Ascending aortic aneurysm anddissection without classical MFS

Ascending aortic aneurysm and dissection, no ectopia lentis, no specificskeletal findings

(1) G1127S (ex 27) 139 141(2) D1155N (ex 27)(3) P1837S (ex 44)

7 MASS phenotype Mitral valve prolapse, aortic root dilatation without dissection, skeletaland skin abnormalities

5317insTTCA (ex 41) 151

8 New variant of the MFS Skeletal features of MFS with joint contractures and knee joint eVusions.Ectopia lentis. no cardiovascular manifestations

R122C (ex 4) (2x) 196 197

9 Isolated skeletal features Tall stature, scoliosis, pectus excavatum, arachnodactyly R2726W (ex 64) 33

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ered. This second gene was mapped tochromosome 5 (5q23-31) and is now referredto as FBN2. CCA became a good candidate forlinkage since its phenotype overlaps that ofMFS. Linkage of FBN2 to CCA was indeedconfirmed,17 130 and several mutations havebeen identified in patients with CCA.144–149

Analysis of the nine FBN2 mutationspublished so far allows for some interestingspeculation. All nine mutations are locatedbetween exons 24 and 34, analogous to the socalled neonatal region of fibrillin-1. It can behypothesised that this region plays a criticalrole during development.148

Mosaicism has also been observed in severalpatients with CCA.145 146 148 In one case, itappears that the fact that the subject was amosaic helped to minimise the eVect of themutant allele.146 Like the gamut of severityobserved in MFS and fibrillin-1 microfi-brillopathies, a spectrum of CCA phenotypesalso exists. A small number of case reports havedescribed a severe/lethal form of CCA. Mo-lecular studies of one such case has shown thatthe skipping of exon 34 of FBN2 causes thissevere phenotype.146 Comparison of the cardio-vascular features between severe/lethal CCAand MFS shows that the changes in the severeform of CCA are consistent with developmen-tal abnormalities, namely septal defects, inter-rupted aortic arch, and a single umbilicalartery. Gastrointestinal abnormalities consist-ing of duodenal and oesophageal atresia andintestinal malrotation were also seen in somecases of severe/lethal CCA. These developmen-tal abnormalities are consistent with the postu-lated role of the two fibrillins.

It remains to be seen whether mutations inFBN2 outside the “neonatal region” causephenotypes that are part of the spectrum ofMarfan-like disease. Familial and some spo-radic cases of cardiac septal defect, forexample, make interesting candidates for con-tinued molecular analysis.

LTBP mutationsEvolutionary comparisons have placed LTBP-2as the LTBP most closely related to the fibrillins.Therefore, it was hypothesised that mutations inLTBP-2, as well as other components of theextracellular matrix microfibrils, may cause dis-orders whose phenotypes overlap those of MFS.Since abnormal fibrillin immunofluorescencemay be found in disorders caused by defects inboth FBN1 and FBN2,16 128 146 the possibilitythat similar abnormalities would be observed insubjects with LTBP-2 mutations was consid-ered. Preliminary studies have shown at leastone putative mutation in a patient and hismother with pectus deformities (Mathews andGodfrey, unpublished data). This amino acidsubstitution is in a highly conserved region in acbEGF domain and analogous substitutions inFBN1 have been documented in nMFS andectopia lentis.

Fibrillin mRNA expression and thedominant negative pathogenesis ofMarfan syndromemRNAs which carry a premature terminationcodon (PTC) owing to either a frameshift or anonsense mutation are usually present inreduced concentration. As a general rule, thecloser a PTC codon occurs after the initiationcodon, the more likely it is that the mutantmRNA will be reduced in abundance.150

Several PTC mutations in the fibrillin-1 genehave been characterised as having reducedmRNA expression.120 122 151 A 4 bp deletion inexon 41 was identified in a patient with the socalled MASS phenotype (Myopia, Mitral valveprolapse, mild Aortic root dilatation withoutdissection, Skin abnormalities (striae), andSkeletal involvement). The mutant mRNA wasexpressed at a level of 6% of the normalallele.151 In contrast, a mutation leading toskipping of exon 2 (83 bp) with frameshift andPTC was associated with classical MFS; in thiscase, the mutant mRNA was expressed at alevel of 16% of the normal allele.151 Theauthors concluded that the reduced expressionof the mutant peptide leads to a preponderanceof normal fibrillin monomers in the polymericmicrofibrils, so that below a certain thresholdof expression, there is mild disease. On theother hand, if a certain threshold is crossed(between 6 and 16% of wild type levels), themutant, C-terminally truncated peptide dis-turbs the polymeric structure to such an extentthat more severe disease is seen. It also suggeststhat the N-terminal region of fibrillin may becrucial for microfibrillar assembly and that it isable to interact in a dominant negative mannerwith the wild type monomer.151 According tothe dominant negative model of pathogen-esis,152 the product of the mutant alleleinterferes with the function of the wild typeallele. In the case of the MFS, this model seemsparticularly attractive, because fibrillin mono-mers aggregate in large, multimeric structuresin the course of the formation of microfibrils.Mutant monomers would then disturb thefunction of the multimeric microfibrils.

Calcium binding and mutations incbEGF motifsEpidermal growth factor-like (EGF) modulesare approximately 45 amino acid residues longand contain six conserved cysteine residues thatare paired to form disulphide bonds in a charac-teristic manner (1 to 3, 2 to 4, and 5 to 6). Inaddition to the three disulphide bonds, EGFmodules are characterised by a double strandedbeta sheet as a main structural feature. A subsetof EGF modules also contains a consensussequence for calcium binding (cbEGF), X-D/N-X-D/N-E/Q-C1, comprising the first five resi-dues before the first cysteine residue (C1) in thecontext of an EGF residue, which also shows aconsensus sequence for â-hydroxylation be-tween the third and fourth cysteine residues:C3-X-(D/N)-X-X-X-X-(F/Y)-X-C4.

24 153–155 Inthese consensus sequences, X is used to refer toany amino acid, but a non-random distributionof amino acids (three to six at any given position)was found in a sequence alignment of 154

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EGF-like domains, which suggests that thesepositions are important for calcium binding.155

Including the above consensus sequences andthe six cysteine residues, 19 of the on average 42residues of each cbEGF module of fibrillin-1 arepredicted to play an important role in calciumbinding (fig 2).

Native fibrillin binds calcium,156 but thereappear to be significant variations in thecalcium binding aYnity among diVerentcbEGF modules along the length of fibrillin-1,such that some cbEGF modules may be onlypartially saturated with calcium under physi-ological conditions.157 It is conceivable thatpartially saturated domains may be moreflexible than higher aYnity domains.157 Cal-cium coordination is thought to be mediated bya pentagonal, bipyrimidal structure, with theresidues of the calcium binding consensussequence either providing direct oxygen or car-bonyl ligands, or playing a role in the stabilisa-tion of the calcium binding site.158 Binding ofcalcium by one cbEGF module can beinfluenced by calcium binding to other tandemcbEGF modules, such that the binding aYnityis significantly increased.159

Although NMR analysis of a pair of cbEGFmodules from fibrillin-1 showed that no ligandis donated from one cbEGF module to thenext,160 as is the case with the two cbEGFmodules of factor IX,158 calcium binding doesappear to rigidify the interdomain regionbetween two cbEGF repeats,160 161 which inturn enables multiple tandem cbEGF repeatsto take on a rigid, rod-like conformation.162

Removal of calcium by incubation in EDTAleads to a reversible disruption of microfibrillarstructure, in which the region between thebeads takes on a frayed appearance under elec-

tron microscopy.163 This suggests that domainsB and D (which contain all of the cbEGFmodules of fibrillin-1 and -2) are located in theinterbead region. Electron microscopic analy-sis of a recombinant fibrillin fragment contain-ing a stretch of 12 uninterrupted cbEGF mod-ules found in region D suggested that calciumbinding causes the stretch of cbEGF modulesto assume a stabilised, more extended, andrigid conformation.164 Tandemly repeated EGFmodules are a common motif of proteins of theECM, such as laminin, thrombospondin, andtenascin, and form extended, rod-like domainsessential for the global structure of theseproteins.165 In contrast, the interdomain linkagebetween an N-terminal LTBP module and aC-terminal cbEGF module may be signifi-cantly more flexible.166 In addition to the struc-tural functions of EGF modules describedabove, EGF modules have been shown tomediate calcium dependent protein-proteininteractions.167 At present, it is not known if thecbEGF-like modules of the fibrillins are able tomediate protein-protein interactions.

Calcium binding stabilises fibrillin-1 againstproteolytic degradation, which emphasises theimportance of calcium binding for the struc-tural integrity of fibrillin-1. Similar findingshave been observed in other proteins of theECM, such as fibulin-1 and fibulin-2,168

LTBP-1,169 LTBP-2,58 as well as bovine proteinC.170 Fibrillin molecules and fibrillin contain-ing microfibrils can be degraded by serineproteinases171 and matrix metalloproteinases(MMP).172 It is conceivable that somefibrillin-1 mutations may increase the proteo-lytic degradation of microfibrils in tissue, inturn leading to abnormal microfibril morphol-ogy and function.

Calcium binding EGF modules (cbEGF)are found in many diVerent proteins, includingnumerous proteins of the ECM (laminin,thrombospondin, fibrillin-1 and -2, the LTBPs,fibulin-1, and -2, nidogen), blood coagulationfactors (factor IX, X, proteins C and S), andproteins involved in specification of cell fate(Drosophila Notch, Delta, Serrate).Disease-causing mutations in cbEGF modulesleading to reduced calcium binding have beenidentified not only in MFS but also in severalother disorders including haemophilia B.173

Mutations aVecting residues of the calciumbinding consensus sequence can reduce cal-cium aYnity, as has been shown experimentallywith a chemically synthesised peptide contain-ing a mutation (N2144S) of a residue of thecalcium binding consensus sequence of thecbEGF module encoded by exon 52.174 Inaddition, rotary shadowing of fibrillin-containing microfibrils from the patientcarrying the mutation N2144S showed a frayedappearance of the interbead region,174 as wastrue for another mutation in the same exon(D2127E), which aVects a diVerent residue ofthe calcium binding consensus sequence.114

A classification of cbEGF mutations accord-ing to their eVects on structure and functionhas been proposed.160 Mutations of one of thesix conserved cysteine residues probably causedomain misfolding, which may also have

Figure 2 A calcium binding epidermal growth factor-likemotif (cbEGF).The positions marked with the numbers 1 to19 comprise the six highly conserved cysteine residues as wellas the consensus calcium binding sequence, which in turncontains a consensus sequence for â hydroxylation (see text).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7





1415 16 17









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deleterious eVects on the global structure offibrillin. Alterations of residues of the calciumbinding consensus sequence may result inreduced calcium aYnity, which may in turndestabilise the interface between two consecu-tive cbEGF domains. Mutations not aVectingcysteine residues or the calcium bindingconsensus sequence may have eVects on intra-or intermolecular interactions; a mutation(G2627R) of the glycine involved in domain-domain packing between two cbEGFmodules160 is predicted to alter the pairwiseinteraction of the adjacent cbEGF modules.Finally, other mutations which do not alterresidues with obvious structural relevance mayconceivably be involved in protein-proteininteractions.160

Immunohistochemical abnormalities ofmicrofibrils in Marfan syndromeIndirect immunofluorescence with monoclonalantibodies against fibrillin displays a character-istic immunostaining pattern in skin specimensfrom healthy controls. The dermal-epidermaljunction appears as a bright and nearlycontinuous band parallel to the basementmembrane, below which linear strands of fibresdescend. The papillary dermis displays abranching meshwork of fibres of various dia-meters, whereas deeper in the reticular dermis,thicker undulating fibres of various lengths anddiameters predominate. Most microfibrillarfibres in this region are associated with elastin.Many, but not all patients with MFS displayqualitative and quantitative abnormalities ofthe dermal microfibrillar network.16 Immuno-fluorescent abnormalities are also present incardiovascular tissues aVected by MFS, such asthe aortic valve, the ascending aortic wall, andthe mitral valve.176

Immunofluorescent investigations cannot beused as the sole diagnostic test, since patientswith other connective tissue disorders can alsoshow abnormalities of the microfibrillar net-work when examined by this method (see alsothe hypothesis for the LTBP-2 studies).Additionally, up to 35% of all patientssuspected of having MFS may display anapparently normal fibrillin immunostainingpattern in skin specimens.16 Immunostaining insome older unaVected subjects (>70 years)may appear abnormal.

The microfibrillar network of dermal fibro-blast cultures can also be investigated by fibril-lin immunofluorescence. In most cases, MFSpatients show reduced staining intensity indi-cating a deficient accumulation of reactivefibrous materials. In most MFS patients, thereis a reduced staining intensity in both skinsamples and dermal fibroblast cultures, but inabout 30% of patients, the apparent content ofmicrofibrillar fibres in the skin is normal ornear normal, while fibroblast cultures showclearly decreased accumulations of fibrousmaterials. Rarely, the converse is true, and evenmore rarely, a patient with classical features ofMFS will have apparently normal results forboth investigations. These abnormalities coseg-regate with the Marfan phenotype withinfamilies.177

Therefore, fibrillin immunofluorescence hasneither suYcient specificity nor sensitivity to beused as a routine diagnostic tool. It isimportant to note, however, that normal skinand fibroblast culture fibrillin immunofluores-cence patterns are almost never seen in patientswith MFS. Thus, normal findings in bothassays make the likelihood of MFS very low.

Metabolic labelling of fibrillin:investigation of fibrillin synthesis,secretion, and deposition in theextracellular matrixA cell culture approach has been developed toinvestigate the synthesis and assembly of fibrillinin vivo. Owing to its high content of cysteineresidues (ca 14%), fibrillin can be labelled withradioactive [35S]cysteine and isolated by immu-noprecipitation. Protocols have been developedto separate the cell fraction, the medium, and theECM fraction, which is defined as the materialremaining on the surface of the culture vesselafter the harvesting of the other fractions. Withthis system, information can be gained about thesynthesis and secretion of fibrillin as well as onits deposition into the ECM and its aggregationinto multimeric structures.178 The biochemicalphenotype defined by these parameters is almostalways constant among the aVected relativeswith MFS.179

The glycoprotein fibrillin is synthesised as a350 kDa propeptide, profibrillin, which issecreted out of the cell within four to eighthours. Profibrillin is cleaved in the extracellularspace to fibrillin, which has an apparentmolecular weight of 320 kDa.33 The conversionof profibrillin to fibrillin is calcium depend-ent.115 Fibrillin monomers are then depositedinto the ECM where the formation of large,insoluble aggregates takes place. Most of thedeposition of fibrillin occurs within the firsteight hours after the pulse.179 Fibrillin is assem-bled into high Mr disulphide bonded aggre-gates; the formation of aggregates appears tobegin in the medium fraction.178

MFS patients show a variety of abnormali-ties in this system, including decreased synthe-sis, delayed secretion, and reduced depositioninto the ECM; some patients display no abnor-malities detectable with this methodology.179

Defined classes of mutation may havespecific eVects on fibrillin metabolism in thisassay. Mutations of cysteine residues wereshown to be associated in most cases withdelayed secretion of fibrillin presumed to bebecause of improper protein folding caused bya disruption of disulphide bonding within theaVected domain.180 Delayed secretion may inturn be associated with other abnormalities.For instance, a nonsense mutation in the lastFBN1 exon was shown to cause delayed secre-tion with resultant over-N-glycosylation offibrillin.37 It is not known, however, if over-Nglycosylation per se causes functional impair-ments.

Using metabolic labelling of dermal fibro-blast cultures from patients with MFS, Aoyamaet al181 developed a five group classification ofthe biochemical phenotype as defined by theparameters of fibrillin synthesis and ECM

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deposition.181 The FBN1 mutation had beenidentified in 13 of the 55 investigated cell lines,so that hypotheses concerning correlationsbetween genotype and biochemical phenotypecould be made.

Groups I and II were characterised byreduced fibrillin synthesis; group II addition-ally showed impaired ECM deposition. Muta-tions found in these groups were eithernonsense or frameshift mutations and wereassociated with reduced mRNA expression.The mutations found in group II showed rela-tively higher levels of mRNA expression(16-25%). Since the ECM deposition was alsosignificantly impaired in group II, it is conceiv-able that a relatively greater amount ofC-terminally truncated fibrillin in class II wasable to impair the deposition of the normalfibrillin protein product in a dominant negativemanner.

Groups III and IV both showed normal lev-els of fibrillin synthesis; group III showed aslight impairment of fibrillin ECM deposition,and group IV showed a severe impairment. Allthe mutations identified in these groups weremissense mutations; while the pathogenesisinvolved in group IV appeared to be related todominant negative inhibition of microfibrilassembly, the pathogenetic mechanisms ofgroup III seemed to be more heterogeneous.Interestingly, cell lines in group V displayednormal fibrillin synthesis, secretion, and ECMdeposition. It remains speculative whetherfunctional defects of fibrillin or microfibrils willeventually be shown for this group.

The classification into five groups has aprognostic significance; the incidence of aorticdissection was found to be higher in patientsfrom groups II and IV (with a postulateddominant negative pathogenesis) than ingroups I and III.182

Although most cell lines can be classifiedaccording to the above scheme, the range ofbiochemical phenotypes may be more complexthan merely five groups. One patient with amissense mutation aVecting a cysteine residuein the cbEGF module encoded by exon 14showed normal synthesis and ECM depositionassociated with delayed secretion.183 The pa-tient was mildly aVected, in contrast to an ear-lier observation that patients with delayedsecretion tend to have the most severephenotypes.179

Electron microscopic abnormalities ofmicrofibrils in MFSElectron microscopic examination of fibrillin-associated microfibrils shows a string of globu-lar structures joined by fine filaments, givingthe appearance of “beads on a string”. Thestring has a diameter of 10 to 12 nm, the beadsof up to 22 nm. Strings with up to 60 beads canbe seen by electron microscopy. The beadsshow a variable periodicity which significantlyincreases when the tissue extract is subjected totension; the 52 nm periodicity shown in stand-ard biopsy specimens probably represents theperiod present in relaxed tissue specimens.65

Taken together, there are four types of elec-tron microscopically visible abnormalities of

microfibrils isolated from dermal fibroblastcultures from MFS patients: (1) complete ornearly complete lack of microfibrillar assem-blies; (2) poorly defined interbead domainswith normal periodicity and morphology of thebeads; (3) a “frayed” appearance of theinterbead domains; and (4) variable interbeadperiodicity.114 115 184 185

Although no systematic studies have beenpublished, results published to date suggestthere may be a loose correlation between elec-tron microscopic morphology and degree ofclinical severity in some cases. For instance,two patients with autosomal dominant ectopialentis without cardiovascular involvementshowed abnormalities of class 3 or 4,185 whereasone severely aVected MFS patient showedabnormalities of class 1.114

It is important to keep in mind that theseelectron microscopy abnormalities are trueonly in secreted, rotary shadowed fibrils.Examination of skin from numerous MFSpatients using transmission electron micros-copy has shown microfibrils of normal mor-phology. No quantitative (electron microscopyis a poor tool for quantitation) or qualitativechanges have been found (Keene, Godfrey, andHollister, unpublished data).

Animal models of the Marfan syndromeAnimal models for human disease can be use-ful to understand the pathogenesis or toexplore novel treatment modalities. The firstreported naturally occurring model for Marfansyndrome was a cow with skeletal, ocular, andcardiovascular features resembling those seenin the human disease. The phenotype waspassed on from an apparently germline mosaicbull to several calves. Light microscopy of theaorta showed typical elastic abnormalities thatare seen in the Marfan syndrome.186 187 Bothfibrillin immunostaining and metabolic label-ling were abnormal and similar to what is seenin human Marfan syndrome.188 Unfortunately,to date no bovine FBN1 mutation has beenreported in this herd.

Periera et al189 have reported gene targetingexperiments in a murine model that recapitu-lates the vascular abnormalities of the humandisease. They deleted exons 19 to 24 (whichincluded a portion of the so called neonatalregion) of FBN1. Mice that were heterozygousfor the targeted mutation were morphologicallyand histologically normal and indistinguish-able from wild type mice. They lived normallife spans and were fertile. Mice that harbouredboth targeted alleles (homozygous mutants)had greatly reduced life spans, abnormal fibril-lin immunofluorescence and metabolic label-ling profiles, and aortic disease similar to thatseen in human Marfan syndrome.

The only known naturally occurringfibrillin-1 gene mutation in mice is a tandemduplication of fibrillin-1 in the Tight skinmouse (Tsk).190 This mouse is heterozygous fora genomic duplication of some 30 to 40 kbencompassing exons 17 to 40 of FBN1. TheTsk/+ mouse has thickened skin and visceralfibrosis that results from an accumulation ofextracellular matrix molecules. Thus, the

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Tsk/+ mouse has become a model for sclero-derma, hereditary emphysema, and myocardialhypertrophy. Tsk/Tsk homozygous embryos donot live past day 8 of development. Interest-ingly, the mutant fibrillin-1 assembles intoabnormal microfibrils with increased interbeaddistances and aggregated clusters,110 not foundin wild type mice. There is to date norecognised human equivalent of the Tight skinmouse.

ConclusionsSince the discovery of fibrillin in 1986 by Sakaiet al,15 significant progress has been made in theunderstanding of fibrillin physiology andpathophysiology. From the identification of thefirst FBN1 mutation in 1991 by Dietz et al20 tothe present, a total of 137 FBN1 mutationshave been reported to the international data-base. FBN1 mutations have been shown to beassociated not only with Marfan syndrome, butalso with a wide range of connective tissue dis-orders termed type 1 fibrillinopathies. Muta-tions have also been found in the closely relatedfibrillin-2 gene in patients with congenital con-tractural arachnodactyly, and it appears thatdisease causing mutations will be found in thefuture in other genes whose products areinvolved in microfibril metabolism, such asLTBP-2. Therefore, Marfan syndrome is justone of a group of clinical disorders, which maybe termed “microfibrillopathies”.

One of the most interesting topics in the fieldrevolves around the pathophysiological mecha-nisms whereby fibrillin-1 mutations lead toclinical disease. Do most mutations lead to amore or less global disturbance of fibrillinfunction with diVering degrees of severity? Domutations associated with milder type 1fibrillinopathies, such as dominant ectopia len-tis, aVect only certain functions of fibrillin in aspecific manner? Do genotype-phenotype cor-relations exist for classical Marfan syndrome,which could explain the observation that afamily history of severe MFS related cardiacdisease is associated with an increased risk ofaortic complications in families with Marfansyndrome? Answers to these questions willrequire much more mutation data togetherwith detailed clinical evaluation of the patientsand their families. The international FBN1mutation data bank117 should prove useful inthis regard. Progress in the understanding offibrillin pathophysiology obviously is depend-ent on advances in research on fibrillin andmicrofibril physiology. Key questions involvethe mechanisms surrounding the polymerisa-tion of fibrillin monomers and other proteinsinto microfibrils and the nature of the interac-tions between the microfibrils and othercomponents of the extracellular matrix. ThediVerential expression of the various microfi-brillar components during development andbetween diVerent tissues is just beginning to beunravelled.

Gene therapy for patients with Marfansyndrome is not likely to become reality in thenear future. Since a dominant negative mech-anism of pathogenesis is assumed to be signifi-cant for most cases of MFS, gene therapy for

MFS will probably involve the down regulationof the mutant allele by one of a number ofmethods. Since haploinsuYciency or extremereduction of the mutant allele may also lead toclinical disorders such as the MASS syndrome,it may be desirable to combine down regulationof the mutant allele (or both endogeneous alle-les) with the delivery and expression of normalfibrillin under appropriate regulatory control.Initial experiments suggest that at least the firstgoal may be reachable; approaches usingribozymes with a sequence complementary tofibrillin mRNA led to specific cleavage offibrillin mRNA with a corresponding drop inexpression of fibrillin protein by transfectedcells.191 192 Although the ribozymes used inthese experiments were targeted to wild typefibrillin-1 sequences, it is also possible to targetat least some mutations in a specific manner.193

Marfan syndrome is a clinical diagnosis andwill probably remain so for the foreseeablefuture. The great majority of FBN1 mutationsidentified to date are unique, and there is gen-erally no way of predicting the clinical severityor of understanding whatever genotype-phenotype correlation there may be at amolecular level. The full spectrum of themicrofibrillopathies remains to be defined.Nevertheless, the enormous progress made inthe last decade and the ever growing scientificinterest in Marfan syndrome and the extracel-lular microfibrils leads one to expect that basicresearch and perhaps also clinical applicationswill continue to progress by leaps and bounds.

P N Robinson would like thank Gerhard Gaedicke, AndreasKulozik, and Christian Hagemeier for their friendly support.This work was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forsc-hungsgemeinschaft (Ro 2005/2-1). MG is an Established Inves-tigator of the American Heart Association (funding wascontributed in part by the AHA Florida AYliate).

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