

MAY 2020 ISSUE #13


Since 1992Centre of Academic Excellence

“The highest activity

a human being can attain is learning for

understanding, because to understand is to be

free.” ― Baruch Spinoza


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020

Oshwal Academy NairobiNursery

E-Learning processFollowing introduction of E-learning, learners at home have adjusted and are now loving the sessions. Many are quite eager and there has been very good attendance.


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020

New Techniques Both teachers and learners have acquired new skills and techniques in their Class lessons where the learners have been engaging in interactive sessions coupled with practical follow up.

Smaller Learning Groups

As we all know, when reading skills are perfected, children are able to be lifelong learners, hence OANN has introduced small reading groups to ensure that the learners get the much needed one on one attention with their teachers. This is meant to enhance their normal class room sessions.

Study Kit

This was provided to Play group learners on 14th and 15th May 2020. The kit had various contents and learning materials where the learners use the kit to carry out different activities as led by their teacher. These kits make learning practical and fun.


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020OAN - Nursery

Co-curricular Activities

Mother’s Day Celebration

Learners are also involved in co-curricular activities like Music, Dance, Non-Pool Exercises and P.E. The main aim of these Extra-curricular activities is to enhance healthy living at home.

This was celebrated on 8th May 2020. The learners got an opportunity to do a special activity with their mothers at home.


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020 OAN - Nursery

Appreciation Messages Teachers have received countless appreciation messages from both learners and parents. This has encouraged all of us to continue with the good work that we are doing in the E-Learning forum.


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020

Dear Parents, As we all continue to grapple with the Covid-19 Pandemic, we wish to thank all our parents, students

and teachers for their sustained efforts to make our virtual learning a great success. We sincerely appreciate the input of all involved in this great venture of making our students remain well informed and constructively occupied in learning. We take great pride to be among the few institutions that are offering E- learning in one of the best patterns through Microsoft Teams programme sponsored by OERB. Hats off to the entire management of OERB and the Campus Committees for making Oshwal stand out as one of the best education providers in the region! Although the teachers and students miss their normal learning environments that they are so familiar with, where social interaction, direct eye contact without a digital hardware and much more, we want to encourage you all that it will be okay soon. Let us all stay safe and healthy during quarantine with a lot of optimism that all will be well as we continue to work together with hope and positivity. We shall overcome!

Oshwal Academy NairobiPrimary E-Learning

Year 4 English Lesson

Year 5 Music Lesson

Year 4 Drama Lesson

Year 6 Drama Lesson - Miming

Year 5 CBISM ArtYear 2 History Project

Year 4 Drama Lesson


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020 OAN - Primary

Inclusive Education Department (IED)

FROM LEFT: Tamika, Sonali and Grace in their hospitality and life skills lesson learn how to prepare Mandazi while observing kitchen safety rules and hygiene.

Students in their land-based lesson learn about avocado harvesting and proper storage.

Joshua waters his plants from the gardening lesson.

Hazel in her literacy lesson learnt how to identify and take care of domestic animals.


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020

Oshwal Academy Nairobi

Junior High E-learning at Oshwal Academy Nairobi Junior High has really grown in leaps and bounds. Students have expressed optimism at the style of teaching and content delivery. Many students can now navigate the online teaching and learning platform with ease and confidence. The attendance to lessons has been incredible.

The best way to understand the impact of e-learning to our students is to sample their views expressed here.

Be safe.

E-learning classes are being adapted very well and I personally tend to understand what is going on plus we get all our notes on time. Also, the assignments are very helpful. E- learning is very interactive.


I think e-learning is very helpful, and strangely I’m understanding better here than at school. It’s good because it teaches you time management, this is because you have to plan to wake up early to prepare for your classes, you have to make time to do assignments and hand them in on time. It also teaches you discipline and teaches you to have priorities. Here you learn whether you want to succeed in school or not because you have an option.


E- learning in Biology has really been good. Communication is quite clear. All my doubts are cleared by the end of the lesson. Assignments are really helping me understand the topics better. However, the time to give in assignments should be increased slightly. We should also get past papers as assignments. Otherwise I am enjoying my Biology class



The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020

My e-learning experience in Environmental Management has been very fruitful. Our lessons are productive and objective, so we cover a lot in the lesson. Our teacher makes sure no one is left behind in the lesson. It is engaging, and definitely one to look forward to.


OAN - Junior High

Maths e-learning is quite better for the majority of us as we can always re-visit the lesson we didn’t understand by simply viewing the recorded lessons. Moreover, there is also better communication between us and the teacher as we can just message them regarding any queries.


So far, the E-learning is going on quite good and especially in mathematics as I find students in my class being quite responsive, I would conclude by saying the E-learning in mathematics is quite effective and is taken seriously. I think we can continue the same till we return


E-Learning Pictorial


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020

We welcome our Year 12 students, who are very enthusiastic about online classes and very regular in their attendance. Keep up the spirit. We have not met you but we are with you in spirit. As we all continue with our work from far, I can only say “Keep Calm and carry on”.

Thank you. Vibhanshu SharmaHead of School.

On 16th of March 2020, we closed school due to CORONA virus outbreak and we did not know

what next. Soon we gathered ourselves and started putting things in order. The pandemic forced us to think critically, collaborate and be agile and it revealed that there is another way. Overnight, teachers were equipped to take online classes. Now it has been over a month that students are learning online.

I congratulate students for quickly adapting to new ways of learning. Teachers no longer use emails but Microsoft Teams. Most teachers and students are techno savvy but full-time distance education is a new experience. I congratulate all teachers for making online teaching/learning work.

Oshwal Academy Nairobi

Senior High

This time is also a reminder of the importance of school not just as a place of learning, but of socializing and shared space. Teachers are missing their students and longing for classroom interaction. The school building is a lonely place now. The corridors, the classrooms, the library, the open area are full of silence. The corona virus has become an unknown test for teacher-student relationship. But now with the onset of online classes, everyone is busy with assignments, power point and class notes. The new platform of learning has created new opportunities for all to be creative and stay connected.


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020

The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020 OAN - Senior High

As we go through this pandemic let’s not lose hope but let’s be focused knowing that whatever has a beginning must have an end. Let’s make maximum use of the platform of learning offered by our institution in the meantime, knowing that there is a brighter future ahead of us.

We need to know that every challenge has a positive side in our lives. Given that most of us are indoors most of the time we should utilize the opportunity to sharpen our skills in the subjects we take.

Let me end with this quote “Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.” God bless each one of us.


As we complete the first half of this term, we would first and foremost acknowledge and appreciate all our students for their unwavering support and cooperation towards virtual learning. They were always punctual and eager to attend and participate in lessons. A warm welcome to the new group of year 12’s .They seem to be very positive and enthusiastic about A level studies. Keep it up. The first few weeks of online teaching was really tough and challenging for teachers as this was a very grey area for us. We doubted if we will be able to deliver all concepts effectively. With our unending passion for teaching and continuous support from our very efficient ICT team, we managed to overcome most of the difficulties encountered. The past few weeks of virtual learning have taught us what Christopher Robin once quoted, “we are braver than we believe, stronger than we seem and smarter than we think”. Our contacts with students are now being extended beyond teaching – learning hours. This platform creates opportunity for more communication with students. They are now completing all homework and assignments on time and also take initiative to do presentations during lessons. Thank you



The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020


OAN - Senior High

I know we are all enjoying this short break after a very busy and adventurous first half of the term in which we all found ourselves in untested waters of virtual learning. Due to our determination and team work, we made it, kudos! Sincerely speaking, it took the combined effort of teachers, students, parents and the school administration to bring us this far. Remember as a team we can achieve a lot. Thank you all for being patient with us even as we experienced teething problems here and there. Now we are at a point when everything has taken shape and as a department we are pushing forward to achieve the best. We request you to continue supporting us. Parents please ensure that your students are able to attend all the lessons. We have had challenges where students have missed lessons due to lack of power. We can prepare for such unforeseen situations in advance by making sure that the student’s learning device is fully charged and that they have a modem with data available to cover for emergencies.

According to the school policy, we shall be awarding students marks every month. In the Humanities and Languages Department, these marks will be an average of two assignments that students shall be given by their teacher in the course of the month. Therefore, students should ensure that they take their assignments seriously.

Finally, year 12’s, welcome to Senior High. Although we have not had the opportunity to meet you physically in class, you are a great team, very enthusiastic and ready to learn. We are glad to have you!

Ms Wanda



The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020Oshwal Academy


Ms. Jackline Aming’a Head of school

I am afraid that the mention of the word would sound cliché but I will anyway; Covid -19! It is incredible how ones world can change in such a short time. Yet, I take pride in the fact that despite everything, the pandemic has pushed us to dimensions we never imagined possible. I have witnessed what I would call the fastest growth in the use of a new tool or new approach to teaching and learning by both staff and learners.

I have been impressed by learners who take on challenges at speeds and attitudes that put adults to shame. In short we have been thrust to levels that would have taken some eons to get to.

The teachers are under constant observation from invisible and visible observers. It takes courage to take on ones lesson with confidence and vigour and focus only on ones learners.

Sometimes though, we have had to say that we are not looking for perfect answers so the mums and dads behind the camera should be happy to let the children learn independently.

On the whole, we are all doing the very best and while there is still a desire to transfer the traditional school to the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), we should be honest with ourselves and accept that the dynamics are totally different. We now need to continually develop how we use the VLE to deliver learning effectively and efficiently to achieve the expected learning outcomes.

From the Head Teacher’s Desk

Tips On Helping Children Study From Home

1. Tune Out Distractions: Tune out the noise being made by others around your home for this will make your child concentrate better.

2. Create A Study Area: Creating a study space helps learners to prepare adequately making it comfortable and easy to study.

3. Plan Their Day: Having a timetable helps student’s plan early for future studies thus they are able to be more productive.


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020

Times have changed and adults are no longer the ones using the virtual platform to acquire knowledge through online education programs; but beyond what we expected are our Kindergarteners.

They wake up early in the morning, get dressed and all ready to go to school; an online school.

This might be part of the vision 2030 researchers projected. Our virtual meetings

are short; a maximum of 30 minutes and provides parents with tools to foster learning at home.

All virtual meetings are in small groups of four to six learners to accommodate turn-taking and ensure all learners have equal opportunities to participate.

E-learning has provided an alternative way to engage and challenge our learners at an early age.

The 21st Century Kindergartener!

Virtual Classroom

Oshwal Academy Mombasa


We are learning about the number 10; Counting10 spoons.

I coloured a sea horse for our unit on Ocean treasures.

I am learning the letter ‘R’. This is my Rainbow.

We are learning about how to create and write short stories. My story is about a beautiful girl, Furaha. She just got a beautiful bicycle for her birthday.

We had an amazing lesson today with Ms. Josphine. Welcome to our virtual classroom.

I am learning about the letter ‘M’.

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”

~ Aristotle

Our kindergarteners are sharing their virtual learning experience

The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020OAM - Kindergarten



The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020

Oshwal Academy Mombasa

Junior SchoolE-learning

Ms. Sabina Moraa Assistant Head,

Teaching & Learning

This period has presented a better time to bring out the IPC Personal goals alive. Our learners continue exercising and showing responsibility, respect, adaptability, co-operation just to mention but a few. These can be seen in the manner that our learners continue carrying themselves.

We continue looking for ways to improve ourselves and our learners as we work for their benefit. Teachers have learnt to experiment with new apps, new ways of teaching online, and constantly trying different ways of reaching out to the learners in a way that improves teaching and learning.

Besides, they have been able to design assessments in the form of quizzes using resources like quizziz, classdojo among others that have enabled the staff to constantly check for understanding and inform on the next steps. The lessons that we continue to conduct via the Microsoft Teams platform and VLE are quite exciting to the students as they keep looking forward to them.

In short, eLearning has brought a different dimension to the delivery of lessons and has promoted new skills in our learners that include; improved ICT skills, research skills, communication among others. They have also learnt to manage their resources and appreciate the physical learning experience more that was present before COVID-19.

We encourage parents to keep supporting our learners by cheering them on, mentoring, and providing them an avenue where they can seek help. Also, remind them “every cloud has a silver lining”, it will only be a matter of time before we get back to the new normal.

IPCDuring their IPC lesson, our year 3 class drew a map of Oshwal Academy Mombasa. They learnt about the key geographical features of a map. They included directional elements such as, a compass and key.


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020

Junior school learners

attending an art lesson hosted by

Ms. Rosa Lucy.

We had a very productive ICT lesson with our teacher, Mr. Denis. ICT helps to create an exciting learning environment that makes learning a dynamic experience for us. Considering the times right now, technology has become a key tool for disseminating information hence we are online.

Junior school ongoing virtual lesson with Ms.

Alisha Kassamali and Mr. Simon


Junior school virtual learning

lesson in progress

OAM - Junior School


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020

Oshwal Academy Mombasa

Senior School

T he infamous COVID 19 has seen our students work remotely at home. They are not with

friends with whom they chat and play with each day and do not have access to some of the key activities offered in the school premises. More often than not, their feelings will be expressed in the most unlikely manner. The younger children might become clingy and look for comfort seeking behaviour like thumb sucking while the older ones become irritable.

We understand that students and their families might be under increased pressure during this time. The department in partnership with parents continues to work together to provide as much support as possible to students. Pastoral care is available to all students who need support, from the form tutor, Head of Year or others in the wider pastoral team.

During our day to day discussions, we encourage students to talk about their fears and concerns as it eases anxiety especially during this crucial time.

THE FIVE WAYS TO REINFORCE THEIR MENTAL WELLBEING•Connect with people around you: family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. Spend time developing these relationships but remember to keep to the guidelines on social distancing.

•Be active: take a walk, jog or cycle or find another activity that you enjoy while also keeping to the legal guidelines.

•Keep learning: learning new skills can give you a sense of achievement and confidence.

•Give to others: even the smallest act can count, whether it’s a smile, a thank you or a kind word.

•Take notice: be more aware of the present moment, including your thoughts and feelings, your body and the world around you.


Ms. Nancy NjarambaAssistant Head, Pastoral Care

Art ExplosionPainting without a brush

The year 9 learners were given a challenge during their Art and Design class; the learners were required to paint without a brush. Some of the concepts explored during the art activity included:Hand-point-right Finger paintingHand-point-right Painting using sticks, cardboard and an assortment of accessible objects. They made studies of a doorway and other source of inspirations.


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020OAM - Senior School


E-Learning has definitely changed a lot of things about my school experience... I first thought it would change a lot of things but I came to realise how close to physical learning it is. In fact, it might turn out to be the best way of learning since I am able to remotely submit my tasks, organize myself and my schedule due to the deadlines of online submission. One of the best feature of the platform is that, all the work and notes are hosted on one platform so it is easy to access. I have even found myself using less paper. The teachers have also helped in the transition process as I still feel like I am learning from the classroom.


The VLE platform has been extremely helpful; I have found it easier to access content on topics and assignments we are studying. Also, through the microsoft teams platform I have been able to engage with my teachers and seek clarification where necessary. I have also been able to learn a lot on note taking and other important learning skills. Although, face to face learning is the best, virtual learning has become a close substitute; it is a great way of learning.


Albert Einstein once said, “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” The shift to e-learning has been one which has taken minimal time, likewise, the ease of use of the system as an important tool for learning. The ability to see our friends and classmates despite the current situation allows us to be social and mentally fit. The quality of online education we are receiving is at par with what would have been taught in school except now it is all within the comfort of our homes.SRI CHAITANYA


As soon as Ms Jackline’s e-mail popped up there were a series of mixed reactions; the most common one being: ‘How are we going to manage this? The dreadful thought of studying the most important year of high school is never a comfortable experience but studying online just managed to make the whole process an unpleasant scenario or so I thought. I remember attending my first two lessons, Maths and Computer Science, and being greeted by a bunch of whole numbers and binary digits. It took me only two lessons on day 1 to realize that things got serious and OAM personal goals(dispositions) of adaptability and resilience had to come into play. To say the least, online school has become my new favourite; I am able to take a sip of coffee while completing the syllabus alongside the amazing support provided by my teachers. We are now a month into the classes and life feels like it is back to normal especially because we hear our friends’ voices despite the distance. Even though I wish to be among the two astronauts who went to space, it is fortunate that during such a crisis the support from our teachers and school is still there. I hope other students who are missing out on school in the rural areas will also soon be able to attend school.



The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020 OAM - Senior School


Before the Covid-19 pandemic my experience with ‘e-anything’ had been limited strictly to e-mail. So learning one fine evening that OAM had decided to take the initiative and set up a Virtual Learning Environment was both intriguing and exciting in that, we would have a breath of fresh air from the staleness of lockdown as well as daunting as I was unsure how a school experience could function without the four walls and a desk. Little did I know I was in for a unique experience teleporting me to OAM from the comfort of my desk- four walls intact! KAMRAN SHEIKH

YEAR 12The best thing by far about the VLE experience is that it gives you a chance to be interactive as learning continues to be visual as if you were in a classroom. My friends and I are always free to ask questions and engage in our usual dialogues with the teachers. In some ways the system made it even easier, for instance, we receive notes ahead of time so we are better prepared for learning and assignments. Online registration is also more intimate and personal akin to family time which is a nice change of pace from the class-wide registration we were used to.

The topics we discuss in the daily PSHE lessons, ranging from integrity to emotional well-being are both interesting and thought provoking and Mr Bakari’s charm is the icing on the cake. The forty minute lessons are ideal for condensed learning with enough time for breaks and afternoon hours later in the day to spend with loved ones and pursue hobbies or other academic pursuits. (I will admit the additional chair time has encouraged me to abandon the couch potato lifestyle!) The virtual portion of the VLE also gives us the unique balance between the comfort of home and the social connection of a classroom where all our friends are but a text or a web-chat away.

While the environment may be different the learning is the same level of excellence as before. Thumbs up to the teachers for continuing to do what they do! For some it’s not been easy adjusting to virtual learning- I myself had a few issues as part of my ongoing (albeit uphill) battle with technology but have overcome them in the past few weeks (I finally learned to screen share on teams!). As time moves on I think we will all come to remember this as a milestone and accept the VLE more naturally. I must also give a big thank you to Ms. Jackline and her team for following the process closely and ensuring we all have the best experience. I wish the best for the school and the students in days to come- hope everyone stays safe!


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020

Oshwal College once again affirmed its status as one of the most preferred ACCA and ABE tuition providers in the region by producing 3 national and world toppers during the most recent exam sessions. This stellar performance is undoubtedly a testament of our excellence and quality in tuition provision. The consistency witnessed in performance is a result of our experience in the sector coupled with our belief in optimising the right people along with the right resources and processes. The entire Oshwal College fraternity would like to congratulate all the top performers for their diligence and wish them all the best in their future endeavors!

Oshwal College

Oshwal College National and Global Exam Toppers

Faridah Rehmanji Position 1 in Kenya and 28th Worldwide

ACCA Audit and Assurance PaperMarch 2020 Exam Session.

Darshil Vora Position 3 in Kenya & 89th Worldwide

ACCA Affiliate RankingMarch 2020 Exam Session.

Kulsum Fatima Position 1 in the World

ABE Dynamic Business Environments PaperDecember 2019 Exam Session

Online study is one of the most rapidly growing trends in education around the world especially during the current pandemic. With millions of students currently enrolled in fully virtual programmes, online education has clearly become the most popular option.

In less than a week after the temporary closure of educational institutions occasioned by the Covid-19 Pandemic, Oshwal College successfully moved all its classes to a state-of-the-art digital learning platform. The platform has been hailed by our students and key stakeholders as an excellent study and learning space that will go a long way in ensuring that students’ learning and progression are not interrupted.

This means that students will be able to complete their syllabuses, do revisions, sit for their internal and final exams, and subsequently enrol for their next semester of study. Among other benefits students stand to gain by enrolling in our online programmes include:

Resources and supportBy studying online through Oshwal college, students have unlimited access to essential course materials such as course notes, assessments, summarized class reviews, revisions and exam techniques. In addition, our physical and online library services are available to support students access all the materials they need for their study. This support is fundamental in giving the students the necessary ability and confidence to pass their exams on their first attempt.

Guaranteed Job and internship opportunitiesOshwal College operates a job placement and internship guarantee programme where students studying with us are assured of job or internship opportunities while studying or after completion. The programme is run in partnership with our corporate partners and benefits every student whether enrolled in face-to-face or online class sessions.

Why take your online classes at Oshwal College?


The OERB Monthly Post Issue #13 | May 2020

...Continued from pg 26

Expert knowledge and guided learningOur tutors are experts in their respective areas and are able to incorporate real life industry experiences into the study which makes learning interesting and simple. In addition, the tutors will also guide you in preparing personal study plan that provides a suitable approach to deal with preparation, planning, and problems faced in your study. This is especially important in boosting your time management skills, reducing study pressure and stress as well as bettering your final exam grades.

Flexibility For those juggling between the demands of work and study, Oshwal College online classes perfectly fit their requirements. The class schedules have been designed to cater for every student so as to ensure that no one is left out. The course tutors are available throughout to ensure that even those left behind are supported in order to complete their studies in time.

Collaboration and network-buildingThis mode of study also enables students to collaborate and network with fellow students. One can always turn to his/her classmate for assistance with tricky concepts which make the learning process more enjoyable and less solitary.

Student Loan FacilityOshwal College runs a Student Loan Facility which is an attractive financing scheme to support students who have a dream of pursuing studies in Accountancy, Finance and ICT but have financial challenges. The funding is designed to cover the full fees for tuition, examination and/or living expenses while studying at Oshwal College and targets to support those interested in taking ACCA, CPA, CFA and Diploma in IT. Applications for the loan are currently OPEN for those interested in taking face-to-face or online classes with Oshwal College.

Do not be left behind! Be on your path to achieving your dream by enrolling

now for our July and September 2020 intakes.

Oshwal College

In search of Better

COVID InfectionPrevention and

Control - IPC

Oshwal Academy Nairobi Nursery P.O.Box 1130-00606 NairobiMobile: +254 722 291833/725 347211Email: [email protected]

Oshwal Academy Nairobi PrimaryP.O.Box 1130-00606, NairobiMobile: +254 725 506510/736 743660Email: [email protected]

Oshwal Academy Nairobi Junior HighP.O.Box 1130-00606, NairobiMobile: +254 725 529622/734745555Email: [email protected]

Oshwal Academy Nairobi Senior HighP.O.Box 1130-00606, NairobiMobile: +254 721 821962/734770089Email: [email protected]

Oshwal Academy MombasaP.O.Box 83021-80100 Mombasa

Mobile: +254 722 207758 | 735 339777 | 782 839777Email: [email protected]

Oshwal College2nd Parklands Avenue, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: 0729644691/0733707902Email: [email protected]

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