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The Monthly Star By Razib Raz

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The Monthly Star Date – November 2017

Tanslated & Written By –

Razib Raz

Department of Physics, Jagannath University

Collected & Edited By –

Nurul Islam Nur

Department of Public Administration, Jagannath University

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Planned urbanisation hamstrung - বধ।

Empower local governments with expertise - ব ব

Vocabulary Part -

1. hamstrung - বধ

2. as of now - এই

3. decision-making power - সি গ্রহনের

4. administrative authority -

5. effective functioning -

6. planned urbanisation -

7. least liveable cities - ব ব

8. coordination - ,

9. comprehensive - ব , ব , ব , ব ধ

10. whereas - , খ , , ব ব , অ

11. municipalities - , , , , ,

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Reading Part -

Experts at an international conference held recently in Dhaka [ অ

এ ব ] have identified the lack of professionals at

the local government institutions [

অ ব ] as a fundamental barrier to planned urbanisation in

the country. [ ব ধ ব]

As of now, out of the country's 328 municipalities, [এই , ৮

] only 30 have a town planner each [ এ

] and there is not even a post for an architect.[এব এ

খ এ ই।]

No wonder [ ই] unplanned urbanisation has been taking its toll

on our cities, especially Dhaka. [অ ব

ই (অ )]

Studies done by experts [ ব ব ] have also found that [ খ

] only 20 percent of our qualified town planners [

] are currently involved in town planning [

অ ] whereas each of the 172 first-category municipalities is

supposed to have one town planner.[ খ ১৭

ই এ ব ]

According to 1992 service rules, [১৯৯ ব ই অ ] the local government

ministry has the power to appoint town planners and architects [

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এব খ] to the municipalities

[ .]

The ministry must use its decision-making power. [

ব ।]

At the same time, our municipalities and city corporations must be

empowered with proper funds and administrative authority. [ ই


Moreover, a national urban development council and a national commission

should be formed [ , এ ব এব এ

ঠ ] and a national urbanisation policy be made [এব এ

] for effective functioning of the local

government institutions, [ ] as

suggested by the experts.[ ব অ ।]

Unless these basic demands made by the professionals are met,[ এ ব

ব ] the government's initiatives to

develop the country [ ] and achieve the

sustainable development goals [এব ই

( ) ] with regard to urbanisation, [ ] are bound

to fail. [ব ব ধ ।]

For planned urbanisation,[ ] we need comprehensive

planning.[ ব ।] And to do that,[এব এ ব ব ]

city planners, architects and the local government institutions [

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, ] must work in coordination.

[ ব।]

Already, our capital city Dhaka has been ranked as one of the least liveable

cities in the world. [ ধ ই ব ই ব ব ব


It is high time that we took steps for planned urbanisation of our cities.

[ এ ই ।]


Unesco recognition for Bangabandhu's 7th March speech - ব ব ৭ই

ই ]

It is now a world property - এ এখ এ ব / ব

Vocabulary Part -

1. overuse - অ ব ব

2. light - , , , এ অ , , অব

3. guidance - , , ,

4. worth - , , , ,

5. aggrandisement - ব , ব , , ধ

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6. opportunistic - বধ ব

7. transcend - অ ,

8. misleading - ব , ঠ

9. denigrate - , ,

10. atrocities - , ব , বব

11. encapsulate -

12. universality ব , ব

13. overdue - ব , , - -

14. galvanise - ব ব , ঙ ই

15. pivotal - , ,

16. awe - , , ব

17. awe-inspiring - অ

18. documentary -

19. heritage -

20. Distort - ব

Reading Part -

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We feel very proud that - ব ব ধ Unesco has recognised

Bangabandhu's historic 7th March speech as a world documentary heritage -

ই ব ব ৭ ই এ ব ব

Bangabandhu's awe-inspiring speech was a pivotal moment in the history of

our liberation movement, - ধ ই ব ব

ব অ ব ধ । and we in Bangladesh, have

always felt it should be shared with the world - এব এ ব অ

ব , ব ব অ ব ।

That the speech which galvanised our independence movement - ,

ধ ব ব ব has been granted

recognition at the international level - ] is a

momentous occasion for us - ( এ ব এ that খ ) ই এ

এ / ।

We congratulate Unesco - ই অ ই for according to the

speech what was long overdue: its universality - অ ব

এ : এ ব ।

The 7th March speech holds a special place in our history and in the hearts

of the people of Bangladesh - ৭ই ই এব ব

এ ব খ ।

For it is this very speech that set the tone for the Liberation War - এই

এ ই ই ধ (tone)

which would begin 18 days later - ( ) ১৮ and inspired

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millions of Bengalis to prepare for war - এব ব ঙ

অ ।

Bangabandhu, through one of the greatest speeches of all time - ব

ব ধ ব ব encapsulated the plight of the Bengali people -

ব ব and provided the final direction in the

struggle for freedom - এব ধ

which would soon go on to result in an independent country - ( ) ই

এ ধ ।

But as we know, [ ] this freedom came at a price:[এই

ধ এ এ ] it cost the lives of three million people,[এ খ

] hundreds of thousands of women were raped,[

ধ ] and millions became refugees [এব খ খ

] during the nine-month war.[৯ ]

Unesco's recognition is a reminder[ই এ ] that the

atrocities committed by the Pakistan army [

] and the memory of our martyrs can never be forgotten, [এব

খ ই ব ] especially at a time when some

countries are going as far as to denigrate our glorious struggle. [ ব

ই খ ব ]

(এ ব ই এ ব ]

A case in point is [এই ধ এ ] the recent attempt to distort

history [ই ব ] through a misleading video footage

released on a webpage maintained by the Pakistan High Commission in

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Dhaka.[ ব ব

ধ ]

Bangabandhu's 7th March speech has always been an instrument of

inspiration for Bangladesh, [ব ব ব ৭ই অ এ

ব ব ]and now, with the status of world documentary

heritage, [এব এখ ব ] has transcended

national boundaries. [ অ ]

This historic speech goes beyond being the exclusive preserve, and should be

treated as such. [এই , এব এ ই ]

We would also like to suggest to the government to guard against its misuse

by opportunistic politicians for political aggrandisement. [

ই ধ বধ এ অ ব ব ব


It may be worth considering a guidance code [এ ব ধ

ব ব ] which would lay down the occasions that it can be played

[ ধ ব খ ব] so that it is not made

light of by overuse and misuse. [ এ অ ব ব এব অ ব ব



Jail Killing Day - ব

A dark day in our history - ই এ

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Vocabulary Part -

1. departed souls - ব

2. ensconced - ব , ই খ

3. at large - ব ব, ধ

4. odious - , , ব

5. seminal - ধ ,

6. steered - ব

7. - well-planned -

8. blot - , , , ,

9. infamy - , , অখ , অ

Reading Part -

The nation mourns the brutal killings of Syed Nazrul Islam, Tajuddin Ahmad,

Captain (Rtd.) Mansur Ali and AHM Qamaruzzaman this day forty-two years

ago. [৪ ব ব এই ই , ,

এব এএই এ ।]

It is an infamy that added the second blot in our history [এ এ

ই ] following the killing of the Father of

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the Nation along with almost all the close members of his family on August

15. [১৫ ই ব ব (এ

ই ।)]

It was a very well-planned move [এ খ বই - ] to deprive

the nation of the leadership that [ ব ] they

were capable of providing the people of Bangladesh in the absence of

Bangabandhu. [ ব ব অ ব

খ ]

As his trusted lieutenants, they had skillfully steered the Liberation War

towards the final conclusion in 1971. [ (ব ব ) ব ব,

1971 ব ।]

But that was not to be. [ ( ) ।]

We recall with gratitude the extraordinary service [

অ ধ ব ] they provided the nation during the very seminal

stages of our independence. [(that ) , ধ

, ।]

Their killings were a double blow for us, [

] and the nation has suffered for a considerable period the odious

consequences of politics of killing [এব ব

] and murder that was initiated on the fateful day

of August 15, 1975. [এব ১৫ই ।]

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We thank the Sheikh Hasina government [ খ ধ ব

ই] for initiating the legal process to bring the killers of the 1975

tragedies to justice. [১৯৭৫ ব

ই ।]

However, some of the killers remain at large. [ , এখ


And we hope that [ ] the government would do everything to

bring them back [ ব ব ] from wherever they are

ensconced in [ খ ই খ ] and make them face the

punishment they have been awarded by the court. [এব

খ খ ব]

Only then will the wheel of justice complete its full circle, [ ব খ ব

ব ই ] and only then can we as a nation feel

completely absolved of the guilt [এব খ ব অ ধ ব ধ

অব ব ] that we have been carrying. [ (অ ধ ব ধ) ব ]

We join the nation in mourning the death of the four national leaders and

pray for the departed souls. [

এব ব ।]


Dhaka needs its wetlands -

Realtors' demands ludicrous - ব ব

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Vocabulary Part -

1. legitimacy - বধ , , ব ধ বধ

2. thankfully -

3. implement - ব ব ,

4. impunity - অব , , অব , , ই

5. encroachment - , ব ব খ

6. aqua - ,

7. unethical - অ , ব

8. reclamation - , , ধ

9. realtor - ব

10. ludicrous - , , ব, অব

11. wetlands - ,

Change of guards at SIBL - ই ব ব

Why the haste and violation of rules ? - এ

Vocabulary Part -

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1. shareholder - , , , অ

2. marvel - ব , অ ব , ব ব

3. relieve - , খ ,

4. contravention - , , , খ , ব ধ


Bangladesh improves in gender parity index - ব

No room for complacency - খ / ই

Vocabulary Part -

1. heartening -

2. significantly - খ ব

3. parity - , ,

4. awhile - অ

5. outperformed -

6. counterparts -

7. lower-middle income - ধ

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8. tricky -

9. superficial - অ , - ,

10. empowerment -

11. elusive - অধ , এ

12. barely - ব, ব ,

13. aforesaid - ব , ব ,

14. complacency - , , খ,

15. strive -

16. diminish - ,

17. aspects -

18. all aspects of our society -

19. Room - , , , ।

Another canal being killed - খ / /

Why is the administration silent ? - ব

Vocabulary Part -

1. twofold -

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2. flout - ব অব

3. federation -

4. illicit - অ বধ

5. blatant - , , অ

6. slumber - , ,অ


- Government's income tax policy

ধ ই ঠ - We want strict surveillance to curb tax


Vocabulary Part -

১। - income tax policy

। ঠ - strict vigilance

। - tax evasion

৪। ব - National Board of Revenue

৫। ব - encouraging

৬। অ ব - fiscal year

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৭। CPD: Centers for Policy Dialogues.

৮। , , - inventive

Reading Part -

ব [To encourage people about

paying income tax,] ব (এ ব ) ব ধ

, [that the National Board of Revenue (NBR) has been

organizing the income tax fair for eight years, ] ই ব ব

। [(that) is considered as a positive initiative.]

ব ব ই খ subject খ ব

conjunction ব ব ব that ব ব ।

[In the first four days of the fair,] ১

ব । [collecting Tk 1,220 crore is also encouraging.]

ব ব খ ১৭ । [At present the population of

Bangladesh is about 170 million.]

♦ 1 million is equal to 10 lakh. so, 17 crore means 170 million. ধ ই

ব million & billion এ ব

এ ধ ১ [If About 1 percent of the these people

would pay income tax,] ই খ ১৭ খ । [that number were to be

17 lakh.]

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♦ was were এই , were ধ , ব , , এ

১৫-১৬ অ ব খ ১ খ । [But the number of

taxpayers in the fiscal year 2015-16 was approximately 13 lakh.]

অ ব এই খ ব ১৫ খ। [In the last fiscal year, this number

increased to 15 lakh.]

এ ব [A year ago,] ব ব ব

, [the research agency Centers for Policy Dialogues (CPD) calculated

that ] খ ৮ খ । [ the number of

taxable people is not less than 8 million.]

btw: ব ব এ ব খ ই s ব es

ব । এই ব ব ।

♦ millions = খ খ

♦ thousands =

ব ধ । [Bangladesh has been a

lower middle income country from low-income countries.] ব ধ

খ। [In the future, we dream of a middle-income country.]

খ এ ই। [In that case there is no

cause of being the number of taxpayers so low.]

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ব ব ধ [Even

after making the income tax return mandatory for the employees of

government and non-government organizations,] খ

ব । [the collection of income tax did not increase significantly.]

খ অ খ এ ধ ব অ । [The

finance minister own expressed dissatisfaction over the number of income

taxpayers, more than once.]

অ খ , [In many cases,] [due to political reasons]

ঠ ব [inspite of paying income tax] অ ব

[many people and organizations become the victims of harassments. ]

ব ই অ । [Again, due to

political reasons many people get away with tax evasion( , ).]

ব অ এ ধ

। [Others are also encouraged to do such work if any person or

organization is able to get rid of income tax.]

, , । [Secondly,

those who provide regular income tax, they need to be incentive] ( ,

, ).

[In the name of the Value Added Tax]

[that the indirect tax is being collected,]

ই ধ , [at this the people from the low

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income to high income have to pay this at the same rate, ]

ব । [which are against social justice.]

অ [ A unique philosophy of the income tax that, ]

ব , ব

ব। [the government will spend from them who earn more, for benefit of

the state or the people.]

ই অ ধ অ এব ব ব

। [The taxpayers have the right to know, in which sectors & how their

moneys are being spent.]

ব খ , [It has been found in Studies,] ব অ ৪৫

৬৫ অ ব ই , অ । around 45 to 65 percent of the

economy in Bangladesh is out of taxes, ie, illegal money (Kalotaka).]

♦ ie , এ That is ব অ .

ব এই ব ব। [If you want to

increase income tax, you will have to stop this ways of earning illegal


ই ব। [The law enforcement must be ensured.]

এ ই [At the same time,] [If we decrease the income

tax rate] ব ব ব ব । [income tax

payers and tax amounts will increase, experts say.]

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ই [In addition,] এ ব ‘ ’ অ ধ ধ ব

, [that the secret intervention of 'evil cycle' and the

dishonest rich people are hidden in the NBR] ঙ ব.


Grave hazards - ব ।

Shocking state of hospital waste management - ব ব ব

Vocabulary Part -

1. rug - ,

2. syringes - ব

3. littering - ব , ব

4. pavement -

5. rag - , ,

6. rag-pickers - ই, (ব )

7. scrap - অ ,ব অ

8. scrap dealers - ব অ ব

9. sterilisation - ব , , অ verb=sterile

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10. scalpels - ( ব ব ।

11. nonchalant - , অ ব , অ .

A year into the eviction of Gaibandha Santals - ইব

এ ব

Waiting for justice and compensation - ব অ

Vocabulary Part -

1. compensation -

2. eviction - , ব খ

3. staffers -

4. minority community - খ

5. looted - অ ,

6. materialised -

7. maim - , অ

8. stipulate - , ।

Miscellaneous Part -

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Rules post (11) -

♦Hundreds Of Thousands - "hundreds of thousands" anywhere from

200,000 to 999,999.

"close to a million." এ খ ব এ ।

♦Tens Of Thousands - "tens of thousands" - 20,000 to 99,999। এ

খ এ ।

But both expressions are typically used idiomatically to mean "a very large


এ খ ব ব খ ব ব ব ।

ই :

"But as we know, this freedom came at a price: it cost the lives of three

million people, # hundreds of thousands of women were raped, and millions

became refugees during the nine-month war."

ব এই ব ব ব ব এ ।

♦ thousands

♦ hundreds

Rules post (12) -

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♦ deprive + ব + of+ ব ।

e.g Taskin deprives (the crushed girls on him) of (being his wife.)

♦ inform + ই ব + of + ই ব ।

e.g. I informed my all friends of my pdf article.

♦ robbed ব ব ব + of+ ব ।

Hero Alom robbed Jessia of her beauty.

Examples from The Daily star

1. The murders of National four leaders deprive the nation of leadership.

2. The victims of the family inform the UP chairman of the matter.

3. The miscreants robbed the man of all moneys and things he carried.

♦ ই ব ব খ :

"The world knows that the responsibility for the unprecedented

humanitarian disaster resulting from a well-planned state-conducted ethnic

cleansing which meets all the definitions of genocide, is on the shoulders of

the government and the military of Myanmar. "

♦ ব খ -

The world knows that ব অব ( অব ? ব )

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the responsibility for the unprecedented humanitarian disaster ব

ব ব - ( ব ব ব ব ?)

resulting from a well-planned state-conducted ethnic cleansing - এ



which meets all the definitions of genocide, - ব /

(এ ব ধ ?)

is on the shoulders of the government and the military of Myanmar.

ব ধ।

♦ এ -

" ব অব এ (এব ) ,

/ব ( ) ব ব ব -

ব ধ ।"

♦ এব ই ব -

The world knows that the

responsibility for the unprecedented humanitarian

disaster resulting from a well-planned state-conducted ethnic


which meets all the definitions of genocide,

is on the shoulders of the government and the military of Myanmar.

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