
The MostUnderrated

Films of2016

There were a lot of great films in2016, as well as some duds. It’shard to know how well a movie

will do until it hits theaters.

But among the films that breakthe box office and the films that

are given negative reviews allaround, there are a handful of

films that go overlooked.

Some films are incredibly well-made but don’t receive the

popularity and praise that theydeserve. Here are a few

incredible films from 2016 thatyou probably didn’t see:

Hunt for theWilderpeople

Taika Waititi is hardly a little-known director. After all, Marvel

tapped him to direct Thor: Ragnarok. However, his film

Hunt for the Wilderpeople wentsurprisingly unnoticed.

This film is an adaptation to WildPork and Watercess by Barry

Crump, a legend in Waititi’s homeof New Zealand.

The end product is a charmingfilm that is both a tribute to NewZealand’s rugged outdoors and a

family-type story about amiserable teenager.

The dry sense of humor in thisfilm makes it stands out, and it’sconfusing that it didn’t do better

at the box office.

Kubo and theTwo Strings

From an aesthetic perspective,Kubo and the Two Strings is truly

incredible, a stop-motionanimated yarn about a one-eyed

boy named Kubo.

In the movie, Kubo must find hisfather’s armor with the

assistance of a silent knight madeof origami paper, a monkey and a

samurai-beetle with amnesia.

With some of the most inventiveset pieces in contemporary

filmmaking and well-known castmembers such as Charlize Theron

and Matthew McConaughey, it’ssurprising this film didn’t do


The film is packed with actionand humor, but the adrenaline of

its visuals is made even morememorable by the deep sadness

that it evokes.

The film has many unpredictabletwists and turns, and no one could

have predicted how much itwould be overlooked after its


How to Be Single

While most romantic comedies fita particular mold, How to Be

Single is refreshingly different.Ever since Sex and the City, we

have seen a number of films andTV shows focusing on the dating

habits of single people.

Many are still based around theidea that a woman’s main goal is

to get married. While Sex and theCity began to change this, How toBe single points out that even this

format involved women talkingprimarily about men.

This revolutionary filmemphasized the importance of

being alone without falling into apattern of co-dependency.

Ultimately, the film demonstratesthat it is okay to be single, and

sometimes it is even preferable.

With a comedic performance byRebel Wilson and a nuanced

performance by Dakota Johnson,it is surprising that this film

didn’t achieve more success thanit did.

Not all good works of art gonoticed. Given the high number of

films that came out in 2016, itmakes sense that a few went

ignored. It’s just a shame thatthese revolutionary works of filmhad to be among the movies that

didn’t do well.

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