
The National ArchivesDigital Records Infrastructure Catalogue

First Steps to Creating a Semantic Digital Archive

Rob Walpole

DeveXe LimitedThe National Archives


This presentation is in no way intended to express views or opinions of The National Archives and is solely the work of Rob Walpole, an employee of DeveXe Limited who are currently contracted to assist in the development of the Digital Records Infrastructure at Kew in London.

Apart from providing a case study of developing a semantic digital archive, this presentation discusses the opportunities permitted by such development. It should not be assumed that these developments will occur and DeveXe Limited take no responsibility for any perceived inaccuracies.


Background – The National Archives

The National Archives (TNA) Over 11 million historical

government and public records

From the Domesday Book to the Agreement on a Referendum on Independence for Scotland

Photo by Chris Hill

Background – The National Archives

The National Archives (TNA) Over 11 million historical

government and public records

From the Domesday Book to the Agreement on a Referendum on Independence for Scotland

But not births, deaths and marriages, these are held by the General Register Office!

Photo by Chris Hill

Background – The National Archives

Most of these documents are currently held on paper - or even parchment...

Photo by Liz West

Background – The National Archives

But soon this will be overtaken by a tsunami of digital files...

Photo by Marco Mazzei

Background – The National Archives

But soon this will be overtaken by a tsunami of digital files...

...including office documents, emails, images, videos and much more.

Photo by Marco Mazzei

Background – Digital Records Infrastructure

There are many challenges around digital preservation including:-

Format recognition Software preservation Compatibility Degradation of media

Background – Digital Records Infrastructure

There are many challenges around digital preservation including:-

Format recognition Software preservation Compatibility Degradation of media

Many of these issues werehighlighted by the BBCDomesday Project (1986)

Background – Digital Records Infrastructure

TNA have been at the forefront of meeting this digital preservation challenge:-PRONOM – file format registryDROID – file format identification – all UK legislation on-lineUK Government Web Archive – London Gazette – published by HMSO (part of TNA)

Background – Digital Records Infrastructure

In 2006 TNA deployed the Digital Repository System (DRS) which provided terabyte scale long-term storage.

In 2012 TNA starts to build DRI (Digital Records Infrastructure) on the foundations of DRS to deliver extensible storage to the petabyte scale and beyond.

80,000 Digitised Home Guard Records from World War 2 were ingested into DRI as a proof of concept...

Background – Digital Records Infrastructure

Background – Digital Records Infrastructure

80,000 Digitised Home Guard Records from World War 2 were ingested into DRI as a proof of concept... many more including LOCOG (2012 Olympic

games) Leveson Enquiry

Background – Digital Records Infrastructure

At its core this massive storage is provided by a robot tape library with frequently requested and low resolution copies of data held in a disk cache.

Photo by Cory Doctrow

Background – The DRI Catalogue

The DRI Catalogue is essentially an inventory of the items held in the archive.

It is distinct from the TNA Catalogue which is a comprehensive catalogue system covering both paper and digital documents. Public access to the TNA Catalogue is provided by Discovery.

Background – The DRI Catalogue

Rich XML metadata is stored in the archive itself, alongside the original document and a copy is sent to Discovery. This comes from a variety of sources:

Record providerArchiving processDocument transcriptionArchivists

And there is a very good reason for using XML...

Background – The DRI Catalogue

Rich XML metadata is stored in the archive itself, alongside the original document and a copy is sent to Discovery. This comes from a variety of sources:

Record providerArchiving processDocument transcriptionArchivists

And there is a very good reason for using's human readable!


Requirements – The DRI Catalogue

Apart from being an inventory, the DRI Catalogue is needed to help manage:-

Closure information Record opening Export lists Export status

Requirements - Closure

Closure can be very fine-grained.e.g. Home Guard records have open description (individual's

name, battalion etc.) butService record closed until individual deceasedMedical record closed until record = 100 years old

Requirements – Record Export

The export process itself is in the form of a work-flow with many steps. The DRI Catalogue must maintain the status and other information about the export...

Requirements – The Problem

Initially the DRI Catalogue was held in an RDBMS. However the fine-grained nature of closure meant very slow queries when attempting to export large numbers of records – sometimes taking hours to complete!

Another approach was needed...!

Requirements – Initial Analysis

Three different proposals were made for modelling the catalogue and therefore a trial was conducted to establish the best approach. Three models trialled were:-

Relational – optimising the existing SQL queries against a modified table structureGraph – running SPARQL queries against a RDF storeHierarchical – running XQuery against a XML database

Requirements – Analysis Results

Relational – reduced query time from hours to minutes 😌

Requirements – Analysis Results

Relational – reduced query time from hours to minutes 😌

Graph – reduced query time to seconds 😎

Requirements – Analysis Results

Relational – reduced query time from hours to minutes 😌

Graph – reduced query time to seconds 😎

Hierarchical – approach abandoned 😞

Requirements – Analysis Results

The hierarchical approach was abandoned because:-The graph approach provided a good solutionThe graph approach offered a path towards Linked Data Cost overheads and deadlines obliged us to move on.

Requirements – Analysis Results

The hierarchical approach was abandoned because:-The graph approach provided a good solutionThe graph approach offered a path towards Linked Data Cost overheads and deadlines obliged us to move on.

A hierarchical approach may have offered comparable performance and opportunity, we simply don't know...

Requirements – Analysis Conclusion

The issues of closure and export had led to fundamental questions about the nature of the catalogue.

We don't know exactly what information will need to go into DRI but we know it will be information about people, organisations, their relationships and activities. These things are complex and varied – just like the world around us!

A graph approach not only resolved the issues with closure and export but provides a powerful and flexible tool for discovering information within the archive.


Design - Technology

Technologies used during the trial included:-D2RQApache Jena framework (including TDB and Fuseki)Turtle (RDF)SPARQL 1.1 (Query and Update)

The Jena framework was chosen because:-Excellent Java APIOpen Source

Design - Technology

UK Government Service Design Manual states...

“ remains the policy of the government that, where there is no significant overall cost difference between open and non-open source products that fulfil minimum and essential capabilities, open source will be selected on the basis of its inherent flexibility.”

“Use open standards and common Government platforms (e.g. Identity Assurance) where available”

Design – The Catalogue Services

Design – DRI Vocabulary

W3C recommend re-using vocabularies wherever possible and DRI already does this extensively in the XML metadata.

But we needed to be able to talk about things very specific to DRI such as Closure and Export .

So we extended the RDF Schema (RDFS) with a few of our own classes and properties such as:-

<>– rdf:type rdfs:Class .

<>– rdf:type rdfs:Property

Design – DRI Vocabulary

This allows us to talk about DRI exports such as:-

<>a dri:Export ;dri:exportMember <> ;

dri:exportMember <> .

Design – The Catalogue Services

The Apache Jena Framework provides a straightforward approach to reading, writing, updating and deleting data using W3C standards...

Design – The Catalogue Services

The Apache Jena Framework provides a straightforward approach to reading, writing, updating and deleting data using W3C standards...

Reading – SPARQL 1.1 Query Language Writing – creating and persisting new RDF triples (e.g. Turtle)

SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store Protocol Updating and Deleting – SPARQL 1.1 Update Language

Design – The Catalogue Services

However......having to learn SPARQL can be a hurdle to widespread

acceptance of this technology!

The answer......Elda (Linked Data API implementation) provides RESTful

access to pre-configured SPARQL queries:-

spec:collectionList a apivc:ListEndpoint ; apivc:uriTemplate "/collection"; apivc:selector [

apivc:where " ?item a dri:Collection . " ;]; .

Design - Implementation

So how did we actually do it...? Create a mapping from RDBMS to vocabulary terms Export data from RDBMS to N-Quads using D2RQ Load N-Quads into Jena TDB (embedded version) Write SPARQL transform (CONSTRUCT) queries to refine RDF Run queries in Fuseki, download results and reload into clean

database instances

Design - Implementation

Design – Catalogue Services API

RESTful JAX-RS web application providing a very simple API

<result xmlns=””><uuid>e9f3c8e9-e883-4fcf-a9a3-5caf0c808c5d</uuid>


Why XML? Why not JSON? Web services consumed by Java applications.JSON is used in some circumstances, i.e. for a JavaScript

tree editor.

Design – Insights Issues and Limitations

Elda – Linked Data API Implementation

Design – Insights Issues and Limitations

Design – Insights Issues and Limitations

Design – Insights Issues and Limitations

XturtleShortage of RDF/SPARQL editors and IDEs!Xturtle provides a useful syntax highlighting plug-in for Eclipse...

Design – Insights Issues and Limitations

Scardf -

Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();model.createResource( "http://somewhere/JohnSmith" ) .addProperty( N, model.createResource() .addProperty( Given, "John" ) .addProperty( Family, "Smith" ) );

Design – Insights Issues and Limitations

Scardf -

Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();model.createResource( "http://somewhere/JohnSmith" ) .addProperty( N, model.createResource() .addProperty( Given, "John" ) .addProperty( Family, "Smith" ) );

Graph( UriRef( "http://somewhere/JohnSmith" ) -N-> Branch( Given -> "John", Family -> "Smith" ) )

Design – Insights Issues and Limitations

Scale and Performance

Will the DRI Catalogue cope with the tsunami?

Design – Insights Issues and Limitations

Scale and Performance

Will the DRI Catalogue cope with the tsunami?We think it will...1) This solution was chosen because of it's performance2) We are confident we can scale horizontally. In fact a catalogue

for each collection makes some sense. You could then create a catalogue of catalogues to search everything!

3) If the existing framework fails to scale satisfactorily the fact that we are using open standards means moving to another framework should be straightforward.

The Future

The Future

The story so far:- Remodelling of the DRI Catalogue Solution for Closure and Export

The Future

The story so far:- Remodelling of the DRI Catalogue Solution for Closure and Export

So what next?

The Future

The story so far:- Remodelling of the DRI Catalogue Solution for Closure and Export

So what next?

More metadata into the Catalogue Starting with the rich XML that we already have

The Future – Named Entity Recognition

So what could this mean for members of the public viewing records on Discovery?

The Future – Named Entity Recognition

Records cease to be just text and become machine readable with context and meaning...

The Future – Ontology-driven NLP

Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools can be used in conjunction with RDF to extract meaning...

“From 1 Aug 44 to 20 Oct 44 Bayeux, Rouen and Antwerp. During the period from 1 Aug to date this officer has carried the principal strain of establishing and re-establishing the hospital in three situations. His unrelenting energy, skill and patience have been the mainstay of the unit. His work as a quartermaster is the most outstanding I have met in my service. (A.R.ORAM) Colonel Comdg. No.9 (Br) General Hospital”

The Future – Ontology-driven NLP

Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools can be used in conjunction with RDF to extract meaning...

“From 1 Aug 44 to 20 Oct 44 Bayeux, Rouen and Antwerp. During the period from 1 Aug to date this officer has carried the principal strain of establishing and re-establishing the hospital in three situations. His unrelenting energy, skill and patience have been the mainstay of the unit. His work as a quartermaster is the most outstanding I have met in my service. (A.R.ORAM) Colonel Comdg. No.9 (Br) General Hospital”

The Future – Semantic Search

Searching for “George John Potter” in Discovery currently returns 361 results...

The Future – Semantic Search

Searching for “George John Potter” in Discovery currently returns 361 hits...

...that's 360 irrelevant ones as there is only one record for a person with that name.

The Future – Semantic Search

Searching for “George John Potter” in Discovery currently returns 361 hits...

...that's 360 irrelevant ones as there is only one record for a person with that name.

A semantic search would allow you to search for a “person”, a “soldier” or an “officer” with that name.

This is known as query string extension.

The Future – Semantic Search

Semantic search also allows you to search for terms closely associated with your matches – known as cross referencing.

In this case we would receive information about Colonel A.R.Oram as he also had an entry in Discovery...

The Future – Semantic Search

Because related concepts are held in a graph it is possible to do exploratory search into a particular area of interest.

In this case we might discover that Colonel Oram was himself awarded a medal his work with No.9 British General Hospital...

The Future – Semantic Search

It also becomes possible to do reasoning whereby rules can be applied creating new statements that are implied rather than explicit. For example we could say Colonel Oram “served with” Captain Potter...

The Future – Linked Data

While TNA is a huge national (and international) source of information it is not an authority on all things.

Linked Data, the brainchild of WWW inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee provides a way of un-siloing and linking datasets using RDF-based machine-readable formats standardised by the W3C.

The Future – Linked Data

While TNA is a huge national (and international) source of information it is not an authority on all things.

Linked Data, the brainchild of WWW inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee provides a way of un-siloing and linking datasets using RDF-based machine readable formats standardised by the W3C.

TNA data could be Linked Data sources such as DBPedia Ordnance Survey British Library Smithsonian

The Future – Crowd-sourced linking

Even the best machine reading will miss key facts and links.

Digitised documents rely on transcriptions for metadata as OCR still has a long way to go.

Crowd-sourced linking would allow users to link established vocabulary terms to specific documents.

Discovery already allows tagging but users tend to create very personal terminology which doesn't necessarily help others...

The Future – Open World Assumption

Using a semantic approach allows for an Open World Assumption. That is to say that it is...

“implicitly assumed that a knowledge base may always be incomplete”

[Hitzler, Krötzsch, Rudolph – Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies]

This means that TNA can always add new information to the DRI Catalogue as it is discovered – without needing to redesign the storage architecture. Exactly what you want for an archive!

Thank you

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