Page 1: The National Framework of Qualifications National College of Art & Design 15th February 2005 Stuart Garvie National Qualifications Authority of Ireland

The National Framework of Qualifications

National College of Art & Design

15th February 2005

Stuart Garvie National Qualifications Authority of Ireland

Page 2: The National Framework of Qualifications National College of Art & Design 15th February 2005 Stuart Garvie National Qualifications Authority of Ireland

Purpose of the session

• an opportunity for participants to familiarise themselves with the changes taking place in the system of qualifications

• to address issues in the change process

• an opportunity for the Qualifications Authority to receive feedback – are there other issues to be identified?

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• a coherent national policy approach to qualifications

• lifelong learning society

• need for a more flexible system of qualifications

• need for portability of qualifications

• international comparison and alignment

• European policy trends and agreements – Lisbon, Copenhagen and Bologna, European Qualifications Framework (EQF)

A Framework of Qualifications – why?

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Towards a coherent but flexible system….

what is required?

‘A framework for the development, recognition and award of qualifications in Ireland’

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Change is already under way…..

• Qualifications (Education and Training) Act, 1999

• three new organisations, 2001

• National Qualifications Authority of Ireland

• Further Education and Training Awards Council

• Higher Education and Training Awards Council

• awards Councils bring coherence to the system

• replace seven previous systems of awards

• one awarding body for further education and training

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Recent events and decisions

• National Framework of Qualifications launched in October 2003

• one National Framework for all education and training awards

• includes Junior and Leaving Certs, higher education awards, further education and training awards

• 10 Levels, 16 award-types

• new arrangements to promote access, transfer and progression

• new system of awards in higher education introduced, July 2004

• most existing further education and training awards placed in the Framework, January 2005

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The Framework: blueprint for change

• a new concept of an ‘award’:

an award is a recognition of learning outcomes

• new awards, new titles

• new terminology

• learning outcomes

• levels and level indicators

• award-types and award-type descriptors

• named awards

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The Framework in outline

• a structure of 10 levels

• each level based on a range of standards of knowledge, skill and competence

• level indicators

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• a central element in the Framework concept

• a class of named awards – e.g. Honours Bachelor Degree

• one or more award-types at each level in the Framework

• an initial set of 16 major award-types defined

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Classes of award-type

• award-types are defined in four classes

• major award-types: for a typical range of outcomes at a level

• also minor, supplemental and special-purpose award-types

• all 16 award-types in the outline Framework are ‘major’

• the Framework will eventually have a variety of award-types at each level.

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Named awards

• a ‘named award’ is what a learner actually receives

• a named award is for achievement in a specific field of learning – e.g. Honours Bachelor Degree in Electronic Engineering

• a named award is associated with a level in the Framework through the award-type to which it belongs

• named awards to be developed by the awarding bodies

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The National Framework of Qualifications – award-types and awarding bodies

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Awards in the Framework

• new awards across all 10 levels

• to be made by FETAC, HETAC & DIT, and under delegated authority from HETAC

• new standard-setting for these awards has begun

• new HETAC and DIT systems of awards in use, from autumn 2004

• school and university awards are accommodated

• general manner of inclusion is set out

• to be included or aligned with the Framework:

• professional awards

• international awards

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New system of awards in higher education



Existing Awards

(to 2004)

New Awards

(from 2005)

Level 6 National Certificate Higher Certificate

Level 7 National Diploma

‘General’ Bachelor Degree

Ordinary Bachelor Degree

Level 8 Bachelor Degree (3&4 year honours)

Honours Bachelor Degree

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Existing & previous awards – placement in the framework• many awards have ceased or will cease to be made

• intention is to map these awards to Framework levels

• awarding bodies and Authority to agree placement

• former awards of HETAC / National Council for Educational Awards (NCEA) now placed

• existing and former awards of FETAC awards now placed, including

• FETAC / NCVA awards

• National Craft Certificate

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A new era of mobility for learners

• lifelong learning implies a more diverse learning community

• more diverse needs

• challenge of change

• organisations

• structures

• systems

• task – to maximise opportunities for mobility for learners

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What learners need for mobility

• to be able to gain an award in different ways, e.g. by accumulating credit for learning outcomes over time

• opportunity for entry – transparent, fair and consistent entry arrangements

• clarity about relationships between awards, and about transfer / progression routes

• accurate and reliable information

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Improving mobility for learners• need for a cultural shift

• need to focus of the concept of access on the achievement of an award (not on entry to a programme)

• need to focus measurement of success on outcomes rather than inputs (e.g. time spent on a programme)

• response

• a comprehensive strategy, published in October 2003

• policies

• actions for the Authority and the awards Councils

• procedures for providers

• four policy strands

• credit, progression routes, entry arrangements, information provision

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Implementing the mobility strategy• Institutions opening up transfer & progressions routes

• into higher education with former NVCA awards

• Operational guidelines published by the Authority on the use of credit in higher education

• FETAC advisory group on credit – work well advanced

• National Office for Equity of Access to Higher Education – National Strategy established

• Research under way on transfer and progression routes into universities

• National Principles and Operational Guidelines for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Published July 2005

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Mobility - developments under consideration

• Real use of “basis of successful participation”

• Help for learners to attain “basis of successful participation”

• Clear and transparent information on awards & progression

• How can information protocols be implemented?

• Implementation of many policies now being put in place

• Credit accumulation and transfer

• Recognition of prior learning

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Next steps:• implementing the Framework

• FETAC implementation arrangements to be announced by Summer 2005

• by June 2006, awards meeting new Framework standards available at all levels

• aim for all programmes commencing autumn 2005 to lead to new Framework awards

• many new awards available sooner – new higher education awards from 2005

• further developments

• completion of placement of existing and previous awards

• inclusion of professional & international awards – draft policies & criteria published Sept. 2004

• national approach to credit and RPL – Policies Published 2005

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Further Information

• all developments are featured on the website of the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland:

• Framework:

• see also the awards Councils’ websites:



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EuropassWhat is it?

Europass is a new initiative which aims to help people make their skills and qualifications clearly and easily understood in Europe, thus facilitating the mobility of both learners and workers.  The Europass documents have been designed in such a way as to help people chronicle their skills and competences in a coherent manner, whether they are planning to enroll in an education or training programme, looking for a job, or getting experience abroad. 

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Europass Portfolio

The Europass CV (ECV)

The Europass Language Passport (ELP)

The Europass Certificate Supplement (ECS)

The Europass Diploma Supplement

The Europass Mobility (EM)

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Europass Portal

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Qualifications Recognition

The National Qualifications Authority of Ireland is the Irish centre for

the recognition of international awards, known at Qualifications

Recognition - Ireland.  The Authority represents Ireland in a European

Network of centres known as ENIC/NARIC (European National

Information Centre/National Academic Recognition Information Centre

and NRP (National Reference Point) which promote the recognition of

international awards throughout Europe.


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Qualifications Recognition

The aim of the website is to provide information on the recognition in Ireland of qualifications from other countries. 

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EQFCountry A Country B



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EQF and the Irish Framework


1&2 1

3 2

4 3

5 4

6 5

7&8 6

9 7

10 8

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