Page 1: The Nbrth Creek News - NYS Historic · Alexander, Downing Braley of this* place and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hewitt of Johnsburg

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The Nbrth Creek News t f« ! , N T E R P R I S E

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^ 0 1 * FIFTEEN

HOME &F FAMOUS/aSIDE UP, SLIDE D O W 5 ' CK>RE MX. SKI TRAILS » r —. / » • » - l , . —



North Creek High School Notes

Williamr Minder < has T returned from Phu^delph^%a.^where he> transacted, business for.' Barton Mines Corporation. \ .

, Mra. Earl Amstrong of. Potters* • ville and lady friend called on B£rj& Susie Prouty Thursday.

r » * * Mrs, Clarence Bennett of Pot-

tersville was in town one day last week.

Murray Frouty of Pottersyille spent the holidays with his mother, Mrs.* Susie Prouty.

• jfowk Band i t Is guiding hirnt? era at 13th

* By Piin. C. Lu Topping

•" First Assembly Held * The first amenably was held jiasb

Thursday, A. motion picture "Along the Milky Way'fwas shown wfthour new projector which was generous'-. lyMonated to the school by the Parent-Teacher association.

Basketball Seasons Opens "„ V The ..opening, date of basketball

season was November 15. This will be followed by two weeks of practice. The first tgame will be November 29. A. strict enforcement of the eligibility rule ist going to be observed. Those pratlcipating in sports must maintain an average of?65% throughout the year, in every subject they are earring. ,

BIN G O! First Game Big

, Success

cuse reemtly visited Mr. and Mrs* cuse rectntly visited Mr. and Mrs. Milford Goodspeed. . -.'/,"*

Arthur Arsehault of Newcomb spent the week-end in town. '

Wallace Putnpiiol Garnet spent last week with hid parents, Mr. and Mrs. l o f e Daj?; t«?ho W$e returned home from Brant.Lake,...

Mrs, Downing Braley has re> turned from Glens Fails.

Mrs. George W. Brown and ichildifen, MStoy and Tonunyv hat©

Mrs. "Juliana Baroudi *ahd Mrs. Gabra Baroudi shopped in Glend Palls Thursday.

Thanksgiving Holidays There will tjfe no school ThursA

day an<t f^day, November 24 arid 35 t heeattse of the *•"'-_•._^^-_ holidays.""



Olmstedville High School Notes

A Good Show is 'Hard to Get'

- F . ELLEN KELLY -School Correspondent

Miss El I. Osborne, Mrs. Guy Alexander, Downing Braley of this* place and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hewitt of Johnsburg attended the American Legion banquet at the Halfway House Thursday night.

George Croker has been in Phila­delphia, Pa., on business.

Mrs. H. I. Braley has been visit­ing her mother in Syracuse.

Mrs. A. R. Braley some time with Mrs. Chestertown.

ia spending Thurston in-

Arthur Goodman of Glens Falls bagged ant eight point deer rnear Olmstedville recently.

Bernard Senhefct of Hudson Falls shot a 200-pound buck in the Oregon region recently. ;

represents, .the tenth successive month in which motor vehicle fatalities have , declined from the corresponding ntonths of the previous year* -' - ~ •"& |

During, the first nine months.of this v ••& traffic deaths have been reduced 20 per cent and that this represents a total of 434 lives saved in the fitfist three quarters of 1938—one life saved for every five lost last year.

During the month of September 6696 motor vehicle accidents re­sulted in the deaths of 248 persons and injuries to 8872 others.

Although September's traffic death toll was the highest of any

Imonth Of the corrent year, it was ,59 below September, 1937, and 27 below the September average for the past five years.

The pedestrian accident problem fails to show marked improvement, with pedestrian deaths decreasing only six in number during Sept­ember while automobile passenger fatalities decreased from 104 to 59. *

The bicycle fatalities hi the State dropped from, tea in Septem­ber 1957W#ree . jfo September 19338, jeoid fhi t for the r9fl nfiie-monm period, bicycle deaths drop­ped from 39 last year to 25 this year.

The number of and percentage of fatal night accidents during September were materially below those of the same month a year iago. (Fatal night accidents de-

4 The first of the- series of Bingo games being sponsored, by the Skx CJub wasjheld Jdbnday nite and proved f» he- one of the best affairs oonducted in, North Cpekv - ~

Everyone;that attended seemed well pleased and those tha l x were hickjr enought to win were —more-than satisfied. As announced pre­viously these Bingo parties are to be conducted every Monday night a t O'Keeffe's HaRv The committee in charge is^workmg to make this next parly; on Monday, Kovember 21st, even a bigger success than the first one. The prizes this week £or thefree^games are going to he

' ket# ';> entitling ^ef ipvinher' to $130 m trade at any of the ^or th i^reek; stores, t h e specials |3ns week are going to be Id pound turkeys. . Here is an opportonity for,you

to.get yoin? Th^^giv ing dumer free of charge. Some one has to win and it may be you. Don't for* get tJus-week the games, start promptly a t 8 P. M. So be- there early. The committee would like to see- everyone back this week, and have them, bring their friends. They will allure yott an evening of fun and proiifc,

- DickPovvell and Olivia de Havil-land, an entirely new romantic duo, are teamed" ih^he leading;

- I t a f r a q r M ^ ^ ^ o « » H a r d T o G . t , - a b r e ^ y -On Tuesday, November 8 t « ftaB f*'™™* ™*edy w t h m a h j

Junior High School pupEs downed * J e w a c o m p h c a ^ - 5 ^ 4 its, old rivals again to the tune of »y ^ f ^ ^ 0 8 ' ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ 1 1 1 1 " three victorious-games. Fine vofc < k y j ^ the H ^ p y Hc-ur Theatre, leying was'done by both sides, t h e r J**1* l i a m « °5 ^ P o w e U M**1®* game was played in 01mstedville|°f o o u r ^ that ' there is some High School gym. The victors anti-J » « ^ *n f* production, but it as S t e a return game. The U n e i i p l f ^ ^ ^ b ^ f a musical picture of for Minerva grade teams a r e i M a r - ^ f TOotme type, for Dick s n ^ ig^rnel LynnrClara' M i t c T e I i ; 3 e r ^ ? ^ 3 r ^ s o n g s ^ d ^ v ^ r e T»th-Iba Hose,- Carry Morse, Da i sy^*^**^p laus ib lymto theacfaott Plumley, Frances Austin; the pirn* ~

line un were; Catherine

Doer Taken

drama ever made—"Men With "Wings" with Fred MacMurray, Bay Milland and Louise Campbell. See it in cblort

Beer Protected by .Weitbcr* Conditions

ALBANY—Unseasonably warm and dry weather, the State Conser­vation Department, believes, is the reason why so few deer have been killed during the current hunting season.

In dedarjhg that indications pointed to a total "take" of less than the, average 8,000 killed an­nually, Deputy Conservation Com­missioner John T. Gibbs, said that only 720 deer had been thus far re­ported shot by hunters.

stedville fine up were; Lavery, • Margaret Mary .Kelly, Catherine O'Neill, Mary Ellen Ar­nold, Helen McNally and J&ue Fasano. .

Entertains Guest - Mtes E. Watermaii, French Teacher at the Horth Creek High School, was st guest at ihe^ Oim* stedville High School Thta^day afternoon! _.

Resume School Dntics , . The pupils returned to school a#er jt holiday from Thursday un­til Monday morning.

Schedule for Active Sport Tear *' Coach Scerra has scheduled the

foUowing Jsoys' Basketball" Igames for the winter season.

The girls? team, though pro-gressing rapidlyi have |iot set: sxj>edule as yet. r ' * ' November 29— Indian Lake at Olmstedville. • • • • - ' • * January 13—rNeweomt*- .at'Qhn-stedville , '

jahuary 17—North Creek a t North. Creek.

January 27—Long Lake at'Long Lake*

February 3 -Newcomb at New-comb-

February 10—-Ihdian Lafce a t OlmstedviUe.

February 17—-Newcomb at Olm­stedville.

Ft-bruary 24—Long Lake a t Olmstedville.

March 3—Indian Lake at Indian Lake.

March 17—Newcomb at New-combi


The Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church wiffcj^rve a turkey ssupper in the vellryi Thursday, J&ovember 17, from 5^0 to 8:30 P . M. .

James Goodspeed of The Glen was in town on biismes% gent ry*


HAPPY HOUR THEATRE Philip Baroudi, Manager

2 Shows Evening 7:00 and 9:00 Matinee Sunday 2:30 P. M.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 17*18-19—The greatest air although improveinent i s shown in

creased 58 in number and 13 fa percentage.) „ *

Fatal day accidents exceeded fatal night accidents during Sept­ember. Rural highways are stiH the scene of nifcst fatal accidents,

Sunday and Monday, Nov. 20-21 —"Hard to Get" with Olivia de Havilland, Dick Powell, Charles Winninger? Allen JenMns, Bonita SranviHe, Melville Cooper.


Coming At t r ac t ions—James iDagney and Pat O'Brien, in *Ange!s M t h Dirty* Faces."

Ronald Colman and Frances Dee m ' If I Were King.'*

Gary Cooper and Merle Oberon la *$I* Cowboy and the Lady.'*

September report. S a t u r d a y and Sunday were not so dangerous this past September as they were one year ago. (Week-end fatalities* dropped sharply.)

The spee<* remains the principal cause of fatal accidents (Ont out *»f every 13accideiits in which speed plays a part results in deathu

Urban commtmitiies made the most marked reductions in traffic, Francis Beaupre, fatalities .dtiring Septesnber> low-

isor ill Supervisor Charles S. KenweH

of WevertoWn is HI. a t his home^


The Junior Girls' Club and the Mascots staged' an Armistice Day parade in town Friday.,

of the piece.. I R fact Dick i s not, a s usual,

playing a singer in his latest pics ture. He is an ambitious and ag­gressive young business man "who, at the outset, is jahovm, as the manager of a combined gas station, and auto camo, and .most of the ; i n t e ^ s t - ^ ' ' ^ e l ' ' ; ^ ( ^ e ' Itocical,; :cohipttc^tidini**4rjse ' 'ic6m;':; • Wd $f-. forte to intefesfc some capltalNte= i a his plan: to i^fcablislb* chaun of 'jj$j& Oampjg across ^e.c^imtjyi:.. '

Olivia i s a spoEeW afld: p^tuhmt, heire^ who buys gas and W a t Dick's place and then finds m(m>v without a cent to pay for it* 1?%*^, upon Dick^ who doesn't of c0^ i% know pho- she i s / uses ph^siciit force to compel hef to work out heir ttll by sweeping out and, niafcing? the bed^ in the ten bungalows of his auto camp.

Beside^ Dick and Olivia, tke other important members of the cast-T-and it is. to be noted th | t t they're, ill expert cor^edians—-Mr elude Charles ^Wmninger, Allen Jenkins, Bonita GranviUe, Melville. Goooeri , ^Isabel: Jeans, Penny SingMo^ Grady button a%d: Thurston Hall.

Suggested by a Stephen More* houj^, AVery story, tine plot was pilfered by WaDy Klein and JosteplK Schrank and then made in­to a screen, play by Jerry Wald, Jfaiirice Lep and Richard Miaeau-lay. The production was directed by Bay jE^iright.

^TL.- «* r r , . r J INDIAN LAKS~~Otto Hall, M,. Marcn 24—Long-Lake at JLongl focal guide, was shot

Lake. * Quarterly Tests

The ten weeks' tests were held Wednesday and Thursday In t i e high school. The honor roil has not been posted ye t *-



The Catholic?Ghoir will meet a t the home of Mrs. Harold Yandon for rehearsal Thursday-, November 17.

F L A S H Bickford-Beaupre

Miss Eatherine Blckford both of

and tins,

place, were united in marriage Stm-

A food demonstration, under the auspices of the Home Bureau will be held Tuesday, November 22, a t the home of Mis, William Dirolf a t

The leaders will be Mrs, Robert WaddeH and Mrs, LoM^ Little, assisted by Mrs. James Banks,

The dishes prepared will be those made by food expert* Miss lillian/0haben a t a recent Hotm Bureau demonstration in Warrens-burg. All the women are invited to attend. * * * - " ' '

A nutrition talk will follow the preparation of the dishes.


m the left forearm one week while hunting at Green Pond in the Cedar Rivei* "VaRey. Kenneth Portzline, 24, of Gorto% fired ik# bullet that struck Hall,

The two men were in separate parties and Portaline said he though he saw a deer and fired, hitting Hall. Ball was rushed to •Glens Falls^Hospitai whejee he was treated by Dr. L. J. Butler fofim gunshot wound and discharged.

State Police investigated, forfes-line was not; held.

The first meeting Of the Study Club"was held this afternoon at 2 P. M. at the homeofMrs. Lomsf Little. Mrs.*Paul Boyce of Glens Falls was present." " -

Successful Hunting Party

«rhjg deathstby 29.4 per cent from, day, November 13, a t the M. E . September a year ago. (Rural areas parsonage, , the Rev.' D. R. Lewis of the State rtduced their fatal- performed the ceremony, ities 22^ per cent- -while Greater; The attendanfca were: George $few York's redaction isas 7 pe^IHaH and M ^ J* Mary BOall of Qaa cent. _ . . . . • . . _ \$^*Mte&tte0(Kmu

8o& W. Randall and Wilson E Burbridge of Warrensburg; Ro­bert Roberts of Glens Faljs; Ken-

Baker of Bplton Landing, and


Legion to Meet

The American Legion Auxiliary Post, 629, held their business meet­ing Monday evening, November 1£* a t the Legion Room. Plans were made for the County Meeting to be held t next Thursday a t Lucerne. Any'who wish to attend please get In touch with the" Chairman Mrs, Blanche Alexander. Our president gave a report ^©n- the1 banquet which was held ' a t the Half Way Bouse last Thursday. The next meeting will be held November ^29th after which a social evening will i e enjoyed with4he Legion.

Stoekwell Makes Recoverj'

Henry I*. Stockwell of .Warrens-burg, \xfho was lost for two days' and nighte last week in the woods a t Forked River, and who return­ed home Friday, is able to be about none the worse for hi* experience. er Chapman of Lake George, . „ .

bagged two fine backs near ITjper He is employed by *&e Hew . S b * ' " ^ p r * * * - Tumn ii i i l Ifltlit CrtrBHTjMtlnn


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