
l1lumb .. 94. 3489




Land proclaimed as a Road, and Road closed, in Blocl;; III, I Land taken fw Street PurpolSe8 and in connection with Street--Awakino Survey District, JVaitomo Oounty. I widening at Dalton Street, in the Borough of Napier.

[L.S.J BLEDISLOE, Governor-Genera.l, . [L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General.


I N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, Charles, Baron Bledisloe,

Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as a road the land in Awakino Survey District described in the First Schedule hereto; and also do hereby proclaim as closed the road described in the Second Schedule hereto.


APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a road:-

A. R. P. Being Portion of


I N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, aud'of

every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behaH, I, Charles, Baron Bledisloe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the First Schedule hereto is hereby taken for street purposes, that the land descrillcd in the Second Schedule hereto is hereby taken in connection with street-widening, and that the said parcels of land shall vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Burgesses of the Borough of Napier as from the date hereinafter mentioned; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the twenty-third day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one.

FIRST SCHEDULE. o 2 5·1 Part Section 2 (Scenic Reserve);

blue. coloured APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land tal;:en for street

1 23s.!} o 2 12·0 Section 3; coloured red. o 0 18·9 1 3 9·4 Part Section 2; coloured blue.

purposes:-A. R. P. o 0 0·88 o 0 16·27 o 0 1·28

Being Portion of Town Section 204; coloured orange.

205 ; .. sepia. 243 ; orange.

" o 0 3·97 o 0 9·48 SECOND SCHEDULE.

243; sepia. 243 ; orange.


ApPROXI1'tlATE area of the piece of road closed: 3 acres 2 roods . . ArrROXI1'tlATE areas of the pieces of land taken in connection 3·6 perches.

Adjoining or passing through part Section 2 and Crown land; with street-widening :-A. R. P. Being Portion of

coloured grccn. 0 '0 13·63 Town Section 204; coloured blue. All situated in Block III, Awaldno Survey District (Auck- 0 0 l·fiS " 242; J, purple.

land R.D.). (S.D. 26342.) 0 0 9·30 Town Sections 242 and 243; coloured pink. All in the Auckland Land District; as the same are more AU situated in the Borough of Napier (Hawkc's Bay R.D.).

particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. S3lln, (S.O. 1061, green.) deposited in tho office of the :Minister of Public Works at In the Hawke's Bay Land District; as the snmc are more Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. S3227,

Given under the hand of His Excellency the Govcrnor­General of tho Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 10th day of December, 1931.

(P.W.38/225/2.) A

W1\L DOWNIE STEWART, For Minister of Public Works.


deposited in the office of the 1\1inister of Public Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned.

Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 15th day of December, 1931. .

J. G. COATES, Minister of Public Worl[s. GOD SAVE THE KING!




Land proclaimed as a Road in Blacks IX, XVII, and XVIII, Whirinaki Survey District, Waimarino CQunty.


TN pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, Charles, Baron Bledisloe, ..L Governor·General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby procIaim l\B It road the land in Whirinaki Survey District described in the Schedule hereto.


Approximate Areas of the Situated In Situated In Survey Shown on Coloured

Pieces of Land Being Portion of Block DistrIct ?f Plan OD proclaimed as Plan

a Road.

A. R. P. I Neutral. 2 0 6·3 Section 1 .. .. . . .. XVII Whirinald .. P.W.D. 67710

(S.0.233/37.) 8 I 22 } 5 2 9 Section 1 (Scenic Reserve) .. .. XVIII Whirinaki .. P.W.D. 67709 Red. I I 28 (sheet I) 4 3 9 Section 6 (Scenic Reserve) .. .. IX Whirinaki .. Ditto .. Red.

(S.O. 186/62.) . 8 038 Section 6 (Scenic Reserve) .. .. IX Whirinaki .. P.W.D. 67709 Red.

(sheet 2) 0 229 } Section 1 .. .. .. .. IX Whirinaki .. Ditto .. BIue. 0 o 12 (S.O. 186/63.)

In the Wellington Land "Distriot; as the same are more partioularly delineated on the plans marked and ooloured a8 above mentioned, and deposited in the office of the Minister of Publio Works at Wellington.

Given under the hand of His Exoellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 14th day of December, 1931.

J. G. COATES, Minister of Public Works. (P.W. 39/270.) GOD SA. VE THE KINo !

Land taken for the Purposes of a Road in Block X, .lit apara I In the Canterbury Land Distriot; as the same is more Survey Di8trict. partioularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 80842,

-- deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at [L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor.General. Wellington, and thereon ooloured rcd.


IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities

vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Charles, Baron Bledisloe, Governor-General of the Dominion of Now Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedulc hcreto is hcrcby taken for the purposes of a road; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the twenty-eighth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one.

SCHEDULE. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land taken :-

A. R. P. Being Portion of

Given under thc hand of His Excellenoy the Governor­General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued undcr the Seal of that Dominion, this 10th day of December, 1931.

WlII. DOWNIE STEWART, For Minister of Public Works.

GOD SAVE THE KING! (P.W.45/173.)

Land proclaimed as a Road in Block VI, Tiger Hill Survey District, and Block VIII, Leaning Rock Survey Di8trict. Vincent Oounty.

o 3 25·3 Section 7. o 0 0·99 7 [L.s.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. SituatedinBlock,:&;,MaparaSurveyDistrict(TaranakiRD.). A PROCLAMATION. In the Taranaki Land Distriot; as the same are more IN pursuance and exeroise of the powers conferred by

partioularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 82795, section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, Charles, Baron deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Bledisloe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, Wellington, and thereon coloured pink. do hereby proclaim as a road the land in Tiger Hill and

Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor. ' Leaning Rock Survey Districts described in the Schedule General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued hereto. under the Soal of that Dominion, this 14th day of December, 1931.

J. G. COATES, Minister of Public Works. GOD SAVE THE KmG !


Land taken for the Purp08es of a Road in Block XI, Waiau Survey District.

[L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. A PROCLAlI!ATION.

IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities

vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behall, I, Charles, Baron Bledisloe, Governor·General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do heroby proclaim and deolare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the purposes of a road; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the twenty·eighth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one.

. SCHEDULE. ApPROXlM.A.TE area of the piece of land taken: 17·4 perohe!:. Being portion of Section 345, Square 85, Amuri.

Situated in Block XI, Waiau Survey District (Canterbury R.D.). (S.0.903/157.)

SCHEDULE. ApPROxnfATE areas of the pieces of land proolaimed as a


A. R. P. o 030

3 I 14


Being Portion of Crown land (River Bank Reserve), Block VI,

Tiger Hill Survey District; coloured yellow. Seotion 59, Block VI, Tiger Hill Survey

District; coloured red. Section 95, Block VITI, Leaning Rook Survey

District; coloured blue. (Otago It.D.)

In the Otago Land District; as the same are more par­tioularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 82825, deposited in the office of the lIrfinister of Public Works at Wellington, and thereon ooloured as above mentioned.

Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this lOth day of December, 1931.

WM. DOWNIE STEWART, For lIrfinister of Public Works.

GOD SAVE TQ KmG! (P.W.46/1191.)



Revoking Part of a Proclamation taking Land for the' Purposes l Certain Land, in respect oj which there are no Electors, excluded of a Road in Blocks I, II, and IV, Butt Survey District, from City of Ghri$khurch. and Blocks VI, X, and XI, Glenrock Survey District. --

__ [L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General.

[L.S.J BLEDISLOE, Governor-General.


I N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of

every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Charlcs, Baron Bledisloe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby revoke so much of the Proclamation dated the twenty-second day of October, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, and published in t.he New Zealand Gazette, No. 78, of the twenty-runth day of the same month, taking land for the purposes of a roud in Blocks I, II, and IV, Hutt SUl"Vey District, and Blocks VI, X, and XI, Glenrock Survey Di'ltrict, as affects the land described in the Schedule hereto.

SCHEDULE. ,ApPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land affected :­

A. 11.. P. Being Portion of o 0 15·0 Rural Section 28847. o 2 38·2 Crown land. o 0 0·01 Rural Section 33503.

Situated in Block IV, Hutt Survey District (Canterbury R.D.). (S.O. 961/470.)

In the Canterbury Land District; us the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 83123, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at '''ellington, and thereon coloured green.

Given under the hand of His Excellency t·he Governor­General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 10th day of December, 1931.

Wl\I. DOWNIE STEWART, For 'Minister of Public Works.


(P.\V. 45/301.)

Revocation oj the Reservation oj a Permanent Stare Forest.


B y virtue and in exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon me by the Forests Act, 1921-22, and

pursuant to a resolution in that behalf passed by both Houses of Parliament, I, Charles, Baron Bledisloe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby revoke (so far onlv as it relates to the Crown land described in the Schedule hereto) the Proclamat.ion of the twenty-fourth day of Feb­ruary, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, whereby the said land (with certain other land) was set apart as a permanent State forest, and declare that the reservation thereby effected is (so far only as aforesaid) revoked accordingly.


CONSERVATION REGION. ALL that area in the Southland Land District, containing by admeasurement 150 acres, more or less, being Sawmill Area No. 233B, Block X, Oteramika Hundred, and bounded as follows: Towards the north-west by a public road, 2879 links ; towards the east by Crown land and Sawmill Area No. 2340, Block X aforesaid, 5411·4 links; towards the south by Saw­mill Area No. 234c aforesaid, 2859·7 links; towards the west by Sawmill Area No. 233A and Crown land, Block VII, OOOra­mika Hundred, 5079·3 links: be all the aforesaid linkages more or less. As the same is more particularly delineated on plan No. 216/6, deposited in the Head Office, State Forest Service, at Wellington, and thereon bordered red.

Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this lOth day of December, 1931.

A. T. NGATA, For Commissioner of State Forests.



WHEREAS a petitioD, publicly notified, has been pre­sented to me under section seventeen of the Municipal

Corporations Amendment Act, 1928, by the Council of the City of Christchurch, praying me to alter the boundaries of the City of Christchurch so as to exclude therefrom, and include in the Borough of Riccarton, the piece of land described in the Schedule hereto, being land in the said city in respect of which there are no electors:

Now, therefore, I, Charles, Baron Bledisloe, the Governor~ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in me by the said Act, do hereby proclaim and declare that the boundaries of the said city are hereby altered so as to exclude therefrom, and include in the Borough of Riccarton, the land described in the said Schedule hereto, being land in the said city in respect of which there are no electors.


IN BOROUGH OF RICCARTON. ALL that area in the Canterbury Land District, bounded by a line commencing at the intersection Of the south-eastern side of Lincoln Road with the southern side of Moorhouse Avenue; thence south~westerly along the south-eastern side of Lincoln Road for a distance of 2505 links: thence north-westerly along a right line to the middle of Lincoln Road; thence north­easterly along the middle of Lincoln Road to a point in line with the southern side of llioorhouse Avenue ; thence easterly along a. right line to the southern side of Moorhouse Avenue, the point of commencement.

Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor~ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 9th day of December, 1931. •

A. T. NGATA, 1)'01' :Minister of Internal Affairs.

GOD SA VB THE KINo ! (LA. 19/1/54.)

Certain Land, in re.spect of wldch there are no Electors, excluded jr01u Borough oj Ricca.rfon.

[L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. A PROOLA~IATION.

WHEREAS a petiHon, publicly notified, has been pre­sented to me under section seventeen of the Municipal

Corporations Amendment Act, 1928, by the Council, of the Borough of Riccarton, praying me to alter the boundaries of the Borough of Riccartoll so as to exclude therefrom, and include in the City of Christchurch, the piece of land desclibed in the Schedule hereto, being land in the said borough in respect of which there are no electors:

Now, therefore, I, Charles, Baron Bledisloe. the Governor­General of the Dominion of New Zealand, ill pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in me by the said Act, do hereby proclaim and declare that the boundaries of the said borough are hereby altered so as to exclude therefrom, and include in the Citv of Christchurch, the land described in the said Schedule hereto, being land in the said borough in respect of which there are no electors.


INCLUDED IN Crry OF CmuSTCHURCH. ALL that area in the Canterbury Land District., bounded by a line commencing at a point on the north-western side of Lincoln Road, distant 2324 links from the boundary of the Borough of Riccarton; thence south-westerly along that road for a distance of 2324 linb to the borough boundary; thence south-easterly along a right line to the middle of Lincoln Road; thence north-easterly along the middle of Lincoln Road for a distance of 2324 links; thence along a right line to the north~ western side of Lincoln Road, the point of commcnceme~lt.

Given under the hand of His Excellency t.he Governor~ General of the Dominion of Nmv Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 9th day of December, 1931.

A. T. NGATA, For Minister of Internal Affaire.

GOD SAVE THE KING! (LA. 19/1/54.)



Change of Name of Locality" White BiUs" to "Pine Valley." County of Waitemata.

[L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. A PROOh"MATION.


All that area situated within the boundaries of the Counties of Matakaoa, Waiapu, Uawa, Waikohu. Cook, Wairoa. Hawke's Bay, Waipawa. Waipulmrau, Patangata. Dannevirke. Wood­ville, and Weber, including all boroughs and town districts therein or contiguous thereto. \"XTHEREAS settlers in the locality known as "White

Y Y Hills," in the County of Waitemata, desire that the name of such locality should be ohanged to U Pine Valley," No.5 TRANSPORT DISTRICT. and it is considered expedient to alter the same: All that area situated within tho boundaries of the Counties

Now, therefore, I, Charles, Baron Bledisloe, the Governor. of Kawhia, Otorohanga, 'Vaitomo, Clifton, Ohur&, Tauma­General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and runni, Taranaki, Inglewood, Whangamomona, Kaitieke, exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on me by the Egmont, Stratford, Eltham, Waimarino, Waimatc West, Designation of Districts Act, 1905, and of all other powers Hawera, Paten, Waitotara, Wanganui, and Rangitikei, in· and authorities enabling me in this behall. do hereby proclaim eluding all boroughs and town districts therein or contiguous and declare that the name of the locality known a ... "White thereto. Rills," in the County of Waitemata, shall be and the same is No.6 TRANSPORT DISTRICT. here~y altered to "Pine Vall~y," and .do assign the last- All that area sit-uated within the boundaries of the Counties --mentIOned na:me to such locality ll;ccordingly; . and also do of Kiwitea, Pohangina, Oroua, Manawatu. Kairanga, Pahiatua. hereby proclaun and declare that thlS Proclamati~n shall take Akitio, Horowhcnua, Eketahuna, Castlepoint. Mauriceville, effect ~n the first day.of May! one tho?sand rune hundred I Masterton, Wairarapa South. Featherston, Rutt and Makara, and thirty-tv;'o. not bem~ earlier than SIX months after the including all boroughs and town districts therein or contiguous first publioation thereof m the. Gazette. thereto other than the City of Wellington.

Given under the hand of His Excellency thQ Gdvernor­General of the Dominion of New Zealaud. and il:lsued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 15th day of October. 1931.

ADAM HAMILTON, Minister of Internal Affairs.

GOD SAVE THE KING! (LA. 19/40/30.)

Constituting Transp(}'f't Districts in Terms of the Transport Licend"i/ Ad, 1931.


At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 15th day of December. 1931.

Present; THE RIGHT RON. G. W. ]\)RBES. PRESIDING IN COUNOIL. TN pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on him .J.. by the TraIlSport Licensing Act. 1931, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby-

(1) Divide the mainland of the North and South Islands (exclusive of the areas comprised in the Transport Districts constituted by subseotion one of section three of the Act) into the Transport Districts set out in the Schedule hereto ;

(2) Assign to the Transport DL'ltricts hereby created the names set out in the said Sohedule ;

(3) Declare that the Transport Dishicts hereby oreated shall comprise the respective areas described in the said Schedule; .

(4) Include Great Barrier Island, Waiheke Island, and Stewart Island respectively in the Number Two Transport Dist.rict. and the Number Nine Transport District. as provided by the said Schedule;

(5) Include all islands forming parts of countie..'1 named in the said Schedule in the respective Transport Districts in which are included the respective counties of which they form parts;

(6) Declare that this Order in Council shall come into force on the publication thereof in the GazeUe.


ALL that area situated within the boundaries of the Counties ·of Mangonui, Whangaroa. Hokianga, Bay of Islands, Wha­ngarei. Hobson, Otamatea, and Rodney, including all boroughs and town districts therein or contiguous thereto. •

No.2 TRANSPORT DISTRICT. All t.hat area situated within the boundaries of the Waiheke

Island and of the Counties of Waitemata, Great Barrier. and Manukau, excluding the Mangere Riding of the last-named county. and including the Boroughs of Birkenhead, Northcote, Takapuna, Devonport, New Lynn, Otahuhu, and the Town Districts of Helensville, Henderson, Glen Eden, Howick, Papa­toetoe, Manurewa, and Papakura.

No.3 TRANSPORT DISTRICT. All that ·area situated within the boundaries of the Counties

of Franklin. Raglan, Waipa. Waikato, Rauraki Plains, Coromandel. Thames, Ohinemuri, Tauranga, Piako. Matamata, Rotorua. Taupo, ,"Vhakatane, and Opotiki, including all boroughs and town districts therein or contiguous thereto. I


All that area situated within the boundaries of the Counties of. Collingwood. Takaka, Sounds. Waimea. Marlborough, Awatere. Buller, Murchison, InangahuR, Grey, and Westland, including all boroughs and town districts therein or contiguous thereto.


All that area situated within the boundaries 0.£ the Counties of Kaikoura. Amuri, Cheviot, Waipara, Tawera, Ashley, Kowai. Rangiol"a-, Oxford, Eyre, Malvern. Paparua, Waimairi, Heath­cote, RaIswell, Mt. Herbert, Akaroa. Wairewa. Springs. Ellesmere, Selwyn, Ashburton, Geraldine, Levels, Mackenzie. and Waimate. excluding the Christchurch Tramway District, but including all boroughs and town districts therein or contiguous theret-o so far as they do not form portion of the Christchurch Tramway District.·

.No. 9 TRANSPORT DISTRIOT. All that area situated within the boundaries of the Counties

of Waitaki, Vincent, Maniototo. Waihemo, Waik;ouaiti, Peninsula, Taieri. Tuapeka, Bruce, Clutha, Southland, Wallace • Fiord, Lake. and Stewa.rt Island, including all boroughs and town <list·ricts therein or contiguous thereto other .than the City of Dunedin.


F. D. THOMSON, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations as to Allowances to Memhers of the Unemployment Board.


At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 15th day of December, 1931.


I N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on him. by the Unemployment Act. 1930, and its amendments.

His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand. acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following regulations in relation to allowances to members of the Unemployment Board, and doth hereby declare that the regulations hereby made shall come into forc~ on the date of their publication in the Gazette.

REGULATIONS. 1. THESE regulations may be cited as "The Unemployment Board (Allowances) Regulations, 1931."

2. (1) There shall be payable to members of the Unemploy­ment Board, other than the Minister and the Commissioner, the following allowances, viz;-

(a) An allowance of 22s. 6d. for eMh day or part of a day during which any such member is, while engaged on the bU!liness of the Board, absent froni his usual place of residence if such absence necessitates his spending one or more nights away from such place of residence_.

(b) An allowance of lOs. for every other day or part o.f a day on which any member of the Board is, with the concurrence of the Board, engaged on the business of the Board.



(2) In this regulation a day shall be deemed to be a period of twenty-four hOUl'S, commencing at midnight.

(3) The allowances prescribed by these regulations shall be in addition to actual lmd reasonable expenses of locomotion necessarily incurred by any member while engaged on the business of the Board. .

3. (1) AU allowances that have heretofore been paid to members of the Board, at rates not exceeding 258. a.nd lOs. respectively, for the occasions set out in paragraphs (a) and (b) respectively of subclause (1) of clause 2 of these regulations arc hereby vl1lidated.

(2) If at any time since the passing of the Finance Act, 1931 (No.4), and before the commencement of these regu­lations, any member of the Board has been so engaged on the business of the Board that he would have been entitled to an allowance in accordance with paragraph (a) or para· graph (6) of subclause (1) of clause 2 of these regulations if these regulations had been then in force, but has not received such allowance, he may be paid an allowance at the rate of 25s. or the rate of lOs. as the case may require.

F. D. THOMSON, Clerk of the Executive Counoil.

Oon.stituting the Waikato RaMie District.-(Notice No. Ag.3006.)


At t.he Government Buildings at 'Vellington, this 15th day of December. 1931.


W HEREAS by section thirty of the Rabbit Nuisance Act, 1928, it is enacted that the Governor·General

may, by Order in Council, on petition in that behalf signed by a majority of the persons qualified to be enrolled on the ratepayers' list of any proposed district, constitute and declare any area of land of not less than one thousand acres a rabbit district under and for the purposes of Pari II of the said Act:

And whereas, in pursuance of the provisions of the said section thirty of the said Act, a petition has been received praying that the area of land described in the Schedule hereto be constituted and declared a rabbit district under and for the purposes of Part II of the said Act, and it is deemed expedient to give effect to the prayer of the petitioners accordingly!

Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the powers and anthorities conferred upon him by the said Act, His Excellency the Governor·General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby con­stitute by the specific name of the" East Waikato Rabbit District," and declare that area of land defined in the Schedule hereto to be a rabbit di!;trict under and for the purposes of Part II of the said Act, and doth hereby further declare that the basis on which the Board to be established for the said district shall first levy its general rate shall be on the basis of the acreage of the rateable property in the said district.

SCHEDULE. ALL that area in the Auckland Land District, in the Matamata County, bounded, commencing at a point iu Block XVI, Cambridge Survey District, where the eastern boundary of Lot 6 (Gorton Estate) on plan No. 3300, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, meets the right bank of the Wnikato ~iver; thence in a north·westerly direction along the boundary of Lot 6 aforesaid to thc Cam­bridge-Tirau Road; thencc in a north·easterly direction generally along the Cambridgc-Tirau Road, the Rinuera Valley Road, Totman's Road, to and across the Auckland­Rotorua Railway line, the Matamata-Tirau Road, and the Okoroire Hot Springs Road to the Oraka Stream j thence down that stream ani!. up the Waihou River to a point in line with the northern boundary of the Rangitanuku No. lA Block; thence along the northern boundary of the Rangitanuku No. lA Block, the western and southern boundaries of Sec. tion 52, Block XI, Tapapa Survey District (Selwyn Settlement), to the old Te Aroha Road; thence along that road and the old Kaimai Road to its intersection by the eastern boundary of the Tapapa Survey District; thence in a southerly direction generally along the eastern boundary of the Tapapa, Patatere North and Patatere South Survey Districts, to the Mokaibaha Stream; thence in a south-westerly direction generally fol· lowing the northern boundary of the Tokoroa Rabbit Dis· trict, down the Mokaihaha and the Ngutuwera Streams to ihe north.western corner of the Te Ranga No. 2 Block;

thence along the western boundary of the Te Ranga No.2 Block to the Putaruru-Taupo Road; thence along that road and the Lichfield-Waotu Road to the north·eastern boundary of the Waotu South No. 14 Block; thence along the eastern boundary of that block, the south-western boundaries of the Waotu South No. 14 and No.9 Blocks, and the western and northern boundaries of Matanuku No.3 Block to the Waikato River; thence down the right bank of the Waikato River to the point of commencement.

F. D. THOI\!SON, Clerk of the Executive Council.


Warrant authorizing the j)lain Highways Board to Cf)1l8truct a New Bridge over ihe Glutha River at Balclutha on the Dunedin-Invercargill Main H£gltway (together with Ap. proacTw8 thereto), mul apporUQuing the Gost.

BLEDISLOE, Governor·Generai.

I N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in me by section one hundred and thirty.five of the ·Public

Works Act, 1928, and of all other powers and authorities in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I. Charles. Baron Bledisloe, Governor·General of the Dominion of New Zea· land do hereby authorize the Main Highways Board to construct the bridge (together with approaches thereto) described in the Schedule hereto; and I do also declare that the cost tliereof, less such contribution as may be made thereto by the Government of New Zealand or the lItfain High. ways Board, shall be borne by the Balclutha Borough Council, .the Bruce County Council, and the Clutha County Council in the following proportions-viz., the Balclutha Borough Council shall pay thirty-seven per centum, the Bruce County Council shall pay thirty-three per centum. and the Clutha County Council shall pay thirty per centum of such cost re­spectiyely j and I do further direct that any contribution hereby required to be made as aforesaid by the Balclutha Borough Council, the Bruce County Council, and the Clutha County Council shall be paid from time to time out of the funds of the said Councils within a period of one month after demand in writing made by or on behalf of the Main Highways Board, and all such .payments shall be made to the credit of the Public Account, and bank receipts sent to tho Secretary. Main Highways Board at Wellington.

SCHEDULE. THAT bridge in the Otago Land District over the Clutha River at Balclutha on the Dunedin-Invercargill Main Highway (together with approaches thereto). As the site of the said bridge is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 79446, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public ,"Yorks at Wellington.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor· General, this 14th day of December, 1931.

J. G. COATES, :Minister of Public Works. (P.W. 62/17/101/9.)

P08tma..ster appointed. to take and receive Statutory Declarations.

P URSUAl\TT to the authority conferred upon me by the t.hree··first section of the Justices of tb.e

Peace Act, 1927, I, Charles, Baron Bledisloe, the Governor General of t.he Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify and declare that :r..frs. Mary Emma Rennie, being a person holding the office of Postmaster under the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928, at Alianton, is authorized to take and receive statutory declarations under the three-hundred.and-first section of the Justices of the Peace-Act, 1927.

As witness my hand, this 14th day of December, 1931. BLEDISLOE, Governor·General.

Appointment of Child Wdfare Officer under the Child Welfare Act, 1925.

Education Department, Wellington. 12th December. 1931.

I N pursuance of section 2 of the Child Welfare Act. 1925, I, Robert Masters, 1\ of Education. do hereby

appoint Miss Doris Mary Katherine Muir. 'l:imaru, as a Child ,""elfare Officer for the purposes of the said Aot.

R. 1\1ASTERS, Minister of Education.



Regulati01!S relating to Passenger./Jermces under the Transport Licensing Act. 1931.

BLEDISLOE, Governor-General.

ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings, at Wellington, this 15th day of December, 1931.


I N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on him by the Transport Licensing Act, 1931, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand,

acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive C(luncil of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following regulations; and doth, with the like advice and consent, declare that the said regulations shaH come into force on the date of the publication thereof in the Gazette.


(I) These regulations may be cited as the Transport Licensing (Passenger-services) Regulations, 1931.

(2) In these regulations, -unless the context otherwise requires,­II The said Aot" means the Transport Licensing Act, 1931: " Authorized person" means any member of the Police Force, or the Commissioner,

or any person appointed by the Commissioner or a Metropolitan Authority in terms of section 54 of the said Act:

" License" means a license to carry on a passenger-service: "J.icensing Authority," in relation to a transport distriot, means a Licensing

Authority appointed therefor pursuant to the said Act. and includes a Metropolitan Authority:

"New certificate of fitness •• means a certificate of fitness intended to take effect on the expiration of a cert·ificate of fitness previous1y granted in respect of the same vehicle:

II Passenger." in relation to a passenger-service vehiole, does not include the driver thereof:

"Variation," in respect of a passenger-service license, includcs any amendment or revocation of any of the terms or conditions of such license 01' any addition of new terms and conditions thereto pursuant to section 34 of the said Act.


(1) Every application for a passenger-service license, other than for a renewal of such a license. and other than for a temporary license, shall be made in duplicate in the Form A set out in the Schedule hereto, or to the effect thereof, and in each case shall be accompanied by the respective fee hereinafter prescribed.

(2) Applications for a new passenger-service license ot for a variation of a passenger­service Jicense shall be made at least two months before the quarter-day immediately preceding the date on which it is desired that the new service or the variation shall take effect:

Provided that this clause shall not be deemed to prohibit a Licensing Authority from dispensing with the foregoing requirement and dealing with any application for a passenger-service license, or variation thereof, at any time which it deems fit or convenient,. suhject always to compliance with section 25 of the f>aid Act.


(I) Every applicat·ion for a certificate of fitness in respect of a passenger-service vehicle other than a new cerillicate of fitness shall be made in triplicate in the Form B, set out in the Schedule hereto, or to the effect thereof, not less than, fourteen nor more than twenty-eight days before the date on which issue of the certificate is desired.

(2) (a) If the vehicle is to be used in terms of a· passenger.service license, the application, including an application for a new certificate of fitness, shall be made to the Licensing Authority whose function it is to grant such license. except that if such Licensing Autholity is a Metropolitan Authority. then the application far a certificate of fitness shall be made to a Distriot Engineer of the Public Works Department whose office is within the diRtrict of that authority.

(b) If the vehicle is not to be used in terms of a passenger-service license. the application shall be made to the District Engineer of the Public Works Department for

· the district within which the garage of the vehicle is situated.


The application for a certificate of fitness may be made before the vehicle is licensed - _ under the Motor-vehicles Act. 1924, or under the Motor-lorry Regulations, 1927, but no

suoh certificate shall be issued until all licenses prescribed for that vehicle and then · due in respect thereof have been issued.


(1) The Chairman, or in his absence, the Acting-Chairman, shall preside at each meeting of any Licensing Authority. . (2) Any suitable officer of the Public Service may from time to time be appointed to be the Secretary of any Licensmg Authority other than a Metropolitan Licensing

· Authority. A Metropolitan Licensing Authority may from time to time appoint any .. ' - ::~_.-s:Ui"t!ible person to be its Secretary for the purpose of these regulations.

-~'.- .. '._ .. ' - '-' :'-(3) -AD.y person who wishes to make any representation or statement at any meeting '-'.~-- .. - of_a Licensing Authority shall, not later than one clear day before the date of the meeting,

'.. .. u'otify the Secretary of his desire so to do, and of the description of the person or body on whose behalf the statement 01' representation is to be made.

(4) ·The Licensing AuthOrity may in its proceedings act upon Buch_information as it thinks fit, whether such information would be evidence legally admissible in judicial proceedings or not.

[No. 94



(5) With tho permission of the Licensing Authority (but not otherwise) any person may be represented at the proceedings by counsel, solicitor, or other agent.

(6) The Licensing Authority may require any person to transcribe or summarize any oral statement in 'Writing either during or after the proceedings.

(7) In any case when the consent of a Metropolitan Authority is required to the granting of a license in terms of subsection (4) of section 26 of the said Act, the Secretary of the Licensing Authority whose function it is to grant such license (hereinafter in this clause referred to n.s the .. appropriate Licensing Authority") shall, on receipt of the application for the licclliIc or variation thereof requiring such CODsent, send a copy of the application to the Metropolitan Authority. As 800n as the determination by the latter is given concerning the portion of the application which rcquires its consent, its Secretary shall forthwith send a copy of the determination certified as correct" to the Secretary of the appropriate Licensing Authority, whereupon the latter may issue the license or variation of license in terms of such consent.


(1) A passenger-service license other than n. temporary license shall be in the Form C sct out in the Schcdule hereto Or to the effect thereof.

(2) It shall be a duty of each Secretary to forward without delay to the Commissioner a record of every determination of tho Licensing Authority in reference to a. license, and a copy certified as correct of each license granted and of each variation, suspension, or revocation thereof.

(3) The copies forwarded to the Commissioner in terms of the last preceding clause shall be recorded, and that record shall be the register of passenger-service licenses which is required to be kept by the Commissioner in terms of section 32 of the said Act.

(4) Any license may provide that a deviation from the prescribed route shall not be deemed a breach of the tenns of the license if and so long as such deviation is for tho reason that the proscribed route is under repair or is otherwise temporarily unsuitable for use, and if tho prior approval in writing of the Chairman of the Licensing Authority has been given to the use of the substituted route.

(5) No approval of the Chairman given as provided in the last preceding clause hereof shall have any effect after the date of the next meeting of the Liccnsing Authority, but if the need for deviation still exists, it shall at such meeting be authorized by a variat,ion of the license pursuant to section 34 of the said Act.

REGULATION 7: TEMI'ORARY LWENsEs. (1) Every application for a temporary license shall be made in duplica.te direct to

the Licensing Authority in the Form D set out in the Schedule hereto, or to the effect thereof, and in each case shall be accompanied by the respective fee hereinafter prescribed.

(2) A copy of evcry temporary license certified as correct by the Secretary of the Licensing Authority issuing it, and of the relative certificate of fitness or any permit authorizing the use of a vehicle without a certificate of fitness shall, during their currency and while the vehicle is in use, be displayed in conspicuous places on each vehicle in respect of which they were issucd.

(3) Within three days after the expiry of any temporary license, the holder thercof shall deliver or cause to -be delivercd the license and any duplicate or copy thereof in his possession to the Secretary of the issuing Licensing Authority for cancellation.


(1) Every certificate of fitness for a passenger-servico :vehicle shall be issued in the Form E set out in the Schedule hereto or to the effect thereof.

(2) Every permit for the use of a passenger-service vehicle without a certificate of fitness shall be issued in the Form F set out in the Schedule hereto or to the effect thereof.

(3) Any such permit may without notice be revolted by the Commissioner or his Inspector at any time.

(4) The certificate of fitness or permit for tbe time being in force in respect of a pnilSenger-service vehicle other than a vehicle used only undcr a temporary license shall be framed and displayed thereon in a conspicuous place at all times while the vehicle is in use.


(1) Application for renewal of a passenger-service license may be made in duplicate in the Form G set out in the Schedule hereto or to the effect thereof.

(2) Application for a new certificate of fitness may be made in triplicate in the Form H set out in thc Schedule hcreto or to the effect thereof. .

(3) Every application for renewal of a passenger-service license or for a Dew certificate of fitness shall be made not less than fourteen nor moro than twenty-eight days before the day of which such liccnse or certificate expires.

(4) Every application for rcnewal of a license shall for all purposes of these regulations (other than the form of the appllcation) be deemed an application for a new license.


(1) The holder of any license which is lawfully revoked, suspended, or amended, or of any license for a service authorized to be discontinued, sht:tll, upon request by the Secretary of the liccnsing authority which issued it, return to him within three days of such requ.cst the licenso and any document or plate in evidence of its issue, and if the license is amendcd a new licensc incorporating the amendment shall be issued or the original license with the amendmcnt ondorsed on it and duly signed, shall be returned as soon as possible to the licenseo.

(2) (i) If the certificate of fitness or permit for any vehicle is lawfully revoked, the owner of thc vchicle shall, upon being officially notified of this fnct, immediately forward the revoked ccrtificate or permit to the Commissioner of Transport.

(ti) If the certificate of fitncss of any vehiclc is lawfully suspended, the owner of the vehicle shall, upon lJeing notified of this fnct, immediately forward the suspendcd certificate to the office of the Public Works Depn.rtment from which it was issued; but, lIDless tho suspension is followed by revocation, the certificate shall be returned to tho owner immediately the period of suspension expires.

(iii) The revocation or suspension of n. passenger-service license shall he in the Form I set out in the Schedule hereto or to the effect thereof, and the revocation or suspension of a certificate of fitness shall be in the Form J set out in the Schedule hereto or to the effcet thereof.





(1) The Minister shall from time to time, as occasion may require" by public or private notice, require the persons or bodies entitled to make nominations of members of the Transport Appeal Board to nominate one or more suitable persons to the number specified in the notice for appointment to the Board.

(2) All such nominations shall be in writing signed by the nominator (being an individual) or signed on behalf of the nominator (being a corporate body or unincorporated association of persons) by some presid4tg member or principal executive officer of the nominator, and shall be delivered to the Minister on or before a date to he specified in that behalf by the Minister in the notice aforesaid.

(3) If no suitable nominations are re~eived for the appointment of a person to represent any persons or bodies as aforesaid, the Minister may ·likewise req Dire more nominations to be made.

(4) Any nominations for appointment to the Transport Appeal BoaTd received by the Minister before the commencement of these regulations may be accepted and dealt with as if they had been made pursuant to the provisions of this regulation.

(5) Any suitable officer of the Public Service may from time to time bo appointed to be the Secretary of the Board.

(6) The Board may, in the hearing of an appeal, accept such evidence as it thinks fi4 whether such evidence would be legally admissible in judicial proceedings or not.

(7) With the permission of the Board, but not otherwise. any party to an appeal may be represented by counsel. solicitor, or ot·her agent.

(8) The Board shall conduct its sittings in public. (9) Every appeal to the Transport Appeal Board from any decision of a Licensing

Authority shall be commenced by petition in the Form K set out in the Schedule hereto or to the effect thereof, and shall be delivered in duplicate to the Commissioner of Transport within fourteen days after the date of the determination appealed against.

(10) A copy of any correspondence or other documents relating to the subject­matter of the appeal shall be attached to the petition.

(11) A copy of the petition. and of all documents attached thereto as required by the last preceding paragraph, shall be served by the appellant on the licensing authority concerned.

(12) The Commissioner shall forward the papers relative to the appeal to the Appeal Board. and shall notify such Local Authorities, bodies, and persons as in his opinion are directly concerned in the subject of the appeal of its having been made, and of the time and place fixed for the hearing.

(13) The Appeal Board may decline to proceed with the hearing of any appeal unless and until the foregoing provisions have been complied with, and until security to its satisfaction against the cost of the appeal has been provided by the appellant.

(14) A copy of every appeal and of the determination of the Transport Appeal Bon,rd thereon shall as soon as practicable after the termination of the proceedings be sent by the Secretary of the Appeal Board to the Commissioner of Transport, who shall thereupon notify the determination to the appellant, the appropriate Licensing Authority, and every other body and person who in the opinion of tile Commissioner is direetly concerned.

(15) Save as hereinbefore provided, the Appeal Board shall determine its procedure in such manner as it thinks fit.


(1) There shall be paid to each member of the Transport Appeal Board other than the Chairman and to each member of a District Licensing Authority for each day or part of a day on which he is travelling from or to his usual place of residence to or from sittings of the Board or Authority, or occupied at sittings of the Board or Authority. a fee of £2 16s. 8d. in the case of the Chairman of the Authority and £1 17s. 9d. in the case of any member of the Board or AuthOrity other than the Chairman.

(2) There shall be paid to each member of the Central Licensing Authority during his term of office an allowance at the rate of £550 per annum in the case of the Chairman and £350 per annum in the cabO of every other member.

(3) In addition to the payments authorized by clauses (1) and (2) of this regulation there shall be paid to each member of the Transport Appeal Board, a District Licensing AuthOrity, anel the Central Licensing Authority respectivcly for each day or part of a day on which he is travelling from or to his usual place of residence t.() or from. sittings of such Bonrd or Authority, as the case may be, a further aHowance of £1 2s. 6d.

(4) The allowances payable in terms of tho foregoing clauses of this regulation­shall be in addition to any travelling-expenses payable pursuant to section 13 of the said Act.

(5) The provisions of t·his regulation shall not appJy to any member of a Metropolitan Authority,

(6) The provisions of this regulation shall not apply to any person who is an officer in the service of the Government, but any such persons shall receive while absent from his usual place of residence the same travelling expenses and allowances as are paid in the like circumstances to such person as an officer of the Public Service or under the terms of his appointment.

(7) No claim of any person for any payment under this regulation or under section 13 of the said Act shall be recognized unless such claim sets out the days claimed for, and is accompanied by the certificate of such person stating that on the days claimed for he was engaged about the business of the Board or Authority, as the case may be, an9. incurred the expenses set out in the claim. -

(8) Such certificate shaU be in the following form ;-I [Full name] hereby certify that I was travelling from or to my usual place

of residence to or from sittings of the [Name of Board or authority] on the days shown in this voucher, and that I am entitled to the payments and incurred the expenses and made the disbursements indicated in the claim.

[No .. 94




(1) For the purpose of this regulation" document" means any passenger-service license Or variation thereof, certificate of. fitness, or permit to use a passenger-service vehicle without a certificate of fitness, and includes a duplicate of a document.

(2) No person shall- ' (a) Save by direction of tho Issuing Authority. ·alter or deface any document; and

any document so altered or defaced shall be void; or (b) Without authority of the Licensing Authority or the Commissioner, lend dr part

with any document issued to him. (3) Upon the return of any document rendered illegible Or spoilt by weather or other

sueh cause, or upon proof to his satisfaction that a document has bcen destroyed, stolen, or lost, the Commissioner of Transport may, upon application of the person to whom the document was issued, and upon payment of a fee of 2s. 6d. issue a duplicatc of such document. Every duplicate so issued shall have the word" Duplicate" \\Titten or printed thereon, and the production of a duplicate document shall be of the same effect as the production of the original doeumcnt.


All unavoidable interruptions of a passenger-service which are likely to continue for more than twenty-four hours shall be promptly reported in \\Titing to the Licensing Authority by which the relative license was granted, and shall be publicly notified at least once in a newspaper circulating in the district served. Both notifications shall fully explain the cause of the interruption and its probable duration.


It shall not be permillsible for the owncr of a passenger-service vehicle to display on the outside of it any advertisements, signs, or notices other than such as are intended and calculated only to inform the public of the ownership, organization, routes, fares, termini, and stopping-places of the service or services in which the vehiele is used, or of the faet that the vehicle carries mails. .


(1) The Commissioner may l;:ecp a register of distinguishing words, letters, numbers, colour~, marks, or deviccs (hereinafter together termcd " authorizcd signs ") to be placed or painted on or affixed to passenger-scrvice vehiclel:l. and such register may, in addition, contain such further particulars as the Commissioner thinks fit to identify any vehiele in respect of which has been allotted any auth·orized sign us hereinafter prescribed.

(2) The applicant for or the holder of a passenger-service license may apply in writing to the Commissioner for permission to have placcd or painted on or affixed to any vehicle or vehicles used in the service any authorized sign or signs.

(3) The application shall set forth the nature and the full partic"Hiars of the authorized sign or signs which the applicant desires to have placed or painted on or affixed to the said vehiele or vehicles, and the part or parts thereof upon which the same are to be plaeed or affixed.

(4) The Commissioner may in his discretion grant or refuse any such application. (5) No person, unless he has obtained permission from the Commissioner so to do,

shall place or paint on or affix to any pnssenger-service vehicle, or shall drive or use or cause to be driven or used a passenger-service vehicle which has placed or painted thereon or affixed thereto any authorized sign or signs which have been entered in the register as aforesaid.

(6) The Commissioner may a.t any time, in his discretion, by notice in writing to the applicant, revoke any permission grnnted under this regulation on the ground that the authorized sign or words, letters, numberS!, colours, marks, or devices l'.,hieh are in his opinion so closely similar thereto as to be likely to cause confusion were in use by another person for a like or similar purpose before linch permission was granted, or on the ground that the authorized sign has become ,insufficiently distinctive to receive the protection of this regulation, or on any other ground.

(7) The benefit of any permission granted nnder this regulation shn11 not be trans-ferable. .


(1) The owner of any vehicle used in 0. licensed passenger-service shall at all times while such vehicle is so used keep the same in a safe and suitable condition for the carriage of passengers, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner or his Inspectors, and in accordance with any regulations that may hereafter be mnde and may for the time being be in force undcr the said Act in· reln-tion to the construction and condition of passenger-service vehicles.

(2) The owner of any passenger-service vehicle shall submit the same to the appropriate Inspector for examination whenever required. so to do by the Commissioner, the Licensing AuthOrity, or an Inspector, and shull not use the same or permit the same to be used for the carriage of passengers at !tny time wlrile the certificate is revoked by the Commissioner or suspended by the Commissioner or an Inspector.


Unless the Licensing Authority expressly agrees thereto by inserting n, term in the appropriate license, it shall not be IMvful to use any vehicle under n, passenger-service license over a route which is of such description that owing to the size, design, or construction of thc vchicle ill' is impossible for the latter to be drivcn round all bends and turnings on the route without stopping or backing.






(I) It shall not be lawful to use any passenger-service vehicle a.fter the happening thereto of any acoident of such a nature as to cause or be likely to cause any structural damage thereto, unless and until it has been resubmitted for inspection to an Inspector;

(2) In addition to the notice .required by section 50 of the said Act to he" given to the Commissioner, notice of every Mcident affecting a passenger-service vehicle ,shall be forthwith given by the owner to the person who issued the ourrent certificate of fitness or permit for the vehlcle, and if the owner fails to give such notice he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations.

REGULATION 20: AsSISTANOE IN LOCATING OER~AIN PERSO~S. Any -owner of a passenger-service vehicle or holder of a license shall, if required -by

any authorized person, give any information which it is in his power to give which may lead to the identification of any person who was driving or using such vehicle at any ,time. specified by the inquirer.


(I) The fees payable under the said Act shnll be as follow :--(a) (i) Accompanying every application for a passenger-service license £ s. d.

other than a temporary license 3 0 0 (ii) Accompanying every application for a temporary license 0 2 6

(b) On the issue of every passenger-service license other than a temporary license . • . . 2 0 0 .

(Reduced or increased respectively by lOs. for each period of three complete months by which the term of the license is less or greater than twelve months.)

(e) Accompanying every application for a certificate of fitness of a passenger-service vehicle,- .

(i) For every application in respect of a vehicle not to be used under the authority of a passenger-service license 2 0 0

(ii) For every application in respect of a vehicle while licensed to the 31st May, 1932, under the Motor-omnibus Traffic Act, 11.126 2 15 0

(iii) For every other application 3 0 0 {d} On the issue of every permit issued in respect of a vehicle to be used

under a temporary license and in ,respect of which application for a certificate of fitnes.'1 has not been required •. . 0 2 6

(e) On issue of every certified extract from the register of licenses 0 1 0 (2) The prescribed fee, if over £1, shall be paid by the applicant into the Public

Account at the Bank of New Zealand to the cl'eclit of t·he Consolidated Fund. (3) In respeot of every application for a passenger-service license or certificate of

fitness, the bank receipt shall accompany tho application. (4) In respect of every passenger-service license or cert.ificnte of fitness issued, the·

applicant shall surrender the bank receipt before obtaining delivery of the license or certificate.

(5) Cla~ses (2), (3), and (4) of this regulation shall not apply to any fee payable in respect of any decision of a Metropolitan Licensing Authority.


(1) Every person who---(a) Knowingly supplies any false or misJeading information in or concerning any

application made in terms of these regulations; or (b) Omits 0):' refuses to supply any information herein required,­

shall be deemed to have committed a breach of these regulations. (2) Every person who---(a) Fails to comply with any condition, duty, or obligation imposed by the said Act

and for which no penalty is therein provided; or (b) Offends against or fails to comply with or commits a breach of any of these

regulations,- . shall be liable for every such breach to a fine not. exceeding £10.

Form A NOTE.-A bank receipt must accompan)t this application, showing that a fee of £3 has

been paid into the Public Account to the credit of the Consolidated Fund. [Attention is dirtXted to the fact that if any information supplied on this jonn is false or

mi-sleading ~·t, renders tlle applicant liable to a .fine of £10_] .

Transport Licensing Act, 1931.


A separate applioation must be supplied in duplicate in respect of each separate route (minor deviations not to be counted as a separate route).

T th {Commissioner of Transport, Wellington. o e , Licensing Authority, .

I, THE undersigned, hereby apply for a . {::at:.:rus} license ~der the above Act to

operate a passenger-semce, particulars of which are givcn below, and I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belie£ the statements made herein are true, correct, and complete in every particular.

Usual signature: Full name of applicant (in block capitals) : [An application by or on behalf of a local autltoriiy should be signed by the Clerk or

other duly autllorized officer, and the name of the authority should be given.]

[No. 94'



On behalf of: Business address: Date: [An application by or on bellalf of a limited liability company· sliould state the name

and address of tlte 1·cgislered o.tfice of tlte company, and should be signed by the secreiary or manager or other duly authorized official.]

[In any other case the application slwuld be signed by the owner or one of the owners.]

QUCJ>tion [or particulars required].

1. Is the applicant (if not a local authority or company) over twenty-one years of age?

2. Points of commencement and termina­tion of route ?

3. Description of· route, including all minor deviations. (A plan is to be attached or sketched on the back hereof; If a local service, include names of principal streets and rOlids traversed. In other cases give a clear description of the route, indicating the principal towns passed through.)

4. (a) Is the service licensed under the !\Iotor-omnibns Traffic Act, 1926? [If this i8 answered in the affirmati-ve, quufiQn 5 1nay be ignored.]

(b) If so. does your application require any alteration in that licens~? [Give detail8 of any sw;k altcralioM, particularly as regards time-table, :number and capacity of vehiclu, and charges.]

5. (a) State the date since which the applicant has continuously or (in the case of seasonal services) regularly carried on the service.

(h) Give full details and actual dates of all alterations which have been effected iu the service gince the 1st April, 1931, including alterations in time-tables, number and capacity of vehicles, and charges.

6. State whether the service is in com­petition with a service licensed under the Motor-omnibus Traffic Act. 1926

7. Total number of vehicles proposed to be used in the service, whether regularly or in reserve. [The Schedule an back hereof must be filled in conceming each such vehicle.]

S. Proposed time-table

·9. Is it proposed that more than one vehicle should be used on the service at any scheduled time of departure? If so, give particulars of times, vehicles, and passenger-capacity of latter, seated and standing.

10. Propo~ed fares (including any minimum fare aud any special terms offered for more fares or journeys than one).

I!. Are goods (including mails) also pro· posed to be carried? If so, state nature, quantity, frequency. and charges during last twelve months.

12. Do you wish to pick up passengers over your whole route? If not, state limitations.

13. Do you propost'- to carry any passengers whose journey hegins and ends entirely within a ":Metropolitan Transport District"? If so, within which district?

14. ~roposed date of commencement of service (if a new service) ?

Answer: [If there is no room on this form attach a separate signed sheet with answer number thereon.]

I. ............................... ..

2. From .....•...... to ..•.......••..

L ................................ .

4. (a) ..••••..••.•••..•••.••.•..•.••

(b) ...•••.•••.•••••.••••••••.••••

5. (a) ...............•••••••••••••••

(b) ••••....••••••••••••••••••••••

6 ..........................••....••

7 ••....••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••

s ................................. . ~ ................................ .




14 ......................•.••......••


The various type.s· of license are described in the Act (section 29) as follow :-"29. (a) A continuous license-meaning thereby a license in respect of a service

to be carried on throughout the yeur, whether daily or on specified days of every week, or ot.llerwise at regular intervals, or a license in respect of specia.l events recurring at intervals during the yea-r; " (e.g., daily, or on Sunda.ys or ra.ce-days, &c.); or

"(b) A seasonal license-meaning thereby a license in respect of a service to he carried on only during a period or periods of the year specified in the license;" (e.g., at Christmas, Easter, &c.); or




"(0) A tempor<l.ry license -mcl.lling thereby a license for a. service to be carried on for n. specified psriod of not more tha.ll seven days or It license for any lipc::lified 8peoial occasion or occ3.sions;" (e.g., exhibitions, special sporting events, &0.).

[For Receiver's use only.]

To he placed before Serial number: Receiver's Fee Receipt No.:

Date receipt. stamp: Licensing Authority.

Acknowledged and receipt. sent: Position 1'e Certificates of Fitness is

[Initials and date] • 193


Schedule of 'V chicles.

Current Capacity. Date Give ParticuIara Registratlon- Make and Cblss of Heavy- Certificate of of any other Route

plate No. Model (if any

Seating. I Standing,

traffic License, Fitness bas or Routes on (on License nre SL'I:-whcclcrs, if any. (Class been or will which the Vehicle

Plate). state so). A, B, C, &c.). benpplledfor. Is used or proposed to be used.

Sketch-plan of ronte (if plan not attached).

Form B. [NOTE.-A bank receipt must accompany this application, showing that tkere has

been paid in respect of it into the Public Account to the credit of the Consolidated Fund ,a fee of £3 if the vehicle is to be used in a licensed passenger-service or a fee of £2 if it is not to b.e so used_]


[A ttention is directed to fhe fact that if any oj the information supplied is falae or mis. 'leading it rew1ers the applicant liable to a fine up to £10.]

The District Department, at

I hereby apply for a Certificate of Fitness in respect of the motor-vehicle, particulars of which are given below, with a view to operating it in the service and over the routes specified hereunder.

Name of registered owner: Business Address: Garaged regularly at : . Current registration-plate No. : Last year's registration-plate No. : Vehicle fleet No. :

The {~~!~~ate of fitneSS}last issued expires on [Date].

Date when vehicle was first used: Make of chassis : MorleI, type, and class reference: Engine No.: Chassis No. : Wheel.base: Tires (number on each axle, kind and size):

GltaS8is-maker's Rating, as per Specification or Data Plate_

Net standard chassis weight (lb.): !\IIaker's maximum safe load on chassis (lb.): Ordinary body-allowance (lb_) : Ordinary seated - passenger capMity: ; or, if commercial type chassis,

payload (lb.) •

l\fa.ker's recommended gross running-weigbt of vehicle {~~? t~:~e~bdb:.) : Any other available data. (gear ra.tio, engine rating, &c.) : Actual tare weight of finished vehicle in running-order and fully equipped, excluding

driver (lb.) : State whether or not ch~sis is standard, and, if any alteration!> or adQitions have

been made, describe them; and, if possible, state the resultant added or reduced weight of the chassis, as the ca·se may be :

Number of passengers for which certificate will be sought: seated; . standing.


(a) Passengers' luggage lb. (a.veraged E t· ted . tota]· ht of at 7lb. per passenger, or more in

S IIDa . maXImum welg special circumstances). (b) Goods, lb. .

A Ii . f . r {made by me to }th pp catlOll. or a passenger - serVIce 1cense was granted to me by ,e

{Commissioner of Transport, \ [D Ie 1

Licensing Authority J on a_ Is the vehicle proposed to be used on all your licensed routes : If so, state limitations: Dated at , this day of , 193

, [No. 94



[l'or District OjJice u8e.] Signature of applica.nt : Name of bllSines!; :

Receiver's fcc receipt No. : Date of receipt: Receiving officer: Business Address: Issue of current heavy.tmffic Jiceme and Remarks:

o"nmml!iccllse verified: Date of first illspection : Date of final check inspection: No. of certillcato : Date of issue: Inspecting Officer: Plan reference Nos. :

Form C. Transport Licensing Act, 1931.

License No.


NOTE.-This license is valid only for the route described hereunder. Name of licensee: Business address of licensee:

THE above-named is hereby authorized to carryon, with (a) vehicle[s] complying with the description set out in Schedule A hereof and to the time-table and on the route respectively described in Schedule B hereof, a passenger-service (particulars of which are set out below) ·in accordance with the provisions of the above Act, and of the regulations for the time being in force thereunder, and subject to the special conditions herein set forth.

1. Points of commencement and terminatiol\ of route : 2. Brief description of route and localities' to be served (as more partioularly

described in Schedule B hereof anq delineated by sketch plan attaohed or on the back hereof):

3. Fares prescribed (and charges for goods if carried): 4. The service hereby licensed shall commence on the day of

193 5. The licensee must not abandon or curtail the service without the consent of

the licensing authority to which must be given twenty-eight days' notice of such intention. (See section 31, subsections (3) and (4) of the Act.)

6. This license expires on the. day of , 193 NOTE.-Renewal, if required, must be applied for on the appropriate form not

less than fourteen and not more than twenty-eight days before the date of expiry shown above.


[Set out any Special Conditions that the Liansing Authority may tMnk fit t8

Dated at Authority.

inconsistent with the Act or Regulations.] this day of , 193 • for the

impose not


NOTEs.-Departnre from the terms of this license without authorized amendment thereof or failuro to keep its terms may be penalized by a fine of £100, or £10 per day of offence, and may result in revocation of the license.

This license is not transfera.ble.

[BACK OF FORM.] Schedule A.


Seating-capacity. Standing-capacity. i Class of Heavy-traffic Licelllle, if any I (Class A, B, C, &e.).



Form D. NOTE.-A fee of 2s. 6d. must accompany this application. [Attention is directed to tlte fa.ct 11w.t if any informatiOn supplied on thia form ill false

Of" mislea.rling it renders the applicant liable to a fine of £10.]


A separate application must be supplied in duplicate in respect of each separate route (minor deviations not to· be counted as a sepa~a.te route).

To the Licensing Authority, I, THE UNDERSIGNED, hereby apply for a temporary license under the above Act to operate a passenger-service, particulars of which are given below, and I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements made herein are true, correct, and complete in e.very particular.

Usual signature: Full name of applicant (in block capitals) : [An (l.pplication by or on behalf of a local authority should be signed by the Clerk or

other duly authorized officer, and the name of the authority should be given.]




On behaU of: Business address: Date : [A 11, application by or on behalf of a limited liability company slwul4 state the name and

addreJJS of the registered office of the company, and IJhould be' signed by the sccretat'g or 1Jla1ULger", or other duly authorized official.]

[In any other case the application should be signed by the owner or one of the owners.]

Question [or particulars required]:

1. .Is the applicant (if not a local authority or company) over twenty-one years of age?

2. Event or function proposed to be served 3. Points of commencement and termina­

tion of route 4. Description of route, including all minor

deviations. [...4 plan is to be aliacheil or ' I:Iketched on the back hereof. If a local service, include names of 'principal stree18 and roads traversed. In other cases give a clear dfl8cription of iTte route, indicating t~ principal towns passed through.]

5. Total number of vehicles proposed to be used in the service, whether regularly or in reserve. [The Schedule on back hereof must be jilled in concerning each 8W:,h vehicle.]

- 6. Proposed time·table

7. Is it proposed that more than one vehicle should be used on the service at any scheduled time of departure? If so, give partioulars of times, vehicles, and passenger·oapacity of latter, seated and standing.

S. ,Proposed fares (including any minimum fare and any speoial terms offered for more fares or journeys than one)

9. Do you wish to piok up passengers over your whole route? If not, . state limitations.

to. Do you propose to carry any passengers whose journey begins and ends entirely within a Metropolitan Transport Pistrict? If so, within whioh district?

11. ;Proposed dates of commenoement and termination of service

Answer [If there is no room on this form attach a separate signed sheet with answer number thereon].

I. ............................... ..

2. .. ........................... .. 3. From ............ to ........... _ •.

~ ................................ .

5 ................................ ..

6 ................................ ..

7 ................................ ..

8 ................................ ..

9 ................................ ,.



The various types of license are desoribed in the Aot (seotion 29) as follows :-•. 29. (a) A oontinuous license-meaning thereby a license in respect of a service

to be carried on throughout the year, whether daily or on specified days of every week, or otherwise at regular intervals, or a license in respect of special events recurring at intervals during the year:" (e.g., daily. or on Sundays or race.days, &0.); or

"(b) A seasonallicens6---'"meaning thereby a license in respeot of a servicl;: to be carried on only during a period or periods of the year specified in the license;" (e.g., at Christmas, Easter, &c.); or

II (c) A tempo;-ary license-meaning thereby a lioense for a service to be carried on for a specified period of not more than seven days or a license for any speoified special ocoasion or occasions." (e.g., exhibitions. speoial sporting events, &c.).

[For Receiver's use onlll.] Date receipt stamp:

. To-be placed before Licensing Authority_ Serial number: Receiver's fee receipt No. : Acknowledged and receipt sent: Position re certificates of fitness is :


Schedule of V <hid",.

Cnrre~t Make and I Cap!lclty. I Class of Heavy" Registratlon- Model (U any traffic License, H plate No. ____ -,,_, __ (on License areSix-wheelers, I any bC1ass

Plate). state so). I Seating. Sta~d1ng. I A, B, ,&c.).

Sketoh-plan of route (if pla.n not attached).

[I nitialB . ami date.]


Give Parl;iculaili of any other Route or Routes on which thc VehIcle Is used or proposed to be used.

.. [No. 94



Form E. Certificate No.

Passenger-service License No.


Expiry Date : Transport Licensing Act, 1981.


1. Name of registered owner: 2. Business address: 3. Garaged regularly at: 4. Current registration-plate No.: 5. Vehicle fleet No.: 6. Make and model reference of chassis: 7. Chassis No. : 8. Tires [Number on each a.'de, khld, and size]: 9. Tare-weight of ychicle fully equipped, excluding driver: lb.

TrrE above-described vehicle conforms to the regulat,ions now in force as to the design, construction, and equipment of passenger-service vehicles of the class to which it belongs, and is in a fit condition, all proper regard heing had to- the sft..fety and comfort of pasllcngers, to be granted a certificu.te of fitness under thf! above Act.

Dated at this day of , 193 [Signature of Inspector.]

I ITERBDY ccrtify that the above·described vehicle is fit for the carriage of seated and standing passengers and lb. of goods over the following route or routes, being in all a gross weight of not more than lb. [In place of any pa$senger, goods to the weight of 156 lb. may be taken.]

This certificate will expire on the day of HI3 • Routes: Remarks: Dated at tbis day of 193

Commissioner of Trnnsport [or Author.ized Officer].

FormF. Expiry date: Permit No .

. Passenger-service LiceJlRe No.



1. Name of registered owner: 2. Business addresH : 3. Garaged regularly at : 4. Class of vehicle (e.g., omnibus) : 5. Current registration·plate No. : 6. Make and model reference of chassis: 7. Chassis No. B. Tires [Number on each axle, kind, and size]: 9. Certified tare.weight of finished vehicle in running-order and fully equipped,

excluding driver: lb. 10 ClI . {is altered from standard [Give details] : . Ill"" is unaltered from standard, 11. Numher of passenger-seats (or other indication of seating-space):

I, ., COM:lfISSIONER OF TRANSPORT, hereby permit the above.described vehicle to he used without n. certificate of fitness u.s a passenger.service vehicle for the carriage of seated and standing passengers, and lb. of baggage, goods, or freight, being in all a gross weight of not more than lb. over the following !"oute or routes. [In place of any passenger, goorl$ to the weight of 156 lb. may be taken.]

This permit expires on the da.y of ,193 , or on such earlier date a9 is notified to the owner by the Commissioner of Transport.


Damd at this day of , 193

Date vehicle first used: .............. Commissioner of Transport.

Mileage to date of this permit: Licensing district: Actual number of pns~engers entered on associated license: [It iM duirab!e

that the number of passengers entered on the lice1l$e shoultl agree with the number gillen' in this permit.]

Reference No. of license: Remarks: Plan references-­

Maker's Nos. : Department's Nos. :

Form G.·

[NOTE.-A bank receipt must accompany this application showing that a fee of £3 has been paid into the Public Account to the credit of the Consolidated Fund.]

[Attention is directed to the fact that if any information RUpplied on this form· is false or misleading it renders the applica11t liable to a fine of £10.]



Transport Li'censing Act, 1931.


• Llcensmg AuthoIlty To the{CommiSSiwe~ of .Transport.. }[Address.]

I. THE undersigned, hereby a.pply under the above Act for renewal of the{~~:S:~fus} licerue number already granted and expiring on the day of • US • and I declMe that to the best of my knowledge and belief thlil statements made herein are true, correct, and CC?mplete in every particular.

Usual signature : Full name of appJicant (in block capitals):

[.An application by or on behalf of a weal authority should be signed by the Clerk or other duly authorized ojJicer. and the name of the authority should be given.]

On behaH of: Business address: [An application by or on behalf of a limited liability company should stale lha name

und aMre88 oj the registered office of the company, and should be signed by Ute secretary fA manager, or other duly authorized official.]

[In any other case the application s1wuld be signed by the owner or one oj the owners.]

Points of commencement and termination of route: Total number of vehicles proposed to be used in the service, whether regularly or

in reserve. [The BChedule OR. ba,k l~eof mU8t be jilled in GO'ncerning eQ(;h (filch vehicle.]

No amendments } . Amendments as follows are proposed to ihe present terms of the hcense.

[Or08$ aut whichever ;$ inapplicable.] --------------------

1. Amendments in time-trable .• 1. • •....••.•........................

2. Amendmonts in fares or charges 2. . ..........................•......

3. Proposed additions to [reductions in] 3. .. .............................. . number of vehicles [Give parlwular8 by reJerence to the Bcltetlule oj Vehicks.]

4. Any other amendments 4. . •.....•.............•..........••

To be pmced before Serial No.:

[For Receiver'8 use only.]

Licensing Authority.

Receiver's fee Receipt No. : Acknowledged and receipt sent: POilition re certificates of fitness is :

Current Re~trntlon-

Make and pate No. Model (if any

(on Llcellile are Sb::-wheelers, ~Iate).

state so.).


&hedule oj Vehicles.

Capacity. elllSs ot Heavy-

soating.1 Slnnding.

traffic Lillellilc. if any (Class A, B, C, &c.).

(Date Receipt Stamp.)

[Initiala and Dllte.]

Date Give PartlcUltU'S Certificate of of any other Route Fitness hIlS or Routes on been or will which the Vehicle

be applied for. ts used or proposed to be used.

Sketch-plan of route (if plan not attached).

Form H. A banle receipt must accompany this applicatIon showing that there has been paid

in respect of it into the Public Account to the credit of the Consolidated Fund a fee of £3 if the vehicle is to be used in a licensed passenger-servicc and a fee of £2 if it is not to be so used.

(NoTEs.-This form is to be used only,for renewals. If not a renewal ur,;e Form B. [Attention is directGd to the fact that if any inJormaMon supplied on this form is

Jalse or misleading it rendQrs the applicant liable to a jine of £10.]

Tran&port Lice:nsing Act, 1931.


[To be made in triplicate.]

The Dietrict, Department, at I HEREBY apply for a new certificate of fitness in respect of the vehicle described here­nnder:--

Name of registered owner: Businesiil address: GlLraged regularly at: Current registration-plate number: l.ast year's registration-plute Rumber:

rNo. 94



Fleet' number of vehirle: Chassis number -: . The certificate of fitness last issued expire'3 on [Date]y:

. Is' the vehicle to be used in n. licensed passenger-service? If so, stute the Licensing Authority concerned, and the date application for the

license was made: Is the' vehicle proposed to be used on all your licensed routes? If not, state limitations: Dated at J this day of ,193 .

[Signature of applicant.] [Business address.]

Form I. Transport Licensing Act, 1931.


Name of licensee: Business address of licensee:

TilE passenger-service license, number J issued to the o.bove-named by this Licensing Authority on the day of • 193 • for a service as described below is hereby revoked [suspended until:the day of ,193 ] all the statutory requirements precedent to.such suspension [revocation] having been duly performed.

Description of Service. 1. Points of commencement and termination of route : '2. Description of route and localities to be served:

.. Dated at this day of , 193


For the

Tramport Licensing Act, 1931 ..

Licensing Authority.

·Form J.


day of 01

{~~~::;oner. of Transport }do hereby revoke [suspend until the

, 193 *] the certificate of fitness No. issued on the ,193 ,in respect of the vehicle described below.

Particulars of Vekiele.

Name of registered owner: Business address: Garaged regularly at : Current registration-plate number: ·Make of chassis: . Model, type, and olass reference: Vehicle Heet number: Chassis number: Dated at this day of ,193 '.

Commissioner of Transport. Inspeetort·

• Maximum In twenty.elght dayn from date hereof. t SWlpenldons only.

Transport Licensing Act, 1931.


[To be made in duplicate.]

Form K.


To the Chairman of the Transport Appeal Board (forwarded through the Com­missioner of Transport, Wellington).

I HEREBY appeal against the decision of the Licensing Authority given at its meeting on the day of ,193 .

The "decision was to the following effect, namely: That [e.g., a passenger-service license be granted to Williani Brown] and tho description of the relative passenger-service is as follows :-

1. Name of owner of service (whether an existing or proposed) service: 2. Points of commencement and termination. of route: 3. Description of route and localities to be served: My interest in the subject-matter of the appeal is: [e.g., I am a competitor 0"\'"01'

the same route as the lic~nsee] and I pray that the Transport Appeal Board provido relief as.follows:. [Set out what relief the appellant seeks-e.g., that the passenger-service license applied for by William Brown be noy granted].

Usual signature of appellant: Full name of appellant (in block capit~ls) : [An appeaZ by or on behalf of a local autliority should be signed by lhe Olerk or other,duly

Authorized Offu:er, and the name of the authorley should be yiven.] On hahaH of : . Business address: Date:

[An appeal by or on belUIlf of a limited liability company should state the name and addres,s of the registered office of the company and should be siyned by the secretary or manager, or other duly authorized official.] .

[In any other case the appeal should be stgned by the appellant ~r one of the appellants.]

F. D. THOMSON, (TT. 19/2.) Clerk of the Executive Council. e




Appointment in the New Zealand Division of the RO'IJal Navy. Notice of Intention to take Land in Block IV, Hutt 8nrvey

Navy Office, Wellington, 12th December, 1931.

H IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to approve the following appointment in the New

Zealand Division of tho Royal Navy :-Commander (E) Rawdon Angus Flctcher, Royal Navy,

to H.M.S. "Pembroke," addiHonal, for duty in H.M.S. "Dunedin" during refit, 'I-'ir£ Baker, to date 5th October, 1931.

JOHN G. COREE, Minister of Defence.

Ranger 11mler the Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, appointed ..

District, for the PurpOSC8 of a Road.

N OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed. under the provisions of the Public ·Works Act. 1928. to execute

a certain public work-to '\\-it. the construction of a road-and for the purposes of such public work the land described in the Schedule hereto is required to be taken; And notice is hereby further given that the plan of the land so required to be taken is deposited in the post-office at Methven, and is there open for inspection; and t·hat all persons affected by the execution of the said public work or by the taking of the said land should, if they have any wen~grounded objectionR to t.he execution of the said public work or to the taking of such land. set forth the same in writing, and send such writing, within forty days from the :first publication of this notice. to the Minister of Public Works, at Wellington.

Department of Intern",l Affairs, Wellington, 7th December. 1931. . SCHEDULE.

I T is hereby notified that, in pursuance and exercise of the ApPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land required to be power and authority conferred by sect-ion 35 of the taken :_

Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, the under- A. R. P. Being Portion of mentioned person has been appointed a Ranger under and 0 I 367 } for the purposes of that Act for the South Canterbury Acell- 0 O· 0:03 Rural Section 28847; coloured violet. matizntion District:- {S.~. 961/470.) (P.W.D.83123.)

Francis Robinson, of Temuka. 0 0 7·7 Rural Section 32408; coloured yeHow.

A NGA (S.O. 960/469.) (P.W.D. 83122.) . '.r. :r:.. TA, (LA. 25/23/16.) For l\finister of Internal Affairs. Situated in Block IV, Hutt Survey District (Canterbury


Ranger under tlte Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, appointed.

Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 5th December, 1931.

I T is hereby notified that, in pursua-nce and exercise of the power and authority conferred hy section 35 of the

Animals Protection and Game Act. 1921-22, tho under· mentioned person has been appointed a Ranger under and for the purposes of that Act for the Hobson Acclimatization District ;-

Harry Newman, of Pouto. JOHN G. COBBE,

(LA. 25/23/21.) For _Minister of Internal Affairs.

Ranger ~tnder tlte Animals Prof-eclion and Game Act, 1921-22, appointed.

Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington. lOth December, ]931.

I T is hereby notified that" in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred by section 35 of the

Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22. the under­mentioned person has been appointed a 'Ranger under and for the purposes of that Act for the Otago Acclimatization District ;-

Eneas George Armstrong. of East Taieri. J. A. YOUNG,

(I.A.25/23/17.) For Minister of Internal Affairs.

Consenting to the Sale by the Tarana/""i Electric-power Board. of Land in Block VI, Huiroa Survey District, under the Electric-power Boards Act, 1925.

I N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon me by section 92 of the Electric·power

Boards Act, 1925. and of every other power in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, J osepb Gordon Coates, the Minister of Public Works, do hereby consent to the sale by the Taranaki Electric-power Board of the land described in the Schedule hereto, such land being no longer required for the electric works for which it was acquired.

SCHEDULE. Al'l'ROXI1lIATE area of the piece of land authorized to be

sold: 21 acres 1 rood 7 perches. Bcing Lot 2, D.P. 5318, being part Section 58, Ratapiko Settle­

ment. Situated in Block VI, Huiroa Survey District. In the Ta.ranaki L'Lnd District; as the same is more par­

ticularly delineated on t·he plan marked P.W.D. 82838, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington, and thereon edged green.

As witness my hand. at Wellington, this 14th day of December, 1931.

J. G. COATES. Minister of Public Works. (P.W.26/1072.) , .

In the Canterbury Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked and coloured as above mentioned and deposited in the office of the :rtfinister of Public Works at Wellington.

As witness my hand, at Wellington, this 8th day of December, 1931.

WM. DOWNIE STEWART, For Minister of Public Works.


Notice of Imention to take Land in Block X, Tarawera Survey District, for the Purposes of a Road.

N OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions of the Public Works Act. 1928, to execute

a certain public work-to wit, the construction of a road-and for the purposes of such public work the land described in the Schedule hereto is required to be-taken; And notice is hereby further given that the plan of the land so required to be taken is deposited in the post·office at Waiotapu, and is there open for inspection; and that all persons affected by the execution of the said public work or by tho taking of the said land should, if they have ariy well-grounded objections to the execution of the said public work or to the taking of such land. set forth the same in writing. and send such writing. within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Minister of Public Works. at Wellington.

SCHEDULE • .APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land required to be taken:

2 acres 3 roods 22 perches. Being portion of Rotomahana.Parekarangi 2E No.1 Block.

Situated in Block X. Tarawera Survey District (Auckland R.D.). (S.O. 26356.)

In the Auckland Land District; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 83184. deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works. at Wellington, and thereon coloured red.

As witness my hand, at Wellington, this 11 th day of December, 1931.

J. G. COATES, Minister of Publio Works. (P.W.35/463.)

Declaring the" Appointed Day" for the., Purposes of the Transport Licensing Act, 1931.

I N pursuance and' exercise of the powers conferred on me by subsection (3) of section 2 of the Transport LicenSing

Act. 1931. I. Joseph Gordon Coates, Minister of Transport, do hereby declare the 1st day of March, 1932, to be the ap_ pointed day for the purposes of the said Act.

Dated at WeJlington. this 14th day .of December, 1931. J. G. COATES, Minister of Transport •.

(TT. 19/2.)



GlaJJsijication of Road.s in lVailtemo GOlmty.

I N pursuance and exeroise of the powers conferred on me by the Transport Department Act, 1929, ~nd the Motor­

lorry Regulations, 1927, and their amendments, T, Joseph Gordon Coates, Minister of Transport, do hereby approve of the Waihemo County Council's proposed cla-ssification of the roads described in the Schedule hereto, and situated in tho Waihemo County.



ROADS classified in the Third Class: A va-Hable for the usc thereon of any motor-lorry (other than a multi-axled moto~­lorry) which with the load it is carrying weighs not more than 61 tons, or any multi-axled motor-lorry which with the load it is carrying weighs not more than 8 tons.

MaID Highways-Dunback-Middlomarch, all that portion within the

Waihemo County. Dunedin-Christchurch, from Palmerston Borough Bound­

ary to Waitaki County Boundary. Palmerl:lton-Queenstown, aU that portion within the

Waihemo County. Roads classified in the Fourth Class: Available for the use

thereon of apy motor-lorry (other than a multi-axled motor­lorry) which with the load it is carrying weighs not more than 4i tons, or any multi-axled motor-lorry which with the load it is carrying weighs not more than 6k tons.

County Roads-Alexandra; Bounda.ry-RoadS; Bushey Hill; Chisholm's;

Craig's; Deem's; Deep Dell; Dreaver's; Fleming's; Four Mile; Golden Point; Good~ood Settlement; Hartfield; Holroyd's; Horseburn; Horse Fla~; Horse Range; Hughes's; Hyde; Janet's Peak; Jones's; Lime Kiln; McElwee's; McLay's; :McLew's; Mare­burn; Mill Factory; l\-I.unro's; Nenthorn; Old Dunback; Pagan's; Palmerston-Goodwood; Pound; Pringle's; Puketapu; Ritche's; Shag Point; Shallow's; Stanley's; Stenhouse's; Stoneborn; Sutherland's; Sweetwater; Switchback j Taieri Peak; Walsh's.

Dated at Wellington, this 17th day of December, 1931. J. G. COATES, Minister of Transport.

(TT. 10/158.)

Te Kalla Det·elopment Scheme.

Office of the Native Minister, Wellington, 2nd December, 1931.

W HEREAS the Native Minister has decided to apply the provisions of subsection (3) of section 23 of thc

Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustmcnt Act, 1929, to the Native land or land owned by Natives described in the Schedule hereto: Notice of the Native Minister's intention so to do is hereby given and published ill accordance with the said subsection (3), and attention is drawn to paragraph (f) of the said subsection (3), which provides that no owner shaU, except with the consent of the Native :Minister, be entitlod to exercise any rights of ovmer­ship in connection with the land affected gO as to interfere with or obstruct the carrying-out of any works undcrtaken or to bo undertaken under the said subsection (3).

SCHEDULE. 'l'nE following lands situate in the Haparapara Survcy District, in the Waiarild. Native Land Court District:-


Omaio .. ..


2 3 4 6 7 8,9, and 10

II and 12 13 .. 14 .. 15B I 15B"2 16 .• ..

Area. A. R. P. 0 1 14 0 114 0 1 14 0 3 27 2 1 16 .5 3 34 3 1 11 0 2 13 2 3 32 0 1 0 6 2 32 1 2 2

Block. Area. A. R. P.

OmBio 17 (part) 1 " 4 18 .. 2 3 25 ID .. 1 3 3 20 .. 2 0 0 21A .. ID o 28 21B .. 1 0 0 .. 22 2 3 0 23 6 3 0 24 10 3 25 .. 25 D 1 3 26 20 1 30 27 42 1 32 .. 28 18 2 20 2D 8 3 37 30 3 2 5 .. 31 7 3 38 32 1 3 38 33 20 2 6 .. 34 8 1 0 35 72 1 0 36 25 230 37 1 1 D 38 11 2 34 .. 39 21 1 14

" 40 2 1 34

" 4lA 1 35 3 0 4lA 2 35 3 0 41B .. 16 o 16 42 .. 16 0 0 .. 43 Scction I (parts) 47 0 0 43 .. 2 .. 5 o 15 43 3 .. 91 0 0 43 4 (parts) 131 0 0 43 .. 5 .. 36 2 5 43 .. 6 .. 38 1 16 43 7 .. 153 3 5 43 11 (part) 18 0 0 43 .. 12 (part) 128 0 0

'Vh'arawham lA 2 1 26 In 5 3 20 10 6 1 12 2 7 311

" 3 42 0 2 .. 4n 83 o 23

" 5 76 311 6 3 0 9 7 4 1 26 9 9 3 8 .. 10 17 1 32 .. 11 7 3 5

12 10 1 20

" 13 13 211 14 11 032 15A 6 1 13 15n 18 1 25

" 16 18 1 29 17 24 0 0 18 1 3 27 19 6 1 20 20 9 1 27 21 5 3 9 .. 22 23 1 28 23 14 2 35 24 1 3 28 25 32 2 24

Total •. 1,568 1 34

A. '1'. NGATA, Nativo :r.oIinister.

J!'ixinu tlte Amount of Special Orchard·tax Payable in tlte TV aimea Oommercial Fruitflrowinu District. (Notice No. Ag.3005.)

I N pursusnce and exercise of the powers conferred upon me by subsection (3) of sectiori 4 of the Orchard-tax Act,

1927, I, David Jones, :r..1inister of Agriculture, hereby order and direct that, in addition to the gencral orchard-tax payable under scction 3 of the said Act, tho occupier of every orchard within thc Waimea Commercial ]i'ruitgrowing District shall in each year be liable to pay a special orchard-tax calculated at the rate of t\'>'O shillings (2s.) for every acrc or part of an acre comprised in his orchard.

Dated at Wellington, this 14th day of December, 1931.

DAVID JONES, Minister of Agriculture.



Fixing tke· Amount of Spedal Ofc1/ard-tax payable in tlte Rangiora Commercial Fruit-growing Di8trict.-(Notice No, Ag. 3004.)

I N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred upon me by subsection (3) of section 4 of the Orchard-tax Act,

1927, I, David Jones, Minister of Agriculture, hereby order and direct that, in. addition to the general orchard·tax pay­able under section 3 of the said Act, the occupier of every orchard within the Rangiora Commercial Fruitgrowing Dis· trict shall in each. year be liable to pay a special orchard·tax calculated at the rate of two shillings (2s,) for every acre or part of an acre comprised in his orchard. '

Dated at Wellington, this 8th day of December, 1931. DAVID JOJ\TES, Mini~ter of Agriculture.

Pl1tmbers Registration Act, 1912.-Removal of Name from Register. .

PURSUANT to section· 21 of the Plumbers Registrat.ion Act, 1912, the name of John Auld, Reg. No. 439, has

bccn removed from the Regi.c;ter for a period of twelve months from the 3rd day of December, 1931.

J. A. YOUNG, Minister of Health:

List of Persons, Companies, &te., ca.rryi'f/{J on Fire-insurance 1:n New Zealand.

, Dcpartment of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 15th Decemb~r, 1931.

THE following list of persons" firms" and companies carrying on .fire-insurance business in New Zealand is

published in accordance with clause 11 of the rules made under the Fire Brigades Act, 1906, which enure for the pur­poses of the Fire Brigades Act, 1926~

ADAM HAMILTON, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Alliance Assurance Company (Limited), 23-25 Grey Street, Wellington.' .

A.P.A. Union, New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Building, Wellington.

Atlas Assurance Company (Limited), A.M.P. Buildings, 88-89 Customhouse Quay, Wellington. '

Australian Alliance Assurance Company, Box 95, Auckland. British and Foreign Marine Insurance Company (Limited),

care of Murray; Roberts~ and Co: '(Limited), Wellington. British Traders' Insurance· Company (Limited), 29 Hunter

Strcet, Wellington. ' . Cohen, Bennie S.; and Son (N.Z.), (Limited), Seater's Build~

ings, 105 Customhouse Q.uay, Wellington. . Commercial Union Assurahce Company (Limited), Johnston

Street, Wellington. . . Dental Indemnity' Society,'P.remier Buildings, corner Durham

"and Queen Streets, Auckland. . Excess Insurance Company (Limited), care of Messrs. Sead­

Gowing and Co .• Cathedral Square, Farmers Co-operative Fire and Marine Insurance Association

of New Zealand'(Limited). Cashel Street, Christchurch. General Accident 'Fire and Life AssiIrance Corporation (Ltd.),

General Buildings, 4 Wyndham Street, Auckland. Guardian Assurance Company (Limited), 156 Featherston

Street, Wellington. ' . ' . . Hartford Fire Insurance Company' (Limited), 90 Hereford

Street, Christclilirch. ' , ' , . Home Insurance Company (Limited), care of Messrs. G. G.

and J. H. Aitken and Co., 90 Hereford Street. Christchurch. Insurance Office of Australia (Limited). 19 High Street,

Auckland. . Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company

(Limited), 142 Hereford Street, Christchmch. London .A::!surance Corporation, care· of· Commercial Union

Assurance Company (Limited), Johnston Street, Wellington. London and "Lancashire Insmance Company .(Limited),

corner of Fort and Commerce Streets, Auckland. Mercantile and General Insurance Company (Limited),

27, Panama Street, Wellington .. National Insurance Company of New Zealand (Limited), , Dunedin. New Zealand Insurance Company (Limited), Auckland. New Zealand Medical Assurance SOCiety (Co.operative), 8 and

10 Brandon Street, Wellington. North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. Routh's

Buildings, corncr of Johnston and Featherston Streets, Wellington. ,

Northem Assurance. Company (Limited), National. Mutual Life Buildings, 41-47 Shortland Street, Auckland.

Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society (Limited), care of :l\fessrs. Rowley and Gill, Featherston Street, Wellington.

Ocean AQcident and Guarantee -Corpomtioll' (Limited), ; Wellington. 'Otago Farmers' Union Mutual Fire Insurance Association,

III Stuart Street. Dunedin; • Phoonix Assurance Company (Limited), Phcenix Rouse, 127'

Featherston Street, Wellington ... Prudential Assurance Company (Limited),' 21 S:wansqn Street-,

Auckland. . '. :' . . . Queensland Insurance Company (Limited),. Huddart.Par~er

Buildings, Wellington. Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation of London. Custom~

honSEl Quay, Wellington. . Royal Insurance Co~pany (Limited), Wellington. Scales, George H. (J..imited). ·FIetcher'l3 BJJildings,. Custom-

house Quay, Wellington. . . '. _ .' ~ South British Insurance Company (Limited), South British

Chambers, corner of High and Shortland Streets, Auckland. South Island Motor Union Mutual InsurariQe" Asso!.)iation,

145 and 147 Worcester Street, Christchurch." , . 'Standard Insurance Company of New ZealaIJd JLimi~d),

Dunedin. .. State Fire Insurance Office, Lal!lbton Quay, WelJ.ington. Sun Insurance Office, 154 Feathe~ston Street, Wellington. Taranaki Farmers' Mutual Fire Insuran,ce Association,

Eltham. ,. . " Union Assurance Society (Limited), care of New Zealand

Loan and Mercantile Agency (Limited), Wellington. United Insurauce Company (Limited), 324 Lambton· Quay,

Wellington. Viotoria Insuranoe Company (Limited),. Shortland Street. Auckland.. .

Wairarapa. AutomQbile Association Mutual Insurance Com~ pany, Featherston. . ," .

Wellington Farmers' Union Mutual Fire Insurance' Associa­tion, ,Bett and Bayly's Buildings, '21 ,Rangitikei Street, Palmerston North.

Yorkshire Insurance Company (Limited), ~O4-106 Herefor.! Street" Christchurch. (I.A. Il/23.)

Tru6tee of the Eureka· Drainage Di8trict appoimed.

Department of Internal Affairs, We1lington,. 9th :Deoeinber,.·1931.

H IS t~~~~::y the GovCl'n~~~~ene,r~1 ~as ~: p~~~ed , Paul Ringer. Esqu4-e.,' '.,

to ·be a trustee for the Tauwhare Subdivision of the Eureka. Drainage Distriot, in termR of section 10 (3), I.and Drainage Act, 1908.

A. T. NGATA, For· Minister of Interna.l Affairs.

(I.A. 19/78/35.)

Special Order made b1J, t~e Egmont Gounty Gouncil aUering Riding Boundaries and adju.sting Repre8entativn." Ii ; .•

Department of Internal Affairs, . Wellington, 8th necemb~r, 1931.

T HE following special order, made by the Egmont County Council, is published in accordance with the' provisions

of the Counties Act, 1920. ". ,. .. , Pursuant to section 100 of that Act, 'as amended by sec·­

tion 3 of the Counties Amendment Act, 1921-22; I'herel,y·fix the 31st day of March, 1932, as the date from which the speoial order shall take effeot.

JOHNG. COBBE, . For MiniSter.of Internal Affairs.



IN pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred, on it· by section" 23 of the Counties Act, 1920, and the amendment thereof. the: Egmont County Council resolves by way o~ special order as follows :..:.... ' , . . -

That the present division of the Egmont County into four ridings-namely, Newall, Rahotu, Opua, and Oeo Ridings­be abolished, and a new division of the Egmont County into three ridings-namely, North, Central, and South Ridings­be substituted in lieu thercof, tho boundari~s of these ridings being as follows ;..:...... ,..

North Riding. All that area i~. the T~anak.i L~nd District, bou~ded to·

wards .tb.e north-~l\l8t gene!-,{l.lly by :t:tte nortlwrn bounp.ary of Egmont ,County ,~ descr~l?ed in the New. Zealp:nd :Gazette, of 1920, page 2, from the sea to the summit of Mount Egmont ;


DEC. ,1.7.] thence towards the south by a right line from· the, aUDlInit> of Mount Egmont to the Bouth·east corner of Section 4, Bloc.k 'XV" Cape- Survey District; thence 'south-westerly al~mg th~ north side of Kahui Road. to the southernmost corne~,of·Section 1, Block XIV. Cape Survey District;" thence. westerly generally along the boundary between the Cape and OPUUIt}t:e Survey· Districts to the sea_; thence uQrtherly generally along the sea-coast to the northernmost corner of Section 26, Block IV, Cape Survey District, the point 9.f commencement. . .

Oentral Riding, ,- Ail' tim\ ,area in tlie Taranaki Land District, bounded to·

wards the north by the North Riding, hereinbefore described, from the sea-coast to the summit of Mount Egmont; tbenc"e by. a. right line to the interseotion of the radius Hne of the Egmont National Park with the Waiaua Stream; thence along the middle of the Waiaua Stream to the sea-coast; thence north-westerly along the sea-coast to the boundary between the Cape and Opunake Survey Districts, the point of commencement; excluding the ,Opunake 'l'own District as des.cribed in New Zealand GwteUe, of 1882, ,page 679.

South Riding,.

All that area in the Taranaki Land District, bounded towards the north-west by the Central Riding, hereinbefo,re described, from the sea to the summit of Mt. Egmont; towards the east generally by the eastern boundary of Egmont County as· described in the New Zealand Gazette, of 1920, page 2, from the summit of ,1tlt. Egmont to the sea; and towards the south-west by the sea. from the point last-mentioned to the mouth_ of ~he Wa.iaua Stream, ~he point of commencement.

And that for the purpose Of adjusting the representation of the ridings aforesaid, the number of members, to, be ~lec!£d for the North Riding shall be three members, the :I1umber of members to be elected for the Central Riding shall be three members, and the number of members to be elected for the South Riding shall be three members.

I hereby certify that the foregoing special order was passed at a. 'special meeting of the Egmont County Council .. properly convened, held on the 13th day of Ootober, 1931, and subse­q uently confirmed at a meeting of the said Council, properly convened .. ' on the 10th. day' of November, 1931.

GEO. W. ROGERS, County Clerk,

I hereby certify that the above special order has been' duly made. "

GEO. W., ROGERS, County Clerk.

I approve of the description of ridings and boundaries con­tained 'in, tlie 'foregoing special order as suffieient' to render the new boundaries capable of identification.'

BASIL KING, For Chief Surveyor. ".

Taranaki Land District, (I.A. 19/80/31.) 23rd November, 1931.

N,otice_ und~r tlte. Slurp8 a~ Offices Act., 1921-22~ and il8 Amendment,jinng the Clostng-h.our8 of (1) Bakers', (2) Book­seUers', (,1) Boot Retailers', (4) Butchers', :(5). Clothiers', (6) Cycle Dealers', (7) Drapers'. (8) Faru:,y-(/ood.s Dealers', (9) Furniture Dealers', (10) Grooer8', and (11) Stationers' Shops within the Borough of Waitara.

"-"-"- '. -

W HEREAS "& reCJ.uisition ~ writing has ?een. forwa~ded '. to me £rom 'the occupIers of shops m 'each oLthe tradcs'of (1) baker; 12) bookseller;:-(3) ·boot·retailer, (4}'buwher, (5) clothier. (6) cycle-dealer, (7) draper, (8) fancy·goods dealer, (9) furniture dealer, (10) grocer, (11) stationer, within the Borough of Waitara;, pursuant; ~ section 3.2 of the Sp.ops and Offices Act, 1921-22: J ".

And whereas, T, Adam Hamilton, Minister of Labour, am 8atisfied that the signatures to such requisition represent a majority of' the occupiers of all the shQPs in each of the said trades within the said borough: , ... , .

Now, therefore, hi pursuance' of,·the' said 'section' '32, I do hereby.: direct ~hat on -and after the 19th' d~y' of December,' 1931, 'all t,he shops iii each of the said tradeS' ~vithin the said borough_shall be closen in the ev:enirig of working-days as follows: "On Mondays. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and FridlLYs, at 5.30 p.m., and on Saturdays at 0 p.m., wjth the following exeeptions-{l) On the evening of the working-day immediately preceding Chriii!tmas Day and on th~ evening of t,he working­da.y immediately preceding New Year's Day-'there shall be no fixed closing· hour, fLnd (2) on the evening of the working-day imm~diately p~cedjng Goon Fri4ay. ~h~ c:l<;lsing-hour shall he 10"p,m.


The. notice, ¢tated the 11th Maroh, 1919, and published in the Ne:w Zealand Gazette of the 13th March, 1919, fixing the

:closing-hours of (1) butchers', (2) bakers', (3) grocers', (4) drapers'~, (5) -mer98rs\· (6). ~oo~s~leI1>', ·(7)' 8tationetfl~, _(8) ironmo:ngers', (9)· furniture~ma,kers', (10) joweUers~ (11) cycle dealers', and (12) saddlers' shops in ~he Borough of Waitara, shall be and is hereby cancelled in so far as it relates to the shops affected by this notice as from the date of the coming into operation of this notice.

Dated at W~llington, this 16th day of December, 1931. ADAM HAMILTON, l\fini~ter of I ... abour.

Notice under the' Shop~ ,and Offices Act, 1921-22, and its Amendment, fixing the;.G.Zo:!f,"!u·hours. oj' (1) Me-n's Hair· dressers' and (?) Tobacconists' Shops within the Combined Dist.ric~ 'oj, WeUinglo'!! ..

W HEifEAS .a requ~sitioll in writing ,has been forwarded to me. from the occupiers of shops in each of the

trades of (1) men's hairdrc.sser lLnd (2) tobacconist within the combine~ district, of, ,'Velling~~n comprising' the City: of Wellington and tho Town District of J<?hnsonville. pursuai1t ~o section 32 of , the SJ:1~ps and Offices Act, 1921-22: .

Now, therefpre, in .pursuance of the said, section 32, I. Adam Hamilton, 'Mini_s~r of ~abol1r, d~ bere"!Jy direct that on and after the., date of the gazetting of this notice all tho said shops ,,,ithin the !"aid combined district shall be closed in the ev:e.ning of worI<jng_days ~s follows: Subject to closing

. not later than 1 p.m. _ on the q.ay obseryed as the st.atutory ,closing-day, 9n Mon<lll..vs, Tuesdays, Wedn~sdays, ,and Thursdays at 8 p.m., and on Fridays and Saturdays at 11, _with the following exceptions-( 1) Should the occupier of any shop affected by this notice observe Friday or Saturday as the statutory closing-day, then and in such case the closing­hour 011 Wednesday for sllch shop shall be 11 p.m. (2) On Anniversary Day and King's Birt~day (or' on any day observed in lieu thereof), on Labour'Day, on the working·days (~ther, t.han those ooserved as the statutory closing-days) in t.he period from 17th December to 2nd .Tanuary of the follo\ving year, both days inclml:ive, and on the working-days (other t.han the day observed as the statutory closing-day) in tho period from the Monday immediately preceding Easter to Easter Monday, both days inclusive, there shall be no fixed closing-hour: . . The not,ice dated the 24th Ootober. 1928, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 1st November, 1928, and the ~otice dated the 5th Ma.rch, 1928, and published in tho Ne:w Zealand' Ga,zelte of the 8th March, 1928; fixing the closing­hours of liairdressers' and tobacconista' shops respectively, in the Combined District of Wellington shall be and a1'O heruby. canceIleif -as from the date of -the coming into operation of ~4is notice.

And wh~rea.s the sa~d requisition is signed by not less thaD two-thirds of.the ~cc*piers of tobacoonists' shops within tho said combip.ed district, notice is hereby gh-en that, pursuant t.9 section 25, of the Shops and Offices Amendment Act, ] 927, all other ?hops withlp. the said combin'ed district in which smoking 1'~quisiteb are sold shall be closed at the same hOUl'f'

as are set ont herein for tobacconists' shops. Dated at WeJIingt-Ol!,_ this 16th dfty 0f))ecember, 1931.,"

ADM! HAMILTON, lIfmister of Labour.

. Sitting. oj tltff N ati~'e ,LU1W, GOItrl at IV airou un the 26th, January, 1932.

.. - "-,_., " ,- '..,. q -" co'

_,' -.' ;R~gi~trads.O~ce, .. " ::1 " Gisborne, 12th December, 1031.


N OTICE is. ,hereby given that the matters mentioned in : the Schedille Hereunder written will 'be heard by the Native Land Court sitting at Wairoa on the 26th day of J &Duary. 1932, or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will allow .• ', . . .

The Court will adjourn to Nuhab and OpbutiLma On concfusion of business,at·Wairoa. ,-., ",. , -',"

"[~isborne, 1931/32-15.] JNO .. HARVEY'; ':,Registrar.

- , . ' '


'No: 25. Applicant:' The::Minister for' Public ~Works:' ··Name of land: Kahotea West 10 -2, 2B, East 2. Nature of application,: . ~Applicatio~ for ~essment-, of ,amopnt- of com­penSation payable for portions-taken for-road purposes.



Oertijicale8 oJ Nal:uraUzaUon granted.

Department of Internal Mairs, Wellington, 16th December, 1931. '

I T is hereby notified, for public information, that certificates of naturalizatioD, in 8.(lcoroance with the provisions of the' British Nationality and Status of Aliells (in New Zealand) Act, 1928, have heen granted to the persons named and

described hereunder. . ADAM HAMILTON, Minister of Internal Affairs.


Name. Address. Occupation. Country of Birth. I Date of


*Hufnagel-Betham, Georg Fritz Kurt .. Poulsen, Hans Peter Hansen, known as

Western Samoa Invercargill

Government Surveyor Farmer

Western Samoa ... Denmark

2/10/31. 14/10/31.

Slrow Nielsen, Jargon Peter" Cheesemaker Denmar.k:

Viotto, Arturo Petersen, Mariu!!, known as Morris

Te Puninga, Mor­rinsville

Wellington Papakura

Cabine.tmaker Labourer

Italy .. Denmark


27/10/31. 29/1Qj31.

Petersen Vodanovich, Ante PetersoD, Nicholas Barbaric. Ivan Antin Starke, Paul Walter Yanko, Frederick Franks, Charles Marks, William Lucich, Vicko Souffiot, Gabrielle Souffiot, Henriette Alexn.ndra.

Ahipara .', Blackball Auckland

" Palmerston North .. Glen Massey Wellington Ahipara .. Wanganui


Gum-digger .. Miner Hairdresser Engineer Farmer I.a.bourer Radio-manufa.cturer Labourer

• Previously na.turalized in New

Jugo·Slavia Germanv Jugo-Sla.via Germany Austria. France .. Russia. ,J ugo·Slavia France ..


5/11/31. 10/11/31. 11/11/31.

, .13/11/31. 13/11/31.

, 20/11/31. 27/11/31. 28/11/31. .. 2/12/31. 2/12/31.

, .

SiUing of the Native Land Court at Tauranga on the 12th day of January. 1932,

N OTICE is, hereby given that the matters mentioned in the Schedule hereunder written will be heard by the Native. Land Court sitting at Tauranga on the 12th day of January, 1932, or as soon thereafter as the business 'of the Court

will allow. . ;






~Iitiister of Public Works


T. ANARU, Registrar.


r j l

Name of Land. Nature of Application.

I . . ..

Lot 56, Parish of Te Puna, Assessment of compensation for land taken for mil-part Lot 2110, Parish of way purposes, '. . . Apata

~=la~m!ta~r:a 2 l Ditto", " IB

Matapihi 1. 3. 2 Hungahungatoroa 2 Assessment of compensation for land taken for road.

" In diversion and road-approallb. 1

Umuhap~u 2A Assessment of compensation for land taken for the pur).loses of a Native School. .

Public Trust OjJice .A.~. 1908, and i18 Amendmenta,-Election to adminiater

N OTICE is hereby given tha.t the Public Trustee has .filed in the Supreme ('..curt 'an election to administer in respect of the several estates of the persons deceased whose names, residences, 'and occupations (so far 8S

known) are heretinder set forth.

No·1 N&m~ Occupation, ResIdence.

1 Atkin, Christopher, 01'

Atkin, Christopher Drew Retired farmer .. Tapanui ..

2 Colbeck, Lilian Ngaire .. Spinster .. Auckland .. 3 . Greathead j Alice Ada .. l\larried woman •. Eketahuna. .. 4 Houghton, Mary ..

" .. Auckland .. 5 Loomes, Rose .. .. Widow .. Fairlie .. 6 Mills •• Joan .. ..

Ag~nt .. Renwicktown . .

7 Osmond, James Ingram .. .. Auckland . . S Rowney, ... &..ndrew .. Labourer .. Amberley .. 9 Wall, Thomas .. , . .. Mahakipawa ..

10 Yule, Evelyn May .. Married woman Palmerston North

Public .~st Office, Wellin.!~ton, 14th, December, 1931.

IDa ..

of Death.


19/11/31 18/11/31 17/11/31 21/10/31 20/11/31 17/5/31

Ig~m~~ 30/11/31

Da .. Election



8/12/31 11/12/31 11/12/31 8/12/31 8/12/31

.8/12/31 8/12/31

11/12/31 11/12/31

I T..; .... or " Intea~te.



" Testate


" " " "

Stamp-Office ooncerned.


Auckland. Wellington . Auckland. Christchurch •. Blenheim. Auckland .. Christchurch. Blenheim. WellingtoIl;. ..

J. W. MACDONALD, PublIc Trustee •.•..• , .J"., ).



. Btocks of Flour, Wheat, and 0at8.

A CENSUS of stocks of -flour, wheat, and oats in the Dominion was taken as at the 30th November, 1931, when the following quantities were returned: Flour, n,OS7 tons; wheat, 1,855,787 bushels (including 1,430,879 bushels of

milling wheat), and 776,650 bushels of oats. Returus were received covering all stocks owned or stored by millers, merchants, and farmers throughout the Dominion, with a few unimportant exceptions which would not appreciably affect the totals given.


North Auckland, Auck­land, Gisborne, Hawke's Bay, and 'I'aranaki

Wellington Nelson, Marlborough,

and Vl estIaml Canterbury Otago and Southland

Totals ..

Millers l\ferchants .. Farmers

Totals ..

Millers Merchants .. Farmers

Total" 30/11/31

Corresponding figures, 30/11/30

Wheat • . -In Graln.


Flollr. Milling. . In Total, Stack

(N.Z.) 1 I 1 O~,

Otller (c!lti- All

Tuscan (N.Z.) '(N.Z.) (including tbun mo.ted). Wheat.

I or Long- Hunter's Volvet or AustraJlan) MlmBg. Varieties. Pearl. I and berry. _ Unspecified.

SToOKS BY DISTRICTS. TOllll. Bushel!!. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Busbels. Bushels. 4,008 153,013 37,292 5.960 23,727 66[


1,005 26,720 13,823 287 1,886 10,470 53,186 145 17,312 265 1,547 3,306 22,430

3,995 507,471 225,411 91,010 3,962 337,156 3411.165,044 1,794 164,086 128.853 45,290 6.691 47.707 2,442 395,069

20,046 422,3661 ,

11,037 868,602 405,644 136,587 2,54211,R55,787


9,417 666,4.43: 254,499 84,478 7,117 2,616' 1,015, 1531

1,510 192,303, 147.440 51,830 7,269 376,4801 775,322

110 9.856: 3.705 279 5,660 43,270 2,542 65,312

11 ,037 868,602, 405,644 136,587 20.046 .422,366! 2,542 1,855,7871




697.496 1.497 120,193

110, 50,913

11,0371 868,602

11 ,21811 ,278,257

----- . I 266.7~21 85,279 7.117 I 1)7,002 27,426 6.109 , 21,890, 23,882 6,820

i 405, 644~ 136,587 20,046

1 480,407j 226,992 94,635


1 .. .1 ,059,758

216,489 2: 5421

487,269 202,713, 308,760

422,366: 2, 54211,855.787

209,660! 3,862;2,293.813 1


In Stack (estimated).

Tn Grwn. Fo, Fo' Thresh. Chaff·

ing. ing,

Bushels. BURheli!. Tom. 45,295; 472

23,307 386 10,043 960 960


389, 88715 ,49616,373




1 .. 27

318,935 5 I 281,026 29,468 35,157

747,177129,473 35,185

148.136 277,782 321,259

.. I 8 5 3 29,46835,06

6 4 5

747,177 29,473135,18




Census and Statistics Office, Wellington, 16th DecembeJ;', .l931,

l\fALCOLM FRASER, Government Statistician.

1J[ining Privileges 10 be 8truck <Iff the Regi8tcr.-Notice under the Minin(l Act, 1926.

Office of the Mining Registrar, Westport, 7th December, 1931.

NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of the provisions of section 188 (3) of the Mining Act, 1926, that, unless sufficient cause to the contrary is shown within three mo:ptbs from the date hereof, the mining privileges mentioned in the

Schedule hereto will be struck oft the Register.




724 731 732

5228 5227 5425 5445 6685 7410 7411

7412 7418 7419 7466 7467


18/2/03 .


1/2/99 1/2/99 1/2/99

17/2/20 17/2/20 17/2/20 11/1/21 . 27/5/24

15/12/26 15/12/26

15/12/26 15/12/26 15/12/26. 23/3/27 . 23/3/27

Nature of PrIvilege.

Branch race



" "Tater_mce Special site 'Water-race

Speci~l site "'ater-race Ordinary alluvial

claim . Tail-race Dam Water-race


.. ",



J AddisonB



Scddo;';ville .. Block XV, Mokihinui Block II, Kawatiri

Cha~ing Cre~k

Block viI, Ohika

C. A. MONTGOMER-IE, Mining Registrar.

Registered Holder.

Duncan Johnson, Gilbert Mouat, John Mor­gan Powell, jun., and John Mouat.

Duncan .Johnson, Gilbert Mouat, John Mor­gan Powell, jun.. John Mouat, and National Portland Cement Co., Ltd.

Ditto. Duncan Johnson and. party.

Westport Coai' Co., Ltd.

Tom Wil~~on. Clvdevale Coal-mines, Ltd, Lang and Colligan.


Charming' Creek - \Vestport Coal Co.

Wm. Kerr and ";~. Galvin.



Regulating .VehicUlar Traffic at"A1kkl:and'RailwaY-8lation.

P URSUANT ,section 11 of ~ the Government Railways Act, 1926, the .. 'Government Railwa.ys Board hereby resolves to make the set forth·

in tbe Schedule hereto. .

SCHEDULE. 100. (1) FOR the purpose of reguliiting vebicular traffic on the high-level roadway at the Auckland Railway-station (hereinafter referred to as II the station ") the fonowing'provisions shall apply. .

(2) .In this by-law the words" th\" said roan It mean the high-level roadway .' 'serving the main entrance to th,e StlitiQll. ~s in,dicated on the plan referred to

in parograph three of this by-Ia.w; ·and the term II vehicle," in ad~ition to its ordinary meaning, shall include every bicycle and.motor·cycle~ whether ridden or not, but shall not include a tramcar. '

t3) The plan immediately hereunder (hereina~ter referred to as <I the said plan ") shall be deemed to form' part of and shall be. read in in.terpreting this ?y-I'aw.' ., .'. 'J', ".. . ",: .' ..


" .". . -[N 9~ .• 0 ...


... ' '.;, "

~~ (4) Evei'Y vehicle proceeding to 'or towarru. the main entrance .of "the station'

" shall enter upon the said road by the northern entrance thereof; and 'every vehicle: , having entered upon the said road shall thereafter proceed in one direction only.

as indicated, by arrows on the said plan. Every vehicle upon leaving the said road shall depart by the southern ,exit there,of. .

(5) No vehicle shall stand on: any part of the said road immediately in front of the station buildings longer than shall be necessary for passengers with their luggage to alight from or join the vehicle; as the case may"be;' or, 'wher~ there are no passengers, longer than shall be necessary for the depoffit of luggage from

. the vehicle, or. as the case may be, the loading of luggage into the vehicle:, Provided that the drivcr or person: in <.:harge of any such vehicle shall not permit such vehicle to stand immediately in front of the station buildings if requested by' any officer or servant of the Railway Department or any 'police officer to move snch vehicle to any other part of the said l'Oad. . .

(6) Every vehicle shall, when waiting for hire or use, take up a position on , a stand se.t apart for the particular class of' vehicle. in each 'case, as indicated by

'marks on the said'road Or on the: footpat,h or by' notices Oisplaye"d. (7)" No ~ehicle, having entered upon the said road dr having dischb.rged

passengers or luggage at'the statibn buildings, shall be backed for .the purpose of taking', up a position at any parking place or for any other purpose, and no such vehicle shall be turned and driven in the dirf!ction of the northern entrance.

,(~) No driver'or other persori "shall importune any person to hire any v~hicle to the annoyance of such last-mentioned person, and no driver or other person shall endeavour·to attract notice' by whistling. shouting, or calIil;lg, or by means of any horn; syren, bell, or other sound-producing aevice whatsoever. '

(9) The driver or person in charge of any vehicle in or upon the said road shall oh~y the orders. of any officer or servant of the Railway Departmcnt or of any police officer; 'imd no such' vehicle shall be left unattended.' . "

'·(lO).In any c~se where more'than one vehicle is waiting for hire upon an appointed 'stand the first vehicle on suoh stand sh8Jl have the right to the hiring unless the person hailing shall seleot a partioular' vehicle.

(11) Any person who shall commit a breach of this, or shan fail to do any act in t'!rls by-law directcd to be done by h~, or shall do any act which by this by-law is direoted not to be done by him, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds (£10~ for each such breach or the failure to do or the doing of each suoh aot as aforesaid respectively.

Dated this lOth day of December, 1931. The offioial seal of the Government Railways Board was hereunto affixed in

the presence of-[L.S.] H. H. STERLING. Chairman.



Register oj Medical Practitioner/!.

Office of the -Minister of Inte.rnoJ 1\ffairs, Wellington, 16th December, 1931.

I N pursuance of section 31 of the Medical Practitioners Act, 1914, a certified copy of the names, qualifications, and residences mitered in the l\Iedical Register of New Zealand is published for general information.

J. A. YOUNG. for Minister of Internal Affairs.


Date-of Registration.

1927, June 6

1920, .July, 8

1924. Nov. 26 1903, July 10

1908, ;Jan. 25

1901, May '0 1907, April 2,

1923,Bept.ll 1915, Feb. 27 1905, 'May 12 1912, Nov. 11 1900,May '24

1927, Bept.l 1924, :April 10 1923, Aug. 3 1919, Nov. 5

1923, "Mar. "5 1920,Dec. '1

1910, May 19 1928, "Feb. 22 "

1925, Aug. 26 192R, \June "1

1919, Oct. 24 1922, Mar. ;16 1902, Sept. 10

1920, July '8 1923, Mar. 5

1920, July 8

1927, June, 16

Hi16. May '19

190'1, July 30

1920,May 26


1921, Mar. 11


.A:bbott," Eleanor Kathleen

Abbott, "VHEam Norman

Abernethy, "Duncan Roy Acland, Hugh Thomas Dyke

Adams, ~George Joseph

Adams, Robert Noble Adams, Russell Gerald 'ViI-


Adamson; George Perceval .. Addison, AI.·thur Stanley ..

}AiOkin, Casement Gordon {

A,ieldn, "Roland Thomas Graves

Aiken, 'Melville Huia :Aitken, !Robert Findlay Aitken, "Robert Stevenson Aitken,'William

Aitken;Zealanda(see"MarShall) Alcock, John Arnold Molony

Aldred, 'Bertram Frederick .. A'lexander, Jessie (now

lBurnett) Alexander, William Arthur .. 'A1lan, 'Rdbert 'Findlay

~.' Allen, 'Ivan McDonald ' {

JAllen, Sydney Chalmers {

Allison, Hazel Rebecca Bryan;

Allison, Percy Errol

Amyes, Rergert Westley

Anderson, Alan Doughts

Anderson, Arthur Leonard ..

Anderson, Catherine Ellen 'Veppener

Anderson, :Colin Campbell

Anderson, 'Ewnrt Gordon

~~g~: ~~:~ i~ , }Anrlerson John WillitLm { 1921,'Oct. If} Anderson (now Gow), Moana

l\'1aru 1931, Mar. '1'1 Anderson, Patrick Clarence ..

1891, Peb. 26

1926, May 26

1920, (fuly '8 1898, Mar. 21

1929, Sept. 4 1922, Aug. 12

1891, Noy. ]2

1919, ,June 21


Anderson, 'Richard "Walker ..

Ande1'8on, 'Walter Henry

Anderson, "William Arthur Andrew, Philip Oswald

Andrew, William Bale Angell, Harold

Ammn, George Edward

Anson, George Frederick 'Vernon


~r.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. Ul27

l\LB.,B.S., Univ.:Melb.1920 ..

l\CB., Ch:B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 .. 1\1. 1898, F. 1901, RC.R Eng. L.RC.P. Lond.

1808 lJII.-B.,'Ch,B., 'Univ, 'Edin. "1907

McB., Ch.ll., Univ. N.Z. 1901 L, 1903, l\I. 1906, RC,P, Edin. L. 1903, F.1905,

'R,C.S. Edin. L.F:P.andS. Glasg. 1903. l\I.'B.,! Ch.B., 1904. M.D. Univ. Edin, 1906

l\LB., B.Ch., Univ. Dublin, 1891 1\f.n., B:S., Univ.l\Ielb. 1913 l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1905 F.R.C.S. Eng. lOll .. l'rLB., 'Ch.B., 1903, M .. D. '1904-, "Univ.

D.P.H., RC.P. and S. Ire1. 1906

l\tB., Ch.n., Univ, N:Z.1927 l\f.B" Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 l\I.B., Ch,B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 l\[B., Ch.B. 1918, M:D. Hl19, Univ. N.Z.

l\I.'ll.;Ch.B" Univ. N,Z. 1923

} "Edin.

l\I.R.C.S. Eng. 1916. 'L.'RC.P. Lond. 1916

JltLB., ah.B., Univ, N.Z. 1916

M.R.e.S. Eng., 1909. I~.R.C;P. London, 1909 ~:L-B" Ch.n" Univ. N.Z. '1923

:n:tB", Ch.IJ3., Univ. N:Z. 1919 } M .. n., Univ. N.Z. 1921 M",B .. , ·Ch .. B., V,niv,' N.Z. I~:RC:P. Lond. 1905}

1\I.F.1905. RC.S. Eng. M .. D., Unlv. N.Z. 1905 . . . . ~I.B., Ch,B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.B., ;Ch:B., Uriiv. N.Z. 1920

L.R.CoP., L.R.C.S. Edin. 1921. L.R.F.P. and S" G1asg. 1921

i\LRC."S. Eng. \191'4. L:RC.P. Lond.1914

l\LB., C.n-t 1898, M.D. 1903, 'Univ. 'Edin.

i\f.'B., Ch.IB .• 1Joiv. N.Z. ]925

l'iI:B"Ch.B" Univ. N.Z, 19}9

POllwl A<ldrcss.

16 Fairview Road, Mt. Eden, Auckland.

453 lIIanukau Road, Epsom, Auckland,

Tuakau. 5] Brown's Road, St .•

Albans, Christchurch. 287 Victoria Avonue,

\Vanganui. Max'well "Road, Blenheim. 19 l\faxwell Road, TIlen­


Waitara. (In England,) Symonds Street, Auck­

Jand. Bank of N.Z., l"Que'en

Vic'toria :Street, Lon­don E.C. 4, England.

Cookson Strcet, Kaiapoi. Johnsonville. The Hospit~'ll, Dunedin. 137 Cam'bridge Terrace,

Christchurch. Johnsonville, Queon Mary Hospital,

'Hanmer.- , Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt.

New Lynn, AuckJand. 59 Queen's D-rivo,

l\Iusselburgh, Dunedin. "1-72 King "Rt.rf'<>t .. 'Rn_


Lister Buildings, Victoria Street, Auckland.

18 Royal Exchange Buildings, Christchurch.

18 Royal Exchange 'Buildings, Christchurch.

Cathedral Chambfll'R, "Cathedral Squart:, Christchurch,

25 Armagh, Street \Vest, Christchurdh.

'fe Kua'hama, Wha"u Valley, 'Vhallgarel.

412 'High Streot. Dun­edin.

78 Don Street, Invercar· gill.

iII.R.C.S. "Eng. 1917. T~.R.C.P. Lond. 1917. 196 ,Villis Street, 1,Vcllingp

l\LB.B.S. 'Durham 1918. "F.R.C.S. Edin. 1920 ton. lILB., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1894 } 40 Wicksteed Street~ :M.D. Univ. Edin. 1902 Wanganui.

~LB., Ch.B., N.Z. 1931

M;R:C.S. Eng. '1890. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1800. L.S.A. Lond. 1890

L~R;C.P. Edin., L.R.C.S. Edin., L.F.P. and S. Glasg.

1\f.B., Ch:B., 'Univ. N.Z. 1920 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1890. L;R.C.P. Lond. 1890

i\LB., Ch,B., Univ. N.Z, 1929 i\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1889. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1880. M.D., B.Chir., Univ. Camb. 1889

i\LR.C.S. Ellg. 1910. L.R.C,P. -Loud. 1!H6 ..

C/o 'Pu"blic Hospital, Dunedin.

380 C 0'1 0 mob 0 Street, Christchurch,


Queenstown. 117 Hurstmero Road,

Takapunu. Collingwood, Nelson. 118 Clifford Street, Gis­

borne. C/o A.M.P. Society,

Wellington. Molrose Street, Island

Bay, Wclling;ton,



Date of Registration.

1918, May 15 1920, July 8

1911, May' 5

1931, June 5 1930, Aug. 27 1926, May 26 1912,00t. 29

1929, Sept. 4

1931, June 5 1920, July 8

I 1897. Oct. 11

1906, Nov. 2 1924, May 5




Appleby, Frederick John .. Applegate (now Atmore),

Emma Gertrude Ardagb, Patrick Augustine ..

Armstrong, Benjamin Banko Armstrong. Denis Frank Armstrong, J ahn Scaife Arthur, Sidney Harcourt

Ashcroft, Dudley Walker

Ashley, Thomas Ewart Atmore(8eeApplegate),Emma



M.B., Cb.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1911

M.B., B.S., Melb. 1918 M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1930 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1915 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1912

M.B., Cb.B., Uulv. N.Z. 1929

M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond., 19l1 M.B., Cb.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920

}AUbin, Emile Dupont. ..

Austin, Leslie, ~ordon


M.R.C.S. Eng. 1895. L.R.C.P. ~ M.B., B.S., Univ. Land. 1896

M.D., Univ. Land. 1905


M.B., Cb.B., Uulv. N.Z. 1924

1895. }

1925, 4ug. 26 Austin. Robert Erwin

1.925, Aug, 26 Averill, Leslie Cecil Lloyd

1925, Dec. 8 A.."([ord, Morris'

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1922. M.D., Univ. Edin. ]924. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1925

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

1931, Mar. II

. 1907, April 9 1922, May 15

Aylward,' Bernard Stanley

Bagley, Richard A]Jlor . Baird, Jam~s ~ruce

Hugh M.B., Cb.B., Edin. 1900

~!.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1907 M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922

[905, Dec. 23 Baird, James ~enderf!on

1912, June 13 Baird, John Br:uce

1897, Mar. 1 ,Baird, Willi~nl'Stephen

1004, Aug. 5

1920, July 8

1922, May II 1927, Feb. 4 1923, Sept. II

1923, Sept. 11

1903, Nov. 28

1906, April 6

c. 1930, Feb. 18

1907, June 4

1920, July. 8

1924, Sept. 4

1890, Oct. 27

19]8. Dec. 14 1907. Mar. 19

]900, Nov. 8

1929, Feb. 19

1907, .Jan. 12

1926, Sept. 1

1901, Sept. 28

1919, Nov. 5

1920, July 8

Baker-McLaglan. ElElanor Southey

Bakewcll. Beatrix Helen

Bakewell. Robert Frescheville Bakewell, Roger Anker .. Barclay. Robert Leslie Gros.

venor Barolay, Ruth Marjorie

Cruickshank Barclay, William John

Barcroft, Penrose John ,

Bardsley, George Percy

Barnett, Ernest qu~hbert

Barnett, Geoffrey Michael Fulton .

Barnett, Harold Havelock

Barnett, Louis Edward

Barnicoat, Humphrey Jamcs Baron, Robert

Barraclough, Herbert

Barrett, Henry Campbell

Barron, Richard Dunlop

Barrowclough, Frederick Gault

Batchelor, Ferdinand Stanley

Bates, William

Bathgate, David Alfred

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1905.

~r.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1910. M.R.C.S. Eng. L.R.C.P. Lond.

]rLB., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1895

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1903

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.B., Ch.B., Uulv. N.Z. 1923

M.D., Univ. Edin. 1902. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1902. D.P.H., R.O.P.S. Edin. nnd F.P.S. Glasg. 1902

L. 1874, F. 1899, R.O.S. Irol. L., L.M. 1876, M. 1888, K. and Q. Coli. Phys. !reI.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1930

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1907. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1907

M.B., Ob.B., Uulv. N.Z. 1920

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.B., C.M., Uulv. Edin. 1888. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1889. F.R.C.S. Eng. 1890

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918 M.B., Ch.B., Uulv. N.Z. 1907

M.B., C.M., Univ. Aberd. 1894

1\f.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1906. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1906

M.B., Oh.B., Uulv. N.Z. 1926

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1897. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1897. F.R.C.S. Eng. 1901

L.R.C.P. Eclin. 1902. L:R.C.S. Edin. 1902. L.F.P.S. Glasg. 1902. D.P.H. Birm. Un3

M.B., Cb.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919

[No. 94

Postal Address.


31 Carlton Mill Road, Merivale, Christchurch.

Regan Street, Stratford. Grey Hospital, Greymouth. Taupo. 56 The Terraoe, WeI·

lington. Publio Hospital, Dun·

edin. Seddon. Domain Road, Otaki.

Newmarket~ Auckland.

184 Willis Street, Wel~ lington.

Publio Hospita.l, Welling­wn.

70 Baaley Avenue~ Christchurch.

Publio Hospital, Auok. land.

Coalgate, Canterbury.

Rakaia.. C/o High Commissioner

for New Zealand, Strand, Loudon.

Balaclava Street, Wynd. ham.

Kelvin Chambers, 16 The Terrace, Wellington.

7 Selwyn Street, Wangn-o nui.

School Medical Officer, c/o District Health Office, Christchuroh.

School Medical Officer, WelIingWu.

Sumner, Christchurch. 50 Nelson Street, Petone. RichmondStreet, Waitara.

83 Highgate, Roslyn, Dun-edin.

65 Don Street, Invercar. gill.

" Stoneycroft." Market Street, Hastings.

Public Hospital, Dunedin.

16 Fitzherbert Street, Pal. merston North.

83 Stafford Street, Dun· edin.

51 Nelson Street, ~apier.

83 Stafford Street, Dun. edin.

Kimbolton. 831 Finchley Road,

Golders Green, London N.W.ll.

Matata, Bay of Plenty.

Waikato Hospital, Hamil· wn.

1.') Waterloo Road. Lower Hutt.


19 London Street, Dun. edin.

13GA Worcester Street, Christchurch.

Kl),ramu Road, Hastirigs.

1904, April 4 Ba.thgate, Winifrede Ismay .. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1904 76 Lower Stuart Street, Dunedin.

1916, May 19 Baxter, Robert Hector M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916. M.R.C.P. Lond. 145 Worcester Street, 1925 Christchurch.


DEO. 17.]

Date of .Registration.

1026, Fob. 15

1013, Jan. 6

1804, Apdl 0 1926, Feb. 15

1882, July 25

HH2, Mo.r. 25

1005, Sept. 5 1914, Dec. 18 1020, July 8

1020, Nov. 26

1919, May 27

1923, Nov. 12 1924, May 21 1925, Dec. S




Beale, Alfred George

Beale, Thomas Miles

Bea.ttie, Robert :Martin Bea.umont, James Henry

Bedford, Robert ..

Becdic, John Stott


I L.C.P. Irel. 1885. F.R.C.S. Irel. 1901

I M.RC.S. Eng. 1885 ..

M.B., C.M., Uniy. Edin. 1890 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1025

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1873. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1873

J\I.B., Ch.B., 1907, Ulliv. Abcrd. F.R.C.S. Edin. lOll


Postal Addrcss .

26 Nile Street West, Nelson.

135 Peterborough Street, Christchurch.

Lister Buildings, Auckland. C/o High Commr. for

N.Z., London. 125 Great South Road,

Auckland. 7 Gordon Street, Do.nne.


} Eocdie, Willia.m ..

Begg, Andrew Muir {

J\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. Aberd. 1904 M.D. 1914, Univ. Aberd. } Queen Street, Dannovirlte.

Begg, Arama Thomas

} Bogg, Robert Campbell, f

M.C. L Bell, Francis Gordon

M.B., Ch.B., Uniy. N.Z. 1020

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920

M.R.C.S., Eng. lOlL L.R.C.P. Lond. lOlL 1 M.B., Ch.B., 1912, Ulliv. Edin. >

F.R.C.S. Edin. 1023 I M.D. Edin. 1924 ) I M.B., Ch.B., Edin. 1910. M.D., Edin. F.R.C.S.

Cancer Research Labora­tory, Medical School, Dunedin.

Edinburgh Street, Puke· kobo.

18 Boulcott Street, WeI. lington.

198 Highgate, Dunedin.

1920, April 26 . Bell, Leslie George Eng. 1913. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1924

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919 Hari Hari, South West. land.

1923, Feb. 15

1020, May 23

1915, Nov. 8 ID05, Aug. 24 1913, June 6 1026, Sopt. I IDOl, Feb. 14

1903, Feb. 2 1919, Oct. 24 1921, Aug. 10 1910, Nov. 5

1894, Mar. 20 1926, May 26 ·1914, July II

1928, Aug. 29

1922, Dec. IS

1907, Oct. 28 1900, April 24 1904, Dec. 19 1001, April 27 1921, Aug. 10

1920, Dec. 9

1926, May 26

1912, Sept. 9

1925, Dec. 8

1923, June 1 1926, May 26 1930, Feb. 18 1906, Feb. 24

1910, April 15

1906, Ma.r. 22

1906, April 17

]924, Mar. 25

1918, May 20

1931, Mar. 11

Bell, Muriel Emma.

BeHringer, Raymond Ward ..

Benham, Philip Blaxland ..

} Bennett, Agnes Elizabeth{

Lloyd Bennett, Francis Oswald Bennett, Harry Charles Plant

M.D., 1925, ~!.B., Ch.B., Uniy. N.Z. 1922

M.B., Ch.B., Uniy. N.Z. 1020

M.B., Ch.B., Uniy. N.Z. 1015 l\I.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1899 M.D., Univ. Edin. 1911 l\1.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 M.RC.S. Eng. 1807. L.R.C.P.

M.n., Univ. Lond. 1897 Land. 1897.

C/o Now Zealand House, 415 The Strand, Lon. don.

Mental Hospital, Sunny. side, Christchurch.

Pleasant Point. 180 Upper Willis Stre<'t.

Wellington. Blackball. 157 Victoria Road, Devon.

port. Maxwell Road, Blenheim. Bennett, James Freeborn

} Bennett, Louis Amos

Bernardi, Sto.nislao Silvio

M.B., Ch.B., Uniy. Glasg. 1900

{ l\!.B., Ch.B., Uniy. N.Z. 1919 M.D., Uni,'. N.Z. 1921

L 2 Cranmer Square, Christ. J church.

Berno.u, Henry Ferdina.nd Berney, Hugh Barton Bernstein, Alfred ..

Berry, Eric Harold John

Berry, James Allan

Bertram, Herbert . . . .

}Bett, Douglas Home Black-{

ader Bet.t, Francis Arnot Be va n - Brow n, Charles


Bevan-Brown, Frederiok Vivian

M.D., Ch.D., Univ. Genoa 1901

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1890. L.R.C.P. Lond. 18DO M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 L.M.S.S.A. Lond. 1908. M.B.B.S., Uniy. Lond.

1909 M.R.e.S. Eng., 1924. L.R.C.P. J,ond. 1924.

M.RB.S. Lond. 1926. J\I.R.C.P. Land. 1927 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1916. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1916.

J\I.B.B.S., Univ. Durham 1918. M.S., Univ.· Durham 1921

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. Glasg. 1907 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1900 M.RC.S. Eng. 1902. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1902 M.B., Ch.B., Uniy. N.Z. 1901 1\I.B., Cb.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921

M.R.C.P. Lond. 1920. M.D. Lond. 1920

Bevan-Brown, Robert Eldred 1\I.B., Cb.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

Beveridge, Alexa.nder Watt ..

Biggs, Arthur Cecil Baker

Billcliff, Harold Shaw Bird, William Anderson Birkinshaw, Frank Thornton Blackley, David ..

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1904. 1909

M.R.C.S., L.RC.P., Lond. 1908. 1019. F.RC.S., Eng. 1925

M.B., Ch.B., Uniy. N.Z. 1920 ~I.B., Cb.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 L.M.S.S.A. Lond. 1925 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1904

F.ltC.S. Edin.

D.P.H. Camb.

Blackmore, George John M.B., C.M., 1895. M.D., Univ. Edin. 1907.

Blair, Arc h i b a I d Turner l\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1906 < • • •

·1 D.P.H. Oxfd. 1901

McLeod Blakie, James Landells .: lI!.RC.S. Eng. 1903. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1903

Blomfiold, William Alan M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

Blundell, Francis Clough

Blythman, Arthur Ellis

M.B., Ch.B., Uniy. N.Z. 1918

L.M.S.S.A. Lond. 1907

309 Cleveland Street, Red. fern, Sydney.

13 I\:[arine Parade, Napier. Main Street, Grcytown. Studholm Street, Morrins.

ville. D a 1 got y's Buildings,

Dickens St., Napier. Hospital, Napier.

Hinemoa Street, Rotorna. 51 Broa.d Street, Palmers­

ton North. Nile Street, Nelson. C/o Dr. Bevan - Brown,

10 Hackthorne Road, Cas~ero Hins, Christ­church.

10 Hackthorne Road, C~hmere Hills, Ghrist­church.

10. Hackthorne Road, Cashmere Hills, Christ­church.


PubliQ Hospital, Napier.

, Hospital, Ashburton. Groymouth. Clive Square, Napier. 140 Brougham Street, New 'Plymouth. .

Sanatorium, Cashmere, .. Christchurch. C/o Sanatorium, Rotorua..

202 Union Road, Surrey Hills, MeJbourne.

Llliter Buildings, Victoria. Street East, Auckland.

Alexandra S t r e e t, Te Awamutu.

Old Dominion Road, Mount Eden, Auckland.



Date of Registration.

1920, Nov. 26 1925, Jan. 13 1883, Apdl 2

1930, Aug. 27 1925, May 18 1919, May 28

1904, Feb. 22

19l1, May 5

1899, Feb. 28 1927, Sept. 1

1893, May 27 1927, Sept. 1

1907, June 8

1928, Aug. 29

1915, Feb. 25

1916, May 19

1924, Sellt. 5 H1l4, Dec. 12 1924, Mar. 21 1920, Nov. 26

1925, May 18

190,,}, Dec. 4 1919, Nov. 5

1923, Sept. II 1924, April 30

1892, July; 11

1926, May 26 1897. Dec. 24

1914, May 14

1926, May 26

1927, June 6 1925, Aug. 26 1927, June 6 1901, May _ 9

1929, May 23

1904, ~une 27

1924, Nov. 19:

1930, Feb. 18

1893, Oct, 241

1923, Sept. II 1?26, Sept. 1

] 910, Aug. 25 1915, Nov. 15 1924, Sept. 4 1912, April 4

]913, Dec. 22

1929, Feb. 19

1908, May 29 1915, Feb. 23 1931, Mar. II

1923, June 1




Baag, Normnn Francis Bolt, Francis Eastham Bond, John Henry Richard ..

Bonnington, Reginald Charles Booth, Dorothy Jane Booth, Leonard Hugh

Borrie, Frederick John

Barrie, William Gillies

Borrie, Willlit.m H€,lH'Y Bourke, Una

Bowe, Francis Bowell. Horace Laurenson

Bowerbank, Fred Thompson

Bowi~, Alan Murison

Bowie, John Tait ..

Bowie, William Alexander

Boyd, Edwin Ford

}BOyd~ Jam~.s R.oberts

Boyd, John

'j L

QnoJiflcation. ,

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 ~r.B., Oh.B.. Univ. N.Z. 1924 1t'LB., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1882

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1930 M.B., B.Ch., Dnblin Univ. 1924 1tLB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1917 .

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1902. L.R.C.P. Lend. 1902

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1911

M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1894 M.B., B.S. Lond. 1914.. D.P.H., Lend. 1916

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1879. M.B., Univ. Lend. 1880 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 192·7:

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1904. 1917. M.R.C.P. Edin. 1925

~1.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928

M.n., 0.1\1., Univ. Glasg. 1896

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1912

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1923 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 19l1 M.R.C.P. Edin. 1924 L.R.C.S. Edin. 1918. L.R.C.P.

L.R.F.P.S. Glasg. 1918

M.D. Edin.


Boyd, Reynold Harold 1\I.B., Ch.R. Univ. N.Z. 1924

Boyrl, Robert James ! M.D., 1\.[Oh., R. Univ. Irel. 1886 Bransgroye, William Stophen ~Ln., Oh.n., Uniy. N.Z. 1919.

Vincent Brass, Alister James M.n., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1923 Bremner, Walton Howarth. . M.B., Oh.E." Univ. N.Z. 19~

Brewis, Andrew Seymour

Brewis, Edward Cecil Bre,~is, Edward James

Bre,Yster, Rex Carrington

Bridge, Keith Buchanan

Bridge, Raymond Edward Bridgman, Eric Hattaway Bridgman, William George .. Briffautt, Robel·t ..

Britton, Cedric John Charles

Brockway, Walter Scott

Brokonshire, Kenneth Rex ..

Brookes" Robert ..


Brown, Donald Eadie, M.B.E. Brown, Douglas James

M.D. 1889. M.B., B.S., Univ. Durh. 1887. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1887. L.S.A. Lond. 1887

M.B., B.S., Univ. Durh" 1923 M.B., B.S. 1894. M.D., Univ. Durh. 1897.

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1909. L.R.C.P. Lend. 1909. F.R.C.S. Edin. 19,3

~f.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B.. Ch.B., Uni\". N.Z. 1926 ~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z .. 1923 M.B.. Oh.B.. Uni.v. N.Z. 19~6 M.R. Univ. N.Z. 1901

M.n., Oh.E.. Uniy. N.Z. 1929

l\LD., Rush Medical College, Univ. Chicago, U,S.A., 1903

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z, 1924

L.S.A. 1900, L.M.S.S.A. 1912

L.R.C.S. Edin. 1890. L.R.C.P. Edin. L. and L.M.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1893

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1920 ],f.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926


Postal: AddrC8ll~'

Maxwell Road, Blenheim. Napier. 167 Donald Street, Win­

nipeg, Canada. Kawhia.

I Kumara. Pleasant Valley Sanato·

rium" Palmerston. 236 Hereford Street,

Christchurch .. Endean's B u i I din g s,

Auckland. 226 ,ffigh Strcet, Dunedin. 9 Hastin~ Road,Remuera.

Aucldand. C/o Bank ofN.Z., London. 19 :Miller Street, Point

Chevalier, Auckland. 190 Willis Street;; Wel­

lington.' C/o ,.High ,Comm.issioner

for N.Z.; The Strand, London.

11 London Street. Dtuledin.

Customhouse Stroct, Gisbo.r:ne.·

Niue. 13 Bloomfield Crescent,

Lower Hutt •. Medical Officer of Health,

WellingtOn. '9 Victoria' Avenue, Re­

muera, AucJdand, Raetihi. Br.oadway,. Palmerston:

North. Niue Island. 10 Oxford ,Terrace, Christ·

church. " llesmond: Dene," Claude·

lands, Ha.milton. King' Buildings. Hamilton., " Desmond Dene," Hamil-·

ton. Devon Street East, New

Plymouth. Public Hospim.l. Welling-

ton. Public' Hospital, DUllcdin. PublicHospital,AnckIand. Queen Street, PaparI..-ura. C/o Bank o£ New Zealand,

Queen Victoria Street, London.

Bactereological D~part· ment, Medical School, Dunedin.!

Three Lamps, Ponsonby, Auckland.

Dunstan Hospital, Clyde, Ota,go Central.

C/o Mental! Hospital. Nelson.

33 Ewen Street, Takapuna, Auckland.

Fitzroy, New Plymouth. 158 Willis, Street,. Wel­


} Brown, Edmund Ewart

Brown, Edward {

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1910 F.R.C.S. Edin.

l 22 Ormond RQad, Gis­f borne.

Brown. John Ebenezer Kelly

Brown, John Falconer

Bro\1:n, Malcolm ..

}Brown, Stanley Eric

cent Brown. William

Brown" William l\Iark


M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 ~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1912

M.D. 191~, Univ. Edin.

Lumsden. Corner Stanmore Road

and Gloucester Street, Christchurch.

Win s ton e's Buildings, Qneen Street, Auckland.

Mental Hospital, Sunny. side, Christchurch.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1921

~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1908 L.R.C.P. Lond. 1910. F.R.C.S. Eng. 1913 M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1931

} 69 Don Street, Invercar·


11.R.C.S. Eng. 1920. L.R.C,P. Lend. 1920. ~LB., B.S. Lond. 1921

C/o Public Hospital, Dun­edin.

389 Papa.;Dui Road, Ch.dstchurch~


DEc. 17.] THE NEW ~Rtli.AN:D GAZETTE. 3517,


Date of \ RegllltratioIi. . Name. Qualification. Posto.~Ad~ •..

1903, J,uly· 1 Browne"John_Walter 1 Cavia, Chambers, North . Terrace, Adelaide.

11103, April 10 . B£owne, -William Frederick

1927, June 6 . ~I;o:wnlee, Joseph John, jun.

MJ;., ItS., R. Univ.Irel .. 1900

M.B;, Ch.Jl., Univ. N.Z. 1903

1I1.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926

12· La-timer Sq'llrare; Chl:istchuroh.

Public' Hospital, Auck· land.

1902,,'Aprilll }. Brugh, James 1904-, Fob. 20, {

Thf.R, Ch.B:, Univ. N.Z. 1902 L.R.C.S, Edin. 1903' {

C/o Brugh, Calv~rt, and Barraclough, Solicitors. Duned.i:.ll.

1926. May 26

1908, May 2

1913, M.,. .. 25.1

1920, July 8

1919, Oct. 24 1925"Aug .. 2G

1920, Ap,il 7 1913, l\Iar. 1

1926, Sopt.

1893, May 1 1896, Fob. IS 1902; M.,.. 15 1921, ~!a,. 11 1924, May 6.

1928, Fob. 22 1905,. April-I5 1928, Feb.-. 22

1922, Dec. 18 1893, Aug, 16

1906,.l\1ar. 20 1928,. Aug. 29

1928, Fob. 22

1916, Dec. 16

1891, May 4 1893, Aug. 9 193.0. Feb. IS 1926. Feb. 15

1924, Sopt. 4 1909, Sept. 14 1927, June 6 1924, Sept. 18 HH4, ,Tune 8

1909, July 14

1901, May 6

1925, Aug. 26 19U, Sept. 1 1930, Feb. 18

H)25, Dec. S IS97.,. Ma.r. 22

.1890, Jan. 24

1926~ Dec. 1

1920,July 8

1909, July 24

1921, Nov .. 2_4 1923 •. June 1 1919, Nov. ~."

1930, Aug. 30

L!)12~ April 1

Brunette, Percy Charles' Ed:.. 'ward

Bryson, Elizabeth Horne Bain (see Macdonald, Elizabeth Horne Bain)

Bry;son, Rob~rt

Buchanau, Henry Meredith ..

BUCkley" Howard Francis .. Buckley - Turkington, Emma

Albani Budd, Henry Mn,yall Buist, William Frederick

BuU, Leslie·James Forman

bf,B:, Ch.B:, Univ. N.Z. 1925

~!.B., Ch.B., 1905: M.D., Univ·. St. And: 1907

M.B." Ch,~B." Uni •. Glasg. 1903

i.\LB., Ch.B., Univ. Erun. Hnl

M.J3., Ch.n., Uni •. N.Z. 1919 M.B., Sydney, 1911

l\'LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z: 1919 L.R.C.P, Edin. 1909. L •. 1909, F. 1912, R.C.S.

Edin .. L,F.I',S. Glasg, 1909. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin .. 1909

M.R, B.S., Lond. 1920. M.R.C:S. Eng.; L.R.C.P: Lond. 1916

Hospital~ Wbangarei.

276 Willi$: Street, Wel~ lington;

276 Willis: Street, Wel~ Jington ..

Mental Hospital, Hoki­tUm.

, Bank Stree,t, Wh.a.ngarei.' 7 Rawene Avenue,

Herne Bay, Auckland. Opotiki. . 24 High Street, Hawera ..

Harris StI!eet, Pukekohe.

} Bull.~ Stauley Arthur· {

Bull, William Henry Blinman

Burnett, Je5sie (see Alexlmder) Burnett, Leslie Burton Burnett, ,Leslie :Melville

~!.R.O.S. Eng. 1892.. L.R.C.I" Lond. 1892 M.B., Univ. Lond. 1895 M·.D., Univ. Lond. 1902 ~LR.C,P. Lond. 1918

} Roxton, Mount

Auckland. Eden,

Burns, Charles Ritchie Burns, Thomas

Burns, William Cochran Burrell" Henry

Burton, George Lewin

Bur,t.on, Leonard Lamming

}Butement,: William

Butler, Ernest Edward Button, Eardley Lorimer

Bydder, Edward C"ventry Byxes" George Cairney, John Cameron, Harold Douglas Cameron, Frederick

Cameron, Percival Douglas

Cameron, Robert Allan

Campbell, Gordon Bertram Oampbell, John George Campbell, Raeburn Neil

Candy, ,Eric

M.B., Ch.B., Univ._N.Z. 1924

l'I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928 M.R.CcS. Eng. 1895. L.R.C.I'. Lond. 1895 ~!.B., Oh.B., Univ. "'.Z. 1928

ilLB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922 L.R.C.P. Edin. 1888. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1888.

L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1888 ~L .. B., Ch.B., 18H7. M:D., Univ. Glasg. 1905 ilI.B., Ch.B,., Univ. N.Z .. 1928

M.B., Ch.M., Univ. Sydney 1927

L.S.A .. Lond. 189.4' M.R.C.S. Eng. 1895. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1895. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1900

f .l.B.,. Cb.B., Univ. ~.Z·. 1891 L L M.RC.S. Eng. 1893,L.R.C.P. Lond. 1893 f

:M.B. Cb.B." Univ. N.Z. 1929 .. M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

:M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.B., C.M., Univ. Aberd. 1901 • l.B., Cb.B.,.1922. M.D., Univ. N.Z. 1925 ]'LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1914

~l.B., Oh.B., 1907, M.D., Uni~. Edin. 1908

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1901

M.B., Ch.B., Uni'V. N.Z. 1925 1';LB., B.S., Univ. Durh. 1909, 1\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1930

Cantrell, Charles' Seaward Cnrhery., Andrew R'ohert

M.B., Ch.B., Vniv. ~.z.. 1925 M.B., C.1\L.,; Univ. Edin. 1894 L.L.i\!. RC.P. 1,.1. 1891. L.L.M. R.C.S. Ire1.

189L F.RC.S. 1,.1. 1914 Dillon, C.B.B. . Carew., Walter Granville

Carew, William King

Carl)wel1, William Elliott

, Cnselberg" Afexander Lionel CashI;nore, Rowland Cattell, Sydney Rivers

Caughey, John Egerton

CawkweIl, George Law

L.R.C.P., I..R.C.S., Univ~ ,Edin~ 1921 ..

LJ".M.1913. RC.P.Irel:. L.L .• l.1913. R.C.S. Irel.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. ~.z--. 1906: L.R.C.P. Lond. 1906 .. F.R.C.S. Eng. 1908

M.B., Cb.R, Univ; N.Z. 1921 M.B., Ch.B., Vniv. N.Z. 1,923 !oLB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1930

M.B., Ch.13:., Vniv. -Edin .. 1909

156 Willis:Street,. Welling­ton.

Box 9, New Plymouth. Oxford. C/o Dr. D. G; Radcliffe~

Box 10, Balclutha. 25 Park Stteet, Dunedin. North-eaat Hatboill', Dun­

edin. 28 Church Street, Timaru: Waikato Hospital, Hamil.

ton. Public Hospital", Wanga-

I nni. U Wandella." Hokian'ga

Road, Dargaville. 127, West End:Lane~ West

Hampstead, London. Public· Hospital, Dunedin. Public Hospital, Welling-

ton. Collingwood. Ranfurly. Public Hospital, Hawera . Princes Street, Ha.wera. 14 Kimbolton. Road,

Feilding. Kelvin Chambers, 16 The

Terrace, Wellington; "Ngapuni," Parapara-

umu. 40 I\'Iilton S:treet, Nelson:·' Aubrey·Street, Whangarei~ Public Hospital, Welling.

ton. Church St., Opotiki. Havelock. Pen s ion s Department,

Wellington. Corner Aratanga and

Great- South' Roads,: Auckland;.

Hunter· Street, Hamilton.

Moray' Flace; Duuad:i:ri.;

t Wakefield; , Avondale Bioad, Taradale. 75 Constabl~ Street, New­

town, We'lington: Public Hospital, Auck­

land; 9 St. Mark's Road, Remu­

era,' Auckland:. ! .




Date of '1 RegiatratiOD. Name. Quallflcatlon.

1924, Deo. 17 Cha.mptoloup, Mary Anderson M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

1929, Dec. 6 1921, July 18

1890, May 10 1894, April 12 1898, May 9 1899,Sept.ll 1898, Oct. 5 1902,Sept.25 1909, Dec. I 1912, May 17

1922, Mar. 2

1928 Feb. 22 1929, May 23

1920. Mar. 30

1920, July 8 1928, Aug. 29

1930, Aug. 27 1910. Nov. 12

1895, April 19 1898, Aug. 3 1921, May 31 1918, May I

1924, May 8 1917. Nov. 27 1890, .Feb. 17

1923, July 27

Chapman, Eileen Norah Chapman, Sylvia Gytha


M.B., Oh.B. (Liverpool) 1924 de M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921

}ChapPle, William Allan

Cheesman, Herbert Hilten

}ChessOD, Herbert ..

J M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1890 }

L M.R.C.S. Eng. 1897. D.S.M., RC.P. and &.

Ire!. 1897 M.D., UniV'. N.Z. 1899 .

{ Child (now De La Mare),

Sophia Rutb Childe, Cecil Roy .•

Childs, Tom William James Chisholm, Frederick Russell

Chisholm, Percy ..

M.R.O.S. Eng. 1897. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1897 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1894. L.RC.P. Lond. 1894 D.P.H., R.C.P. and S. Eng. .. ..

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921

M.B., Oh.B., Edin. 1913 .• M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z.1929


L.R.O.P. Edin. 1915. L.R.O.S. Edin. 1915.

1Ohristie, Harry Kenrick

J . Christie, Henry Howard

L.RF.P.S. G1asg. 1915 ·r M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 •. } J

l M.R.O.S., L.R.C.P. Lond. 1923. F.R.C.S. Eng.

1925 . Ch.M. N.Z. 1929 . • . . •• M.B., Ob.B., Univ. G1asg. 1906

}Christie, Joseph MaCNaugh-{


Christie, Mabel Aileen (Bee Hanron, Mabel Aileen)

Christie, Mollie (see Fisher) .. Christie, Robert Lyall Christie, William Walls

Church, James Stuart

M.B., O.M., Univ. GIasg. 1893 •• } M.D., Univ. G1asg. 1897. F.R.O.S. Edin. 1898 F.R.F.P.S. G1asg. 1920 . . • . . M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z.1917

M.B .• Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.B., Ch.B.. Univ. N.Z. 1917 C.M., Univ. Glasg.1885. M.D., Univ. GIasg.1889

[No. 94

Postal Address.

Department of Health, Dunedin.

Kh&ndallah. 200 Willis Street, Wel.


1 Horsoferry Road. West. minster, London S.W.I.

Rikurangi. District Health

Auckland. Offico.

O/o·Mrs. E. Childe, 9 Wha Street, Lyall Bay, Wel­lington.

Mental Hospital. SeaoM. C/o High Commissioner

for N.Z., The Strand, London.

Queen Mary. Hospital, Hanmer.

44 Jones Street, Wanga­nui.

273 Viotoria Avenue, Wa.­nganui.

50A Cromwell· Gardens, South Kensington, London S.W. 7.

Cook Islands.

44JonesStreet, Wanganui. Rarotonga, Cook Islands. 12 Rosslyn Terrace, Glas­

gow W. 2, Scotland. Morley Street, New Ply­

mouth . 1893, Feb. 10 Church, Robert

bLB., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1892 M.B., Ch.B.. Univ. N.Z. 1922

• • f Portobello. near Dunedin. 1922. Deo. 18 Church, Robep; .Alan Harry

1903, July 30

1.924, Nov. 19

1931, Oct. 21

1920, July 8

Clark, .Alfred

Clark, Arthur Grucby


Clarke, John Maxwell

1926. May 26 Clarkson, Cecily Mary

1901, Mar. 1 Clay, David Lloyd

1907, Mar. 19 Closs, James Robert 1910, Feb. 8 .Coats, George William

1904; Feb. 29

1919, Dec. 18 1920, Mar. 19 1931, Oct. 21

1911, Aug. 26

1923, June

1923, Mar. 5

1911, Nov. 28

1930, Aug. 27

1927, Feb. 4

1906, ,ran. 22

1910, Mar. 18

1902, Feb. 17

1878, June 10

Coohrane-Brown, Edith (now Pitts)

}Cohen, Louis Davia. { Colbeck, Stuart Cordingley ..

Ooldioutt, Claude Ernest Addison

Cole. Doris Elizabeth

Oole, James McMurray

Collie (1I0W Gow), Maysie Alice Marianne

Collier, Bettina Maltraves

Collier, Joseph Henry

Collier, Rosa

Collins. James

Collins, James Clive

C-ollins, William Edward

... ~1·

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1892. L. 1892, F. 1898, R.&.8. Edin. L.F.P.S. G1asg. 1892 '("

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. Edin. 1915. F.R.C.s. Edin. 1921 ..

M.R.C.S., L.RC.P., Eng. 1905. M.B" ,,:!l..s., Lond. 1906.· F.RO.S., Eng. 1907 .•

M.B., Oh.B., 1920, Univ. N.Z. M.R.C.s. Eng.; L.R.C.P. Lond. 1923 M·

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 .n·

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1895. L.R.C.P. Lond,,1895

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1907 M.B., Oh.B., Univ. G1 .. g. 1897

·dr.· M.R.C.S Eng. 1913.

F.R.C.S. Edin. 1919 M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1931

L.R.C.P. Lond. 1913.}

M.B. Ch.B. 1907, M.D. 1909, Univ. Edin. D.P.H., Univ. Camb. 1910

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1921, L.RC.P. Lond. 1921. M.B., B.S."Univ. Lond.1921

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1918. F.R.O.S. Edin. 1921 "d

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1930

L.R.O.P., I_.R.C.S., Edin. 1893. L.F.P.S. G1 .. g. 1893. M.B., C.M., Aberdeen 1894

L.R.O.P. Edin. 1905. L.RC.S. Edin. 1905. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1905

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1~10

M.B., B.Oh., Trill. Coll. Dub!' 1893. L.M.R Hasp. Dubl. 1893

M.B. Univ. Lond. 1877. M.R.O.S. Eng. 1876 ..

C/o Dr. T. G. Harpur, Mari-on.

Sohoo] Medical Officer, . Napier.

1 Clive Square, Napier.

Hpspital, New Plymouth.

C/o Dr. H. P. Piokerill, " Harley" Macquarrie S_t, Sydney.

335 Willis S_t, Welling. ton.

Wakefield, Nelson. 84 Rolleston Avenue,


279 Willis Street, Welling· ton.

2 Park ·Road, Grafton, Auckland.

82 Symonds Stroet, Auckland. .

"Aysgarth," Royal Oak, Onehunga.

" Aysgarth," Royal Oak; Onehunga.

Public Hospital, Welling­ton.


School Medical Officer, . Department of Health. Inverca.rgill.

139 Spay Street, Inver­cargill.

324 Palmers ton Road, Gis­borne.

29 Hobson Street, Wel­lington.


DEC. 17.]

Date of Regl!!tratlon.

1884, June 13

1924, Mar. 25

1923, June 18

1878, April 23

1998, Mar. 22 ]921, Mar. 11

1918, May I

1928, Feb. 22

1920, Nov. 26

1920, May 23 1890, May 20 1895, June 24 1918, May 1 1929, May 23

1912, May 31

1927, Feb. 4

1929, May 23

1926, Feb. Hi

1926, Fob. 15

1921, Mar. II

1922, Mar. 16

1927, Sept. I

1923, Mar. 14

1905, Oct. 19

1918, May 20

1928, Deo. 12

1927, Feb. 4

1918, May 15

1926, Feb. 15

1929, May 23

1923, Sept. II

1903, Noy. 23

1905, Doc. 19

1921, Aug. 10 1893, Aug. 17 1924, Sept. 15

1894, Feb. 7

1926, May 26

1905, May 26

1902, July 21 1909. June 4 1908, April 6

1906, Feb. 26




Colquhoun, Daniel

Colvin, Herbert John Ander­son

Comrie, Ernest Young

Comyn, Georgo

Conlon,- William AJoysius Connolly, Joseph Roger De

Witte COl~nor, John

Cook, Alfred Bramwen

Cook, Duncan

Cook, Leslie Gordon

}Cook, Percival Robert {

Cooke, Ernest James Cooke, Herbert William

Cooper, Harold Alexander

Corban, Corban Assid

Cordery, Lionel Hildreth

Corldll. Harold Keith

Corkill. Isabella Hislop

Corkill, Thomas Frederick

Corry, Eric Vere ••

Costello,' Charles Desmond

Costello. John Winferton

OotQ, Daniel Samuel

Cotter, William Makuri

Cotton, George Rtlginald Cope

Cotton, Newell Raine

Cottrell, Arthur John

Coutts, Mary

Coverdale, Howard Vincent

Cowan, Alister Forbes

Cowie, Helen Stephen (see Baird. Helen Stephen)


M.R.C.S. Eng. 1877. M.R.C.P. M.D .• Univ. Lond. 1880

lI!.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920

Lond. 1880.

Postal Address,

218 High Street, Dunedin.

St. Luke's Hospital, Lowestoft, Suffolk, Eng­land.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923. ·1925

F.R.O.S. Edin. 410 Avenue Road, Hast­ings.

M.B., Trin. ColI. Dub!. 1876

M.B., Univ. Sydney 1896 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928

Musgrave Road, Brisbane, Queensland.

RecftoD. IR3 Remners Road, Auck­

land. 64 Burnett Street, Ash­

burton. C/o lIrfra. G. Cairns, 9 !.in­

dore Road, Battersea Rise, C1apham Junc­tion, London.

M.D. 192~, M.R.e.p., 1920, District Health Office, Dunedin.

M.B. Ch.B. 1917. Univ. Edin.

M.R, eh.B.. Univ. N.Z. 1929 M.B., Univ. N.Z. 1890

.. TeAroha. .. L I 24 Lincoln Road, Mas­.. f terton. Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1891

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1915. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1915 M.R.C.S. Eng .• L.R.C.P. Land. 1913 ..

2 High Street, Lincoln. 19 Carlton Avenue, Gon­

ville, Wanganui. l\I.B., B.S., Uniy. Durh. 1909.

lOll. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1911 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926

_ M.R.e.S. Eng. 4 Tirohanga A v e n u e, Remuera. Auckland.

M.B., Cb.B.. Univ. N.Z. 1929

Tokanui Menta.! Hospital, Kihikibi.

C/o High Commissioner for New Zealand, London.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1922. F.R.C.S., E(lio. 3 Park Streot, Wellington. Univ. 1925

l\LB.. Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1922

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1915. )!.D., 1920. M.R.C.P. Univ. Edin. 1920

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1918. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1918. M.B.B.S. Lond. 1921

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927

~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923. M.D. Univ. N.Z. 1926. F.R.C.S. Eng.

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1900. L.R.D.S. Edin. 1900. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1900

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918

~!.B. 1908. Ch.M. Sydney 1928

M.B., Ch.B., Uulv. N.Z. 1926

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1924

M.B., B.Ch. Camb. 1925

:M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Ediu. 1912. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1923

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Gh"'g. 1903. L.R.C.P. Edin. 1903. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1903. L.F.P. and R.

3 Park Street, Wellington.

3Hl Willis St~eet, WeI. lington.

Q.ueen Street, Northcote.

Ito Bank Street. Whanga­rei.

Cliv~ Sqnare, Napier.

Koroit, Victoria, Australia.

35 Papallui Road, Christ· church.

13 Kent Terrace, Wel­lington.

Publio Hospital. Christ­church.

9 Roseberry Street, Belle. knowes, Dunedin.

132 Vivian Street, WeI· lington.

A.M.P. Buildinge, Auck­laud.

Lavaud St.reet, Akaroa.

24 Perry St.reet, Mast~ton.

"}coWie, James Alexander

-Cox, Norman Kershaw

Glasg.1903 ( M.B., Ch.B., Hniv. Glasg. 1904. M.R.C.S. Eng.} ~ 1904. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1904 L :M.D., Univ. Glasg. 191:1. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1915

M.D., Univ. Michigan. U.S., 1892

24 Perry Street, Master· ton.

Cox, Winifred Ethel (now Morton)

Craig, George

Craven, Joseph Wilfred

l\LB., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1890

l\f.D. 1921, M.B. j B.S., Univ. Durham 1912

Crawford, Aloxander Francis ~r.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1905 Ritchie

}Crawford, Andrew John

Crawford. James Garfield

Crawford. Stephen Estridge

J M.B., Univ. N.Z. 1902 l F.R.C.S. Eng. 1908

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1908

Hay's Building. Timaru.

Thames Street, Morrins· ville.

"Glenaire," Glenfield Road, Birkenhead, Auckland.

34 Don Street., lnvercar. gill.

45 Ingestro Street, Wll. nganui.

77 DOll Street, Invercar· gill. .

Soutbernwood, Marton.

1924, Nov. 19 Crawford, Stewart White

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1905. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1905

i\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 8 :Mountaln Road, Eltbam.




Date of I Re\tlstratlon.

1921, Oct. 28

1906, A.pri\30


Crawley. Rosina Dorothy (now Richnrds)

,Crawshaw, James Henry

1925. Aug.-26 ,Crawshaw, James Jackson

]903, June Ip Crawshaw, John William

1919,.Oqt.·24 Cronin, ,Edward John

1399. June 22

1907"May 21 1896, July 15

]902, -Nov. 26

1915, Nov. 8

1926, Feb. 15 1912, Jan. 6

}C,OOIce, Thomas {

Crosby, Arthur Henry Pascal

Crosby. Isabella Anne (aee Watson, Isabella Anne)

Cross. Philip Richard

Crow, Leonard Kerr CrunJP, -Colin Harold

1924. S~pt. -4 Cununing, Alexander

19J.7,.OQt. 15 ,Cunie. 'Donald,Erio

1924,Sept. 5 1916, July 13 1908, ,Dec. 17 191U,,·Oct .. 19 1918, Dec. 14 1925, A~g. 26

1924, Sept .. 6

Currie. John Spreull Curl,"ie, ,William Fleming

,Curtis. :Arthur Humphrey Clirtia, George William Cuthbert, John-Raymond Dale, John Alexander

D'Ath, Eric Frederick

19,2&, Aug. -26 .Daunt. Francis Eldon 1924, Sept. 1 Davidson, James Keith

]925, Feb. 25

1923. Mar. 5

1917, Apri\30 1926,.Sept. 1

1906, M.,. 26

Davidson. Rona.ld Otway

Davie, Peter Cousin

Davies, Christoph., Ap Rhys Davies. Evelina Isabel

Davies, Henry Arthur ,Bluett


L.S.A. Lond. 1896. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1905. L.R.C.P. Lend. 1905

~f.B. .. Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Vict.. (Manchester, Eng.) 1892

"AI.B., Ch.B., Univ. -N:Z.-HIl9

L.'R;C.P. and S. ,Edin. ,1883. ·Registered 1m periaJ Register

M .. H., Univ. ·Durham;'1906 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1895. L.R.C.P. Land. 1895

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1900. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1900. L.F.P.and S. GIWlg. 1900

. L.M.B.S.A. Lond. 1913.· M.D. Brux. 1913

M.B .. Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 M.R.C.S. Eng. ·1909. 'L.R.C,P.~,ond. 1909

IM.B., Ch:B., Univ. N.·Z. '192/!

M.n., Ch.B., Univ.·N;Z. ]917

M.B., Cb .. B., Univ. GIasg.1922 M.n., Ch.B.. Univ. N.Z. 1916


M.R.C.s' Eng. 1904. L.R:C,P. Lond.·1904 M.R.C.S. Eng. 190L L.R.C.P. Lond. 1901 M.B., CIl']l., Uulv. N.Z . .J9[8 M.B .• Ch.B .• Univ. 'N.Z.11925

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

'"ALB., B.S., 'Uniy-. J.ond. J}9-13 ALB., OhJB .• Univ. NIZ. :1924

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z, 1924

M.B., Ch.B.,Univ. Edin. :Illifi. M.R.C.P. Edin. 1920. F.R.C:S.!Edin. ·]92-1

M.B.,Ch.B., Univ. N.Z.1917 ., ChiD., Aberdeen ,1922. D.·P.R. ·.Aberdeen


L.R.C.PeEdin. 1883. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1883

1901, Jan. 21 '1 . }-.Da.vis. Cyril Stephen

1907, Sept. l7 lj {

~l.R.C.s, Eng. 1888. L.R.C,P. M.D.,UniV.1Brussels 1900

D.P.H. R.C.P. and S. lrel.1907

Lond. 1888.

192~, Ma.y,26 Davis. Lyell Stanley 1923. Mal'. 5 Davis. Thomas Beveridge

1920, Dec. {} 1895, July 23 1923, Sept. 11 1925, Dec. 8

1894, Nov. 5

1902, 'Mar. II'!

1921, Nov. 17 1925, Aug. 26. 1920, Jan. 6

1923, Mar. 5 18.7(),.Jan. 1

]897, Feb. 20

1928, Dec. 12

1926"Feb. 15

[925, Feb. 25

[912, May 17

1923, Feb. 27

Davy, William Henry ·Dawson, Charles'McBenth Dawson, Eric Towsley . Dawson. ;Frederick Walter

Whitney Dawson, Henry Thomas

Dawson, i1.:Villiam Henry

Dlty ('nv1Q·Hill), Eva Esther .. ~ Dean, Kcm-ick Holt de BOL'lsiere, Raoul Ferdinand

de Castro, Leopold Ransford Deck, John Ficld .•

De ,Clive-Lowe, George Thomas Humphrey

De Clive-Lowe, Selwyn Grahame

De Clive.J~owe. Trevor Grabame

Deem, Muriel Helen ;(see Eastel'field)

De ,La ~rare, Sophia Ruth (see Child, Sophia Ruth)

de Lautour. Cecil Edgar

M.IB., Ch.B. ... Univ.,N.Z. 1924 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

"ALB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919-:r.f.B.,and C.M .. Univ. Aberd. 1892 M.B .• Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 L.S.A. ?Lond. '1900. M.B. Lond. 1]903.

Carob. 1922. ·R.C.P.B. Eng. 1922 M.B.. C.M. Univ. Aberd. !1892

M.B., C,M. ·Uulv .. Edin. :1898. :F.R,C.S. ·EUin. 1900. !D.P JR. IEdin. antI Glasg. 1901

l\I.B.,.Ch.B.. Univ. N.Z., 1925 L.R.C.P. Edin. 1901. L,R.C.S. Edin. 1901.

IL.IF.P.S. 'Glasg. 1901 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 M.R.C.S. Eng. '1862. L.R.C.P. Lond. '[862.

M.D. Univ. St. And. 1862. Registered under Medical Practitioners Act. 1867

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1894. .LJR.C;S. lEdin. 1894. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1894

)I.B., Ch.B., Univ. NoZ. [908

M.B., Ch.B.,.Un;v. N.Z. 1925

M.B., Ch. B., lUniv. N.Z. 1924

ltLB., Univ~ Sydnoy '1909-

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

' ..

[No. 94

I Postal Address.


Medical Officer of Health, Dunedin.

'0/0 'High Commlssioner for New Zealand. 415 Strand; London 'W.C .. '2.

33 Repton Street, Meri. vale, 'Christchurch.

Simpkins Street, 'Wbaka~ tane.

88 Dyers Pass ROllod. Cash.' mere Hills, Christchurch ..

Mental Hospital. Sunny_ side, Christchurch.


Great South Road. Papa­'kura.

33 TainujJRoad, 'Ehmedin. Rokianga _Road. "Bl.I:rga.

ville. '"212 'New :North iRoad-;

Auckland. 213 ·Co'lomb'o' !StTec·t.

Christchurc.h. Avenue'Rond,Otd;hl1hu. Richmond. :Samitorium, 0talii. "Millhoole," Geraldine. Hakanoa Street, ·Huntly. 11 Queen's ~aradeJ Devon •.

port., Auckland. I

Royal Prinoe Alfred Hos. pital, ·Sydney, New South Wales.

··England. .


18 Gloucester Street, Christehurch.

309 Wo.rcesh'lr Street, ChriStchurch. .

Powderham Street, New ·Plymoufh.

Manaia. "l.'he lPard HOuse;"JStalh.

ford Brids.e, Worcester-sliire. 1Englalld. .

C/o 'G:P.O., Addo, Cll-pe, -Province,ISoui'h 1tfrica.

lWa'.ilHto -Bay.

-kasdbY. ' 533 Barbadoes Street"

:ChriStchurch. Eighth Avenue, Tauranga. 'Nukualofa, Tonga. ' Paparoa, North Auckland. 1\fedical Officer'of Healtlh, .

Ohristchurch. 24 Dawson Street, Pahia­

tun. 22 Queen ·Street, Danne·


-0torohangn. 1-7 Mt. Hobson Road,

:Remuera, AUCKland. King Street, To Kuiti. 31 (Eliza-·JJeth S·treet,·

Ashfield, N.8.17.

58 Symonds Street, Andle. iland.

Eddystone "£ treet, lJCaita_ ngata.

105 'Victoria Road. D'WOll_

port. 47 IIngestre'Street,'Wanga_ 1

nui. , 39 BeUdon "Road. iRamilton. '

111 Moray Place. Dunedin


DEC. i7.]

Dato of Registration.

1913, June 21

1930, Aug. 27

1924, Aug. 11

1913, May 3

1021, l\lo.y 31

1924, Apdl 7 1926, Feb. 15 1930, Aug. 27

1012, Mar. 28 . 1925, Aug. 26

1927, June 6 1924, Sept. 27 19In, Nov. S

1927, Juno 6

1893, Feb. 27 1897, Apd1l7 1931, Mar. 11

1931, Mar. 11 1926, May 26




Delcpine, Julius

Dempster, Gordon Lindsa.y

Denny.Brown, Derek

DelTick, Tliomns ..




M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1888

1\I.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1930

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1907


Postal • .o\ddre!l9.

The Cottage, Albert Road, Beecroft, Sydney.

124 St. David Street, Dunedin.

C/o High Commissioner for N.Z., 415 Strand, London W.O. 2.

410 Mount Eden Road, Auckland.

Dick, William Samuel Rainey

Dickel, William Julius Dickson, David McKeo Dimond, J osoph Leonard

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1902. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1002. 47 Wellington Road,

}Doctor, John Alexander

Dodds, Fawcit Millor Donald, John Paterson Dorsct, Richard

Dougall, Helen Edith

Douglas, Alexander Douglas, Hugh Douglas, Hugh Stewart

Douglas, Lennox Doughts, Mary

L.F.P:S. Glasg. 1902 ~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 l\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 M.B., Ch.E., Univ. N.Z. 1930

J ~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1907 1.. l\I.D. Glasg. 1924. F.R.O.S. Rdin. 1925

M.B., Ch.B., Unjv. N.Z. 1927 »I.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z., 1924

Marton. Westport. Coalgate. Public Hospital, Christ.

church. 1.. 11 Woodward Street, Wol. f lingtcn.


L.R.C.P. Edin. 1914. . L.R.C.S. Edin. 1914. Cubn" Street" Petone. Ranolf Street, Rotorua.

L.R.F.P.S. Glasg. 1914 l\I.B., eh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927

:M.B., C.!lrf., Univ. Rdin. 1892 l\I.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1896 ~I.E., Ch.B., N.Z. 1931

~!.B., Ch.E., N.Z. 1931 lI,LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

Departmont of Health, Wellington.

Reed Street, Oamaru. Ohaupo Road, Hamilton. C/o Waikato Hospital,


1921, Sept. 28' DreadoD, John ~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921.' F.R.C.S. Eng. ·1924

Public Hospital, Dunedin. Waikato Hospital,

Hamilton. 498 Dominion Road, Auek.

land. 1917, April 30

1925, Aug. 26

1916, Aug. 3

1920, July 8

1924, Sept. 5

1893, Mar. I

1923, Nov. 12

1904, ltIar. 24 1920, July 8

1903, Jan. 12

, WIG, June 21 1907, Feb. 16

1908, June 10

1927, Sept. I

1927, Dec. 7

1892, Feb. 19

1910, Feb. I

1911, April 22

1930, Aug. 27 1926, Dec. I

U121, Mar. 11

1909, Mar. 19

Ul09, Nov. 8

1925, Feb. 25

1926, Mny 26

1917, April 30 UlOl, Nov. 11

U1l4, l\Iar. 12


Drennan, Alexander Murray

Drew, Hedley Vicars

Drier, Rzrn" Newton

Driver, Arthur Herbert

Drury, Leslie Gordon

Dryden, Douglas Dixon

Dudding, Reginald Georgl'l

Dudley, Bernard John Duggle, Richard J rving

}Duke" Edmund Spraguo

Duncn"n, James Ferguson

f L

Duncan, John Donald Cnmp-bell

Duncnn, John Pinkerton

Dunlop, James Paton

Dunn, Ed\vin Dacre

Dunn, Elizabeth Ann

Dunn, ,Villiam Alexander

Dtmne, Brin"n John David Durward, Archibald

Dunvnrd, Herbert John Cecil

Eade, James John ..

Earle, :Maurice l\lason

l~astcrfield (now Deem),Muriel Helen

Easterfield, Theodorn Clemens

Edgar, ,Tfl.mes Noel

}Edgar. John .Tum" {

1\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1906. F.R.C.P. Edin. 1914

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1882. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1888. F.R.C.S. Eng. 1890

M.D., C.M., 1899, :MeGiIl Univ., Montreal.

I F.R.C.S. Edin. 1909

1\LB., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920

I 1\LB., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1923

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1890. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1890. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1890

~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1901. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1901 L.R.C.P. Edin. 1910. L.R.C.S. Ed;n. 1919.

L.R.F.P.S. Glasg. HH9 1\f.B., Univ. Lond. 1897 .

1I,LR.C.S. Eng. 1894 } 1\I.B., Oh.B., Univ. Edin. 1902.

1905 F.R.C.S. Edin.

l\I.B., Oh.B., Univ. Edin. 1906

l\f.B., Oh.B., 1900. F.R.F.P.S., 1907, Glasg.

l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1925

L.S.A. Lond. 1890. L.R.C.S. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1891

L.S.A. Lond. 1901 ..


lII.R.C.S. Eng. 1910. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1910

M.B., Oh.B., N.Z. 1930 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B., Ch.B., Edin. 1920

lII.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1909

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1907. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1907

l\I.B., Oh.B., Un~v. N.Z. 1925

~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1917

f 1891~

L.R.C.P. and S. Edin. 1896. L.F.P. and s.} Glasg. 1896. l\f.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1897

1\I.D., Univ. Glasg. 1913 ., ..

Medical School, King Street, Dunedin.

Chatham Islands.

70 Symonds Str(}et, Auckland.

London 1tfission Hospital, Jammalamadugu, Madras Presidency, S. India.

50 Ponsonby Ron"d, Auckland.

12 Barnn"rd Street, Timaru.

Queen Street, Northcote, Auckland.

Main Road, J~ower H utt. 13 Kent Terraco, Welling.

ton. 3 Glenside Crescent,

Symonds Street, Auck· land.

42 Rossall Street, Chri<;t. church.

Government Balneologisf, Rotorua.

Waverley. 36 Cavell Street, Tainui. Anderson's Bay, Dunedin. 31 Russell Street, ,"Vest-

port. 6 Campbell Street,

Wanganui. 229 Macquarie Street,

Sydney, N.S.W. 9 Elizabeth Street, Timaru. Institute of Anatomy,

University College, Gower Street, London.

22 Broad Street, Palmers-ton North.

2 Buchanan Streot, Devonport.

48 Wicksteed Street, Wanganui.


Spencer Street, Milton.

51 Tennyson Street, Napier.



Date of Registration.

1911, May 25

1925, Aug. 26 1014, Sept. 14 1903, Feb. 16

1888, Aprilll




Edgar, Robert Walter

Edginton, William James Edie. Edward Kerr Edmonds, Henry Augustus ..

Edwards, Charles Augustus ..


M.B.. Ch.B., Univ. N. Z. 1911

:ntB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 ~r.n., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1914 L.R.C.P. Lond.1889. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1889

L.S.A. Lond. 1883. L.R.C.P. Edin. 1886. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1886

[No. 94

Postnl Address.

George Street, Port Chalmers.

Tahorn.. Green Island. Anglesey Rouse, Parade,

St. Reliers Bay, Auck~ land.

"Taunton Dene," Ken-

1903, May 16 } Elliott, James Sands { 1912, Nov. 28 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1902 M.D., Univ. Edin. 1912

sington, Sydney.

} 43 Kent Terrace, Welling­

ton. 1919, Nov. IS Ellison, Edward Poha.u

1921, Mar. II Elmslie, Alexander Harper .. 1926, Feb. 15 Eppstein, David Nathan

1930, Feb. 18 Erwin, Graham Stoddart 1921, Oct. 19 Endey, Walter Syrne 1927, Feb. 4 Evans, George Morton 1900, April 13 Evans, William

1931, Mar. 11 Ewart, Ian Brandon

1887, Feb. 16 Ewart, John

1903, Feb. 16 Ewart, William

1915, Nov. 8 Ewen, Henry Bayldon 1926, Sept. I Fahey. Jameg Herbert

1905, Mar. 20 Fairclough, William AiI{Cll

1898, May 28 Falconer, Alexander Robert-son

M.B., Ch.E., Univ. N.Z. UU9

M.n., Ch.n. Univ. Edin. 1910 ~!.n., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B., Ch.B., Univ.N.Z. 1930 ~r.n., Ch.B., .Univ. N.Z. 1021 1\tB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926 ~r.R:C.S. Eng. 1897. L.RC.P. Lond, 1897.

F.R.C.S. Edin. 1899 il!.B., Ch.n., 1927. M.B. Edm. 1930 ..

M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1880. M.D. Univ. Edin. 1885

~!.n., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1899. F.RC.S. Edin. 1902

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1915 1\'1.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1905

M.B., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1898

1914, April 24 }FariS, Irwin Eric 1920, Mar. 19 1895, April 8 Faulke, Herbert Charles

{ M.n., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1914 .} D.P.H., Unh'. N.Z. 1919 L. 1887, F. 1894, R.C.S. Edin. L.RC.P. Edin.

1887. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1887 1925, May 18[ Fell., William Rougvald 1884, April 17 }

Fell, Walter .. 1896, May 5 { 1912, May 1 Feltham, Wilfred John

1911, Mar. 24

1911, Aug. 19

1805, Oct. 25

1916, Dec. 16

1005, May I 1911, Sept. 18 1883, Nov. 20

1893, Sept. 15 1911, June 19

1902,'A prill.;

1926, Feb. 15 1913, Oct. 28

1919, May 27

1922, July 5

1924, :May 8 1921, Oct. 19

1921, Oct. 19 1902, April 25

1920, July 8 1919, May 27 1926, Feb. 15

1891, Jan. 5

1920, July 8

Fenwick, Da.vid Eardley

Fenwick, George Ernest Os­wald

Fenwick, Percival Olennell ..

Fere, Mu.ud Tresillian

} Fergus, Thomas .. {

}Ferguson, Henry Lindo {

Ferguson, William Bertram Ochiltrec

Finch, Hugh Earnshaw

Findl~ter, Christina Grant Findlay, William Farquhar

Fisher, Geoffrey C1air

Fisher, John

Jasper St.

Fisher (now Christie). Mollie Fislier, Welby Earle

Fisher, William' Beaumont Fitchett, Francis Wiremu

Brian Fitzgerald, Elspet.h 1\1a.ry Fitzgerald, Gerald Patrick Fitzgerald, Henry Walden

Fitzgerald, James ..

Fitzgemld, Robert Stephenson Jordan

l\LB., Oh.E., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.RC.S. Eng. 1881. L.RC.P. Lond. 1882.,

!U,.I., Univ. Oxford 1882 r D.M. Univ. Oxford 1895 J M.B., Ch.B. 1910, M.D. 19l1. Univ. Edin.

D.P.H., RC.P. and S. Edin., RF.P.S. Glasg. 1911

~r.B., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z .. 1911. M.D., Univ. N.Z. 1917. M.RC.P. Lond. 1917 •

M. 1903, F. 1910, R.C.S. Eng. L.RC.P. Lond. 1903

M.RC.S. Eng. 1894. L.RC.P. Lond. 1894. M.B.. Univ. Land. 1895

L.RC.P. Edm. 1909. L.RC.S. Edin. 1900. L.F.P.S. Glasg. 1909. D.P.H., R.C.P.S. Eng: 1014

~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1905 } F.R.C.S. Edm. 19lO L.K. and Q. Coll. P.l. 1880. L. 1880, F. 1883, I

R.C.S.1. )-M.n. and M.D. Trm. ColI. Dubl. 1803. . J M.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1891

B.M., B.Ch., Univ. Oxford R.C.P. and S. Eng. 1900

M.B., Oh. B., Glasg. 1924 M.B., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1913

1808. D.P.H.,

M.B., Ch.B., 1918, Univ. N.Z. 1918

M.B., B.Chir., Univ. Camb. 1891

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1000. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1900. F.R.C.S. Eng. 1907.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921 M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1895.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 M.n., Cb.n., Univ. N.Z. Inl7 M.B.. Ch.B., Univ., N.Z. 1925

)f.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1889

~!.B., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1020

Department of Health, Wellington.

Pembroke, Otago. C/o Public Hospital,

Christchurch. Waikato Hospital. Naseby. Mental Hospital, Porima. 185 High Street, Dunedin.

341 Willis Street, WeI. lington.

337 Willis Street, Wel~ lington.

58 Don Street, Invercar­gill.

Hospital, Wellington. 31 Carlton Mill Road,

Menvale, Christchurch. Imperial Buildings, Queen

Street, Anckland. 132 London Street, Dun.


Rata Street, Inglewood.

186" Willis Street, Welling ton.

Elizabeth Street, Timaru.

Day's Bay, Eastbonrnc. Wellington.

Duncan Street, Raetihi.

279 Willis Street, Welling­ton.

Lister Buildings, Victoria Street E., Auckland.

22 Gloucester Street, Christchurch.

24 Napier Terrace, Napier.

236 High Street, Dunedin.

77 Lower Stuart Street, Dunedin.

The Hospital, Arrowtown.

C/o G. G. Linton, Ex~ change Laue, Auckland.

5 Bolton Street., Petone. Medical Officer of Health,

District Office, Welling­ton.

Lister Buildings, Victoria Street, Auckland.

71 .Alexandra S t r e e t, Palmerston North.


Waipulturau. 8 Pitt Street, Dunedin.

Reed Street, Oamaru. 201 High Street., Dunedin. 30 Royal Terrace;

Dunedin. 28 London Street, Dun­

edin. Coquet Street, Oamaru.


DEC. 17.1

Date of ltogi!ltration.



Name. Qualification. Postal Address,

1897, April 10 \ Fitzgerald, William l\f.R, O.M., Univ. Edin. lS95

l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1917

M.B., Ch.B., Uni\r. N.Z. 1924 ~r.B., Cb.B., N.Z. 1930

1 C/o High Commis­

sioner, London. 1917, Nov. 3 Fitzgerald, William Douglas

1925, Feb. 25 1930, Aug. 27

1926, Feb. 15

19:{O, Aug. 27

. 1927, Feb. 4

1929, May 23 190], Feb. 22

1914, Feb. 26 1917. April 30 1875, Aug. 7

] 925. Aug. 26 1930, Dec. 5 1925, Aug. 20 1929, Dec. 0 1000, May 1

] 926. Feb. 15

1 D27, Sept. 1

1896, .July 15 1925, Feb. 25

1919, Dec. 18

1926, Feb. 15

1912, April 22 1903, Feb. 9

1926, Feb. 15 1923, June 18

1921, May 31

1908, July 20

1929, Sept. 4

1924, May 16

191!i, April 1

1922, Mar. 16

1929, Feb. 19

1924, Sept. 5

1921, Oct. 22

1031, Oct. 21 1924, Noy. 17 1924, Nov. 19

1901, Mar. 27

1891, July 24 1904, July 21

Fitzsimons, James Floming, Hugh Stuart

Flett, Robert Louttit

Fogarty, Paul Joseph

Fogg, William Swann

Foley, James Joseph Dee Fookes, Ernest Faber

}Foote. Percy Leslie

~oreman. Joseph .•

}Forsyth, John Cennick

}Fossey, Ernest Sydney

Foster, ~bilip St.anley

J l


{ Fougere, Jeanie Gardner (8ee

Wood) Fowler, Edgar Francis

Fox, Walter Francis, Robert Searson Rod·

ney F r a IS e r, Charles Stanley

Frederick. Fraser, laD Comyn

Fraser, Thomas Campbell Frazerhurst, Joseph Living.

stone Frengley. Desmond Makgill Frengley, Geralel Jacob

Friedlander, Arthur Jonas •.

Fullerton, Francis William ..

Fulton, John Richard Hertslct

Fulton, Noel Edward HertsJet

Fu1ton, Roland Hertslet

Fulton, William ••


Furkert, Frederick Plimmer

Gabites, Frederick Charles Montague

Gardner, Rita Ethel Osborne (-see Gillies)

Gaudin, Howard James Gault (now Wise), Isabella Geerin, Sylvester Lot

Gibbs, Harry Edward

Gibbs, Sidney Alfred Gibson, Frederick Goulbunl

Gibson, George Homer

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1930 .

i\r.n., Ch.n., U.IJ..iv. N.Z. 1926

~I.n., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 M.R.C.S. Eng. lS99. l\LB. Land. IS90. L.R.C.P.

Land. lS99 l\I.R.C.S- Eng. 1909. L.R.C.P. Land. 1909 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1913 L.S.A. Lond. lS73. l\I.R.C.S. Eng.

L.R.C.P. Eilln. 1874

} 1874.

22 Shakespeare !{ a a d, Napier.

Wellington Hospital. Public Hospital, Wanga.

nui. C/o "High Commissioner

for N.Z., Londoll. Public Hospital, 'VeIling.

ton. 530 George Street, Dun .

edin. Public Hospital, Napier. 41 Courtenay Strcnt, New

Plymouth. Brougham Street, West

port. H'l'he Astor," 123 Mac

M.n., Ch.R, Univ. N.Z. 1925 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1928

quarie Street, Sydney ..

} 26 Bannister Street, Mas·


} .Ambcrley. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. Hl25 L.R.C.P. Lond. .l\I.R.C.S. Eng. H12!) M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1909

M.B., ·Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

I\LR, Ch.R, Univ. N.Z. 1927

M.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. lS86 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z.1919

M.n., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

.l\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1912 l\f.D., Uniy. Durh. 1899

l\LB., Ch.E., Univ. N.Z. 1925 ~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.RC.S. Eng. 1909. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1909. F.R.C.S: Ediu. 1914

M.RC.S. Eng.' 1893 .. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1893. M.B., B.S., Univ. Durh. 1893

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929

~r.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.B., Ch.B .• Univ. N.Z. 1914

l\f.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1892

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929

L.>r.S.S.A. Lond. 1919

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921

M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1931

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

DaJgety's Buildings, Chri.,tchurch.

Box 7, Dannevirke.

C/o Pathology Dept., Public Hospital. Auck· land.

Hospital, Christchurch. Napier Hospital, Napier.

Elizabeth Street, Timaru.

C/o High Commissioner for N.Z., The Strand. London.

Victoria Street, Hamilton. Whakatane.

Balclutha. Kawakawa.

Buckland Road, l\Iangere, near AucIdand.

235 Remuera Road, Auck· land.

C/o High Commissioner for N.Z., London.

84 TaneredStreet,Ashbur· ton.

2 Pitt Street, Dunedin.

C/o Hugh Douglas, Wes· ley Chambers, Hamil· ton.

Rotherham, North Can. terbury.

52 Waterloo Road, Lower Hutt.

Clifden, Southland.

74 O~ens Road, Epsom.

C/o High Commissioner for N .Z.; London.

~LB., Ch.B., Univ~ Edin. 1898. F.R.C.S. Edin. I 240 Willis Street, Welling. 1900 ton.

142 Hardy Street, Nelson. ~1.B., C.M., Univ. Eilln. 1890 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1900. L.RC.P. Lond. 1901. 121 Papanui R 0 ad,

M.D., Univ. Land. 1903 M.D., Denver Col. of Med., Colorado, U.S.A. 1885

Christchurch. 233 Worcester S t r e e t,

Christchurch. 1902, April 30

1916, July 13 1921, Dec. 8 1900, April 16

}Gibsoll, Harold Ray

Gibson, "Tilliam Edmund {

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916 M.D., Uniy. N.Z. 1920 }'I Don Street, Invercargill.

.. 22 Elizabeth Street, Timaru.

'l907, Mar. 5

1926, Fob. 15

Giesen, Ernest William

Gilberd, Carlyle Bond

1921, Oct. 19 . Gillett, Gcorgo Edward

.l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1900

!l.R.C.S. Eng. 1906. L.RC.P. l\f.B., B.S., Univ. Land. 1906

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 l\faniapoto Street, Otoro· hanga.

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1891.

Lond. 1906.127~o:'IlliS Stre€:t, Welling·

L.R.C.P. Land. 1891 Kaiapoi.




Date of Reglstration.

1929, Sept. 4

1928, Dec. 12

1921, Oct. 22

1902, Dec. 8

1914, June 8

1904, Aug. 27 1924, May 21

1919, Oct. 24

1906, Mar. 12

1915, Nov. S 1918, ~ray 10

1888, June 15 1917, April 30

1889, Aug. 30

1905, Aug. 22

1899, Jan. 31 1928, May 18

1902, May 9


Gillies, Alexander ..

Gillies, Ellensleigh Den n y Gordon

Gillies (now Gardner), R it 8 Ethel Osborne

Gilmer, Hamilton And r e w Hugh

Gilmour, Bertram Hazelwood,

Gilmour, John Ritchie Gilmour, Walter ..

Gilray, Arnold

Gilray, Thomas

Gladstone, Arthur Edward .. Glasgow, Wilfred Thompson

Gledden, Alfred Maitland Godfrey, William Fowler

Goff, Bruce Edward

Goldstein, Herbert Myer

Good, Hardman Allgood Goodwin, Donald Joseph

Gordon, Colin Huntly


M.B., Ch.B., Edln. 1923. L.R.C.P. and S. Edin., L.R.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1923. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1926

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928

M.D., Univ. Edin. 1902

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1914

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1904 M.B., Oh.B., 1908. lI,LD., Univ. Glasg. 1912.

D.P.H. Oxfd. 1914 M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z.·1919

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1906

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1898. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1898 ALB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918

L.R.C.P. Lond. 1886. ~LR.C.S. Eng. 1886 lI,LB., O.M., Univ. Edin. 1899

~l.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1886.

M.B., B.S., Univ. Lond. 1903. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1903. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1903

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1897. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1897 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1902

1916, July 13 Gordon, Doris Clifton (8ee M.B., Oh.E., Univ. N.Z. 1916 Jolly, Doris Clifton) .

1894, June 4 Gordon, Frederick William.. M.R.C.s. Eng. 1884. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1885 1908, April 27 Gordon, Kenneth Farquharson l\I.R.C.S. Eng. 1905. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1905

1917,May 11 ! Gordon, William Patteson M.n., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z.1917

I Pollock

1929, Feb. 19 G~ssip. James

1919, Nov. 5 Gould, Charles Hamilton

1916, July 13 Gould, Herbert Leslie

1915, Nov. 8 1911, Nov. 28

Gow , John Graham Gow, Maysie Alice Marianne

(8ee Collie) Gow, Moana Maru (8ee

Anderson, Moana Maru) Gow, Peter .. ..

M.B., Ch.B., 1912. M.D. Glasg. 1920

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1913. L.R.C.P. M.B., B.S. Lond. 1918

Lond. 1913.

M. B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1915 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1911. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1911

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921

[No. 94

Postal Address.

Public Hospital, Welling­ton.

Public Hospital, Palmers­ton North.

219 Willis Street, Welling­ton.

25 Oxford Street, Lyttel. ton.

P.O. Box 18, Roxburgh. Hospital, Auckland.

26 Thompson R 0 a. d, Napier.

26 Thompson R 0 a d, Napier.

Alexandra. 42 George Street, New

Brighton. 32 College Street, Sydney. 39 Grey Street, Palmers­

ton North. 17 Ovington Gardens,

London S.W. 3. NationalMutualBuildings,

Shortland Street, Auck­land.

Bank Street, Whangarei. Public Hospital, Christ­

church. Riverton.

Page Street, Stratford.

Hillsborough, Auckland. 249 Campbell Road, El-

lerslie. Auckland. Page Street, Stratford.

Cook and Ross. Buildings, Victoria Square, Christ. church.

239 Hereford .Street, Christchurch.

Public Hospital, Auck­land.

Kent Street, Levin. Kent Street. Levin.

Park Street, Winton.

Park Street, Winton.

1921, Oct. )9

1905, ~ray 23 1910, April 30 1919,May 27 1920, July 8 1924, Mar. 25 1915, Feb. 26

~Gow.r, George William ~ Graham, Rupert S e 1 w y n


M.R.C.S. Eng. 1903. J".R.C.P. Lond. 1903 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1910 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1917 }

·South British Buildings; Hamilton.

1930, Aug. 27 1927, June 6 1926, Sept. 1

1925, Aug. 26 1921, Feb. 21 1926,May 26

1923, Mar. 5 1921, Aug. 10

1911, Dec. 1

1907, Sept. 2

1918, April 26 1921,May 31 1895, Feb. 8 1928. Dec. 12

1924, Mar. 25 1905, Aug. 8 1924, Nov. 19

Grant, Alexander McGregor

Grant, Edward Charles Grater, Margaret Marion Vida Grave (now King), Janette

Muir Graves, Philip Vernon Gray, Alfred Smith Gray, Henry Percival

Gray, James Ian Roberts Gray, Malcolm Kennedy

Gray, Theodore Grant

Green, Alan Reneta

Greenslade, Charles M. Greenwood, Herbert Gregg, John Lovell Greig, James Alexander

Greville, Morice .. Gribben, St. Leger Hugh Grieves, Thomas Arthur

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1923 M.B., B.S., Univ. Melb. 1910

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1926. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1926 M.B., Ch.B"., Univ. N.Z. 1926

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Aberd. 1906

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z., 1907

~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918 L.S.A. Lond. 1900. L.M.S.S.A. Lond. 1908 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z., 1894

} Waikato Hospital. Hamil­

ton. Corner Remuera Road and

Morana Avenue. Auck­land.

Denniston. Public Hospital, Dunedin.

Waverley. Queen Street. Thames. Powderham Street, New

Plymouth. Manam Road, Kaponga. 2 Kipling Street, Christ­

church. Director·General of

Mental Hospitals, Wel­lington.

Green wood Street, Motueka.

L.R.C.P. Ewn. 1888, I,. 1888. F. 1892, R.C.S.

219 High Street, Dunedin. Chatham Islands. Auckland Street, Picto.n. Keri Keri, Bay of Islands.

Edin. L.F.P.S. Gl .. ,g. 1888 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 .. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. ~LD. Edin. Univ. '1904 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1889. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1889

Dargaville. 35 River Road, Hamilton. 139 Great South Road.



DEC. 17.]

Date of Registration,

1910, Sept. 5

1920, July S 1929, Sept. 4 1910, Dec. 18

1928, Aug. 29

lOll. May 4 1006, Feb. 10

1927, Juno 6



Name. Qualification.

}Griffen, Vinc~nt Denis

Griffin, Erin Michael


L.R.C.S. Edin. 1910. L.R.C.P. Edin. 1~1O. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1910

1\-I.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919

Griffin, Cyril James Anthony

Griffiths, Eustatius William Barton

Grove, William Gunn, Elizabeth Catherine ..

Gunn, l\ficha<:l Beresford

l\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1913. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1913

l\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.7.. 1928

M.B., C.1\1., Univ. Glasg. 1895 M.B., Ch.B., Unhr. Edin. 1903

Lie. L.1\1., 1917, R.C.P., Ireland. Lie. L',M., 1917, R.C.S., Ireland

PontuJ Addresa.

} Otahuhu.



3 Ponscmby Road, Auck­land.


Tokanui, Southland. School Medical Officer,

Wanganui. 656 Dominion Road, Auck­

land. ]909, Jan. 5' Gunn, Roderick McKenzie 1923, Feb. 15 Gnu, Eily Elaine ..

1\1.B., Cb.B., 1906. M.D. Univ. Aberd. 1908 .. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

43 Wainui Road, Gisborne. 90 Symonds Street, Auck-

land. . 1919, Ju~e 2

1905, Dec. 29 1920, July 8 1909, Jan. 27

19213, Sept. 1

1923, .June 7

1900, April 20 1904, Dec. 5 1020, July S 1904, Sept. 20

1919, Oot. 24 1921, Aug. 10 1922, Mar. 16 1918, l\fay 20

1925,.Feb. 25

1906, Sept. 18 1908, Jan. 31

1925, Feb. 22

1924, Sopt. S

1928, Feb. 22 1915, May I

IS93, May 16

1925, Feb. 22 ]913, May 1

1905, July 29

IS97, Jan. 29

1908, Jan. 3 1008, Mar. 3 1927, June 6 1914, Feb. 17

1914, Aug. 7 1921, June 10

1926, Sept. 1 1885, Feb. 2

1924, Oct. 2

1919, Nov. 4

1925, Feb. 25

1904, Nov. 30 1905;June 17 1910, Feb. 23

1924, Nov. 19

1915, Nov. 8 1882, 1\1ar. 24 IS90,Oot. 7

Gunson, Edward Burton M.B., Ch.B., Edin. 1910. M.D. Edin. 1911. 28 Princes Street, Auck.

}GuthriO, John ..

Guthrie, Robert Neil

Gwynne, Francis John

Haddow, Phyllis .,

}Hall, Arthrn James

Hall, Frederick

. M.R.C.P. Lond. 1913 .

{ ~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1902 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1919 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1906

lItLB., 1\1.S., Univ. Sydney 1920

~1.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

{ 11.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1900 11.R.C.S. Eng. 1902. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1902 L.R.C.P. Iro!. IS97. L.R.C.S. Ire!. IS97


} 84 Armagh Street, Christ.

church. 9 Cranmer Square,

Christchurch. Lister Buildings, Victoria

Street., Auckland. 21 Owen's Road, Epsom,


} 36 Stuart Street, Dunedin.

Takapau. Hall, George Josoph Alphonsus L.L.M., R.O.1'.' Irel. IS90 .. L.L.1!., R.C.S. Alexandra Str_eet, Te Awa-

} Han, John William {

Hall, Richard IJ ohn Burnside

Hall, Robinson Early

Hallen, Arthur Herbert Hallwright, Matthew Leslie

Guy Hamilton, Thomas Bennett ..

Irel. 1890 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919 M.D., Uillv. N.Z. 1921 F.R.C.S., Univ. Edin. 1921 .. ~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1915

l\f.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.B., O.M., 1899. M.D. IS92, Univ. Edin M.R.C.S. Eug. 1895. L.R.C.P. Lond.1895

l\1.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927

Hamilton, William Keith M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 Renwick

Hanan, Alfred Josiah Clarke Hanron (now Christie), :Mabel

'Aileen Harding, Harold William

Littou Harding, John TellOI'd Hardwieke, Edwin Cecil

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.R.O.S. Eng. 1892. L.R.C.P. Lond. IS92

~f.B., eh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928 M.R.O.S. Eng. 1911. L.R.C.P. Lond. 19U


} District Hospital, Wha.


1\1edieal Supt., Public Hospital, Gisbol'nc.

68 Riccarton Road, Christ· church.

Piopio. Marino Parade, Wah·on.

50 Islington Street, Dunedin.

C/o New Zealand House, Tho Strand, London W.C.2.·

356 High Street, Dunedin.

49 Sydney Street, Petone.

37 Buick Street, Petone. Monk's Close, Woodpit,

Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk:, EnglalJd.

Hardwick·Smith, Honry L.R.C.P. Lond. 1904. F.R.C.S. Eng. 1907. 18 Boulcott Street, WeI· lington. M.B., B.Chlr., Univ. Camb. 1907

Hargreaves, Walter Herbert M.R.C.S. Eng. IS94. L.R.O.P. Lond. 1894. Kakahu, South Cantor-

} Harke, Sydney Lawrence

Harper, James Watkins Harper, Philip Thomas

Harpur, Thomas Gerald Harris, Harold Edgar

Harris, 1\ferville Simpson Harrison, William Atkinson

Hart, Benjamin David

Hart, William David

Harty, Eric Robin

Registered on Imperial Register

{ M.R.C.S. Eng. 1903. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1903 l\f.B., B.Chir., Univ. Camb. 1907 M.D., C.P. & S., Manitoba, Canada 1917 M.R.O.S. Eng. 1905. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1908

M.B., B.Ch., Univ. Dublin 1912 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921

~I.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926 ~!.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. ISS0

J\1.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

~1.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. Edin. 1903 F.R.O.S. Edin. 1905


Jl ~O Selwyn Street, One­



New Lynn, Auckland. C/o Medical Department,

Fiji. 50 High Street; 1\Iarton. 83 Victoria Street, Hamil·

ton. Kumeu. " Breekenboro.ugh,"

Burnie, Tasmania. Mental Hospital, Auek.

land. 4 Crane's Park, Surbiton,

England. 403 George Street, Dun­


}Harty, Garnet Wilson {

Harvey, Frank Newenham .. L. I..M., R.O.P. Irel. 1909. 1909

L.I..l!., R.O.S. Irel. 14 Hill Stre~t, Wellington.

Tennyson Street, Napier.

Harvie, Adam Hamilton

Haslett, Selwyn Langstaff

}HasseIl, Gray {

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1915 l\I.B., C.M. Univ. Aberd. 1881 M.D. Univ. Aberd. 1890


c/o High Commissioner for N.Z., 415 Strand, London.

Putarul'u, Auckland. C/o Mental Hospitals

Department, Wellington, .



Da.te of Reglstra'&ion.

1928, Feb. 22

1917, June 8

1919, May 27

1927, June 6

1917, April 30 1909, May 28 1926, Sept. 1 1907, April 15

1927, Dec. 7

1920, Nov. 26



Name. Quallilcation.

Hastings, Gyri! :MichaeI, M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928 Thomas

Hastings, John Patrick

Hastings, Violet Eulina

Hastings, William Howitt

Hay, Herber!; l'tfiUer Hay, Sydney Hartley Hay, Robert Turnbull Hayes, Edwin ~laude

Hayes, Henry Douglas

Heard, Charles de Wolfe

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1907

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1912. L.R.O.S. Edin. 1912. L.R.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1912

M.B., B.Oh., Cantab. 1906. ~LR.O.S. Eng. L.R.O.P. Lond. 1905

!I.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916 bLB., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1909 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926 l'tf.R.C.S. Eng. 1904. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1904

~LB., Ch.B. Edin 1922. !I.D. Edin. 1925

L.R.O.P. Edin. 188!. L.R.O.S. Edin. 1881

1902, Sept. I Hector, Charles Monro M.B., O.M. 1895, b[.D. 1~98, Health), Univ. Eclin. 1899

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

Bac. Sc. (Pub.

1926, ~ay 26 I Helmore,. Frederick William

1908, April 27 1925, May 18 1926, Feb. 15 1928, May 18 1894, Aug. 21 1906, April 5 1903, Mar. 13

1914, !Ioy ,28 1928, Dec. 12 1925, Aug. 26

1930, Dec. 5

1930, Aug. 27

1923, Aug. 3

1921, Nov. 17 1929, Sept. 4

1921, Ma.y 31 1927., Dec. 7

1894, b[or. 17 1900, Oct. 29

Henderson, Albert .. Hennessy, .Tames Alphonsus Hennessy, William Augustine Henry, Barbara Hay

{ }Henry, Cla.ud-Dawson

Herbert, William Edward

Herens, Charles Ernest Hetherington, Lionel Redford Hetherington. Owen Stanmore

Heycock, Ellen Gough

Haycock, Murray Hamilton

Hicks, Cedric Stanton

Hill, Eva Esther (see Day) Hindenach, Jack Carl Rudolf

Hinds, Herbert Austen Hiskcns, Keith Norris

Hislop, Patrick Wood Hislop, Walter John Henry ..

1\LB., C.1\:1:., 1894:. M.D., Univ~Aberd. 1902 M.B., Oh.B. Edin. 1919 M.B., Oh.B. Edin. 1919 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927 l\LB., B.Chir., Univ. Camb. 1894 M.D. Univ. Camb. 1906 !I.B., Oh.B. 1899, !I.D. 1902, Univ.

F.R.O.S. Edin. 1902 M/B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1914 !I.B., Oh.B. Edin. 1928 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1930

!I.B., Oh.B., N.Z. 1930

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929

1I1.R.C.S. Eng. 1895. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1895 1ILB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926

M.B., C.M., Univ."Edin. 1889 !I.B., O.M., Univ. Edin. 1896.

1900 F.R.C.S. Eng.

[No. 94

Postal AddrESS.

Mental Hospital, Seacliff.

}249 Ponsonby Road,


Public Hospital, Wanga-nui.

Taihape. Fenton Street, Rotol'ua·. Mental Hospital, Nelson. 27 Naseby Street, Meri-

vale. C/o Mental Hospital,

Porirua. Upper Spit Road, Mosman

Sydney, N.S.W. C/o Medical School,

Dunedin. . Main South Road,

Hornby. TeAwamutu. Bryce Street, Shannon. Bryce Street, Shannon. Public Hospital, Auckland. 22 The Terrace, Welling-

ton. Bowen Street, Wellington.

Medical School, Dunedin. Moresby Avenue, Waihi. 9 Surrey Crescent, Grey

Lynn, Auckland. Pnblic Hospital, Palmers­

ton North. Public Hospital, Auck­

land. 12 Hawthorne Avenue,

Mornington, Dunedin. Piopio. C/o High Commissioner

for N.Z., The Strand, London.

Whitianga, Mercury Bay. College Street, Te Awn­

mutu. Cox Street, GeraJdine. 190 Willis Street, Welling-

ton .. 1918, Dec. 14 1929. Dec. 6 1929, May 23 1931, Mar. 11

}nockin, Munro May Hodge, Horace Emerton Hodgkiss, Fred.

{ M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918 M.D., N.Z. 1923 M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929 !I.B., Oh.B., N.Z. 1931

} Hospital, Hamil·


1930, Dec. 5

1905, Aug. 21

1911, May 1 1893, .r an. 13

1925, Feb. 25 1914, July 2

1898, Mar. 18

Hogan, Philip Cornelius

Hagg, Alexander Wilson

Hogg (now Neill), Kate Welton' Hagg, Robert Henry

Holdgate, Keith Hanni Rolmden, Harry Foster

Home, George

1930, Feb. 18 . Hooper, Bernard Trevor 1905, Oct. 20 Hope, John Matfen

1923, !Iar. 12

1900, June 9

1924, Mar. 25

190i, June 6

1897, July 17

1924, Sept. 5

1903, April II

Hope. Robertson, W al t e r James (aee Robertson)

Horsley, Alice Woodward (aee Woodward)

Horton, William Claude

Horton, William Henry

Hosking, Archer ..

Hoskins, Thomas Tarrant

Hotop, Francis Rudolph

1928, Aug. 29 I Houghton, Nellie Isabel

M.B., B.S., Adelaide 1928

J'\LB., Ch.B., Univ. Eclin. 1904

l\:I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1891. M. R.C.S. Eng. 1892. L.R.O.P. Lond. 1892

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.B., Oh.B., 1911, !I.D. 1913, Univ. Edin.

F.R.O.S. Edin. 1913 !I.B., O.bL, 1892, !I.D. 1895, Univ. Edin.

D.P.H. R.C.P. and S. Eng. M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1930 M.B., B.S., Univ. Durh. 1893

!I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Bum. 1905. F.R.O.S. Edin. 1908

!I.B., Univ. Sydney 1902

M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1896

L.R.O.P., Edin. 1922. L.R.O.S., L.R.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1922

!I.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1903

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928

Edin. 1922.

Public Hospital, Dunedin. c/o Public Hospital,

Dunedin. Public Hospital, Ashbur.

ton. 28 Bay Road. Kilbirnie,


32 Don Street, Invercar· gill.

Hospital, Auckland. 107 Jervois Road, Pon­

sonby, Auckland. Glenalmond, New Plyw

mouth. Millerton. C/o Bank of New Zealand,

Queen Street, Auckland. Kelvin Chambers, Wei·


St. I;I:eliers Bay, Auckland.

"Wandella," 78 Symonds Street, Auckland.

23 Church Street, Masterton.


60 Stafford Street, Dun­edin.

Public Hospital, Welling­ton.


DEC. 17.J

Date of • glstnltIon.

1905, Mar. 9 1926, Feb. 15

1909, Jan. 20 1909, May 22

1925, Feb. 25

1931, Mar. 11

1928, May 18

1923, June I

1911, Feb. 28 1913, Nov. 13 1924, Sept. 4 1909, Oct. 22 1926, May 26

1890. Feb. 10

1924, May 21

1926. Feb. 15

1926, Feb. 15

1920, July 8 1923, Nov. 12 1921, June 10

1912,.Dec. 23

1910, June 18 1909, April 8

1900, Feb. 26 1897, Dec. 29

19l1, Aug. 7 1931, June Ii

1907, May 20

1923, Nov. 12

1926, Feb. 15 1916, May 19

1924, 8ept. 22

1930, Aug. 27

1903, July 9 1903, Aug. 18 1916, Dec. 16

1925, Feb. 25

1920, July 8 1008, May 1 1920, Dec. 5 1920, Nov. 26 191n. May 27 1924, Nov. 19 1920, July 8

1903, Dec. 7

1917, April 30 1924, Scpt. 23 1931, Oct. 21 1926, May 26

1925, Feb. 25

1926, Sept. 1 1909, July 1

1912, Nov. 20 1886, :iliaI'. 22 1923, Sept. 11



Name •

Howard, Ernest Henry Howard (now Muir),

Ca.tharine Howden, Charles Ernest Howden, Patrick Fraser

Howells, Roy Humphrey

Ho:wio, Alfred Tennyson



M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1905

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1907. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1908 L.S.A. Lond. 1905 ..

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

~r.B. Ch.B., N.Z. 1931


Foatal Address.

Box 68, Taumarunui.

"The Hill," Waiuku. Copenshaw Street, Pal·

merston, Otago. C/o High Commissioner

for N.Z., London. C/o Public Hospi tal, "Auckland.

Hudson. Frank M.RC.S. Eng. 1922. L.RC.P. Lond. 1922. Tapawera, Nelson.

HudsoD, John Spink

}Hughes, Thomas John

Hunt, Edwin Warwick Hunt, Ernest Hunter, Adam Irvine

F.R.C.S. Eng. 1925 M.RC.S. Eng. 1922. L.RC.P. Lond. 1922

.[ ~r.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1907 , D.P.H. Camb. 1912

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.RC.S. Eng. 1893. L.RC.P. Lond. 1893 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

103 Jervois Road, Herne Bay, Auckland .

} Medical Officer of Health,

Auckland. Southbridge. Apia, Samoa. Waikato Hospital,

Hamilton. Hunter, James ~r.D., M.S.R, Univ. hei. 1888. L.lI,LK. and 14 Don Street, Inver·

cargill. Q.C.P. hei. 1889 Hunter, James Dewar M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 Mental Hospital, Scacliff,

Otago. Hunter, Lancelot John

Hunter, Stewart •.

M.B., Univ. Sydney. 1915. Ch.M., Univ. Sydney, 1919

Durham Street, Levin.

}HutchisOD, Frank Copland{

Hut-chison, Vi' i 11 i a m Jack Pearson

lI,I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

litLE., Cb.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 F.R.C.S. F.din. 1923 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921

Public Hospital, Ash· burton.

} 277VictoriaAvenue,

Wanganui. 99 Hutt Road, Petone.

Hutson, Herbert .. M.B., Ch.B., 1908, M.D. 1911, Univ. Edin. 'Vaipu.

Waihi. Hyde, John Mickle Ick (.Hewins), Edwin Theo·

philus Jesse Inglis, Traey Russell

F.R.C.S. Edin. 1912 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1910 lILB. 1898, B.S., Univ.Melb. 1899

M.B .• Univ. Melb. 1899

Lakes Entrance, Victoria, Australia.

6 Alfred Street, Auckland.

}hving, William .. { M.R.C.S. Eng. 1895. L.RC.P. Lond.

)LB., B.Chir., Univ. Camb. 1897 M.D., Univ. Camb. 1911 ..

1895. i 56 Armagh Street, Christ­church.

Irwin, Brian Tyrwhitt. Wyn M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1931 J

Public Hospital, Christ· church.

Irwin, Emma L.RC.P. ·Edin. 1907. L.RC.S. Edin. 1907. Otaki Sanatorium, Otaki.

Irwin, Mary Ellen

Isaac, Cedric Walter Isdale, George Brownlee

Iverach, John A I e x and e r Douglas

Ivory, Nola :Mary ...

L.F.P. Glaflg. 1907 ~I.B., RCh., Q. Univ. Belfast 1918

~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 M.B., Cb.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.E., Ch.B., N.Z. 1930

} Izard, Arnold Woodford

Jacobsen, George Oscar

.[ L.R.C.P. Lond. 1900. M.RC.S. Eng. 1900 L M.B., B.Chir., Univ. Camb. 1903

James, Clifford Samuel

Jameson, Alfred Barrett

}Jamieson, James Peterf

Speid 1.. Jardine, Edmund Basil Jarvis, Joseph Henry Ernest Jary, Elb:abeth Kate

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1~89. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1889

1\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1905 M.D., Edin. 1930 M.R.C's. Eng. 1912. L.R.C.P. l~ond. 1912 M.RC.S. Eng. 1887. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1887 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

Cheviot, Nor t h Canter. bury.

Te Kniti. The Esplanade, Ngarua­

wahia. 456 George Street, Dune·

din. Public Hospital, Auck-


f\. War Pensions Board.'

Wellington. 48 Sussex Street,. WeI·

lington. Southland H 0 s pit a I,

Invercargill. KolD?flr Road, Papatoetoc.

L 129 Hardy Street, Nelson. f

IGng Street, Wairoa. Pul,ehou.

JeUett, Henry M.B:, B.Ch., 1894, M.D. 1896, Univ. Dubl. Claudelands, Hamilton. 41 Fendalton Road,

M. 1897, F. 1898, RC.P. hei. Christchurch. Jenkins, Charles Campbel

Jenkins, James Alfred ..

}Jermings, David Riehmond{

Jennings, Hoani Turner

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1897. L.RC.S. Edin. 1897. "Roath," Great South Road, Manurewa.

Johns, Brian Maurice

L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1897 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1917 ~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1926 l\I.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

~f.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

Johnson, Henry Nicholas M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926

} r ~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1909 ..

Johnson, Thomas Williami. L.lI,LR.C.P. Lond. 1911. M.R.C.S. Eng. Jamea I M.D., Univ. N.Z. 1912

Johnston, David Gibb .. M.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1885 •. Johnston, William Archibald M .. B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

223 High Street, Dunedin. 1 Cr. Yarrow and Kelvin f Streets, Invercargill.

206A Papanui Road, Christchurch.

C/o Bank of Australasia, 4 Threadneedlo Street, London E.C.


National Bank Chambers, Fort Street, Auckland.

Car·terton. Leeston, Canterbury.



Dateo! Reglatratlon.

1910, M.y 2 1921, Aug. 10 1924, Sopt. 5

1916, July 13

1930, Feb. 18

1920, July 24

1923, Sept. I!

1927, Dec. 7 1919, Dec. 18

1917, Nov. 22 1923, Nov. 12

1902, Aug. 23

1912, Mar. 21 1920, Nov. 26 1913, May 5

1905, April 15

1908, Nov. 23

1901, Aug. 16

1901, Juno 25

1922, Aug. 17

1922, July 5

1908, Feb. 28

1903, May 18

1890, Sept. 9

1885, Sept. 21

1924, Sept. 5 1928, Aug. 29 1890, April 24 1895, May 15 1916, July 13 1930, Dec. 5

1923, May I

1926, May 26

1926, Feb. 15




}Johnston, William D a v i d{

Stoney J ahnston, William Henry ..

Jolly (now Gordon), Do r i s Clifton

Jolly, Douglas Waddell

Jones, Dudley William Car· •

Jones, James Phillips, M.e .. .

Jordan, Lewis Edmund Jory, Philip John ••

Joseph, Archibald Joseph, Edward Gordon

Julian, Thaddeus ..

}JUlian, Thaddeus, jUll.

Kahlenberg, Fritz

Keith, Hugh

Keith, John Neill ..

Keller, Florence ..

Keller, Peter Martin


Kelman, Ranfurly Percival Stanley

Kemp, Charles Gordon

Kemp, Frederick William

Kemp, John Harold

Kendall, Hen r y Martindale

Kenny, George Geils



btB .• Ch.n., Univ. Edin. 1907 } M.D. Univ. Editl. 1916 M.D., Univ. Edin. 1915. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1920 ..

b!.n., Ch.n., N.Z. 1930

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1903. L.RC.P. Lond. 1903. B.M., B.Ch., Univ. O~"fd.

M.R.e.S. Eng. 1915. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1915

l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927 M.B.; Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919

M.B., Ch.B .. Univ. N.Z. 1917 M.B., Ch.n., Edin. 1918. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1918.

L.RC.P. Lond. 1918 M.D., Mast. Surg., Bennett CoIl. of Eclectic :Med.

and Surg. Chicago,· U.S.A. 1891 M.B., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1912 F.R.C.S. Eng. 1919.. .. M.RC.S. Eng .. 1910. L.RC.P. Lond.

F.R.C.S. Edin. 1912 L.RC.P. Edin. 1893. L.RC.S. Edin. 1893.

L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1893

L.RC.P. Edin. 1898. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1898. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1898

M.D., American Missionary College, Chicago,} Illinois, U.S.A. 1900

M.D., Jefferson Med. Call., Philadelphia, U.S.A. 1899

M.n., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1922. M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond., 1924. F.R.C.S. Eng., F.R.C.S. Edin., 1926

M.n., n.S., 1907. M.D. 1912, Univ. Durh. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1907. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1907

M.B., B.S., 1905, M.D. 1907, Univ. Durh. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1905. L.RC.P. Lond. 1905

M.B., B.Chir., 1899, Univ. Camb. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1899. L.R.C.P. L9nd. 1899

L.S.A. Lond. 1884. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1885

M.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1883

[No. 94

Postal Address.

Hardy Street, Nelson.

16 Tlte Terrace, Welling­ton.

Public Hospital, Welling­ton.

Savoy Buildings, Moray Place, West Dunedin.

C/o Dr. McEvedy, Willis Street, Wel1ington.

Awatea Street, Ohakune. St. G ear g e's Hospital,

London S.W. 1, Eng. Victoria. Street, Hamilton. 198 Willis Street, Wel­

lington. 281 Cambridge 'Terrace

Christchurch. Wairau Hospital, Blen­

heim. 302 . Childers Road, Gis­

}JOrne. C/o Morpetlt, Gould, and

Wilson, 228 Queen Street. Auckland.

Blair Athol, Nelson.

White Memorial Hospital, 312 North Boyle Avenue, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A . .

Na.tional Bank of N.Z., Port Chalmers.

32 Riddiford Street, Wol­ington South.

Upper Hutt.

33 Constable Street, WeI. lington Soutlt.

6 Nairn Street, Wellington.

C/o Bank of New Zealand, Auckland.

{ M:n., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1923 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1926

bf.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1890

{KenriCk, Harry Selwyu

fKerr-Hislop, Walter

K1dd, Arthur M.n., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916 Wilf'ed ~!.n., Ch.n., N.Z. 1930

~ 249 Great North Road,

Auckland. 218 Willis Street, Wel­


Kimbell, Claude Allred

IGme, Grace Helena

King, Albert Edward

King, Charles Herbert

M.B., Ch.B.. Univ. N.Z. 1923

l\f.B.: Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1925

Sanatorium, Waipiata. Public Hospital, Christ-

church. Waimarino Hospital, Rae­

tihi. C/o High Commissioner

for N.Z., 415 Stl'tmd, London.

C/o High Commissioner for N.Z., 415 Strand, London.

1920, July 8 King, Cyril Arnold M.n., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920

M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1886

14 Holmwood Road, Fen­dalton, Christchlll'ch.

1888, July 14

1926, Sept. I

1920, Dec. 13 1923, Sept. I! 1924, Mar. 25 1906, Oct. 30

1922, July 5 1928, May 18 1927, June 6

1927, Dec. 7

1882, Dec. 4

1923, Sept. 11

King, Frederick Truby

King. Janette Muir (Bee Grave) M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. ·1926

King, Lawrence Manning King, Russell David Kingston, George Richard Kirk, John

}Kirker, Alexander Hender-{

son Kirkwood, James ..

M.n., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1920 ~!.n., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1923 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1904

M.B., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1922 M.R.C.P. Lond. 1926 b!.n., M.S. Glasg. 1890

Inspector-General of Men­tal Hospitals, Welling­ton.

C/o High Commissioner . for N.Z." 415 Strand,

London. High Street, Rangiora. 81 Sophia Street, Timaru. 73 Grey Road, Timaru. Kong Chuen Hos pita1,

Canton .. China.

} 4 Dl'omore Road, Remu.

era, Auckland. "Glengarry," Auckland

Kitchen, Raymond Leopold Albert

M.R.C.P. Edin. 1927. L.RC.S. Edin. 1924. Road, Onehunga.

405 Market Street, Hast­ings.

Knight, Alfred Osborne L.R.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1924

L.S.A. Lond. 1880. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1881

Knight, Allan Osborne M.RC.S. Eng. 1919. L.RC.P. Lond. 1919

'~Fairhaven," Asquith A venue, Mount Albert, Auckland.

Landscape Road, cr. Three I~ings Road. Mount Roskill, Auckland.




. Date ot Reglstro.tion.

1923, Sept. Il

1926, Feb. 15 1925, Feb. 25

1919. Oct. 24

1931, Mar. 11

1912. Jan. 6

1924, July 16

1923, Sept. 11


Knight, Ma.rga.ret Hypa.tia. ..

Kronfeld, ?tIoe Lamb, Frederick Alexander

I,amb, Oswald Fyffe

Lambert, Clive Reginald

Land, Dulcie Eliza (see Wil· liams, Dulcie Eliza)

Landreth, John Faulks

Lange, Eric Roy ..

1925, Aug. 26 Lange, Harold Braithwaite 1926, Sept. 1 Langley, Ella . ; ..

1929, Dec. 61 Latter, Rosalind Brackenbury 1920. Sept. 17 . Lauronson, Jamos Tait .. 1927, Dec. 7 LaWl'ence, Beryl Jessie

1920, July 8 1910. July 29

1896. Aug. 18 1900. Aug. 27 1880, Feb. 3

1912, June 8

1926, May 26

1905, Oct. 10

19l5, Doc. 14

1914, Nov. 30

Lawrence, William Richard Lawry, Josiah Howard

} Leahy, John Patrick Daunt{

Leatham, Henry Blackburn

Leeper, Bertram Charles Alexander

I..eonard, Francis Reginald ..

Lester, George Mackenzie Les· ter

Levy, Louis

Lewis, Carinna Augusta Barry (see O'Neill, Carinna Augusta Barry)

Lewis, Lionel Arthur

I Quallftcation.

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1920. L.R.C.P. Lend. 1920

~l.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 ~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919

.l.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1931

Postal Address. Road, cr. Three King's Road, Mount Roskill, Auckland.

25 Huia Street, Taihape. 82 Collingwood Street,

Ramilwn. 252 Great North Road,

Grey Lynn, Auckland. .. C/o Public Hospital,

Christchurch. . L.R.C.P. Edin. 1910. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1910. 10 Claremont Grove, WeI.

L.R.F.P.S. Glasg. 1910 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

l'II.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929 i\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919 l\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1909

lington. C/o High Commissioner

for N.Z., London. 10 Princes Street, Om­

huhu. Whangaroa. Public Hospital, Christ.

church. Public Hospital, Nelson. Matamata.

I Public Hospital, Christ­church.

Whitaker Street, TeA'roha. 10 Huntly Avenue, Auck.


D.P.H. Cam. 1899 M.B., Ch.M., Univ. Syd. 1892 '}I Tennyson Street, Napier.

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1879. L.R.C.P. Edin. 1879. Wallace Place, New Ply. L.S.A. Lond. 1879 mouth.

L., L.M., 1907. R.C.P. Trel. L., L.M., 1907. 3 Portland Road, Re-R.C.S. !reI. muera, Auchland.

:i\:LB., Cb.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 C/o High Commissioner

~I.R.C.S. Eng. 1904. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1904

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1914

M.B., B.S., Univ. Durh. 1913

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1910

for N.Z., London. . 12 Webb Street, Christ­

church. 278 Willis Street, WeI.

lington. Tapu, Thames.

King George V Hospital, Rotarua.

1911, July 20

1927, Feb. 4

1898, Dec. 23 1919, Dec. 18 1903. AfJril 6 1907, Mar. 19

Lewis, Ronald George Trounce J\.I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926 Mental Hospital, Christ ..

1912, Nov. 9

1920, July 8

1887, July Il

1909, Mar. 23

1917, Oct. 5

I9l9,.Oct. 24 1913, Jan. 11

1903, Sept. 1

19l6,May,19 1929, Feb. 19 1930, Feb. 18 1931, Mar. Il

1886, April 9

1907, June 15 1907, June 24

1918, Dec. 14 1901, Feb. 4 1919, Oct. 24 1925, Aug. 26 1920, Dec. 8

1911, Nov. 24


Liddell, Gavin Liggins, James Bull Lillie Charles Ogilvie Lindon, Ernest Hingston

Lon'aine Lindsay, Andrew Bonar

Lindsay, Graham Douglas ..

Lindsay, Peter Alexander

Line, L-eonard Arthur

Litchfield, Eldon Munro

Little, Walter Watson Little, William

Livesey, Ernest Millingwn ..

I.ochhead, Sarah Louisa. Lock, George William Logan, Ian James Hamersley Logan-Douglas, Masson

Logie, David Brown

Loughnan, James Robert Louissou, Maurice George

Low, David Collingwood Lucas, Stanley ArthlU' . .

"\.Ludbrook, Samuel Law-{ f renee Luke, Eric Howard Manly ..

Lumsden, Frederick Wi11iam

M.B., C.~L, Univ. Edin. 1897 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1918 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1903 l\:LB., Ch.B., Viet. Univ. 1894

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1910. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1910

~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920

Ch.B., C.M., Univ. E~. 1886

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1909

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1915. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1915

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919

church. Wharfe Street, Oamaru. Queen Street, Thames. Canning Street, Gore. King Edward Street, Dun.

edin South. 58 Armagh Street, Christ.

church. 475 New North Road, Mt.

Albert, Auckland. 4 O'Rorke Street, Auck­

land. 30 Rintoul Street, Wel­

lington. C/o 29 Moles'yorth Street,


C.M. 1883. M.D. Univ. Gl""g. 1887. D.P.H., Te Aroha Road, Paeron.. Lower Hutt.

Univ. Camb. 1888 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1903

~I.B., 1905, Ch.M. Univ. Syd. 1906 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929 ~!.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1929 M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1931

~LB., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1873

M.B., B.S., Univ. Melb. 1897 l\I.B., Univ. Lond. 1904

~r.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1898. L .. R.C.P. Lend. 1898 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919 M.R.C.P. Eng. 1925 i\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920

M.B., Ch.B., Unjv, St. And, 1907

Mt. Albert Road, Mt. Albert, Auckland.

Balcluthn.. Queen Street, Papakura. Huntly. C/o Public Hospital,

Wellington. Wellington, Cape Province

S. Africa. Box 137, Fairlie. "Littlebourne," Nor t h

Parade, Shirley, Christchurch.

Public Hospital, Nelsoll. ]54 Hardy Street, Nelson.

} I.ister Buildings, Auck­

land. 154 Willis Street, WeI·

lington. Queen Mary Hospital1






Date of Registration.




I Qualification.

. 1925, Feb. 25 Lusk, Robert Gordon Butler M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

1926, Jan. 17 LY,nch, Eugene Gribben M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

1924, Mar. 25 Lyneh, Philip Patrick M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

1912, July 18 Lyth, CharI .. Ernest Wheat. M.R.C.S .. Eng. 1902. L.RC.P. Lond .. 1902. loy l'rLB. 1904. B.S., Univ. Lond. 1906

1924-, Sept. 15

1922, Aug. 23

1921, Mar. 11

1898, Dec. 5 1902, May 12 1896, Aug. 7

1900, AprH 26 1909, June 30

1924, Aug. 21 1895, June 18

1930, Aug. 27 1913,'May 1

1912, Aug. 19 1921, May 31 1920, July 8 1919, Feb. 25

1922, Mar. 16 1904, May 17

1902, Aug. 8

1922, Aug. 3

1915, AprH 1 1908, AprH 6 1921, A~g. 10 1925, Dec. 8 1930, Aug. 27 1908, May 2

1924, Nov. 19

1908, Jan. 13

1912, Nov. 11

1920, Nov. 26

Macalister, Gladys :M~on M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

MaAllister, Frances Isabella" M.B' .• Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922

Macarthur, Peter ..

McAllum, Harold Guthrie McAra, William ..

}MeB,earty: James 'Wilson{

McCahon (now Roper.}, Mar-garet

MoCarthy, Dennis Douglas .. McCarthy, Marsham. a'Beo.


MoCaskill. Elfie ." MoCaw, Alexander Todd

}MoCaw. ~illiam Cuthbert{

nloClymont. Albert George ..

}MaCCOrmiCk, Ken net h,{


McCormiok, William Milligan

MoCred,ie, Andrew

Macdiarmid, Dunoan Camp. bell

MacDiarmid, Gordon Napier

~MacDiarmid' Jame, Bread.{

albane .

Macdonald,. Allan A~~tus

Macdonald .(now Bryson), Elizabeth Horne' Bain

Macdonald, Eric Ian Alan

Maodonald, John George

Macdonald, Peter Horne

Macdonald, William James, M.C.

M.B., B.Ch., Queen's Univ. Belf. 1917

M.B., B.S., Univ. Durh. 1894 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1902 L.R.C.S. Edin. 1896. L.R.C.P.

L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1896 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1899

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924


L.R.C.P .. Edin. 1893. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1893. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1893

M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1930 M. 1908, F. 1911, RC.S. Eng. L.R.C.P. Lond.

1908 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1912 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1916 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 M.B .• Ch.B. Univ. N.Z., 1915

F.R.C.S. Eog. 1921. M.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1895


} L.R.C.S. Edin. 1898. L.RC.P. Edin. 1898.

L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1898 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922

M.B., Ch.B. Univ. N.Z. 1915 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Aberd. 1905 F.RC.S. lilng. 1919 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1928

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.R.C.S.·Eng. 1904. L.RC.P. Lond. 1904

M.B., Ch.B. Uni~. St. And. 1906

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. St. And. 1915


[No. 94

Postal 4ddress.

243 Pa.rneli Road, . .Auck-land. .

Public Hospital, Wellington.

18 Boulcott Street, Wel­lington.

57 Pilkington Street, Maori Hill, Dunedin.

C/o Macaliswr Bros., Solicitors, Invercargill.

C/o J. McAllister, Esq., Box 103, Stratford.

188 High Street, Danne-vi.rke.

Rata Street, Inglewood. Gore.

7 Cooper Street, Grey­mouth.

Tokanui, Southland. C/o the Union Bank of

Australia, 71 CornhilI, London E.O. 3.

Public Hospital, Timaru. 57 Don Street, Invercar­

gill. 465 Mount Eden Road,

Auckland. Apia, Samoa.

98 Symonds Street, Auck­land.

161 Remuera Road, Auck­land.

27 Lewis Street, St&nraer, Scotland.

Hakanoa Street, Huntly.

20 Huia Street. Taihape ..


680 New North Road, Mt. Albert, Auokland.

Lister Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland.

61 Don Street, Invercar~ gill.

205 Macquarrie Street, Sydney.

218 Willis Street, Welling. ton.

1898, Dec. 16 1928, May 18 1888, Nov.· 19 1893, Mar. 6

~M d ld Willi' u. hall {M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1895 •. ac ona, amJl' M.D. Eclln. 19r"i. M.R.C.P. (Lond.) 1918

M d II J AI d' bLB., C,M.,.T[niv. Aberd. 1882 •. ac one. ames exan er M.D. Univ. Aberd. 1892 . . . .

McDerrpid, Hessie (Bee Morton) 1\1.B., Ch.~., U~v. N.Z. 1922 ... f

246 High Street, Dunedin.

401 Heretaunga Street, Hastings.

1922, Jun,e 12

1906. Apdl28

1926, May 26

1~09, Feb. 8

1912; Jan. 12

1903, April 14

1905, Mar. 23 1913. Dec. 5 1917, April 30

1907, Mar. 9 1921, Oct. 19 1931, Mar. 11

1924, May 21

1921, July 4

1917, Oct. 9

~cDougaIl. Nell .. !t1.B., Ch.n., ·Uni;. Glasg. 1904

McDowell, Chisholm M.B., Oh.B., U.nlv. N.Z. 1925

McEvedy, Patriok Fr~~cls ~. .M.B., B.S., Univ. Lond. 1906 .. M:R.C.S. Eng. 1906. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1906

MacFarlane, .Alexande-.; Arm. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1902

}Mcaavin, Sir Donald JOhn.{ M.R.C.S. Eng. 1899. L.R.C.P. Lend.

t C M G D S 0 M.D. Univ. ·Lond 1901 Bone, . . ., .: . F .R.C.S. Eng. 1904 ..

McGhie, John . . M.B., Ch.B., Univ. G1asg. 1913 MacGibbon, Francis Oreti M.R.C.S. Eng. 1914. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1914

}MaOGibbon, ThomasAI:thur{

McIlroy. Alexander . . .

McIndoe, ~hibald He~tor ..

McInnes, AsQl~y Selwyn

·1Ia.oir!.tyre, lain O~rQ.eron

M.B., Ch.B. Univ. Edin. 1905 . . . l F.R.C.S. Edin. 1911. M.D. Univ. Edin. 1918 J M.B.,. Ch.B., N.Z. 1931 . . • . . .

M.B., Ch.~., Uni..".. N.Z. 1924

M.B., Ch.~., Univ:-. N.Z. 1921

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1917

38 Oanongate Street, Don­edin.

27 Khybe£ Pass Road, Auckland.

18 Macmurray Road, Re­muers, Auckland.

158 Willis Street, WeI-· lington.

0/0 Dr. D. G. Radcliffe. Balclutha.


Prinoes Street, Hawe'ra. 90 Forth Street, Inver~


22 Dam Road, Ricoarton.

C/o Publio Hospital, Dunedin.

Waikato Hospital, Hamil­ton.

32 Stud.holme Street, Te~ muka.

Cashmere Hills Sana­toriuml Christ<;huroh,




Date of Registration.

1923, Sept. 11

1915, Nov. 8 1924, Oct. 3

1928, Aug. 29 1901, Oct. 10

1887, July 12

1910, Nov. 7 1924. Sept. 23

[892, Oct. 11 1902, July 21

1924, Nov. 19

1925, May 18

1921, May 3i

1921, Feb. 11 1913, Aug. 14

1924, Oct. 8


Macka.y, Allan Francis

Macka.y, Donald .. Mackay. Norman Reay

Mackay, Stuat.:t; Bain McKay, William ..

Mackay, ':Villiam James

McKee, William Huston Dodd . McKeefry, Dorothy (8ce

Sweeney) McKellar, Thomas George McKelvey, Alexander ;ijeil

McKenzie, Donald Dixon

Mackenzie, Francis Wallace

MacKenzie, Hector Bruce

McKenzie, John Campbell Mackenzie, Kenneth

Mackereth, James Gilbert

1905, June 1924, Sept. 1920, Dec.

! }ilfcKibbin, Thomas' {

4 McKiernan, Thomas . Hugh Robinson

1911, Dec. 14 1899, May 15 1912, Dec. 31 1914, June 8

1926, Sept. I 1919, Dec. 18

1922, May 15

1922, Mar. 16

1923, June 1 1930, Fob. IS HI07, Jan. 21

1926, Feb. 15 1923,l\lar. 5 1929, Feb. 19 1882, Nov. 23

1920, Jan. 6

McKillop, Alexander Cameron

}Macknight, William Oraw~{

furd . Macky, Frank. . .

, Macky, Joseph Cecil Douglas Macky, Keith Stuart

Maclaurin, Colin Campbell ..

Maclean, Francis Sydney

Maclean, Gilbert .. McLean, Edward Kenmure McMaster, Archibald Cotterell

McMiken, John Bell l\fcMillan, David .. McMillan, David Gervan Macmullen, James Carnegie

McNaughton, James Garvie


I M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

~LB., Ch.B., 1915. Univ. N.Z. ~:LB .• Ch.B., Uni,. N.Z. 1924

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1898. F.R.C.S. Edin.

1901 M.D. Univ. Brussels 1885. I.l.,L.1II.,K. andQ.C.P.

Irel. 1878. L.R.C.S. Ire[. 1878 l\I.B.,_ Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1909 l\I.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

l\f.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1891 . L.L.M., RC.P. Irel. 1896. L., L.M., R.C.S. Irel.

1896 ~LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.B., C.M:Edin. 1885

M.B:, Cb.B. Edin. 1918

~LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 ~!.B., Oh.B., 1908. M.D. 1911.

F.:a.C.S. Eng. 1912 ~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

Univ. Edin.

Postal Address.

C/o Central Health Board, Kuala LumpW', Fede· rated Malay States.

Huntly. Medical Superintendent,

Te Puia Hospital. . 90 Lake Road, Takapuna. 45 Guinncss Street, Grey­

mouth. Holmwood, College Hill,

Nelson. Methven. 38 Highcliff Rond, Dun .

edin. 4 Pitt Street., Dunediu. Auckland Infirmary, Ep.

som, Auckland. 613 Manukau Road,

Epsom. 116 Oriental Parade, Wel­

lington. 25 Princes Street, Auck­

land. Hospital, Timaru.. 27 Princes Street, Auck-

land. . Waikato Hospital, Hamil·

ton. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1905 D.P.H. Univ. Oxford 1919 .. ~LB., B.Ch" Univ. Dubl. 1920

} Department of Health,

Wellington. Northern Wairol1 Hospital,

Te Kopuru. Sunnyside, Christchurch. ilLB., Ch.B.. Univ. Edin. 1909

M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1892 F.R.C.S. Univ. Edin. 1911 l\I.B., B.S.~ Univ. Melb. 1914

} Hurstmere Road, Taka·

pUDa. Lister Buildings, Victoria

Street, Auckland. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926 il:I.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1915

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922

M.RC.S. Eng. 1920. L.RC.I'. M.B.B.Chir. Camb. 1921 ..

M.n., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 ilLB., Ch.B. N.Z. 1930 :n.:I.B., Ch.~., Uni:v. Edin. 1905

M.R, Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 M.B., Ch.E., Univ. N.Z .. 1923

Lond. 1920.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929 •. L.R.C.S. Irel. 1881. L.L.M.K. and Q.C.P. Irel.

1881 M.B.C.M.1893, M.D. 1896, Univ. Edin. M.RC.P.

Edin. 1901

Mental Hospital, Porima. 92 Symonds Street, Auck­

land. 14 Queen Street, Danne­

virke. Department of Health,

Dunedin. Pukeora Sanatorium. Public Hospital, Dunedin. 8 Hillmorton Road, Rugby

England. 'Vhakatane. Darfield, Christchurch. Kuro\\,. 73 Alma Road, St. Kilda,

Melbourne. Care of P. M. O. Dar Es.

Salaam, Tanganyika, Africa.

1927, Feb. 4 MacNaughton, William George M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1926 C/o Colonial Medical Ser_ vice, Fiji.

1931, JUDe 5

1925, Aug. 26 1930, Aug. 27 1923, Sept. 11 1927, Feb. 4 1915, April I

McNickle, Herbert Frank ..

1. McNickle, Lawrence Ora· J J dock ~

}McPhail, Eric Snow \

Macpherson, Douglas Gordon

1928, Feb. 22 McQueen, Leonard George ..

1925, Aug. 26

1921,. Dec. 8 1910, Nov. 18

1908, Nov. 2 1921, Aug. 10 1927, June 6 1902, Nov. 29

1920, July 8 1911, June 23

1923, Sept. 13 1919, Oct. 15 1930, Aug. 27

McQuilkin, Joseph Patrick ..

McRae, Donald McRae, Murdo McKenzie

McReddie, Percy George McSweeney, Morgan Patrick McWhirter, James Maddison, Jessie Clarkson

Magill, Archibald Macguire, Charles Evans

Mail, Hector James Mail, Laurence Carrington Main~ William Wallace

M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1931

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.D., N.Z. 1930 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 F.RC.S.; Edin. 1926 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1914

~1.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.t. 1928

M.B., Ch.B.,Univ .. N,Z. 1925

M.RC.S. Eng. 1908. L.RC.P. Lond. 1908 ilLB., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1908

~I.B., C·.M., Univ. Gla"g. 1891 ~LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921 • LB., Ch.B. (Glasgow) 1924 .. l\f.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1902

L.M.S.S.A. Lond. 191$ M.B .. C.M., 1893, M.D. Univ. Aberd. 1899

~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 l\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918 M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1930

Public Hospital, Auck-land.


Wellington Hospital, WeI· lington.

172 King Stre~t. RangiorlJ:.

Franklin Hospitn..l, San Francisco.

C/o High Commissioner for N.Z., London.

90 Hereford Road, Christ· church.

TePuke. 163 Hataitai Road, Hatai~

mi, Wellington~ Nanango, Queensland. Gishorne. Pukekcihe .

.Ruataniwha Street, Wai­pawa.

101 Union Street, Hawera. District Hospital, Auck·

land. Hospital, Palmerston N. Apia, Samoa. Public Hospital, Auck·



Da.te of Registration.

1893, Nov. 21 1919, Deo. 18 1903, Dec. 14

1888, Dec. 29

1922, May 23

1906, Mar. 31

1926, Sept. I 1903, April 7

1893, May 17

1931, ~e.r. 11

1924, April 30 1929, Mar. 23 1914, Sept. 14 1923, ~far. 5

1915, Dec. 10

1929, Feb. 19 1925, Feb. 25



Name. Quallfl.cation.

}Makgill, Robert Haldane

Mandl, Charles Leopold {

M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1893 . . L M.D. Univ. Edin. 1899. D.P.H. Camh. 1901 f L.R.C.P. Edin. 1902. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1902.

L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1902 Manning, Leslie Samuel

Manoy, Augusta ..

Marcha~t, Eric Lachlan

Mark, John Marks, John Davi ...

Marsaok, Arthur Ernest

Marshall, Archibald Robert Alexander

Marshall, Charles McIntosh . . Marshall, Gilbert .. Marshall, James Ayson Marshall, Zealanda (now Ait.

ken) Martin, David Douglas Wal­

lace Martin, Frederick Robertson Martin, Richard Bowden

M.B., C.M., Univ. Aberd. 1887

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1906

~!.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926 Jl.LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z; 1903

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1883. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1883

M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1931

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.B., Ch.B., 1917. D.P.H. Dub!. 1919 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1914

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1915

M.B., Ch.B. 1916. M.D., Univ. Glasg. 1928 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

1925, Aug. 26 M/lIrtin, Samuel Thomas '1917, Oct. 5 Maskell, John William

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1896. L.R.C.R Lond. 1896

1924, May 21 Mason, Aubrey James

1922, May 15 1913, May I 1929, May 23

1912, July 27

1924, Sept. 15 1914, Feb. 3 1924, Sept. 20

1930, Ang. 27

1929, May 23

1925,May 18 1924, Mar. 25

1907, Aug. 19

1925, Aug. 26

1921, Sept. 21

1891, Jan. 9

1929, Feb. 19

1912, Aug. 27

1881,1far. 9

1904, Feb. 15

1906, Nov. 10

1928, Aug. 29

1921, Mar. 11

1923, Sept. II

1908, June 5

1927, Sept. 1

Mather, Phyllis Matheson, Dougall George ~fatheson, Henry Dnunmond

Matheson, Farquhar

Matheson. Norman Murdoch Maunsell, Daniel Beresford .. Maunsell, Robert James

Maxwell, Eric Verner

Maxwell, Richard William David

Mayfield, Margaret Joan Mayo, Edith Annie

Meade, George Waller

Meadowcroft, Cecil David

Mecredy, Ralph Jack Riohard

)rIenzies, Percy William

Mercer, John Oubridge

Mercer, William Bracewell ..

Miokle, Adam Frederick John

Mickle, Arthur William Thomaa Flintoff

Mill, Thomas

Miller, Edward Thomas Gordon

Miller, Ernest James

Miller, George Inglis

Miller, John

Miller, Trevlyn Ernest

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1913 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. 1926

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1911

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1910 M.B., Ch.B., Uoiv. N.Z. 1924

M.B., Ch.B. N.Z. 1930

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z.

M.B., Oh.B., Univ .. N.Z. 1924 M.B., Ch.B., Uoiv. N.Z. 1923

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1906. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1906. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1906

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Dubl. 1913

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1889. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1889. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1889

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929

M.B., B.Chlr., Univ., Camb. 1892. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1892. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1892. D.P.H. Vict. Univ. Mane. 1896

M.D. Univ. Aberd. 1880. M.B., C.M., Univ. Aberd.1878. L.R.C.P. Edin. 1876. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1875. Registered on 1m. perial Register

L.R.C.S. Edin. 1877. M.B. 1882. M.D. Univ. Edin. 1894

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1901. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1904

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928

L.M.S.S.A., Lond. 1919

M.B., Ch.E., Univ. N.Z. 1923

L.R.C.S. Edin. 1907. L.R.C.P. Edin. 1907. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1907. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1924

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927

[NO. 94

Fostal Address.

Lincoln Road, Henderson, Auckland.

Weld Street, Hokitika.

11 Garden Road, FendalM ton, Christchurch.

Care of A. Manoy, Esq., Stratford, Taranaki.

12 Boulcott Street, WelM lington. .

Public Hospital, Auckland. 35 Latimer Square, ChristM

church ... 18 Armadalo Road, ReM

muera. C/o Public Hospital,

Wellington. Hospital, Dunedin. Mental Hospital, Porirua. Te Kopurn Hospita1.

Jesmond Street, NgaruaM wahia.

Mental Hospital, Seacliff. 202 Willis Street, Welling.

ton. Okaihau, Bay of Islands. 124 Symonds Street, AuckM

la.nd. Care of High Commissioner

for N.Z., London.

Roseneath Street, Kurow. C/o The Standard Bank of

South Africa, Ltd., 10 Clement's Lane, Lom­bard St., London E.C. 4.

Commercial Road, Helens-ville.

Hospital, Wanganui. 'Ngatai Street~ Manaia.

16 The Terrace, Welling. ton.

Park Road, Grafton, AuckM land.

Public Hospital, Auck­land.

Mental Hospital, Seacliff. Care of High CommisM

sioner for New ZealandJ

London. Runanga.

Care of High Commis· sioner for New Zealand, London.

Medical Officer of Health, New Plymouth.


Public Hospital, WellingM ton.

Medical Officer of Health, Wellington.

15 Nelson Street, New Brighton, Christchurch.

Fla.nshaw Road, HenderM son.

25 Knowles Street, St. AI· bans, Christchurch.

Durham Street, Levin.

457 lIrfanukau Road, Ep. sam, Auckland.

63 Burnett Street, AshM burlon. .

26 Broad St:reet, PalmerM stan North. .

Turua~ Hauraki Plains.




Date of Rcgilltration. Name.

1922,Mar. 16 Milligan, Robert Roy Douglas

1916, Dec. 16 Milne, Donald Stuart 1921, June 24 :Milne, Peter

1927, Feb. 4 Milner, Sydney Wood

1911, Jan. 30 1921,May .. 31 1907, Mar. 1

1927, Dec. 7 -1926, Fob. 15

]904, Mar. 25

1928, Fob. 22 1919, Dec. 8

1926, Sept. 1 1930, Dec. 5 1928, May. 18 1901, June 1

1927, June 6

1925, Feb. 25

1920, Mar. 19

1920, July 8 1916, May 19

1918, Dec. 14

1912, Mar. 16 -1918, Dec. 14 lOll, Dec. 20 1920, July 8 1913, July 4

1920, May 26

1907, April 22 1920,l\iar. 19 1885, Mar. 10

1901, MtLy 21

1917, Oct. 8 1902, Dec. 23

1902, Dec. 23

1921, Oct. 15

1926, May 26

1921, Oct. 15 1893, July 31

1898, Dec. 30 1901, Aug. 26

1889, Jan. 7 1930, Aug. 27

1929, Fob. 19 ·1918. Dec. 14 1922, Juno 12 1924, Sept. 15

1925, May 18

·1919. Nov. 5

1926, Fob. 15

})filroy, Thomus Alexander{

l\filsom, Edwin Henry Britton

l\finn, Alexander George Minty, William Eric

Mirams, Gilbert Haywood

l\firams, Noel Thorpe l\fitchell, David Matthew

} Mitford, Bertram George

Mall, D'Arey Harper Moir, Peter

Moir, Phyllis Maude

Moller, Oscar Carl

l\fona.ghan, Pat,rick John

l\ionro, Hector MacDonald Monro, John Stuart

Montgomery, Gladys

~MOOdY' Arthur Stanley

Moore. ArthUr Eisd.ell

Moore, Geoffrey Stuart


~ Moore. James Francis Cleve·


}Moore, Stuart Alexander

Moore, Thomas Charles {

} Macro, Walter Wmiam {

lI,foorhouse (1WW Moreland), Alice

Moreland, Alice (see Moor­house, Alice)

Morgan, Edward Mervyn Le''''is

.i\Iorgan, Effie Muriel

Morgan, Janet Sounnes ..

}MOriCe, Charles George{


Morkane, Michael Charles Frederiok .

Morris, George Alexander Morris, Seh~ Bentham

Morrow, Samuel .. Morton, Alexander Smith Morton, Hessie (now McDermid) Merton, Winfred Ethel (see


Mowlem, Arthur Ransford ..

Muir, Douglas Leonard

Mui.r, Nina Catherine (see Howard)


M.B., Oh.B., UniV. N.Z. 1919 •

liB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1915 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921

M.R.O.S. Eng. 1906. L.R.O.P. Lond. 1906 ..

M.R.O.S. Eng. 1909. F.R.O.S. Edin. 1920

L.R.O.P. Lond. 1909 l

M.R.O.S. Eng. 1903. L.R.O.P. Land. B.S. 1903. M.D. Univ. Land. 1906

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927 JlrLB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1904

~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926 ·F.R.O.S. Edin. 1929 l\f.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z., 1928 ~!.B., Oh.B., Univ. Glasg. 1900

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

J 1903.

l J

M.R.C.S. Eng. 19l!. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1911. M.B.B.S. Lond. 1912

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 ~I.B., Oh.B., Univ. Edin. 1912

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. Glasg. 1914

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1912 . . { M.D., Univ. N.Z. 1917 .. M.B., Ch.B., Univ_ Edin. 1911. M.D., Edin.

1913. F.R.C.S. Eng. 1919 Eng. 1902J. L.S.A. Lond. 1899. M.R.O.S.

L.R.O.P. Lond. 1902 M.B., Cb.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919

~!.B., Ch.B., 1902. M.D., Univ. Edin. 1906 } l\LR.C.P. Land. 1919 M.B., B.Ch., Univ. Dubl. 1881.

Dub!. 1884 l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1901 F.R.O.S. Eng. 1906. M.R.O.P.

M.D. Univ. N.Z. 1908

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1901

M.D. Univ.

Lo~d. 1907-}

I~.R.C.P. Edin. 1916. L.R.O.S. Edin. 1916. L.R.F.P.S. Glasg. 1916

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1918 M.R.O.S. Eng. 1892. L.R.O.P. Lond. 1892.}

M.D. Brussels 1892 F.R.O.S., Edin. 1898 M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1901

M.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1883 M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1930

ill.B., Oh.B., Univ. Bell. 1923 M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918

l\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919

iI!.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925


Postal Address.

86 Colombo Street, Christ· church.

Otaki. Care of Director of Medical

and Sanitary Services, P.O. Box 641, Nairobi, Kenya Colony, East Mrica.

410 Avenue Road, Hast­ings.

45 River Road, Hamilton.

18 Waterloo Quadrant, Auck1and.

Public Hospital, Dunedin. Care of High Commis­

sioner for New Zealand, London.

4 Waterloo Road, Lower Hutt.

P.O. Box 18, Milton. Marshall Road, Hunter­

ville. Public Hospital, Welling.

ton. Public Hospital, Timaru. 193 Dominion Road, Mt.

Eden, Auckland. C/o High Commissioner

for New Zealand, The Strand, London.

301 Ra.ilway Road, Hastings.

Apia, Samoa.

Hospital, Napier. Commercial Buildings,

The Square, Palmerston North.

680 New North Road, Mt. Albert, Auckland.

4 Napier Street, Dunedin.

43 Symonds Street, Auck­land.

261 Karangabape Road, Auckland.

Grey River Hospital, Greymouth.

Security Buildings, Stuart Street, Dunedin.

49 Tennyson Street, Na­pier.

10 Manne Parade, Nal'ier.

90 Papanuf Road, Christ­ohuroh.

28 Glodwick Road, Old. ham, England.

20 Arawa Road, Welling­ton .

.. The Quinta," Waipawa.

Golders Hill, Wellington.

" Rosebank," Cashmere Hills, Christchnrch.

CriffeJ, Pembroke. Public Hospital, Auck­

land. Martinsville. Thames Street, Oamaru.

Care of High Commis­sioner for New ZeaIa.nd, London.

Care oIB.N.S.W., Thread· needle Street, London.

Townley's Buildings, Gis­borne.

108 Stafford Street, Gis­borne.



Date of Registration.



Name. Qualification.

[NO. 94

Postal Address.

1929, May '23' . Mulcocli:, Kenneth Frederick M.B., Ch.R,-Univ. N.Z. 1929 C/o High Comm:issioner for N.Z., The Strand, London.

1904, ·N~v. 1

1905; Sept. 28 1917, Nov. 3 1896, Mar. 28 1911, June 26 1890, April26 1892, May 13 1907 J Jan. 17 1927, Sept. 1

1903. Mar. 23

19I5. Dec. 14

1903, Sept. 25 1906, June 15 1930, Aug. 27

}Mules, Philii; Henry . {

Mulholland, Frederick James

DIXon .. r }

MulhOllalld' James Aodrew f.

Mullin, William John , L Murdooh, James Duncan

l\Iurphy. Charles Clements

Murray, Charles Stewart

}Murray, Donald Norman{ . Watson

Murray,. Russell Redvers

M.B.,. Ch.B., Univ. Edin . .1902. L.R.C.P.} Edin. 1902. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1902

F.R.O.S., Edin. 1904 .. .. 21 McLean Street, Wood­


~LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1917 M.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1895 M.D., Uni •. N.Z. 19II

~I.B., Ch.B. N.Z. 1890 F.R.C.S.I. 1905

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927


} Upper Willis Street, WeI·


Iington. 16 Maheno Street, Duno,

tal', Dunedin.

Publio Hospital, Auck. land.

M.D. ColI. of Phys. and Surg. Chicago, U.S.A., 1897

21 Kyhber Pass Road, Auokland.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. Edin. 1902 M.D. Univ. Edin. 1904 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1930

25 Forbury Road, Kew, Dunedin.

} 93 Symonds Street, Auok­land ..

Public Hospital, InvercaJ'-

1890, Feb. 4

1894, June 13 1914, July 27

}MYles, JohD. {

' M.B., B.Ch.,~ Univ. Dubl. 1889. IreI. 1889 '

M.D. Univ. Dubl. 1894 .. .. F.R.O.S.}

gill. Frohaulog-Dolgelly, North


279 Willis St~et, Wel­lington.

1930, Aug. 27

1894, Jan. 29 1924, Oct. 8

1895, Feb. 13

1904. May 7

1898, June 18 1908, Mar. 31 1911, May 1

1910, June 23 1892, Feb. 29

1905, Aug. 8

1910, July 1

Myers, Daniel.Frank

Myers, Leslie

Nairn, Robert ,Nash, Horace Webster

Neale, Alfred Jame!l , Nees, Emily Helena Violetta

(see Ridley}

}Neil, James Hardie {

Neill, Kate Welton (see Hogg, Kate Welton)

Nelson, Arthur Dysart Newell, John Alexander

Newlands, ,William

Newling, Harry Tudor

Newton, Charles Treweeke Hand

Nicholson, -Victor Rylands ..

M.B., Ch.B., Umv. N.Z. 1914

L.R.C.P. & S. Edin., L.R.F.P. "& S., Glasgow 1928

L.R.C.P. Lond. 1886. F.R.C.S. Eng. 1891 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.D. Univ. Edin. 1885

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1904

~LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1898 . M.R.C.S. Eng. 1902. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1902 M.B., Ch.B. 1900; M.D., Univ. Edin. 1909

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1910 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1891

\. I

M.B., Ch.B., Uni •. Edin. 1902. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1904

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1900. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1900

M.B., Ch.B. 1908; M.D. Univ. Edin. 1911. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1912

M.R, Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918

1913, Mar. 6

1919, June 9

1928, Feb. 22

1902, May 21

1931, Mar. II

Noakes, Alfred . Berti

Lionel de M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928

Noonan, Patrick

:t:rorris, Thomas Seton

1904, Dec. 17 North, Charles

1925, May 18. North, Charles Everard

1928, Feb. 22

1919, May 27

1905, Mar. 22 1931, Oot. 21 1907, Sept. 30

1931, Oot. 21 1924, Sept. 5 1914, Nov .. 30

• 1899, April 22

1904, Feb. 8 1909, July 22 1897, Nov. 29

North, John Havelock

Northcroft: ~da Margaret ..

Nutting, -Earnest Stanley .. Oakey, Alfred Cecil Wa.llace O'Brie:t;l, Arthur Boniface ..

.O'Brien, Desmond Patrick .. O'Conno+, Henry Martin O'Neill (1!QW Lewis), Carinna

. AUgusta Barry

}O'Neill;.Eugeoe Joseph {

Orbell, RopaId Graeme Scott Orchard, Albert John

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1892. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1892. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1892

M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1931 .

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1898. 1899. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1900

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.R.O.S. Eng.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928

M.B., Cb.B., Univ. Edin. 1908

M.B., C.M., 1885; M.D. Univ. Edin. 1900 M.B., Ob.B., N.Z. 1931 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1905. L.R.C.P. Lond.

B.S. 1905: M.D. Univ. Lond. 1906 M.B., Ob.n., N.Z. 1931 M.R, .Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 192?


M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1899 } F.R.C:S. Edin. 1903. M.R.C.S.:· Eng. 1903.

L.R.C.P. Lond. 1903 M.B., Ch.B. 1904, M.D. 1908, Univ. Edin. M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1896

275 Main Road, Karori, Wellington.

Hastings. St. Vincent's Hospital,

Pinner, Middlesex, Eng­land.

183 Liverpool Street, Syd­ney.

130 Cannington R 0 ad, Maori Hill, Dunedin.

"Pahi," 64 Symonds Street, Auckland.

32 Te Awe Street, Palmers. ton North.

Hospital, Wanganui. 98 Oxford Terrace.

Christchurch. 24 London Street, Dun­

edin. P.O. Box 505, La·Mesa,

San Diego, California, U.S.A.

15 Bea1ey Avenue, Christohurch.

Maniopoto Street, Otero­hanga.

25 Inkerman Street, Onehunga.

The Strand, Kohimarama, Auckland.

Public Hospital, Welling­ton.

12 Albany Street, Dun -edin.

Dawson's B uil dings, Moray Place, Dunedin.

C/o Bank of New Zealand, Queen Victoria Street, London E.C. 3.

U Rangiatea," 7 Glenside Crescent, off Upper Sy­monds Street, Auck· land.

Maw Street, Inglewood. Hospital, Invercargill. 70 Papanui Road,

Christchurch. Public Hospital, Auckland. Hospital, Masterton.

219 High St,eet, Dunedin.

48 Reed Street. Oamaru. 22 Latimer Square.





Date of Regilltratlon.

1930, Feb, 18 1909, Feb. I

1928, Feb. 22

1905, Mar. 4 .1912, May 16

1924, Sept. 5

1916,May 19

1930, Aug. 27

1930, Feb. 18


Orchard, DayId Elmore Orchard (now Sands), Ethel

Adelaide .. O'Regan, JohnArthurRolland

Orford, Robert James Osborne, Geoffrey ltfilburn

Hart Dulton, Richard Henry George

Owen-Johnston, Amos Wil­liam (see Johnston, Amos William)

Owen, Allan Cameron

Pacey, Herbert Kenn~th

)924, Sept. 15 Page, Claude Vincent .1921,Mar.ll Page,JohnBasil ..

1893, April 8 Paget, Tom Lakin ..


. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1930

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1890. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1890 L.R.C.P. Edin. 1910. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1910.

L.R.F.P.S. Glasg. 1910 . L.L.M., 1902. R.C.P., Jrel., L.L.M. 1902.

R.C.S. Jrel. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916

M.B., Ch.B., Edin. 1902

M.B., Ch.B:, Univ. N.Z. 1930

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.B.. Univ. Lond. 1898

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1890. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1890

1922, Dec. 19 PaiIthorpe, Grace Winifred M.B., B.S., Univ. Durham 1914

1912, Mar. 25 Pairman, James Carmichael M.R. Ch.B:. Univ. Glasg. 1903

1886, Nov. 29 Pairman, Thomas Wyld :r...R.C.P. Edin. 1882. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1882

1897, May 1 Pahner, Arthur Ed war d M.B., Ch.R, U~v. N.Z. 1897 Albert .

1929, Dec. 6 Paimer, Trevor Edward M.R, Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929

1920, July 8 Park, Alan Edwin M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z.1920

1924. Sept. 5 Park, Lindsay Morgan M.R. Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

1894, Sept. 14 } 1915, April 20 Parkes. William .HeIDy. 1919, Nov. 5 {

M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1892 . . } F.R.C.S. Edin. 1907 •• . . M.R.C.P. Lond. 1919. M.D., Univ. Edin. 1919 M.B., Cb.M., Univ. Sydney 1916 1919, Nov. 5 Parr, Thomas Liddon

1906, Mar. 7 Paterson, Ada Gertrude

1909, Nov. 8 Paterson, Arthur Thomas

1908, Sept. 14 Paterson, Charles Austin

1929, Feb. 19 Paterson, Davis OswaJ(l 1918, Dec. 14 Paterson, Douglas MqKnight 1912, Fob. 19 Paterson, Hugh 1925, Aug. 26 Paterson, James Aitkenhead

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1906

M.B., Ch.B. 1907, M.D. 1909, Univ. Edin.

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1908. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1908. L.F.P. arid S. G1asg. 1908

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918 M.R, Ch.R, Univ. Glasg. 1911 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

1927, June 6 Paterson, Walter Go r. don M.R, Ch.R, Univ. N.Z. 1927 Chisholm

1906, Mar. 22 Patterson, Thomas Charles.. l\f.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1906

1911, Mar. 3 Pattic, Charles Fulton M.B.. Ch.B. 1907, M.D. 1909, Univ. Edin. 1900, Mar. 13 Pcach, Charles William M.R, C.M., Univ. Edin. 1895

1930, Feb. 18 Pearcy, Bernard William M.D., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1930

.1907, Mar. 7 Pcarless, Walter Hugh.

1912, Dec. 7 Pearson, Arth"ur Bushby

1925, Aug. 26 Pelly, Huntly Nevins

1907, Sept. 17 Pomborton, Charles Arnold

1923, June 1 Porry, Arnold 1913. May 19 Pettit. Thomas Harold

1910. May 2 Pettit, William Haddow

1924, Sept. t) Pezaro, Marcus George

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1906. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1906. L.F.P. a·nd S. Glasg. 1906

M.B., Ch.B. 1908, M.D. 1912, Univ. EWn. D.P.H., R.C.P. and S. Edin. and R.F.P.S. Glasg. 1912

L.R.C.P. and S., Univ •. Edin .. 1890. L.F.P.S. Glasg. 1890

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1907. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1907

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z .. 1913

M.B., Ch.E:, Univ. N.Z. 1909

M.B., Cb.B., Univ. G1asg. 1922

1921, Mar. II . Phillipps, Riohard BidduJph M.R.C.S. Eng. 1909. L.R.C.P. Lond. l!i09


Poetal Ad~.

Hospital, New Plymquth •

Public Hospital, Welling~ ton.

Stroud, N.S.W. Kaspar Street, Wark­

worth. Jull Street, Napier.

Cia Bank of New Zealand, London.

Ludlam Crescent, Lower Hutt.

Women's Hospital, Grat. ton Street, Carlton, Melbourne.

Waller Street, Murchison. Great South Roa.d, Papa.­

knr •. Inspector of Hospitals, De­

partment of. Health, .Wellington.

40 Parliament Hill Man­sions, London N.W. 6, England.

21 Latimer S q u ar e, Christchurch.

Governor's Bay, Christ­church.

20 Kent Terrac~, Welling­ton.

20 Kent Terrace, Welling­ton.

30 The Terrace, Welling­ton.

6 Tahora Avenue, Remuera. Auckland.

53 Symonds Street, Auck­land.

Lower Hutt. Director Division of

School Hygiene, Depart­ment of He""lth, Wel­lington.

C/o Trust Manager, N.Z. Insurance Co., Au c k­land.

16 Sefton Street, Timaru.

Pukemiro. Wilson Street, Geraldine. Edward Street, Pahiatua. 684 New North Road, JUt.

Albert, Auckland. Public Hospital, Hawera.

C/o Medical D i·re c tor­General, Admiralty, London.

6 Bill Street, Wellington. 28 Broad Street, Paimers·

ton North. 2 Whiteleigh Avenuo,

Christchurch. Motueka •

76 Mansfield A v e n u e , Christchurch.

Ohaeawal ..

Sanatorluu:.., Cashmere ChristchUrch.

Dunedin. 504 New North Road.

Auckland. 225 Ponso~by Road.Auck­

la.nd. 8 Remuera Road, Auck-

land. . School l\fe<pcal 0 ffi cor I

C~riatchlrch ..




Date of Registration.

1908, Sept. 4

1924, Oct. 6

1909, June 19

1930, Feb. 18 1916, July 14

1928, Feb. 22

1907, Mar. I 1904, Feb. 29

1931, Mar. 11

1900, May 1

1923, Sept. I!

1926, Sept. 1 1899 Feb. 15

1903, Aug. 27 1926, May 26

1930, Feb. 18 1930, Aug. 27 1930, Aug. 27

1908, Mar. 24 1915, Feb. 25 1888, Oct. 29

1918, July 17 1918, May 1

1909, Feb. 22 1929, Feb. 19

1923, Mar. 10

1885, Nov. 7

1898, Jan. 24

1899, June 9 1929, May 23

1903, June 20

1924, Mar. 25 1922, July 5

1926, Dec. I 1920, July 8 1927, June 6 1928, Feb. 22 1924, May. 21 1920, Mar. 19


Phillips, George

Phillips - Turner R 0 1 a. n d Glyndwr

Pickerill, Henry Percy

Pili, Kathleen Anuei Pinfold, Francis Dewsbury ..

Pitcaithly, Rahiri Hildyard ..

Pitts, Arthur Gentry Pitts, Edith Cochrane (see

Cochrane-Brown) Platts·Mil.l.s, Adah Hamilton

Evelyn Platte-Mills, Elizabeth

Plimmer, John Leo n a r d Roden

Porritt, Basil Ainslie

}POrritt, Ernest Edward {

Porteous, William James

Porterfield, Norman Nathaniel Potaka, Louis Hauiti Pottinger, David ..

}pottinger, John Alexander {

Power, Patrick Joseph ..

Price, Maurice DybaU Prins, Henry MaDock

Prior, Norman Henry Punar, Alan Alexander

Pullon, Edwin Douglas

Purchas, Arthur Challinor

Purchas, Frederio Maurice

Purdy, John Smith Purvis, Walter Prior

Putnam, Philip Timothy

Radclifie, Douglas Gordon " Radcliffe.Taylor, Marion

Arohs. Rains, Violet Rapson Harding Ramsay, Maxwell Ramsay-Smith, Vivian Randell, Leonard .. Rawnsley, Eric Jesse Rawson, Herbert Jack

1923, Sept. 11 Rawstron, Norman 1923, Sept. II Ray, Henry Salisbury 1911, Juno 15 Raymond, Cuthbert

1925. Feb. 25 Read. Charles David 1923, Mar. 10 Reay, Edgar Robert

1922, Aug. 31 Reddington, l'Ifortimer Philip

1900 Feb. 26 Redman, William Edward

1919, May 15 Redpath, George .. 1905, June 19 Reece, Charles

1893, Dec. 8 Reed, James Lewis

1921, Aug. 10 Reekie, William Barnett 1907, Nov. 13 Reeve, Walter

1878, Feb. 27 Reid, Alexander .. '

1921. June 20 Reid, Arthur Alexander 1926, Feb. 15 Reid, Cher]\l8 E<!war<!


M.R.C.S. Eng. 1894. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1894

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Birm. 1905

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928

L.R.C.P. Lond. 1901. F.R.C.S. Ecg. 1903 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1903

M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1931

M.B., Ch.B., Univ .. N.Z. 1900

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

Postal Address.

102 Kimbolton R 0 ad, Feililing.

135 Cuba Street, Petane.

Otago University, Dun·

I odin. , Public Hospital, Oamarll. I 389 Victoria S t r e e t,

Hamilton. Public Hospital,

Palmerston North. Queen Street, Waimate. Mill Road, Waimate.

18 Marsden Avenue, Karori, Wellington.

I Marsden Avenue, Karod,

Wellington. C/o Meek and Von Haast,

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926 M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1896.


. 'I P.O. Box 669, Welling­ton.

. . . . . Medical School, Dunedin.~

F.R.C.S. Edin.} 3 Ba.lgownie Avenue,

M.D., Univ. Edin. 1903 M.B., Ob.B. Edin. 1917.

.. Wangamti.

M.D. Edin. 1918. 29 London Street, F .R.C.S. Edin. 1919 Dunedin.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1930 Matamata. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1930 Murchison. M.B., Ch.B. Edin. 1913. M.R.C.P. Lond. 1924 58 Don Street, Invercar-

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1903 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1909 L.R.C.S. IreJ. 1886 ..

gill. } 45 Don Street, Invorcargill.

M.R.C.S. Ecg. 1907. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1907 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1907. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1907

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1907 M.B., Ob.B., Uni •. N.Z. 1929

M.B., Ch.B., 1912. M.D. Univ. Edin. ·1920. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1922

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1884. M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1884

M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1896

M.B., C.M., Univ. Aberd. 1898 ~f.R.C.S. Eng. 1927. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1927.

M.B., B.Chir. Cantab., 1928 M.B. 1899, B.S. 1901, M.D. 1902, Univ. Molb .•.

M.B., Ch.M., Univ. Sydney 1922 . M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922

M.R.C.S. Eng. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1925 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 191! M.B., B.S., Univ. Edin. ] 913 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1914. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1914 ..

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1909. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1909.

M.B., B.Chlr. 1911, Univ. Camb. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922

L.s.A. Lond. 1886. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1886

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1915 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1904

M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1891

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1905. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1905

M.R.C.S. Edin. 1855. L.M.S. Hall, Edin. 1855. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1873

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921 M.B., Ch,B., Univ. N.Z. )920

Waihopo, North Au c k~ land.

Karamea. South Island. Mental Hospital, Kihi.

kihi. 46 Perry Street, Masterton. Public Hospital, Welling­

ton. 918 Colombo Street,

Christchurch. Panmure, Auckland.

" Whittlesea," Burrows Street, Young, N.S.W.

Town Hall, Sydney. C/o Dr. Raymond, Wai­

pukurau. 65 Broad Street, Palmers­

ton North. Clyde Street, Balclutha. Camo Street, Maori Hill,

Dunedin. Brunnerton. Kaiapoi. 2 Clift.on Road, Takapuna. Te Puke. Duntroon. Corner Coutt's Street and

Childer's Terrace, Kil­birnie, Wellington.

England. Greymouth, West Coast. Wallace Road, Waipuku-

rau. Public Hospital, Dunedin. 299 Durham Street, Christ­

church. 41 St. John's Wood Road,

London N.W. 8. Spring Creek, Blenheim,

Marlborough. Obara, via Opotiki. C/o The Public ~sree

Hamilton. . Public Hospital, Waipuku .

rau. Otautau. .. Ranmore ,; Duart Road

Havelock North. ' Opotiki.

230 High Street., Dunedin, Darfield,




Date of Rcglfltratlon.

1906, .June 8

1891, l\:[ay 5

1015. Nov. 8

1911, Dec. 18

1926, May 26

1924, Mny 8 1924, Sept. 4

1919, Oct. 24

1913, M.y 13

1926, May 26 1926, F(:lb. 15

1922, Mar. 16

1921, Oct. 28

1924, Nov. 1.0

1881, July 12

1926, Fob. 15

1904,May 7

1898. Mar.

1901, Dec. 21 1892, Dec. 7 1899, Dec. 16 1918, May 1 1906, M.y 9

1930, Aug. 27 1919, Mo.r. 12 H)2Q. July. S 1923, Nov. 12.

1922, Sept. 29 1929, Sopt. 4

1926, S~pt. I

1888, Jan. 18

1925, Feb. 24

H.I28, Dec. 12

1926, Sept. I

1921, June, 1,5

1926, ~\oy, 26

1915. Nov. 8

1878, May 7

1913. Jan. 17

1906, Mar. 5

uno, May 10 1921, Aug. 10 1911, Mar. 6


Reid, James

Reid. James Harper

Reid, William Jamieson

Rondle, Charles Edmund Russel

Rennie, Bruce Clarkson

} Rhind, Sydney Devenish {

Rhodes, :Milson Russen

Rice, Henry G.oulding

Rich, Gordon Francis Rich, William Gordon

Richards, .J ohn Frederick Gwyther, D.S.O.

Richards, Rosina Dorothy (8ee Cr,\.\\:ley)

Riehards, Richard Walter

Richardson, Arthur

Riddell, Leith Alexander

Ridley (now Necs} , Emily ~ Helena Violett. r { Riley, Arthur . . i. fRiley, Frederick Ratcliffe {

Ritchj~, Jame~ Rite}llo, Russen Ian

Ritchie, Russell, Vernon

}Ritchie. Thomas Russell

Rix, Hubert George

}B.Obb, George Douglas


{ I\Qliq, B.ho<Jo, Brittle Violet. .

Roberton, Ernest ..

Rob~rton, L'label Mary

RobertoJ')" James Basil Wilkie

RQ~erton, J.ohn Arthur Wilkie

Robcr~s, Charles Richard Stewart

Roberts, Reginald Francombe

Roberts, Richard Cadwaladr

Roberts, William Stewart Weeding

Robertson, Alexander

Robertson, Carrick Hey

} Robertson, George Harold {

Roberston, Herbert Donald ..

11)04, April 251}Rober:tson, James Herbert f 1915. Nov. 15 Graham 1. 1923. Sept .. 17 1 Roberston, Maleolm

1923, Mar. 12 Robertson, Walter Jamel) (now Hope-Robertson)


]\LB., Ch.B., Univ. Aherd. 1904

M.B .. Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1891

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1915

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1889. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1889. E.R.C.S. Edin. 1907

M.B., Ch.n., Univ. N.Z. 1925 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1916. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1916 ") M.B., B.S., Univ. Lond. 1922. F.R.C.B. Eng. >-

1923 ) L.R.C.P. Edin. 1902. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1902.

L.F.P.S. Glasg. 1902 B.Chir. 1910, Univ. Camb. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1911.

L.R.C.P. Lond. 1911 1\"1:B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1912. L.RC.P. Lond. 1912. M.13.B.S. Univ. Lond. 1912

. M.B., Ch.B., N.Z., 1921

~!.R.C.S. Eng. 1890. L.R.C.P. I.ond. 1890. M.D. Lond. 1892

M.D., Univ. Brussels, 1877. L.R.C.P. Edin. 1875. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1875. L.S.A. Lond. 1875

~f.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

l\f.R.C.S. Eng. 1897 . 1\:l.B., B.S., Univ. Dur,ham ~ 1897

M.D. Univ. Durham 1901. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1897 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1890. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1890 F.R.C.S. Eng. 1896 . . . . 1\I.B., Ch.B. Univ. Edin. 1914 • I.R.C.S. Eng. 1904. .I.B. N.Z. 1903

Posto.l Address,

375 Manukau Road, Epsom, Auckland.

32 Wick.'ltecd Street., W 0.. nganui.

519 Devon Street East, New Plymouth.

C/o Bank of N.S.\V., Threadncedle Street, London E.C. 2.

Hospital, 'Yanganui.

280 Willis Street, Welling ton.

Luke Road, Takapuna.

25 Ririni Street, Kaiti, Gisborne.

Hospital, New Plymouth. Cook and Ross Buildings,

Christchurch. 8 Milton Road, off Do­

minion Road, Mount Eden, Auckland •

8 Milton Road, Mount . Eden. 184 Willis Street, Welling­

ton .. 397 Hannan Street, }Cal.

goodie, W.A. Public Hospital, Welling­


" Woodleigh" SaJe C~e. shire, England. '

346 George Street, Dun. edin.

Victoria Road, Cambridge . 400 George Street, Dun_

edin. Taumarunui. .I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1930

M·.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1915 D.P.H .. Univ. N.Z. 1920 }

Medical Officer of Health Dunedin.·

~LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922 M.D., N.Z. 1929. F.R.C.S.

L.R.C.P. Lond., 1925 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. ~924


~I.R.C.S. Eng. 1885. M.B., ·C.M., Univ. Edin. 1885. M.D. Univ. Edin. 1887

~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1922

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1925. L.RC.P. Lond. 1925. M.B., B.Chir. C.ntab. 1926

.I.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond. 1923. ~I.B., B.Chlr. Camb. 1925

M.B., Ch.B., Vniv. N.Z. 1921

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1906. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1906

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1876

M.B., C.M .. 1896, M.D. 1911, Univ. Glasg.

M.R.C.S. Eng 1902. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1902. AI.B., Univ. Lond. 1902. B.S., Univ. Lond.

~aitaia, North Auckland.

41 Symonds Street, Auck_ land. '

Newington Road, Hender­son, Auckland.

61 'Remuera. Road, Auck· land.

61 Rcmuera R('ad, Auck­land.

Te Awamutu.

213 Great South Road, Auekland.

Callan Park Mental Hospital, Rozelle, Syd­ney, N.S.W.

C/o High Commissioner for New Zealand, London. U.K.

510 Sutherland Road, Hastings.

16 High Street, Waimate.

331 Willis Street, Welling­ton.

1 Alfred Street, Auckland.

1903. F.R.C.S. Eng. 1904 M.n., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916 M.D., Univ. N.Z. 1921

1. 279 Victoria A venue, f Wanganui.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1911

M.B., Ch.B.. Univ. N.Z. 1904 F.R.C.S. Edin. ID12 fiLB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

47·Ingestre Street, Wanga. nui.

} 52 Hobson Street, WeI.

lington. 78 Wairarapa Terrace,


1912, Mar. 25 Roberston; Walter Sneddon ,M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1912 Jilublic Hospital, Welling­ton.

1900, Mar. 12 Robertson, William M.R.C.S. Eng. 1899. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1899 G

Tapanui, Otago.



Date of RegistratIon.

1921, Ma.r. 11

1929, May' 23

1925, Aug. 29

192], Dec. S

1905, April 6

1897, April 24 1927, June 6 1909, June 30

1925, May IS 1925, May IS

1917, Oct. 5

1889, Oct. 1 1912,May 20 1920, Jan. 6

1897, Feb. 23

1910, Oct. 17

1913, May S

1882. June 28 1917. Oct. 25 1922, Dec. 18

1920, Nov. 26

1909, July 23

1925, May IS 1924, July 31 1924, Sept. 5 1912, Nov. IS

1926, bray 26

1927, Sept. 1

1931, Oct. 21 1924, Sept. 5

1925, May IS

1920, July S 1900, Mar. 6 1905, Jan. 10

1916, Dec. 16 1021, Aug. 16 1925, May 18

1905, April 7 1917, May !1

1929,May 23

1900, May S

1910, April2S

1907, Nov. 13

[913, July 24

1922, Ma.y 15

[9[6, May 19 1919, May 27 1923, .Tune 1 1023, Sopt. !1

1929, Feb. 19'




Robinson, Christian Cathcart

Ro~inson, Morris "

Roche, Edward Henry

Roche.Kelly, John Edward Joseph

Rogers, Eugene Trevelyan

Rogers, Joseph Ernest Rogers, Lindsay Sangster .. Roper,Margaret(seeMcCahon,

Margaret) Rose, Alice Campbell Rose-Innes, Arthur

Ross. Alexandel' Ma.rtin

Ross, John Ross, Kenneth Ross, Philip Hedgela.nd

Ross. William Stewart

RQssiter, Charles Benjamin

Rout, Chai-Ies Malcolm

Rowley, Charles .. Rowley. Everard Oswald Rowley, Gladys Margaret

Roy, Allan Bruce ..

Rugg, Harold

Ruben, Carl Xavier Rule, John Herbert Russell, Cedric Russell, Geddes Graham

Russell, John

Russell, Mary Jane Hulse

Rutherford, Ian Marshall Ryburn, Wilfred Robert

Sadlier, Horace William

Salmond, Kennoth Guthrie Sanders, Walter Monckton ..

} Sandston, Allred Charles { (see Sanrlstein, Alfred Charles)

Saunders, Douglas Hutehison Sayers, E~ward George

Scannell, Francis Arthur Scannell, William GJadstone

Scott, Archibald Murray

Scott, Charles Francis

Scott, Francis Lidderdale

Scott, George Melmoth

Scott, Jessie Anne ..

Scott, Kenneth James Lang­lands

~Scoular, Stuart .. { ) Scrymgeour, David Neil Mc­

Culloch Searle, Wa.lter Netley


M.B., Univ. Land. 1903. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1902. L.R.O.P. Lond. 1902

M.R.O.S. Eng. L.RO.P. Lond. 1923. M.B., B.S. Lond. 1923

M.RO.S., L.R.O.P. Eng. 1926. M.B., B.S. Lond. 1927

L., L.M. 19[2, R.O.P. Ire!. L., L.M. [912, R.O.S. Iro!. D.P.lI., R.O.P.S. Ire!. 1920

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1908

M.B.,O.M. [S93, M.D. lS96, Univ. Edin. M.B., Oh.B .• Univ. N.Z. [927 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1908

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.RO.S. Eng. [917. L.R.O.P. Lond. 19[7

M.B., Ch.B., Univ .. N.Z.1917

M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1886 M.B., Oh.B., 1905, D.P.lI. 1910, Univ. Aberd ... M.RO.s. Eng. 1000. L.RO.P. Lond. 1900.

D.P.lI. Oomb. [902 M.B., B.Ob. Trin. Ooll. Dub!. lSS9

L.RO.P. Edin. 1895. L. lS95, F. lS99, R.O.S. Edin. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1895

M.B., Ob.B., Univ .. Edin. 1912

M.RO.S. Eng. lS81 b!.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1917 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1020

M.R.O.S. Eng. lS74. I,.R.O.P. Edin. lS75

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.ll., Oh.ll., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.B., Ob.B., Univ. Edin. 1915 M.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1893

M.B., Ob.B. Oantab. 1923

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927

M.B., Ob.B., N.Z. 1931 .M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.R.O.S. Eng. 1926. L.RO.P. Lond. 1926

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 M.B., B.R, Univ. Melb. 1899

Postal Address,


205 Commercial Road. London E.!.'

457 Mount Eden Road, Auckland.

198 Willis Street, WelIing. ton.

2 London Street, Hamil· ton.

Irk Street, Gore. Public Hospital, Dunedin. Hokianga Road, Darga.

ville. Hospital, Dunedin. Queen Street, Richmond,

Nelson. 137 Great South Road,

Otahuhu. Cook Hospital, Gisborne. 235 High Street, Dunedin. Hackthorne Road, Cash·

mere Hills. Christchurch. " Clonsilla," Greystones,

County Wicklow, Ire­land.

2 Woodside Road, Mount Eden, Auckland.

8 Victoria Road, Devon-port.

6 Orakau Avenue, Epsom. High Street, Otahubu. U Barnsley," II High

Street, Otahuhu. Currie Street; Port

Chalmers. . Overseas League, Vernon

House, Park Place, Lon­don S.W. 1.

Nukulofa, Tonga. Mangonui. Picton. . 24 Burleigh Street, Auck­

land. Mental Hospitals Depart­

ment, Wellington. The Hospital, Christ­

church. Hospital, Wanganui. 80 Tancred Street, Ash­

burton. Care of Mental Hospital,

Stoke, Nelson. Kimbolton Road, Feilding. Raglan.

M.B.,·Ch.B. 1898, M.D., Univ. Edin. 1901

F.RO.S. Edin. i916 M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921 M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

} 2 Latimer Square, Christ­


High Street, Eltham. Public Hospital Wc,lling-

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1905 M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1917

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929

M.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1891

L.RO.P. Edin. 1907. L.RO.S. Edin. 1907. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1907. M.D., Univ. Edin. 1909

M.B., B.Ohlr., [S90, M.D., lS99, Univ. Oamb ...

M.B.,· Ch.B., 1909, M.D., 1912,' Univ. Edin. D.P.H., RO.P.S. Eng. 1912

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922

ton. King Street, Temuka. 165A Viotora Avenue,

Wanganui. 0/0 High Commissioner

for N.Z., London. 118 Clifford Street, Gis­

. borne. 82 Gloucester Street,


Puke ora Sanatorium, Waipukurau.

248 Cnabel Street, Christ­church.

C/o Bank of New Zealand, I Queen Victoria Street, LondonE.C.

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916 M.D. Univ. N.Z. 1915 F.R.O.S. Edin. 1921

} 2S Munroe Street, Napier.

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. [923 Lauder, Otago Central.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929 . Public Hospital, Dunedin.




Date of Rcgilltration.

192i. Oct. 19

1902, Nov. 20

1923, Sopt. 11

1929, Feb. 19

19U4, April 11

1928, May 18

1920, Mar. 19 1920, Mar. 19 1926, May 26

1920, Mar. 16

1901, Jan. 3


Segar, Hugh Roland

Seville, George Edward

Shackleton, Ronald George

Shallard, Kenneth Bolton

Shand, Walter Moray

Shand, Wl1liam George Eric ..

Sharp, George Stanley Shaw, John Patrick Shaw, Roy Vernon

Sheffield, William Henry

ShephE!rd, Thomas Scott

1930, Dec. 1930, Dec.

5 Shepley, William Hadfield 5 Sheppard, Frederick Augustus

I Bcrrill 1931, June L923, Mar.

5 I Shield, Arthur Leslie 5 i Shirer, William Francis

1908, April 7 Shore, Robert Alexander

1925, Aug. 26 Shortt, Frederick Charles Merritt

1914, June 12 Short, Hugh

1910, June 28 1898, Feb. 19

1926, Sept. I 1910, April 27 1913, June 30 1915, Nov. S 1902, .r ely 12 1907, Feb. 18

1907, Dec. 17

1907, -!lug. 2

1916, May 19

1908, Mar. 9 1921, Aug. 10 1913,May 14 1924, Sept. 11

1912, Jan. 3

1877, June 9

1931, Mar. 11

1923, Mar. 5

1905, Oct. 15

1931, Dot. 21 1925, May IS 1919, May 27 1930; Aug. 27

1914, Oot. 12 ]892, Feb. 15

1930, Aug. 27

1905, June 15

1926, Feb. 15

1909, April 17

IS97, May 3

Short, Thomas Gordon Siedeberg, Emily Hancock ..

Silverman, Isaac Judah

}Simcox, John Edward{

Llewellyn Simmers, Eustace Melvin .. Simmons, Wilfred Thomas .. Simpson, James Charles

Donaldson . Simpson, John H'!lgh

Simpson, William Hamilton

Simpson, William Henry

}Simpson, Sydney James {

Sinclair, David Livingstone .. Sinclair, Robert Gemmell

Burnett Singer, Arthur Leonard

Skerman, Sidney ..

Skinner, Clarence ..

Slater, Alfred Norman

Slater, Fife

Sligo, Frank Finlay Smale, Frederick Rich. Smith, Alexander Campbell Smith, Dorothy

Smith, George McCall Smith, John Carmichael

Smith, Thomas Malcolm

Smith, Ventry Alexander John

Smyth, Edward Battersby William

Smyth, Edward William

Somerville, Joseph Edward Wilson


M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921

L.S.A. Lond. 1900 ••

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.ll., Ch.M., Sydney, 1924 ..

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1901. M.R.e.S., Eng. 1902. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1902

~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1915 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1914. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1914 ~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B., B.Ch., R. Univ. !reI. 1909

iltR.C.S. Eng. 1900. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1900. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1900

~LB., Ch.B., V.U. Mane. 1925 ilI.B., B.S., Melb. 1929

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1931 ~I.B., Cb.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1908

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

ilI.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1914

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1910 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1896. L.R.C.P. Ire!.


Fostal Address.

C/o High Commissioner for New Zealaud. Lon­don W.C. 2.

Thames Street, Morrins­ville.

Victoria Terrace, Wai­mate.

C/9 C. P. Harrington, Esq., Eureka, via Hamilton.

89 The Terrace, Welling­ton.

C/o Bank ofN.Z., 1 Queen Victoria Street, Mansion House, London E.C.

Featherston. Gordon Road, MosgioI. Warkworth, North Auck.

land. 263 Cam bridge Terrace.

Christchurch. Merton House, Ross, Here­

fordshire, England. Mental Hospital, Porirua. C/o Bank. N.S.W., Lon-

dOD.' .

Publio HosiJital, Dunedin. 27 Riddiford Street. Wel­

lington. : Department of Health,

Wellingtpn. Coromandel.

i 18 Boulcoit Street, Wel­

lington. Gilmour Street, Waihi. 6 CairnhilI Street, Maori

Hill, Dunedin. Tuakau. I\LB., B.S., Univ. of :Melbourne 1911

l\:I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1910 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1912 } Weber, Hawke's Bay.

ilI.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1905 l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1902 l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1906

L.R.C.P. Edin. 1907. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1907. . L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1907 l\-f.B., Ch.B., 1903, M.D., Univ. Edin. 1906.

D.P.H.R. C. P. and S. Edin. and F.P. and S. Glasg. 1906

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916

Eketahuna. Hadfield Street, Parea. Ngali:awau.

54 Puriri Street. Riccar­ton, Christchuroh.

170 Heaton Street, Christ­churoh.

18 Boulcott Street, Wel-

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1908 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1914 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1913 M.B., Cb.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924


fl lOS Rugby Street, Christ·

ohurch. P.O. Box 38, Taihape; 38 South Road, Hawera.

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1907. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1907

ilI.R.C.S. Eng. IS76. L.S.A. Lond. 1876

L.M., S.S.A., Lond. 1930

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

:rtLB., Ch.B. Univ. Aberd. 1904

M.B.; Ch.B., N.Z. 1931 fiLB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z., 1924 M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1893 ~!.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1930

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Emn. 1904 L.R.C.S. Ire!. 1891. L.R.C.P. Edin. IS91.

L.F.P. and S. Glasg. IS91 M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1930

. L.R.C.S. Ire!. IS81. L.L.M. 18S4, K: and Q. C.P.Irel.

~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

"I.B., Ob.B., Univ. Edin. 1902

l\I.B.. C.M., Univ. Edin. 1895

2 Ballance Street, Gis­borne.

Castlccliff, Wanganui.

Hursts Buildings, Emer­son Street, Napier.

Brougham Street, New Plymouth.

78 Nayland Street, Sum-ner.

Hospital, Chrisklhurch. Rotherbam. 156 Hardy Street, Nelson. Public Hospital. Auck-

land. Nimmo Street, Rawene. Johnsonville.

Public Hospital, Welling­ton.

Walton Street, Wbangarei.

Wellington Street, Pioton.

175 Adelaide !Wad, Wei. lington. .

40 Victoria AvenuC', . Remu(>xa, ~ucklaD:d-.

.,: l

.. .\'




Date oC I Registration. • Name. Quallflcation.

1912, July 6 1913, ~lay 14

1921, May 31 1910, April 25 1913, Aug. 23 1931, Jlme 5

1923, Sept. II 1928. Feb. 22

1918, May 1

1916, Dec. 16

1894, Feb. 26

1924, Nov. 19

1931, MaI. II

1916, May 26

1913, Feb. 12

1925, Feb. 25 1896, April 21

1924-, Oct. 6 1909, Dec. 1

1909, April 13 1917, 'Oct. 8 1923, Mar. 5 1890, Fob. 6

1930, Feb. 18

1918, Dec. 14 1930, Dec. 5 1904, April 26

1907, F~b. ~8

1905, Dec. 2

1925, Aug. 26

1931, June 5

1927, Sept. 1 1924, Nov. 19 1906, Sept. 3 1905, Jan. 3

South, Frederick William Berry

tSowexby, 'William f ) . l Spedding, Ivan Norman Spedding, Lesli~ Alan Speeding, Keith Rennick

Speight, Norman Charles Spencer, Edwin Patrick

Spencer, l'rederick Mont· gomery

Sperrin·Johnson, John Oha.'>.

8t.ack, Maurice Tanored

Strilcy, :Mildred Ernestine

Stallworthy. John Arthur

Stan, Philip Edwin

L .. S.A. Lond. 1886. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1888 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1913 1 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1915. L.R.C.P. Lon~. 1915.,

b1.D., Um •• N.Z. 1916. F.R.C.S. Edin. '1919) M.R.C.S. Eng. 1909. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1909 " M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1913 M.B., B.S., Melb. 1925

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1917

M.B., B.Ch., Nat. Univ. Ireland, 1913

.M.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1892

M.B., B.S., Univ. Lond. 1891

M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1930

'M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925

Steele, Henl'Y Lionel Hughes M.R.C.S. Eng. 19U. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1911

Steenson.Kingsley, Rupert .• Stenhouse, Andrew

Stenhouse,. Caroline Morrow Stenhouse,' James Scott Jack­


btB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1896

b!.B., Ch.B., Unlv. N.Z. 1924 L.R.C.P. Edin. 1909 .. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1909.

I. jSteven, David

StOvens, William Edwu.rd

L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1909

t( M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1909 l

M.D. Uni •. N.Z. 1917 .. ., )' F.R.C.S. Edin. 1921. F.R.F.P.S. Glasg. 1921 M.R.C.S. Eug. 1888. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1888

Stevenson, 'Donald Louis

Robert M.B., Ch.B., N.Z.1929

} Stevenson, Grace

Stevenson, John .,

J M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918 } l D.P.H. Eng. 1924 F.R.C.S. Edin.

Stewart, Alexander

Stewart, Arthur Anderson

stewart, James Garfield

Stewart, Ralph Willam True-man Huston

Stoddart, Thomas William .. Stokes, Ralph Grainger Story, Alfred Cnt.hbert Story, Bernard Samuel

M.B., C.b!., Univ. Edin. 1896. 1899

M.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1895

l\lLB., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1905

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. i925

M.B., B.Ch., D~b. 1927

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927 M.B., Ch.B., Uni •. N.Z. 1924 L.S.A. Lond. 1904 .. L.R.C.P. Edin. 1897. L.F.R.C.S. Edin .. 1897:

L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1897. 'M.D., C.1\I., 1\Iani-

1914~ Jan. ·13 -Stout; Robert , toba UI,rlv., CI\t~ada, 1896 , M.R.C.S. Eng. ·1910. L.R.p.P. Lond. 1910.

1914, Jan. 13

1926, Feb. 15

1897, Sept. 20

1926, Feb. '15 1919, July 17

1930, Feb. 18 1908, Nov. 2

1920, lIrIar. 19

1923. June 1 1908, Mar. 9 1926, Dec. 1 1926, Sept.. 1 1928, Dec. 12 1893, Dec. 23 . 1890;May IS

'Stout, Thomas Duncan Mac-gregor

S tow e, William Raymond . Courtney Stowe, William Reginald

'Strack-Torrie, Uriti l\lay Strain, Samuel Bertram Wan­

less Strang, -Robert Stride, Sidney Arthur

Stringer, Louis Bruce

Stronach. Ronald Douglas Stuart, Thomas Stubbs, Eric Stmwson StUrtevant, Arthur Beresford 'Sutherland, Angus Leslie Sutherland, James Sutherland, Willi!J,..m

M.B., B.s. 1919, M.D. 1913, Univ. Lond. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1913

M. 1910, F. 1912, R.C.S. Eng. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1910. ~LB., B.s., 191~,M.S. 1913, Univ. Lond.

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

M.R.C.S. Eug. 1896. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1896

'M.B., Ch·.B.. Univ. N.Z: i925 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919

M.B., Ch.B., Edin. 1925. F.R.C.S. Edin. 1928 L.S.A. Lond. 1897. L.McS.S.A. I,ond. 1907

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1912. ~ L.R.C.P. Lond. 1912

M.B., Ch.B., Uni •. N.Z. 1923 M.D. Univ. Edin. 1899 M.B., Ch.B., 1917, M.D., 1919, Liverpool M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926 M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1924 M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1892 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1899

[No. 94

Postal Address.

Waipawa, Hawke's Bay.

Hospital, Thames.

Cargill Street, Mosgiel. Remuera Road, Auckland.

,Public Hospital, Welling_ ton.

218 High Street, Dunedin. Public Hospita1, Auck­

land. Victoria Street, Hamilton.

'Biology Department, University College. Auekland.

19 High Street, 'Waver· tree, Liverpool, Eng­land.

0< Shalamar," Grand View Road, Green Lane, Auelliand.

2 Albury Avenue, Epi'lom, Auckland.,

Southland Hospital, Inver­cargill.

166 Willis Street, Wel­lington.

Oamaru. C/o J. Stenhouse, Esq~,

Box 48, Palmerston South.·

Clyde Strcot, Balclutha. Owaka.

Broadway, StratfOl·d.

97 Lonsdale' Street, New Brighton.

Public Hospital, New Ply­mouth.

Health Department, Auck­land.

39 Wairarapa Terrace, Fendalton, Christ-church

Newcombe Street~ Port Arlington, Victoria.

Foyle Street, Bluff.

Cr. Ciifton and --Victoria Roads, Takapuna, Auck-

'·hind. . Public ,Hospital, . Christ-

church.. . , Public Hospital, Napier.

, Irk Street, ·Gore., Raratonga., Cook Islands. Tuakau.

279 will.iS Street~\Velling­ton.

,281 The .Terrace, Welling­ton.

I The Terrace. Wellington.

6: L~ton Street, Palmers-ton-North.

, Hospital, Mangoulli. 257 High Street, Dunedin.

'P"ublic 'Hospital; Dunedin. 16 :{{hyber Pass Road,

Auckland. 23:5 Papanui 'Road, Christ-

ch'urch. -Middlemarch. , Fifth 'Avenue, Tauranga.

. Wharfe Street, Oamaru. ·P.O.: Raglan. Jagadhri, Punjab, India. Fairlie. Lawrence.




Da.te of Reglstnl.t!on. Name.

1924, Sept. 231 Sweeney (now McKeefry),


. Dorothy 1894, May 24 Sweet, Geoffrey Bruton l\f.B., C.M., Univ. Sydney, 1893

'Sweet, William Sidney

Swift,' Douglas Thomas

M.B., B.S., Lond. 1904. M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. Land. ]905. M.D., Lond. 1909

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929

"M.B., Ch.B.,'Univ. N.Z. 1925

1927, June 6

1929, May 23

1925, Aug. 26

.J895, Jan. 19

1895, Nov. 29 1926, Feb. 15

Swift., Sydney Herbert

} Talbot, Alfred George

Talbot, Graeme Gibson {

·M.B., C.~r., Univ. Edin. 1892. 1894

L.R.C.P. Lond. 1895

M.R .. ~.S. Eng"}

1903, April 27 Talbot, Leonard Smith 1924, Nov. 19 "Taylor, Claude Alexander

1925, Feb. 25

1897, Ml\.r." 25

1905, Oct. 6

Taylor-Edward, Harold Harvey I Teiohelmann, Ebenezer

TcUord, Thomas Flewhcr

1904-, Fcb. 16 'Tcmple, Adolph (see Zimpel, Adolph)

1923, Sept. 11 'Tcnnent, Alan Arnold

1994, June 24

1909, Aug. 23 1909"Oct .. 26 1898, Aug. 27

HlO!), April 1


To Rangi Hirolt (P. Buck)

}Tewsley, Cyril Hocken {

Thacker, 'Henry Turikina • Joynt

Thomas, John Restell

Thomas, Thomas Theodore

M.B., Ch.E., Univ. N.Z. 1925

M.B., Oh.E., Univ. N.Z. 1903 M.B., Ch.E., Univ. N.Z.·1924

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

L.K. and .Q.C.P. IrO!. 1887. M. 1888, F. 1891, R.C.S. Eng.

ilLB., B.Ch. 1901,~LD. 1902, D.S.M.1903, Univ. Dubl.

M.B., C.M., Univ. AbeI'd. lS90

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.B., Ch.B. Univ. N.Z. 1904

~l.B., Ch.E, Univ. Edin. 1906. F.R.C.S. Edin.,} M.D. Univ. Edin. 1909 ..

M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin.IS96. F.R.C.S.IreI.189S

~l.E., Ch.B., Univ. G1asg. 1903


Postal Address,

79 Remuera Road. Auck· land.

63rd Avenue, Tauranga.

Grey River Hospital, Greymouth.

C/o Bank of N.Z., Queen Victoria Street, London.

63 Rcmuera Road, Auck. land.

C/o High Commissioner for N.Z., London.

I 30 Church Street, Timaru. ! Publio Hospital, Auck·

land. C/o High Commissioner

for N.Z.,' London. . Hampden Street. Hoki­

tika. Medical Officer of Health,

Christchurch. 91 Toorangn. Road, Eus,t

Malvern, Melbourne. Victoria.

14 Hataitai Road, Wcl­lington.

Director. Division of l\laori Hygiene, Department of Health. Auckland.

5 O'Rorke Street, Auck­land.

"Rn.moyne," 96 Bealey Avenue, Chr;stohurch .

29 Latimer Square. Christchurch.

Young Street, Palmerston, Otago.

1912, Sept.. 9 'ifHS, May 1 H.l23, June 1 '1931, Oct. 21

}Thomas, Williu.m: Howard {

Thompson; Brian George Thompson, Joseph Robert

l\1.B., Ch.B.. Univ. N.Z. 1917

l\I.B., Ch.B, .• Univ. N.Z. 1912 F.RC.S. Edin. 1916. F.R.F.P.S. Glasg. 1917 ·M.B., Ch.B., 1922, 'M.D., Edin. 1925

} Trafalgar Street, One­

hunga. Rarotonga;' Cook Islands. C/o High Commissioner l'tLB., Oh.B., N.Z. 1931

Gibson for N.Z .• London. 1912, Aug. 27 1015, Nov. 15 1923, Sept. II 1912, April 3 1931, June 5

}Thompson, Leslie'.Joseph {

Thompson, Samuel .T ames .. Thompson, Thomas Trench .. Thomson, Anne Margaret

M.B., Ch.B .• Univ. N.Z. 1912 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1914 J

l 243 Parnell Road, Auck· land.

Kent Street, Levin. Amberley.

1908, May 2 . Thomson, Arthur Charles ..

1926. Sept. I

1920, July 8

Thomson, Edgar Frederick ..

Thomson, George Herbert

1927, Sept. 1 . Thomson, James .. 1928, Aug. 29 Thomson, John Gemmill

1922, Mar. 16

1905, Mar. 24

1926, Feb. 15

1907, Aug. 16 1920, Nov. 26 1923," Nov. 12

1896, Aug. 28 1931, Mar. 11

Thomson, Robert Peel

Thomson, William Malcolm

Thorp. Thomas Howard

Tizard, Henry John Tod, Henry Charles Todd, Kathleen Mary

Todd, William Topham, Eroeflt Joseph Eric

Topham; 'Mary Helen

lILB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 ~r.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1912 lILB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1931

lILB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1908

l\LB., Ch.B.. Univ. N;Z. 1£126

M.B., Ch.E., Univ. N.Z. 1920

~I.B., Ch.B., Glasg: 1925 L.M., Edin. 1893. L.R.C.P. and S., Edin. 1893.

L.R.F.P. and S., Edin. ]893 L., L.M., R.C.P. Ire!. 191 I. L., L.M., R.C.S. Ire!.

1911 I ~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1905

M.B., Ch,B., Univ. RZ. 1925

M.R.C.S.-Eng.1890. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1890 i\LB., Oh.n., Univ. N.Z. 1020 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.D. Univ. Southern California 1896 .. ili.B., B.Ch. (C.ntab.). M.R.C.S., Eng. L.R.C.P.,

Lond. M.B., B.Ch., Dublin 1922

Public Hospital, Auck­land.

381 Montreal Street, Christchurch. .

Public Hospital. Christ­church.

155 Devon Street West, New Plymouth.

Public Hospital, Dunedin. 89 Abel :Smith Street.

Wellington. 6 BIa,ck's' Road, North­

east Valley, Dunedin. Princes Street Extension.

Hawera. Waikato Hospital, Hamil-

ton. . 313 High Street, Dunedin. Cambridge. Psychiatric Clinic, Pen­

sions Buildings, Auck­land. .

Murchison. C/o Public Hospital, Wa­

nga.nui. 293 Victoria Avenue, Wa­

nganui. 1931, June 5

1893, May 19 1921, Oct. 19 1895, June 7 1929, May 23

}Torrance, James ..

Tosswill, John Cecil Tothill, Gilbert Mortimer

{ ili.E.; B.Ch., Univ. N.Z. 1893 M.R.C.8. Eng. 1897. I,.R.C.P. Lond .. 1897 M.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1890

} Bluff.


1909, Aug. 6 1911, Jan. 4 1924, Sept.. 5

1913, Aug. 14 1891, Nov. 17

Tovey, Arthur Hamilton Trail, Stephen Galt Treahy, Patrick Arthur

M.R.C.S. Eng. L.R.C.P. Lond., 1924

ili.R.C.S. Eng. 1901. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1901 M.B., C.M., Univ. AbeI'd. 1910 ~I.B., Ch.B., Univ: N.Z. 1924

Trotter,AlexanderMeiklejobn ~Ln .• Cb.B .• Univ.'N.Z.19]3 Trotter, Ninian George ~:LB., C.M., 1888, M:D.1889, Univ. Edin

l\fental Hospital, Auck-land.

A pia. Samoa. Little River. Waikato Hospital, Hamil­

ton. Otcpopo, Herbert. Riverton. .



Date ot Reidskatlon.

1916, May 19

1912, May 20

1923, Mar. 5

1903, Sept. 8

1920, Mar. 19

1928, Sept. 11

J903, Jan. 7

1904, May 31

1898, Sept. 4 11112, June 25

1913, July 21

1907, Aug. 29 1921, July 1 1891. Mar. 9

1930, Feb. 18 1928. Dec. 12

1916, Ma.y 19

1919. Dec. 8 1889, Oct. 23 1931, Mar. 11

1913, Nov. 25

1921, Mar. 14 1925, Aug. 26 1929, Feb. 19 1913, July 8

1906, April1~

1902, June 11 1920, July 8

1919, May 27 1931, June 5 1897, May 25 1905. Dec. 22 1911. Sept. 1

1931, June 5 1904, Jan. 21

1931, Mar. 11

1915, April 1 1910, Oct. 31

1927, Feb. 4

1908, April 23 1910, May 6 1924. Mar. 25 1913, Nov. 25 1908, April 3

1928, Aug. 29

1927, Feb. 6 1929, May 23 1928, Aug. 29

1875, Nov. 12

1906, Dec. 24.

1928, Aug. 29 1919, July 17

1920, Aug. 26 1901, Dec. 2

THE lIl]Jw ZEALA...1W GAZETTE. [No. 94



Trotter, Robert Samuel

Tudehope, Claude Bartley

Turbott, Harold Bertram

Turnbull, Robert Brown

Tweed, Martin'd Moore

Twhigg, John Martin

Ulrich, Frank Ferdinand Aplin

Unwin, William Howard

Upham, Charles Hazlitt Usher, Thoma-s Noel

Usher. Victor Field

Ussher. George Herbert Valentine, James Jefcoate Valintine, Thomas Harcourt

Ambrose Varlay. l\finnie Frances .. Vautier. Oharles Keith John

Vivian, .Arthur Harry Aylmer

Vivian. Henry Howard Eric Volckman, Bernard Volckmann, Willia.m Goddard

Waddell, Alexander Gold

Waddell, James Noble

} Waddle, Norman

Wade, Wallace Robert {

Wadmore, James Christopher

Wake, Charles Hereward Wales, Harry

Walker, Dallas Bradlaugh Walker, Edith Austin ..

} W~lker, Ernest Alexander{

Walker, George

Walker, John Philip Wall, Alfred Herbert Edwin

Wallace, Donald George

Wallis, Wilfred Stanley Walls, James

Walmsley, Sarah Margaret Felicia


M.B., C.M., 1898, M.D. 1903, Univ. Aberd. D. By. Univ. Durham 1911

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1910

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. Edin. 1899. D.P.H.RC.P. ,and S. Edin .• and F.P. and S. G1asg.

L.M.S.S.A. Lond. 1916. M.RC.S. Eng. 1918. L.RC.P. Lond. 1918

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z.1923

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1902

M. 1898, F. 1901, RC.S. Eng. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1898. M.B. 1899, B.S. 1902, Univ. Lond.

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1885. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1886 L.RC.P. Edin. 1910. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1910.

L.RF.P.S. Glasg. 1910 F.RC.S. Edin. 1910. M.D. Uulv. Edin. 1912

M.B. .. Ob.B., Univ. Edin. 1904 M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921 L.S.A. Lond. 1888. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1890. L.

and D.P.H.RC.P. Lond. 1890 L.RC.P. andS. Edin.,L.RF.S. andP. Glasg.1926 M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919 . L.S.A. Lond. 1884.. M.RC.S. Eng. 1886 M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1931

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. Glasg. 1911

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 F.RC.S. Edin. 1927 .. } M.B., Oh.B.. Liverp. Univ. 1910. M.RC.S.

Eng. 1910. L.RC .. P. Lond. 1910 M.RC.S. Eng. 1904. L.R.C.P. Lond, 1904

M.RC.S. Eng. 1890. L.RC.P. Lond. 1890 M.RO.S. Eng. 1907. L.RC.P. Lond. 1907

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919 M.B., Ch.B., Edin. 1925 _ . M.B., C.M., Univ. Glasg. 1895 . } M.D., Univ. Glasg. 1904 M.B., B.S., Uulv. Durh. 1907

M.R.O.S., Eng. L.R.O.P .• Lond. 1906 L.RC.P. Lond. 1902. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1902.

M.B.. Univ. Lond. 1903 M.B., Ob.B., N.Z. 1931

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1915 L.S.A. Lond. 1886. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1887

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926

POBtal Addrcaa.

15 The Blockstone, Eliza. beth Bay Road, Sydney. N.S.W.

498 Dominion Road, Auckland. "

Department of Health, Auckland.



Kelvin Ohambers. Wel­lington.

8 Elizabeth Street, Timaru.

59 Churoh Street, Timaru.

Lyttelton. 156 Riddiford Street, Wel­

lington. 88 Jervois Road, Pon-

sonby. Auckland. 48 Sefton Street, Timarll. Papatoetoe. Director-General of

Health, Wellington. Public Hospital, Nelson. 28 Liverpool Street,

Whittiora, Hamilton. 58 Riccarlon R-oad, O.bT1St-

church. Taumarunui. Leeston. 0/0 Publio Hospital,

Christchurch. Victoria Street, Hamilton

East. Akaroa.


123 Powderham Street. New Plymouth.

Whakatane. Bayof PIen~

Takapuna. 15 Whareora Terrace,

Cashmere. Ohristchurch. Hospit-al, Auckland. Wa.ipawa. " Powderham Street, New

Plymouth. " Blaulieu .. Manau

Whangarei:" . • Waipawa. 2 Campbell Street. Wa·

nganui. 0/0 Ashburton Hospital,

Ashburton. Htnemoa Street, Rotarua. Olevedon.

0/0 High Commissioner for New Zealand, Lon­don.

} Walton, Robert Henry

Ward, Francis Gerald {

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. Edin. 1906 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1908. M.D., Univ. Edin. 1909 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

I'\., 119 Mount Eden Road,


Ward. Sidney Harland Warneford. Stanley Wilson

C01lingwood ,Warner. Howard Francis ..

} Warnock. Alexandra Alice {

Warnock. Robert. . . .

Warren, William Edward ..

Washbourn. Henry Everly Arthur

Waters. John Patrick Francis Waterworth, George Edwin ..

Wa.tson. Edward Baden Watson. Frederick James .. '

M.RC.S. Eng. 1909. L.RC.P. Lond. 1909 . M.RC.S. Eog. 1892. L.RC.P. Lond. 1892

M.B., B.S., Lond. 1906

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1925 M.D. Edin. 1928 M.B., RCh., Univ. Dub!. 1924

Palmerstan N'th Hospital. Bank Street. Whangarei. Afayfield, Sussex, England.

C/o Dr. R. C. Roberts, 510 Southland Road. Hastings.

} Publio Hospital, Auokland.

6 Walton Street, Avondale, Auckland.

M.D., M.Ch., Q. Univ. !reI. L.M., Coombe Newlanda House, 141 Elizabeth Street, Hyde Park, Sydney, N.S.W.

103 OolIingwood Street,

Lying-in Hospital, Dubl.

M.B., Ob.B., Univ. Edin. 1905

L.Med., DubI.1905. M.B., B.Ob., Dubl. 1907 M.B., Ob.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919

M.B.. Ch.R, Univ. N.Z. 1925 M.R.n.S. Eng. 1895. I •. RC.P. Lond.

M.B., B.Ohir., Univ. Oamb. 1898 1895.

Nelson. " 42 Morris Street, Napier. 35 Shakespeare Road.

Napier. Ranfurly. Bulls.


DEC. 17.]

Date of Registration.

1902, Nov. 26

1925, Aug. 26

1918, May 15 1910, Mar. 28 1918, Dee. 14 1927, Sept. I 1907, June 10 1916,Sept.23 1922, May 11 1906, Mar. 13

1925, Feb. 25

1906, Jan. 9

1917, June 23 1926, Feb. 4 1930, Dec. 5

1929, Sept. 4 1921, Oct. 19

1930, Aug. 27




Watson (lIowCrosby), Isabella Anne

Watson, James Anderson

Watson, Robert Burns

} Watt, ltfichaeI Herbert

Watt, Morris Netterville Watt, Thomas Newlands Watt, William Watters, John Maurice Webb, Hugh Edward

Webster, Frederick Edw8.rd

J l


L.M.S.S.A. Lond. 1914

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1915 M.B., Ch.B., 1910; M.D., Univ. N.Z. 1915 D.P.H., Univ. N.Z. 1915 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927 M.R.C.S. Eng. 1907. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1907 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1914 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1922 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1906

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924


Postal Address.

Lister Buildings, Victoria. Street. Auokland.

Don Street, Invercargill. L Director-General of J Health, Wellington.

Public Hospital, Dunedin. Opunake. Kurow. Ashton Street, Gore. J ellicoe Street, Martin­

borough. 20lA Jervois Road, Herne

Bay. Auckland. Weeks, Harold. .. M.B., Univ. Lond. Isn M.R.C.S. Eng. IS96.

L.R.C.P. Lond. IS96 Talaga Ba.y.

} Wells, John Russell

WeJls, Maurice Sinclair. {

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1917 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1926 ~r.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1930

Wells, William James Crosby M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1929 Welsby, Cla.ude Bedford L.M.S.S.A. Lond. 1912

Welton-Hogg, Robert M.B., B.S., Melb. 1915

} Corner Cass and Burnett

Streets, Ashburton. PubHo Hospital, Christ-

church. . High Street, Carterton. 18 Marion Street, Welling.

ton. Kelvin Chambers,' Ter.

race, Wellington. . 1901, Aug. 12 Wheeler, Charles Henry M.D., M.Ch., Q. Univ. Irel. ISSI. D.S.M.R.C.P. King's Parade, Devonport,

Auckland. 1910, May II

1910, Oct. 19 1920, Jan. 6

1912, June 21

1026, Feb. 15

1884, April 15 1900, June 11 1917, Apri130 1920, Nov. 26 1912, April 3 1923, June 1 1915, Dec. 14 1907, Feb. 5

1924, Sept. 5 1912, Aug. 26

1911, April 27

1920, Mar. 19

1906, April 5 1914, Aug. 11 1931, June 5 1914, Jan. 13

1927, Feb. 4 1911, April 25 1925, Feb. 25 1912, Mar. 14

1917, Dec. 19

1912, Sept. 24

1900, May 2 1916, July 13

1923, June 1 1923, Sept. II

and S., IreI. 1893 Wlletter, John Pearce M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1909

Wlletter, Leslie Hatton M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1910 Whish, George Milroy ~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. 1912

White, James Renfrew M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1912

Whiteside, Roy Samuel M.B., Ch.R., Univ. N.Z. 1925

} ·Whitton, Jamcs .. ~f M.D., Q. Univ. IreI.1880. L.R.C.S. Edin 1883 F.R.C.S., Edin. 1899

~Whyte. Alexand9r Duncan M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916

Shanks D.P.H., Univ. N.Z. 1920 Wh t D 'd M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1912

ye,.V> .. l F.R.C.S. Eng. 1922 .. Whyte, Marion King Bennie M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1918 Whyte, ,Robert Orr M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1899

Wicken, James Lewis M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 Widdowson, Eric Arthur M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1912

Widdowson, Hugh Lawrence M.B., Ch.B. t, Univ. N.Z. 1911

Wilkie, Ha.rriett Joanna M.B.. Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1900 Campbell

}Wilkin, James Thomas{

Wellington Wilkins, Charles Debden Wilkins, Edgar Henry

Wilkinson, Archiba.ld Wallace Will, Catherine Louisa Will, David Arthur Cal1ender Will, George Wishart

Will, James Leslie ..

Will, John Henderson

Will, Thomas Arthur Will, William Hunter

Williams, Charles Skinner, Cyril Henry

~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1906 F.R.C.S. Edin. 1910 ~!.B., Ch.B., N.Z. 1930 b!.B., B.Oh., Univ. Dubl. 1912

~!.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1911 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1911

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1917

~r.B., Ch.B., Univ. Aberd. 1908

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1900 bI.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916

~!.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

211 Gloucester Street, Christchurch.

Matakana. Choete Street, Young,

New South Wales. 456 George Street,

Dunedin. King George V Hoopital,


{ ~I~ta~ a ~~.:; ~r~ r~:~: f Hastings.

} 279 Willis Street, Welling­

ton. 267 High Street, Dunedin. C/o High Commissioner

for N.Z., London. Reef ton. Odiha.m, Basing B toke,

Hants, England. 4 Oxford Terrace, Christ­

church. School Medical Officer, c/o

District Health Office, Auckland.

} 30 Princes Street, Auck.

land. Public Hospital, Thames. C/o Birmingham Eduea:

tion Committee, Bir· mingham.

Wallsend, via Greymouth. Ashburn Hall, Dunedin. Tarada.le, Hawke's Bay. C/o Glyn, Mills, and Co.,

Holt's Branch, 3 White. hall Place, London S.W. I.

182 Worcester Street, Christchurch.

136 Dominion Road, Auck. land.

Rangiora. 59 Broad Street, Pal.

merston North. Hill Street, Dannevirke. St. Leonards Hospital, 204

Hoxton Street, London N. I.

1902, June 28 Williams, Ernest Harry M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. IS99. M.R.C.S. Eng. 238 High Street, Dunedin.

1912, Jan. 6 Williams (now Land), Dulcie Eliza

IS99. L,R.C.P. Lond. IS99

1925. May 18 Williams, John Upham M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

1892, Oct. 25 }Williams, John William IS99, Feb. 2S

~ ~!.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. IS91 \.. "M.D., Univ. Edin. 1898

Seacliff Mental Hospital, Otago.

} Gisbol'ne.



Da.te of Registration.

1920, Mar. 19

1904, April 7

1904, Feb. 8 1906, Jan. 5 1906. April 9 1925, May 18 1912, Jan. 3i} 1914. Mar. 19

1930, Dec. 5 1920. Mar. 19.

1924, Sept. 4 1904, Feb. 16


1923, Sept. II 191~, Nov. 5'

1930, Aug. 27 1929, Sept. 4, 1907, Nov. 8

1926, Feb. 15 1924, Nov. 17




Williams, Ulric Gaster

Willis, WilHam Frederick

} Wilson, Alexander

Wilson, Basil Laun Wilson, Donald McDonald Wilson, Douglas .. Wilson, Harold Frederick

} Wilson, Harold William

Wilson, Harry Montefiore

Wilson, Ivan Stuart

Wilson, Marjorie Smit.h -Wilson, Mary Phoebe

Wilson, Roland Francis Wilson, Stanley Livingstone Wilson, William C~rlyle

Wi.Repa, '!!utero .. Wise, Isabella




M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1918

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1899. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1899

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1900 I M.D., Univ. Glasg. 1905 J F.R.C.S. Edin. 1905 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 M.B., Ch.~ .• Univ. Edin. HIll M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Glasg. 1911

M.B.,Ch.M., Sydney 1925. M.R.C.P.London 1898 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1913

M.D., Univ. Edin. 1923 ROw .. Univ. Camb. 1902 ..

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1,907

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919

M.B., Oh.B., N.Z. 1930 M.B., Oh.B., N.Z. 1929


M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 189~. F.R.C.s. Eng. 1903

M,.B., Cb.B., Univ. N.Z. 1908 M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924

[No. 94

Postal Address.

45· Wicksteed Street, Wanganui.

Fulham Palace R 0 ad, London S.W. 6.

54 Wicksteed Street, Wanganui.

Hokitika. Hospital, Wellington. 30 Wickst.eed Street,

Wanganui. Public Hospital, Dunedin. The L i ate r Building,

Victoria Street East, Auckland.

301 Rail way Road, Hastings . .

29 Queen Street, Palmer swnNorth.

Kumeu, Auckland. School Medical, Officer.

c/o Department· qf Health, Auckland.

Public Hospital, l?unedin~ Public Hospital, Dunedin. 14 Stout Street, G~b9rne.

Te Araroa. 62 Clifford Strcet, GiR­

borne. 1917, Nov. 22 Wishart, Robert Milne M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 19L?

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1928 3 Grant St~et, Dunedin. Public Hospital. Palmer­

aton North. 1928, Aug. 19, Witherow, Pauline Catherine

1919, May 27 1927, Feb. 4 1926, Feb. 15

Withers, Robert Lanktree .. Wood, George

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1926

1923, Sept. n

Wood, Jeanie Gardner (now Fougere)

Wood, John Herbert Harold " M.B., Ch.B., Uniy. N.Z. 1923

1919. Nov. 5 1931, June 5

19l6, May 26. 1910, Ap,il 8 1913, May 12

1900, Jnne 9 1920, Jn1y 8

Wood, Marjorie Isobel Stuart Wood, Paul Hamilton

W' oodhouse. Irene Woodhouse, Philip Randal .. Woodward, Kenneth Isaac ..

Woodward (.Horsley). Alice Wright. Bertram Ernest

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1916 M.B., B.S., Melb. 1931

~I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916 M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1910 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N:.Z. 1913

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1900 M.B., Oh.B., Univ. Edjn. 1914

Kaikoura. . Hospital, Napier.

Corner' Rem u e ~ a and Lucerne Roads, Remu­era, Auckland.

Box 22, Hawarden. Public H.ospital, Christi-

church. Dover Street, Mataura. Blue Cliffs, St. Andre,vs. 80 Clonbel'll Road, Remu-

era, Auckland. Symonds Street, Auckland. 198 Willis Street, Wel­. lington. . .

1921, Jn1y 6 1904,May 14

Wright, Cecil Govett Romaine Wylie, David Storer ..

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1921-M.B., Ch.B., Vict. Univ. 1898. F.R.O.S. Eng.

300 King Street, Hastings. 77 Broad Street, Palmer-

1920, April 7

1921, Mar. II

1916,May 19 1928, Dec. 12 1930, Dec. 5 1920, Nov. 26 1927,,June 6

1880, Jan. 5

1923, Nov. 12

Wylie, Robert Henry Alister

W.ylie. Thomas Wilson

'Vyllie, Eric Melvyn

} Young, Alister Laird

Young, Andrew Morton Yo~. Campbell ..

Young, James

Young, John Mackay

Young, Warren Hastings

Me. 1903

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920

M.B., Cb.B., Univ. Glasg. 1914

M.B., Oh.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916

{ M.B., Oh.B., Edin. 1927 F.R.O.S. Edin. 1930 M.B., Ch.B., Univ. 1913 M.R.O.S. Eng. L.R.O.P. Lond. 1916

M.D., M.Oh., Q. Univ. Ire!. 1878

M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923

M.B., Oh.B., Univ, N.Z. 1916. M.D., Univ. Edin. 1894, F.R.O.S. Edin. 1901

ston Nor~h. Outram.

" Whareora," Shearma~. Street, Waimate. .

Clyde Street, FoxtoIl.. 70 The Terrace, Welling­

ton. Victori~ Street, Hawera. C/o Gray Young, Arch!.

t e c t; N. Z. Insurance Buildings, Lam b ton Quay. Wellington.

35 Don Street, Invercar· gill.

C/o High Commissioner for ·New Zealand. London.


} 70 The Terrace, Welling.


1916, Aug. 2 189,5, Feb. 21 1901, Dee. 18 1904, Feb. 16 1907, Jn1y 26 1926, Feb. 15

} Young, Willia.m . {

Zimpel (now Temple), Adolph Zobel, Samuel iYLB., 1904, B.S. 1905, M.D., 1907, Univ. Lond. Te Kuiti. Zohrab,. John Fortescue I M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1925 200 Willis S~reet, Welling.


I certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the names, qualifications, and postal addresses of all persons registered under the Medical Practitioners Act, 1914, as recorded in the l\fedical Register kept in. ·this office. .

Depa.rtment of Health, Wellington, 16th December, 1931. M. H. WA1'T,

Director-General of Health.



Vital Statistics of Urban A.reas.

R EPOR'l' Oll the Vital Statistics of the Urban Areas of the Dominion for the Month of November, 1931 ;-

Auckland .. Wellington .. Ohristchurch .. Dunedin .. Hamilton .. Gi8borne .. Napier .. Hastings .. New Plymouth Wanganui .. Palmerston North Nelson .. Timaru .. Inv:ercargill ..



Proportion of Deaths

to the 1,000 of Population, November,


215,730 243 1·13 6 3 3 77 5 .. 58 146 1 0·68 142,540 200 HO 9 2 3 38 I .• 33 77 0·54 127,070 164 1·29 4 4 4 31 I .• 54 94 0·74 86,410 124 H3 2 .. .. 19 3 •• 31 53 0·61 18,040 32 1-77 I .. .. 8 I •• 4 13 0.72 15,840 24 J.52 I I .. 6 •• •. 6 13 0·82 19,000 30 1·58 1 .. .. 5 .. .. 3 8 0·42 16,580 22 1·33 .• I .. 2 .. .• I 4 0·24 18,020 45 2·50 .. 3 .. 3 I •. 3 10 0·55 27,530 41 H9 I .. .• 1I .. .. 10 21 0·76 22,730 43 J.89 I •. .. 3 ~.. 7 10 0·44 12,480 18 1·44 2 .. I 3 I 3 8 0·64 18,340251'36 I I .. 5 :: .. 814 0.76 23,940 45 1-88 .• I .. 6 I •• 7 15 0·63

'--'-~I·---'--·'--'-~'-- ~-I--I--:---'-764,250 1,056 1·38 29 16 1I 217 13 I 228 486 I 0·64

The eqUlvalent annual rates per 1,000 of mean populatIOn for November, 1931, and eleven months ended November, 1931, were as follows. The iufa.nt.mortality alld still· birth rates per 100 births for the same period are also given.

EqUivalent Annual Rates per 1,000 of Popnlation. Rate per 100 Births.

Urban Aren. Bi"h.. I Deaths. Infant Mortality. Still-births.


-::-lov., Eleven Nov., Eleven Nov., Eleven Nov., Eleven 1931. Mon"",, I 1931. Months, 1931. Months, 1931. Months,

1931. 1931. 1931. 1931.

Auckland .. .. .. .. 13·52 14-60 8·12 8·97 3·29 3·08 2·47 2·62 Wellington .. .. .. .. 16·84 18·01 6·48 8·07 HO 2·89 HO 3·52 Christchurch .. .. .. .. 15··18 15·83 8·87 8·81 3·05 3-19 2·44 3·03 Dnnedin .. .. .. .. . . 17·22 14-62 7·36 8·83 2·42 3·62 ].61 1·90 Hamilton .. .. .. .. 21·29 20·30 8·65 9·30 3-J3 6·25 3-J3 3·27 Gisborne .. .. .. . . .. 18·18 2H4 9·85 8·26 4·17 3·51 4·17 2·87 Napier .. .. .. .. . . 18·95 12·79 5·05 14-63 ., 6·28 3·33 3·59 Hastings .. .. .. .. 15·92 18·01 2·90 13·67 4·55 4·74 . . 2·19 New Plymouth .. .. .. .. 29·97 20·99 6·66 7·80 8·89 4·03 . . 2·88 Wanganui .. .. .. .. 17·87 16·51 9·15 8·71 ., 5·04 2·44 2·64 Palmerston North .. .. .. .. 22·70 17·84 5·28 7·67 . . J.88 2·33 3·03· Nelson .. .. .. .. . . 17·31 19·04 7·69 IH4 ., 3·67 ll'll 3·67 Timaru .. .. .. .. . . 16·36 16·70 9·16 ,.,9 4·00 4·27 4·00 4·27 Invercargill .. .. .. .. 22·56 19·21 7·52 7-19 4'44 542 . . 2·36

All I1reas, November, and eleven months, 1931 I 16·57 16·43 7-63 8·89 I 2·74 3·50 ~'74 2·91

AU areas, Novomber, andelovcn months, 1930 I 17-27 16·64 8·54 9·00 1 2·69 I 3·82 2·41 3·12 I --_.

The (oUowing table shows the deaths in various age-groups occurring in the urban areas during the mont.h of November, 1931 :-


u nder 5 years .. 5 and under 10 years

10 10 2 2 3

0 5 0

35 4 4

0 5

50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

.. .. .. .. .. " .. .. " .. " .. .. " " " " "

15 .. 20 .. 25 .. 30 .. 35 .. 40 .. 45 .. 50 " 55

" 60 " 65 " 70 ..

75 " 80 " 85 " 90 " 95 " 100 " 100 years and over





.,; • 0

~ .. .. 6 .. I .. I .. 2 .. 2 .. 2 .. I .. 4 ..

I 3

.. 7

.. 3

.. 6

.. 4

.. 8

.. 9

.. 9

.. 10 .. 2

.. 3

.. .. .. .. 1-.. 83

" ~1 ~ ~ " " g ~ i. .9 e

~ § § ~ • " Oi " .. " 1l/ales.

5 8

I .. .. I ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. I .. I .. .. .. I I .. .. .. .. I .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. I 2 .. . . .. .. 2 2 I .. .. .. .. 2 I 2 .. . . .. 7 .. I .. .. .. 4 2 2 2 .. I 3 4 2 2

I .. ..

3 3 2 I .. .. 4 5 I ..

I 3 .. .. I 4 I I ..

6 3 3 .. I I I 3 I I .. .,

.. 4 .. .. I .. 2 I .. . " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

43T39Tl!) -81-7 1-5

,5 oj • .ci

I Ii 1.1 .!l~ • ~~ " ~ • a .. '" ~ ~ • 8 8 .B

I .. ~ ~ ;:; • 0 ~ ..

I 3 .. . . 1 I I I 27 .. . . 2 .. I . . I 5 .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 4 .. . . I .. .. . . I 5 .. . . .. .. .. .. . . 5 .. .. .. " .. .. . . 5 .. .. .. .. .. . . I 8 .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 15 I I I .. .. .. I 18

.. . . I I .. .. . . 19

.. ., . . .. . . I I 15

.. . . .. I I 2 .. 25

.. . . I .. I .. .. 18 I I 2 .. .. I .. 28

.. I 2 I .. I I 22

.. .. I .. ., .. . . 8

.. .. .. .. .. .. . . 6

.. .. .. .. .. . . " ..

.. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . --

-6-11f a --10 ----3 4 7 244



~ li li

\ •

1 .; 0

~ ." ,; g ~ ~ ~ ~ 1i, " r Age-group_ O

I ~

~ • if 'ii a ~ 0 ;;; • .;

I .. " = ~ !

ro i! I

0 .. ~ • 0

~ ~ :l 0 0 • • ~ ~ :li ~ "' i" 0 1 R '" " z ~

Females. Under 5 years 5 I I 3 I I I I 14 5 and under 10 years I 2 3

10 15 I I 2 15 .20 " I I 20

" 25 2 4 6

25 30 I I I I I 5 30 35 3 2 I I I I 2 II 35 40 2 I I I 5 40 45 " I I 2 45 50

" 3 3 2 I I 10 50 55

" 4 2 4 3 I 1 15

55 60 "

I 2 6 4 I 2 16 60

" 65 7 2 7 5 I 2 I 25

65 70 4 3 7 6 I 2 23 70 75 6 4 8 4 1 I 1 2 I I 29 75 80

" 9 5 6 6 I 1 I I I I 32 80

" 85

" 8 5 I 1 I 2 18 85

" 90 4 3 2 I I 2 1 1 1 16 90 95 4 I

:1 : I .. ' I 7

95 100 I I 100 yea;s and over" .. .. I I ---- ----I-----1----------

Totals 63 34 5 6 3 I 4 10 7 4 8 8 242

f---g 21110 ----Grand totals 146 77 13 13 4 10 8 14 15

1 486

TABLE showing for each of the Urban Areas the Causes of the Deaths of all Persons registered during November, 1931.

Causes of Death.


10. Diphtheria II. Influenza. 13. Dysentery 22. Tetanus 23. Pulmonary Tuberculosis .. 24-. Tuberculous Meningitis .. 27. Tuberculosis of the .Joints 30. Tuberculosis of Kidnev 34. Syphilis ~ 43. Blastomycosis of Lungs


n.--CANCER AND OTHER TUMQURS. 45. Cancer of Buccal Cavity .. 46j.. Cancer of (Esophagus .. 46B. Cancer of Stomach 460. Cancer of Rectum 46n. Cancer of Liver 46E. Cancer of Pancreas 46G. Cancer of other Organs of Digestiv(! Tract 47. Cancer of Respiratory Organs 48. Cancer of Uterus 49. Cancer of Ovary 50~ Cancer of Breast . 51. Cancer of Urinary Organs and Male Genital

Organs 52. Cancer of Face .. 5a. Cancer of Glands 0:£ Neck

. 53. Cancer of Muscle 5a. Cancer.of Parotid 53. Cancer of Spleen 53. Cancer of Tibia .. 54. Non-malignant Tumours ..

Totals ..


56. Acute Rheumatism 59. Diabetes Mellitus 66B. Exophthalmic Goitre

Totals ..

,; 0 • ~ "' 2 1 I

I 7 2 I 1 I


i ~


5 2

~ ~ ~

j 0

3 I

.; .; " ~ ~ ~ " 8 ~ ! • iO R "




.li 1i, ~

;£5 ><"

iO Ie


~ 0 g . ~:E i1 § • ~~ ..

~ ~ .. I

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


.. " ~

4 I 3 I 2

16 5 1 1 1

1 I

1784-1 I-I -I -.-. -.-. -I -1 -.-. I-I -.-. 1-1136 71-~-1 -----1 -I -1--1-1 ~

7 3 4 I I I 17 3 I 1 5 2 2

2 3 I


2 2 I


I 2 2 2 4 I

2 2



I I I 1 I 10 I 8

5 3 6 4


1 I I I

) I i 2~ II: 2: -+-2-1---;- -I !--+13l----1 -1 -2- 8: , I 01 -1------1-----,-----


'211 3 2 .... I ..... ~ .. .. .... ~ III .. I .....•.......... " .. :l

31 34 3 .. J~ I .. :--:-:- II·· ...... 15


DEc. 17.J T:EJ:E NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 354'7 TADLE showing for each of the Urban Areas the Causes of the Deaths of all Persons registered during November~

1931-conlinued .

Causes of Death.


71. Am:emia 72. Leucromia, Hodgkin's Di.c;ease 73. Splenomegalia ..

Totals ..


ORGANS OF SI'EC1IAr, SEI\SE. 78. Subdural Abscess 79. Meningitis 81. Other Diseases of Spinal Cord 82,\.. Cerebral Ha-morrhage, Apoplexy 82u. Cerebral Thrombo!:is. 83. General Paralysis of Insane 84-. Confusional Inronity 85. Epilepsy . . . . . . 87. Other Diseases of the Nervous System

Totals ..

VII.-DISEASES OF TJtE ClRCUL.1.TORY SYS'l'£)l. no. Pericarditis 91. Acute Endocarditis 92. Chronic Endocarditis, Valvular Disease 93,\. Acute Myocarditil'l 93n. Chronic i\Iyocn-rditis 930. Not specified Myocardial Diseascs 94. Diseases of Coronary Arteries and Angina

Pectoris 95. Other Diseases of the Heart 96. Aneurysm

. 97. Arterio-Sclerosis 97A. Arterio-Sclerosis with rccord of Cerebral

V Mcular Lesion 98. Gangrene

Totals ..

VIII. DISEASES o:b' THE REsrffiATORY SYSTEM. 106. Bronchitis . 107. Broncho-pneumonia lOR. Lobar Pneumonia 100. Pncumonia (unspeeified) 1l0. Pleurisy Ill. (Edema of Lungs 114. Pneumoconiosis

Totals ..

IX. DISEASES OF TUE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. 117., Ulcer of Stomach and Duodenum llS. Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis . . . . 120. Diarrhroa and Enteritis (2 years and over) 121. Appendicitis 122. Intestinal Ob..,truction 124. Cirrhosi!'t of Liver 126. Gallstones 127. Diseuses of the Gall Bladder

Totals ..


130. Acute Nephritis 131. Chronic Nephritis 135. Cystitis 137. Enlarged Prostate 139. Pelvic Abscess ..

Totals ..

XI. PREGNANCY, LABOUR, AND ·PUERPERAL STATE. 140. Septic Abortion 142. Ectopic Gestation 145. Puerperal Septicmmia 146. Puerperal Nephritis

Tot:1lf:! ..

"ii • ~ ."



1 3 2 1

,; S .E " " 1 1 1



.g ~ ,; 1l ;l

i! ~ 0 6 "


I I ..

1 6 2


~ S i 'll .0

~ " il "



2 1 1

,; 1i, .1l • 11 ~§

Ie "


-a • • :1 • "


I 1

• s· E~ .§g 0:


1 1

" 0

" ill



E • s ;:1



1 1


" I H



.. " 0 ...

3 4 1


1 1 ~l

17 IO

.. I .. \ 1 1 .. 1

2 1 .. 3 ------------------------------

3 10 4 21 1 D 1 2 2. 2 2 38

l~-" -.. -··1-··]-·· -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. ~ 91'162"11 11227

. . 1 .. 1 1 22 13 10 6 2 2 2 'I 3 3 2 2 69 3 2 2 1 8 31 5 1 1 10

.~ 1 r f 4 1 7 2 2 3


1 1 5


52123 26 16-3-14-2---1---1---5---3---3---3---4- 146

!~--;- ; -·-·-1-· .---.. - --.. -~-.. --.-.---.. ---.. -~ g 4 1 2 7

1 1 2 1 1 2


101-8--5---8--.-.--.-. -1 - .. ---1 -1--1-.-. -1---1 37 ---------------




1 1





3 1 1

1 1


1 4 1 2 D 2 2 1


-41-3 -3 -6---1 -2 -- --1 11 -.-. 1-1 -1 r--;:; -- r-- -. I-i

1 653 1 1 1

1 1 1 2 1 2 1


1 24

I 2

---------------1-_8_1~_5 ___ 1 ___ 1 ___ 1 ___ 1_. ~_._. __ ._._I_l __ ._. ___ 2 ___ 2_ 29

1 1


1 2 1 1

1 I 1 2 -I 1-.-. -1--.-. -1 -.-. -~-.-. -.-. -1 -1 -.-. -.-. 11 -

6 --,----1--------,---------------1-



TABLE showing for eaoh of the Urban Areas the Causes of the Deaths of all Persons registered during November. 1931-conUnuetl

Cawes of Death.


153. Other Diseases of the Skin and Cellular Tissue

XIV. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS. 1570. Congenital Malformation of the Heart

XV. EARLY INFANOY. 15S. Congenital Debility .• J 59. Premature Birth •• 160. Injury at Birth ..

Totals .•

XVI. SENILITY. 162. Senility

1 1 ..1..1 .. 2

.. .. .. \.. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I --~----I----I------------------

1 .. 1 .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .• .. .. .. 3 1222 ........ 3 ........ 111 1 .. 11 ........ 1 .......... 4

------------------------------3 2 4 3 . . .. 1 .. 1 4 . . .. 1 18

4 ---:- 51 1 I·· .. r~ . .1" 3 .. .. 1 1 ", 17

XVII.-VwLENT OR ACCIDENTAL DE.\THS. •••• 1 .• •• •• •• •• •• .. •• .. .•• 1 164. Suicide by Gas·poisoning . . . . 165. ., Hanging . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I 166. " Drb,vning . • . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 167. " Firearms .. .. .. 1 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 174. Homicide by Piercing Instrument. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 175. " Strangulation •• . . ·1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I •• 1 178. Accidental Gas-poisoning •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 IS3. .. Dro\yning . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . 2 184. Accidental Traumatism by Firearms .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 186A. ., by Fall . . . . . . 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 S61':. .. by Tramways . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 1 186F. " by Motor-vehicles .. 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . 3 1860. " by Horse - drawn .. .. .. .. .. .• .. .. .. I .. .. .. .. 1

U14. Other External Injuries .•

Totals ..

Vehil~.l~s .. _1 ___ .. ___ 2_1_2 __ ._. __ ._. ___ .. __ ._. __ ._, __ 1 __ ._. __ ._. __ ._. ___ .. _~ 725!2II11 31 .. 1124 ------------ ---:--

1 . ·1·· .. . ·1·· 1 21.. 4

.. [146 77 94 1'5313131--8 4 110 21 10 8 14115 486

XVIII.-CAUSE OF DEATH NOT DETEHMINED. 200. Cause of Death iIl.defincd ..

Grand totals

Infant Mortality. TABLE showing for each of the Urban .Areas the Causes of the Deaths of Infants under 1 Year of Age registered during

November, 1931.

Causes of Death.

9. Whooping-cough 22. Tetanus 24. Tubel'culous Meningitis 87. Congenital Imbecility

106. Bronchitis lOS. Lobar Pneumonia llS. Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis 122. Intestinal Ohstruction ]58. Congenital Debility, &c. 159. Premature Birth 160. Injury at Birth 175. Homicide by Strangulation

Totals ..

Cenaus and Statistics Office,

(These figures are included in,---th_eTP,_r--,ec-,-c;Cdin=·::,g'i-t._b_lc,.'--) ---;_--,--_-,---_,------;_--,----;-_, __

i I I J ! ! ~1 ] j~ J I I 2

1 1

1 1


1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 3 1222 3 111 1 1 1 1 4 1 .. 1

8--3 5--3 1--1 -.-. --1 41-'-' -.-. [-.-. --1 [--2 29

Wellington, N.Z., 14th December, 1931. MALCOLM FRASER,

Government Statistician.



Public Trustee.-Decea$ed Persons' Estates under Administration.


PARTICULARS of the Estates of Deoeased Persona pla.ced under the Charge of the PUBLIO TRUSTBE during the month of November, 1931:-

No.1. Name of n" .. "d.

I Adams, Ellen Squire 2 Allan, ArthUl' J amos

3 Allen, Alfred Campbell 4 Anderson, Joseph Baker 5 Atkin, Christopher 6 Austin, Catherine Jamieson McIntosh 7 Avery, Leonard Ellis 8 Baker-Gabb, David Augustine 9 Banks, Annic·Brown

10 Barr, William Lochhead II Bartlett, Robert J obo 12 Bate, William Edwin 13 Bateman, Charles Riley •. 14 Baxter, Alexander Forbes .. 15 Bayliss, Blanche .. 16 Borry, Emily 17 Blackstock, Helen 18 Brady, William 19 BroWn, Mary Ann 20 Burke, John Henry 21 Burne, Rebecca .. 22 Bush, Thomas James 23 Carr, Henry Richard 24 Carston, William 25 Christopher, Andrew

26 Clifford, Theodore Dcthier .. 27 Colbeck, Lilian Ngaire 28 Collyns, Godfrey Blake 29 Corich, John 30 Cmig, Eliza Jane .. 31 Crisp, Benjamin .. 32 Crossman, Samuel

33 Culhane, Daniel Joseph 34 Daly. Martha 35 Davidson, Ellen .. 36 Dickinson, Catherine Malcolm 37 Dow, Edward

38 Dunn, Emily 39 Dynes, Andrew 40 England, George Frowd Keevil 41 Evans, Lawrence Shacklock 42 Falconer, Ada Emma 43 Fenwick, Samuel

44 Forbes, Ellis Esther 45 French, Charles, sen. 46 Gibson, Robert 47 Gooder, Francis Eric 48 Greager, Annie Elizabeth 49 Green, Henry Fitzherbert ..

50 Gunn, Patrick 51 Haar, George }~rederick 52 Hansen, Amy Hazel 53 Henderson, John 54 Hillord, Harry 55 Hodges, Albert Thomas 56 Hopewell, George 57 Houghton, Mary 58 Roulding, William Henry .. 59 Johnston, William Henry .. 60 Kennedy, Sarah Annie 61 Kirdy, Emanuel .. 62 Lane, Walter 63 Lange, Ferdinand Charles William 64 Larkin, Mary 65 Le Brun, Henry .. 66 Leeson, Mary 67 La Rois, John Ferdinand 68 Loomes, Rose . 69 Lowry, William .. 70 Lucas, John Alexander 71 Macdonald, James 72 Macdonald, Martha Ann Angel


Dunedin Christchurch, for-

merly Cheviot Te Whakarae Sefton .. Tapanui Waipiata Hamilton Hastings Napier .. Christchurch ..;\uckland l\lasterton Waimate Chrisrohurch Tauranga Dunedin Wanganui Wellington Waercnga-a-Hilra Auckland Oamaru .. Wellington Shag Valley Christchurch

1I:lanakau Auckland Nelson .. Christchurch Ahura Richmond Inglewood

'Vest Plains Christchurch Gisborne Christchurch Dunedin, formerly

Wedderburn New Plymouth Wakanui Waituna Gisborne Havelock Palmerston North


Ma~~ia .. Wellington Wanganui Masterton

Christchurch Winchester Gisborne Myross Bush Whangarei Oropi Whangarei Auckland

Tak~..'ka 'Vellington 'l'inwald Nelson .. Pareora New Plymouth Christchurch

Stratf~rd Fairlie Petone .. Gisborne Norsewood i\Iotuhora


Married woman Master painter


Retired farmer Spinster .. Carpenter Motor engineer :Married woman Retired joiner Tramway employee .. Painter Bricklayer School-teacher Married woman Widow ..

Pahtter Widow Labourer Widow Retired clothier Cook Coach-builder Retired railway em-

ployee Farmer Spinster Civil servant Police-constable Widow Tailor Saddler and harness-

maker Labourer .. Spinster Married woman Widow Farmer

Widow Retired farmer Farmer Clerk Married woman Retired railway signal-

man Widow Gardener Farmer Architect Widow Hospital Board Sec-

retary Labourer .. Blacksmith Married weiman Dealer Retired farmer Bushman .. Platelayer .. Married woman Railway employee Saddler Widow Labourer .. Clerk Labourer .. Married woman Retired Widow Bia<lksmith Widow Retired butcher Retired settler Retired caretaker Married woman

Da.te of

27/10/31 4/11/31

15/10/31 14/9/31 9/11/31 28/8/31

27/10/31 16/11/31 31/1/31 9/11/31

23/10/31. 3/11/31

20/11/31. 14/11/31 21/10/31 17/10/31 3/11/31 5/11/31

23/11/31 27/10/31

9/6/31 19/11/31 7/11/31 9/11/31 17/5/31

5/11/31 19/11/31 17/9/31

22/10/31 13/10/31 27/10/31 24/10/31

4/10/31 27/10/31 20/11/31 2/11/31 1/11/31

28/10/31 8/11/31

29/10/31 13/10/31 13/10/31 19/7/31

9/10/31 16/2/1873 20/11/31

8/11/31 30/10/31 11/11/31

10/10/31 15/10/31

7/11/31 28/10/31 2/11/31

19/10/31 15/11/31 17/11/31 21/10/31 21/10/31

8/9/31 23/10/31 15/11/31 4/11/31 13/9/31

27/10/31 10/11/31 22/10/31 21/10/31 15/10/31 23/11/31 24/9/31 5/11/31



Intestate. Testate.

In~tate. Testate.

In~ta.te. Testate .

" "

In~~tate. Testate.


Test~te. Intestate. Testate.


" Intestate. 'restate.


Intestate. Testate.


In~~tate. Testate.


" "

In~~tate. Testate. Intestate. Testate.




Name of Deceased.

73 Mackintosh, Angus .. .. 74 Main, John .. .. .. 75 Main, William Hugh .. .. 76 Maitland, Ida .. .. .. 77 Mark, James .. .. .. 78 Marshall, Anthony .. .. 79 Matthews, Christina .. .. 80 Maunder, Jane Ellen .. .. 81 MeAlley, Avon Epthorpe .. .. 82 McAllister, Margaret .. .. 83 McCausland, John .. .. 84 McCullough, Susan Ann .. .. 85 l\fcDearmid, William .. .. 86 Mcnhattan, William .. .. 87 McKelvey, Archibald .. .. 88 McKenzie, John William .. .. 89 McLean, Mary .. .. ..

90 Milne, John .. .. .. 91 l\loore, David .. .. .. 92 Morris, Bond Moore .. .. 93 Morris, Samuel .. .. .. 94 Nicholls, William .. .. 95 O'Daniels, Emily Jane .. .. 96 Osborn, Mary Jane .. .. 97 Osborne·Gibbes, Edward .. .. 98 Osborne·Gibbes, Sara .. .. 99 Osmond, James Ingram .. ..

100 Owen, Ethel ],:[ay .. .. 101 Painter, Robert .. .. .. 102 Palmer, Emma .. .. 103 Parker, Frederick .. .. 104 Pass, Mary Ellen .. .. 105 Pearce, Emma .. .. .. 106 Pearce, Patrick James .. .. 107 Peters, Alfred .. .. .. 108 Pope, Charlotte .. .. .. 109 Pope, John .. .. .. IlO Potter, James .. .. .. III Potter, John Lishman .. .. Il2 Powell, John James .. .. Il3 Quinn, .James .. .. .. Il4 Reid, Ann Elizabeth .. .. Il5 Ridgway, Samuel .. .. Il6 Roberts, John Sampson .. .. Il7 Robinson, :rtlary Anna .. .. Il8 Roots, Cecil Stanley .. .. Il9 Roscoe, John .. .. .. 120 Ruane, Hugh .. .. .. 121 Rutter, William Herbert .. .. 122 Sebclin, Thomas Charles Albert .. 123 Smallman, Janet .. .. 124 Smith, Catherine .. .. 125 Smith, Mary .. .. .. 126 Smith, Thomas Edward .. .. 127 Spare, Harry .. .. .. 128 Strickland, Lily Rose .. .. 129 Stuart, Hugh Alexander .. .. 130 Sutton, Sarah Ann .. .. 131 Taplin, Ethel Louise .. .. 132 Taylor, Eva Margaret .. .. 133 Taylor, Sydney John .. .. 134 Tomlin, Edwin .. .. .. 135 Tregear, Edward .. .. 136 Trezise, Edward .. .. .. 137 Vivian, Thomas William .. .. 138 Waddell, Harriet .. .. 139 Whiteley, Percy Creighton or John . . 140 Williamson, Robert .. .. 141 'V\T ood, George Francis .. .. 142 Wood, Lucy .. .. .. 143 Worsfold, Isabel Margaret Christina 144 Worsfold, Robert Dudley .. .. 145 Wright, Louisa .. .. 146 Wyatt, Elizabeth Louisa .. 147 Wyatt, Henry Percy; also known as

148 Henry Percy de Kruger

Young,.Ellen .. .. ..


Westmere .. Longford .. Whangarei .. Sandringham .. Auckland .. Dunedin .. Christchurch .. Auckland .. J as, Nigeria .. Manchester, England Miller's Flat .. Makauri .. Tokomaru Bay .. Altnamackin,

Northern Ireland Woodside .. Whangarei .. Te Papapa,

land Auck·

Dunedin . .. Reef ton .. Wellington .. 'Blenheim .. Christchurch .. Feildi~g


.. Lower Hutt .. Auckland


.. Christchurch .. Greymouth .. Kaikoura .. Carterton .. Congleton, Chester,

England Auckland .. Chr~tchurch


.. " ..

Whak'~mara .. ..

'l'imaru .. .. New Plymouth .. Napier .. Redeliffs .. Blenheim, formerly

Masterton ~furchison .. Masterton .. Wanganui .. Mercury Bay .. Dobson .. 'fe Akatea, Ngarua.

wahia Mangamutu .. Dunedin .. Thames .. Dannevirke .. Normanby .. Christchurch .. Ohariu .. Pukckohe .. Timam " .. Carrington .. Wyndham .. New Plymouth .. Wanganui .. Picton .. Waimate .. Auckland .. ,",Vellington ..

Sha~on .. ..

Kumara Junction Nelson .. Palmerston North

Auckland' .. Pukekohe .. Auckland .. Christchurch ..


Farmer .. .. Se'ttler

.. ..

.. .. Married woman .. Labourer .. Cellar-foreman .. Married woman .. Spinster .. .. Engineer .. .. Widow .. .. Sheep-farmer .. Married woman .. Labourer .. Presbyterian clergy.

man Labourer .. Blacksmith .. Widow .. ..

Retired farmer .. Farmer .. .. Jeweller .. .. Farmer .. .. Labourer .. .. Widow .. .. Married woman .. Baronet .. Married woman .. Manufacturer's agent Married woman .. Chemist .. .. Spinster .. .. Farmer .. .. Married woman ..

" .. Master mariner .. Missionary .. Widow .. .. Retired farmer .. Farmer .. .. Retired builder .. Carpenter .. Labourer .. .. Widow .. .. Farm labourer .. Farmer .. .. Widow .. .. Electrician .. Gold·prospector .. Miner .. .. Farmer .. .. . Railway.ganger .. Widow .. ..

.. .. Ma';ried woman .. Retired farmer .. 1;Varehouscman .. Widow .. .. Farmer .. .. Widow .. .. MI~or

.. ..

.. .. Picture - theatre pro·

prietor Retired railwayman Retired Civil servant Farmer .. .. Carpentcr .. Widow .. .. Coaeh·painter .. :i\'lissionary " .. Sawmiller .. Spinster .. ..

.. .. Ga;dener .. .. Married woman .. Widow .. .. Retired Civil servant

Married woman ..


, I

Date of


29/10/31 22/10/31 • 10/Il/31 21/10/31 13/Il/31 4/Il/31

16/Il/31 27/10/31

5/9/30 16/Il/18 9/10/31 21/4/30

25/10/31 7/3/31

31/8/31 7/Il/31


29/10/31 10/10/31 28/10/31 20/10/31

17/9/31 15/Il/31 22/10/31 29/9/31 9/7/31

17/5/31 26/10/31 20/10/31 4/10/31 1/Il/31 4/6/31

3/9/31 28/10/31 14/10/31 26/10/31 24/10/31 5/Il/31

24/10/31 13/Il/31 22/10/31 28/10/31 5/Il/31

5/Il/31 2/Il/31 9/Il/31

2/7/31 19/10/31 28/10/31

13/Il/31 22/10/31 Il/Il/31 11/10/31

4/8/31 1/Il/31 6/10/31 2/11/31

30/10/31 23/Il/31 1/10/31 10/9/31

7/Il/31 28/10/31 31/10/31 30/10/31 17/Il/31 25/9/31 8/Il/31

17/10/31 4/Il/31 17/3/21 6/9/20

.10/10/31 13/10/31 2/Il/31


[No. 94




Test'~te. Intestate . Testate.

" In~~tate.

" ,.


Intestate . Testate .


" " " " Intestate .


" "

In~;tate. Testate .

" " " "

Intestate. Testate.

In~;tate. Testate.

" "

In~;tate. Testate . Intestate .


In~;tate. Testate . Intestate . Testate .

" " " " " " " " "

InU;;tate. Testate.

" "

In~tate. Testate . Intestate.

Test~te . Intestate.

" Tes~te.

" "


Public Trust Office, Wellington, 8th December, 1931. J. W .• IACDONALD, Public Trustee.



Notice to Mariners No. 48 of 1931.

:Marine Department, Wellington, N.Z., 15th December, 1931.


Bar Scnmdings. PrevioJls Notice: No. 16 of 1931 is'llCreby cancelled. Position.' Lat. 35° 32' S., long. 1730 21' E. (approx.). Dr.taiis: On 14th November a line of soundings was taken

when crossing the bar and a least depth of 22 ft. l\I.L.W.S. was obtained with tho flagstaff bearing 083°,

Cllart affected.' I09IA. PublicatiOrt.8: N.Z. Pilot, 1930, page 42. New Zealand

Nautical Almanac and Tide-tables, 1931, page 272 and 331, 1032 cd. page 325.

Authority: Captain J. W. Burgess, "Matai," 14/11/3l. G. C. GODFREY, Secretary.

(~I. 3/13/80.)

Notice to llIar-iners No. 49 of 1931.

1\farine Department, Wellington, N.Z., 15th December, 1931.


Kawhia Harbour Information: Erratum.

In Notice to Mariners No. 47 of 1931 Latitude 33° 05' S. shoultZ read 38° 05' S.

G. C. GODFREY, Secretary. (M. 3/3/122.)

Officiating JlIim'siers for 1931.-Notice No. 10.

Registrar-General's Office, Wellington, 15th December, 1931.

PURSUANT to the provisions of t.hc l\Iarriage Act., 1908, tho following names of Officiating l\Iinister,g within

the meaning of the said Act are published for gencral infor­mation :-Thc Church of the Province of New Zealand, commo1!ly called

the Church of England. ' The Reyerend Charles Selwyn TIUl'l"Ow. The Reverend Harold Fallows. The Reverend Paki Tipeno.

Thc Roman CatltoUc Church. Tho Reverend Leo Evatt. The Revercnd 'Villiam Heavey. The Reverend Bernard Keega'n. The Reyerend Timothy Linehan. The Reycrend Ronald O'Gormau. The Reverend Francis Phillips.

W. W. COOK, Registrar-General.

P~tblic Trust Office.-Nol'scwood Agency.

I T is notified for public information that the Agency of the Public Trust Office at Norsewood will be closed as from

the 31st instant, after which date communications in respect of Public 'Trust Office business in the Norsewood District should be addressed to the District Public Trustee, Danne­virke.

Dated at Wellington, this 11th day of :qecember, 1931.

J. W. :MACDONALD, Public Trustee.

Reb'1llt of Elf:ction of a Tru8tec of a Drainage District.

Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 14th December, 1931.

T HE following resnlt of the election of a trustee of a drainage district has heen received from the Return­

ing Officer, and is puhlished in accordance with the pro­visions of the Land Drainage Act, 1908.

P. J. KELLEHER, Under·Secretary.


Horsham Downs Subdivision-

John Gerald ChibnaU.

(LA. 19/78/58.)

Engineers' Registration Act, 1924.-Examinations, May, 1932.

E NTRIES for the next examinations'to be held in accord­ance with the regulations issued nnder section 16 of

the above Act close on 31st JailUary, 1932. Entrance forms received after that date cannot be considered.

Entrance forms will be supplied on request to the Regis­trar, Engineers' Registration Board, Wellington.

Applicants should state whetber they require forms for Civil, Mechanical, or Electrical Engineering.

Syllabus of exammatiOllB can be obtained on payment of Is. W. L. 1-.TEWNHAM, Registrar.

Regulation8 1'espectil1g tlle Blue E118ign of H.J.1I. Fleet (Na'L'ul Re-serve Flag).


W ITH reference to clause 1 (b) of tho above regulations, as published in the Ncw Zealand Gazette, No. 51,

dated 29th July, 1926, the number of reservists who must form part of the crew in order that a ship may be cligible to fly the Blue Ensign will, for the year 1032, be six.

By direction of the Naval Roard-

V. WEBS1'ER, Naval Secretary. Navy Office, Wellington,

9th December, 1931.

Mining Privilege Struck off the Register.-Not1·ce lInder the Mining Act, 1926.

!lUning Registrar's Office, Murchison, 10th December, 1931.

N OTICE is hereby giYen in accordance with the provisions of section 188 (4) of the Mining Act, 1926, that

sufficient cause not having been shown to the contrary, the mining privilego mentioned in the Schedule hereund€'r has this day been struck off the Register.

SCHEDULE. , LICENSE No. 1511. Dated 28th February, 1928. !lIineral­prospecting warrant. Locality: Upper :Mangles, Section' 3, Block III, comprising part Section :~, Block HI, and part of Sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Block IV, Tutaki Survey District, and part Sections 4, 5, 6, and 10, Matiri Survey District. Licensee; 'J'homas Ballingall, Esquire, Secretary for t·he Southern lIIines Corporation, Ltd., Wanganui.

G. H. HART, :Mining Registrar.


Land in Soulllland Land District for Lease.



District Lands and Survey Office, Inyercargill, 1:3th December, 1931.

N OTICE is hereby given that the undcrment.ioned land is open for selection on renewable lease under the

Land Act, 1024, and applications will be received at the District Lands and Survey Office, fnvercargill, up to 4 o'clock p.m. on TueSday, 19th Jl1.nuary, 1932.

Applicants should appear pcrsonally before the l.and Board for oxamination at the District Lands and Survey Office, Illvcl"ClLrgill, on Thursday, 21st- ~raJ1uary, 1932, at. 10 o'clock a.m., but if any applicant is unable to attend he may be examined by any other Land Board or by any CommiSBionel" of Crown Lands.

Wallace COU11iy.-Aparima H1tndl'e(Z. SECTION 16, Block V: Area, 243 acres 2 roods 3 perches. Capital value, £370. Half-yearly rent, £7 88.

Weighted ,,,it.h £52, for imlJrovcments comprising clearing and hut. This amount is payable in cash or by ren half-yearly payments of £6 Os. 2d.

\Vorl;:ed.out. bush section, four miles from Otautau, the last mile and a half being formed but not· gl·aveUcd. Suitable for grazing and dairying.

l!'orm of lease may be perused, and full partimllars olJtained from the Commissioner of Crown Lands, In vercargill.

B. C. McCABE. (L. and S. 9/1189.) Commissioner of Crown Lands.



Rescinding Forfeiture of La1UUJ in North Auckland Land District.

Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 15th December, 1931.

N OTICE is hereby given that forfeiture of the under­mentioned lands has been rescinded, and the notices

of forfeiture given under my hand and published in New Zealand Gazelte on the dates specified in the Schedule hereto are hereby revoked in so far aR they apply to the said lands.


O.R.P. 5233, Section 47, Block X, Hukerenui Survey District. Licensee: .J. Alexander. Gazette No. 84, of the 4th December, 1930, page 3717. .

O.R.P. 5524, Section 37, Block VI, Hohoura East Survey District. Licensee: A. A. V. Stephens. Gazelte No. 60, of the 21!'!t August, 1930, page 2659.

E. A. RANSOM, :Minister 'of Lands. (L. and S. 22/950/A.) the North Auc/:zand Land District for Selection on Renewable Lease.

North Auckland District Lands and Survey Office, Auckland, 16th December, 1931.

N OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned lands will be open for selection in terms of the Land Act,

1924; and applications will be received at the North Auckland District Lands and Survey Office, Auckland, up to 4 o'clock on Friday, 12th February, 1932.


Tatarariki Block. Tatarariki Parish.

(Exempt from the payment of rent for five years.) ALLOTMENT 52: Area, 144 acres 2 roods 20 perches. Capital value, £IS0. Half-yearly rent, £3 12s_

(Exempt from the payment of rent for three years.) Allotment 56: Area, 188 acres 3 roods 16 perches. Capital

value, £390. Half-yearly rent, £7 16s. Allotment 70: Area, 153 acres 2 roods 30 perches. Capital

value, £310. Half-yearly rent, £6 4s. Allotment 75: Area, 257 acres. Capital value, £385. Half·

yearly rent, £7 148. Allotment 76: Area, 339 acres 1 rood 25 perohes. Capital

value, £490. HaIf.yearly rent, £9 16s. Allotment 78: Area, 13S acres 3 roods 23 perches. Capital

value, £140. HaIf-yearly rent, £2 16s. Allotment 79: Area, 119 acres. Capital value, £120. Half.

yearly rentf, £2 Ss. ' Allotment 102: Area, 326 acres 0 roods 29 perches. Capital

value, £325. Half·yearly rent, £6 lOs.

'Kopuru Parish. Allotment 114: Area, 141'acres 2 roods S perches. Capital

value, £125. Half-yearly rent, £2 lOs. Allotment 1I6: Area, 141 acres 2 roods 2 perches. Capital

value, £125. Half-yearly rent, £2 lOs. Sale plan 169, giving full particulars of the sections and the

terms and conditions of offering may be obtained on applica-tion to the undersigned. .

O. N. OAMPBELL, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

(L. and S. 15/180.)

Land in Auckland Land District for Sale by Public Auction.

Dist·riet Lands and Survey Office, Auckland, 16th December, 1931.

N OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned land will be offered for sole by public auction for cash or

on deferred payments at the Lands Office, Te Kuiti, on Wednesday, 27th January, 1932, at 11 o'clock a.m., unrIer tbe provisions of the Land Act, 1924.


Te Kuiti Borough, Waitomo Oounty.-Te Kuiti Native TOW1I.87dp.

(Native Land Settlement Account.) SECTION 12, Block VIII: Area, 28·1 perches. Upset price~ £525.

Weighted with £500, for improvement consisting of a hall known as "The Peoples Palace." This sum is repayable in cash.

The section, which comprises level land, is situated in Taupiri Street, in close proximity to the Te Kniti Post-office and railway-station. Suitable for business-premises.

Full particulars may be obtained on application to this office.

(I,. and S. 7/581/1.)

K. M. GRAHAM, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Lands in Oanierbur1J Land District lor Lefl ... ~e by PllbUc Auction.

District Lands and Survey Office, Christchurch, 15th December, 1931.

N OTICE is hereby given that the undcrmentioned lands will be offered for lease by public auction at the

District Lands and Survey Office, Clu.'istchurch, at 2.30 o'clock p.m. on Wednesday, 27th January, 1932, under the provisions of the Hanmer Crown Leases Act, 1928.



Amuri County.-Lyndon SurvelJ Di~trict.

(Hanmer Township Extension No.6.)

SUBDIVISIONS OF PART RESERVE 3941. . , Section 5,' Block II: Area, 1 rood 3·5 perches. Capital

vll.lue, £60. Upset annual rent, £3. Section 6, Block II: Area, I rood 1·4 perches. Capital

value, .£60. Upset a·nnual rent., £3. Section 13, Block n: Area, I rood. Capital value, £50.

UpflCt annual rent, £2 lOs, Section 14, Block II: Area, 1 rood. Capital value, £50.

Upset annual rent, £2 lOA. Section .29, Block II : . Area, I rood. Capital value, £75.

Upset annual rent, £3 15s. Scction 30, Block n: Area, 1 rood. Capital value, £75.

Upset annual rent, £3 15s. Section 31, Block II: Area, 1 rood. Capital value, £75.

Upset annual rent, £3 15s. Section 40, Block II: Area, 1 rood. Capital value; £20.

Upset annual rent, £1. Section 41, Block II: Area, 1 rood. Capital value, £40.

Upset annual rent, £2.


Section 42, Block II: Area, 2 roods 2·5 perches. Capital value, £90. Upset annual rent, £4 lOs. .

Term. of lease: years, with right of renewal for further terms with rentals based on fresh valuations under the provisions of the Public Bodies' Leases Act, 1905.

Situated in Hanmer Township, with frontages to Scar. borough Terrace and Leamington St;reet. There is a fair amount of spreading broom, blackberry, &c., on the land, and some seH·sown pine-trees on most of the sections. Each lot contains a good building-Site, and electric light and high­pressure water are available. The sections are in close proximity to the existing township, school, post-office, and to all the sport and h~alth facilities that' the to'wnshlp offers. Hanmer is situated ninety. three miles from the City of Christ­church, and is reached by a regular daily train and motor seryice. The sale presents an excellent opportunity to those desiring good sites for week·end and holidp,y residences.

Form of lease may he peru~ed, and fnll particulars obtained from the Commissioner of Crown Lands.

(L. nnd S. X/99/B.)

W. STEvYAR'l', Commissioner of Crown Land.'!.


DEC,.J, 7.J 3553


In Bankrupky.-In the Supreme G~urt of New, Zealan1 .. :~ I, Collins, Henry, of· ·Ngaruawahia, Butcher-Second< a:ud final. dividend of 48. -in the pound, making a total .. Qf

_ 98. in the pound. , " - '_ , . ",Fleming, Cecil Stratford, late of Taumarunui, FarmE'<r

. (deceased)-First and final dividend of 7id, in the pound. Han, Thomas William Daniel, of Ta:umaruuui, Agentr­

Supplementary and final dividend of 4d. in the pound,

NOTICE is hereby given that AUGUSTUS SEYMOUR REN-" SILAW, 'Baker, of 213 Great North Road, Grey Lynn,

Auckland, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon" a meeting of creditors to be holdl.'Jl at my office, Law Court Buildings, ""High Street, Auckland, on Thursday, I the 17th day of December, 1931, at 2 o'clock p.m. 'j

Dated at Auckland, this 9th day of December, 1931. " i

A. W. WATTERS, I Official Assignee.

In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Court of New Zealand:-

NOTICE is hereby given that GEORGE FRASER, Projec­

tionist, of 27 Violet Crescent, Parnell, Auckland, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden. at my office, Law Court Buildings, High Street, Auckland, on Monda.y, the 21st day of December, 1931, at 10.30 o'clock a.m.

Dated at Auckland, this 10th day of Decemb~r,..r9~1~~"" A. W. WATTERS,

Official ASSignee.

'In Bankruptcy.-In the Su.preme Court of New Zealand.

NOTICE is hereby given that WILLIAM ALBERT WILKIN­

SON, Salesman, of 41 Federal Street, Auckland, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at my office, Law Court Buildings, High Street, Auckland, on Tuesday, the 22nd day of December. 1931, at 10.30 o'clock a.m.

Dated at Auckland, this 14th day of December, "1931. A. W. WATTERS;

Official Assignee.

In Bankruptcy.--In tile Supreme Court oj New.Zealand.



making a·tot.aI of Is. ld. in the pound. -Ladner, William, of Hamilton, Stationer-First and final

dividend of lIs. 9d. in the pound. Marx, Jacob Albert, of Roto.Q.rangi, Farmer-First and . final dividend of 28. ld. in the pound. .. . Payne, William George, of Ngaruawahin, . Grocer-First

dividend of 4s. in the pound.. ' Smith, Arthur Walter, of Hamilton, Painter-First dividei!-d

of 3s. 6d. in the pound. Welch, Benjamin James, 'of Whatawhata, Farmer--First

and final dividend of 8d. in the pound. White, Arthur St. John, of Pukeatua, Farmer--First and

final dividend of 2s. Sd. in the pound. Wills, Edward John, of Frankton Junction, Butcher­

First and final dividend of 6d. in the pound.

V. R. OROWHURST, Official ASSignee.

A.M.P. Buildings, Victoria Street, Hamilton, 8th December, 1931.

In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Court of New Zealanfl· T

NOTICE is hereby given that THOMAS 'YALLACE SCOTT,

of Kinohaku, near Kawhia, Farmer, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at the Courthouse, Otorohanga, on Thurflday, the 17th day of December, 1931, at 2.30 o'clock p.m.

Dated at Hamilton, this 9th day of December, 1931. V. R. OROWHURST,

Official Assignee.

N OTICE is hereby given that H.\ll.Ry NOEL BURGESS, In Bankruplc.y.-ln the Supreme Court oj New 'Zealalld. of Auckland, Boatbuilder and Enginee~, was this __

da.y ad!udged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a ~e~ting NOTICE is hereby given that ALBERT EDWARD JAlIUESON, "of. credItors to b? holden at my office, Law Court BUlldmgs, "of Te Poi, Farmer, was this day adjudged bankrupt; HighStr~et"Auc~and,onTuesday,the22nddayofDecembcr, and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden 1931, at 2 a clock p.m. . " " I at the Courthouse, Matamata, on Monday, the 21st da.y of

Dated at Auckland. t,his 14th day of December, 1931. December, 1931, at 2.30 o'clock p.m. A. W. WATl'ERS, Dated at Hamilton, this 15th day of December, 1931.

Official Assignee. V. R. CROWHURST, ----------------------- Official Assignee.

In Bankruplc.y.-In the Supreme Court of New Zooland.

N OTICE is hereby given that BERN.4.RD MURRAY MORLEY, Garage·proprietor, of Central Garage, Victoria Street

East, Auckland, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors t,o he holden at my office, La"\y Court Buildings, High Street, Auckland, on Mon­day, the 21st day of December, 1931, at 2 o'clock p.m.

Dated at Auckland, this 15th day of December, 1931. A. W. WATTERS,

Official Assignee.

In BanT..;ruptcy.-In the Supreme Court of New Zealand.

N OTICE is bereby given that HOROILAU RANGANUI, other­wise known as RANGA1,,"UI TANIRA, of Okauia, near

Matamata, Labourer, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at the Courthouse, Matamata, on Monday, the .21st day of December, 1931. at 10.30 o'clock a.m.

Dated at Hamilton, this 8th day of December, 1931. V. R. OROWHURST,

Official Assignee.

In Bankruptcy.

'NoTICE is hereby given that dividends as hereunder are now payable at my office on all proved and accepted"

olaims; promissory notes (if any) must be produced for endorsement prior to receiving dividends":-

Anderson, Bernard, of Huntly, Contractor-First dividend of 4s. in the pound. "

Bisham, John l\lartin, trading as "Bishara. Bros.," of Taumarunui, Garage-proprietor-First dividend of 6s. in' the pound. I

In Bankrupf-cy.-In the Supreme Court holden at New Plymouth.

N OTICE is hereby given that SAMUEL JENKIN, of Mahoe, Sharemilker, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I

hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at the Courthouse, Stratford, on Thursday, the 17th day of De­cember, 1931, at 2.15 o'clock p.m.

J. S. S, MEDLEY, Deputy Official Assignee.

New Plymouth, 9th December, 1931.

In Ban1..-ruptcy.-In the Supreme COU1·t holden at New Plymouth.

NOTICE is "hereby given that FRA.."'lK DENT, of New

Plymorith, Fa.rmer. was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at my office on Frida.y, the ISth day of December, 1931, at 2.30 o'clock p.m.

New Plymouth,

J. S. S. lIfEDI.EY, Deputy Official Assignee.

9th December. 1931.

'In Bankruptcy.

In th"e Estate of HENRY HAMLING, of New Plymouth, Labourer. "N' OTICE i~ hereby 'given that a"first"and fi~aldivide~d"~of

. "Is. Id. in the pound is now payable at my office, New Plymouth, on all proved and accepted cla:ims."

J. S. S. MEDLEY, • ! Deputy Official Assignee.

'New Ply~outh, 15th December, 1931.



In Banhuptcy.-In the Supreme Oourt of New' Zealimil.

; NOTICE is hereby given that CLARENOE EDWIN MANEy, of Napier, Chemist, was this day adjudged bankrupt;

and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at mv office on Tuesdav. the 22nd·day of December, 1931, at

. 10 o'clock fL.m. • -Dated at Napier, this 14th day of December, 193!.

G. G. OHISHOLM, Official Assignee.

In BanT.,"TUplcy.-In th.e Supreme Gourt oj New Zealand.

N OTICE is hereby given that TRAYTON LYALL WICKENS, of Napier, Radio-merchant, was this day adjudged

bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at my office on Monday. the 11th day of January, 1932, at 11 o'clock a.m.

Dated at Napier, ~his 14th day of December, ] 931. G. G. CHISHOLM,

Official Assignee.

In Bankruptcy.

In the Estate of THOMAS FREDERICK SULLIVAN, of Wai-pu1..-urau, Wood and Coal Merchant.

N"JOTICE iR bereby given. that a first· dividend of 5s. 5ld. in the pound is now payable at my office on all

accepted proved claims. ' G. G. OHISHOLlI!,

~apier, 15th December, 1931. Official Assignee.

In Bankru~tcy.

N OTICE is hereby given that dividends are now payabJe at my office, Magistrate's Court, Hawera, on all proved

and accepted claims, in the following estates :-Herbert .Toseph Rudkin, of Okaiawa, Farmer-Second and

final dividend of 5id. in the pound, making in all 8s. 2ld. in the pound.

Stuart Barker. of Hawera, Electrician-First and final , dividend of· 3id. in the pound.

William Archibald Baden Watson, of Hawera, Builder-First and final dividend of Is. Od. in the pound.

Philip Ernest Warner, of Patea, Farmer""':'First dividend . of Is. 2d. in the pound. ' Raymond WinsJdll and William Marton Green, of Douglas,

Sheep and Dairy Farmer-First and final dividend of -lid. in the pound.

Bertie Francis .T ames Wall, of Opuooke, Sha.remilke:r:­First and final dividend of Is. 7!d. in the pound.

John Thomas Henry Kilpatrick, of Auroa, Storekeeper­First and final dividend of 3s. 4d. in the pound.

0.0, PRATT, Hawera, 15th December, 1931. Official Assignee.

In Bankruptcy.-In tlte Supreme Gourt holden at Wanganui.

. NoTICE is hereby given that DOUGLAS RAMSAY, Farmer, .l. of Ohingaiti, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a. meeting of crcditors to be holden at the :Courthouse, Mangaweka, on Friday, the 18th daY,of December, 193]. at 2 o'clock p.m.

Taihape. 9th December, 1931.

O. MASTERS, Deputy Official ASSignee.

In Bankruptcy.

In the E~tate of HENRY STRATTON IzARD, at one time of GreytoWn. Solicitor.

. NoTICE is hereby given that an eleventh dividend of 4ld. in the pound is now pay{tble at my office on all

"proved and accepted claims. Dated'a.t M~rton. this 14th day Of December, 1931.

ARTHUR D. LOW, Deput~ Official Assignee.

'-r-rt"-BankiuptCgr--In the Suprem.~~.??~rt ?! New Zealand.

N OTICE is hereby given that WILLIAM A.LLAN WILKIE, of 16 Moselle Street, Island Bay, Wellington, Builder,

was, this day,adjudged bankrupt;. ,and -I hereby s~mmon- a meeting of creditors to be holden at my office on Friday, t~e 18th day of DeceD;lber, 1931" at 2.30 o'clock p.m .

Dated at Wellington, this 9th day o~ December. 193!. • S. TANSLEY,

Official Assignee.

In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Court oj New Zealand.

N OTICE is hereby given that MARx GREEN, care of Mark Green. Limited, 174 Lambton Quay. Wellington,

Company-manager, was this day adjudged bankrupt on creditors' petition; and I hereby summon a meetiug of creditors to be holden at my office on Tuesday, the 22nd day of December, 1931, at 10.30 o'clock a.n;t.

Dated at Wellington, thL'! 11th day of Dectlmber, 1931. S. TANSLEY,

Official Assignee.

in BankMtpwy.

In the Estate of ALFRED ERNEST FERGUSON, of Westport, Fruiterer.

N OTICE is hereby given that a first and final dividond of 78. 6d. in the pound is now payable at my office on

all proved and accepted claims. W. T. SLEE,

Deputy Offipial Assignee. Westport. lOth December, 1931.

In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Court oj New Zealand.

NOTICE is hereby given that ALFRED HOARE, of 54 Cranford Street, St. Albans, Chrlstchurch, Drapery

Traveller, .was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at my office, Government Departmental Buildings, Worcester Street, Christchurch, on Friday, the 18th day of December, 1931, at 10.30 o'clock a.m.

Dated at Christchurch, this 11th day of December, 1931. J. H. ROBERTSON,

Official ASSignee.

In Banl.,7Uplcll·-In the .8upre1l1e Gourt of New Zealand.

:\. T OTICE is hereby given that FRANK LOVE, of 238 L"I Gardiners Road, Christchurch, Dairyman, was this

day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to he holden at my office, Government Departmental Buildings, Worcester Street, Christchurch. on Mondav, the 21st nay of December, 1931, at 10.30 o'clock a.m. .

Dated at Christchurch, this 12th day of December, 1031. J. H. ROBERTSON,

Official Assignee.

In Bankruptcy.

N OTICE is hereby given that diVidends ·to the amounts and in the estates as listed hereunder are now payable

at my office on all proved claims; promissory nores (if any) "to be produced for endorsement .prior to receiving dividend :-

Bowden, Baden Powell, of Timaru, Confectioner-Second and final dividend of 10ld. in the ponnd. making in all 6::.'. IOd. in the pound.

Finlaysou, ],-finnie Ethel, of Timaru. Furniture·dealer­First dividend of Is. in the pound.

Keys, William .Tohn, of !J:'emuka, Jeweller-Second and final dividend of Ilid. in the pound, making in a119s. ll!d. in the pound. -

Fowler, .Tohn William, of Timaru, Service-station Pro­prieror-Fir~t dividend of 9s. in the pound.

Watson. William .Tames, of Timanl, Motor·dealer-Second Dividend of 5ld. in the pound., ;

Meredith, George Sunderland, and Hitchins, Samuel.Tames; trarlin!!; as U G. S. Meredi~h and Co.;" of Waimate • Merchallts-First and final dividends of 7s. 6d. in the

, pound on preferential wages claims only. W, HARTE,

Timanl, 12th Decembe~: 1931. ... Official Assignee.



, In Bankruptcy. ~ . I EVIDENCE hav:ing been"furnished of the loss of 'certificate -- of title, Vol. 276, folio 116 (Canterbury Registry), for

N' OTICE is hereby given that dividends arc now paya.lHe !--ot 3, deposit pla.ll-2560, part of Rux:a1 ~ection 163, situated in the undermentioned estates on all proved claims; III Block XI, Christchurch Survey DIstrict, ;whereof DAVID

pro¢issory notes (if any) to be produced for endcn:sement W ALKE.R. ?f BaH?ur, Farmer, is the registen:d proprietor; prior to receipt of dividends :_ and apphcatlOn havmg been mada to me for the Issue of a new

D . P" Y h f ,:U ok' C F"' d:fi. I certificate of title in lieu thereof, I bereby give notice ~hat it a,?s? hlhp '-'0 n,O . ,1 a·1 Rm, ontractcr- ITst an on. is my-intention to issue such new certificate o£.title accordingly diVidend ?f,2s. 3d',10 the pound. at the expiration of fourteen days from the dato of the Gazette

Hatton, William WIlberforce, of :Ma.karewa. Labourer- containing this notice Second and finaJ di:vidend of 3!d. m the pound (making Dated at the Lal;d Registry OfficE', Christchurch, this n, total of 2~. ,6id. In the pound). ... 14th day of December 1931.

Thompson. 'Villiam, of 'Yyndham. Contractor-FIrst diVl- • dend of 25. 6d. in the pound. A. L. B. ROSS, District Land Registrar.

Timpany, John Corbett, of InvercargiU, Builder-First and final dividend of 20s. in the pound, with interest,.

H. MORGk'!, Official Assignee. ADVERTISEMENTS.

Invcrcargill. 5th December. 1931.


N OTICE is hereby given that the parcel of land herein­nfter described will be brought under the provisions

of the Land Transfer Act, 1915. unless caveat be lodged forbidding the same on or before the 18th January, 1932.

8035. E:MILY BLANCHE BERRY.-Lot 3 ,and part Lot 4 of Allotmcnt 16 of Section 16 of the Suburbs of Auckland, containing 37·4 perches, fronting Ridings Road. Remuera. Occupied by applicant. Plan 24037.

Diagram may be inspected at this office.

Dated this 11th day of December. 1931. at the Land Registry Office, Auckland.

W. JOHNSTON. District Land Registrar.

N OTICE is hereby given that the parcel of land herein­.... after described will be brought under the pw\'isions

of the Laud Transfer Act, 1915, unless caveat be lodged forbidding the same within onc calendar month from the date of pUblication of the New Zealand Gazelte containing this notice.

5407. ITALIA CORICH.-5·47 perches. situate in City of Wellington (i\Iurphy Street), part of Section 586. Town of 'Yellington. Occupied. by applicant.

Diagram may be inspected at this office. Dated this 14th day of December, 1931, at the Land

Registry Office, Wellington. C. E. NALDER, District I~and Registrar.

APPLICATION having been made to me to register a re-entry by THE :MAYOR, COU:KCJLLORS. AND CITIZENS

Ol' THE CITY OF 'V ANGANUI. as lessor under outstanding lease No. 134337, of all thatpa.rcel of land, containing 1 aereand 7·62 perches, more or less. being part of Reserve" L," 'Vanganui Town Belt, being Lots 1, 9. 10, ll. 15, 16, and 17 on deeds plan No. 6.01, being part of the land in certificate of title, Vol. 343. folio 103, and Bll the hLnd in leasehold certificate of title. Vol. 375, folio 14, Wellington Registry, of which JOSEPH 'VOOLSTON and RICHARD I!EWETSO::\,. both of ·Wanganui. Builders, are the registered lessees, I hereby give notice that I will register such re-entry as requested at the cxpiration of one month from the date of the Gazelle containing this notice.

Dated at- the Land Registry Office at 'Vellington, this 14th day of December, 1931.

,C. E. NALDER. District ·Land Registrar.

'EVIDENCE having been furnished of the loss of certificate of title. Vol. IS. folio 116 (Canterbury Registry). for

pact; of Rural Section 181't. situated in the District of Oxford, whereof TERESA FOSTER, Wife of WILLIA~1 FOSTER. of Oxford, Farmer, is the registered proprietor. and application haying been made 'to me for the issue of a new certificate of title in lieu thereof, I herepy give notice that it is my inten­tion to issue such llew certificate of title Mcordingly at the expiration of fourtecn days from tho date of the Gazette con­taining ,this notice. ,D~ted at the Land Registry Office. Christchurch, this

11th day of December, 1931. A., L. B. ROSS, District Land RegistraE_


NJ OTICE is hereby given that the name of the under~ ...... mentioned company has been struck off the Register, and the company dissolved :-

Tom Thumb Gall, Limited. 1930/257. Given under my hand at Auckland, this 9t,h day of

December, 1931. H. B. WALTON.

Assistant Registrar of Companies.

THE COlJPAl\'lES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (3).

K INDLY take notice tha.t, at the expiration of three months from this date. the name of the undormen­

maned company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary. be struck off th~ Register. and the company will be diiil­sqlved :-

i\IidIand House Furnishers, Limited. 1931/7. Given under my hand at Auckland, this 9th day of

December, 1931. H. B. WALTON,

Assiatant Registrar of Companies.

THE COlJPili'!IES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (3).

K INDLY take notice that, at the expiration of three months from this date, the names of the underm~n­

tioned companies will. unless cause is shown to the contr1p'y. be struck off the Register. and the companies will be:/dis­solved :-

Tiarks and Hayes, Limited. 1913/75. Arthur S. Vaughan, Limited. 1926/27.

Given under my hand at Auckland. this lOth day of December. 1931.

R. B: W,ALTON. Assistant Registrar of Companies.

THE COllIPili'!IES ACT, 1905, SECTION 266 (3): -

K INDLY take notice that, at the expiration of three months from this date, the name of the uridermentioned

company will. uuless cause is shown to the contrary. be struok off the Register, and the company- will be dissolved:- '

Advance Loan and Finance Company, Ltd. 1928}134. Given under my hand at Auckland, this lIth'day of

December, 193]. H. B. WALTON,

Assistant Registrar of Companies.


TT INDLY take notice that, at the expiration of three .L~_ months from this date, the names of the under­

mentiop.ed companies will, unless cause is shown to the contrary. be struck off the Register, and the companies will be dissolved :- .

Kitto Limited. 1925/i64. . Art Brick Constructions, Limit~d. 1929/4.0. Campbell Pate,rson and Co., Limited. '1929/282;

Given undet my hand: at Auckland, this 12th day of ·December, 1931.

H. B. WALTON, Assistant Registrar of Companies.



" THECOMPA.L'UES· ACT, 1908, 'SECTION;266 (3):',

K INDLY take notice that, - at .the .expiration of three . '. months -from this date, the name of, the under.

mentioned company.will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be 'struck' off the' Register, ·and the' company will be dis­s~lved..:-

Industrial Tobacco Company, Limited. 1930/242. Given under my hand at Auckland, this 14th day of

December, 1931. H. B. WALTON,

Assistant Registrar of Companies.


KINDLY take notice that, at the expiration Of. three months from this date, the names of the under­

mentioned companies will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register, and the companies will be dissolved :-

Craigs Patent Plough Attachment Company, Limited. 1923/156.

Westbourne Lands, Limited. 1926/56. Carter Bros., Limited. i927/243.

Given under my hand at Auckland, this 15th day of December, 1931.

H. B. WALTON, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


N OTICE is hereby given that the names of the under­, mentioned companies have been struck off the Regis­ter, and the companies dissolved :-

Angua A. Duncan, Limited. 1928/167. Conducted Tours of New Zealand, Limited. 1930/271. Rod's Patent~ Limited. 1928/73. The Taihape Auctioneering and Agency Compa.ny,

LDnited. 1927/189. Given under my hand at Wellington, this 14th day of

December, 1931. W. H. FLETCHER,

Assistant Registrar of Companies.


N OTICE is hereby given tha.t, at the expiration of three three months from this date, the name of the under­

mentioned company will, unless cause is shown to the COD­

trary, be struck off the Register, and the company dis· solved:- '

The Criterion Hotel Company, Limited. 1907/3. Given under my hand at Wellington, this 14th day of

December, 1931. W. H. FLETCHER,

Assistant Registrar of Companies.


N OTICE is hereby given that, at the expiration of three months from this date, the names of the under­

mentioned companies will, unless ca.use is s40wn to the con­trary, be struck off the Register, and the companies dis­solved :-

Walters LDnited. 1930/176. Plimmerton Public Hall Company, LDnited. 1923/74. J. Hartland Pearson and Company, Limited. 1931/109.

Given under my ha.nd at Wellington, this 14th day of December, 1931.

W. H. FLETCHER, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


TAKE notice that, at the expiration of three months from the date hereof~ the name of the undermentioned

company will, unless cause is sholYD to the contrary, be struck, off th~ Register, and the company dissolved :-

Canterbury Produce Company, Limited. 23/76. Given under my hand at Christchurch, this 12th day of

December, .1931: ,J. MORRISON,

Assistant Regfstrar of Companies.


As the undermentioned company has ceased to, ,carry on business, I hereby give notice that" at the' expiration

of three months from date, hereof, the na~e of such ,company will, unless cause be shown to the contraryj be struck off th~ Register, and the </ompany will be dissolved :-,

. Southland Saddlery, Limited.' 1921/1. Dated at the office of the Assistant Registrar of Companiea~

at Invercargill, this. 8th day of December, 1931. J. A. FRASER,

Assistant Registrar of Companies.



T HE Receiving Office at Howick of the .. Auckland Branch of the above Bank will be closed on and, from the 9th


'By its Attorney"": 660 A. D. GAUNT.




In the matter of Section 302 of the Companies Act, 1908.

N OTICE is hereby given that Thos. Cook and Son, Limited, and Thos. Cook and Son (Banl,erg), Limited, are

about to commence and carry on business at the New Zealand Insurance Company's Building, at Queen Street, in the City of Auckland.

Dated this 26th day of November, 1931. . A. THOMPSON,

Attorney for the Provincial District of Auckland for Thos. Cook and Son, Limited, and Thos. Cook and Son

670 (Bankers), Limited.




In the matter of Section 302 of the_ Companies Act, 1908.

N OTICE is hereby given that Thos. Cook and Son, Limited, ..I... and Thos. Cook and Son (Bankerg), Limited, are about to commence and ca·rry on business at 150 Hereford Street, in the City of ChriBtch~h.

Dated this 26th day of November, 1931. R. ELLYETT,

Attorney for the Provincial District of Canterbury for Thos. Cook and Son, Limited, . and . Thos, Cook and Son

671 (Bankers), Limited.




In the ma.tter of Section 302 of the Companies Act, 190fl.

N OTICE is hereby given that ThOS. Cook and Son, Limited, and ThoB. Cook and Son (Bankers), Limited, are

about to commence and carry on business at the corner of Hunter and Featherston Streets ~ the City of Wellington.

Dated this 26th day of November, 1931. ROBERT CLARKE,

Attorney for the Provincial District of Wellington for Thofl. Cook and Son, Limited, , and Thos., Cook and Son

672 (Bankers), Limited.





NOTICE is hereby givon that, commencing from the 4th January, 1932, the Receiving Office at Richmond of

the Nelson Branch of the above Bank will be open for busi. ness on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays only.


By its Attorney-681 E. P. YALDWYN.




In tho matter of the Companies Ac't, 1908, and in the matter of 'r. K. TAYLOR, LTD., Little River, Storekeepers.

N OTICE is hereby given in pursuance of flect.ion 230 and 252 of the Companies Act t.hat a general meeting of

the above.mentioned company "..ill be held on 'Verlnesday, 23rd December, 1931, at the residence of Mr. Thomas K. Taylor, Western Valley Rood, Lit·tle River, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of having all account laid before the meeting showing the manner in which the winding-up ha.<; been COll­

ducted and the property of the company disposed of, and of hearing any explanations that may be given by the Liquidator; and also to determine by extraordinary resolution the manner in which the books of, accounts of, and documcnts of the company and of the Liquidator thereof shall be disposed of.

Dated this 7th day of December, 1931. ARTHUR D. FORD, Liquidator.

246 St. Asaph Street, Christchurch. 696 .



All persons, firms, or companies having claims against the above-mentioned company arc required to forward full par­ticulars thereof to the undersigned on or before the 10th January, 1932.

E. D. WILKINSON, Liquidator. E. D. Wilkinson,

Care of Wilkinson and Campbell, 705 Dilworth Buildings, Auckland. 699



Relief of Unemployment Loan oj £3,000, 1931.

I N pursuance and exercise of the powerR vested in it by the . Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, and the Local Autho­

rities Empowering (Relief of Un~mployment) Act, 1926, and amendments thereto, the Palmerston North City Council hereby resolves as follows :-

That, for the purpose of prOviding the interest, Rinldng fund, and ot.her charges on a loan of £3,000 known as "Tlie Palmerston North Relief of Unemployment Loan of £3,000, 1931," authorized to .be raised by the Palmerston North City Council under the above-mentioned Acts for the purpose of providing relief works for the unemployed by carrying out drainnge wOI;ks, laying of water-mains, g('neral improvements to roadways, footway!!, and city reserves, and the purchase of materials required in connection with such works, the said PaImerston North City Council hereby makes a.nd levies a special rate of one thirty-fi1'8t of a penny in the pound upon the rateable value (on the basis of the unimprovcd value) of all rateable property of the City of Palmerston North, com­prising the whole of the City of Palmerston North, nnd that such special rate shall be an annual-recurring rate during the currency of such loan, and be payable yearly on the 1st day of July in each and every year during the currency of such loan, being a period of ten years-that is to say, until·the ]st day of October, ]941, or until the loan is fully paid off_

In the matter of the Companies Act, 1908, and in the 700 A. E. MANSFORD, Mayor. matter of THE EOLIPSE FENOE COlIPANY, LDlITED.

N OTICE is hereby given that, on t,he 1st day of December, ]931, the following resolution was pa.ssed in manner:

provided by subsection (6) of section ]68 of the Companies Act, 1908.

Resolvel.l: .. That thc company be wound up voluntarily, and tha.t CLAUDE W_ EVANS, of Christchurch, Public Accountant, be a.nd is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such winding-up."

Dated this 1st day of December, 1931. 697 C. W. EVANS, Liquidator.



In the matter of the Companies Act, 1908, and the SOUTH AUOKLAND MACIIINERY Co., LTD. (in Liquidation).

N OTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to section ]68 (6) of the Companics Act, 1908, the followiug resolutions

were duly passed:-

" That it -having becn proved to our sat·isfaction that. by reason of the company's liabilitics, it can no longer continue

. its business, that the company accordingly do go into "olun. tary liquidation.

" '.rhat 1I,'lr, M. C. O'NEILL. of Auck1and, Public Accountont, be ami is hereby appointed Liquidator of the company."

Dated this 9th day of November, ]931. 698 M. C. O'NEILL, Liquidator



In the matter of the Companies Act, 1908, and its amend­ments, and in the matter of TUAKAU DISTRICT PICTURES, LI1InTED.

NOTICE is hereby given that t,he above-named company, by resolution passed the first day of October, 1931,

went into voluntary liquidation, and appointed ERNF.sT DAWSON WILKINSON, of Auck1and, Public Accountant, as Liquidator for the purpose of such winding-up.




T HE following extraordinary resolution was passed at a mceting of shareholder;;; held in the offic.;) of the Secre·

tary, 213 Manchester Street, ChristchurcJl, on 8t,lt December, 1931 ,-

"That it has been 'proved to the satisfaction of the company that the company cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue its busincss, amI that it is advisable to wind up the Mme, and accordingly that the company be wound up voluntarily under thc provisions of the Companies Act, 1908, and that OSOAR W·ILFRED BREAKEY ANDERSON, of Christchurch. Public Accountant, be appointed Liquidator for thc purpose of Ruch winding-up."

Dated at Chi'iRtchurch, this 9th day of December, 1931.

701 OSCAR W. B. ANDEHSON, Liquidator.



THE following extraordinary resolution was passed at a meeting of slml'cholders held in the office of the Secre.

tary, 213 1'Ifanehesror ::;treei, Christchurch, on 8th December, 1931,-

.. That it has been proved to the satisfaction of the company that thc company cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue its business, and that it is advisable to wind up the same, and accordingly that the company be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1908, and that OSCAR WILFRED BREAKEY ANDERSON, of Christchurch, Public Accountant, be appointed Liquidator for thc p11l'pOSC of such winding-up."

Dated at Christchureh, this 9th day of December, 1931.

.702 OSCAR W. B. ANDERSON, Liquidator.





T: H;E -Iollowi~g extraordinary .resolution was passed at a meeting of slmreholders held in the office of the Secre­

tary, 213 Manchester Street, Christchurch, on 8th December, 1931,-

U That it has been proved to the satisfac~ion of the company, that the company cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue its business, and that it is ,advisable to wind lIP the same, and accordingly that the company be wonnd up voluntarily under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1908, and that: OSCAR WIL~ED BREA~{E:Y ANDER~ON, of Christchurch, Public Accountant, be appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such: winding-up.'" ,

Dated at Christchurch, this 9th day, of December, 1931.

703 OSCAR "Y. B. ANDERSON, Liqui~ator.


'T-,HE Partnership heretofore subSisting between A. M.: • MAcDIAR.;\l!p and K. P. TOMPKINS, and known as;

"MacDiarmid and Tompkins," Dental Surgeons, New Ply­.month. is dissolved as from 30th November, 1931.

Dated at New Plymouth, this 10th day of December, 1931. :




~l\.. T OTICE -is hereby given that the following special re­a:~ solution was passed ,by the above company at a meet­

ing held on Friday, the 4th day of December, 1931. at the registered office, Stafford -Street, ·Timaru.

"Th\1.t tJ,le c~J:llp'any .be would up voluntarily, and t~B:t: Mr. C. W. WERBER, Solicitor, of Timaru. be appointed' Liquidator."

Dated at Timaru, this lOth da:y of December, 1931.

705 C. W. WEBBER, Liquidator.



No. 34 Excess Cost Loan, 1931 (£10,500).

I N e~er:c,ise ,of the powers conferred .an it .by section 34, , subsection (4), .of the Chrislchurch Tramway District

Act, 19~9, .a:ol). ,the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, and all Q,t.her pow,ers it ,e,nabHng, the ,Christchurch Tram)\'ay Board hereby resolves by :way of speci'i'-l order :- To raise a loan of £10,500 for the purpose of renewing double traek between Hereford Street and Madras Street in High Street, being the difference in present cost of material and l.a);)Q,ur of such wo.rk ~,nl). the cost of ,material/;l:nl).)abour when the said work was first constructed, and including the east of raising the loan.

Second: That the said sum of £10,500 shall be repayable on the first day of October, 1951.

Third: That no portio.n of interest or sinking fund on the said loan shaH be paid out of the loan-moneys received here-· under.

Fourth: That the security for the loan shall be the Christ­church Tramway undertaking and its revenues, subject to existing charges, together with a special rate to provide int.erest aJ?d siJ?-king fuI?9- op. the said loan.

F,iJth: T,hat ~he Board hereby m~kes anq: levies a special rate Qf decimal nought nought five one four five seven two six pence (0:005145726d.) in the pound sterling upon the capital value of all rateable pr.operty in the Christchurch Tramway District, an.d ~hat such special rat-e shall be an annually recurring rate during the currency of the lol,tn, and be payable half-yearly on the first day of April and the first day of October, in each year d:uring the currency of the loa;n, being a period of twenty ye~rs, or until the loan is fully paid off.

The above special order was made on the 2nd day of N 0-

vember, 1931, and confirmed on the 7th day of December, 1931.

7th December, 1931. R H. ANDREWS, Chairman.



I ERIC WARTON GIBBS, M.B., Cb.B., 1931. Univ.",ity , of N.Z., now residing in Dunedin, hereby give notice

that I intend applying on the 10th January, 1932, to have my name placed on the Medical Register of .the pominion of Now Zealand; and that I have deposited the evidence of my qualification in the office of the Department of Health at Wellington.

Dated at Dunedin, 10th DeccPlbcr, 1931. E. W. GIBBS,

707 Warwick House, Christchurch.



In the matter of the Counties Act, 1920, and Qf the Public Works Act, 1928,

N OTICE is hereby given that the Whakatane ,County . Council proposes under the provisions of ,the above­

mentioned Acts t.o execute a certain public .work-namely, the construction of a road-and for the purposes Qf such public work the land described in the Schedule ,hereto is required to be taken: And notice ,is hereby further given thp.,t a plan of the land so required to be ,taken is deposited in ·the public office of th{l said Whakatane County ,Conneil, situated at Whakatane, and is open for ,inspection (without fee) by all persons during ordinary office hoUrs.

All persons affected by the execution of the said public work or by the taking ,of such land who haye any weH­grounded objections to the execution of the said .pubIic .work or to the taking of the said lp.,nd must state their objections in writing, and send same, within ·forty (10) days from the first publication of this notico, to the Clerk of the said Council at the said office.

SCHEDULE. Approximate area of the parcel of land required to be

taken: 5·8 perches, be,ing portion of Section 5, Town of Richmond, Block VI, Awa.o-te-atua Survey District. Situ­ated in the County of Wh!tkatane, ,an9. cQlo.ure:d 'pink on Plan S.O. 26400. .

Dated this 17th day of December, 1931. 708 C. G. LUCAS, County Clerk.


I ANNIE ARNOLD, heretofore called and known by the ., name of ANNIE ALLEN, of Auc19and, in New Zealand,

engaged in domestic duties, hereby give public notice that on the ninth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, I formally and absolutely renounced, reHn­quished, .B:n,d ,abandoned the use of my said surname .of " Allen," and then assumed and adopted, and determined thenceforth on all occasions whatsoever to use and subscribe the name Qf "Annie Arnold" instead 0.£ the said n(l.t;ne of "Annie Allen," and I further give notice that by a deed poll dated the ninth dl.1Y of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, duly executed and attested, and enrolled in .the Su;p~me Court of New ZeaIa.nd at Auck.Jand on the eleventh day of Decem:ber, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, under Number 401/31, I formally and abso­lutely renounced and abandoned the said surname of " Allen," and declared that I had assumed and adopted, and intended thenceforth upon all occasions whatsoever to use and sub­scribe the name of ." Annie Arnold" insteact of "Annie Allen," and so as to be ,at all tirlles thereafter called, known, and described by the name of " Annie Arnold" exclusively.

Dated at Auckland, the elevonth day of December, , thousand nine hundred and th4"ty-one.

ANNIE ARNOl.D. Witness to the signature of the said Annie Ar,nold: Wm. R

Tuck, Solicitor, Auckland. 709



N OTICE is hereby given that by an extraordinary reso­. lution passed on the 27th July, 1931, it was resolved

that B. W. DAVIS, InD., be wound up voluntarily, and that MESSRS. W. T. R. BOGGS, C. ARTJNGTON, and ADAM MOORE, be appointed Liquidators for the purpose of such winding-up.

W. T. R. BOGGS, C. ARLINGTON rLiquidators. A. MOORE )

22-23 HaUenstein's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland. 710





Approximate area of each of the parcels of land required I to be taken.

N O'l'ICE is horeby given that by special resolution passed · on the 12th October, 1931, it was resolved that

HUNTTm H,\RRISON, LTD., be wound up voluntnrily,. and that :\Ir. W. T. R. BOGGs, of Auckland, bo appointed Liquida.tor for the purposes of Rueh winding-up. I

WILLIAM T. R. BOGGS, Liquidator. 22·-23 HaUenstein's Buildings. I

Queen Street, Aucldand. 711



Tn the matter of the Companies Act, B10S, and in the matter of THE ST. K.ILDA BOWLI'NG CLUB, LnU'l'ED.

N OTICE is hereby given that at an ext.raordinary general meoting of the members of the above-named com­

pany. held all the fourteenth day of November, onc thousand nine hundrcd and thirty-one, the following rcsolution was passed :-

" That the St. IGlda Bowling Club, Limited, be wound up . voluntarily, and that ERNEST SUl{1I1ERS 'Vm~oN, of Dunedin, Accounta~t, be and is hereby appoint.ed . Liquidator for the purpose of such winding-up; and that t.he said Ernest Summers ·"Tililon bc authorized to transfer t·hc mlsets of thc St. Kilda Bowling Club, Limited, to an incorporated socicty to be formed, and to be called " Thc St. Kilda Bowling Club (Incorporated)" when such socicty has been incorporated, at a price which shall equal the costs and expenses of such winding-up and tile debts and obligations of thc company."

And that at a further extraordinary geneml meeting of the members of thc compnny held on the t,wenty-eighth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and thirt.y-one, such resolution Was duly confirmed as a special resolution.

Dated at Dunedin, this llth day of December, 1931. 712 E. S. WILSON, Liquidator.



In the matter·of"the Companies Act, 1908, and in the matter of THE JI,'l-V 1\1AOllINERY COMPANY LnIITET>.

N "OTICE is hereby givcn that, ill pursuance of section 168, · subsection (6), of the CompaIiies Act, 1908, the

following extraordinary resolution was duly passed on Friday, the 4th day of December, 1031 :-

"'fhat the l\:[-V l\Iaehinery Company, Ltd., be wound up voluntarily, and that GEORGE 'VILLLUf SELLAR, of Masterton, Public Accountant, be and is hereby appointed Liquidator for tho purposes of such ,,,inding-up."

Dated at M:asterton, this 14th day of Dccember, 1931.

G. W. SELLAR, Liquidator • . G. W. Sellar, Public Accountant,

8 Perry Street, l\:Iasterton. 714



In the matter of the Counties Act, 1920, and in the matter of tho Public Works Act, 1928.

N·' OTICE is hereby given that the Matamata County · Council proposes, under the provisions of the above­

mentioned Acts, to execute certain public works-namely, the legalization of road-deviations within the County of J.\Iatnmata-and for the purposes of such public works the lands described in the Schedule hereto are required to be taken: And notice is hereby given that n. plan of the lands so required to be taken is deposited in the public office of the Clerk to the said Council, situate at Tirau, and is open for inspection (without fee) by all persons during ordinary office' haul'S.

All persons affected by the execution of the said public works or by the taking of such landS who have any well­grounded objections to the execution of the said Public works or to the taking of the said lands, must state their objections in writing, and send the same, within forty days from the 17th December, 1931, being the da.te of the fu'st publication of this notice, to the County Clerk at the County Office, Tirau,

A. R. I'. Being Portion of o 0 34·0 Allotmcnt 2; ()Qlourcd red. 1 2 26·2 ,,5; " purple. o 3 39·6 Lot 1 of 41, Selwyn Settlement; coloured red. 6 0 14·0 Allotment 42, Selwyn Settlement; coloured

red. o 0 0·5 Allotment 42, Selwyn Settlement; coloured

blue. 2 3 36'5 Allotment 42, Selwyn Settlement; colourcd

blue, o 1 20·6 Allotment 42, Solwyn Settlement; coloured

blue. o 1 4·0 Allotment 42. Selwyn Settlement; coloured

blue. o 0 0·9 Allotment 42, Selwyn Settlement; coloured

blue. o 0 0·01 Allotment 42, Selwyn Settlement; colourcd

blue. o 2 3·0 Allotment 42, Selwyn Settlement; coloured

blue. o 0 23·8 Allotment 42. Selwyn Settlement; coloured

blue. o 0 12·1 Allotment 42, Selwyn Settlement; coloured

blue. o 0 26·8 Wnotu North 2L 3 Block; coloured purple. o 2 15·6 2L 3 Block; coloured purple. o 0 1·6 2L Block; coloured red. 3 1 39·6 2r .. 3 Block; coloured purple. o 1 34·4 " 2B 30 Block; coloured red.

All situated in Block' XIII, Patetere North Survey District. (S.O. plan 17321.)

All situated in the County of 1\:Iatamatn., Auckland Land District.

Dated at Tirau, this 11th day of December, 1931: By order of the l\fatamata County Council-

713 . J. A. BECK, County Clcrk.



N OTICE is hereby given .. in accordance with section 230 of the Companies Act, 1908, that a general meeting of

the above compnny will he hold at my office, Premici' Buildings, Durham Street East., Auckland, on Mondav, 21st December, '1031, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpese of having an nc(~Olmt laid before the mc('ting showing- the manner in which the winding-up has bcon conduoted and the property of the company diaposen of; and of hearing any explanation that may he given by the Hqnidator, and also of determining 'by extraordinary resolution the manner in which the books, accounts, and documents of the' company and of the Liquidator shall be disposed of..

Dated this 11th day of December, 1931.

715 GEO. W. IIUTCHISON,. i.iquida~or.



N OTICE is hereby given that MESSRS. KELLY BURNS, LIMI'fED, have, by a rcsolution passed on the

13th NO"ember, 1931, gone into "oluntary liquidation, and that J. C. KEr.rN, of 200 Karamu Road South, has been appointed Liquidator.

Dated this 7th day of December, 1931.

n6 J. C. KELLy,·Liquidator.

-- ---------------~---



I N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that behalf by the Local Bedies' Loans Act, 1926, the Pahiatua'

County Council hereby resolvcs ag follows :-That, for the purpose of providing the interest and other

charges on a loan of two thousand seven hundred pounds (£2,700), authorized to be raised by the Pahiatua County Council under the above-mentioned Act, for the purpose of paying its contribution towards the construction of a new bridge over the Mangatainoka River on the Pahiatua - Station Read Main Highway (together with approaches thereto),



the said Pahiatua County Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of two fift,y-thirds of a penny (2/53d.) in the pound sterling on the rateable value, being the unimproved value of all rateable property within the boundaries of the County of Pahiatun, and that such special rate shall be an annual-recurring rate during tho eurrency of such loan, and be payable on the first day of April in each and every year during the currency of stich loan, being a period of twenty­five (25) yearR, or until the loan is fully paid off.

S. BOLTON, Chairman. 717 J. HUTTON, Clerk.



I N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, and of all

other powers (if any) it thereunto enabling, the \Vaiton Drain­age Board horeby resolved a..<; foHows :-

That, for the purpos\3 of providing the interest and sinking fund on the Whakahoro No.2 Special-rating Area Loan of £5,100, authorized to be raised by the Waiton Drainage Board under the above-mentioned Act, the special rate on a graduated Bcale according to the Board's classification made and levied by the Board's resolution appearing in tho New ZeaUmd Gazelte of 31st March, ]927, at page 783, having proved to be insnfficient to provide for the payment of such interest and sinking fund, the Waitoa Drainage Board, pursuant to section 23 of the said Act, hereby increases the said special rate upon Class" A " to three pence in the pound, upon Class "B" to two pence in the pound, and upon Class "C" to one penny in the pound upon the rateable unimproved values according to classification of all rateable property of the Whakahoro No.2 Special-rating Area of the Board's district, as the said area is described in the resolution gazetted as aforesaid, and that such special rate (as increased) shall be an annually recurring rate during the currency of such loan, and be payable half-yeady on the 1st day of March and 1st day of September in each and every year during the currency of snch loan, being a period of thirty-six years and a half, or until the loan is fully paid off.

I certify that the abovc resolution was passed at a meeting of the Waitoa Drainage Board held on the 10th day of December, 1931. 718 D. F. WATSON, Chairman.


In'the matter of the Companies Act, 1908, and in the matter of COAL OIL (N.Z.), LIMITED.

B y an order made by His Honour l\ir. Jnstice MacGregor in the above matter, dated the llth day of December,

1931, on the petition of Charles Francis Millward, of New Plymouth and Wanganui, Agent, carrying on business under the name or style of II C. F. "Tillward and Company," a creditor of the company, it was ordered that Coal Oil (N.Z.), Limited, the above-named company, be wound up by the Supreme Court under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1908, and it was further ordered that a copy of the order for winding up -be served at the office of the above-named company at Palmerston North, and that the said order for winding up be advertised once in the New Zealand GazeUe.

CROKER Al\'D McCORMICK, Solicitors, New Plymonth,

719 Solicitors for the said Petitioner.


In the matter of the Companies Act, 1908, and in the matter of SMITH AND LIS'l'ER, LIMITED.

N OTICE is hereby given that SMlTH AND LISTER, LIMITED, intend to cease carrying on business in New Zealand

upon the expiration of three calendar months from the date hereof.

Al! debts due to and owing by the company will be received and paid by its attorney at t·he office of tho company, No. 69 Victoria Street, Wellington.

Dated at Wellington, this 15th day of December, l!lin. SillITH AND LISTER, LTD.,

By its Attorney,-SYDNEY JOlli'fSON.

Witness: Chas. E. S,tevens, Managing Law Clerk, Young, White, and Courtney, Solicitors, Wellington.




T HE Receiving Office at Kingsland of the Newton (Auc~­land) Branch of t,he above Bank will be closed on and

from the 24th December, 1931. 'I'IIE COJlIJlIERCIAL BANK o:b' AUSTRALIA, LTD.,

By its Attorney-721 E. P. YALDWYN.



N OTICE is hcreby given tha.t at a meeting of shareholders held on tho 14th day of December, 1931, the following

resolution was duly passed:-"That the company be wonnd up voluntarily, and that

THEODORE NISBET GIBBS, of Christchnrch, be appointed Liquidator thereof."

Those having claims against the company are reqnest.ed to forward same to me at the address giv~n below, on or before the 31st day of January, 1932.

T. N. GIBBS, Liquidator. 89 Hereford Street, Qhristchureh. 722



In the matter of the Companies Act, 1908, and in the matter of EGLINTON SAFETY LIGHT Co., LTD. (in Liqnidation).

N OTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of section 230 of the Companies Act, 1908, that a general meeting of

members of the above-named company will be held at my office, 154 Thames Street, Oamarn, on Thursday, the 31st day of December, 1931, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of having an account laid before them showing the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of the company disposed of, and of hearing any explanation that may be given by the Liquidator; and also of determining by extraordinary resolution the maDDer in which the books, accounts, and documents of the company and of the Liquidator thereof, and the surplus funds (if any) in the hands of the Liquidator, shall be disposed of.

Dated at Oamaru, this 15th day of December, 1931.

723 R. FINCH, Liquidator.



I N pursnance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, and section

24 of the Health Act, 1920, the Heathcote County Council hereby resolves as follows:-

That for t.he purpose of providing interest at five and one­quarter (51) per cent. and sinking fund at 2·095 (£2 Is. lld.) per cent. on a loan of £3,500, authorized to be raised by the Heathcote County Council under the above-mentioned Acts for tho purpose of sewerage works at Cashmere, the Heathcote County Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of one-fourteenth of a penny in the pound on the rateable value of all the rateable property in the special-rating area to be known as " The Cashmere Sewerage Loan 1931 Special­rating Area," in'the Cashmere Riding of the County of Heath­cote, comprised in the following Schedule, and that such special rate shall be an annually recurring rate during the currency of such loan, and to be payable on the 1st day of August in each and every year during the currency of such loan, being for a period of twenty-five years, or until the loan is fully paid off.

SCHEDULE OF AREA. All that area bounded by a line commencing at the in­

tersection of Colombo Street with the northern bonndary of Rural Section 138; thence in em easterly direction and southerly generally by the eastern boundary of R. S. 138 to the northern side of Hills Road; thence by a right line across that road to its southern side; thence in a north­westerly direction along the southern side of Hills Road and a continuation of that side to the western side of Ross­more Road; thence in a southerly direction generally by the :wester~ side of Rossmore Road and the western and southern poundaries of R. S, 241, the western and southern boundaries



of R. S. 82, the western !Lnd southern boundaries of R. S.UI35, I tho western boundaries of R.S. 2045, 34653, 4349, and 2147 ; thence in a north.western direction generally by the southern boundary of R.S. 2147 to Dyers Pass Road; thence by the eastern side of Dyers Pass Road to the southernmost point of RS. 2047; thence by the continuation of the eastern boundary of R.S. 2047 to a point 5 chains from Dyers Pass Road; thence by a line 5 chains from and parallel to Dyers Pass Road to the southern boundary of Lot 59, D.P. 2159; thence by the southern boundaries of deposited plans 2159, 6749, 2582, 6372, 2159, 6281, 2675, 3765, the western boundaries of D.P. 3220, 2159, 6633, 4603, 3683, 3671, 3274, and 2159 to tho Cashmere Road; thence in a north.easterly direction along tho south side of Cashmere Road and Hackthorne Road; thence in a northerly direction by the continuation of tho western sido of Hackthorne Road to the northern boundary of R.S. 551; thence in a north·easterly direction by tho northern boundary of Rural Sect,ions 551, 562, and 138 to the point of commencement.

Comprising Rural Sections 138, 138x, 551, 562, 1713, 2045, 2046, 2047, 2147, 4349, 5657, 24047, 24051, 24052, 31653, 36833, 36834, and parts of Rural Sections 241, 549, 813, 1335, 2063, 34564, :~6664, in Blocks XV, Christchurch, and III, Halswell Survey Districts.

:Moro particularly shown, coloured purple, on the plan of the Cashmere Riding lodgcd at the offices of thc Heathcote County Council in Manchester Street, Christchurch.

JOHN L. DA1'i.KS, Chairman. 724 J. H. 1\lcAULIFFE, County Clerk.



Notice uf Special General Meeting.

A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING will be held at t,he ,above address on Tuesday, the 12th day of January,

ID32, at 2 o'clock p.m. Business: Liquidator's report and statement showing

the manner in which the winding.up of the company has been conducted and the assets disposed of.

Dated at Auckland, this 15th day of December, 1931.

725 T. P. HALPIN, Liquidator.




N OTICE is hereby given tha.t a general meeting of the shareholders of the above oompany will be held at tho

offices of the Liquidator, Tennyson Street, Napier, on l!"'riday, the l5th day of January, 1932, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the Pllrpose of having an account placed before them showing the malUler in which the winding·up has beelr conducted and the assets of the company disposed of.

D!~ted at Napier, this 15th day of December, 1931.

W. McCULLOCH"\. . . 726 1\1. S. SPENCE jLlqUidators.



In the matter of the Companies Act, 1908, and in the


TROUT-FISHING AND SPORT IN lI1AORILAND. By Captain G. D. HAMn.TON. Damy 8vo. 450 pp., with illustrations. Cloth boo.rds, lOs. 6d.; postago, Is. 3d.

EQU:rv ALENTS IN SHILLINGS AND PENCE OF DECIl\1AJ~S OF £1. Rising by ono.thousandths from £0·001 to £1. Neatly monnted on eovored board, folding in centre. Useful in every office. Price, Is.; postage, Id.

TABLES showing Amounts payable under the Land and Income Tax Act, 1929; GRADUATED INOOME.TAX TADLES. Price, 2s. 6d.; postage, 2d. extra.

RULES UNDER THE BAl'<KRUPTCY ACT, 1892, L. cloth. Price, 2s. 6d. per copy; postage, 2d. extra.

AWARDS. RECOMldENDATIONS, AGREEMENTS. ETO., MADE UNDER THE INDUSTRIAL CONOILIATION AND ARDITRATION AOT, NEW ZEALAND. Vols. i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, xi, xvi, xvii, xviii, xxi, xxii, xxiii, and xxiv are out of print. Vol. viii, year lD07, quarter cloth, 3s. 6d. Vols, ix, x, xii, xiii, and xv, years 1908, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1913, and 1914, cloth boards, 7s. 6d.; quarter cloth, 5s. Vols. xix and xx, years 1918 and 1919, cloth boards, £1. Vola. xxv, xxva, and xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, xxix, years 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, and 1930, cloth boards, £1 12s. 6d. Postnge, Is. 6d. Vol. xxxi now appearing in signature form. Subscriptions to signatures, £1 Is. p.a. . Post free.

CONSOLIDATED DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS OF THE COURT OF ARBITRATION. under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Acta. Compiled by JOHN H. SALMON. This digest deala with all the cases from the inception of the Act till the 31st December, 1914, and t·hus embraces Vola. i to xv (inclusive) of the Book of Awards. Price: Cloth boards, 5s.; quarter cloth, 3s. 6d.; paper covers, 3s.; postage, 6d. Con. solidated Digest from 1st January, 1915, to 31st December, 1928; Vols. xvi to xxviii (inclusive) of Book of Awards. Compiled by E. B. TAYLOR. Board covers, 5s. j postage, Cd. Supplementary Digests bound in paper covers: No.1, 1929, 6d. j No.2, 1930, Is. 6d. Postage, 2d.

CONSOLIDATED DIGEST OF WORKERS' COM­PENSATION CASES. Compiled by J ORN H. SALMON. This digest deals with all cases under the Act up till the 31st December, 1914. Price: Paper covers, Is. 6d.; postage, 6d.

DIGEST AND REPORTS OF DECISIONS OF THE COURT OF ARBITRATION, under the Workers' Compensation Act, 1922. Year 1925. Paper covers, 5s. each. Years 1926, 1927-28, 1929, 1930: Paper covers, 2s. 6d. each. Postage, 24.

MINING AND ENGINEERING AND MINERS GUIDE. By H. A. GORDON, Assoo. M.LC.E., In~ spading Engineer. Copiously illustrated. Royal Svo. Cloth, lOs.; postage, Is. 6d.

MINING HANDBOOK OF NEW ZEALAND. With maps and illustrations. Demy 8vo. Paper covers, 2s. 6d.; cloth boards, 5s.; post-age, Is. 6d.




matter of ROUSE, BLACK, AND SONS, LTD. (in Liquida. r11 URN B U L L tion). .


N OTICE if3 bereby given that the above.named company is in voluntary liquidation, and that all persons or

companies having claims against thc company are requircd to send full partioulars thereof to me on or bcfore the 14th day of January, 1932, otherwise they may bc excluded from participation -in the distribution of the as~cts.

Dated at Wellington, this 15th day of December, 1931.

J. L. ARCUS, Liquidator. 23 Waring.Taylor Street, Wellington. 727


1776-1780. Pricc--Paper, 25. 6d.; cloth, 3s. 6d. Postage, 3d.


Cloth, 3s. 6d. Postage, 3d. Apply-





T HE following Scientifio Works, published under the I'

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GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.1, The Geology of the Hokitika Sheet, North Westland Quadrangle. By DR. BELL. 28. 6d. Postage, Sd.

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.2, The Geology of the Area. covered by the Alexandra. Sheet. Centra.l Otago Division. By J AMES PARK. 28. 6d. Postage, Sd.

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.8, The Geology of the Wha.ngaroa. Subdivision, Hokianga. Division. By J. M. BELL and E. DE C. CLARKE. 28 6d. Post­age, Bd.

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 11: The Geology of the Mount Radiant Subdivision, Westport Division. By ERNEST JOHN HERBERT WEBB. 28. 6d. Post­age, 6d.

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 12, The Geology of the Dun Mountain Subdivision, Motupiko Division, Nelson. By J. M. BELL, E. DE C. CLARKE, aud P. MARsHALL. 2s. 6d. Postage, 8d.

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 16, The Geology of the Aroha Subdivision·, Hauraki. By J. HENDERSON, assisted by J. A. BARTRUM. 2s. 6d. Postage, 8d.

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 19: Tua.peka District, Central Otago Division. By P. MARSHALL. 2s. 6d. Postage, IOd,

GEOLOGICAL BILLETIN No. 20: Oamaru Distriot, North Otago and Eastern Otago Division. By JAMES PARK. 2s. 6d. Postage, 8d. I

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 21, The Geology of the Gisborne and Whatatutu Subdivision, Rankumara. Division. By J. HENDERSON and M. ONGLEY. 5s. Postage, 8d.

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GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 24, The Geology of the Mokau Subdivision. By J. HENDERSON and M. ONGLEY. lOs. Postage, 6d.

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 25, The Geology and Mineral Resources of the Collingwood Subdivision, Karamea. Division. By M. ONGLEY and E. B. MAo­PHERSON. 6s. Postage, 3d.

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 26: Geology and Mines of the Waihi District, Hauraki Goldfield. Ry P. G. MORGAN. lOs. Postage, 8d.

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 27: Geology of the Whangare.i - Bay of Islands Subdivision, North Auck­land. By H. T. FERRAR. 15s. Postage, 8d.

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 28, Geology of Huntly. Kawhia Subdivision, Pirongia Division. 18s. Post­age, 6d.

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GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 30, The Geology of Waiapn Subdivision, Raukumara Division. By M. ONGLEl:: and E. O. MAOPHERSON. Pa.ver 13s., postage 6d.; !-oloth, 15s. 6d., postage 8d.

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 31. The Geology of the Tongaporutu-Ohura Subdivision, Taranaki. By L. I. GRANGE. Paper, 12s.; ! - oloth, 148. 6d. Postage,6d.

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Bulletin No. I.-NEW ZEALAND BROWN COALS, with Special Reference to their Use in Gas-producers. By H. RAND, M.A., B.Sc., and W. O. R. Gn.LING, M.A., B.Sc:, National Research Scholars, Education Department. Pric~. 28. Postage, 2d.

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PRESS OPINIONS. Ooe of tho most compreheoslv!! efforts In local observation

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Manual No. I.-NEW ZEALAND PLANTS AND THEIR s'rORY. By L. COOKAYNE, Ph.D., F.L.S., F.R.S., F.N.Z.Inst. Second edition, out of print; third edition, lOs. 6d. Postage, 6d. extra.

Manual No. 2.-WTI..D LIFE li~ NEW ZEALAND, Part I: Mammalia. By the Hon. GEO. lVI. THOMSON, 1vI.L.C., F.L.S., F.N.Z.Inst. IlIustr~ted. Price, paper only, 3s. Postage extra (inland, 3d.; abroad, 2d.). Parts I and II, in one volume, paper, 78. 6d.; cloth, lOs. 6d. Postage, 6d. extra.

Manual No. 3.-GEOMORPHOLOGY OF NEW ZEA· _LAND. Part I: Cloth, £1 28. 6d.; paper, ISs.

Manual No. 4.-THE :MAORI AS HE WAS. By ELSDON BEST, F.N.Z.Inst. A brief account of Maori life, his customs, arts, institutions, and beliefs, in pre - European days, with numerons illustrations. Prices: Pa.per covers, 2s. 6d.; cloth,4s. 6d. Postage, 4d. •

Manual No. 5.-WILD LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND. PartII: ;rntroduced Birds and Fishcs. Paper,4s. 6d.; cloth, 78. Postage, 3d.

Manual No. 6.-PLACE NAMES OF BANKS PENIN­SULA. By J. C. ANDERSEN. Cloth, 13s. 6d. Postage, 4d.

Manual No. 7.-BRACHIOPOD MORPHOLOGY. By the late DR. J. A. THOMSON. Cloth, 176. postage,6d'l

THE NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Vols. I, II, III, and IV, 6s. per vol.; Vols. V, VI, VII, VIn, IX. X, and XI, lOs. per vol. Postago per vo1., Is. Vol. XII now appoaring. Six issues per annum. Annual subscription, lOs.; singlo copies. 2s. Postage, 2d.


Nos. I, 2, 3, 4 (out of print). Bulletin No.5. - MAORI STOREHOUSES AND

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Bulletin No. 6.-THE PA 1t1AORI. Price. 22s. 6d. Postage, 6d.

Bulletin No. 7.-THE MAORI CANOE. Prico, 166. Postage, Sd.

Bulletin No. S.-GAlIIES, EXERCISES, AND PAS· TIMES OF THE MAORI. Price, 17s. 6d. Post­age, Sd.

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Bulletin No. 10. -lIIAOR! MYTHOLOGY AND RELIGION. An account of the cosmogony, anthro· pogeny, mythology, religious beliefs, and practiccs of I our Native folk. By ELSDON BEST. Pricc, lOs. 6d. Postago, Sd.

Bulletin No. 12.-FISHING MgTHODS AND DE­VICES OF T~ MAORI By ELSDON BEST. Price: Cloth, lIs. 6d.; paper, 9s. Postage, 8d.

Bulletin No. 13.-THE WHARE KOHANGA (The Nest . House) and its Lore By ELSDON BEST. Price: Pa.per covers, 2s. 6d.; postage. 3d. Cloth covers. 4s.; postage, 4d.

Dominion Museum Monographs: A New and Interesting Series. -By ELSDON BEST, F.N.Z.Inst., the well.known authority on Maori life, institutions, and customs.



No. 3.-ASTRONOll!ICAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE i\1AORI. Price, Is. 6d. Postagc, 3d.

No.4. -It'IAORI DIVISION OF TIME. Price, h. Postage, 2d.

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Name of Publlcatlon.- ---I JJ;:Tf Statistical Publications- s. d. s. d.

New Zealand Official Year-book. Informative 7 6 I 6 and explanatory letterpress on practically every branch of the Dominion's activities a.nd progress, with full statistical informa-tion and numerous diagrams

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Local Anthorities' Handbook. Issucd annually I 7 6 I 0





T HE 1932 Edition of the N.Z. OFFICIAL YEAR-BOOK will issue early in January next. This publication, which will contain all the latest statistics· relating to trade, production, population,

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PAGE I M:rsIJELLANEOUS-':-co71tinued. PAGE 35!ji) Engineers Registration Act: Examinations .. 2551

I List of Persons, Companies, &c., carrying on Fire· 3493, 2506 insurance Business .. 2508



B"NKlWPTCY NOTICES 3553 Mining Privilege struck off Register . • " 2551 Mining Privileges to be struck off Register· " 2511 Officiating Ministers .. .. 3551 Plumbers Registration Act: Removal of Name from

Register .. 3508 Postmaster appointed to take and receive Statutory

Declarations 3493



LAND-Public Trust Office: Agency to be closed.. 3551 Public Trustee: Deceased Persons Estates 35Ml

Certain Land, wbere no clectors, excluded from Borough .. 3491

Public 'l'rustee: Election to administer Estates 3510 Rabbit District constituted 3493

Electric.powcr Bonrds Act, Consenting to Sale of Land under . . . . 3506

Register of Medical Practitioners 3513 RegUlating Vehicular Traffic at Auckland Railway_

stat,ion .. 3512 RegUlations as to Allowanccs to Members of Unem·

ployment Board .. 3492 RegUlations relating to under

Transport Licensing Act 3494 Rcgulations respecting Blue Ensign .. 3551 Shops and Offices Act: Fixing Closing.hours .. 3509 Sittings of Native Land Courts 3509, 3510 Special Order alteryng B01mdaries and adjusting

Forfeiturc of Lands rescinded .. 3552 'I Intention to take Land for Roads 3506 Native LlLnd: Devclopment Schcmc . . 3507 • Proclamation taking Land for Road revokcd 3491 Proclaimed as a Road, and Road closed. . 3489 Proclaimed as Roads .. 3490 Rcservation of Pcrmancnt State Forcst rcvokcd 3491 Takcn for H.oads 3490 Taken for Street Purposes 3489

LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTIC:ES 3555 Representation " 3508

MTSCELLANEOUS- Stocks of Flour, Wheat, and Oats . ; .. 3511 Amount of Special Orcl}ard·tax payable.. .. 3507 'rransport Licensing Act: Transport District con-Authorizing Main Highways Board to construct new stituted 3492

Bridge 3493 Trustee of Drainage District appointed 3508 Certificates of Naturalization issued 3510 Viml Statistics 3545 Change of Name of Locality 3492 Classification of Roads 35071 SlIIl'PTNO-Election of 'l'rustec of Drainagc Dist.rict 3551 Notices to Mariners .. 3551

Price 18. 6d] By Authority: W. A. G. SKINNER, Government Printer, Wellington.

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