Page 1: The Newsletter of Congregation Beth Newsletter of Congregation Beth Jacob “How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling

The Newsletter of

Congregation Beth Jacob

“How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling places, O Israel!”


Plymouth, MA 02361 508-746-1575 MAY/JUNE 2015



Holidays begin at sundown on the

evening before the dates listed.

May 7th Lag B’Omar

May 17th Yom Yerushalayim

May 24th Shavuot


Dear CBJ Congregants,

As I write this we seem to have finally turned the corner into Spring weather…60 degrees feels amazing! I hope that everyone enjoyed a happy and peaceful Passover with friends, family and loved ones. I can’t believe another year has gone by so quickly and another Spring is upon us. With Spring comes the winding down of our Beit Sefer year, which will end with a Family Fun day on May 3rd. We are also plan-ning for our Annual Meeting, which this year will be held on June 14 at 10:00 a.m., so save the date and plan to attend.

At the Annual Meeting we will be presenting a slate of officers for the 2015 – 2017 term, so if anyone is interested in joining the board we do have openings for Vice Presidents (1st or 2nd) and Members-At-Large. We are also in need of a Membership Committee Chairperson, a PTO Chairperson, and a Beit Sefer teacher. And even if an “official” position doesn’t interest you, but you still want to get involved in your synagogue, Brotherhood and Sisterhood always welcome new members. So if you are sitting on the CBJ sidelines…step up and get into the game! We want you to get involved!

I hope to see everyone on June 14 at 10:00 a.m., and until then, enjoy the sun and the blooming flowers and have a wonderful Spring season!


Christine Burke, President CBJ

Presidents Message 1

Rabbi’s Message 2

Beit Sefer News 3

Beit Sefer Registrration

for Fall 2015 4

Sisterhood News 5

Brotherhood News 6

Onegs 7





Calendar 10

Ad Page 11

Inside this issue:

Page 2: The Newsletter of Congregation Beth Newsletter of Congregation Beth Jacob “How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling



The Days Between

The days between the beginning of Passover and the Festival of Shavu'ot (celebrating the gift of the Torah to us at Mount Sinai) -- these seven weeks of days are a kind of extended holiday in their own right. Called "S'feerah," meaning "counting," these days of Counting the Omer, as it is called, link the Festival of our Freedom to our original festival for celebrating the Torah. It's as if to say: Freedom is wonderful, but freedom by itself can run wild. So, our freedom is intimately connected to Torah-Teaching-Law and our sense of what is morally right. In this way, when Torah binds our freedom, the two together really liberate us to be and do the best we can be and the best we can do.

Come and mark our days between Passover and Shavu'ot with us at the Synagogue. We count the days of the Omer every Friday night. When we do, we want to do more than merely recite a number. We rather would strive to make all of our days truly count!

Rabbi Lawrence


We usually meet on Monday mornings at the Synagogue from 8:30 to 10:00. Regular meetings resume on Monday, April 27 and continue on May 4, 11, and 18 and June 1, 8, and 15.


As of April 27, Monday Students are in Bar and Bat Mitzvah lessons

Tuesday, May 26 -- Last regular session for Tuesday students

Thursday, May 28 -- Last session for First Year students


Please mark your calendars!

The last regular meeting of the Confirmation Class will be on Sunday, May 3, beginning at 10:00 a. m. Confirmation Class graduation will take place at our service for Shavu'ot, Saturday evening, May 23, beginning at 7:30 p. m.

Page 3: The Newsletter of Congregation Beth Newsletter of Congregation Beth Jacob “How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling




Arnold Gladstein

Larry Winokur

Christine Burke – President

Open – Vice President

Paula Keller – Recording Secretary

Sheila Finer – Corresponding Secretary

Brian Duckman – Treasurer

Alan Koplan – Assistant Treasurer

Carl Finer - Member-at-Large

Len Freed - Member-at-Large

Melissa Goldbach - Member-at-Large

Jeremy Kusmin - Member-at-Large

Ronnie Hirschhorn - Member-at-Large


.Beit Sefer Units - Purim kicked off a few months of celebration at Beit Sefer. Following an exciting and fun-filled Purim Carnival, the chil-

dren learned about the spring holiday of Lag B'Omer and the way it is celebrated in Israel. Unfortunately, our New England weather prevent-

ed us from having a picnic, bonfire, or other outdoor games. So, we settled for a special board game day, which appeared to be a big hit.

Leading up to the wonderfully delicious chocolate Seder, the children learned about the significance of the Passover holiday, including the story of Exodus and our holiday traditions. Children completed projects including making Seder plates and Matzah trays. Of course this unit, and our school year, culminated with everyone's favorite CBJ tradition -- the Chocolate Seder! YUM!

Join the Beit Sefer Team! - Please be aware that there are openings for one or two teachers, as well as a principal, for next year. After 3 years of being the Beit Sefer principal, and with Hannah moving on to Confirmation Class and Bat Mitzvah preparation, I will be stepping down from my position. Please consider helping to educate our children. Lesson plans and materials are prepared for you, so it's really very easy. No specific background is required. If you have any questions or are interested in these positions, contact Christine Burke or myself. I sincerely hope you'll consider getting involved!

Many Thanks! - I want to take the opportunity to thank many people. First, great thanks to the individuals your children interact with each week - our teachers Emily Burke, Sheila Finer, Elissa Davis, and Ann Maddeford. Thank you to Rabbi Lawrence for his guidance, expertise, and participation. I'm grateful that he was always ready to answer questions from children and adults without warning. Our children are so lucky to be working with such caring educators. Thank you to our Curriculum Committee - Christine Burke, Paula Keller, and Cindy & Seth Teles for creating the lessons and activities for each of our units.

While we didn't have an "official" PTO this year, we did have a group of very dedicated parents who planned wonderful events throughout the year including the Hanukkah party, Purim Carnival, and our upcoming Family Fun Day. Thank you for all your creativity and hard work. You made the children's celebrations so much fun! Again, I quote one of our younger students who said, "Our parents do all the work, so we get to have all the fun!"

Beit Sefer Parents - I know how difficult it is to get up on Sunday mornings to wake your children and get them to Sunday School. Your ef-forts do not go unnoticed. While I suspect your children may not be grateful right now, I hope that when they are older, they'll appreciate your dedication to their religious education and the foundation that CBJ is providing.

It has been a pleasure being the principal of Beit Sefer for the past three years. I've enjoyed working with your children and watching them grow. It's also given me the opportunity to get to know so many of you. Thank you for your ongoing support and for sharing your children each week. Fondly, Laura Finkel

Page 4: The Newsletter of Congregation Beth Newsletter of Congregation Beth Jacob “How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling


Congregation Beth Jacob Registration Form

2015-2016 Education Programs

Please list all students who will be participating in any of our education programs including Beit Sefer, Con-firmation Class, and B'Nai Mitzvah preparation.


Beit Sefer Pre-kindergarten: no charge

Beit Sefer K-6 (includes Hebrew School for grades 3-6): $330

Confirmation Class: $110 B’Nai Mitzvah (includes Confirmation Class and setup/cleanup for Kiddush afterwards): $275 Beit Sefer students: _______ X $330 = $___________ Confirmation students: _______ X $110 = $___________ B'Nai Mitzvah students: _______ X $275 = $___________ TOTAL $___________

There is a family maximum of $700. Do not send in payment at this time. Fees will be added to your July 1st bill.

Check below if you are interested in one of the following positions. A membership stipend is given for each of these positions. ____ Beit Sefer Teacher ____ Beit Sefer Principal

Return form to Laura Finkel at 42 Grabau Drive, Plymouth, MA 02360.

Student Name (first and last)

Phone # Date of Birth Grade (in Sept.)

Page 5: The Newsletter of Congregation Beth Newsletter of Congregation Beth Jacob “How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling


Sisterhood News!

Hi Everyone! Can it really be Springtime? I’m looking out my window today; the sun is shining and I can actually see my driveway and lawn. They’re like old friends that I haven’t seen for a long time!!! Hope this weather holds and soon we will be in shorts and t-shirts! As you know, Sisterhood has been busy during the winter, despite the weather, and we plan to continue all that into Spring and Summer. We had a wonderful Sisterhood-led service and Oneg on March 20th. Many thanks to all who participated, especially Cindy Teles, Paula Kel-ler and Linda Myer for putting together a great program, and Suzanne Goldberg, Margery Kanter, Ronnie Hirschhorn and Cindy Teles for tasty contributions to the Oneg. We also hosted a successful Antique Roadshow on March 22nd, with several people receiving professional appraisals from Josh Rioux of J. James Auctioneers and Appraisers. We would definitely like to do this one again in the future! By the time you read this, we will probably be done, or almost done with Passover, during which Sisterhood will be hosting an Oneg on Friday, April 10th. Coming up on April 13th and April 27th are two Torah Study Groups with Rabbi Silverman, both at 11:00 AM at CBJ. One of our biggest and best events, the Sisterhood Donor Lunch-eon, is coming up on Sunday, May 17th at 12:00 noon at Carmela’s Restaurant in Kingston. This is always a favorite, not just because of the good food and the great Silent Auction prizes, but because it gives all of us a chance to see each other, catch up and welcome members who have been away for awhile! More information will be coming to you and I hope that you will plan to join us! Finally, Shabbat on the Beach is starting this year on June 26th! I can’t wait to breathe the sea air. Some folks have expressed the inter-est and willingness to help out with Onegs, either at the beach or at CBJ during the summer. Suzanne Goldberg will be contacting people - if you know you’d like to do one of these, please let her know! They are fun, relaxed and easy! That’s it for now! Thanks as always to everyone for your support of Sisterhood and me!!! Marjorie

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Greetings and salutations to one and all,

We have a "bunch of stuff" coming up in the next few months. There's the usual bowling on the first and third Tues-days of the month for the select unusual few who don't mind being humbled from time to time. There's a Brotherhood Meeting happening on the 14th of this month where we will discuss a plethora (love that word) of items.....all within an hour's time. That's so we don't put too much pressure on addled, aging minds. We have a "sumptuous" Brotherhood Breakfast scheduled for Sunday, April 26th. The featured speaker will be Deputy Sheriff, Liisa Budge Johnson, with a brand new audio visual program on her beloved Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. We have a new, recognized Recy-cling partner. This is helping us with a new fundraising RECYCLING EVENT, scheduled for May 9th at the Stop & Shop parking lot. On June 13th we will have a reprise to our successful Bingo/Pot Luck Dinner. Last, but certainly, not least, I'm including a reprint of a solicitation that was made a couple of weeks ago. We are once again asking for your support in providing a permanent memorial for the late Karin Goldstein. In life, she highlighted the importance of the Jewish community in the development of Plymouth. It is only right that our congregation re-member her contribution in death. A Stone for Karin: Karin Goldstein was an educator, a historian and a valued member of our Jewish community. She wrote of, and high-lighted the importance of Jewish life in the development of Plymouth. In doing so, she promoted the significance of Congregation Beth Jacob as part of the very fiber of early Plymouth. With her passing at the tender age of 49, we have lost a treasured voice from our congregation, and educator from our community. The Plymouth Antiquarian Society has been creating a path of granite blocks in the garden of Hedge House. With your help, one of these blocks will be set aside as a fitting memorial for Karin from this congregation that was so much a part of her life. These stones are usually valued at over $2,000. However, in recognition of Karin’s considerable work on behalf of the archeology and history of this town, we are being charged only $800 for this memorial to Karin. So, we’re asking that you donate whatever you feel you can to help with this well deserved and meaningful tribute from Congregation Beth Jacob. Please send all donations to Rabbi Silverman made out to "CBJ-Rabbi's Mitzvah Fund", and indicate on your donation that it is to be used to purchase a memorial “Stone for Karin.”

Be well and a Good Pasach to all! Dan Hirschhorn, CBJ Brotherhood

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Dates for hosting Onegs for Shabbat are open right now for 2015. Hope you will all choose at least one special date and treat us to your own version of a Shabbat celebration! Temporarily please contact Suzanne Goldberg at [email protected] reserve yours! May 1 Duckman Family

Simchat Shabbat

May 8. Eli Zelman

May 15 Sue Moore and Roy Zahreciyan

May 22 Suzanne Goldberg & Marjorie Nydell

May 29 Linda Myer

June 5 Lisa & Andy Forman

June 12 Lisa & Justin Feingold

June 19 Brotherhood

June 26 TBA the Beach

Deadline for the July/August TENT is June 9th!

Articles and news may be submitted to Robin Kirby at [email protected] and are accepted earlier than the dead-

line. Please note that the deadline is just that - a deadline.

Thank you in advance for your understanding,

Robin Kirby, Editor


CONFIRMATION GRADUATION WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY, MAY 23RD AT 7:30 PM MAZEL TOV TO: Ashley Burke and Melissa Kirby who will both be Confirmed


Rachel Forman who will become a Bat Mitzvah on June 6th

Joshua Feingold who will become a Bar Mitzvah on June 13th

Shabbat on the beach dates:

June 26th

July 10th

July 24th Blessing of the Animals

August 7th

August 21st




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LIMUD TORAH/TORAH STUDY GROUP Our study of the weekly Torah portion continues, midrash and commentaries included. Our texts are in English translation.

We meet most Mondays, from 8:30 to 10:00 am. Please watch the Weekly Update for May/June dates.

HINENI The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Jacob are continuing (Hineni) to provide one-time or short-term ser-

vices to congregants. To this end, a number of congregants have volunteered to provide rides, meals, and other similar as-

sistance as needed and requested.

For examples, rides to Temple for services, programs, and meetings as well as to appointments can be arranged. Meals will

also be provided on a limited basis.

All congregant requests will be maintained in the strictest of confidentiality. Any requests for assistance should be directed

to the program coordinator, Suzanne Goldberg @ 508-833-8896, or Rabbi Silverman @ 508-746-1575. Volunteers are al-

ways welcomed and needed.



Anne Geller—Lawrence D. Gellar & Family in Celebration of the birth of Gabriel Lawrence Muller newborn son of Alexandra

Geller and Bill Muller

**Reminder** In order for your donation to be listed correctly above, when sending in your donation please print clearly the appropriate fund your gift should be directed to as well as exactly how you wish the dedication to be listed in the newsletter. If this is not legible, the Treasurer does his best at reading what you intended and then passes it along to the Editor of the newsletter for posting. Please indicate to which fund you are donating on both your check and on the envelope.

Contributions are welcome in any amount. Please direct your gift, together with dedication instructions, to the appropriate fund. All gifts will be acknowledged by personal letter to the honoree or to the family of the person in whose memory a gift is made: Mail to:

Congregation Beth Jacob P.O. Box 3284 Plymouth, MA 02361



Contributions to the Rabbi's Mitzvah Fund are always

welcome and, during the winter months, are especially

needed. Checks should be made payable to "CBJ-Rabbi's

Mitzvah Fund" and sent to the Rabbi's attention at P.O.

Box 3284, Plymouth, MA 02361. Please include your

dedication instructions. A note will be sent to the person

(s) honored by your gift or to the family of someone in

whose memory a contribution is made.

Page 9: The Newsletter of Congregation Beth Newsletter of Congregation Beth Jacob “How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling


Members, Guests and Friends of CBJ:

I am happy to remind you of a program that we offer at

Congregation Beth Jacob to inform fellow Jews: both

members and their families and friends of CBJ, of the

annual yahrzeit dates of their loved ones. Once you have

supplied the names and dates (either Hebrew or English)

of those whom you wish to remember, you will receive

notification approximately three weeks in advance of

the yahrzeit date. There is no charge for this service. We

feel that it’s important to supply this service to all inter-

ested Jews.

I realize that our members have furnished this infor-

mation when they joined CBJ. We ask those of you who

have not done so to supply this information again so we

can be sure our records are up-to-date and accurate. This

program is separate from your listings in our annual

Yizkor Book of Remembrance.

Please send this information to:

Congregation Beth Jacob

Attn: Arnold Gladstein

P O Box 3284

Plymouth, MA 02361


Please note: Yahrzeit observance begins the evening preceding the date shown.

26 Belle Myer

27 Solomon Bromberg

28 Faye Rothstein

28 Marc Lipetz

30 Walter Wise


1 Walter Kilimnik

2 Herman Michaels

4 Theodore Strauss

5 Joseph W. Swartz

5 Lloyd Anderson

6 Alfred Bryan

8 Dora G. Bell

8 Faye Rothstein

8 Ruth Cohen

9 Vera Marcus

9 Hattie Resnick Waterman

10 Jack Gurwitch

12 Leon Bromberg

13 Myer "Mike" Starr

14 Ruth Putnam Sherman

14 William Melville

YAHRZEITS FOR MAY/JUNE (Observance begins the preceding evening) MAY

2 Arthur Jacobs

3 William Lippman

6 Arnold Shelly

7 Stella S. Bromberg

9 Harvey F. Cohen

9 Arnold Brodie

12 Miriam Polak Lelyveld

13 Kalman Aharoni

14 Joseph Epstein

14 Edward Greenberg

15 Ida Portnoy

17 Marion Melville

17 Marc Lipetz

18 Jacob Erie

18 Lucille Arons

21 Lawrence Geller

21 Ada Greenberg

22 Rae Baron

24 Minnie E. Kaplan

26 Walter Wise

"May the Memory of each

one abide as a Blessing"

Notes on Yahrzeit observance:

Some customs associated with Yahr-

zeit observance are: lighting a memo-

rial candle at home in the evening at

the beginning of the Yahrzeit period;

saying Kaddish during a Shabbat

service close to the Yahrzeit; donat-

ing to a charity or one of CBJ's spe-

cial funds in memory of the one

whose Yahrzeit is being observed.



(Messages can be left here)

Rabbi Silverman can be reached at 508-746-0010

during Calling Hours and in Case of Emergency

(Confidential messages can be left at this number).

Exception: When one knows that Rabbi Silverman is at

the Synagogue, for example, for Hebrew School or Bar/

Bat Mitzvah lessons, then it makes sense to try the Syn-

agogue number first.


Rabbi Silverman observes Calling Hours on Monday,

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am - noon. In

case of emergency, messages may always be left at 508-


15 Frances Taub

16 Louis Koplan

17 Zelda Silverman

20 Cecile Greenberg

20 Mary Minsky

20 Milton Moore

21 David Starr

21 Frances Strauch

23 Herbert Silverman

24 Jack Greenberg

24 Alice Harris

24 Jack C. Swartz

25 Jack Weiss

29 Kurt Weishaupt

31 Edward R. Bloom


2 Esther Aranowitz

2 John Martini

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Holidays begin at sundown on the evening before the dates listed.

MAY 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 7:30 Simchat Services Oneg: Duckman Family


3 9:45 Beit Sefer Closing Ceremonies 9:45 Confirmation

4 5 7:00 Sisterhood Meet-ing

Brotherhood Bowling

6 7 8 7:30 Services Oneg: Eli Zelman

9 Brotherhood Recy-cling—Stop & Shop

parking lot

10 11 12 13 14 15 7:30 Services Oneg: Sue Moore & Ray Zahreciyan


17 12:00 Sisterhood Donor Luncheon at Carmelas

18 19 Brotherhood Bowling 20 21 22 7:30 Services Oneg: Suzanne Goldgerg & Marjorie Nydell

23 7:30 Confirmation Graduation—Ashley

Burke/Melissa Kirby

24 25 7:00 CBJ Board Meeting

26 27 28 29 7:30 Services Oneg: Linda Myer


JUNE 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 31 1 2 7:00 Sisterhood Meet-

ing Brotherhood Bowling

3 4 5 7:30 Services Oneg: Lisa & Andy Forman

6 10:00 Rachel Forman Bat Mitzvah

7 8 9 TENT DEADLINE JULY/AUGUST ISSUE - Articles due to Robin Kirby

10 11 12 7:30 Services Oneg: Lisa & Justin Feingold

13 10:00 Joshua Feingold Bar Mitzvah Brotherhood Bingo & Pot Luck Dinner

14 10:00 CBJ Annual Meeting

15 16 Brotherhood Bowling 17 18 19 7:30 Services Oneg: Brotherhood


21 22 7:00 CBJ Board Meeting

23 24 25 26 Shabbat on the Beach Nelson Park


28 29 30

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