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From the Pastor’s Desk:

“I am the Good Shepherd, the Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.”

Jesus refers to Himself as our shepherd and those who follow Him as sheep. There have been so many sermons preached over the years about this metaphor used by Jesus here in John chapter 10. One sermon I’ll always remember that spoke to me as an under-shepherd of Jesus was delivered years ago, by President Al Barry at our district Pastor’s Conference. He preached on this text where Jesus identifies Himself as our shepherd. He went on to remind us pastors that we are to be like shepherds who have been called to oversee a part of Christ’s flock. He spoke of ways we pastors were to care for our flocks using the example of Jesus, our Good Shepherd. He especially emphasized the use of the rod and the shepherd's staff, comparing it to God’s Word.

The purpose of the rod and the staff is to comfort and not to hurt. As a shepherd uses his staff to lead the sheep, tapping them every now and then when they begin to stray, so we too are to use the Word of God in the same manner, to help lead our sheep to follow Jesus. He also warned us not to beat the sheep with the staff, to pound them with only God’s law. Doing that will leave them bleeding and lead them to spiritual hopelessness. He was disappointed by the stories he heard from many of the sheep throughout the church body about how some pastors were preaching the law in ways that could eternally isolate the sheep from the love and forgiveness of their Savior.

He continued to explain that there is also a crook on one end of the shepherd’s staff. That end is used to save the sheep. When a sheep has strayed and has fallen into a hole there is no way for them to get out, not without the help of their shepherd. So a faithful shepherd uses that crook to hook underneath the sheep to pull them up to safety. Yes, the sheep need to be lifted up with the Gospel, especially at times when all seems lost. This is the power of Jesus words which bring hope and salvation to the life of a sheep whose situation seems lost and hopeless. He concluded his sermon encouraging us to be faithful shepherds, loving and caring for the sheep, protecting them and helping them to follow their Good Shepherd Jesus.

As you move into these summer months, recognize how your Good Shepherd Jesus is leading you. Watch for ways He leads you to green pastures, providing you with the food you need to feed your soul and to grow in His grace and love. Watch how He richly supplies you with all you need in this life. Look at how He leads you beside still waters, reminding you of the refreshment that is yours in the water of your baptism. Let this imagery of your shepherd leading you to still waters remind you of how His forgiveness and promise of salvation and eternal life gives you calm in the face of raging rivers in your life. Observe how your cup overflows with His grace and His mercy. Know that your Lord walks with you through this valley and how He too went through death on the cross and rose again to bring you through the valley of this world to an eternal place with Him flowing with milk and honey. Jesus says in His own words, “I am the Good Shepherd, the Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” Your Shepherd Jesus loves you and cares for you as a perfect shepherd loves and cares for his sheep and desires that all would follow him to dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Pastor Curtis Deterding

The Newsletter of Zion Lutheran Church 7401 Winkler Road, Fort Myers, FL. 33919 Phone: (239) 481-4040 Webpage:

J��� & J��� 2018

Happy Father’s Day and Independence Day!!!

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Dear northern associate members and friends,

Greetings to you from sunny Florida in the name of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus


Through the faithful stewardship of the Body of Christ here at Zion Lutheran Church,

we are blessed to proclaim the Gospel in both word and deed as we reach out to the

churched and unchurched in our surrounding community.

The reason we are writing you this letter is to thank our dear Lord for the generous

offering of your time, talent and treasures while you are here worshipping and serving

with us at Zion. As you know, hurricane Irma created a great financial burden and your

generosity has greatly helped us through this challenging time.

We also want you to know that you are truly missed. We enjoy the presence and

fellowship with us during the winter months and there is a major hole left in our

congregation when everyone leaves. The average worship attendance during these

coming months, May through September is approximately a third of those who worship

with us “in season.” Because Zion experiences this sharp reduction in church

attendance it obviously impacts our income.

During the time you are away the work we are doing here in God’s kingdom continues.

Our full time members and staff continue to reach out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The cost to maintain our facility continues even though income is dramatically

reduced. Years ago the full time and associate members of Zion decided to build a

larger facility to accommodate the great number of associate members and friends

who come here every winter to enjoy the area. So, as you can imagine, trying to

maintain a positive cash flow during the summer is always challenging.

That’s why we are sending this letter of thanks. There are many of you who have

been continually supporting us while you are away while at the same time supporting

your churches up north. We are extremely grateful for your generosity and want to

encourage you to continue your support which helps us during the “off season.”

Your continued support will continue to encourage Zion’s members to continue with

the mission to reach out and serve our community with ongoing Christ-like love and

compassion. To keep in touch with the ministry here at Zion while you’re away, we

invite you to visit our website at or like us on Facebook. Simply type

Zion Lutheran Church Fort Myers in your Facebook search bar and click on the

“thumbs up” (or like) button.

Thank you again for your friendship, support and for being a partner together with us

in the mission Christ has given us here at Zion. And may God continue to bless you as

you serve together with your Christian brothers and sisters where you are.

Your brothers and sisters in Christ!

Pastor Curtis and members of Zion Lutheran

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Summer Worship Schedule

This year we are going to continue to offer three worship times through the summer months. They will continue as follows:

8:00 am Traditional Service

9:30 am Blended Service

11:00 am Traditional Service

If you have any questions or concerns with any of the worship times or services, please contact Pastor Curtis. Bible class will continue to be offered on Sunday mornings during the summer at 9:30 am.

Zion Fellowship Event - Winetasting at Waterside

Thrivent Financial is providing some opportunities for church families in the Cape Coral and Fort Myers areas to come together for fellowship and fun. This wine tasting event sponsored by Thrivent will be held on Thursday, July 12, 2018 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. The cost for the event is only $5 per person ($20 value). The event will be held at the Waterside Wine Club at Cape Harbour Marina 5785 Cape Harbour Drive, Suite 203, Cape Coral, FL 33914. Wine and hors d ’oeuvres will be served. Come with some of your church family to enjoy a great time together. You must register for this event through our Fellowship Ministry. Simply sign up for the event at the welcome center. Any questions, please contact Chris Fenn.



In June we will participate in the ice cream social and game night on June 8 at 6:30pm, participate in the servant event, and help with church services on June 24 at 9:30am. In July we hope to go to the Escape Room, but time and date will be determined when they put out their schedule. Any youth who just completed 7th to 11th grade, that is interested in attending the National Youth Gathering next summer in Minneapolis needs to talk to Tim. Registration will be due in August.

Tim Notes

I am changing my email from this current yahoo one to [email protected] This is because I do so much through google that I need to have a Gmail account and because of the amount of spam I am getting in my old one. I will keep my yahoo email for several months, but please update your information and start using this new one. Thank you. Tim Richter

Roof Repair Update

Many people are wondering what’s happening with the roof? We’ve been working with the insurance company and after several adjuster’s and many months we have finally received the initial proceeds from the insurance company which will enable us to start the roof replacement. A roofing contractor has been selected and we plan to have the work completed over the next several months.

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We have a new page on our

church website. It is a

members' only page that has

our full church calendar and

an updated directory. If you

wish to be able to access this

information, please call the

church office for the

password. There will be more

information added to this site

in the future as well.

What’s on God’s Refrigerator Door?

If you are a parent or grandparent or even just an admirer of a young child, your refrigerator door may be the showcase of one or more paintings or drawings. To a visitor, that work of art may be just a mass of scribbles, but to the one who loves the child it is a masterpiece. We love the gift because of the person who made it and gave it to us. It is precious to us because it was a gift from the heart. The motive of the child was pure and loving.

Perhaps our gifts to God are similar. We’re such amateurs, such babies. God could accomplish His work so much more efficiently by Himself. Our works, even if monumental by human standards, are just scribbles if God would judge them in relation to His ability. Because He loves us, though – and loves us far more than a parent or grandparent loves a child – He looks at our works with eyes of love. He sees our hearts and knows we are motivated by love and faith, and He is pleased. He is so pleased that, if He had a refrigerator, He’d use it to display our works done for His glory.

God has given us gifts to use for this purpose – to glorify Him by serving others. In 1 Peter 4:10 we read, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” God has seen to it that each of us has something to offer. He gives us the privilege of serving and then provides all that we need to do so.

Just as the budding art student improves with the help of a teacher and with appropriate tools to create his work, so does God teach us through His Word how to fulfill our purpose and how to improve our service. So also He gives gifts of time and money and talents and then His Word and Sacrament to strengthen us for service.

Stewardship Ministry

You scream, I scream, we all scream for Ice Cream!

Come join in the fun at a Ice Cream Social

and Game Night on June 8, 2018 from 6 to

8PM in the Fellowship Hall

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Sunday, June 17, 2018 at 12:00 PM All full time and associate members are encouraged to attend this meeting if present. The agenda includes the election of four seats on the Executive Board, a proposal to hire a part time Social Media Coordinator, a proposal to add a part time maintenance worker, reports from the Treasurer, the Pastor and various Ministries. Voter informational packets containing the handout materials will be available at the Welcome Center a week before the meeting. Plan now to attend.


We are trying to increase our advertising of Zion to the surrounding

community through social media. This is a powerful tool when used correctly, but it takes your participation to make

it work. Every week we will be posting questions or activity information on our church page. Check in regularly and

leave comments, like and share them. Our first post in 4 hours reached 135 people and received 15 comments.

Lets see if we can triple that each week and get the word out about Zion and all that we have to offer here. To

become friends with Zion Facebook page just type Zion Lutheran Fort Myers in the Facebook search bar. Once your

at the Zion page click the like thumb and follow button. Be sure to check the page often. Thanks for your help.


Money and the Great Commission

Jesus’ parting command was: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20). Jesus was very direct and explicit with His mandate. There is no question as to where or with whom we are to share the Gospel. The love that God gives to us is to be shared by us with all people everywhere. He has given us our marching orders, and, in His strength, we can give ourselves fully to His work.

Because God has chosen to use us as His tools to bring salvation to all people, we must use our lives and gifts to spread the Good News. Paul wrote, “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us” (2 Corinthians 5:20). One of the tools that God gives us to use in our mission of reaching out to others with the Gospel is our money. According to an old stewardship phrase, “Stewardship without mission is unnecessary and mission without stewardship is impossible.” Stewardship and mission are inseparable. The funding of the Great Commission needs to come from believers. The money which God entrusts to us has many purposes, and the funding of mission work is of first importance. Through the giving of our money, we demonstrate our obedience to Jesus’ command to reach out to all people. Paul wrote that, through our giving, we “test the sincerity of [our] love by comparing it with the earnestness of others” (2 Corinthians 8:8).

For nonbelievers and those who lack spiritual maturity, the giving of money is done begrudgingly out of a sense of obligation. By the grace of God, our attitude toward giving is a “want to” rather than a “got to” give. We view giving as a privilege and an opportunity to spread the Gospel through our money. Our giving expresses our gratitude for who God is and all that He has done for through His Son. Through faith, we hold onto our money loosely and then are privileged to experience the joy of giving as we give God our first and best. As Christians we understand that God has a claim on all that we have, so we willingly and cheerfully give our money to help all people hear of God’s love. Money is an important tool for God’s mission. Through our faithful giving, we are able to leverage our witnessing to all people.

Stewardship Ministry

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Thomas Biddle I live at Boardwalk Caper, Fort Myers Beach, Florida with my loving wife Pamela. We have attended Zion Lutheran since 2012 and quickly became members. At Zion Lutheran I have helped with certain Fellowship functions over the past few years as well as Pam and I both enjoying the 9:30 Bible Study each Sunday led by Tom Cioper. I am a graduate of International Business College with degree in Business Administration and Finance. From 1966 thru 2010 I worked in marketing and management at NCR, Richard Restaurants/Bearcreek Farms, formed two Companies and sold both. Pam and I were members of Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church in Indiana where I was involved in the Men's Bible Study, fund raising for our Church expansion and Director of Fellowship for Church outings and functions. Pam and I are both grateful for our Zion Lutheran family and look forward to many future years together.

Ken Koopman Personal: Baptized and confirmed in the LCMS. Joined Zion in 1982. After graduating from Illinois, began a career with public consulting firms and multi-

facility healthcare organizations, retiring as Senior Vice President of Health Management Associates. Positions/Activities: Nationally, served on the Federation of American Heath Systems (Finance, Legislative, and Legal & Operations committees). Appointed by CMS to the Medicare Technical Advisory Group. Member of the Florida Hospital Association, HFMA, AHLA. Completed Cursillo/Walk to Emmaus. Zion Evangelism Chairman, Building Committee, MPS, Zion Manor Secretary, former Executive Board Secretary, Stephen Leader, Stephen Minister, Lay Communion Visitor, Communion Assistant, Call Committee Chairman, Stewarding Ministry, Property Management Ministry, Endowment Board Chairman, Constitution & By-Laws Review Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, TTB, current Executive Board President.

Dale Kraemer Personal I am a retired biomedical research statistician. My wife Christine and I moved to Fort Myers and joined Zion in January, 2016. I have been a member in Lutheran Churches for my entire life and attended Lutheran Elementary and High School in the Chicago suburbs. I earned my doctoral degree in biostatistics from the University of Iowa. I have lived in 9 states across the country.

2018 Nomina'on Candidates Profiles for Zion Lutheran Church Execu've Board

ELECTION FOR THE EXECUTIVE BOARD will be held on June 17, 2018 at the Congregation Meeting 12:00 noon in the Sanctuary

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Positions / Activities I have served in various capacities within my church homes including elder (including chair of the elders), council member (including president and vice president), church service assistant, committee member (including financial and stewardship), greeter, and usher. In my professional capacity, I have worked within various teams to complete research projects in medical schools, hospitals, a pharmaceutical company, and other settings. I have also participated in strategic planning processes and structured decision-making exercises. In my time at Zion, I have served as a communion server, usher, reader, and in the Harlem Heights ministry.

Mary Lewis

Personal I am a lifelong Lutheran from Madison, Wisconsin. Came to Fort Myers via Miami where I lived for 14 years and, as a member of Christ the King Lutheran, was a Sunday School teacher most of those years. Moved to Fort Myers and became a member at Zion shortly after my parents joined in the early 1990’s. I work as a nurse practitioner now, but was the Dean of Health Professions at Florida Southwestern College. I have earned two masters degrees and three doctoral degrees. Married to Gary and mother to Brian, and grandmother of two. Positions/Activities Lay reader at Zion for about 17 years. Have been a Greeter and Communion Assistant over the years at Zion. Volunteer at Harry Chapin Food Bank. I have been the CPR instructor at Zion and many organizations for about 16 years. Took

blood pressures between services for many years. Volunteer instructor on medical error prevention throughout the state of Florida. Currently the Membership chair for the Lee County Nurse Practitioner Group and Conference Committee for the Florida Nurse Practitioner Council.

Louise “Lou” Weber Personal: A Hoosier (IN) by birth. Raised by Lutheran parents; involved with Sunday School, VBS and Walther League throughout high school/college. Married Michael 47 years ago. Son, Jason, is a pastor in IL. Graduate of Concordia Chicago (1969) where I received the Alumna of the Year award in 2010. Graduate degrees from Queens College, New York (MA) and College of New Jersey (Principal’s Certification). Lutheran teacher/administrator/educational missionary for 41 years, serving in New York, St. Louis, Hong Kong and Shanghai, China. Retired to Ft. Myers in 2010 and joined Zion. Positions/Activities: Service @ Zion: WEMB (ECC) Board; communion assistant; multigenerational family camps; Women in Mission (LWML); ECC chapel presenter; chair of church directory project; clown ministry during worship; co-leader of Motivated for Mission and People of Passion groups. Service in Fort Myers: chaired Lee County Thrivent Board; trained shelter manager for Lee County Emergency Operations and Red Cross. Served on various boards in the Atlantic District of LCMS, at Church of All Nations in Hong Kong and at Abundant Grace International Fellowship in Shanghai.

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The executive board of LWML hosted a Spring Luncheon on May 14. Guests included 20 members and the church office staff. This concluded the 2017-18 season. The next meeting will be September 10, at 12:00 noon. We welcome all women of Zion to join us.

LWML-FL-GA-DISTRICT CONVENTION!!!!!! “Strengthened. Helped. Upheld" September 28-30, 2018 in Orlando, Florida. Each Society is expected to send two delegates and two alternates. Please contact Mary Middleton or Lou Weber if you are interested in attending. Early registration must be submitted by June 30, 2018. Registration forms may be found in the Spring Evangel located on the LWML table in the atrium.

Please remember to collect Mites throughout the summer. Mission goals continue year-round. The large mite box is located on the LWML table in the atrium. Additional mite boxes are available, perhaps you’d like an additional one to place in your car for road trips.

Josh Schmidt

Josh Schmidt graduated Concordia Seminary St Louis on May 18th 2018. He will be ordained by his father, Rev. Travis Schmidt on Sunday, May 27 in Erie, PA and will be installed at Messiah Lutheran Church and School, Grand Junction, CO on June 3, 2018. Josh grew up in the Midwest. He was born in Minnesota, moved to Wisconsin, and lived in Iowa through High School. Knowing God had called him into the ministry, he attended the Concordia University of Wisconsin in Mequon, graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Pre-Seminary Studies. In the fall shortly after college graduation he moved to St. Louis to begin his seminary studies there. While at seminary, he has been involved with A Christian Ministry in the National Parks. This ministry has allowed him to serve in Montana, Utah, and Death Valley as a chaplain/church planter. Continuing church work, he loved serving as a vicar in Clio, Michigan and he can’t wait to be back out west again. His father and mother now live in Erie, PA where his father is an LCMS pastor. His sister, who graduated with an art degree from Concordia St. Paul, lives in Milwaukee, WI. and his brother who graduated from the University of Valparaiso with a Computer Engineering Degree now serves at an Air Force base in Dayton, OH.

Josh has been prayerfully and financially supported by Zion LWML during his seminary years. We wish him continued blessings as he begins his Pastoral ministry. Cards of good wishes and blessings may be sent to Messiah Lutheran Church 840 North 11th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501.

Calling all cooks, food lovers and kitchen staff! Zion is in the beginning phase of collecting recipes for a cookbook as we celebrate 50 years of Glory to God in Fort Myers. Many meals have been shared throughout these 50 years. You might be able have too many cooks in the kitchen but we can never have too many cooks in the recipe book! We are asking that you search your recipes select a few of your favorites. Recipes can be emailed to Mary Middleton at [email protected] or sent to Mary at 9000 Spring Mountain Way, Ft. Myers, FL 33908. Additional information will follow.

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“Parish Nurse Notes”

by Lynda Hagman, PhD, RN

“The Lord is my light and my salvation-Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-of

whom shall I be afraid? ...One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the

house of the Lord all the days of my life… “ (Psalm 27: 1,4 NIV)

As June begins, so does hurricane season. Take precautions and make sure that you have your ‘to go’ bag

ready and a few staples on the shelf just in case. We will pray that we are spared a major storm this year

and that we can donate the canned goods to charity in the fall.

Summer is also a time to enjoy all the fresh fruits and vegetables from our gardens. Eating plenty of fruits

and vegetables is a cornerstone of good health. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help you:

Keep blood pressure under control

Reach and maintain healthy cholesterol levels

Keep your arteries flexible

Protect your bones

Keep the eyes, brain, digestive system, and just about every other part of the body healthy.

Many of us have trouble putting that knowledge into practice and getting five or more (intended emphasis

on “more”) servings a day. One reason you might not be tapping into the power of produce is that you may

think they are expensive. However, the U.S. Department of Agriculture states you can get three servings of

fruit and four servings of vegetables for well under $2 per day. Preparation time, unfamiliarity, old habits are

other obstacles to eating more fruits and vegetables. Here are 13 ways you can add fruits and vegetables

to your diet.

1. Know your needs. The guidelines recommend 2 cups of fruit and 21/2 cups of vegetables a

day. When you are used to that, add another, and keep going.

2. Set a goal. If fruits and vegetables are minor items in your menu, start by eating one extra

fruit or vegetable a day. When you’re used to that, add another and keep going.

3. Be sneaky. Adding finely grated carrots or zucchini to pasta sauce, meatloaf, chili, or a stew

is one way to get an extra serving of vegetables.

4. Try something new. It’s easy to get tired of apples, bananas, and grapes. Try kiwi, mango, fresh

pineapple, or some of the more exotic choices now found in the grocery store.

5. Blend in. A fruit smoothie is a delicious way to start the day or tide you over until dinner.

6. Be a big dipper. Try dipping vegetables into hummus or salsa, some spiced yogurt, or a bit

of ranch dressing. Or slather some peanut butter on a banana or apples slices.

7. Spread it on. Try mashed avocado as a dip with diced tomatoes and onions. Pureed cooked

spinach is also a delicious dip. Either can also be used as a sandwich spread.

8. Start off right. Ditch your morning donut for an omelet with onions, peppers, and

mushrooms. Top it with some salsa to wake up your palate. Or boost your morning cereal or

oatmeal with a handful of strawberries, blueberries, or dried fruit.

9. Drink up. Having a 6 oz. glass of low-sodium vegetable juice instead of a soda gives you a full

serving of vegetables and spares you 10 teaspoons of sugar.

10. Give them the heat treatment. Cut up some onions, carrots, zucchini, asparagus, turnips-

whatever you have on hand- coat with a little olive oil, add a dash of balsamic vinegar, and roast at

350◦F until done. Grilling is another way to bring out flavor in vegetables and fruit. Grilled and

roasted vegetable can be used in sandwiches or added to salads.

11. Let someone else do the work. Food companies and grocers offer an ever-expanding

selection of prepared produce, from ready-made salads to frozen stir-fry mixes and take-along

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sliced apples and dip.

12. Improve on nature. Jazz up vegetables with spices, chopped nuts, balsamic vinegar, olive

oil, or specialty oil like walnut or sesame oil. Even a dash of grated Parmesan cheese can liven up

the blandest green beans.

13. Get help from Willy Wonka. Try any fruit dipped in dark chocolate: what could be a tastier

two-fer? In addition to a delectable dessert, you get plenty of heart-healthy antioxidants, some fiber,

and a host of vitamins, minerals, and other plant nutrients.

Adapted from:

This month, Chris Kraemer also has a message for us. Chris is an active member of the Health Ministry

team and an oncology nurse.

“Parish Nurse Notes”

By Chris Kraemer, RN

June 4, 2018 has been designated as Cancer Survivor’s Day. This is a day to celebrate all cancer survivors and their caregivers. Many groups and communities around the country host celebrations of life. But these celebrations should not be limited to those surviving cancer. We are all survivors. And we all should celebrate life and all the good things God has given us.

During my 45 years of working as a nurse, my life was touched by so many survivors. Some were patients, some were family and friends. They supported each other during times of great stress. So often a large part of their coping mechanism was their faith in God. Jesus is someone that we can all rely on. Jesus is always with us, through good times and bad. Whether you have a serious illness or a life changing event, know that our Lord is with us every step of the way, encouraging, guiding and helping. We are all survivors. We should celebrate all the good and wonderful things God has given us every day.

I would like to share a poem, written by a young college student. She faced every day with grace and courage and willingly shared her faith with all. May we all celebrate the life God had given us.

Come celebrate with me, I am a survivor. Learn about me, about my illness. Please ask me questions, I’d love to tell you about the battles I have won, and the few I have lost. Cancer is part of my life. To you it may be frightening. Chemotherapy, hospital gowns, sickness. To me it is being greeted with smiling faces by the most heroic people I have ever met. To me it is being reassured that I can survive. It is smiling as my family argues over who stays with me in the hospital. It is learning to enjoy every day, one day at a time. Learning that today may not be so good, but knowing that tomorrow will probably be better. It is meeting people, sharing your stories, and cheering for each other. It is learning to take a big bite out of life and savor it. Through cancer, I have learned to bring my mind, body and soul together to heal my wounds. I have learned that the body is beautiful and wondrous, whether I’m bald or not. I have learned that there are wonderful medicines that cure wonderful people. I have learned that doctors are not to be frightened of, but to joke and cry with, they are people too. I have learned that when I go to the hospital, I’m always greeted with smiles by other patients and the staff. I have met people who have lived, and people who have died. I celebrate the joy I have had with these people. We have experienced togetherness. Do not pity me because I am young. My illness has taught me to look at the world with wonder, through the eyes of a child.

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Don’t Leave Home without It

Family vacations, planned during summer months, involve packing needed provisions to fully enjoy intended destinations. You’ve heard the commercials, reminding us not to ‘leave home without it.’ This message corresponds to a credit card that promises to provide sufficient financial funds for travel risks and opportunities.

Financial resources for vacation cost is important to travelers. The promise of financial reserves evokes fear and greed, motivations for many. Some haven’t saved enough of their earned resources to pay for the enjoyment they desire. What if vacationers incur unforeseen expenses?

Like planning for financial excesses, so planning for the unlikely possibility of tragedy during family trips is another motivation that people consider before vacations.

Writing a last will and testament or living trust is also arranged in larger numbers during this season. Apparently, many don’t want to leave home without these important plans completed.

An estate plan that witnesses to faith, protects minor children and provides adequately for them involves a will that nominates a trusted person as guardian(s), who care for the physical well-being of legal minors. Additionally, parents nominate a trustee(s) to manage financial resources left behind. Minor trust’s provisions stipulate how property will be managed for their benefit, if orphaned.

Protecting minor children includes trust provisions in your will to detail how income and principal assets are preserved and spent, at the trustee’s discretion, for the children’(s)’ health, education and general welfare. If Christian education is desired, stipulations encouraging this are included.

Trusts for minors determine the age and nature of distributions to assure funds are distributed at an age when they can handle property. Proportionate ministry distributions can validate their parents’ faith, upon final distribution.

Don’t leave home without a ‘Lifetime Plan for Giving.: Plan today for blessings tomorrow, so Christ’s love, which last forever, can be exalted.

For more information, contact Jim Pennington, Zion Gift Planning Counselor, at 863-370-0305 or [email protected]

I only wish everyone would stop and enjoy life and all the joy it brings us. Forgive me if I am tearful some days. Everybody has bad days. I cry simply because I love life and the people I share it with. Tell me I’m beautiful. Some days are trying in this world and some days I feel like an alien. Joke with me about my problems, smiling is far more enjoyable for all of us. It is you that I live for. I live to laugh and play. I survive because I know I can call a friend anytime, anywhere. I live for them. I live to be a teacher and student and to learn life’s lessons. I fight my battles so one day I can have a family and rediscover the world through their eyes. I survive for my family, my friends and the friends I will someday meet. Life is meant to be shared. I survive because every minute creates a memory. I am strong. I am beautiful. I am a survivor. Jennifer Gregoria 9/20/1996

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School Calendar

June 4 ECC Summer Camp Begins

Zion Summer Camp Schedule

June 4, 2018 ~ July 27, 2018

Zion Summer Camp Hours 8:30 am – 12:00 pm


Morning care only: 7:00 am - 8:30 am Afternoon Care: 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm Late Afternoon Care: 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

ECC Summer Camp Staff

Oh Lord, our Lord, how

excellent is your name in

all the earth!

Psalm 8:1b

You’re Invited!

Please join us for



@ 8:00 am & 11:00 am


@ 9:30 am

WEMB Meeting

6/20/2018 @ 2:30 pm

8/15/2018 @ 2:30 pm

Ms. Cheri

Ms. Cindy

Ms. Sharron

Mr. Cam

Ms. Anna

Ms. Sandra

Ms. Amanda

Ms. Madison

Mr. Sam

Ms. Megan

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June & July 2018 Newsle�er Zion Lutheran Church & Early Childhood Center Page 13


ZION’S MISSION STATEMENT: We are people made special by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, reaching out

through Jesus to give people hope and help them grow.


ZION VBS: June 18-21 (Please note revised dates)

Planning & Preparation


Arts & Crafts





After-School Program – Reading, Homework

Summer Camp

GED Tutoring

ESL Tutoring

Job Coaching

Computer Skills

Teen Mentoring (One-on-One Committed Relationship)


New Construction (Build Days: Tues., Wed., & Fri.)



Provide Lunch/Coffee & Donuts

Provide School Supplies

If you have time you would like to offer to the Lord in his service as part of our Harlem Heights

Outreach Ministry, please contact Bonnie Jankowski at 275-5523 or [email protected]

The merchants represented are not sponsors of scrip fundraising or otherwise affiliated with Great Lakes Scrip Center. The logos and other identifying marks used are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company’s website for additional terms and conditions. © 2015 Great Lakes Scrip Center LLC

Coordinator, Beth Wallace [email protected]


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Bell Tower Restoration

As the song says, Lift High the Cross the Love of

Christ Proclaim. For over thirty years the cross

atop Zion’s bell tower has served as a visible

symbol of Christ’s presence to the area. Over the

years the bell tower has weathered many storms

and is now urgently in need of repair. However, the

cost of repairs is not budgeted. If you would like to

help with this project mark your contributions to

“Bell Tower Fund”.

In Exodus Chapter 16, we read of the fascinating account of God literally raining down bread from heaven! This is a tremendous reminder for us today of how our great God provides “daily bread” for his people.

Well, I have never found any manna on my lawn in the morning, but I still constantly marvel at how God continues to provide for His people and for His church. A great example of that is an awesome new resource called

Heartfelt Giving has given over $52,000 to Lutheran churches and charities over the last 3 years.

Now Zion has the opportunity to receive cash back from Heartfeltgiving!

Here’s how it works! Many of us are already shopping online at name-brand stores and travel centers and receiving nothing back for doing so. Now, with, we can get cash for our church with every online purchase we make!

Since the average family spends enough online to bring back to their church about $102 per year, a church with 100 families would generate over $10,000 for ministries in their church every year! Larger churches (and those with schools or preschools) would generate even more.

Zion Lutheran has registered with Heartfelt Giving for FREE!

And now Zion has its own online shopping mall.

You can get to our mall through our own unique web address at

You must go through this web address in order to benefit Zion!

First, you type in the above web address and go to the Heartfelt Giving website and you will see our name Zion Lutheran Church near the top of the page. This means you are in our online mall. Now, let’s say you want to shop online at the Walmart store. So, you look through the stores on the site until you find the Walmart store and then click on their logo. You will then be directed to their site and you just simply do your online shopping like you always do. The prices are the same when you go through our shopping mall on the Heartfelt Giving website as they are if you were to go directly to that site. The only difference is that when you go shopping online through our shopping mall, using Zion’s personal website address, then our church will get a percentage of what we spend sent back to our church! So now you can shop online and at the same time benefit our church. What a great stewardship opportunity we have been blessed with.

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Financial Report

YTD Through April 2018

REVENUE April Actual YTD Actual YTD Budget

ENVELOPES $74,861 $326,542 $305,624

PLATE $7,553 $31,074 $30,932

OTHER $109,578 $128,064 $9,696

SUBTOTAL $191,992 $485,680 $346,252

ECC $53,098 $178,852 $180,424

GRAND TOTAL $245,090 $664,532 $526,676


April Actual

YTD Actual

YTD Budget


MORTGAGE $15,044 $60,176 $64,000

FINANCE $2,750 $40,559 $45,605

PERSONNEL $35,069 $167,215 $158,750

PROPERTY $9,851 $26,833 $32,788

ALL OTHER $13,468 $27,184 $32,277

SUBTOTAL $76,182 $321,967 $333,420

ECC $34,276 $153,125 $148,864

GRAND TOTAL $110,458 $475,092 $482,284

This report displays the giving to the General Fund and the receipts to the School Fund. The Ministry Disbursements display all funds disbursed for the various Ministries of Zion.

NET $134,632 $189,440 $44,392

The Clothes Closet

The Clothes Closet is in need of new shoes for children and backpacks for the start of school in August. The shoppers for all school needs at the Closet amazingly begins in July. The policy of the Clothes Closet allows the shopper to come with an agency endorsed voucher for the shopping needs as outlined on the voucher. The return to shop is encouraged to not occur more frequently than 9-12 months. As a volunteer, I direct their needs for all seasons. Over summer the numbers of volunteers decrease with travel. Please consider sharing your needed volunteer time at the Clothes Closet.

To the congregation of Zion Church:

The mission of Friendship Centers is to help older adults stay healthy, engaged and independent. Having enough to eat is a big part of that. Thanks to your generosity, we are able to deliver bags full of good, nutritious food to needy older adults across Lee County each month. We recently completed a survey of our food bag clients, and their comments say it best: “Please don’t stop delivering”, “The volunteers are so pleasant and caring”, and “I thank God for all of you. God bless you all.” Your donations of food are indeed a blessing to these folks, and Friendship Centers deeply appreciates your ongoing support.

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8:00 am


June 3 Karen LaCroix

June 10 Mary Lewis

June 17 Marilyn Zimmermann

June 24 Dale Kraemer


June 3 Sharon Place, Tom Cioper

June 10 Sharon Place, Tom Cioper

June 17 Jo Ann Deterding

Rebecca Deterding

June 24 Jo Ann Deterding

Rebecca Deterding


Willie LaCroix (captain)

Chuck Eno

Ken Jacques

Dale Kraemer

Karen LaCroix

Pat Lauer




A: Jean Lyden, Sharon Place

Phyllis Shultz



C: Irene Crighton

Barb Endrulat, Judy Hake

Joyce Malavenda

A: Jean Lyden, Sharon Place

Phyllis Shultz




Joan Cioper

Mike & Lou Weber

Marilynn Zimmerman



Chris Kraemer

Leona Nelson

Mike Weber

Marilyn Zimmerman


Jake Bojarzin

9:30 am


June 3 Dave Buelow

June 10 Terry Furhovden

June 17 Delores Dorse�

June 24 Youth Lead


June 3 Madison Franz , Zac Erb

June 10 Zac Erb, Lynda Nesbi�

June 17 Faith Deterding

Madison Franz

June 24 Faith Deterding

Lynda Nesbi�


Dick Dorse� (captain)

Denny Bowers

Susan Franz

Terry Furhovden

Don Harvey

Fritz Pohler

Jim Reynolds

Pat Sullivan



and 4th


B: Bobbie Baumgartner

Marge Casper, Patrice Lee

Marsha White, Jane Wickliff




Donna Hensiak

Becky Luallen

Mike & Lou Weber



Lois Kress

Becky Luallen

George Semenek

Rick Wickliff


June 3 Nick Hogrefe

June 10 Kaia Miller

June 17 Keegan Weigelt

June 24 Anais Sarnelli

11:00 am


June 3 Ken Koopman

June 10 Ken Koopman

June 17 Judy Collins

June 24 Angela Bri�enham


Hugh Bri�enham

Tim Richter


Clyde Berger

Joseph Bukvic

Murl Hoppe

Vern & Linda Merz

Joseph Pollock



and 3rd


A: Jean Lyden, Sharon Place

Phyllis Shultz

C: Irene Crighton, Barb Endrulat

Judy Hake, Joyce Malavenda



and 3rd


Judy Collins

Barbara Endrulat

Ken Koopman

Joyce Malavenda

Juanita Vieira

June Schedule

*Informaon in

this schedule is

subject to change

without noce.

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8:00 am


July 1 Jackie Koepchen

July 8 Joan Cioper

July 15 Joan Cioper

July 22 Mary Middleton

July 29 Mary Middleton


July 1 Jo Ann Deterding, Tom Cioper

July 8 Sharon Place

Rebecca Deterding

July 15 Jo Ann Deterding, Tim Richter

July 22 Rebecca Deterding

Tom Cioper

July 29 Jo Ann Deterding

Sharon Place


Ted Rowe (captain)

Wayne Benedeck

Pam La Fontaine

Pat Rowe

John VerseC



A: Jean Lyden, Sharon Place

Phyllis Shultz


C: Irene Crighton

Barb Endrulat, Judy Hake

Joyce Malavenda

A: Jean Lyden, Sharon Place

Phyllis Shultz




Joan Cioper, Ken Koopman

Pamela LaFontaine

Avis Schmitz



Ken Koopman, Chris Kraemer

Pamela LaFontaine

Marilyn Zimmerman



Joan Cioper, Ken Koopman

Mike & Lou Weber


Jake Bojarzin

9:30 am


July 1 Dave Buelow

July 8 George Semenek

July 15 Carol Calder

July 22 David Fee

July 29 Lois Kress


July 1 Faith Deterding, Zac Erb

July 8 Jo Ann Deterding

Lynda Nesbi�

July 15 Madison Franz, Tim Richter

July 22 Faith Deterding

Jo Ann Deterding

July 29 Madison Franz, Zac Erb


Peter Hogrefe (captain)

Gerry Poppe

Becky Luallen (cc)

Bob Goodman

Carl Landgrebe

Dean Luallen



, 4th

and 5th


B: Bobbie Baumgartner

Marge Casper, Patrice Lee

Marsha White, Jane Wickliff



Sunday David Fee,

George Semenek

Dennis & Karen Youngs


Sunday David Fee, Ken Koopman

Lois Kress, Becky Luallen


Sunday David Fee, Becky Luallen

George Semenek

Rick Wickliff


July 1 Nick Hogrefe

July 8 Kaia Miller

July 15 Keegan Weigelt

July 22 Anais Sarnelli

July 29 Kaia Miller

11:00 am


July 1 Ken Koopman

July 8 Angela Bri�enham

July 15 Judy Collins

July 22 Angela Bri�enham

July 29 Ken Koopman


Hugh Bri�enham


Clyde Berger

Joseph Bukvic

Murl Hoppe

Vern & Linda Merz

Joseph Pollock



and 3rd


A: Jean Lyden, Sharon Place

Phyllis Shultz

C: Irene Crighton, Barb Endrulat

Judy Hake, Joyce Malavenda



and 3rd

and 5th


Judy Collins

Barbara Endrulat

Ken Koopman

Joyce Malavenda

Juanita Vieira



Sunday all three services

A: Jean Lyden, Sharon Place

Phyllis Shultz

B: Bobbie Baumgartner

Marge Casper, Patrice Lee

Marsha White, Jane Wickliff

C: Irene Crighton, Barb Endrulat

Judy Hake, Joyce Malavenda

July Schedule

*Informaon in

this schedule is

subject to change

without noce.

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June 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 ECC Extended Care Only 9:30 AM TOPS 4:30 PM Wedding Rehearsal Byrich

2 11:00 AM Altar Guild 11:00 AM CPR, AED and First Aid Class 5:30 PM Wedding Philip Byrich

3 Blood Pressure Checks Between Services Guest Pastor Juan Gonzales 8:00 AM Traditional Worship w/Communion 9:10 AM Fellowship 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Blended Worship 9:30 AM Nursery (Ages 0-4) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship w/Communion

4 ECC Summer Camp Begins 6:30 PM Palm City Cello Ensemble Practice

5 9:00 AM Office Staff Meeting 10:00 AM Brothers in Christ

6 10:00 AM Sisters in Christ 7:30 PM Praise Team Practice

7 12:00 PM Pastor Bible Study KFUO

8 9:30 AM TOPS 6:00 PM Ice Cream Social & Game Night

9 11:00 AM Altar Guild

10 Guest Pastor Juan Gonzales 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:10 AM Fellowship 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Blended Worship w/Communion 9:30 AM Nursery (Ages 0-4) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship

11 12:00 PM Women in Missions 6:30 PM Palm City Cello Ensemble Practice

12 9:00 AM Office Staff Meeting 1:00 PM Apple Computer Club

13 9:00 AM Women in Mission 10:00 AM Sisters in Christ 7:30 PM Praise Team Practice

14 Flag Day 9:00 AM Finance Ministry Meeting 1:30 PM Voice of Faith Ambassador Board Meeting

15 Zion Newsletter Article Deadline 8:00 AM Fellowship Hall Cleaning 9:30 AM TOPS

16 9:00 AM Gulf Coast Writers 11:00 AM Altar Guild 11:00 AM CPR, AED and First Aid Class

17 Father's Day Youth Servant Event w/Tim 8:00 AM Traditional Worship w/Communion 9:10 AM Fellowship 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Blended Worship 9:30 AM Nursery (Ages 0-4) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship w/Communion 12:00 PM Congregational Meeting

18 Youth Servant Event w/Tim 9:00 AM VBS @ Harlem Heights 6:30 PM Palm City Cello Ensemble Practice

19 Youth Servant Event w/Tim 9:00 AM Office Staff Meeting 9:00 AM VBS @ Harlem Heights 10:00 AM Brothers in Christ

20 Youth Servant Event w/Tim 9:00 AM VBS @ Harlem Heights 10:00 AM Sisters in Christ 2:30 PM WEMB Meeting 7:30 PM Praise Team Practice

21 First Day of Summer Youth Servant Event w/Tim 5:00 PM Fossil Club 7:00 PM Executive Board Meeting

22 FL-GA District Convention Youth Servant Event w/Tim 9:30 AM TOPS

23 FL-GA District Convention 11:00 AM Altar Guild

24 FL-GA District Convention 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:10 AM Fellowship 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Blended Worship w/Communion 9:30 AM Nursery (Ages 0-4) 9:30 AM Youth Lead Service 11:00 AM Traditional Worship

25 6:30 PM Palm City Cello Ensemble Practice

26 9:00 AM Office Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Apple Computer Club

27 10:00 AM Sisters in Christ 7:30 PM Praise Team Practice

28 29 9:30 AM TOPS

30 11:00 AM Altar Guild 11:00 AM CPR, AED and First Aid Class

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July 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Blood Pressure Checks Between Services 8:00 AM Traditional Worship w/Communion 9:10 AM Fellowship 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Blended Worship 9:30 AM Nursery (Ages 0-4) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship w/Communion

2 6:30 PM Palm City Cello Ensemble Practice

3 9:00 AM Office Staff Meeting 10:00 AM Brothers in Christ

4 Independence Day

Church Office & ECC Closed

5 12:00 PM Pastor Bible Study KFUO

6 9:30 AM TOPS

7 11:00 AM Altar Guild 11:00 AM CPR, AED and First Aid Class

8 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:10 AM Fellowship 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Blended Worship w/Communion 9:30 AM Nursery (Ages 0-4) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship

9 12:00 PM Women in Missions 6:30 PM Palm City Cello Ensemble Practice

10 9:00 AM Office Staff Meeting 1:00 PM Apple Computer Club

11 10:00 AM Sisters in Christ 7:30 PM Praise Team Practice

12 9:00 AM Finance Ministry Meeting

13 9:30 AM TOPS

14 11:00 AM Altar Guild

15 Zion Newsletter Article Deadline 8:00 AM Traditional Worship w/Communion 9:10 AM Fellowship 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Blended Worship 9:30 AM Nursery (Ages 0-4) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship w/Communion

16 6:30 PM Palm City Cello Ensemble Practice

17 9:00 AM Office Staff Meeting 10:00 AM Brothers in Christ

18 10:00 AM Sisters in Christ 10:30 AM Health Ministry Meeting 4:00 PM Property Ministry Meeting 7:30 PM Praise Team Practice

19 5:00 PM Fossil Club 7:00 PM Executive Board Meeting

20 8:00 AM Fellowship Hall Cleaning 9:30 AM TOPS 4:00 PM CPR, AED and First Aid Class

21 9:00 AM Gulf Coast Writers 11:00 AM Altar Guild

22 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:10 AM Fellowship 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Blended Worship w/Communion 9:30 AM Nursery (Ages 0-4) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship

23 6:30 PM Palm City Cello Ensemble Practice

24 9:00 AM Office Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Apple Computer Club

25 10:00 AM Sisters in Christ 7:30 PM Praise Team Practice

26 27 9:30 AM TOPS

28 11:00 AM Altar Guild 11:00 AM CPR, AED and First Aid Class

29 8:00 AM Traditional Worship w/Communion 9:10 AM Fellowship 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Blended Worship w/Communion 9:30 AM Nursery (Ages 0-4) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship w/Communion

30 ECC Closed for Cleaning/Teacher in- Service 6:30 PM Palm City Cello Ensemble Practice

31 ECC Closed for Cleaning/Teacher in- Service 9:00 AM Office Staff Meeting

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Administrative Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Curtis Deterding ECC Director Beth Wallace Church Office Staff Office Manager/Secretary Cherie Jacobs Office Receptionist Jo Ann Deterding Building/Grounds Supervisor Matthew Krupick Bookkeeper Donna Chase Parish Nurse Lynda Hagman Ministry Staff Winter Pastor Rev. Don Hinchey Youth and Family Minister Tim Richter Music Coordinator/ Choir Director/Organist Barbara Aadland Choir Accompanist/Pianist Shana Richardson Organist Diane Kivi Bell Choir Director Bev Otten Blended Music Coordinator Duane Fenn Nursery Attendant Gwen Mattoni Custodian Jeanne Hunter

Early Childhood Center Preschool Teachers Sr. Preschool Cheri Antilia Jr. Preschool Ashley Dusenberry VPK Cindy Hollander VPK Dana McCarron VPK Anna Syracuse ECC Preschool Part time Teacher’s Aides Sharron Drury Megan Dusenberry Amanda Evanicki Fran Hassel Karen Hogrefe Sandra Knowles Cam Wallace Jane Wickliff Executive Board President Ken Koopman Vice President David Buelow Treasurer Harry Lindgren Secretary Louise Weber “WEMB” Liaison Delores Dorsett Properties Ministry Liaison Caryn Kast Human Resources Ministry Liaison Ruth Furhovden

Please call the church…

� When a member of your family is admitted to the

hospital so that a pastor may visit and pray for

your family member.

� When a phone number, address, or e-mail address

is changed so records can be corrected.

� If you no longer want to receive the newsletter

and or envelopes.

� When a new baby arrives in your family.

� When a member of your family leaves home for

college or to establish a new residence.

� When the church can assist you in any way.

ECC Prayer Warriors and Email Prayer Chain

[email protected]

Telephone Prayer Chain

Jeanne Hunter (239) 939-3350


To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter please call the church office 239-481-4040 or email [email protected] (Save postage! Save trees! Get your newsletter via email).

Sunday Worship Schedule

8:00 am Traditional Worship 9:10 am Fellowship in Atrium

9:30 am Education Hour Adult Bible Class Sunday School

9:30 am Blended Worship 11:00 am Traditional Worship

Zion Lutheran Church 7401 Winkler Road, Fort Myers, FL. 33919

Phone: (239) 481-4040 Fax: (239) 481-4102

Webpage: Email: [email protected]

Church Office hours:

Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Friday 8:30 - noon

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