Download - The NGS Portal

Page 1: The NGS Portal

The NGS Portal

Guy Warner

NeSC Training Team

Page 2: The NGS Portal

Induction to Grid Computing and the National Grid Service, Oxford University Computing Services, 5th-6th July 2005

The Portal

Page 3: The NGS Portal

Induction to Grid Computing and the National Grid Service, Oxford University Computing Services, 5th-6th July 2005

A Problem!

• How do I authenticate myself to the Grid Services?

Grid Services

Command Line Usage of Grid Services


Page 4: The NGS Portal

Induction to Grid Computing and the National Grid Service, Oxford University Computing Services, 5th-6th July 2005

A Problem!

Grid Services

Portal Usage of Grid Services



Page 5: The NGS Portal

Induction to Grid Computing and the National Grid Service, Oxford University Computing Services, 5th-6th July 2005

Solution: “MyProxy”

• Myproxy allows you to store a long-lived proxy in a “MyProxy repository” and derive a proxy certificate when needed.

• Allows you to:– Interact with a grid from many machines

• And you realise that you must NOT, EVER leave your certificate where anyone can find and use it.

– Use a portal, and delegate to the portal the right to act on your behalf (by logging in to an account that can make a proxy certificate for you)

– Run jobs that might last longer than the lifetime of a short-lived proxy

Page 6: The NGS Portal

Induction to Grid Computing and the National Grid Service, Oxford University Computing Services, 5th-6th July 2005

Grid Authentication with MyProxy

Grid Services


NGS Portal


A WorkStation

Web Browser1:

2: Any Grid Service

6: output

0: grid-proxy-init


3: myproxy-get-delegation

4: execution

5: output

Page 7: The NGS Portal

Induction to Grid Computing and the National Grid Service, Oxford University Computing Services, 5th-6th July 2005

• Go to

• When submitting jobs:– Use– jobmanager: pbs– Provide a file for standard error– Use the extension .txt for standard output and error

files.– See output by Single Host File Transfer from

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