  • It’s Pentecost We celebrate the birth of Jesus and all the world pauses to celebrate Christmas with us. We celebrate His resurrection and most of the world recognises Easter as a very special day on the calendar. But Sunday 24th May is Pentecost and hardly anyone realises it. Yet, this day is important because Pentecost is a Christian holy day that celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit on the early followers of Jesus and God has given us the wonderful opportunity of being a part of it. What Is Pentecost? Pentecost is a Christian holy day that celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit 50 days after Easter. Some Christian denominations consider it the birthday of the Christian church and celebrate it as such. Originally, Pentecost was a Jewish holiday held 50 days after Passover. One of three major feasts during the Jewish year, it celebrated Thanksgiving for harvested crops. However, Pentecost for Christians means something far different.

    Before Jesus was crucified, he told his disciples that the Holy Spirit would come after him:

    And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. John 14:16–18

    And 50 days after Jesus was resurrected (10 days after he ascended into heaven), that promise was fulfilled when Peter and the early Church were in Jerusalem for Pentecost:

    When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. 4

    And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:1–4 Pentecost  is  still  relevant  today  After His resurrection and before His ascension to heaven, Jesus promised the Holy Spirit as a permanent guide, teacher and comforter. The Holy Spirit would empower and help them become the disciples and ambassadors that would share the gospel throughout the world. As we approach the celebration of Pentecost, it is a reminder to all those who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that we are gifted with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and we are encouraged in the knowledge that this same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead now lives in us. Through the Holy Spirit we have the power and authority to do what Jesus commissioned us to do… “Go and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. Matthew 28 v 18


    the NOC May 2015 / Edition 2

  • In the last issue we talked about 3 of 6 strategies that should be used when facing the future with faith and courage - yes there are some Dos and Don’ts in the Bible. We covered 3 things the Bible says "Don’t do”; as a reminder, they are: 1 - Don’t presume 2 - Don’t be anxious 3 - Don’t procrastinate In addition to the 3 Don’ts there are 3 things that God says for us to do. We find them in Joshua 1. Here’s a condensed version of the scene… God freed the children of Israel from Egyptian slavery. However, because of their disobedience, they have been living in the wilderness for 40 years. Moses has died and now it’s Joshua’s turn to lead the people. The older, disobedient generation is gone and the younger generation is ready to do what God tells them to do so that they are allowed to enter Canaan, the Promised Land. Moses was chosen by God to free and lead the Israelites out of Egypt. He was the one God called to the top of Mt. Sinai to receive the 10 commandment and now, Joshua has to fill his shoes or sandals! Joshua has to take his place. Imagine the fear, anxiety and inadequacy Joshua must have felt. In addition to the pressure of filling Moses’s shoes, Joshua knows there’s the Jordan River they will need to cross and that once they enter Canaan, the Promised Land they will be facing several enemy nations that are, on the face of it, much better equipped with weapons than Joshua’s army. Justifiably, Joshua is concerned about it all. It’s during Joshua’s time of distress that God appears to him and says, "Joshua, listen to me. Moses is dead, but I’m not and you’re not. I have a plan for your life and I have a plan for your people”. Wow! What comfort, what consolation, what reassurance; although at times we may feel fearful, anxious or inadequate, our God speaks to us to remind us that He’s not dead and neither are we and whilst there is life there is hope, God has a plan for our lives! God’s plan for Joshua is summed up in Joshua 1 vs 5 & 6 5. “No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. 6 Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them.” However, God instructs Joshua to do 3 things in order to guarantee victory. These 3 things are stated in Joshua 1: 1. Set up a plan – VS 1 -6 There are some of us who just move through life passively, we believe it’s ok to drift through life, and whatever God wants is fine. But, God says we should plan. He told Joshua, "…get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give …" God had a plan – He knew what He was about to do. Is there something you need to let go of in order to plan for the future? What do you need to let go of today?

    Maybe somebody walked out of your life or something happened and you are still living in yesterday. God says to let go of the past He has a plan for your future. 2. Read the Word – VS 7-8 7 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.” Have you noticed how on some days, even with good intentions or a plan, it’s difficult to keep focused? You struggle to complete that all important project, or revise for that all important exam; it’s called being sidetracked! Christians can become sidetracked too. As a believer, staying in the word prevents us from being sidetracked. How do we stay in the word? Reading the Bible every day is good place to start and then:

    • Talk about it • Think about it • Practice it

    8 “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”. 3. Have Faith – VS 9-11 God told Joshua three times in this chapter to be strong and courageous. By faith Joshua stepped out and ordered the people "Get your supplies ready. Three days from now you will cross the Jordan". It should have taken the Israelites just a matter of days to walk from Egypt to the Jordan River. However, it had taken them 40 years! It was disobedience, lack of courage and lack of faith that had kept them from crossing the Jordan River and from entering Canaan, the Promised Land. Where do you need to step out in faith? What is it that looks impossible? Is there something you can’t face financially, health-wise, emotionally, spiritually? Is there a Jordan River that’s keeping you in the wilderness when Canaan is just ahead? Even after reaching Canaan there were still some battles that the Israelites had to fight. Life is full of uncertainty. But this is how you can face the future with faith and courage: Don’t 1 - Presume 2 - Be anxious 3 - Procrastinate Do 1 - Set up a plan 2 - Read the Word 3 - Step out in Faith “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” - Joshua 1 v 9

    New Beginnings – Facing the future with faith and courage (Part 2)

  • Families for Peace began in 2001 following the fatal shooting of Corey Wayne the son of Gleen Reid, the founder of the organisation. The birth of the organisation was a response to all those families who have been bereaved of loved ones due to the evils of gang warfare, drugs and gun crime. The organisation’s purpose is to work in a preventative, interventionist and rehabilitative way to deter young people from going into a life of crime and to support those whose lives have been forever changed by the loss of loved ones. Families for Peace is an organisation for people of our community especially the young people. We believe that by offering the young people in our community positive alternatives we can help them to live good productive lives, attaining their full potential in society therefore becoming good role models for the next generation. The charity offers mentoring and counseling help to those affected by gun and knife crime. To support such individuals and families, it holds an annual Memorial Service to never


    forget the victims of such crime. It has recently added the ‘flag ship’ Leadership Course called ‘the Conversation Club’ to work with young people who are gang members or at risk of becoming gang members. It has run for several years the Peace Concert in Birmingham’s Victoria Square where over one hundred young people perform on stage, with one message for the community: ‘Enough is Enough’ i.e.: no more gang violence, no more drugs, no more gun or knife crime. To celebrate the graduates of our courses and the efforts the young people have made for the concert, the charity holds an annual Award Ceremony. In addition, Gleen visits schools, prisons and bereaved families homes. Unity in the Community UK in conjunction with Gospel Xplosion Ministries recently launched a charity single and video called 'WEEPING EYES' to raise funds for the charity. The charity wishes to thank all the volunteers that have helped it develop so far. For more information please visit Like to know more? Know someone who is in need of support? Like to get involved? To find out more at:

    Turn to the Harvest In Luke 10:2 Jesus says: ‘The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore, the Lord of the harvest that He would send forth labourers into His harvest.’ This is God’s focus and His expectation of His Church. This vision for the local church in 2015 also speaks of three fundamental values: The first is the focus on the Harvest i.e. the need for Evangelism, Mission and Church Planting. We need to be completely convinced that no other body on the face of the earth has been given the mandate to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ so that men and women, boys and girls may be saved. Children and Young People represent the ‘Young Harvest’ who when saved have a lifetime to devote to the Lord. It is our vision that every member must be engaged in winning souls for Christ. Two aspects about the harvest are mentioned by the Lord: the harvest is ‘great’ i.e. there are many people who want to return to God and be saved; and second, the harvest is ‘His’. In Ezekiel 18: 4 God says ‘All souls are mine …’ in other words the soul of every human being belongs to God, whether they acknowledge it or not. And every person is valuable and worthy of being saved no matter what ethnicity, colour, race, religion, social standing or sexual orientation. The second value is leadership development because ‘the labourers are few’. Leadership development must be wider in focus than the typical appointed ministers and leaders. Leadership development begins with our children and young people.  

    The best of our workers need to be committed to developing the youngest of our members. Also every member needs to be developed to share the gospel with family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and complete strangers. This is part of the priesthood of all believers (1 Pet 2:9) The third and most fundamental value is prayer. Prayer is the primary focus of the Christian; without prayer we have no direction; without prayer we have no power; without prayer we are not Christian, because prayer is evidence of relationship with God. Prayer is a reflection of our love for God: if we love Him entirely, we will spend time with Him to know His will to fulfil it and to worship Him. Literally our success or failure will depend upon how well we listen to God in prayer and do what He says. May God bless you as you pursue Him, find Him and obey Him. Bishop Mike Find out more about NOC’s Leadership and Prayer Values in the next edition 2015 YEAR OF HARVEST ACTION PLAN The Vision action plan includes the following upcoming events during summer 2015:

    • ‘How to share your faith’ empowerment day • A Programme of community events • ‘Everyone Bring One’ Sunday

    Look out for more information


  • What’s in our next edition? NOC’s vision for 2015 – Year of the Harvest

    Life Conference 2015

    The youth and young adult ministry of Nechells Outreach Centre successfully hosted Life Conference in March. From the buzz that was created on social media record attendance was achieved with over 900 people joining us on the opening night. The theme of the conference was Upside,Down. The four day event saw 40 people give their life to Jesus Christ and many testimonies of life changing experiences. Purchase your Audio CD or DVD now! If you were there you can now relive every moment from the conference. If you couldn’t be there or missed anything over the weekend, you’ll be able to watch or listen to the whole conference and share with friends and family. To order CDs or DVDs please visit or contact us on Tel: 0121 327 6209 | E-mail: [email protected] DVDs are £10.00 per session and Audio CDs are £5.00.

    Contact us @ Or 0121 327 6209

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