Page 1: The Outreach Arlington United Methodist Church January 2017.pdf · The Outreach Arlington United Methodist Church Arlington United Methodist Church A Member of the Murfreesboro Road

The OutreachThe OutreachThe OutreachThe OutreachThe OutreachThe OutreachThe OutreachThe Outreach Arlington United Methodist Church Arlington United Methodist Church Arlington United Methodist Church Arlington United Methodist Church Arlington United Methodist Church Arlington United Methodist Church Arlington United Methodist Church Arlington United Methodist Church

A Member of the Murfreesboro Road Cooperative ParishA Member of the Murfreesboro Road Cooperative Parish

January 2017January 2017January 2017January 2017January 2017January 2017January 2017January 2017

Our Mission:

to make disciples by

following Jesus

Our Vision:

to change the world by

loving our neighbors

Sunday Schedule 8:30 am Community Breakfast

8:45 am Sunday School

10:00 am Traditional Worship

Your Church Staff

Rev. David Johnson Pastor

[email protected]

Rev. Hap Hewgley Pastor

Jennifer Stephens

Administrative Assistant [email protected]

Freddie Myrick

Director of Music Ministries

Pressley Templeton Organist

Barbara McBride Nursery Attendants

Qshawna Jones

CDC Director [email protected]

James McDougal


Weekday Office Hours

9:00 am - 2:00 pm M - F

Phone: 615-361-4896 CDC: 615-366-7577


Safe Sanctuary Training

At our Administrative Coun-cil meeting on December 6th,

we passed a Safe Sanctuary Policy for Arlington UMC. The

main part of that policy involves training those volunteers

who will work with children in the best practices to en-sure the safety of each child, as well as the safety of the

volunteers and staff.

Pastor David will hold a Safe Sanctuary training on Satur-

day, January 7th, at 10AM in the sanctuary. This is a great

training for anyone in the congregation, especially if we

want opportunities for children. If you have a desire to work with children, please plan to attend that training.

This training is required for all volunteers. It would be

helpful if ushers also attended, so they can know our

practices for Sunday Worship Services.

To All Committee Chairs

Please note that your committee meeting minutes should be filed

in the church office no later than one week after your meeting

date. All committee minutes are filed as a mater of record to

ensure proper communications historically over the years.

It will also helps with calendaring and advertisement of the

events your committee is planning. If you have any questions

please call or email the office.

“I’m beginning to recognize that real happiness isn’t something

large and looming on the horizon ahead, but something small,

numerous and already here. The smile of someone you love. A decent

breakfast. The warm sunset. Your little everyday joys all lined up in a

row.” ~Beau Christopher Taplin

Page 2: The Outreach Arlington United Methodist Church January 2017.pdf · The Outreach Arlington United Methodist Church Arlington United Methodist Church A Member of the Murfreesboro Road

HapHapHapHap----Nings Nings Nings Nings for January!for January!for January!for January!

The Methodist Church (and

most other churches) are in a

decline in membership and

attendance. Before we be-

came a denomination, we

were a movement. Now, a

denomination in itself is not

a bad thing. We can do more

by being connected as a part of a larger group and are

able to share our gifts, talents, and assets. But in doing

so, we lost movement!

I would like to discuss how we have lost our Wesleyan

tradition of making mission and evangelism a part of a

two headed coin. Methodism was always very in-

volved in mission (social justice issues). We were

among the first to fight against slavery! We fed the

poor, clothed the naked, sheltered the homeless—all

kind of missional stuff. But in everything we did, we

found a way to spread the gospel to those people. We

invited them to know Jesus and to come and be a part

of our worshipping community. We did it because we

loved them, and because Jesus loved us first.

Then, evangelism became a separate thing—something

some other group did! And now we want to rediscover

it, but I’m afraid we might do it for the wrong reasons.

We might want to do it to increase our numbers. We

might want to do it to increase our giving. Some pas-

tors do it to get a large church, where they are, or most

times, their next appointment. God will not bless that!

We should do it because we love people who are not

yet members of a church and we should want to share

the Good News of Jesus Christ. It’s called the Great


Witnessing at its best is just telling them that God

loves us, and that because of the love God has given

you, you now can and will love them. We should then

ask them to come to church and worship with us.

Folks, Advent Season has just passed and we were

reminded of Christ’s first Coming, but we should also

remember He is Coming Again!

What are we going to do?We do wonderful mission

work! But how much are we evangelizing? Who have

you invited to come to church? How many? Have you

gone out of your way to tell someone about our church

and asked to come and see? Of those already attend-

ing, who have you asked to join the church? Of those

who are members, who have you asked to step up (and

join you) in deepening your discipleship?

This New Year let us endeavor to include an evangel-

istic aspect to everything this church does!

Brother Hap

Hello friends of the Murfreesboro Road Co-operative Parish, The New Year is here! While we do not know all the joys, celebrations, struggles or sorrow that 2017 will bring us, one thing we do know for certain is that God is here and God is with us! I pray that your Christmas season has brought hope, love, joy, and peace.

For many of us, the New Year is a time of commitment, renewal, and resolution. As the New Year begins we will make promises to our-selves, and possibly to others, with hopes of improving our lives and relationships. John Wesley knew how important these commitments and resolutions were. He took it further, creating a Covenant Service. In this service it states,

“The Christian life is redeemed from sin and consecrated to God. Through baptism, we have entered this life and have been admitted into the new covenant of which Jesus Christ is the Mediator. He sealed it with his own blood, that it might last forever. One the one side, God promises to give us new life in Christ, the Source and Perfector of our faith. On the other side, we are pledged to live no more or ourselves but only for Jesus Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us.”

My prayer during this New Year is that we would find ourselves not simply making promises and resolutions, but would find ourselves making renewed covenant with God. Happy New Year! Pastor David

Page 3: The Outreach Arlington United Methodist Church January 2017.pdf · The Outreach Arlington United Methodist Church Arlington United Methodist Church A Member of the Murfreesboro Road

Administrative Board

Lay Leader – Velma Littlejohn

Lay Leader to Annual Conference – Sanda Abramson

Missions – Garrett Coffer

Worship – Monica McNeeley

Finance – Ed Bethart

Staff/Parish Relations – Janie Ware

Trustees – Bruce Ware

Treasurer – Ed Bethart

CDC Board Chair – Barbara Briley

Secretary – Jennifer Stephens

At Large - All Church Members

Staff Parish Relations Committee

Chair –Janie Ware

Lay Leader – Velma Littlejohn

CDC Board Chair – Barbara Briley

Class of 2017 – Jessica Simons, Candy Dunham

Class of 2018 - Janie Ware, Ronnie Douglas

Class of 2019 – Brian Vosburgh

Board of Trustees

Chair – Bruce Ware

Class of 2017 – David Liles, Ed Owens

Class of 2018 – Bruce Ware, Garret Coffer

Class of 2019 – Andy Levey, Robert Wadley,

Mark Troxler

Finance Committee

Chair – Ed Bethart (acting)

CDC Board Chair – Barbara Briley

Trustees – Bruce Ware

Lay Leader – Velma Littlejohn

Financial Secretary (no vote) Jennifer Stephens

Treasurer- Ed Bethart

At Large – Candy Dunham, Jason Thompson,

Evan Myrick, Doug Goff

Nominations and Lay Leadership Development


Chair – Rev. David Johnson

Lay Leader – Velma Littlejohn

Class of 2017 – Andy Levey, Velma Littlejohn

Class of 2018 – Lola Douglas, Donna Liles

Class of 2019 – Bill McCord, Bev McCord,

Sanda Abramson

Congregational Care Committee

Sara Myrick, Lola and Pharis Douglas

Missions Committee

Chair – Garrett Coffer

Neal Cole, Dan McNeeley, Ed Owens, Ed Bethart,

Fellowship Committee

Chair – Jessica Simmons

David Myrick, Pressley Templeton,

Freddie Myrick, Diane Bearden-Enright,

Megan Yarbro

Worship Committee

Chair – Jamie Lewis

Altar Visuals – Janie Ware

Altar Guild Coordinator – Jamie Lewis

Director of Ushers – Frank Littlejohn

Banner Coordinator – Lola Douglas

Advent/Lent Devotional – Jessica Simmons

Music Director – Freddie Myrick

Audio/Visual Consultant – Andy Levey

CDC Board

Chair – Barbara Briley

CDC Director –Qshawna Jones

Teacher Representation – Cynthia Smith

AUMC Secretary – Jennifer Stephens

Trustees Representative – Bruce Ware

Finance Representative – Barbara Briley

AUMC Members – Bev McCord, Debbie Close

Parents – Sara Gross, Karen Reynolds,

Jennifer Sutton, Shelby Abernathy

2017Church Leadership

Arlington United Methodist Church

Please Note the following Sundays for the regularly scheduled

Committee meetings 1st Sunday - Trustees Committee 2nd Sunday - Worship Committee 3rd Sunday - Finance Committee 4th Sunday - SPRC 5th Sunday - Administrative Council

Page 4: The Outreach Arlington United Methodist Church January 2017.pdf · The Outreach Arlington United Methodist Church Arlington United Methodist Church A Member of the Murfreesboro Road

11:00 am

Backward Day is a day to do everything backwards. Use your imagination, and Backward Day can be lots of fun. It's especially popular with school aged kids. Try writing back-wards or reading backwards. Wear your shirt with the back in the front. Eat your meal, starting with dessert. Now that's what I call fun! Walk backwards, or talk backwards. Play a board game backwards, from the finish line to the start. Are you starting to get the picture!? This day is limited only by your imagination.







SatSatSat 1 2

CDC/Church Office Closed

3 4

10:00 am

5 6 7 10 am Safe

Sanctuary Training




Mtg. 11am

Worship Committee


9 10 11 Noon CDC Board Meeting

12 13 14 10am Celebration Team Mtg

15 11am Finance Mtg

16 17 18 19 20 21


23 National

Pie Day!

24 25 26 27 28

29 11 am Admin Council Mtg

30 31

Winnie the Pooh Day (Jan 18th) is an opportunity

to enjoy your favorite bear and all of his friends.

This day was created to celebrate the birth of

A.A .Milne in 1882. He was an author of children's

story books, and created Winnie the Pooh and his

friends. Winnie's pals include Christopher Robin,

Tigger, Eeyore, Piglet, and Roo.

January 23 is National Pie Day is a special day that is set aside to

bake and cook all of your favorite pies. On this day, you are also

encouraged to bake a few new pie recipes. And most importantly,

it's a day to eat pies! A great way to celebrate National Pie Day is

to bake some pies and give them away to friends, neighbors, and

relatives. You never know, you may be starting a tradition of pie

giving between your friends and family

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