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Francois A. Cabiladas BSAC-2 RS20-ACC

Elvi D. Alguzar

The Parable of the Lowest Seat

Luke 14:7-11 

He spoke a parable to those who were invited, when he noticed how they chose the best

seats, and said to them, "When you are invited by anyone to a marriage feast, don¶t sit in the best

seat, since perhaps someone more honorable than you might be invited by him, and he who

invited both of you would come and tell you, µMake room for this person.¶ Then you would

 begin, with shame, to take the lowest place. But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest

 place, so that when he who invited you comes, he may tell you, µFriend, move up higher.¶ Then

you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at the table with you. For everyone who exalts

himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."

What were the people in the feast seeking?

The people who are invited in this marriage feast wanted to occupy the central seats

deemed to be a prestigious place. They wanted to uplift themselves and gain honor and


Is it characteristic of genuine humility to seek one's own honor?

 No, Jesus is not describing genuine humility in this parable; rather he is speaking so as to

humiliate the proud. The fact that "everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who

humbles himself will be exalted" is a principle of human relationships. But it is not characteristic

of humility to seek one's own.

What kind of "humility" is Jesus speaking of?

It appears that Jesus is prescribing how one should go about seeking one's own honor. As

is the case particularly in oriental societies, seeking praise from others was a quite common

characteristic of the religious leaders of  Israel and the Jews in general; whom Jesus was

humiliating in saying this. Effectively he was saying, "Not only are you seeking praise from

men, but you are doing it in an unwise fashion." False humility is practiced by people who

 pretend to be humble, expecting to be exalted.

The genuinely humble do not seek their own honor, but rather seek to honor God because

in the end, God honors them. A true servant does not seek his own reward, but rather serves his

master (Christ) who will reward him.

Page 2: The Parable



What do you suppose is Jesus objective in telling this parable?

Jesus was speaking to those who were still trying to please men to gain honor for 

themselves. Thus he was not really prescribing appropriate behavior, but rather he was simply

humiliating the proud.

What is another example from your observation of a person exalting himself?

Some politicians are one of the examples, every time they campaign, they always show the good

side of themselves so that people will recognize them and will be pleased. They exalt themselves just to

gain popularity.

How do you feel about such people?

I feel bad because such people were just showing the positive side of them so that the people will

like them but unfortunately, not all of those they¶ve showed are true. They keep on advertising about the

good deeds and achievements they¶ve done in order to please the people. They don¶t wait others to

discover it themselves and praise them without being told.

What about those who falsely humble themselves?  

A person who is exalting and falsely humble himself are kind of similar, the only difference is

that a person exalting himself always find ways to be honored whereas someone who falsely humble

himself also want to be honor by showing humility to gain appreciation.  

How do you think the host would feel if he learned that his guest had falsely humbled

himself to gain his own honor?

The host of the feast will be disappointed because of the false humility shown by his

guest just to gain honor and appreciation from him and from the people around. He will feel mad

at the guest because o the gust¶s pride and selfish desire to be honored and exalted. 

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