Page 1: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 03-11-2019  · -for the health and intentions of Suitem Yarleque Palma, req by Patricia lit this week -for the health and intentions of Fr

The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension

85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374

(718) 424-5212

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 3, 2019

Page 2: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 03-11-2019  · -for the health and intentions of Suitem Yarleque Palma, req by Patricia lit this week -for the health and intentions of Fr

Monday, November 4th 9:00am Maria Muot-Ta, req by the Lam family

Tuesday, November 5th 9:00am Stanislaus Shen, req by his son Alhanatius Shen

Wednesday, November 6th 9:00am Nora Carolan (ann), req by her sister Mary Sammon and family

Thursday, November 7th 9:00am Paul Reilly, req by his wife Kathleen and family

Friday, November 8th 9:00am Rose Ann Shalvey, req by her daughter Kath-leen and family

Saturday, November 9th 9:00am For the People of the Parish -Leonard and Rose Rella -Kathleen Zwickert, req by Iris Zwickert -for the health and intentions of Tony Chang, Jr., req by his parents -for the health and intentions of Suitem Yarleque Palma, req by Patricia -for the health and intentions of Fr. Robert Mema, req by Joan Franco -in thanksgiving for Charlie, req by the Grogans -Mark Crehan (bday), req by his daughter Bridie

5:00pm Albert Rangel, req by Aida and Dan Coffey Sunday, November 10th – Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

(156: 2Mc 7:1-2, 9-14 Ps 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15 2Thes 2:16-3:5 Lk 20:27-38 )

8:00am Anne O’Dea, req by Andi Geloo 9:30am Sheila Conlon, req by Art and Rose DiFiore 11:00am Bob Belon, req by Jane Donlon


Today is the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time.

The readings may be found at #1201 in the parish



The Sick and/or Hospitalized: Vahide Atlas, Colleen Breheny, Peggy Brennan, Stephanie Bojarski, Kurt Burg-er, Richard DeNardo, Kathleen Fallon, Ida Fernandes, Steve Ferrugio, Msgr. Vincent Fullam, Jackie Hanley, George J. Harms, George M. Harms, James Leung, Joe Loughnane, Mary Loughnane, Saverio Lunetta, Mary Ellen Lustberg, Nora Lydon, Dolly Serna Ocampo, Bren-dan Phelan, Grace Radonicic, Frank Rahill, Maureen Rahill, Barbara Ravert, Susan Richards, Joel Rivera, Madeline Silecchia, Rose and Carmela Tantillo, Chana


Deceased: Patricia Fisher


The Wine and Hosts will be used this week for the intentions of Robert and Catherine Burke on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary, as re-quested by Maureen and Donald Kelly.

The Altar Candles will be lit this week in loving memory of Leonard and Rose Rella.

The Candle at the Statue of St. Joseph will be lit this week in loving memory of Anna Pagano.

The Candle at the Statue of St. John Vianney will be lit this week in loving memory of Leonard and Rose Rella.

The Flowers the Statue of The Blessed Mother will be placed this week in loving memory of Pat and Bill Oettinger, as requested by the Moriarty family.


Parish Goal: $62,027 Pledged to date: $63,380

Paid to date: $59,466

A Glimpse at your contributions… October 26/27: Sunday Collection: $5,583 Contributions made via Online Giving: $788 Total Sunday Collection: $6,371 Academy Support Collection: $1,189

A Special Thank You

The family of Hanora Bridget Malley wish to thank

friends, neighbors and parishioners of RA for their gener-

ous donations of Masses and memorial gifts in her name.

In thanksgiving, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is being

offered for your intentions on January 15, 2020 at 9am.

Next weekend we will be accepting your donations to the National Collection for the

Archdiocese for the Military Services. An envelope has been provided in your tithing packet.

Page 3: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 03-11-2019  · -for the health and intentions of Suitem Yarleque Palma, req by Patricia lit this week -for the health and intentions of Fr

NOVEMBER 3, 2019

Dear Friends,

Well, the parking lot is done…a big thank you goes to all our parishioners, especially those who have made con-

tributions to the Generations of Faith. Of course, we are just finishing what Father Amato started—and because

of his efforts and your support, the church air conditioning was updated, and both the convent boiler and the

Woodhaven Blvd. lot have been replaced. Thanks again, and I encourage all to continue their payments to the

G.O.F. campaign.

Other things have been happening in the parish too. The parish youth group had a trip to Great Adventure this

past Saturday. We held a small pizza party to thank our altar servers for their faithful ministry in the parish—

they really are an impressive and dependable group! Of course, our Sports program is going strong, and bas-

ketball season is now underway, because of so many volunteers. And you have probably seen the signs for the

Academy’s upcoming event: Pocketbook Bingo—I hear that will be a fun night out.

The big challenge of today’s Gospel is examining our attitudes. Zaccheus is a gospel character that tends to get

our attention because this little guy climbs a tree to get a better look at Jesus. We have to admire his initiative

and his eagerness, despite the likely ridicule he would receive. These characteristics of Zaccheus could well

bear imitation. But more than anything, Jesus is once again challenging us to reconsider the labels and atti-

tudes we have towards others in our society, especially the fringe people, those who are on the margins—which

may be exactly the place where the Gospel is hitting home!

Peace and blessings,

Father Tom


Queridos amigos,

El trabajo en el estacionamiento está terminado... nuestro agradecimiento a todos nuestros feligreses, especial-

mente a aquellos que han contribuido a la campaña de Generaciones de Fe. Por supuesto, estamos terminando

lo que el Padre Amato empezó, y debido a sus esfuerzos y su apoyo, hemos reemplazado el aire acondicionado

de la iglesia, así como el generador de calefacción del convento y también el parqueo de Woodhaven Blvd. Mu-

chas gracias de nuevo, y pido que por favor continúen haciendo sus contribuciones a la campaña G.D.F.

También hay algunas otras cosas que han tenido lugar en la parroquia. El grupo juvenil hizo un viaje al parque

de diversiones Great Adventure el sábado pasado. Tuvimos un pequeño almuerzo con pizza en agradecimiento

a nuestros monaguillos(as) por su fiel dedicación a este ministerio en la parroquia, ¡realmente son un grupo

impresionante y confiable! Por supuesto, nuestro programa de deportes también va muy bien, la temporada de

baloncesto ya está en marcha, esto gracias a muchos voluntarios. Y probablemente ya hayan visto los anuncios

del próximo evento de la academia escolar: el Pocketbook Bingo. Creo que será una actividad amena.

El gran desafío del Evangelio de hoy es examinar nuestras propias actitudes. Zaqueo es un personaje del Evan-

gelio que tiende a llamar nuestra atención; este pequeño individuo se trepa en un árbol para ver mejor a Jesús.

Tenemos que admirar su iniciativa y su entusiasmo, a pesar del probable ridículo que va a recibir. Estas caracte-

rísticas de Zaqueo podrían ser dignas de imitación. Pero más que nada, Jesús nos está desafiando una vez más a

reconsiderar las etiquetas y actitudes que tenemos hacia los demás en nuestra sociedad, especialmente con las

personas rechazadas, aquellas que están al margen, ¡y ese puede ser exactamente el lugar donde el Evangelio

está llegándonos de manera personal!

Paz y bendiciones,

Padre Tom

Page 4: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 03-11-2019  · -for the health and intentions of Suitem Yarleque Palma, req by Patricia lit this week -for the health and intentions of Fr

Parish Staff

Very Rev. Thomas G. Pettei, Pastor Rev. Richard Conlon, Parochial Vicar Msgr. Robert J. Thelen, Parochial Vicar Rev. Basilio Monteiro, Weekend Presider Mr. Emanuel Bologna, Director of Music Mrs. Joann Heppt, Academy Principal Mr. Jason Velazquez, Director of Faith For-mation & Pastoral Outreach Mr. James Shearer, Youth Minister

Rectory Staff

Debbie Gross, Receptionist [email protected], or ext 10

Heather Belon, Bookkeeper [email protected], or ext 12 Cathy Mesa, Tuition Officer/ Receptionist [email protected], or ext 16

Carmen Chang, Receptionist en español

Rite of Reconciliation

Saturday 11:00-11:30am

or by appointment

Resurrection-Ascension Catholic Academy

(718) 426-4963 [email protected]

To register with the parish, please visit the

Rectory office.

The Sacrament of Baptism takes place once

a month. Please call the Rectory for schedules

and information on registration.

Upcoming Baptism Dates In English

Sunday, November 17th at 1:45pm

Saturday, December 14th at 1:00pm

Sunday, January 26th at 1:45pm

en español

sabado, 14 de diciembre @ 2:00pm domingo, 23 de febrero @ 2:00pm

The Sacrament of Marriage- please call the

Rectory for scheduling. According to Diocesan

policy, arrangements must be made six months in advance.

Pastoral Outreach- please contact the Direc-

tor of Pastoral Outreach (ext. 28 at rectory) for

information regarding Communion calls, Food

Pantry, Care of the Homebound, etc.





Saturday, November 16, 2019

Doors open at 6:30pm, games begin at 7pm.

Adults only please- $30 in advance, $35 at the door

(admission includes 10 bingo games)

Bring your own snacks and drinks.

Bingo daubers and additional bingo cards will be available

for purchase. For tickets, visit the rectory.



Congratulations to our Student Council on their first

project for our school. They sponsored a Dress Down

Day for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Thanks

to the generosity of our families, we are sending a dona-

tion of $950 to this worthy organization!

Guardian Angels

Our students created their own guardian angels for the

month of October. They could use any materials or de-

sign they liked. We have two tables filled with angels!

Visit our website at, or

visit our Facebook page to see these heavenly creations.

Toddler Time

The group meets on Wednesdays from 9:30am-

10:30am. Our program includes music, art, storytelling

and playtime. A snack is included for each child. The

cost is $2 per session, and registration is ongoing. If you

would like further information, please call the school at

718-426-4963. We look forward to seeing you!

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Monday, November 4th– St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop -Food Pantry 10-12noon PCC -Basketball Practice 5-9pm Gym -Yoga 6pm FFH Garden

-NA 7:30pm PCC Tuesday, November 5th -Children’s Choir 3pm Church -Basketball Practice 5-9pm Gym -English Classes 6-8pm PCC -Pastoral Council Meeting 7pm CMR -Spanish Prayer Group 7-9pm FFH Chapel Wednesday, November 6th -Toddler Time 9:30-10:30am CMR -Food Pantry 10-12noon PCC -Spanish Choir 6pm, English Choir 7:30pm Church -Basketball Practice 5-9pm Gym -NA 7:30pm PCC Thursday, November 7th -Spanish Support Group 9:30-11:30am FFH Garden -Diocesan Choir Practice 7:30pm Church -Basketball Practice 5-9pm Gym -English Classes 6-8pm PCC Friday, November 8th -School Closed (Except Nursery and Pre-K) -Teachers Professional Day Gym -CODA 10am PCC -Twirling 3:30-6:45pm Gym -Basketball Practice 7-9pm Gym -Girl Scouts 7pm FFH Main -Spanish Bible Study 7-9pm FFH Garden Saturday, November 9th– The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica -OCA 10am PCC -Spanish Classes 3-5pm PCC -Spanish Service 5-7pm PCC -CYO Basketball 10-3pm Gym -Divine Mercy 4:15pm Blessed Sacrament Sunday, November 10th - Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time -Children’s Liturgy at the 9:30am Mass -No Sunday School -Youth Group 10:30-12noon FFH Garden -Catechists Meeting 11am FFH -Indonesian Apostolate Mass 2pm & Recep. 3pm FFH -CYO Basketball 2:30pm Gym -Alanon 12noon PCC

NOVEMBER 3, 2019

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for

Adults) program will begin on Sunday,

November 3rd. Those interested in receiv-

ing information on becoming Catholic and

receiving the sacraments of Baptism,

First Holy Communion, and Confirmation

can contact Jason Velazquez at (718) 424-

5212, extension 28 or you can email him at

[email protected].

Around the neighborhood…


Transfiguration-St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish

Comedy Night Fundraiser

Saturday, November 30th. Doors open 6:30pm, show starts at

7pm. Advanced tickets $50 and includes 4foot hero at each

table, salad, beer, wine, soda, BYOB. For tickets and more

info, call (718) 326-2236 or email [email protected].


Our Lady Queen of Martyrs

Rectory Basement– 110-06 Queens Blvd, Forest Hills

Faith Based Estate and Lecture Planning Seminar

Saturday, November 16th at 10am.

Join us for this free seminar to learn how to protect your assets, help

your heirs, and promote the legarcy of your Cathollic faith for future

generations. Please call the OLQM rectory at (718) 268-6251 to

RSVP. Sponsored by Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens

(no solicitations will be made at this presentation.)

Poverty in Our City and the Response of Catholic Charities

Sunday, November 17th at 10am

Msgr. Alfred LoPinto, Vicar for Human Services, Diocese of Brooklyn

and Queens, will give a presentation on how Catholic Charities is

contributing to the solution of poverty in our neighborhoods. Light


The Youth Group will not meet this

Sunday, November 3rd. It will meet

next Sunday, November 10th.

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