Page 1: THE POINTER - · co/. Z.) Stevens Point, Wis .. April 9, 1930 Price 7 cents Recognition Is Accorded Evans ... The growth of the college is shown. For the first time

THE POINTER Series III Vol. IV No. 19



~cvcra l peo ple o( cx ccptionu l ex· pc ri c nce and abil i ty ha,·c been ~ngnged 10 work with the facu lty clurmg the ~ummC>r sC':-~ion, whiC'h b('gins June 16,

"' .1930. Among them is )fiss Hilda ,v.

Hughes, who ha:- her 'Master of Arts from Columbia . Sh e wn s county su · peri n t C" ndcut of I.a Grange Count y, ~n­diann, w h ich was on e of two coun~1 cs sclcctell by the Genera l Education Board for an experiment in rural sup· crvi~ion. The boanl spent $60,000 in conducting this work. l\1i ss Hughes the n we nt c-n~l a)'; the supe rvisor in 1·harj!l' of th e ,vilton experiment at Wilton, C:0 1111cdit·ut. l~nd <' r hN l·h:trJ!l' for tint•(' vt>ars thr rurnl sc hools th er<' wt·rt• u~t·d hy Coln1111,ia Un inJr· :-. i ty for t•x p cri mC' nlal wo rk iH ru~n l 1•1luca1io11. During- th e !:1st .\"l':tr ]'. l qs:­Htwlu,s h:i s lwl' n prin c ipa l uf t he Pop· Jar


Britn eh, North Carolina. Rhe will t ench c•nur:-.t·~ in rural c• duc.:ntion <lurin~ th <' s u111111t•r SC'~sio n, a 1al will con1luct t he rou nd tahl t:' iu rural supc n·i ~io11 tluri11g !ht• Hural Settinl,{ · llp Co nfer . 1• 11 c·c•. She• w:i:-. htrt• last s u111111 e r al so.

.\Ir. I·:. 0. Do11tl11a 1 w ho i:-- w('IJ ·knowu tu C1•1drnl :o:itud,•11 1~ w ill h e he re for 1111 c \\' t•t•k uf t lu· H,;ral Rt·l1ing·up Con· frrPn n·. H t· will de live r a ~nics of 1,·c· tun·~ 1111 · ' Tin~ Tt•:1<•lwr and tl1e 1,a ,,·' ·.

Dr. (i1•0. ll ow:ird, county ~upcrint c n· i ll!n f or th e fa111ous How:111 County , '.':orth (':irulina ~t·hnol:-, will con duct the round tnhlt· 011 rural school :tt lmin · is tratio n dur inj.! ilh· two W<'«· k ~ of the Hur:tl Sc•tting· up l'n 11fen·1H· t·. Dr. H o­wunl 11:1:-- 1·011 th1dr•d ~irni lar work in Alah:1111:1. at t h r P L· 1111 ::w h ·:uiia ,'tate <:oll(•J!t' , :111d :1t tlH' t :ni\·C r:,;:ity of l~eu­luc ky. l-l l • is k nown th e eo1111t ry o,·cr :ts au 1•xt•cptiu11a lly ~u n{':,;::,.fu l rural :whoo! :ull11i11istr:it11r1 and as an author­it.v 011 prt1hlt~111s nf rural s1·h11ol orz.!:tll · iwlinn :inti 1·011solidatiou.

'l'o l :1k1• .\Jr. P e rc i,·a l 1:-t p lac·t•. l' rofl'S · :-tor A. A . G lorkzin, diredor c,f :\lusi1· iu th,· l'it,· ~c hools of Pontial'. :\li (• hi'­g-a11 , will ·11(' herC'. :\ I r . Glockzi11 W:t!-1

h t•rt· last s1111lt11 e r am1 i :-- s ure of a WC'I · 1·0111(' by all who knew hi111 1h c11.

,\I i:--~ 8yh1•I )laso11, who g-r:u luatc tl h1 ·n· iu !!l:!S is to take tlu• pl:l l'C Jcl't v111·a11t Ii,· .\iiss )fa11 sur's ll·a v<' of ah­Sl'lll'l'. ~·h,• \\':ts :111 a s~is ta11t i11 !he li ­hr:1r,v tl11r i11,::- ht:r :-; indent day s . _ Th e hnJJl l' cc.:v1Lo111i1:s :,; tpuu1c r ~sio.u i11 :-t trudurs an• still to he t•n ga~e, 1. lt is aJ:.m ho'pt•d th :1t it will he po~si hl c: to tH't·t1rL· ~11111(111111· fo r work in n1catio11:d guid:111 ,·l· and d1aratt<'r t•du1•ation.

'J'hirtl- L' H m1•111bC'rs of the fa cul tv h:i,·c l 11·p 11 grar1t1•tl ll•a,·1·s nf ahsrnc·C' for tlu• HU111111 1•r . )I r. Pt•n·i val i:-1 goinl! tu l th iP:1, Xc·w York , to kac-11 111etho1l~ i11 11111 :-1i1· at ('uruell 1·11ivu:--if\·. li e :al so t•X pt·d ~ to do one hour of g~:iclual C" work in tlw st· lwo l of 1•clu1·ati1111. ) Li sH Hrow11 i~ gui11g to Spokn11t• a11d the Pa­rif ic 1·oast . . \Ji~s ,r il!-ion iH douhtful as t o tlw ll !'IC s in• wi ll make of ht•r lea,· C', !Jul hop e:-- tn go to V l' 11\·cr to attend a ronvc•111io11 of p eople worki11j! iu hom e econom ics.

j\[r. N ea-h..-rcpu r-ts that-hC' ex1mcts t <r do grurluut c work at eith e r the U nive r ­s i ty of Chi c·ago or the Uni,·crsi ty of Minnpttota for th e first term. '.Phe sec· oncJ part of the summer he will spenc]

(Co ntinurd on pagp 4. co/. Z.)

S teven s Poin t, Wis .. April 9, 1930 Price 7 cents

Recognition Is Accorded Evans

L' rnf. C harles E. l·:,·:111s ol' th C' :•w icn PC •h'part11u·11t of C'. S . •r. C. h:i:. n·ccn t ly rrt· l•in•d i11tcrnatio11al rt'l'og-11i1ion upon nn ar1 i,·lc whi,·h he h:1 s wrilten c11 · tit lr,I ' 1 (;a u se:,; of A h:,;c11<·c in the Elc-111C'11t:irv School:-: of th e Cnivcrsity of ( 'h i,·ug~ during Eigh t , ·chool Y ea rs, 11

\\ hil'h Wll!i published in th e " .Touma I of' l'rC'vcnti,·c 1\.l r di c i11\· 1

' for :"ro,·cm­brr, 19:!!).

)Ir. Evans last wee k received a per· sonal le tte r from J . A. Glo,·cr, a pro-111i ru..'11t scientist and writ<'r of London, tom rnrnding him upon the article and :-:cndin;.! in exchange !'!OIIIC pamphlets whi ch he himself hall pre pared and puhl i:,;hcd along th e same line. ].Ir. Ev:il1s ha s a lso recei,·c<l :L letter from Sl• lwy n D. Collins, a~si~tant s tatistician in drnrgc, at the Uni,·crsit~· of Chica­go, Dr p'l. of Hygien e and Bactcriolo­i.!Y, in wh it' h he asks for rC'prints of the :1rtic lc- for use at t h e l "11ivcrsity of Chic:1go.

.\I r. E,·ans prepared the paper as a thl':-i s whilC' stmlyiug at the• Chicago l'uivi:r:-ity and . it was the firs t ti me

:1 11 v work hud l 1l'l'll done nn th iS. The r<'~t·:ll'~·h c·arrics the fiel1l frn111 the k iu­dl•rgnrfl'II up. lt :11:--o cl r :tls with work ,,11 t·pidl•rnics in puhlit :,;:c hoo l:,;:.

Delzell Undergoes


Year Book To Go To Press Soon

Due to t he efforts of t.hc staff, th e \ 9:lO Ir is is practically ready to go to prc:--s. Before Easter the ·work of the stuff will be finish ccl except fo r proof­reading. 'l'he annual is to be a splen­did production in which several 1111-

usual features arc combined. The theme of the Iris th is year jg

'' Fo rwanl ' ', Wisconsin 's motto . The motifs to carry out t hi s th eme a rc t he

11 s pirit of progress" and the airp lane. The growth of the col lege is shown . For the fi rs t t ime there is a rt work by ho111e talent.

'l'hc cover will be different this y ear. Th e pape r has been selected. That usNI in th e opening section is to bo of a h C'a vit•r grndc t h an the l ocly of tho book.

T he snapshot section i s unusunl1y 1:11)!<', aud oh, boy! th e humor section! l•'rom 110w on it is "'l'h e Satiris". Th e l'HtirC' production .claim s to be a knork­out.

Aud hy the way, sen ior dues arc in order.


The footba ll schedule for next foll hns b een announced l\t P latteville by E. J. Stoneman, secre tary of the Wis­consin T each ers I Confercnte. It gives Centra l six league gnmcs1 three awny, and th ree at home.

U n<ler the new arrangements, t he re arc but nine teams in t he league as S uperior is bn1111 ccl f rom 11articipation in a ll sports until March l, l931. Ste-ve ns Point will p lay games with Stout, l\filwuukee, ,vhitcwatcr, Plntteville, Oshkosh, anl Eau Claire .

'!'he season will open with a non-con­fe rence game with :Marquette, Miebi­gu n, 'reachers I College on Sept~mber 27, at :Marquette. 'l'his game will be fo llowed by t hese l eague contests :

October 4 - Stout th ere October l1 - Oshkosh, J1erc October 18 - ?i.tilwaukee, there October 26 - , vhitewatcr, there No,·ember - Platteville here ~o,·ember J5 - Eau Clu irc: here


P latt c\·illo is innovating night foot· ha ll. H e r ga111 e::1 wit h Ln Crosse nnd Oshkosh arc se hcdulc<l a:- such.

Th(• oth er 1<':tlll :,;chedules fo llow : Successful Operation Heb al TO Represent

.\Ir. Dc lzc· II, tl ir t•t:tor of t he primary d,•partrnenl at c. s. T . c., underwent Frat In Nat' l Meet :111 operation for hcrni:-1 at St. )fi . 1·h:1PI '~ ho:-pital 1 April ,J. He withs tood th,· opl•ratio11 st11·(·l•ssfully and ha)'; been ~(·I I j Ill,! :d ong :t !'i \\'(•II ;i :,. c:111 h e l'Xpecl· l't l.

Milwaukee - Oc tohrr 18, Stevens

IJ i~ ~on, Dr. \\' , H. Dt•lzcll, fru111 ::-.fe,,· York ha~ :irriVl' cl :111d will n'111:1i11 with hi :-- f11tht•r fo r a ft•w wt•rk:,..

D11 ri11J! th e :111!-ll' lll'(' 'of .\Ir . Dc·lzcll1

)Ii :--~ .\ ll,•11 h:1~ 1·h:tq!t' of his oh:-t•n·a · tiou t· la s~, Dr. B:t lLlwi 11 ll•:u·hC's th e :irith rnl'ti c t·la ssl•:-1 .\!i s ~ Hone h ha:- une ll i:-tton· of l-:tlt1t·:itio11 ,·lass and :\Jr. :-;pi11dl;•r ha~ tht· o th rr.

Preview Of Plays To Be Given Soon . .

Tiu• fnrl·11 ~it·- tlt•part111e11t is planning rhis y,·ar lo g-in• a prc li111inary per· fo rr11a11 1'l' o r prt•\'iew of the two play~ wh ic·h it pla11 s to prrscn t. Th e first 11t·rfnr111:111<·e of ''C ivilian t'lothes·· \\ i ll he gi\'t•11 0 11 F riday, April :!ti. This is 11111 a pub lic pc rformanct ·, hut 0 11 1.v 1·1•rtai11 patro11s will he in\· itl• tl. Th e prc•vicw of '' Lightnin ·, wi ll hl' u n \\' 1•d11\·~d:i \" Ap ril :H,!. · It wa:-- :·11~1111u11eNI in th t• Im;! is~uc of

tht• Poiutn that " C i,·i lian ('lothci-1'. w111Jld h e prc~c11tet l befori· t ht• Easter holidny:--. 'l' h is, howcn•r , hn s hCl~11 f'o1111t! lo he i111prn c li1•a l. Tiu• puhli c lll'rfo n11 :111t·(' ha~ ht•t•n dL1 ft•1Tc1 I uulil :11'1,· r th,• n1 •:itio11. 'l'h l' f i 11al lll'r for111 -:i111·t< of th e da ~s p l:1:, will he duri11J! 1·111111111•111·c 111cnt \\' t•ek. Thi:-- is pn·sc•nt · 1·d 1111dl•r t hl• auspi tt•s of tltl' '' I ri:-- · ·.

Dormitory Sponsors Children's Movies

Th,• r'u111l for t he dormitory <'n .. ~·1·10 · 11•tli11 sti ll nl•ccJs t o I)(' iru·rl'a :'rd. .\

:-11•riL'l'I of c hildrC' m1 1 1110,· ie !'I will lie gi ,·­t•n in th e ,·o ll l'J.?C' auditorium 011 .\ pril twrntv -fifth. Jt il'I hopC'd thal th('sc 111oviC'·s will be well attcn de<l. Tht• liC·

ri t•:-- will inc lu<le ' 1 Ci nd rrella 1' :rntl

'.\lac tt•r lint·k 's 1 4 Blue Bird u.

Tht• :,.;igma Zet a :.:L·ir 11 c·c fratern ity 11H•111 h1•rs ha,·c (• lcctt.•d FrC'tl H ebal a :s a rlc.Jegate to rrprcsent th is d1apt e r :1t the nat ional C"·onlcn ve h e ll) at Otterbe in ('ullc•t.rc\ \V l·~tl' r vil ll', Ohio.

H ~ha l lc•ft yPsh•r11:ly :11111 will h e go11c- o,·t•r a p<' riod o f five day~. re­turning to rc,sunH' hi :-1 !o;l ucl it·s :1 t the 1·ollt•J!c 011 )l mHla,v . H e• is a local s tu­drul n •s iding on :::!S .\l ,• f! ulloch Street.

Fn·d has he1•11 a..ti,·c in )'; l." iC'1n·c work for ~01 11C' tin!{' :11111 is trc>a~ur('r of the :,.:il,!111:t Z1•ta frat(•rnity.

Noted College Head May Visit Here Soon

11 i:-- hopl·d thal C't-11tr;d Rtnt,• will h:tn· :t :-1 its gut•:-- t i111 111 r d ialt•ly fullow ­i11g- the 111el'fi11g of lht• \\' hwu11si11 .-\~so-1· i:1tio11 of Tr:it·hl·rs' ('u ll1 •i,r1•:,; at .\l adi· ~OJ,, Pn•sidc•ut ('. H . Fi~IH•r of the \\' 11:-- li i11j!lo11 ~tat.r '.'iurrn:tl ~d1ool al H1• lli11 1,!h a 111 1 Wa s hi11i,rto11 .

l 'n·~i dt•11t 1-' is lw r ha s t•s1 :il1li~h1.•i l au 1· 11vi;1hlc• n •put a tio11 as a il':t chC'rs 1 l'o l· h•:,.:1• l'Xt·t·111 in·. On th,• basis of his ~01111 wo rk hc-· \\:"as t·h11~t·l1 l1v 111~,v:-.-c T. (', :i s ii ~ pri11t'ip:d ~1w:ik1•r for tli(' Iii :i1111u:tl c·1111\' 1•11tio11 lo hl' IH•h l in :\l a ­cli :-1111 • • \ pril :!I :111d :!:!.

r :::::: ::1:r:~,: ... I

1· :itiflll

.\pri l 111 .\l ovil· 11 Tl11• l 'u\'1•r1•,I \\":1g1111 • ·

Xt·l !-1011 11:tll l11·111·t'it I ., pril ~.-. j IHO\' it•

I .\pril .~11 Sigma Zt•ia l,:111quc>t :11 -t \\"is1·011 si 11 H:1pid :-1


. . ,,_,rtl :-w .\ hir~arrt A idnnun l1t•1 u· ­fit puppet 1o1 how.

Point at )lilwaukec, Octobf'r :!5, River l·':d ls :1t Hivc r F:dls, No\'. 7, ,vhit e­watC' r :1t :\lil\\':iukct•, Xov. 15, 0:-thko~h a I ( >sh ko~h.

River F alls - Od . lS, Stout at J\1c-1111111011l'l' , Ol't. :!:\ :\l ilw:rnkc•,• at Hi\'ur Fulls, No,·. I . J ,11 Cros~C' :1t I.a Crosse, )."o\'. 8, t·:a u Cl: ii n• :1t E:in Cluire.

Oshkosh - C>c-t. 171 Platte\"illc at Plattt•vill c-; Od. I 11 at 8te,·l'll !o; Point; 01·1. :!:J, I.a ('rn~:,.e :it. 0:--hk o:-- h: Nov. 15

1 .\Jil wnu kl't' :it Oshkosh; No,·. 22, \\'hil t'\\":tft•r at Whit c wat1•r.

Whitewater - Oc t. :!:), 81t·,·c 11~ Point :II \Vhitcwatl·r; No\', I , P la tt e \' ill e ut l ' la tll·villl• ; ~en-. 7, :\lilwauk ec at ?i li l­waukt•1•: No\'. :!:!, Os hk o:o' J1 at " ' hit e­\\' :lll'0r.

L a Crosse - Ort. 10, Plallt'd ll l· at Pl:tttt:villt·: O c· I. .I, J·:au Clai re at La Cro~~t· ; Oc·t. :!:i , 0:--hk osh :it ()~hko:--h; Xm·. 1, Hi\'er Falls at L a l'rn~s1•; )rov. -.:, Stc1111 at .\11·110 111i11i,·.

Stout - Od. -1, :-;tl•n•11~ P1, i111 :11 :\l c-110111011i<'; O..t. IS, Hi\'t•r 1-':dl~ :ti :\l e -11111111111 il' i X 11\' . I , E:1 u <' lain· a I Eau Cl:iin·; Xu\·. ~, l.11 l'nisHt :1t .\1 1·1101110 ·

11ic•. P latteville - <>..r . JIJ, l.:1 <"rns~t· at

l 'l :1tt1•,·i lJ1A ( u ~g- ht ~anw ) ; ()1·1-.- 1-71 (.>:-- h- · kus h :tl Pl:111t'\' ill4 · j ~m· . ..: , :-. tt·\'C'll!'i

Po in t at ~lt• \·1 ·11:-1 l'oi111. Eau Claire - <h·I. s , 1.:, t'r•, :,.~,· at J.a

· c' r11:-1 :o'1· ; Xo\·. I . ~10111 :d Eau ('!:t i re;

I :\'11\· . • -.:. Hi v1•r !·':d i:,. :ii l-: :111 ('Jairt·j Xo. J.-,, :,.:11•\'PII ~ l 111i111 al Sfl•\' 1•11" l'oint .

j" The Covered Wagon'' To Show Here To~nite

I To-rd g ht :it l'ig-ht o ·,· lot·k " The

('o\'(•r,•d \\" :1uo 11 · ·1 :1 thirt1•1•11 n•,·I 1110\· ·

i11g pirtun•, i:-- 111 111 · s ho \\' 11 i11 thl· co l-lt•gt• audit o rit1111 . T Iil~ prit'l' of a<l · 111is:-- ion i:-- n•ry n•as1111al,I(•, - tcu c·1•11 t !'I 11 .. r lll'.[ ~.i.lll, ... _\'.JJWljl ur_.0 11-I-----

Thc p i,·turC' i:-1 twin~ ~howu iu ccl c ­hral iun of Piolll't"r \VC'C' k. ft j:,. a pic­tu.r • tb· u:.a.s.__\·ex-;: po]Ju la r- und- 8uc 1·us:-1ful a ft•w Yfnrs ago. lt i:-1 :11lopted from the novel "The Covt• red Wagon," hy Emerson Houg h.

Page 2: THE POINTER - · co/. Z.) Stevens Point, Wis .. April 9, 1930 Price 7 cents Recognition Is Accorded Evans ... The growth of the college is shown. For the first time

2 '.rHE POI N'r ER

Vol. IV. THE POINTER No. 19.

Publish C'd \ Veck ly at St.evens Poin t by the students of t he Centra l Wiseon· s in St:1te Tea chers' Coll ege. Subscri ption P rice $~.00 per yea r.

E ntered as seco nd-c lass n~allc r j\ lay :?6, 1927 1 a t the pos t office a t Stevens Poin t , \\' i sconsi n, un der the Act of ~farch 3, 1Si9.


E dit or F~· ru l'ug l, - l'lw11 1· o:n\V -X - O f f icC' l .3S4 N ew~ Edito r . .. . .. . . . ~ .. 1. E di t h Sa nso m - P ho ne 652 H ead \Vriter . .. .. .. . . .. , . . . . . . K ermit F rat er. Spo r t Ed ito r Wm . 8 cr i1Jncr Soc ie ty Ed ito r . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . Cathe rine Novitski H t1 111 or E dito r .. .. . Doru t11,· ,J ohn son } \•:i turc Edit o r ll n ro itl Zimn1 t~ r \\' omC' n ':-. A thl etic:- . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . . E the l K e ll ey Business ~la na~cr . . . . Ri char<l 1\farshall - Phone 963W Assista nt Ma nager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... .. Ced ric V ig Proo f Hl'adc rs . .• . . .. .. Ge ne vie ve Pulda1 Doro t hy J ohnson Re porters . • . • . • . • . . . i\ l ur ill a Hobc r ts , Esthe r Ku ehl C i rculati o n M an ng c r . . . . ....... . J ohn K olka Ass ' t. Circula ti on Ma na gL· r . \ Villiam B ud zinowski Typi s t 8 F:8tvl le Buh l. Frnll l' l'S J ohll !,;O ll , W in ona Hoohr Faculty Ad,·isor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mr. R. M. Rightsell


T H _E l' d ito r has l'ecPntly r rce iYl'd a lette r from t he ed itor of " 'l'h c Poe t l':v .J ourn a l " which mi :;h t b<' of intPres t to t hose in C. S .

T. C. ll'ho ha,·c poetic a spira ti on s and som<· wh o haY c displayed ev i-d cncp of ca pabi li ty a long that line. .

" 'l' he Poet r y J ou rna l " " ·ishes to a nnoun ce its cntrnn cc in t h e fi clcl o f Yerse. 'l'lwy enter t h e fie l<l w i th one p r on ou nced p u rpose i n mincl : t o p romote t he cause of t he u nherald d a nd unknoll' n Yersi-Eier. 'I'h cy a re in n eed of poet1·y for th eir f irs t iss cs. They " ·ill use s ho r t , c rse mos t ly , u p to 32 li nes, of tlH' serjous t y JC . One or tll'o lon ger poems ll' it h an open t heme wi ll be used ea ch ssue. Go l hu moro us ve rse with a genera l appea l ca n he used. D ia lcc 1

al. Verse w it h a s tt· iki n g ly H U iVIJ\ N, pr e:;ent-da y tou!' 1

corned . Th ey wi ll pay from *l.00 to $25.00 0 11 p ub lication fo r ea ch poeni

th ey pri n t in '"l' hc P oe try J ourna l. " 'l' he,v fu r t her ex pect to a n­nou nce an annua l poet 's pr ize. A ll vel'se submitted ,\'i ll b e s ubj ect to chan g-c o r r ev is ion a ccorclin :; to th cil' edi to ria l pol icy. A s ta mped, $el f- a d cl!'cssed envelop e should b e enclosed.

' " l'he J'oetl'y Journa l " wi ll appear mont hly as a na t ional publ ica­t ion, ll' it h a *3.00 ann ua l s ubscrip t ion pl'i cc . 'l' he a im is t o m a k e t h is pc1·io cl ica l th e fol' cmost poet ica l magazine in Ameri ca .

'J' hc a dd r Pss is : T he .Poe try J ourna l, 19:! N ol' t h Clal' k St l'ect. Chi ­c:ugo,


lll ino is.


W H Y " ·as th e loc kel' 1·00111 lock ed is a qu est ion \\'h ich has not been ,· xpla incd sa ti s fa c to l' ily . S ho!'t ly befo r e it i:i l'st was

lock ed we \\'C l'C in fo rn1 cd t ha t it \\·a s be ing lock ed ·fo ,· our benefit . It is ha I'd to sec ho\\' ha v in :; one 's locker p la ced in th e ha ll-ll'ay, OI' bet t er s ti ll t o lrn,· e it lockctl in t lH' lock er r oom. is fo r one's benef it . Of course ll' C st ill haYe hath t nbs at 011 1· room in~ houses, ye t ll'C m iss the old shower r oom. We arc pcrlcc t ly wi lli ng to have th ings do ne fo r our bcncl'it, but havin g- no p lac<' t o g-o. exce pt t o classes, t he l i­b ra ry or in the ha ll\\'a)' , docs not seem to be a move in t ha t di l'cdion.

Sin ce th e locker r ooms must be lock ed \\'OU ld it not be possible to con,·c1·t some of th e id le r oo,us in to a loung ing room ? W ou ld n ot a sma ll am ount spr nt in pro,·id ing s uch a roo,n f u 1· ni~h a nH•a ns f o r t h e men of t his schoo l t o become b ette r a cqua in ted \\'ith on,i a not her? \ Ve miss out· showers and \\' C miss our lock ers, bu t we r esent hav ing i he least p oss ib le ex,·usc of a commo11 loun :; in g r oom takc 11 from us.

T. C.


F a\ RE \\' E LI , to t he n ap per . 'l'h e ll' ild yo un g co ll ege :; irl is a thin g- of t he past. At least s he is p1·onoun eed ex t inct by i\liss

- Dor othy J.)ucas,--r (•pertet'--fol'- t.h.1;. i · c:.K.lo.rk .. ..l'os t, who yjs it­cd the lea d in g- co ll eges fol' " ·om en - Barna!'(] , \ Vc ll es ley. Vassa l' , Mt. Holyoke, Bry n .\l all'1·. 8mi t h, R adcl iffe .

W ritin g in the l'OS'l', i\liss Duca s says : ' "rhc .da rin g-, thr ill -seeking y oun g- fe min ine of th e pas t- , \\' ho t alk ­

ed abont a cal'Cl' r and ro lled her , l ol' ki ng to s how she ll'as free, has given " ·ay to a sc!' ious-m imkd , rnt he l' con\' cntiona l m iss, ll'h o says fr a nkl y s he \\'a nts t o he a good ll' il'c a nd m oth er a 11 cl wears n o stoc k­ings f t a ll.

' The ex cit in g y oungster wh o us(•d to go to t he dances hy s l id in g down a r ope made out of s heets an <l s 11 ea ki11:.r ou t the back \\' ay has beco1n c a gorgeous ly gow ned c reature wh o s ig- ns h er nnm c i ll a book befor e goin :; ou t t he fro n t d oo r n [ hPr d ormi to r~·, qui t e r n 1d.v and willing to r ep or t t o her cha pr r on at. intn n il s t hr oughou t th e sho r t evening.

' " i'he college girlof 1930 takes fo1· :;rnnted such privi leges a s smoking , dinner dates w ith young m en, use of cosmet ics and bare egs:-'l'-hese-th-in gs c1o no t-mark- her n ow- a--fla ming -youth .-

'·'The first thing on e n ot ices abou t co ll eges is t ha t s tuden ts are studying."


lJo,v ( t ry i n g to 111u s t L·r e nough cou rage to get a d :1t l' ) : ' ' S1t c ·11 m u rdc r lll t' w ht• n I a s k li t•r . ' 1

Pri r 11tl : '' ~ ht• d oes n ' t look l ike a mur­dl·n·~s. :'

H uy : 11 :-.: u, li u t T louk l ik,· :t \' it'li 111. ''

H ot1H' E t·: · ' L>on 't c·rumbll· your cr1u:k t•rs in t h L· s oup. It is l· u11 fr;1 ry to !lit.• r u lt•s of o..•t ic1u ct t1•. ' '

.l-'ros h: '' S ay. w l1:11 :1 111 ' ! L·ut ing-, suup o r l'tiqud te ! ' '

On t• : '' )l at'l' i:1gc . 1·lta ngL'S me n. '' 'l'h t• o t li L·I': ' ·Dot•:rn ' t i t~ rrak e Ill\'

h usba1 1d fo r i 11 sta 11 et•; Ju.• u sed t o ol'f1.'r mC' ~ p o..•n ny fu r 111 y I h o ug h t s :1 nd now h e offe rs 1110..• fifty tlo ll:t rs to s hu t u p. ' ·

' ' S a y, d o y1, u k 11 11 w ,,·h :11 a prun e is!,,

t;Xop<', wh at i~ i t." 11

1\ ra isi n \\'i th i 11 fl: 11 11 111 a t ory r li e t1 lll · a ti s 111. ' 1

" .\ l~· g i rl has t h ,• hoof an d nw u l h <l i!-lc:1sc. ' '

' ' ll ow t·o 111 c ? ' ' ".\I I s li c• \\': 111 ts to dn i.'I .da nn· :wd

l'at. .,

Litt le: (ieo rg(·, t lu• g:1 r:1 g-c 111 :1s1·ot, w: ls ,. : i t ing li is :111u t. lh· fo und t he cal i11 a s 11111:,: . w indow pu rr in g- L' h L•N full y .

'1 h, .\u11 ·,, · 111 1t• <1 uid,,' 1 ~aid ·little

f:cor :, '' 11• {· :tt h :1:-; ,,, 11 ,._. :i ~h·l'JI and lt•ft !11 :-; uotur ru n 11 i11 g . '

of. ' '

l1H1uisi 1i n· Old l.a(h ·: 1• Where d id

t il t·~, · l.irgc ro,·k:-1 CO III L· ·fro m ? 1 •

'l' in•d G uid t·: '' Th,• gl a e iL· r s hroug ht, f l11•111 d o w n.· ,

l. 0 . L.: '' Bu t \\' li nt• :1rL· til t• gl :H·· i L· rs~' •

G 11i1!t•: 11 T l11 ·y ha,·o..· go ti l' b a ck :lftcr III Ol'l' !' fl t· ks , ' I

H ,• : " How \ I y ou s lf:CJI l:lst n ig h t'ln S iu•: ''0 11 , ly ing d o wn a :,; u s u:11. ''

ll o..· ·.s ,"lo l:1zy a l 0 h i ld, t ha t Ill· (· \·e n cat!i lo :if s ugar.


POLICE PROTECTION 'l'lh· .s lic·kt•s t'k e\'CI' pulled o n a

,·am 1111s wa s t he o ne w hl•rc c,·cry ba r ­ht•r pn lr in lo wn l':l ll\ C t o be fo und st a dH·• I uu t h<•h ind J' rexy ·s h ouse, w he n t lw a ngry li:1rhe rs beg:1 11 tu look f or tht1 111 1111• ll l ' XI lllOrH ing .

T lt e w:ty it a ll ha pprncll w:is t hat t wu of I Ill' fe llow~ Uoug h t a rcgul:tr h:trlJl' r pn ll· :111 d startl'd t h ro ug h tow n w i t h it. 'J' l 1<· first l'II P ! hey 111 et d r:tgge U them up tu t ht• pol i,·,· j ucigl' tu w h om t hey s ht,\\' t• d tllt'il' !J ill of sa il- and we r e di8-111i :-;Sl• tl. 'l' h l'y t h1·11 we n t lo tl11~ next di :-trid a nd pull r d lh o..· s :1111 (' t l'ic k. By t h is titll l' t li L· po lice fon·t• had bee n n o­t i fh· d t h:11 t he 1·o ll 1•g C' IJ oy:-i we re p ull ing a 1wl h l'd tr ick 0 11 t h em :1 11d no t to mo­h•st :i ny o( 111 (• 111 sCc u ta rry ing a ha rb o r 11o lr h1•t· :111 sr :di t h L'." w:1 11tcd was t o he :trrl'stl'd , so tlH'." t·ou lcl la u g h a t t he ,iutlgc.

We ll , as soo n a 8 t he ,· heard of t hc­onl 1·1· t ht•v set fort h l;nd c r <·o,·c r of d a rkn e:-is ;111 11 sw ipNI cn·r~· pole in town, t·nrrying t h l' m r ight th ro ug h t h e mid<l lc of tow n w hn c eve ry co p o n duty could :-;pp t l1t•111. 'l' hc poli l·C' a ll t houg ht i t was ! Ju~ s: ll ll l ' pu le and laugllC' d t o t h i11 k that a t l:1st th t•y were putti ng i t o,·c r ou th <.' buys a nd :ill lh L· ir fi uc pla ns lrnd g o ne fo r 11 ot hi11g , li u t t h l' 11 cxt morning w h cu e \' c ry 1Ja rl 1l ' r in town w:1s d ow n 0 11 t he m w i t h 11 n1rd1•r in t he ir. eyes lh ey r ea li zed t hL· r t•:tll ~· i. 111 w ri o r qu:di t !· of t. h c co ll(•. g i:itt• 111 i 11 1l.

The Flig ht of Time '~ 'l't· m p u .-i fu g it," sa id thC' Roma ns ; \:1~ 1 :1l :1s, ' ti s fleet ing 0 11:

En!~ oming- . E ve r go ing,

L ift• is :-1 h11 r t, a nti 1mu 11 'r is go ul' ,

Hn t....J.Lo;i l th in k of next ,·~Lcat io11 l'n r iu g o ·er t ht•sc lt.!si- 011:-1 hugl';

E,·er hard l'r , Eve r longer,

_\ JI I .... :iy is, "l.t·t l1l' I' f ugt' ! " One Minute Pla y

'i'i m L· : l 1 rt•:.1 ·11t , h f't·:t1t:o.l' t ll c•n•':,; l ikC' t h C' Jll .l'S(' ll f.

( ' il:1r:idPrS : 8t. Pe ll•r Sata n A f:o l t' .. r

SC E'.\' 1·:

no t irn r

C: o lfl·r :it l'~·arly (: at1•: l\11 01·k, K 11 01·k . St. P1•tn : C'<Hlll' in. Xow let 111 r sec.

Y1·s l g uc~s you Uclo11g he n •. T h1 · rc 's y1n11· pl an• .

f:ull\•r: 'l'li :111 k you, liu t 111:i ,· I :is k vou Olli ' (Jll l'S I ion ? . .

SI. l 'c•l t• r : Yes. Wh:11 ' :,; th :1t t l: u lft'r: .Jus t t h is fl an• y ou a g olf

1'0 11 1'.Sl' h t•rt•? 8 t. l '1•tpr: \\'b y 1111. C<•r t.:i i11l y not.. C:ulf1•r : \\'r l l t lll· II ma,·h p I 'ii IJCltl' r try

i lu~ n lh l'r 1.i'a1·L'. Y o u sec ' oi1 1•:1rt h I w a s p rPtty fo ud of i.:-.o l f and :i11 yh o\\' [ j.!Ul'S:-1 I ha ve :1

11 11t 11 h1•r c, f n -1:tti ,·t•s :1 t the ul ht•r pl:11<1• sn 111 :1\"1 11 • ] '11 -\\'1• 11 , g-oo tl -hy. ·

SC: 1-: '.\' I•: t (io'frr: l'r1•:-:-11•s IJul lo n :11 11 1 whistle

sou nd ~, Wht•-cc !

" A BIT O MA TH " Tu pro \' t>; ' l' h:11 :1 g 1,od loo k i n g girl

,· an 11 nt 1,t• tn1stcd .

Sat :1 11: \\_.<·II ho w do you d n! Co me r ig ht I 111 ;111d ma ke you rse l f a t ho11 1t•.

\V o n 't you 111; st':itt- 11 !

L .. \. j.!'uodlouk.lug_gid -h--a-.!..'...c.:.)1i l~k ~ l' ll ."

:1. 4.

.\ r h i,·k• ·n is a fow l. 1"11 111 1111•:1 11 :; 11 11 01 fair . ' · \\ ' ha t i.1.1 uut fair i· :1 1111111

tr U!-ift•d.

WHAT OF I T ? . \ I ." o l tl ala1· 111 clod,

O ft r : t USl' t l m e t o WCL· p :

I fo,,ll' d it t h is 111 11rn i11 g. I w:1:-111 't :1slccp.


'l' h ,• iu ,·t• n !'l,r of t he 111 i1'J'or 111:itlc j t

ptts :-1 i ldl' f11r us lo sec· lht• 0 11 1, p t• rft. l't 111 :111 .

( ;ol fn: O h, ,·., rt :ii u ly 1,ut f i rs t ha\'C you :1 .l,!'o l f 1·t1tll' St· lu• rc !

S;i.t.a-11-:---A-l-t:'111ltrl·t4) . ->o--:ro1r.~~ :·.11 111 1• o u t :11.111 loo ic :1l i t?

( ;olf1·r: I h:1 1 sure IS SO IH l' g T C(' II , a ud isn ·1 a wo 11dcrfu l f :tinnt\' . I f I j ust hat! a 1·h1li. ·

S;d;111: Hoy ! .\ t: lu h for tl J1• gi• 11tl<>111:111 . Gol f1· r : Yo u h :1,·c s11 1111 • Sl' l' V i l· l·. No th ·

ing lik e w h L·n~ I 1·0 11 a· fro 11 1 . J\o\\· gin· lll (' :1 l11 d l.

Sat :111 : \\·1· 11, I ' 111 !-lnrr.,· :il ,ou l t hat. You s1•1•, \\'l' han} n o go l f ha lls. That 's how we· get our name.

WISE CRACKS , (By Graham Cracker)

!t 's more IJ lcMsc<l lo j! ivc t han to n· · co1vC', hu t 80 mcb ocl y h:i s to rece i ve.

TICKLE_D_ T_O_DEA.L.C'-----l-c--"',iluru:tu.nil; L onc~oi:ds_ 1

' I took in t lu• s how last t1 ilf· '' <l o t hat a ll t he t im e. ' ' \\' hat d id th e ,· ha n·!'' S il ('.ll (· 1· is go lden. Yes, i t is be ing '' J-: d 11 (· :1 ft< d fll·,;s. '' ~o'd for ' ' hu~h mo n\·y.' '

- . ' ll o\\~ IIC\·~ '' ----====:------'· F in o..• , I t 1Jnk. t h L· ll·.1 li i 11 g lad:\'

h O!l li'. '' . Tji ~ !Jest w a y to cat sp ina c h is lo lcC'd 1t to t h L• t·uw :11 111 cut t he cow .

Page 3: THE POINTER - · co/. Z.) Stevens Point, Wis .. April 9, 1930 Price 7 cents Recognition Is Accorded Evans ... The growth of the college is shown. For the first time POINTER 3


Grammars Meet For Enjoyable Program

Th e Apri l 1111•o t i 11 g of th e Grammar Ho u11d 'l'a hh· wa s h e ld i n t he college :1udi t o r i11 111 a l seven t h i r t y Monday ni~ ht. Sally Clegg read 11 \ Vh e 11 :\In Rogers Broke Loose" - an e n te r t ain· i ng sto ry! Th e al wa ys popul:t r so ng ' ' 'l'h c Gy psy Lo\·I! Song-" w as r e nde r· cd by Alar i:111 Uud :-.Lc rg. L on:-r n Clark :rnd A u1:· S 1·h :1al dressed in appropriat e 1 ' ru ff'11 t u1111Jl c' 1 to~ :,; prese n ted a 11c·

j!l'U ,l i:tl og-uc whi ch t ick led th e f unn y Lone o f t h e c lub m c111 b cn~.

.A 11 e labo ra t io n w :t8 rna d r on t he pla11 s f o r t h e ' ' r Racket ' ' wh id1 w ill soon be puhli s he<l.

Rural Live Enjoys Delightful Program

Hu r:d L ife Clu b met o n )fo nda.v, ~\ l:1rch t h i r ty fir :--t, to enjoy O ll l' o f t h e 111ost p rof'ilab lc prog ra ms of t.h e year. D r. Ba ldwi n was t he :-: pcakcr of 1hc L· ,·t·11 i11 g . 1-l is :-.'ct \\' US o ne of i n­tt·n·:-t to :111 s lud t• n ls of ru ral p robl ems.

?l l ar ia11 B11d:-1hC' rg an d 'l'h e lma F O!-s c n lt•rl ain cd tht · ~roup hy a p ian o a nd 111a 11 clol i 11 dtw t. 11 '1'h e Cit ize n '' - :1

dr:1111atic· n·:1d i11 g was in tcrpretNl by l.l'no n• J>oe k :t.

,\11 1·11 tc r t ai11i r1g frat. u rn of the p ro· g ra111 was a skit g i vl.! 11 b~· t h e old fa­shi o ned o n ·h C's tra wh i1· h is undi' I' t h e leuclc rs h ip of Al (·X i'<•tn:-.0 11. 'l'h C' 11r­ch c:-.t r:1 pl:t yc r :-1 we re (lres:-.ed in c- lot hes whi 1· h had u h \· ious ly lain in l hc ga rrets :t nd a lti l' s for ahout a .SL·n r f' of yea rs. 'l'h c co111·1•r t i11 111C'111ory of t he 11 goocl o ltl days ·· w :1 s 1n1u·h c 11 joyed Uy a l l.

Primaries Meet At Miss Tobias' Home

'J'h c Pri111:1n· Ct11 1111 · il me t u n Monda,· ni g h t at th e iHun c of ).Ji ss T obias, un·c· 9 f t he p ri 111 :1r.\' lr:1 i11i1 1g IC'a c-her:,; . A \'l' ry ir11.t•rt•st i11 g- prug ra1 11 w:1:-. prcseut· t• d afl c r wl1 il'h r<'f rcsh 111l' 11t !'I we r e scrv­l'd. Tlw pn,grn m 1·011~istcd of a n~ad · i 11g h,\' ~ hirl ey S11 1i 1h , a ta lk g i \·e11 by .+h1~n:u·h ;--w hu--:1·lw:1.\~- li-:1-:-i.- :1- wor-t-h wh ih· 111e:-1s:1gt• fnr h1• r lish•nt• rs . a 11d :t

n•:t di 11g hy l.1 ·11o n • Dti<· k:t .

Secret Of The Clog Revealed To Co-eds

S prin g j ,.,. :t hit :,; \nw a hou t p u tti ni,: i n it:1 :i p pt•:1r: 11 11·P d 1•sJiil1· ils nff'kial a ll ·

. 11(11t n<·e1111•11 t :,;01tH' t illll' ago. Co11 :-.e­<1u1~11tly . our 1·0-C'd at hl f·tt•s ha,·c lJC'Cll un alih• In d ,.1 f iPld wo rk. l 11stc·a .J 1 t h l' n ·:-:uun·l·t'u l 01w:-1 ha,·1 · 11rg :111iz1·d a f te r ~l' li on l 1·las:-.1·s to m:istC' r tht· . ln·h 11iquc 11f tl1t• ,·log. T l1t' ,·Ja:-scs an• h C' ld 0 11 T11 ,·~d :1y a 111 I Thu rsday . :111 d t h<·:· a r c

__uµcJ.Ltu...1.Ll.L~irl:-. i11t1•n•:-.trd .

WHERE'S SHE AT ? .\Ii ! I lcrc 's lo tltl' l,! irl who ~tl'a ls,

---------,1l'R a nd swcurs-Stc:t ls i11to you r a rm!i, lies then\ a n<l s wea rs !ihC 'II never love :rnothr-r.

(\;J NELSON HI\LL Nons _Q 'l'h t• fl· 11 11is ,·o u rts :1n• :1 g-a in fill e d

111w•t o f t lw t im f•. I f ''th l' ea rly bi rd J1·t S llw \\'O l'l tl 1

', t'l• rt :1 i 11 ly SO Ii\ (' uf l hPSl' 1•:1rl\' ~l'l:,;011 11:d l IL· t111 i:; l't1t hu ­

s i:1sts ou ~i,1 to g('t s, 1111 l'thi ng-.

\ \' t• d nl.'sday 11 110 11 l> r. :1 11d ). I r~. Hald ­win 1•11t1•rt:li n1 ·<.l SL' \' 1•r:1l g- u1 •sts :II lu 11 1·Ji. 1•11 n in th 1· ):,• Iso n Jl :i l l fl i n i ng rc1u 111. l> r. J) nugl a .s \\ ':1plt•s o[ the C11 i \' t•rs i ty of' ('hi 1·:1go wns t he gut•:-.t o f hu11or . ).!1·. :11ul )! rs . 0 . \\". ~ L·a\1• , ).I r. :i nd ).lrs. .\ll l'Z 1 ) l iss lfo :t vli, .\ l ll u s.sf'." : l ll (l

). I is:; Howl' w1•n' g nt·st s. A tk li 11 1• and )l :1rg:1 rL' t HL' llrn a n \\'l' II I

t o ilH·i r honu· in l·'o r t .\ 1k i 11 so11 X'rid :1v. \\\ · \,·e r ,• su1T~· lo 1L•,1rn tha t )farga rl't \; ltt•: tlt h was tno poor l n p l' r11ti t he r re­t urn.

Alt:i :-i t a uf fr r w a s I li c gH L'S l o f Hu t h L ippk t• a t ii l'I' h o rnt• i n Waus a u. Th e t w11 g irl s s pc n l a \'l' ry c• 11 ,i uya 1J lc Wl' t> k· e nd.

H:it urd a\' .Lil:i K e 11 \'0 11 h :.1d to 111:1k c :1 t r ip l o he·l' d octor i11· F und du L a l', A spra ine d nn k le n cccss itatc tl t hi s v h1il.

Huby Cur t i~s ha s n o t a s ye t r e turn e d f ro m h C' r ho11u• i11 \\' au sau . S he w:1 s un:i hlt- to r l't t1r 11 li t•t·:iu sc of a sure ll1rnal.

Suud:n· w :i ~ th e bi r l hd:n· of Ludi e l'\ ru111111 . . an aln111 11 a \\' hv gr


a d u:1tetl la st .\'l':tr , Ota.• of he r frie nd s at th e Jlall 1 .\l :1r i :t11 Ko w i tz, Wl'llf tu Wi t t e nberg to n•h•brnlt• L11 1· ilC''s l,i r th d:t\" . )li ss Eu11i 1·c Bi k y , o ne of ou r "01tl . , gi rl s \\·as also in \\"ittl.!11 lic rg .

\\'c ha n • :ti la st had s u ff icil' n t p roof t hat )[c l.son Jf:lll g irls h a \·e 110 f ai t h in t hi.· :, ll u ll \' wuod Ui l't • ·. 'l' hcv see m to Ji s:q 1p ron: of i t hoth fr om t l1c seient i­f' il' :111 tl ,·0111 fort \·iew po in t .

. \ I i:,;f-1 A g l lt'S nintl.i I :,;pl'll t t h l' WCL' k · 1·11d at Iol a \\'lit .. ' l'l' s lt t• , · isitcli he r :;rand ­pa n· n t:,;.

.\ hu 111p hL•r1· :11u l :1 li n1i :-.l' l11c r l' bea r l1• 11 111 11 v to th e fnd tli at roll e r sk :11·. ing - r'o r p ll':l s llr l' - is :l ~ai n i n YO· ;.!' lit '. 'l'h l• 11J l' l'l' ll l'Ol· h ro 111 c hott k s wh ic h w1• t'l ' n •l :1 ga t1• d to t ht• ,· losC' t shl' h ·cs :1t 1h 1• 1• 11d ot' t lu• li:tsk t•tl ,all to urn:1111 t• 11 t :ll'l' :tg:1 i11 i11 \I Sl' ,

T il t• I ' . E. 0 ' :,. wt•n• t• nll'l'lain ed :i s ;1

:- u p p11r a ncl a mu s ir: tl a t ~ i' lso n Ilall 0 11 'I'm•sd ny l'\°l~ 11 i11g . .\Ir. ('y ru s Da11 i1• I of I la · l,;1wl't' ll l'C t·Oll l'j,!e fal· tlll y :i nd :1 l'l' ·

1·(•11 1 s tu dL• nt in Pa ris was t h e a r t ist for th e 111·ta:,;io 11 .

S i l l' 11 1·t· n•ig ned sup l'L'lllL' in th e 1·o rri · tl u rs of t h t• 1ln rr11i ton· a nti · 1 l it 1lt• ,!.! i r is Wl'l'l' s1•t•11 1 1,ut not ·hea rd'' on \Ved-1H·s d:1 y nig h t..

.\l oon g-azi 11 g t hnrn g h ;1 ll' l1•sn1pc ;:,; \ · 1· n · s:1tisf:1do r v w1• hl' :1 r . lj1• \ '(•ra l of our' gi rl s o hs t' l:\'c ll t lr1• ol h t•r pl:i 1a•t 1!t n1 ug li :1 ll' l1·s1·0 pl' 0 11 t he ,·a mpus :l '.' i •t\· t•n• 11i11 gs :1 gv. · · U o" · d ues t he 11 H10 11 look! ' '

( h1 r pC't Jll'l' \'C (o r I hi s Wt•i•k -11

:\ 11d a n· you 11 11 :t di t· t , too!!?"

T he foll uw iul,{ g irl :-1 11' 1'1 ~ l'iso n llall t h i:- Wt·t•k l' llll. llu ltia Wiprud a11tl l n•11t• Twd111 1 I n l o b . \\'i11 u n:t Honhr tu l 'u lhy , ~\ d el\' 11 S1l•tl111 a 11 :11111 L o n 1a (~uir111 to ,\11d1;•r-. t, ( 'at h 1•ri 11 1• ~ civi l sk i to l :n•t•n lb\' , L luvd H:1\·1•\' 111 l"11i t \' an ti )l :1 ,·

:.1i.;1. ,11 pui,;~t1Wf.bc..d.u.:siLL.U.ti..1 ' els ·

I- ,-. lV. ~ -. A.--11 - ()-,,-•. - .. -r - ,-1-... - .. -,e-·11 il •<'l'S wil l s p(·.1k "" I

• • ! ':1 1hs oi' Jl:1p pi111•:-..,' '. B1• t l11•rL' prnm p t ly al 7:~0.

l lt·lt•ga h·!-1 fro m t l11· \11,·:d Y. \\' . V . . \ . l :tr1' p l:11 111 i11g lo rt• p r,·st•nl us al :-1·\'1·1·:d rnllfl•n•11n•:,; i n lht• 111•:ir t' u tur,· . 1

T J,1•,· wi ll :LI ll' nd :1 st•,·1 innal n1 1L · j f i· n•ni:1 • :II Bin• r F :d l:- this \\·1·1·k·1· 111 I. I Jkh-g:tlt•:,; fro m s1·h1 1.11I :1111 ~ 1·(d lo~1::;. in \ \'i~1·1 111..: i 11 an d t hl' 11111111•d1 :1t1· \·1 ,·11111:: will gu to Hi n•r l·':dl.s.

.\. uat.iu ua l _c.u.lL\'..Cll.LiUJ.I ul L \\' . L ~\. , dt •lt•g::lll'S will llll' l't i n J>drni t. A pr i l t w1·11 l \' f i ft Ii tn ). l :1 \. fir:-tt. Th is is a H:1 1io 1; wi rl 1• g:lt hcri;1g :1 111l w, • frl' I 1111 · Hort•d j 11 :,;p 111 J i11l,! a dt• l1•g:ll io11. Th e I gi rls wlin w i l l n• p n·~1·11! us h :t\· 1· ll ttl :IS

_vt'l h1'l' II 1· l1UiW II .

Organizations Once Active In "S. P. N."

W it hin t he pages of dust·cOvc rcd n1 lu 11H•s of t he "lri:;" of y ea r s gone hy :1n• fo 1111rl t he ta lcs of student clubs I h:tr 11 0w ex ist no lo n ge r, await ing the :-- t 1· p:- 11 , l ,<' t a k l' H to b ri ng a bout t he ir rt •\·i,·al. O nt• of thc1:1c, t he Ohiy csa 1$ p:1 rt i ,· u la rly pi cturcsc1ue.

F ront l!J U;J u u t.i l J!J1 7 a g roup of g irls urga 11 izccl e:tt· h yt•ar as the "Ohi ycsa . " Thi :,;. w :i s a suc·i<' h · f or med a$ a n old Indi an t ril a~. Th e· 11:'l. 111c 111c::i. 11 s '' \Vin ­lh' r.

'l'h t· O li in•s:i ,,-1'; fouudcd in the fall o f l!l tl .""i hy· a flo w goirl i't under t11c Jcudcr­:-: hip of Lo tti e Di.:y or. The c lu b g rew u 11 1i l in .l!llli lh l' rc WN C o,·cr o ne hun­dn·d 111<•111lw rs . The :li 111 of t he society n ' a t'. h l·d ht•v ontl t he o rdin a n · cu l tural n ·sul ts whi ~h 1·01nc fro m a ii tcra ry so-1-i L·I \· . I t wa s tli s t incth · n. cha racte r fo n;1i11 g- o rga niza tion, ,~hi ch p erh a ps w:1s th e kr,·11 ot c to its success. It wns · th e d es ire· o_~ t h e memLers to bring gl 11 r.v to t hr [nilian race, nn d t o in sti ll t he beauty of t he red man 's nat u re i nto t hl· li\·cs of th e g irl s.

Th e 111 C' 111lwr~ drci-st•d i n Indian CO:i · tu11 1<' . annnling to the ir office. Every fall t h C'rt· \Y:l S :1 11 ini t iat ion se rvice a t w hic:h I he old Imlians j o in e<l ·w i th the offit· t•rs in wc leo ndng th e n ew m em· hcrs.

Th e g i rl s of t he so,· ic ty enjoy ed 111:iny good tim es th rough t he y ear. f.lo 111C of tll(•ir proj ec ts w ore t h c · annunl Al11 111 ii i O hiyC'sa. B a nquet h eld at the \\'i i,w n11 :-. i 11 S ta tc rr cnche rs' A ssociation l'on vl'n ti on, ,,·o rk in In di a n Jore, rifle p r:H· ti1•t•, partici pati o n in sch ool spo r ts, pi c n it·s . cn te rt ::t in111 c ru 1 and d i nne rs, a11 d fur l' n s ic::. .

'!'h e cl uh was a n houorary one. Its 11 1t' 11Jb l• rs w e re c ll•cted e \' c ry yea r. The III C'C' t in gs we re notable fo r t heir cerc· 111 0 11 y 1 idealis m, and socinl spiri t .

Oldy c:.:a was a promote r of pep. It h:1d its own y e lls and sou g-~ . 'rwo of t hC y ells arc g ive n he re . OH! Y ERA - I sh-kn-ui::a! O HIYES.-\ - Ish-ka -ug:i! <>HJYES A - T:-. h-k n-uga)

Chun k kt•11:1. (· hunk keu:i! Chu nk 4.." h u n k, k c 11a 1 k (.> n :i! ~ 1•g:1~a C' h i1 Yoka lacki , H 11i-pi-doe- t i, H oi-y a h ,

Hoi-y nh !

Ugh !

:-- t•c• ( in t he book st on•) . '!'he re's a s:1l t•s 111 ;1 n n ut~idc wi t h a muus taL·hc.

'l' es k c•-T(' \I hi m ' l h :ivc a mousl:1e he.

Everybody Looks At Your Shoes DO YOU?

WIS. SHOE SHOP 121 Strongs Ave . Phone 116

Brown b;tt Shoes FOR


JA ~ £.V~R):a~ec:r

G~~Llb. SUPERB VALm::s


$2.95 to $5.00 DOMACK CLOTHING CO.

109 Public Square

CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE Fruits and Vegetables

Phone 51 457 Main St.

''(;oud uctor, h l•l p 11 11• off t his trai n.' 1


, ·ure''. " You sel' ( ' 11 1 stou t, :0 11 1 I have to

g e t off t he t ra i 11 IJal'ltwa rd :-. ; t he por ter t l1 i 11 kl:§ I ' m w·t1 i11 g 0 11 :1 11 1l gi ve~ 111 C a sho\'e 0 11 aga in. l ' 111 f in· s ta t io ns past 111 ., · d 1·st i11 at io n no w.··




Smart Collegians Get Their Hair Cut At The

BURCH BARBER SHOP 314 Mai n St. J'\ c nni t 1-' r:i tc_•r: ' ' A li tl lt• ki ss <' :1c h ._ ______________ _.

mo rnin g . ;\ li tt le k iss e:u·h nig h t. "

Take Your Films To Noah Ark Photo Service

123 S trongs Avenue

-··· - Next- Sunday


RINGNESS SHOE GO. 40 Years Quality Foot Wear

lj. 17 ,\IAIN ;;T.

we have espec ia lly approp1ate


CANDIES and TOYS to take home with you

- ---TAV-LOR'S- --1-oRuG STORES

Page 4: THE POINTER - · co/. Z.) Stevens Point, Wis .. April 9, 1930 Price 7 cents Recognition Is Accorded Evans ... The growth of the college is shown. For the first time


Library Receives Many Useful Books

H erc is another list of new and in­teres ting hooks the coll ege library has j u :-t r ece iv ed .

"}.,oiblcs antl Fallncics of Science " h~· H ering.

1 • Fuml:uucnlals of A:;t ronomy" by

)l itc hcll :111cl Abbott. '' Scicnec a nt.l the New Civilization''

hy ,villih:w . a J('atling A mcrican phy­:,;il'i:st.

•1 Ex ccuti,·L·s 1 B11sit1c:-s Law'' by

Toulm in. 11 H c:1lth 8uperdsion and l!eclical

fn spcction of Sl'11ool:-; " br ,vood nnd llowcll.

A set of hooks .edited by Sir Richard Gla zcbrook - ' • Dictio n:1.ry of Applied J..,hysies. ''

A new nove l ''Budson River Brack­('lCd' ', by Ediih \Vhn rton.

"Up lo Now " - an autobiography by Alfred E. Smith.

"An Autobiography of Cnlvin Coo­lidge".

HOMECOMERS Among the fo rmer students who

visited Ccntrnl rece ntly arc : M elv in Donner, '28, t ea ching at En·

deavor. }'aith Ilc rrick, '2S, teaching at ,vau-

sau. Graal llcrrh· k, ·2;, teaching at Oak

Park, ]II. Lauretta Wi1·11ser ' 30, teaching at

llillsboro. J...ue il c Jf y la1nl, ':W, wh o is teaching

at Auburndal e. William .Alhn:d 1t, '29, who is t ench ·

i 1w at )[elliln n. Ben \V eronk C', '29, who is t eaching at

Wautoma . }'rank and Chrcnee Snytler, who left

!'Whoul at th l• e nd of th e fin1t semeste r.

EXCHANGES J. :)larc1uetle - Hobe rt Hansen, sopho­

more pre lcga I stu dent, won first place in the f in a l pre limina r ies of the Na­tional Peace eontcst with his oration, 1 'A Pi ca for P c:u·c. '' H e wi ll rep resent ~[a rqucttc unive rs ity in the state finals at Wa uk esha , Wis. , early in ~l ay.

J~alarna zoo - Xinfty-onc students of Weste rn S tate T eache rs ' Co llege re· ceivcd d cgr<'e ee rti f iea tcs a ncl diplomns at th e end of tl1 l· winter t erm, l'riday, March 2S.

Stout Jnstitut<'. - Preside nt Xe lso n has recein·d offi1·ia l notice f rom t he sec retary of the .\mericn n A~siciat ion of Teachers Colleges advising him that the Stout J nst i tution had been accorded a new fav orahlc ra ti ng by tha t a ssocia­tion. Jt is now gin·n nu ' ' A ' ' rating.

}~:1u Claire S. 'l'. C. - A ca rnival :-1ponsorC'd IJy th e \' . \V. C. A. :rnd M. A. A., was held April 2. [ t was an all s chool affair a nd each organ iz:1t iun t hat cntc rc<l a hooth on sid e.:;how rccC i\·ed 75 % of th c ir_profi_!s. .

)lil \\·:1 ukrt· Sta t e T1•:i1·hPr ':-1 College 1s to h:n·l· :i n1•\,· t·o 111 1Ji 11 Pd ~y1 11na :-1i um a nd f ic lcl liuu :-11·. l' O!'l!'l ildt• !l i tl's :ll'f' beinR" 1:0 11 s idc n·d :1t the- 11n•s t•11t timt• , and all 1wc·cssarv fund s h :1n· l,l't' ll a!'!SllrC'Cl.

Pl at l c0

villc T c-:n·li f'T 's ('o ll, •j!t• ii; th e ohlC's t normal in tht• i,1t:itc•. I t w:i s founded in ]X(ifi :1111:I l1l't·:tmH' of the f:tet is kn own :t!'I I ht- p io ll t'l'r '1'1·:ll· hL·r:; ' Col· legc.

Htunt ni ght al St out l nstitut1• is to lu · 011c of th,• 111us t un mm:tl of all the s1·J10ol fC'atun·s . I t ii,1 sp1111:-1oreJ hy the Y. nr. · .. \ . :t11d l'Olll'li:-ltii of a program of thf' h t•s t tal1•nt tlw t !ht• nuious school d uh~ ,·an pruchu.·(•.

THE SPORT SHOP Equipme nt For

All Sports


(Contim1ed f rom page J, col. J.)

STATIONERY. BOOK S, DRUGS in conJucti ng in sti t u tes. :\lr. 'Natson and ".\ l iss )fa 11:-ur ha\·e not yet fo rm· ula tcd their p luns.

)fr. Pierce pla ns to clo t weh-o weeks of gradua te work at the Univ ers ity of Iowa, wh ich is locnktl in I owa City.

Remington Portable "T}!pewrifers

H. D. McCulloch Company

.\J i:-:s l' (eiffcr is going to ~pent! the r~--------------.. su 111 mer at her home at Franklin, \\"is · cousin. l\ l r. S111 ith is to do grad uate work at t he Uni tersity of Chicago.

Miss Seen is st ill m u:c rtaiu as to h e r :tcti\·ities. ).Jiss La Vi gnc's ]>l:tns a nd :\Liss )feston 's arc as y et u11know11 . l\lr . Roge rs' leave of n.bRcn<·t· continu es throu gh the summer.

School Masters' · Club Holds Annual Meet

'L'hc Cc ntrnl , visconsi n School-masters' Club h cl<l its annual meeting of the orgnnh;nt ion held on Apri l :!,

During the afternoon business meet­i11g, Paul ).f. Yii1 ce 11t wa s e lected p resi­dent to ~uc<·ced .B. F . L ewis of i\farsh­fil'ld , A. A. Hitchay of \ Visco nsin Ru· pid~, d cc·presi<lcnt; an<l E. 'l'. Smith of this c ity ::.ecre fary and treasurer.

Dinner was served to t he club mem­bers iu the rec rea tion room of Nelson Hull hy Mi ss Rowe. Dr. Douglas Wa­ples, tli recto r of t he graduate librnry schtol of the Universi ty of Chicago gtn·e a most i nte res t ing description of his work as he traced t he re lat ion of teache rs' reading preferences t o the problem of tcnche rs training.

Mr. Colli ns : Now we fi nd t hnt. X is equ:tl to zero.

Mnrsha1l: Gee ! All that work for nothing.


THE SPOT RESTAURANT 414 Main St. Phone 95

Prom a deseriptiou of :1 member of the G. A. R. ' 1 -a bald -headed man dressed in a uni on suit of the North. ' '

T ench e r 's correcti on: ' ' Too abst.rnc t ; should reacl, 'dressed in f lcccC'· li ncd underwea r . "



\ Ve speak of A Ima :Ma ter 111 t e rm s of love, an ' so \Ve 're t hankful U_1at we've got h l• r, Hut, oh I when breezes Llow \Ve barter faith for 11 feve r,· , 'l'o ser k th e so ln<:e <l mind Ancl tell ourse h ·cs to IC':1vc ll t• r And oth e r ca res behind.

It is easi er to build a

brick hou se "·ithout a

brick than it is to

the edifice of yonr sueecss

without moiiey ,iJI tne--





I Ty




Why is the Statue of Li berty's long· est fingr.r 011 ly 11 in ches long 'J

Because if it were one in r h longe r it wou lcl be :1 foot .



To Know T he U i fference

A womnn cun 1wvC' r mak e up her mind, No rnattl'T how urgent the cosc,

But oh! how sw ift and sure she work!-11

When she 1w ~ to 111ake up he r face!

Home Made Caridy · --AT---

"THE PAL" What you ,·an do with :1 p,•1111y:

Buy one st it· k of g11111.

\Vt'il,.!h y ou rself. J)rnp in drnn·h 1·ollc,·tio11. Ihtc on cl <•:ttl 1111• 11 's c.n·~. (:ivc it to your kicl hro t.lJt •r: J.: C' t

hi s goat. .

French Campbell&~· o. Students Supplies

449 Main St. Phone 98-J

\\"h en a professor l'O nfidcs to you that he appreciates your attitude in not ju111pi11g up and out a t the first pea l of . th <' be ll, hy :il l means ll l'\' l' r Llurt out that. it tnk C's vou :1 111i11t1t l' or so to ge t a wa ke. ·



Hotel Whiting Bldg.

Spring fasl1 ions ... :

Ever New. . . . Ever more

beautiful. . ..

Coats - ;Suits - Dresses

Millinery - Accessories

Krak e: "You R emind me of an e ight s ided figure.''

l(nrsha ll: '' A 11 of wh ich mean s -1' ' }{rake: ''You oct:1go11 home long

ago. ''

(~uaker f,ace Curtaiu ~ c-a11 he fn nml l1 erc in all t he :-{l'w 8 pri11g Pa ttern~ al so a rompl ctc li11L' of Hli F'FLl•;D CURTA.1NS

Priced 50c. to $7.50


.\ gc•nt - How do you lik e your c·l l'd ric washe r I

L :uly - Not ~o good . F.very time I g1 •t in th o t-hinj! t hose p:iddles k no ·_k m e_ off my· fee t-:--




" I fainted and th l'Y l,rought me to. Ho I faint.rel ag:1 i11. '' II Why ?" 1

' Wr ll , tht•n t IL <•.v brought me t wo, III O r l' . ' '


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