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PROMOTING WAR  Deanna Spingola September 9, 2007

Ever since Lincoln's "Civil War," America has been "transformed from a limited, constitutional government to a highly centralized welfare-warfare state."[1] War is allegedly initiated for "national security" reasons - "newspeak" for resource seizure and/or control by multinational corporations/banks through their financial grip on governments. What! You think the United States would not participate in or condone plunder? The government plunders your pocket for interest payments (AKA income tax) on their loans from the Federal Reserve to finance all war-like activities, whether subversive or public!

False pretenses for war include: civilize the uncivilized, spread democracy, save foreign citizens from their selectively despicable leaders (those resistant to U.S. interests), eradicate slavery, attack them before they attack us (media-induced fear), or fight Nazism, Communism, Fascism, terrorism, ___________ (fill in the blank). If those justifications fail, "false flag" operations are used - frequently against U.S. citizens (The Maine, The Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Northwoods Tonkin, 9/11). Corroborating "news," stipulated via the daily memo, is combined with patriotic pro-war exuberance, contrived fear and subtle but unmistakable ethnic denunciation is disseminated by numerous so-called "conservative" talking heads - nothing but Murdoch mouthpieces - indistinguishable except for personal characteristics.

Unless deliberately distracted individuals ignore the pro-war monopoly media's regurgitation of disinformation and misinformation and investigate the circumstances regarding U.S. invasions into other countries, they are enslaved by apathetic ignorance and at the mercy of the corporate-owned, government-sanctioned Ministry of Truth and their fabricated federal fairy tales designed to manipulate us into endless unconstitutional foreign "entanglements."

In this subjective environment, anti-war sentiments are equivalent to treason. Alternative media voices are silenced by dismissals or show cancellations. A thorough review of historical specifics would either expose government officials who, ignorant of the Constitution, specialize in serial stupidity or verify their treacherous adherence to the banker's globalist agenda. Power-driven members in the three branches of government either willingly acquiesce or act to prevent a media-blitzing exposure of some abominable character flaw or behavior by their well-informed, all knowing managers. Alternatives for elimination of the noble-acting, uncooperative include: assassinations, plane crashes, Watergating, or suicide by multiple gun shot wounds.

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The arrogant interventionist attitude necessitates the demonization of entire ethnic and philosophical groups - why else would otherwise good people maim, rape or slaughter complete strangers - other humans? After World War II, many non Nazis were unaware of their government's atrocities in neighboring countries. Americans, calculatingly shocked by graphic newsreel images, readily hated all Germans for the Nazi's ethnic brutality. To incite our contemporary indignation, our monopoly media promptly revealed unearthed bodies accredited to Hussein's regime. In contrast, that same monopoly media conceals the graphic images of returning body bags, slaughtered children, white phosphorous-toasted cadavers, and the murdered family of the fourteen year old girl who was gang raped, murdered and then burned and who knows what else.[2] Exposing these horrific images would detract from the globalist agenda of sustained warfare in the oil-rich Middle East.

Governments are artificial entities, financed by international bank loans; they target "enemies," and whip up the populace, assisted by Stallone-style Hollywood flicks that glorify "good wars." Well-placed patriotic posters and ads focusing on the "war on terror" target specific audiences. Some of those ads are financed by Freedom's Watch, with communications expert, Ari Fleischer, a dual U.S.-Israel citizen and former Bush press secretary, as their spokesman. Currently his group is mounting a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign to urge congress and constituents to support the war and not "cut and run," psychologically well-chosen words for a people who wish to radiate strength.[3] Who else sponsors ads - the banker-backed Carlyle Group, Blackwater, or Halliburton - groups that apparently value money over life? What motivates affluent groups like this who wield sufficient influence that citizens abandon all sensitivity to human life in favor of some well-marketed yet indefinite agenda?

Despite consenting signatures, the Geneva Conventions need to be reestablished after the lastest horrors have been publically exposed; they do little to curb future atrocities. The conference in 1949 prohibits reprisal killings, terrorizing entire populations, permanently displacing residents, plundering and pillaging, physical abuse or torture, murder, corporal punishments, mutilation and medical or scientific experiments, injuries against people due to race, nationality, religion or political opinion. Those prohibitions should have covered Korea, Vietnam and our other post-war interventions. They didn't! It took another post-Vietnam Geneva Convention!

Who benefits? In order to engage in contemporary no-win wars, the government borrows money from the Federal Reserve resulting in increased profits for the bankers. Lengthy no-win wars sustain profits for the power elite. Winning terminates the money siphoning machine. Militaristic minions, reinforced by CIA-style bureaucratic agencies, prevent or inhibit competition for available resources, depopulate countries, destabilize economies, seize prime lands and resources, perpetuate government contracts to certain big business buddies, alter

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social structure and culture, perpetuate hostility, provoke civil war (divide and conquer - the people kill each other) with both sides financed and logistically supported, build permanent military bases in order to execute additional assaults in the area, relocate populations for covert political purposes, transfer power and emotionally decimate and destroy families, the most essential social unit. Violence is widespread - triggering forced migration. Iraqi families, who have been expelled from their homes, use refuse to erect makeshift shelters for protection against the intense heat of the Middle East. War-weary innocent children play amongst heaps of garbage and drink and eat whatever they can scavenge.[4] War is indiscriminate - everyone suffers.

Another function of foreign wars is chaotic national division and distraction. Citizens are currently contending on prospective presidential candidates by who will prolong or end the war(s). The best candidate is the one who will protect us from our own government! While thus distracted we fail to recognize that our government is, in fact, seizing our most fundamental liberties (Patriot Act) and combining our country with Mexico and Canada, a finalizing step to the one world government. Continuous wars, since the Civil War, catapult us towards the same goal.

Neither Vietnam nor Iraq was a threat to our "national security." The ongoing assault against the citizens of Iraq started long before March 2003 or even 1991. This last invasion was premeditated and planned long before 9/11. Likewise - "the invasion of Vietnam was deliberate and calculated, as were policies and strategies that bordered on genocide and were designed to force millions of people to abandon their homes. Experimental weapons were used against civilians. Chemicals banned in the United States -- Agent Orange -- were used to change the genetic and environmental order in Vietnam."[5]

The French, led by Louis-Napoleon, motivated by greedy economic and military interests, first invaded the vulnerable Vietnamese in July 1857. They professed to have a "moral obligation," as a "superior culture," to civilize the "uncivilized," a common Western justification for many hostile invasions. Without sufficient weapons and national unity to resist the French, Emperor Tu Duc signed the Treaty of Saigon, a "peace treaty," in June 1862 giving into the French demands which included payment of a large indemnity to France for its losses in attacking Vietnam."[6] "Peace treaties" are habitually disingenuous, but standard procedure - the antagonistic, armed invaders conquer and subjugate the indigenous unarmed populace and belatedly proffer "peace," while stripping them of their dignity and natural resources.

A few citizens, friendly and helpful to the invading French, were rewarded with the forcefully-vacated residences of fleeing families, a common practice. Valuables, personal or national, do not disappear - they merely change hands. Lands were also allotted to incoming French settlers, creating a "French-Vietnamese landholding class."[7]

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Other encroachments and more treaties established a French protectorate over Vietnam by 1883, partitioned into three sectors, which formally ended Vietnam's independence.[8] France pilfered the natural resources, silenced popular leaders and left a dispirited, impoverished Vietnamese population.[9] Under the French the Vietnamese required identity papers to travel out of their districts, freedom of speech and organization were restricted, land was confiscated by large landowners, citizens were imprisoned for minor offenses, poverty increased and education was neglected causing the literacy rate to fall.

Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), born Nguyen Sinh Cung in Kim Lien in Annam in central Vietnam, was the son of an official who resigned in protest against the French "domination of his country." In 1911, Ho left Vietnam and worked as a cook on a French steamship traveling from Saigon to Marseilles. He went to London in 1914 for two years where he worked as a kitchen-hand at the Carlton Hotel. From 1919 until 1923, he lived in France, where he associated with French socialists.[10] During the Paris Peace Conference (victor's formally carving up the spoils) he attempted to meet with President Woodrow Wilson to petition for Vietnam's freedom but, predictably, he was turned away. Despite Wilson's deceptive rhetoric about "A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims," Vietnam was still under French rule.[11]

Ho Chi Minh was part of the group which founded the French Communist party, later banned after the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression pact in August 1939. "He was summoned to Moscow for training and, in late 1924 he was sent to Guangzhou, Canton, China, where he organized a revolutionary movement among Vietnamese exiles called the Viet Nam Thanh Nien Cach Menh Dong Chi Hoi (Revolutionary Youth League). He was forced to leave by local authorities who cracked down on Communist activities. He represented Communist International when he went to Hong Kong and founded the Indochinese Communist Party (ICP) on February 3, 1930 at a conference of the Thanh Nein. Party objectives include: overthrow the French, establish an independent Vietnam, nationalization of the economy, cancellation of public debts, land reform, education for everyone, and the creation of an eight-hour work day.[12]

Hong Kong's British police arrested him in June 1931 and incarcerated him until 1933. He then went to the Soviet Union and taught at the Lenin Institute until 1938 when he returned to China as an advisor to the "Chinese Communist armed forces."[13]

Another organization, the revolutionary Vietnam Quoc Dan Dang Party was secretly established on Christmas 1927 in Ha Noi. The party's first assault against French brutality and injustice occurred on February 10, 1930. They lost - the 13 brave leaders were guillotined in the early morning of June 17, 1930.

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The crash of the New York Stock Exchange on October 29, 1929 had caused a 50% decrease in Vietnamese salaries, unemployment increases to 33% and strikes break out. Poverty-stricken demonstrators took over in some districts and made demands. The French sent in Foreign Legion troops and arrested 1,000 individuals. Four hundred people received lengthy prison terms and eighty individuals were executed, including some Communist Party members. By 1832, there are 10,000 political prisoners in Vietnam. When America's cash catastrophe occurs you may expect a military presence and martial law. Due to decades of Federal Reserve economic gymnastics and despite the official deceitful "all is well" canned rhetoric; a deliberate cash crash is inevitable. It will create a similar scenario: riots, arrests, incarcerations and executions for the very vocal.

Prior to the crash of 1929, U.S. bankers and officials claimed that the economy was good: On July 27, 1928, Herbert Hoover said in San Francisco: "Unemployment in the sense of distress is widely disappearing.... We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land."[14] Do you recognize the familiar jargon?

In early 1941, Ho Chi Minh finally returned to Vietnam after being absent for nearly thirty years. "On behalf of the Communist International" he presided over the Eighth Conference of the ICP. Following Comintern instructions, the party created the Viet Minh Front and put forward an essentially nationalist program.[15]

After Hitler invaded Russia in June 1941, Japan moved into southern Indochina. Japan occupied Vietnam in 1941 despite the efforts of Ho Chi Minh and his Communist Viet Minh (Vietnam Independence League). During World War II, Ho Chi Minh's Viet Minh received military equipment and financial assistance from the United States in return for intelligence information on Japanese operations in Indochina.[16] The U.S. military intelligence agency Office of Strategic Services (OSS) teamed up "with Ho Chi Minh and his Viet Minh guerrillas to harass Japanese troops in the jungles."[17]

The Japanese surrendered on August 14 (formally on September 2, 1945). After the American "shock and awe" demonstration of military muscle, don't-ever-mess-with-us defeat of Japan that ended World War Two, Ho Chi Minh managed, with a guerrilla network, to gain control of much of the countryside in northern Vietnam. France still dominated the cities in northern Vietnam as well as the whole of southern Vietnam. Together, the Nationalist and Communist Parties fought against France. They created a Declaration of Independence for the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, dated September 2, 1945. Half a million people gathered in Hanoi to hear Ho Chi Minh read the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence which was allegedly based on the American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.

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1, The Great Centralizer, Abraham Lincoln and the War between the States by Thomas J. DiLorenzo2, "Redacted" Stuns Venice, August 31, 20073, Group to Urge War Support, New York Times, Published: August 22, 2007.4, Mosaic: World News From The Middle East - August 8. 2007, US Bombings Kill 30 in Sader City, Al Jazeera TV, Qatar5, John Pilger addresses Columbia University in New York, April 14, 20066, Vietnam, Ronald J. Cima, ed. Vietnam: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1987.Under French Rule7, Vietnam, Ronald J. Cima, ed. Vietnam: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1987. Colonial Administration8, Ibid9, Asian Nation, Asian American History, Demographics and Issues10, Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, pg. 12511, The Samil (March First) Independence Movement by Lee Wha Rang12, Ho Chi Minh13, Ho Chi Minh, Selected Works (Hanoi, 1960-1962), Vol. 2, Biography of Ho Chi Minh14, Forecast Center15, Myths of the Vietnam War by Robert F Turner, The Pentagon Papers Reconsidered, September 197216, Ibid17, The Vietnam War, Seeds of Conflict, 1945 - 1960


VIET NAM, A PROTOTYPE  October 6, 2007

From October 1944 to May 1945, Hanoi and the surrounding area suffered a horrific famine that resulted in the starvation deaths of nearly two million people, out of a population of about ten million. There were many reasons for the famine, the first and foremost was war! Remember, the Japanese invaded and occupied Viet Nam beginning in 1941. The Americans were bombing Japanese occupiers as well as crucial infrastructure, like roads. This "collateral" damage affected the transportation of rice from the south of Viet Nam where the majority of rice, a daily staple, was grown. Another famine factor was the ongoing exploitation of natural resources. Fertile food-producing land used for generations was seized by the French for more exportable, non eatable, high profit-producing crops. Understandably, the deadly deficiencies further provoked peasant revolts against both the Japanese and the French colonial society. Hungry people are desperate people! Hunger rules the world!

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In 1945, there were two groups who were involved in clandestine activities with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in Indochina. One represented Western Oil interests - the GBT or the Gordon Group. The other group was the Viet Minh (a popular movement of Catholics, Buddhists, small businessmen, communists and farmers).[1] "By 1945, the American OSS, dedicated to supporting guerrilla warfare and resistance organization, and the Office of War Information (OWI), which disseminated US propaganda, were developing independent contacts inside northern Indochina. As a result, the OSS increasingly endorsed the one truly effective resistance movement: Ho Chi Minh's Viet Minh coalition."[2]

On August 17, 1945, Ho Chi Minh appealed to the people to rise up in revolution for their independence. It had been under French control and was one undivided country which had been exploited by the French for decades. The Viet Minh took control of Hanoi that same day.

Ho Chi Minh feared that China and France would cut a deal to remove him, destroy the Viet Minh and return Viet Nam to the French. However, the OSS had a statement from Chiang Kai-shek, dated August 24, 1945 indicating that China had no interest in getting "mired" in Indochina. Chiang had expressed this attitude to Roosevelt in Cairo in November 1943. It was his contention that the Vietnamese were not Chinese, could not be assimilated into Chinese society and that China had no territorial interest in Indochina. Perhaps China merely intended to deal with France regarding their interests without even considering the viability of the Vietnamese independence movement.[3]

Saigon fell on August 25, 1945. Then on August 28, 1945 the Viet Minh announced the formation of the provisional government of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam.

Independence Day for Viet Nam was scheduled for September 2, 1945. The atmosphere in Hanoi, after decades of foreign subjection, was festive. Residents were cleaning storefronts and hanging red garlands of flowers. Streamers proclaimed "Liberty for Viet Nam" and "Independence." The allies, especially Americans, were welcome. British troops arrived about the ninth of September. The Vietnamese anticipated a new government headed by the person who had struggled for their independence for so long - Ho Chi Minh of the Viet Minh. The people wanted change and independence from all foreign domination. Ninety percent of the inhabitants of Viet Nam lived off the land and they had been subjected to an evil system of feudalism which reduced them to mere slaves.[4]

The French, resistant to losing their foreign treasure trove, created an environment of fear among the French civilian community in Hanoi by telling them they were in "mortal danger" from the "Vietnamese Communists." They labeled the Viet Minh "Communist" to discredit them. Ho's provisional government had assured the Office of Strategic

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Services (OSS) hierarchy that violence against the French "would be avoided at all costs." The Viet Minh, despite "French provocations" had given no indication for alarm. The French appeared to be attempting to turn the tables and condemn the Vietnamese for the poor "oppressed French."[5] In addition, the French parachuted agents into strategic locations in an effort to occupy all public offices and buildings in an attempt to reestablish control.

America, once an ally, would shortly withdraw support from Ho Chi Minh due to his Communist affiliation. However, American analysts could not determine any correlation between Ho Chi Minh and Moscow. Ho Chi Minh did not appear to be following any instructions or policies from Moscow. There was communist influence in the Viet Minh - such as the right arm salute. They had borrowed posters and banners from Western leftist art. The Viet Minh also embraced American influence by incorporating policies and techniques of a democratic government. According to Arthur Hale of the U.S. Information Agency in 1945, the Viet Minh leadership used communist methods to appeal and arouse the masses to support the establishment of an independent democracy (declassified in 1972).[6]

The French stereotyped the revolutionaries as "ungrateful." Quite justifiably, the Vietnamese failed to recognize reasons why they should be grateful for decades of French-inflicted misery. The French did contribute some things: more jails than schools, more prison camps than hospitals, more army barracks than houses, fine schools for a few privileged Vietnamese - to serve the French colonial needs. Ho Chi Minh wanted to look to the future, not replay the injustices of the past. His aim was to rid Viet Nam of all foreign control: "French, Japanese, Chinese, or whatever." He felt that the Vietnamese had a right to govern themselves. "Ho wanted American technical experts to help establish those few industries that Viet Nam was capable of supporting." He was also concerned about the residual affects of the malnutrition suffered by the "calamitous famine of 1944."[7]

Despite the fact that Ho Chi Minh looked to the future he defined some of the French abuses inflicted on the Vietnamese in his speech on September 2, 1945. He was introduced to the huge crowd as the "liberator and savior of the nation." He said that for more than eighty years the French colonialists had violated and oppressed the citizens. He accused them of the following: imposing inhuman laws, dividing the country into three distinct political regimes to destroy national unity,[8] killed our patriots, drowned their uprisings in "rivers of blood," silenced public opinion, "fostered political obscurantism," weakened the race by encouraging the use of opium and alcohol, devastated and exploited the land, robbed the people of their rice fields, mines, forests and raw materials, "monopolized the issuance of banknotes and export trade," invented hundreds of unjustifiable taxes to reduce the peasantry and small businessman to a state of extreme poverty and mercilessly exploited the workers.[9] Worldwide, tyrants use the same tactics.

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In addition, Ho accused the "Japanese fascists" of violating Indochina's territory by "establishing new bases for their fight against the Allies." The complicit French basically handed the country over to the Japanese which added to the suffering of the citizens. Viet Nam ceased to be a French colony in the autumn of 1940 and became occupied by the Japanese. Ho declared: "the French have fled, the Japanese have capitulated, Emperor Bao Dai has abdicated. Our people have broken the chains which for nearly a century have fettered them and have won independence for our nation. For these reasons, we, members of the Provisional Government, representing the whole of the Vietnamese people, declare that from now on we break off all relations of a colonial character with France; we repeal all international obligations that France has so far subscribed to on our behalf; and we abolish all the special rights the French have unlawfully acquired in our territory. We are convinced that the Allied nations which at Tehran and San Francisco acknowledged the principles of self determination and equality of nations, will not refuse to acknowledge the independence of Viet Nam. For these reasons, we, members of the Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam, solemnly declare to the world that Viet Nam has the right to be a free and independent country - and in fact it is so already. The entire Vietnamese people are determined to mobilize all their spiritual and material forces, to sacrifice their lives and property, in order to safeguard their right to liberty and independence."[10]

When Ho Chi Minh proclaimed that Viet Nam was finally free there was a small assembly of agents from the OSS in the crowd of four hundred thousand Vietnamese who had gathered to hear Ho's address. The OSS hierarchy had urged him to create an independent Viet Nam. These agents had worked closely with him and other Vietnamese insurgents prior to the end of World War II. Ho and his group had rescued downed American pilots and gathered intelligence on the Japanese for the American OSS.

Ho Chi Minh idealistically thought that his country was free. He was not aware that Harry S. Truman, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin had already decided the post-war fate of Southeast Asia, "with or without their consent," at the nefarious Potsdam Conference, held at Potsdam, Germany, from July 17 to August 2, 1945. Never mind that the indigenous peoples had lived there for hundreds of years and assumed that their land belonged to them.[11] The country was to be divided into two sections with the northern half under the control of China, not Chiang Kai-shek, and the southern half under the British. China was Viet Nam's ancient enemy. Ho Chi Minh, in 1945, understood how difficult it would be for his nation to escape domination by China or for that matter, the Soviet Union if used as a counterforce. He had hoped that the U.S. would play a peaceful, stabilizing role in his country's development.[12] Ho Chi Minh had written numerous letters to U.S. officials years before World War II requesting help - they went unanswered.

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On September 23, the Saigon population rebelled against the foreigners and surrounded them in the center of the city without access to supplies. In October, the fighting French managed to re-establish control. This was followed by months of negotiations and international political maneuvers which gave Indochina back to France. The Viet Minh negotiation strategy of independence failed despite Ho Chi Minh's trip to France. In March, 1946, Ho stood before a crowd in Hanoi, and sadly proclaimed, "I swear, I have not sold you out!"[13]

During the pandemic turbulence in Saigon, the first American, Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officer Lt. Col. A. Peter Dewey, was killed on September 26, 1945 by Viet Minh gorillas who mistook him for a French officer. Prior to his death, Dewey "had filed a report on the deepening crisis in Viet Nam, stating his opinion that the U.S. 'ought to clear out of Southeast Asia.'"[14] Apparently, no one took his report seriously. The poor man was out of the Power Elite loop!

Truman disbanded the OSS on October 1, 1945. On January 22, 1946, Truman issued a directive creating a new Central Intelligence Group (CIG) to be jointly staffed and funded by the Departments of State, War and Navy.

"Actually the U.S. involvement in what later became known as the Viet Nam War began on the very day of the Japanese surrender, September 2, 1945."[15] On that day, the representative of the Emperor of Japan signed the surrender papers laid before him by General Douglas MacArthur on the deck of the battleship Missouri in Tokyo.

Before their disbandment in 1945, OSS units organized huge shipments of arms to Syngman Rhee in Korea and Ho Chi Minh in Viet Nam. Both of these countries had been devastated by the Japanese during the war. Those arms shipments went to the two countries where two devastating "Cold War" conflicts were imminent. Those wars were deliberately "Cold War style" - no military objective and no victorious conclusion. Other foreign interventions ensued using the same no-win, civilian-consuming blueprint.[16]

President Roosevelt, whose early family finances were greatly enhanced by China trade, thought that Indochina (Laos, Cambodia, and Viet Nam) should be turned over to a trusteeship rather than returned to France. Roosevelt had discussed this proposal with the Allies at the Cairo, Teheran, and Yalta Conferences and received the endorsement of Chiang Kai-shek and Joseph Stalin; Prime Minister Churchill demurred. However, Chiang Kai-shek did not want control over Indochina or responsibility for a trusteeship. This may have led to his waning support from the U.S. or whoever makes those "national security" decisions on behalf of American taxpayers. Apparently, Roosevelt, who thought that Britain "would take land anywhere in the world even if it were only a rock or a sandbar," offended Churchill's super imperialistic tendencies for which he never forgot or forgave Roosevelt. The British Empire, freely changing boundaries and merging

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peoples in conquered or controlled nations, had benefited greatly from the Far East (since 1600) with their monarchy-established British East India Company.[17]

Roosevelt unexpectedly died at age 63 on April 12, 1945, less than two months after the Yalta conference. There are claims that he was poisoned. Truman, his vice president, assumed the otherwise prestigious role of taking orders from the Power Elite.

Plans had been made for an American land invasion into Japan in the late fall of 1945 using the island of Okinawa as a launching site when it became available. Air raids against Okinawa started in October 1944. The invasion preparations included sufficient equipment to supply 500,000 men. Japanese resistance on Okinawa ended on June 22, 1945. Supplies and equipment began to be stacked up, fifteen to twenty feet high, all over the island. Japan surrendered earlier than expected which curtailed the massive invasion. Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty was at Naha Harbor, Okinawa when U.S. Navy Transport vessels began to show up. He relates that the war materials were loaded onto those ships. He asked the Harbormaster "if all of that new material was being returned to the States." According to Prouty, the Harbormaster responded: "Hell No! They ain't never goin' to see it again. One half of this stuff, enough to equip and support at least 150,000 men, is going to Korea and the other half is going to Indochina.'"[18]

"In 1945, none of us had any idea that the first battles of the Cold War were going to be fought by U.S. Military units in those two regions beginning in 1950 and 1965, yet that is precisely what had been planned and it is precisely what happened. Who made that decision back in 1943-1945?"[19]

That military material was loaded during September 1945 and shipped to Haiphong the port of Hanoi, the capital of Viet Nam. There were sufficient arms to supply any army for battle. "Once in Haiphong Harbor this enormous shipment of arms was transferred under the direction of U.S. Army Major General Gallagher, who was supporting the OSS and his associate Ho Chi Minh. Gallagher had come from China to mop up the remnants of the defeated Japanese army. Ho's military commander Colonel Giap quickly moved this equipment into hiding until the day when it would be needed. By 1954, that time had come."[20] Fot part one click below.

Click here for part -----> 1,


1, Why Viet Nam? Prelude to America's Albatross by Archimedes L. A. Patti, pg. 432, SOE's French Indo-China Section, 1943-1945 by Martin Thomas, Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 34, No. 4 (Oct., 2000), pp. 943-9763, Why Viet Nam? Prelude to America's Albatross by Archimedes L. A.

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Patti, pg. 235-364, Ibid, pg. 240-425, Ibid, pg. 2396, The American involvement in Vietnam Accessed September 18, 20077, Ibid, pg. 2468, In the 1930s, the area today known as Vietnam was made up of three distinct areas: Annam, Tonkin and Cochinchina, all under French administration. Indochina refers to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.9, Ibid, pg. 250-5210, Ibid, pg. 250-5211, JFK, the CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy by L. Fletcher Prouty, pgs. 14-1512, Why Vietnam? Prelude to America's Albatross by Archimedes L. A. Patti, pg. xviii13, The Anti-Colonial Movement in Vietnam by Loren Goldner, New Politics, vol. 6, no. 3, Summer 199714, The Vietnam War, Seeds of Conflict, 1945 - 1960, Accessed August 25, 200715, In August 1945, the Japanese situation was desperate. The major cities were devastated by atomic or conventional attack, and the casualties numbered in the millions. Millions more were refugees, and the average consumption was below 1200 calories a day. The fleet was lost, and the merchant shipping could not leave home waters or sail from the few possessions still held without braving submarine or mine attack. Oil stocks were gone, rubber and steel were in short supply, and the Soviets were moving against the only sizable forces the Japanese had left, the Kwantung Army in Manchuria. They were a starving and undersupplied force. Many divisions had transferred to the Pacific, where they died in the island battles.16, JFK, The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy by L. Fletcher Prouty, pg 1817, Ibid, pgs. 14-1518, Ibid, pgs. 17-1819, Ibid, pg. 1820, Ibid, pg. 39



November 17, 2007

World War II presented the perfect opportunity to launch a revolution. Ho Chi Minh mobilized an army of 5,000 soldiers. On September 2, 1945, Viet Nam's Independence Day, Ho Chi Minh borrowed the sentiments of Thomas Jefferson when he said "We hold these truths to be self-evident. That all men are created equal." A Vietnamese band

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played the Star-Spangled Banner and American warplanes flew overhead. U.S. Army officers were adjacent the reviewing stand. Ho thought Viet Nam had a special friendship with the U.S. However, the support given to the Viet Minh by the local OSS hierarchy did not reflect the political goals of the Power Elite who controlled the U.S. government.[1]

France, by written agreement, allegedly recognized Viet Nam as an independent country within the Indochinese Federation and the French Union on March 6, 1946.[2] However, they insisted on setting up a puppet government under the former Emperor Bao Dai of Annam (one of the five political entities of French Indochina, consisting of the central part of present day Viet Nam), who had abdicated his throne in August 1945 for the unity and independence of the country.[3] He was not supported by the Nationalists or the majority of the people. His government was composed of rich landowners. The French also wanted to retain a "small military presence" which amounted to 15,000 troops.

On November 20, 1946, there were clashes between French and Vietnamese soldiers. A French cruiser opened fire on the Port of Haiphong killing almost 6,000 Vietnamese. On December 19, 1946, the French ordered the Viet Minh (League for the Independence of Viet Nam) to relinquish all authority and arms. The Viet Minh responded with a counter attack against the French garrison in Hanoi which began the Indochina War.[4] [5]

By early 1947, the Truman Administration had made decisions and set policy that would impact Viet Nam for the next two decades. Based on the friendliness and past association with OSS agents, Viet Minh leaders had hoped for American assistance and support. Ho Chi Minh had written numerous letters to President Truman and the State Department in 1945 and 1946 requesting America's help in freeing Viet Nam from France. None were ever acknowledged. He also petitioned the United States following World War I. Both times, his pleas were ignored.

Major Archimedes L. A. Patti of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) later wrote that Ho "pleaded not for military or economic aid but for understanding, for moral support, for a voice in the forum of western democracies. But the United States would not read his mail because, as I was informed, the DRV Government was not recognized by the United States and it would be 'improper' for the president or anyone in authority to acknowledge such correspondence." Instead, the US helped the French-even offering them two atomic bombs. Stalin was preoccupied with Europe and was detached from the Viet Minh revolution which was influenced by ideological conflicts with Ho dating back to the twenties.[6] In 1950, Ho Chi Minh would eventually be forced to seek support from the USSR and China.[7]

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On March 8, 1949, France signed an agreement with Viet Nam under Bao Dai, agreeing to recognize the independence of Viet Nam. Similar agreements were later signed with Cambodia and Laos. The United States gave diplomatic recognition to the Governments of the State of Viet Nam on January 27, 1950[8] and later to the governments of the Kingdom of Laos, and the Kingdom of Cambodia as of February 7, 1950.[9] America, as directed by Secretary of State Dean Acheson, backed Bao Dai to avoid being an accomplice to French imperialism. The Truman Administration recognized the Bao Dai government, a smokescreen for continued French domination, in February 1950. By March 1950, America applied the "domino theory" to Indochina and used it to justify military and economic assistance to France.[10] Meanwhile France retained control of Viet Nam's treasury, commerce and foreign and military policies.

With sufficient equipment and advisors, General Giap, a former professor of history, of the Viet Minh converted his guerrilla fighters into a conventional army with six infantry divisions. In September 1950, Truman sent a Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG Indochina) to oversee the usage of the $15 million (authorized July 26, 1950) worth of US military equipment given to the French in their fight against the Viet Minh. From 1950 to 1954, the U.S. government (the taxpayers) spent $3 billion on the French war and provided the French with 80 percent of all their war supplies.[11] The U.S. ended up in a proxy war - the French could fight and die and the U.S. taxpayers picked up the bill.

The United States intervention in Korea and France's struggle were commonly viewed as fighting against "communism" and "containing China." If France ended the war, the popular Viet Minh would be in power. In 1952 the Viet Minh offered to make peace with the French and wanted to convene a meeting in Burma. The United States strongly pressured France not to consider any peace proposals and the French delegates were recalled to Paris.[12]

In November 1953, the CIA airline, Civil Air Transport (CAT) assisted the French air force airlift 16,000 French soldiers into a fortified base that the French had established in the North called Dien Bien Phu. The United States had also built highways, ports and airfields in Indochina which they later used to facilitate their war efforts.[13]

In mid-1953, the Office of Psychological Strategy (psy-war/unconventional warfare) was dissolved and replaced by an Office of Special Operations. On January 29, 1954, there was a meeting of the President's Special Committee on Indochina, held in the office of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Roger M. Kyes. General Graves B. Erskine USMC, new Director of the Office of Special Operations, Department of Defense, gave his Indochina report. Allen Dulles, Director of the CIA, suggested that Col. Edward G. Lansdale (unconventional warfare officer, be added to the Military Advisory Assistance Group (MAAG) in Saigon.[14] He was in charge of the

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Pacification division, supposedly a civil affairs role. Later, the CIA introduced the Phoenix Program, also under civil affairs jurisdiction.[15] This was a continuation, another phase, of OSS/CIA activity in Indochina. John Foster Dulles was a former president of the Rockefeller Foundation, as was Dean Rusk.

Allen Dulles, brother of John Foster Dulles, was the Director of the CIA from 1953 to 1961. He was a senior partner at the Wall Street firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Rockefeller Empire and other mammoth trusts, corporations and cartels. He also served as a board member of the J. Henry Schroeder Bank which had offices in New York, London, Zurich and Hamburg.

"The CIA has been under CFR control almost continuously since its creation, starting with Allen Dulles, founding member of the CFR and brother of Secretary of State under President Eisenhower (CFR, Bohemian Club), John Foster Dulles. Eisenhower chose many of his cabinet members from the CFR, including his Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, an attorney for Standard Oil. Allen Dulles had been at the Paris Peace Conference, joined the CFR in 1926, and later became its president." "John Foster Dulles had been one of Woodrow Wilson's young protégés at the Paris Peace Conference. A founding member of the CFR...he was an in-law of the Rockefellers, Chairman of the Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Board Chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace."[16]

By April 1954, it appeared that the French were going to lose at Dien Bien Phu. John Foster Dulles, along with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had ordered two American aircraft carriers to the Gulf of Tonkin equipped with atomic bombs. The French pointed out that those atomic weapons would also destroy their troops in a war of such close conflict. A peace conference was already scheduled. In preparation, a CIA propaganda team instigated a campaign to disseminate fabricated news items stating that the Chinese were arming the Viet Minh in order to connect them to the "world Communist movement." The CIA believed this propaganda would strengthen their position at the Geneva talks. The CIA circulated Anti-communist articles and rumors to generate hatred of the Chinese, complete with stories of rape.[17]

Vietnamese General Giap defeated the French at the Dien Bien Phu, after a lengthy battle which started on Saturday, March 13, 1954 and ended on May 8, 1954.[18] The inevitable peace conference, the Geneva Conventions were held between May 8 and July 21, 1954 attended by France, the Viet Minh, the USSR, Communist China, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the three Associated States of Laos, Cambodia, and Viet Nam present.[19] The United States refused to sign the Final Declaration which prohibited any further military action against the Viet Minh. Laos, Cambodia, and Viet Nam received their alleged independence and Viet Nam was temporarily divided between at about the 17th parallel with the North assigned to the Viet Minh and the South assigned to the pro French puppet, Bao Dai.[20]

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During the Geneva Peace talks it was decided that elections to unite the country would be held in Viet Nam by July 1956. Citizens had one year, according to the elitist's subjective chessboard, to migrate to the other part of the country.[21]

In June 1954, while the Geneva Conference was still in session, the CIA's Saigon Military Mission (SMM) arrived to establish a campaign of undercover military and psychological warfare against the Viet Minh. They had a hefty checkbook and unlimited American taxpayer dollars. Yes, our government commits acts of terrorism with your money! They were to carry out "political, psychological and terrorist activities against the native population in the northern regions" - where citizens were struggling to find enough to eat and where Ho Chi Minh's growing group of revolutionaries was located. With the best-equipped stable of saboteurs, they committed "terrorist acts in Hanoi and surrounding Tonkin. SMM agents polluted petroleum supplies, sabotaged the railroad, tried to destroy the largest printing establishment in the North, bombed the post offices, wrote and distributed millions of anti-Viet Minh leaflets and printed and distributed counterfeit money." The abundance of fake money created inflation.[22] When the monopoly media describes deadly explosive events in Baghdad, I speculatively surmise that it might be the CIA's Baghdad Military Mission (BMM), also financed by American dollars.

After the signing of the armistice in Geneva on July 21, 1954, Eisenhower and his Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles (CFR, *Warren Commission, Operation Northwoods, Operation Paperclip) decided to assign paramilitary expert Edward Lansdale who then chose CIA agent Lucien Conein to engage in unconventional warfare. The two men, together with one hundred American soldiers, created the Military Assistance Advisory Group ((MAAG) for Viet Nam.[23] A Military Assistance Advisory Group consists of American military advisors who train the regular armed forces of Third World countries. * It is ironic that Dulles was on the commission to determine who killed the man that fired him from his CIA job and then threatened to break the CIA into pieces.

In 1955, U.S. Air Force Col. Edward G. Lansdale, attached to the CIA, was given a mission: create a pro-American, Saigon-based government led by someone wholly acceptable to the United States. Cardinal Spellman, a religious leader in New York, introduced Ngo Dinh Diem to Allen Dulles, who recommended Diem for the job. Ngo Dinh Diem was an American-educated Catholic. This was a questionable choice considering Viet Nam is primarily a Buddhist country. Bao Dai appointed Diem as his prime minister. Shortly after, playboy Bao Dai who had a penchant for sports cars, women and gambling went into a permanent exile on the French Riviera, compliments of the CIA and American tax dollars.[24] He had a 600 ton air conditioned yacht and managed to amass huge sums of money which he stashed in Swiss bank accounts. Such is the life of installed, compliant puppet leaders in every country.

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By May of 1955, every citizen had to decide whether to live in North or South Viet Nam. There was a resettlement feature in the Geneva Accords. Remember Viet Nam was a village-based immobile society. People lived in the same villages for hundreds of years prior to the Geneva Conventions of 1954. In addition to the CIA's terrorist activities to motivate the unwilling, Conein created "a sense of panic and terror" for those who might wish to stay in the North. He produced publications and propaganda flyers. Leaflets were dropped threatening an American atomic bomb drop on those who stayed in the North if a civil war should erupt.[25] Citizens remembered Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

The CIA spent $100 million to carry out the relocation provision. The CIA determined to resettle sufficient Catholics in the south to create a political base for Diem. To facilitate the move, General Claire L. Chennault, a World War II legend, used his Taiwan-based Civil Air Transport (CAT) which was purchased by the CIA in 1950. They are chartered in Delaware but available for CIA use anywhere in the world. Navy boats carrying 1,000 people for 1,000 miles were also used. Later, organized exodus was cited by the Power Elite and their monopoly media as proof that the Vietnamese didn't want to live under communism.

Lansdale and Conein convinced six hundred thousand Catholics to move to South Viet Nam, 65 percent of the North's Catholics. This number also included four hundred thousand who were affiliated with the colonial French, including government bureaucrats, and Viet Minh sent by Hanoi as agents. Weapons and agents were also left in North Viet Nam with an abundance of CIA-supplied counterfeit currency which would instigate an economic destabilization in North Viet Nam.[26] And what about the factionalized recipients of this migration - the agrarian villages and long-time inhabitants south of the 17th parallel? This influx added to the ongoing internal strife and economic and political chaos - imagine if the United States had a deluge of unemployed immigrants - is it possible, could it be - deliberate? The Power Elite arranged this mass exodus but kept it secret.[27]

The U.S. refused to allow free elections to take place in July 1956 because, as even President Eisenhower admitted, Ho Chi Minh would have won the elections by at least eighty percent of the vote."[28] Ho Chi Minh led the fight for liberation against the French. Ho had established himself as the "symbol of nationalism and the struggle for freedom to the overwhelming majority of the population. Their puppet, Ngo Dinh Diem, announced that there would be no elections four days before they were to occur. So Diem was the de facto, American-installed president as of October 26, 1955.

In further violation of the Geneva Accords, the United States sent 350 additional military men to Saigon. The French were gone - they had a clean slate. The U.S. laid the foundation for future warfare by sending

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selected Vietnamese to U.S. bases for guerilla training. For part two click below.

Click here for part -----> 1, 2,


1, America's Longest War, The United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975 by George C. Herring, pg. 32, Agreement on the Independence of Vietnam, Accessed August 27, 2007 Also see Accord Between France and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 6 March 19463, Abdication of Bao Dai, Emperor of Annam, August 1945, Accessed August 27, 20074, Ho Chi Minh, Heroes and Killers of the 20th Century, Accessed September 3, 20075, Vietnam War Chronology, Accessed August 27, 20076, America's Longest War, The United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975 by George C. Herring, pg. 137, US-Vietnam (1947-2001), Project: History of US Interventions, Open-Content project managed by Derek, Mike, Accessed September 17, 20078, Indochina - United States Recognition of Increased Sovereignty in the State of Viet-Nam: Note From the United States Ambassador-at-Large (1) to the Chief of State of Viet-Nam,(2) January 27, 19509, United States Recognition Of Viet-Nam, Laos, And Cambodia: Statement by the Department of State, February 7, 1950, Accessed August 25, 200710, America's Longest War, The United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975 by George C. Herring, pg. 20-2111, The Vietnam War, Seeds of Conflict, 1945 - 1960, Accessed August 25, 200712, Killing Hope by William Blum, pg. 12313, Ibid, pg. 12414, JFK, the CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy by L. Fletcher Prouty, pgs. 39-4015, Ibid, pgs. 64-6516, The Council on Foreign Relations and The New World Order By William Blasé, Accessed August 28, 200717, Killing Hope by William Blum, pg. 12418, Ðiên Biên Phú, Accessed September 7, 200719, Agreement On The Cessation Of Hostilities In Viet-Nam, July 20, 1954, Accessed August 25, 2007 20, Ho Chi Minh, Selected Works (Hanoi, 1960-1962), Vol. 2, Biography of Ho Chi Minh, Accessed August 27, 200721, Modern History Sourcebook: The Final Declaration of The Geneva Conference: On Restoring Peace in Indochina, July 21, 1954, Accessed August 25, 200722, JFK, the CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy by L. Fletcher Prouty, pgs. 70-8023, The Secret History of the CIA by Joseph J. Trent, pgs. 327-329

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24, Ibid25, Ibid26, Ibid27, JFK, the CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy by L. Fletcher Prouty, pgs. 70-8028, Myths of the Vietnam War by Robert F Turner, The Pentagon Papers Reconsidered, September 1972, Accessed August 27, 2007



November 24, 2007

Some of the most manipulative games in the Power Elite Playbook are orchestrated mass migrations or depopulation of desirable strategic locations for the purpose of confiscation. These terrorist tactics are akin to Chess except people are the pawns. These satanic schemes are expertly employed to accomplish stealthy social, economic or political goals. Unsuspecting people "spontaneously" migrate for various reasons: economics, "natural" disasters (Katrina), warfare, enforced famine (decimate the buffalo/starve the indigenous population), terrorism and organized religious, ethnic, emotional and physical persecution. Those who are far-sighted and have adequate resources survive by escaping before they are included in the escalating body counts. Others, not so fortunate, yet who narrowly elude death, may receive prearranged "humanitarian assistance" and staged "opportunities" to resettle to specific places, like reservations, inner-city ghettos or other "choice locations."

In a previous article I related how, just before the national election in 1956, the CIA used explosives, propagandized, physically and emotionally terrorized the citizens and then spent $100 million dollars to logistically move a suddenly-willing and frightened one million Catholics from North Viet Nam to South Viet Nam which was predominately Buddhist. The U.S. did this in order to alter election results, and to create religious, civil, and economic conflict. The CIA's deliberate, well-planned chaos-creating measures laid the foundation for further profit-producing warfare in an already war-weary country. The "order out of chaos" tactic has been successfully used to centralize power and control societies. Every action, no matter how it is deceptively labeled, is for the financial benefit of the insatiable Power Elite who, like vermin, extend their tentacles into every resource-rich country. These totalitarian tactics have always worked amazingly well but have been precisely perfected by the CIA (created in 1947 for that very purpose). It is supported by funds from illegal activities in addition to the filthy fiat money printed by the privately-owned Federal Reserve banking cartel. There is absolutely no oversight of the CIA from the

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morally or economically compromised Congress who is obviously quite willing to financially enslave Americans while they steadfastly serve the bankers.

The Elite have audaciously provided sufficient, albeit ignored, clues of their devious intentions to enslave the "useless eaters" who function as mere slave-labor pawns on the world's chessboard. Resettlement projects are methodically designed to ensure predictable disorder and assemble "natural enemies" which invariably results in civil war in many countries. Consequently, America's Power Elite-appointed military minions authoritatively argue for our military intervention. Willing Americans, brainwashed for battle, enlist to "serve their country," "fight for our freedom," or bring "democracy" to yet another foreign nation - thought-provoking anomalies, given that our constitutional law prohibits American military engagement except under certain circumstances.

Mexico's economy was deliberately destroyed causing inexorable hardship and an economic reason for foreign flight. Amnesty and un-enforced immigration laws were simultaneously adjusted by compromised, treasonous congressmen who opened the floodgates to unrestrained hoards of people. The Power Elite don't expect immediate results - multigenerational goals are acceptable. A decade or two is irrelevant to the ultimate establishment of the North American Union (a step towards one world government) which was formally organized on March 23, 2005 by licentious leaders behind our backs and continuously kept well hidden by the complicit, silent journalists who are controlled by the same Power Elite that directs both houses of Congress, our courts and every administration for decades.

Numerous explanations are offered for America's onslaught of illegals - somehow despite constituent demands, our superior technology and manpower prove inadequate in the face of the migrating masses. Bush's bogus humanitarian guest-worker program with that fraudulent catchphrase - "they do the jobs Americans won't do" is a cheap-labor smokescreen for multinational bank-backed businesses and their incestuous, incalculable campaign-contributing relationship with big government. The entire scenario - the puppet's phrases, an unresponsive Congress and under funding of adequate manpower is perpetrated by the Power Elite and is calculated to generate hostility and hatred, perpetuate civil strife and intensify the current cultural and economic destabilization.

Americans, desperate for illegal immigration resolution, might readily welcome martial law and fail to dissent when the government incarcerates those "foreign enemies" who are causing so much trouble - it is just another false flag folks - blame some other entity. Who protested when the government apprehended and seized the property of the Japanese/American citizens, merely a practice run for the future? Obedience-trained, media-mesmerized citizens, like the Germans before us, may remain mute when long-term friends and neighbors are

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fallaciously labeled "enemy combatants" and are immediately incarcerated without a trial. If we apathetically remain silent or even actively participate, we may later claim that we were "just following orders."

After the creation of a central bank in other countries, the Rothschild's ultimate goal was the establishment of a central bank in the United States. For decades, the Power Elites carefully avoided the term "central bank" but now it is frequently used by the generation-after-generation media indoctrination machine in referring to the dastardly Federal Reserve System. It is not federal; there are no reserves and it is not a system! Long before the turn of the twentieth century, Jacob Henry Schiff (1847-1920), a financially brilliant Rothschild agent, gained control of the Wall Street bankers. To control an entire country, one needs to control the nation's money. Schiff arrived in the United States after the catastrophic divide-and-conquer Civil War and became a partner at Kuhn, Loeb and Company. He later obtained sole control of Kuhn & Loeb with Rothschild money; after 1902, Felix and Paul Warburg, brother-in-law Jacob H. Schiff, joined this company.[1]

Wall Street bankers financed, and therefore counseled, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Edward Harriman, and Andrew Carnegie. In turn, those suddenly-rich, yet insatiable, big business barons supported power-seeking compliant candidates (presidential and congressional) who cooperated with the bankers in their goal of establishing the Federal Reserve System despite their vows to uphold the constitution.

Money buys candidates! However, astute voters can still be a problem! To influence those early election results, prior to rampant voter fraud through paperless computer voting, obedient banker's agents infused money into both political parties but especially into the less affluent, more vulnerable and therefore more controllable Democrat Party. The bankers, determined to install a manageable minion in the White House, drastically altered U.S. demographics to affect political and cultural change. Banker Jacob Schiff's semi-final solution shows how little some International Jews (referred to as a sinister confederacy by some) care so little about their own race. They have, by their actions, abandoned the faith of their ancestors and have embraced a philosophy diametrically opposed to anything remotely similar to the beliefs held by their forefathers.

The Russian Tsar, Alexander II, was assassinated on March 13, 1881, allegedly by a Jewish patsy named Ignacy Grinevitsky. Assassinations, in America or elsewhere, are common methods of seizing political power. They are also used to initiate war (both sides financed by the bankers) or persecution against ethnic groups or predetermined target countries. The Tsar was conveniently replaced by his son, a puppet of some Rothschild-aligned Russian bankers. Terrorist pogroms began immediately! Nationwide pogroms began in earnest in Russia around 1890. Thousands of Jewish men, women and children were slaughtered by the Cossacks. Pogroms against the Jews also occurred in Poland,

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Romania, and Bulgaria - all initiated by Rothschild agents. As the pogroms continued over the next two or three decades, terrified refugees fled to the United States. To "assist" the refugees, humanitarian committees were established by Jacob Schiff and other Rothschild agents.[2]

The pogroms resulted in a phenomenon: the Schiff-Rothschild humanitarian-committees manufactured methods to shuffle a majority of the refugees into large cities like New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Los Angeles.[3] "Before 1900, American Jews never amounted even to 1 percent of America's total population, by 1930 Jews formed about 3½ percent. There were more Jews in America by then than there were Episcopalians or Presbyterians. American Jews raised 63 million dollars in relief funds during the war years and became more immersed in European Jewish affairs than ever before."[4] The new immigrants quickly became "naturalized-citizens" and indoctrinated Democrats, previous victims that that were now grateful and thus controlled by their "benefactors." They assumed the role of "vital factors" in our nation, maintained to this day. Those new voters helped Schiff to install compliant stooges like Senator Nelson Aldrich and President Woodrow Wilson.[5]

The term Zionism, an age-old concept, was first used as a political philosophy by Nathan Birnbaum in a meeting in Vienna on January 23, 1892. Political Zionism, a world-wide movement began with Theodor Herzl's publication of Judenstaat in 1896.[6] The religious Jews have, since the Diaspora, reiterated the plea "next year in Jerusalem." However, most devout Jews have always attempted to assimilate in their respective countries rather than establishing their "own homeland." Many felt they had obligations to the country in which they lived and have made significant contributions. Religious Jews view Zionism as a secular distortion of their religion.

There have always been Jews in Jerusalem, Safed, Nablus and Hebron. Individual immigration to the area has never ceased. In 1897 Lord Edmond Rothschild of London and Jacob H. Schiff of New York City recruited Austrian Theodor Herzl, totally indifferent to religion, to organize the World Zionist Congress at Basel, Switzerland which attracted 197 idealistic delegates. Originally, there were no thoughts of Palestine as a future home. Mozambique, the Congo, Argentina, Uganda and Cyprus were possibilities. Palestine, part of the Ottoman Empire, was brought to the attention of the Zionist Congress in 1903.[7]

Both Theodor Herzl and his successor, Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952) recognized that Zionism would only succeed with the support of a world power. The Power Elite contrived, through Zionism, to relocate the Jews into the oil-rich ancient Jewish homeland. They were people who had previously been relatively comfortable in their homelands and were unwilling to relocate - especially to a desert wasteland that

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needed enormous efforts and backbreaking labor. This was until the increased, exaggerated violence against them.

Immigration of Jewish laborers from Eastern Europe into Palestine started in the 1880s up to about 1914, the beginning of World War I (just before Americans were coerced into foreign war by Britain through the orchestrated Lusitania incident). The Rothschild correspondence to the German Kaiser reveals that the bankers wanted to delay World War I. The banker's agents needed to create an American central bank, the Federal Reserve System, in order to guarantee a permanent, healthy fiscal return for financing continuous blood-soaked but profit-producing warfare.[8]

At the beginning of World War I, Edmond Rothschild told Dr. Chaim Weizmann that the war would spread to the Middle East, where things of great significance to Political Zionism would occur.[9] Zionist Chaim Weizmann, a chemist, had moved to Great Britain and offered his services to them when World War I started. By 1914, the population of Palestine, according to British estimates, was 689,272 of which no more than 60,000 were Jews. The Zionist goal included the usurpation of the land from its "rightful owners." They felt that there was no room for both the Jews and the Arabs. True to Power Elite Imperatives, they planned to transfer all the Arabs to neighboring countries.[10]

The Grand Chessboard, a major globalist blueprint by a major audacious globalist, Zbigniew Brzezinski, describes U.S. Geostrategic Imperatives in the Middle East. One key premise of the book is: to control the resources of the world, the U.S. must obtain control of the Middle East, specifically Iraq. Total control implies the control of all resources and the protection and control of oil pipelines and transportation routes such as the Suez Canal. This would best be done by a permanent military presence with the associated bases. Immediately after World War I, and after every major conflict since, territories and peoples are divided and distributed to perpetuate maximum turmoil. Turmoil allegedly requires military control - by the world's acclaimed super power - the United States, solely owned and operated by the Power Elite bankers.

The Zionists assumed that Great Britain, France, Russia, Serbia and Belgium would prevail in World War I and that the Ottoman Empire would be dismantled. The Zionists secured a promise from Great Britain that Palestine would be "a national home" for the Jews. In return, the World Zionist Organization would network and pressure Jews in Austria, Germany, France and the United States to support the Allied war effort. The United States entered the war in 1917, the same year that Lord Alfred Balfour (1848-1930), a crucial Zionist patron and the British Foreign Minister, sent a letter (written by Zionist negotiators) to Lord Baron Rothschild which ultimately grew into the Balfour Declaration, "the key which unlocks the doors of Palestine." Lord Balfour said: Zionism … is of far profounder import than the

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desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land."[11]

After Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, Germany used the Jews for slave labor for the war effort which eliminated further immigration into Palestine. Hitler favored Zionism and the expulsion of the Jews up to this point. In fact, Hitler favored Zionism to the extent that it was the only other flag permitted to fly in Germany.[12] The oil companies, Shell and Royal Dutch merged under the leadership of Henri Deterding, a big supporter of Adolph Hitler, puppet of the Power Elite - the international bankers, including George W. Bush's grandfather. The Rothschilds were major stockholders of Royal Dutch Shell.[13]

After World War II, allegations of German atrocities increased Zionist support. Zionists are not all Jewish and Jews are not all Zionists! I am aware of the biblical prophecies that the Jews will return to their ancient homeland. The powers of darkness are also cognizant of that promise and will, by subterfuge, mangle the truth by integrating dastardly deceptions in order to gain cooperation from well-intentioned people who would otherwise resist and abhor the slaughter of thousands of innocent Arabs and the manipulation of the Jewish population, once refugees, for the benefit of the Power Elite bankers who care for neither group. The Power Elite succeed because, generation after generation, distracted citizens, too busy and relatively comfortable, ignore the genocidal evidence and prefer the perceptions fed to the populace through the Power Elite media feeding tube. We ignorantly fail to scrutinize unconstitutional behavior by those who have obviously seized government authority and work for the benefit of the banking cartel. In fact, it is accurate to say that there has been a government insurrection against that document. I suppose, later, to alleviate our conscience, we can say "We didn't know what our government was doing."

Click here for part -----> 1, 2,


1, The Illuminati and the CFR, Accessed September 25, 20072, Ibid3, Ibid4, The American Jewish Experience in the Twentieth Century: Anti-Semitism and Assimilation, by Jonathan D. Sarna and Jonathan Golden, Brandeis University, Accessed October 2, 2007 5, The Illuminati and the CFR, Accessed September 25, 20076, A History of Zionism, From the French Revolution to the Establishment of the State of Israel by Walter Laqueur, pg. xiii7, Burning Issues, Understanding and Misunderstanding the Middle East: A 40-Year Chronicle, pg. 188, International Jew by Henry Ford, Sr., pg. 2049, Far And Wide by Douglas Reed, former foreign correspondent for the London Times, 1951, pg. 285

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10, Burning Issues, Understanding and Misunderstanding the Middle East: A 40-Year Chronicle, pg. 18-2011, Ibid12, Ibid13, Rothschilds, Oil & Palestine by Clifford Shack, April 27, 2007, Accessed September 25, 2007



December 8, 2007

Much has been written about America's war in Viet Nam, another small, distant, non-threatening, resource-rich third world country. Despite devised government justifications, war is always about power and resources. Contrived circumstances provoke popular support; history is super sanitized in government-school text books. America's Middle East quagmire is not about terminating terrorism and the Viet Nam war was not about checking communism. Tactics, successful elsewhere, are currently perpetrated against the hapless citizens of Afghanistan and Iraq. Tomorrow, it will be the citizens of Iran. For additional background on Viet Nam, please read the previous parts of this series. The following events transpired:

After the Japanese left, the French returned to Viet Nam to resume resource exploitation, including the opium/heroin traffic through Marseilles.

On November 20, 1946, a French cruiser opened fire on the Port of Haiphong killing almost 6,000 Vietnamese which started the Indochina War.

After eight years of war, Ho Chi Minh's Viet Minh defeated France in May 1954.

The Vietnamese assumed they had achieved independence from predatory nations - until the Power Elite met at Geneva to divvy up their country.

The June 1954 Geneva Conventions divided the country at about the 17th parallel as previously approved by Harry Truman at the Potsdam Conference on July 24, 1945 for military purposes.[1]

Elections to reunite Viet Nam were to be held by July 1956. The U.S. installed American-educated, Catholic Ngo Dinh Diem,

who considered himself a "benign dictator" south of the 17th parallel.[2]

The CIA used covert psychological and physical terrorism to intimidate and frighten a million panic-stricken Catholics to move south into a predominantly Buddhist area.

The government insiders in America, Britain and France knew the secretive specifics and motives behind this so-called "spontaneous" mass exodus.

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U.S. media deceptively claimed the "refugees" were fleeing from northern communists in order to kindle humanitarian support for some kind of U.S. intervention in Viet Nam.

The CIA used planes and naval ships to transport reluctant "refugees" south. Later, those planes would transport drugs, a control device to demoralize thousands. Addicts rarely oppose their own enslavement. They focus on the object of their addiction: sports, sex, alcohol, video games, trash TV, etc.

Southern residents, also weary and impoverished by war, justifiably resented this mass influx in the same way that Americans resent the "spontaneous" influx of illegal aliens into the U.S. Both situations are the orchestrated machinations of the Power Elite to incite anger and resentment.

Diem and the CIA appointed thousands of these favored "refugees" to key government positions, some "to keep tabs on dissenters." Likewise, illegals in the U.S. are favored by a cash-compromised Congress, the banks and big business - all against U.S. citizens and constitutional law.

Diem and his Saigon-based CIA backers began to view the "refugees" as friends and the long-established southern natives as "problems.

The U.S. set up managers and "experts" to "advise" Ngo Dinh Diem towards the hidden agenda of destroying the viable, traditional village society.

The CIA's Saigon Military Mission, with its effective propaganda apparatus continued to foment economic, social and religious chaos and dissension.

This psychological warfare and mass exodus established the ideal environment for a pre-planned, deliberately no-win, lengthy "Cold War" conflict in strategic Viet Nam, a country that was targeted in 1943 or 1944.[3]

Especially from the inception of the Council on Foreign Relations and its multitude of minions and spin-off organizations, personal freedoms have been under world-wide attack. Instigating tyrannical control in the Far East began in 1925 with the establishment, in twelve countries, of the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), financed by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations which were controlled by an alliance of Morgan and Rockefeller interests in Wall Street. Other financing came from Standard Oil, IT&T, International General Electric, National City Bank and Chase National Bank and private individuals with Wall Street connections.[4]

The IPR's party line had considerable commonality with the Kremlin's party line - and with good reason - they sprung from the same source. IPR headquarters and its American tentacle were in Rockefeller's home state - New York. The offices of an associated magazine, the Amerasia, were searched on June 6, 1945 by FBI agents who found over 1800 top-secret, classified documents that had been stolen from government files.[5] Frederick Vanderbilt Field, a descendent of Cornelius Vanderbilt, was a cash-contributing member of IPR and the

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founder and Editorial Board Chairman of the magazine Amerasia which was established in 1937 as a vehicle for criticism of Japanese attacks in China. He was also a guest editor and weekly columnist at the Daily Worker, the official newspaper of America's Communist Party.[6]

The State Department and other government agencies were deliberately staffed by influential IPR members, including Alger Hiss, Owen Lattimore, editor of the IPR's quarterly Pacific Affairs and other fellow travelers. Lattimore left the IPR to assume a post as Chiang Kai-shek's political advisor. He had been recommended by fellow traveler, Lauchlin Currie, economic advisor to President Roosevelt.[7] The U.S. government adopted the IPR plan to cut aid to Chiang Kai-shek, ultimately resulting in the suppression of 600,000,000 Chinese between 1945 and 1949.[8]

The Power Elite's objective was/is to unleash Communism, just one of many freedom-stealing political philosophies. In conjunction with this goal IPR members were placed into strategic teaching positions. IPR instructional publications were standard reading in many American colleges, about 1,300 public schools and the U.S. military.[9] Edward Bernays, the grand master of propaganda stated: "We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized."[10]

In the 1930s Prescott Bush, the Harrimans, the Rockefellers, and their associates financed the Nazis, actions that were later covered by cohorts in high place. During the same time, the Rockefellers pushed for a war against Japan because the Rockefellers, who have always deeply despised competition, were contending with Japan for the oil and rubber resources in Southeast Asia. This rivalry threatened the Rockefeller dream of capturing the enormous "China market" for their innumerable petroleum products.[11]

China's Communist dictators have killed millions of their citizens. Yet, the assassination experts in our CIA have never targeted China's leaders. The CIA (the enforcement arm of multinational businesses), and their media partners only focus on, vilify and label uncooperative leaders. The Communist label is multi-functional. China came under the formal control (made public) of the International bankers when Henry Kissinger (CFR, Bilderberger) opened China for big business in 1973.

Southeast Asia was targeted by the Council on Foreign Relations' (CFR) War and Peace Studies Project, funded by Rockefeller, which began in 1939. This project, with five study groups, produced 682 documents to be implemented by obedient minions within the State Department who "marked them classified and circulated them among the appropriate government departments."[12] Allen W. Dulles, a principal minion, headed the armaments study group.

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The CFR, with continued financial support from Rockefeller and others, direct the government's foreign policies. The CFR, the CIA, the IPR and hundreds of other like-minded secretive organizations were all created for one purpose: instill world-wide tyranny. Call it Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism or any other "ism," all multipurpose labels and philosophies created to manipulate markets, money and mankind. Big business and the bankers are the men behind the bombs; they are the puppet masters. They use the specter of the "isms" to incense well-intentioned gun-toting, uniformed citizens to kill foreign strangers. The "isms" are always applied to undeveloped, uncooperative countries. Conversely, cooperative tyrants who have opened their doors to foreign investment are recipients of U.S. friendship.

Beginning in 1954, the CIA's Saigon Military Mission (SMM), under the direction of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles (CFR, Allen's brother), carried on pervasive, bloody, undercover guerrilla warfare operations in Viet Nam. His words were that these "agent provocateurs" should "raise hell."[13] The turmoil was blamed on the local citizens, deceptively labeled as the insurgency.

On March 8, 1955, Secretary Dulles stated in a nation-wide radio and television speech: "As always, when international communism moves in, those who love liberty move out, if they can."[14] The U.S. and British governments referred to the inhumane exodus of 1955-56 as a "peaceful and humane transfer" for those people "who wish to go and live" in the south. They dishonestly portrayed themselves as kind and thoughtful humanitarians who were merely providing transportation for people.[15]

The CIA, the covert agency at the disposal of the president who is at the disposal of the bankers who installed him into office, had also recently deposed the governments of Guatemala, the Philippines, and Iran and would soon target Cuba. Since its inception in 1947, the CIA has interfered in the affairs of over fifty countries. In 1957, the CIA rigged elections in Lebanon which led to a bloody civil war. CIA objectives include installing governments friendly to multinational banks and businesses. The CIA made Guatemala safe, not for democracy, but for the Rockefeller-owned United Fruit Company. CIA director, Allen Dulles (President of the CFR), owned UFC stock.

Likewise, an American friendly leader, dictator or otherwise, was the goal for that area of Viet Nam south of the 17th parallel as opposition against the popular Ho Chi Minh who had always been impressed by America's Declaration of Independence. An added bonus was Diem's brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu, who oppressed the Buddhist majority with stringent restrictions, even forbidding some public celebrations. The Buddhists, the first to protest, were brutally put down by the South Vietnamese Army. Another group that targeted the Buddhists, Diem's Special Forces, was trained by the CIA.[16]

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With CIA help, Diem rigged the first elections for the new National Assembly. His supporters won 112 of the 123 seats.[17] Voters were threatened and even beaten.[18] The formal unification elections, promised at Geneva and scheduled for 1956, were never held. Eighty percent of the Vietnamese citizens favored Ho Chi Minh, a national hero, who adamantly asserted that natural resources belonged to the Vietnamese, victims of long-term resource exploitation. Diem, the American asset, repeatedly refused North Vietnamese initiatives for national unity elections. Consequently, the north became the duly designated communist Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and the south became the anti-communist Republic of Vietnam.

Diem's local political opponents attempted to implement the election terms decided on at Geneva. Dissidents began to congregate into groups and gather into guerilla forces in Viet Nam's forests. They targeted and eliminated some of Diem's government officials. Ho Chi Minh opposed these terrorist acts. However, Diem was incarcerating so many of his political opponents that Ho finally agreed to an armed resistance - otherwise, he concluded that there would never be a united Viet Nam.[19]

Ho Chi Minh supplied the guerrilla units with aid and encouraged the various groups to combine and "form a more powerful and effective resistance organization." They created the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF) in December 1960. The NLF, referred to as the 'Vietcong' by Americans comprised "a dozen different political and religious groups." The leader was Hua Tho, a non-Marxist, Saigon lawyer. Other members of the movement supported Communism whose deceptive dogma appeals to the downtrodden. Rather, Communism has always been a tool of the wealthy. The NLF had a 10 point plan. Their first objective was to replace the Diem government with one that "represented all social classes and religions."[20]

The impoverished South Vietnamese landless peasants generally supported the NLF. Most peasants worked for the rich landlords, the 2.5 percent of the population who owned fifty percent of the agricultural land. The NLF sought to redistribute the land. To inhibit NLF influence over the peasants, the Diem government and the U.S. moved the peasants to fortified villages. The peasants were obligated, without pay, to dig the moats, build huts and erect the stockades which were patrolled by the South Vietnamese Army. This "program" was called Strategic Hamlet. This enforced internment placed the peasants further away from the rice fields and their ancestral burial grounds. These actions increased peasant hostility towards the American-controlled Diem government and only added strength to the growing NLF which in two years time "controlled over one-fifth of the villages in South Vietnam." The peasants viewed the NLF as friends and the Diem government and the American military as enemies.[21]

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The NLF had a strict code of behavior when they entered and "liberated" a village: "(1) Not to do what is likely to damage the land and crops or spoil the houses and belongings of the people; (2) Not to insist on buying or borrowing what the people are not willing to sell or lend; (3) Never to break our word; (4) Not to do or speak what is likely to make people believe that we hold them in contempt; (5) To help them in their daily work (harvesting, fetching firewood, carrying water, sewing, etc.)"[22]

Both new governments floundered. Ngo Dinh Diem of South Viet Nam took counsel from the CIA and Ho Chi Minh of North Viet Nam accepted guidance from the KGB, all "according to the planned international scenario."[23] Opposition was essential to the planned conflict. As directed, Diem deported the French and the Chinese residents. The Chinese were the middle-men rice buyers for the south's abundant rice production. They also imported fresh water. When they left, rice rotted on the docks. There was no water, except putrid rice paddy water. The French bureaucracy, though imperfect, had provided order and security. So, there was no food, no water, no security, and no order - all chaotic circumstances calculated to demoralize the citizenry. Self sufficiency had been methodically transformed into desperate dependency. Rice, a staple, had to be imported.[24] Pumped-up economic statistics and production figures were deceptively reported by the U.S. media while at the same time the south received $250 million in aid per year from the naive U.S. taxpayers.[25] Chaos reigned - just like it does in Iraq and Afghanistan today!

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1, Why Viet Nam, Prelude to America's Albatross by Archimedes L. A. Patti, pgs. 453-4542, The Secret History of the CIA by Joseph J. Trento, page 3303, JFK, the CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy by L. Fletcher Prouty, pgs. 76-784, Tragedy And Hope, A History of the World in our Time by Carroll Quigley, pg. 9475, The Naked Capitalist by W. Cleon Skousen, pgs. 44-476, Frederick Vanderbilt Field, Conservapedia, Accessed November 9, 20077, American Involvement in China by Ah Kiang, Accessed November 8, 20078, The Naked Capitalist by W. Cleon Skousen, pgs. 44-479, Goldwater Sees Elitist Sentiments Threatening Liberties By U.S. Senator Barry M. Goldwater, Accessed October 3, 200710, Propaganda by Edward Bernays, Organizing Chaos, pg. 3711, A Century of War: Lincoln, Wilson & Roosevelt by John V. Denson, pg. 16612, War and Peace, Accessed November 1, 200713, JFK, the CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy

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by L. Fletcher Prouty, pgs. 70-7114, Ibid15, Ibid16, The Secret History of the CIA by Joseph J. Trento, page 332-33317, Ibid18, Edward Lansdale, The Viet Nam War, Accessed October 27, 200719, National Liberation Front, People's War, People's Army, Accessed October 30, 200720, Ibid21, Ibid22, Ibid23, JFK, the CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy by L. Fletcher Prouty, pgs. 76-7824, Ibid25, Edward Lansdale, The Viet Nam War, Accessed October 27, 2007



December 26, 2007

U.S. foreign policy consistently thwarted any independence movements in Southeast Asia by claiming that it endangered our "national security." Meanwhile they backed governments and armies that engaged in profitable drug trafficking. In addition to U.S. interference in Viet Nam as early as 1945, top brass at the Pentagon suggested that soldiers and bombers be sent to western Laos in 1959. Secret military plans stated that the U.S. government was prepared to use nuclear weapons for these military operations. Perhaps this is the reason the U.S. refused to sign the Declaration on the Prohibition of the Use of Thermo-Nuclear Weapons in 1961.[1]

Biological and chemical weapons were banned on June 17, 1925 at the Geneva Convention and entered into force on February 8, 1928. However, under Operation Ranch Hand, from 1961 to 1971, the U.S., in a historically unprecedented level of chemical warfare, abhorrent when utilized by others, began a full-scale "defoliation" project in Viet Nam. Defoliation, simply stated, is chemical genocide. The U.S. indiscriminately sprayed 19,395,369 gallons of poisonous herbicide over 6,465,123 acres and 30,305 square miles (1981 figures).[2] Aircraft, hand sprayers, trucks, helicopters and boats were used for the "defoliation" of the forests and the inhumane destruction of food crops and their distribution. Monsanto's profitable Agent Orange contains dioxin, one of the most toxic substances ever produced, an irremovable chemical that accumulates in the body of animals and humans.[3]

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Recently released Department of Defense records indicate that the extent of the contamination and concentration was far greater than previously thought. Viet Nam is the site of the "world's largest dioxin contamination." "At least 2.1 million and as many as 4.8 million people were directly sprayed." South Vietnamese forces continued using the toxic chemicals until 1975. In addition to objectives in North Viet Nam, areas in Laos and Cambodia were also targeted.[4] Our military used 27 times more herbicide than typical domestic applications, used to prevent weed growth.[5]

"The vestigial effects of chemical warfare poisoning continue to plague the health of adult Vietnamese (and ex-GIs) while causing escalated birth defects. Samples of soil, water, food and body fat of Vietnamese citizens continue to reveal dangerously elevated levels of dioxin to the present day."[6] Dioxin accumulates as it moves up the food chain. An animal or fish will have a higher concentration than the plants they have consumed.[7] Dioxin exposure results in high infant mortality, congenital malformation, miscarriages, and premature birth.[8] Compare this to the horrific incidences of the same kind in Afghanistan and Iraq from the current atrocities of radioactive depleted uranium. While the U.S. government has minimally compensated some U.S. veterans and their affected children, they have yet to compensate their victims in Viet Nam, Korea, or anywhere else.[9] In Viet Nam, new generations of Agent Orange victims number at least a million people including fifty thousand children.[10]

Ngo Dinh Diem, South Viet Nam's ruthless puppet dictator, behaved according to the Power Elite Playbook. He replaced the constitution that Ho Chi Minh had proposed for a united Viet Nam. Ho's was virtually a carbon copy of America's constitution. Dictator Diem's included Article 98 which prohibited freedom of the press, free speech and other liberties - claiming that these despotic measures would ensure greater security. His Order 46 stated: "Individuals considered dangerous to the national defense and common security may be confined by executive order to a concentration camp." Buddhist monks (those who didn't immolate themselves in protest) and nuns were considered especially dangerous; hundreds were imprisoned.[11]

By 1963, the U.S. already had 16,300 military "advisors" in the south and wanted to increase that number. Diem must have resisted! Therefore, he was eliminated and replaced by a more cooperative "leader." Instead of a bloodless, Kennedy-approved military coup, Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother were assassinated on November 1, 1963 on the instructions of the very elite W. Averell Harriman (CFR, Marshall Plan Administrator), who deftly managed American policy (behind the scenes) for Viet Nam. CIA operative, E. Howard Hunt, faked cables in an attempt to implicate Kennedy in Ngo Dinh Diem's assassination.[12]

Another minion, McGeorge Bundy (Skull & Bones), was National Security Advisor to both Kennedy and Johnson. His brother William P. Bundy (Skull & Bones), a chief architect of the Viet Nam War,

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coauthored the Tonkin Gulf Resolution.[13] Later William Bundy was a part-time columnist for Newsweek, rotating with George Ball (Bilderberg, CFR, Under Secretary of State - Johnson administration, Lehman Brothers) and Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR, Trilateral Commission).[14] At the request of CFR Chairman, David Rockefeller, William Bundy served as editor or the CFR magazine Foreign Affairs from 1972 to 1984.[15] The U.S. government and the media was/is infested and contaminated with parasitic Power Elite agents from the top down!

The other principal, John F. Kennedy, also balked and couldn't be sold on a full scale "intervention." Rather, he wanted to withdraw troops. He distrusted the CIA, an "above-the-law organization devoted to protecting the interests of Wall Street. He had caught the Agency in numerous lies regarding an invasion of Cuba, and had lost all confidence in them.[16] Attacking a sovereign nation is against international law and Kennedy was concerned about international repercussions over such an unprovoked attack. The CIA, taking orders from the Power Elite, proceeded with the "Bay of Pigs" anyway. Kennedy fired the CIA Director, Allen Dulles, on June 28, 1961. He then signed National Security Action Memoranda, NSAM 55 and NSAM 57 which stripped the CIA of all power.[17] Kennedy also rejected Lyman L. Lemnitzer's (CFR, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) Operation Northwoods, the 1962 Department of Defense's terrorist plan against Cuba.

Operation Northwoods was written in response to a request from the Chief of the Cuba Project, Col. Edward Lansdale, Dulles' top-notch terrorist in Viet Nam who helped set up the puppet government in Saigon, disseminated propaganda for the Catholic's mass exodus (adequately filmed to support the claim that people were fleeing communism) and participated in the dreaded Phoenix Program, a CIA torture operation directed by William Colby (CFR), the Chief of Station in Saigon. That program alone killed as many as 70,000 civilians who were even remotely "suspected of being part of the political leadership of the Viet Cong."[18]

Three-fourths of South Viet Nam was a "free fire zone" which "justified the murder of virtually anyone in thousands of villages in those vast areas. At the time, Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara (CFR, Bilderberg) cited a 1967 memo in which he estimated the number of Vietnamese civilians killed or seriously injured by U.S. forces at 1000 per week."[19]

So, in the same month and same year, two national leaders were assassinated: Diem on November 1 and Kennedy on November 22,

1963. Those who challenge the Power Elite and their associates in their exploitations of third world countries automatically become a threat to

"national security."[20] Johnson, Kennedy's obedient replacement, escalated the war through the false-flag Tonkin Bay attack. He

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endorsed Eisenhower's (CFR) devised Domino Theory.[21] Kennedy had, for a time, also.[22]

Despite efforts by the National Security Agency, recently declassified documents were released through the National Archives (December 1, 2005). Documents confirm that there was no second attack on U.S. ships in Tonkin on August 4, 1964. On August 2, 1964, North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked the USS Maddox "under questionable circumstances." It may actually have been lightening! Intelligence was "skewed" with false documents of a second attack on August 4, 1964 which was used to persuade Congress to approve a retaliatory response. Evidence of this skewed intelligence was available in 2001.[23]

In 1970, sky high infra-red sensors, developed by Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), an arm of the Pentagon were tested in Viet Nam. These sensors could detect individuals on the ground. This was the beginning of the government's satellite surveillance.[24] This technology is selectively beneficial - for government use against citizens. Did the 9/11 commission, staffed by Power Elite minions, evaluate any satellite evidence?

Colby assumed the job of Executive Director of CIA in 1971 and was called to testify before Congress that same year. He cooperated with Congress in an effort to save the Agency but his testimony damaged the CIA's image. Other insiders felt that the CIA should not be subject to congressional intrusion. Colby became CIA Director in 1973 when James Schlesinger (CFR) became Secretary of Defense. Gerald Ford (CFR, Bilderberg, Master Mason, Warren Commission), the nation's first unelected vice president and president,* as incoming president, reorganized on November 4, 1975. He fired Colby (who later died under suspicious circumstances) and replaced him with George H. W. Bush (Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, CFR Director) at the suggestion of Machiavellian minion Henry Kissinger (CFR Director 1977-1981, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberger, Trilateral Commission, National Security Advisor 1969-1975, and Secretary of State (September 22, 1973 - January 20, 1977).

Ford appointed Bush as CIA Director during a very crucial time. The House Select Committee on Assassinations was investigating CIA-FBI links to the murders of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. Countless witnesses were conveniently murdered just before their scheduled appearances to testify. Ford, while on the Warren Commission, secretly reported to FBI Director Hoover on Commission activities. According to declassified files, Ford admitted that he instructed the Warren Commission to move Kennedy's back wound up by several inches. Gerald Ford and Arlen Specter, another member of the Commission, were the cover-up architects and promoted the implausible single bullet theory.[25]

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Ford also fired James Schlesinger and replaced him with Chief of Staff Donald Rumsfeld (CFR, Bilderberg), the Prince of Poison. Rumsfeld's deputy, Richard B. Cheney (former CFR Director, Trilateral Commission), moved up as Chief of Staff.

As further CIA atrocities were revealed, a commission headed by the unelected Vice President Nelson Rockefeller (appointed to V.P. by the unelected Ford) was called to investigate in 1975. He was recommended by Henry Kissinger. Naturally, the CIA was cleared of all wrong doing - their considerable crimes were/are carried out for our "national interests."[26] The Power Elite control all commissions and tribunals where they can protect each other, conceal and/or dismiss evidence, suppress witnesses, and incarcerate and quickly kill opponents who could offer conflicting testimony. "Knowledge is power. Secrecy insures that knowledge and power are controlled by those controlling the secrets. If crimes remain secret, there is no punishment, just rewards."[27]

Senseless slaughter and destruction continued in Viet Nam until the alleged cease fire agreement on August 14, 1973 when the southern capital of Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese. Young men were slaughtered by the South Vietnamese army, a skeleton crew, whose members reported in once a month to sign a pay voucher so "the colonel could pocket the money." Half of the remaining helicopters, compliments of U.S. taxpayers, were used to transport heroin.[28] Repression and corruption was rampant. Those who could leave, about three million, fled the country. In April 1975, South Viet Nam formally surrendered to North Viet Nam.

Elections in 1956, as stipulated at Geneva but rejected by the U.S., would have been easier but that wasn't the Power Elite goal - kill as many people in the third world as possible, including the apolitical - those labeled communists but unable to even define the word. Apparently, according to Washington, the only good communist is a dead communist which is reminiscent of a statement attributed to General Phillip Sheridan: The only good Indian is a dead Indian." So it is tolerable to kill a few million people, as long as they are branded communists (or terrorists or savages); people are killed, in our name, for our "national security," simply because they have the misfortune of living in resource-rich areas.[29]

At the completion of the Cold War Viet Nam experiment there was a series of secretive "peace" conferences in Paris. Henry Kissinger met with Viet Nam's Le Duc Tho over a period of two years. Kissinger, a "genocidist" and "noted war criminal" won the Nobel Peace Prize (1973) along with Viet Nam's Le Duc Tho who rejected the award stating that there was no peace in his country.[30]

Amazing hypocrisy - Kissinger received the Nobel Peace Prize after Viet Nam and the precedent-setting secret bombing of neutral Cambodia over a four year period of time, "to protect Americans in Vietnam.

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Since October 1970 the Congress had included in every military appropriation bill a proviso expressly forbidding bombing in Cambodia except for that purpose."[31] Nixon and Kissinger, along with John Negroponte ** (Kissinger aide, officer in charge of Vietnam at the National Security Council) arranged a chaos-creating government coup in Cambodia in March 1970. Generating further resentment, the U.S. installed Lon Nol who collected millions in U.S. economic aid. He declared himself Chief of State, Prime Minister and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces after he disbanded the Assembly in October 1971 in order to declare emergency rule. He then permitted the U.S. to carpet bomb Cambodia.[32] Lon Nol retired to Hawaii on April 1, 1975 with a half million dollars, compliments of the American taxpayers.[33] What followed? - Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge, the killing fields, the liquidation of the middle class, famine, the destruction of the economy and concentration camps.

From those Indochina experiments, the Kissinger of Death, Henry, on behalf of President Nixon, oversaw the drafting by the National Security Council of the deadly depopulation plan beginning with Memorandum 200, to that Council dated April 24, 1974 and declassified February 8, 2007. The results: The National Security Study Memorandum, NSSM 200, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests dated December 10, 1974 which was adopted as official U.S. policy on November 26, 1975 with Memorandum 314 by President Ford. It has not been rescinded. It was declassified in 1990 under George H. W. Bush when the "American public had grown more tolerant of covert activities overseas."[34]

"The purpose of population control was to serve the U.S. strategic, economic, and military interest" at the expense of the developing third world or Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs). This plan claims that their population growth was/is detrimental and a grave threat to U.S. "national security" in four ways: 1. Large nations may gain "political power." 2. The U.S. and its allies need the "strategic materials" from those countries. 3. A high birth rate means more young people "who are more likely than older people to challenge global power structures." 4. "Population growth in relatively-disadvantaged countries jeopardizes U.S. investments."[35] [36] [37]

The Population plan was initially implemented by Brent Scowcroft (CFR, Vice-Chairman Kissinger Associates), National Security Advisor under Ford from 1974-1977 and George H. W. Bush from 1989-1993. CIA Director George H. W. Bush (November 1975 to January 1977) was to assist Scowcroft. Scowcroft co-authored A World Transformed with George H. W. Bush. In addition to the National Security Advisor, the Secretaries of the Departments of State, Treasury (destroy the economy), Defense (kill the citizens), and Agriculture (destroy food) are responsible for executing the plan. Each administration determines its own strategy for depopulating the planet. Need we even ask how the current Bush administration is executing the plan in the Middle East?

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Notes: * Dec. 6, 1973: Confirmed as vice president after resignation of Spiro Agnew. Aug. 9, 1974: Becomes president after resignation of Richard Nixon, a reward for his participation in the Warren Commission cover-up? Sept. 8, 1974: Gives Nixon an unconditional pardon. ** Ambassador to Iraq (2004-2005); Director of National Intelligence (2005-2007) "The nomination is controversial because, as the Los Angeles Times reports, "While ambassador to Honduras from 1981-85, Negroponte directed the secret arming of Nicaragua's Contra rebels and is accused by human rights groups of overlooking-if not overseeing-a CIA-backed Honduran death squad during his tenure." Additionally, "He also helped orchestrate a secret deal later known as Iran-Contra to send arms through Honduras to help the Contras overthrow the Sandinista government."[38] Negroponte is currently Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's Deputy. More background

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1, United States War Crimes by Lenora Foerstel and Brian Willson, January 26, 2002, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)2, Figures from William A. Buckingham Jr., Operation Ranch Hand; The Air Force and Herbicides in Southeast Asia, 1961-1971, Washington D.C., Office of the Air Force Historian, 1981. Noted in Peter Dale Scott's Drugs Oil and War, The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina, page 153, The Case of Agent Orange, by Michael G. Palmer, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Volume: 29. Issue: 1, 2007, Page 172+. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)4, Ibid5, The History Of Agent Orange Use In Vietnam An Historical Overview From The Veteran's Perspective, 20026, United States War Crimes by Lenora Foerstel and Brian Willson, January 26, 2002, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)7, The Case of Agent Orange, by Michael G. Palmer, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Volume: 29. Issue: 1, 2007, Page 172+. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)8, United States War Crimes by Lenora Foerstel and Brian Willson, January 26, 2002, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)9, Ibid10, The Case of Agent Orange, by Michael G. Palmer, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Volume: 29. Issue: 1, 2007, Page 172+. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)11, The Promotion of Catholic Totalitarianism12, Kennedy: The George Bush Connection by Mark Turner13, William Bundy14, William P. Bundy Papers15, History of the CFR, Consensus Endangered16, The Secret History of the CIA by Joseph J. Trento, pages 327-34117, The Secret Team, The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World By L. Fletcher Prouty Col., U.S. Air Force (Ret.),

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Chapter 2218, United States War Crimes by Lenora Foerstel and Brian Willson, January 26, 2002, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)19, Ibid20, America Betrayed, by R. Joseph, University Press, pg. 11021, TV Interview with President Johnson in which Johnson Endorses the Domino Theory, 15 March 1964, Public Papers of The Presidents, Johnson, 1963-64, p. 37022, American Experience, Viet Nam Online, Transcript23, Vietnam Study, Casting Doubts, Remains Secret, October 31, 200524, The Shocking Menace Of Satellite Surveillance by John Fleming25, Gerald Ford - Warren Commission Kennedy Assassination Cover-up26, Howard Zinn on War, pgs. 52-5427, America Betrayed, by R. Joseph, University Press, pg. 10428, The Secret Wars Of The CIA: by John Stockwell, A lecture given in October, 198729, Ibid30, Nobel Hypocrisy, Peace Prize Awards to War Criminals by Stephen Lendman, Global Research, October 18, 200731, Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon, and the Destruction of Cambodia by William Shawcross, pg. 27732, Ibid, pg. 22933, Ibid, pgs. 357-35834, What is NSSM 200 "Population Control" by Kissinger?, December 15, 200435, National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) - April 197436, National Security Study Memorandum, NSSM 20037, What is NSSM 200 "Population Control" by Kissinger?, December 15, 200438, Bush UN Choice Faces a Fight By Maggie Farley and Norman Kempster, Los Angeles Times, March 26, 2001



 January 20, 2008

Communism was created and is controlled by the gluttonous Power Elite. Russia, because it was a treasure trove of untapped oil resources, needed a revolution (a political coup). The Czar and his family were murdered; it was planned and financed by the Schiffs, the Warburgs and the Rothschilds who directed the activities of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin.[1] The Power Elite have, through their machinations, secretly sponsors a majority of the world's tyrants. The autocrats Hitler and Mussolini were financed during the 1920-1930s by international bankers, including the regional banks that comprise the Federal

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Reserve System, the criminal cabal in partnership with the U.S. government.

"Communism was a hoax perpetrated by financiers 'to control the common man' and to advance world tyranny. The Communist Party operates by infiltrating and subverting social institutions like the churches, schools, mass media and government. Its aim was 'to create new types of human beings who would conform to the blueprint of the world they confidently expected to control.'"[2]

In 1919 when industrial nations were carving up nations for the competing firms of Standard, Shell, and British Petroleum, M. Henri Berenger, a future Ambassador to Washington gave the following warning in a memorandum: "He who owns the oil will own the world, for he will rule the sea by means of the heavy oils, the air by means of the ultra refined oils, and the land by means of petrol and the illuminating oils. And in addition to these he will rule his fellow men in an economic sense, by reason of the fantastic wealth he will derive from oil-the wonderful substance which is more sought after and more precious today than gold itself."[3]

The Power Elite look for certain unscrupulous characteristics in their potential political pawns: opportunistic, dishonorable, manipulative, ruthless, conscienceless and indifferent to the consequences of their actions; they must be willing to totally subvert established laws that define individual freedoms and be prepared to turn their countries into tyrannical police states using newly-created Gestapo-style enforcement agencies. These candidates must also be hypocritical enough to conceal these traits when necessary. Effective speech writers provide counterfeit, charisma-deficient "deciders" a modicum of credibility. "The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force." (Adolf Hitler) Nearby Power Elite handlers make the real decisions.

Most puppets are intoxicated with, among other things, their self importance and the tangible symbols of their bogus authority, like being commander-in-chief of the military minions who are verbally manipulated into sacrificing their lives in countries targeted by the Power Elite. Americans, who have experienced a degree of freedom, are particularly susceptible to the emotional, "democracy card" rhetoric against alleged dictators. Understandably, those unfortunate Americans who have experienced fewer choices are often the very first individuals to challenge unwarranted military actions against other vulnerable citizens. They frequently receive lengthy jail sentences for their views.

Some leaders unexpectedly displease their backers by pursuing personal or even national objectives actually beneficial to their citizens but contrary to Power Elite objectives. They are denigrated, reclassified as enemies and eliminated: to be replaced by more obedient pawns. The CIA-financed, well-trained tyrant, Saddam Hussein, infamous for

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his use of chemical weapons (provided by U.S. corporations through Pentagon contracts) disappointed his backers with his ambitious oil production policy. Ultimately captured, Hussein was immediately tried, silenced and executed.

Hussein intended to expand oil production! "Iraq alone has the third largest oil reserves on the planet - accounting for 10% of the world total. Iraq is also reckoned to have the world's largest unexplored potential, primarily in the Western Desert." In addition, "Iraq is estimated to have between 100 and 200 billion barrels of further possible (as yet undiscovered) reserves."[4] Iraq has "112 billion proven barrels" and the "second largest reserves in OPEC after Saudi Arabia." "Iraq has fewer than three thousand operating wells compared to one million in Texas." Iraq has 74 known fields and only 15 in production. Iraq has 526 known structures (pools of oil) and only 125 have been drilled.[5]

In the first Gulf War, the Basra oil fields were targeted and deliberately demolished by American B-52s.[6] That war failed to pressure Hussein into compliance. Economic sanctions were imposed - hundreds of thousands died - mostly children. Those sanctions also banned oil exportation, maintaining OPEC oil prices and quotas. Hussein was obstinate. Another invasion occurred in March 2003. The U.S. now occupies Iraq. The Oil Ministry remains the only facility under constant U.S. military protection. Meanwhile stately libraries and museums, containing irreplaceable antiquities and Iraq's cultural heritage, were/are wantonly destroyed.

The major oil companies are represented by the International Tax & Investment Centre (ITIC), a corporate lobby group established in 1993.[7] A quarter of their 110 sponsors are from the oil industry. Their Board of Directors hosts representatives from Shell, BP, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco.[8] They developed an 84 page plan for Iraq and its oil in 2004. See it here. This plan was adopted by the State Department. It entails suppressing oil production, yes suppressing it!

Iraq's oil expansion program is now dead, along with more than a million Iraqis. The U.S. invasion and occupation has been very effective in accomplishing Big Oil's financial goals. Iraq produced more oil under the highly restrictive Oil-for-Food Program than its yield in 2003, 2004 and 2005. This decline in production tripled profits for the five major U.S. oil companies to $89 billion for a single year, 2005, compared to pre-invasion 2002. Coincidentally, Big Oil profits increased at the same time that the oil industry increased contributions to Bush's reelection campaign, approximately $40 million.[9] Hey, that's how Fascism works. Politicians do not represent the people, they represent business! Big business pays for that representation.[10]

Power Elite puppets have never been subtle about their intentions. The February 1950 New York Times reported: "Indo-China is a prize worth a

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large gamble. In the north are exportable tin, tungsten, manganese, coal, lumber and rice, rubber, tea, pepper, and hides. Even before World War II, Indo-China yielded dividends estimated at $300 million a year."[11] "South-East Asia supplied 90% of the world's crude rubber, 60% of its tin and 80% of its copra and coconut oil. It had sizeable quantities of sugar, tea, coffee, tobacco, sisal, fruits, spices, natural resins and gums, petroleum, iron ore and bauxite."[12] However, certain U.S. based Power Elite principles made no profits from any of this and that was a major problem, especially for the highly competitive Standard Oil.

On August 4, 1953, Eisenhower revealed reasons for U.S. interest in Southeast Asia and in the war that France was waging against Viet Nam by stating: "So, when the United States votes $400 million to help that war, we are not voting for a giveaway program. We are voting for the cheapest way that we can to prevent the occurrence of something that would be of the most terrible significance for the United States of America - our security, our power and ability to get certain things we need from the riches of the Indonesian territory, and from Southeast Asia."[13] What exactly was the Power Elite objective in Viet Nam? Southeast Asia has oil resources! However, Shell Oil (formerly known as Royal-Dutch Petroleum), a Standard Oil competitor, had control of Indonesia's oil resources.[14]

According to author Marshall Douglas Smith, Herbert Hoover (CFR, Bilderberger), a very astute world traveling geologist who later became the 31st U.S. president (1929-33), produced an exhaustive world resources survey that included an interesting "insider secret - one of the world's largest potential oil fields ran along the coast of the South China Sea right off French Indochina, now known as Vietnam."[15]

According to author Smith, Laurance S. Rockefeller (David's brother) was aware of that oil survey. During World War II, Laurance Rockefeller served in the Navy (1942-1945), attaining the rank of lieutenant commander."[16] At the end of World War II, Rockefeller was Japan's Vice-Governor under General Douglas MacArthur, Military Governor of Japan (a strategic political position).[17] It was Rockefeller who allegedly arranged to sell that huge stash of weapons from the island of Okinawa to Ho Chi Minh, an ally, for his war against France for one dollar and his "good will."[18] Later, that "good will" just might be remembered when the Rockefellers approached Ho Chi Minh about that oil.

There is a banker behind every puppet president. Bush's great-grandfather, Samuel P. Bush, director of the Federal Reserve Bank in Cleveland, was a close adviser to President Herbert Hoover.[19] Hoover was a well-compensated puppet who, for certain projects, surrounded himself with Rhodes Scholars. He was a member of the infamous Bohemian Grove, to which every Republican President since Hoover has belonged.[20] He called it the "greatest men's party on

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Earth."[21] Hoover, a sanitized scoundrel, is portrayed as a humanitarian who merely mismanaged the destabilizing effects of the October 29, 1929 contrived crash which forced the middle class into soup lines and onto relief rolls. Hoover took great pains to manage the public's perceptions about him, especially after his activities in China. See here. He embraced what he called the "noble experiment" of prohibition, an unprecedented opportunity for organized crime to amass money and power. One may compare the "prohibition on alcohol" to the "war on drugs" - both encouraged crime while confiscating public funds and generating huge profits for criminals.

"The Bolsheviks were originally saved from collapse by Herbert Hoover who raised money to buy food which was appropriated by Lenin and his gangsters. They used it as a tool to subdue starving peasants who had been resisting their newly imposed slave masters. While Hoover's 'humanitarian' gesture saved the Soviet regime, the Russian economy was still in total chaos. In came the Vanderlips, Harrimans and Rockefellers. One of the first to jump in was Frank Vanderlip, an agent of the Rockefellers and one of the Jekyll Island conspirators, president of the Rockefeller First National City Bank, who compared Lenin to George Washington."[22]

On March 4, 1929, Herbert Hoover was inaugurated as the thirty-first President of the United States. On March 28, 1929, Henry L. Stimson, Hoover's obliging Secretary of State initiated efforts to help Rockefeller's Standard Oil of California (SOCAL) obtain oil rights in Bahrain from the Gulf Oil Company. By 1935, SOCAL had 16 operating oil wells in Bahrain.[23]

The Hoover Institution of Stanford University was founded in 1919 by Herbert Hoover with a donation of $50,000. He created this influential think tank at the suggestion of three men: Andrew Dickson White, (Skull & Bones), Daniel Coit Gilman, (Skull & Bones) and Ray Lyman Wilbur, president of Stanford.[24]

Decades later and two weeks after the official end of the war in 1975, the U.S. placed punitive economic sanctions against the unified Democratic Republic of Viet Nam under the Trading With the Enemy Act. Apparently, even after decades of devastating war, Viet Nam was not sufficiently cooperative, despite Nobel laureate Kissinger's "diplomacy." The Power Elite frequently venerate each other with public praise and ostentatious awards. For confirmation of presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani's true loyalties, please watch this video. He may possess the very traits that the Power Elite require of an "elected" official.

Viet Nam was classified an enemy after Saigon (renamed Ho Chi Minh City) fell to North Viet Nam troops in April, 1975. That U.S. embargo banned all trade with the U.S., Britain and the European Community. In 1976 even humanitarian and private aid to Viet Nam was blocked. Because of U.S. influence, access to international lending agencies, like

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the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Asian Development Bank was blocked.

Allegedly, sanctions were imposed because Hanoi didn't account for the missing American servicemen (MIAs). However, the unsanctioned U.S. invader, didn't make an accounting to Viet Nam for:

Eight million tons of bombs (four times the amount used by the U.S. in all of World War II) leaving ten million bomb craters[25]

Operation Linebacker One and Two 3.5 million land mines and 300,000 tons of unexploded

ordnance. 40,000 people killed since 1975 by landmines and buried bombs.[26]

Agent Orange, cluster bombs 400,000 tons of napalm, dropped on Vietnamese villages[27] " The destruction of infrastructure The birth defects and catastrophic illnesses resulting from toxic

chemicals. In 1971 alone, 800,000 tons of bombs were dropped on Laos,

Cambodia, and Viet Nam. The massacre at My Lai; "Colonel Oran Henderson, who had been

charged with covering up the My Lai killings, told reporters in early 1971: 'Every unit of brigade size has its My Lai hidden someplace.'"

In conjunction with America's war in Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia were affected:

Congressional Research Service report prepared for the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee indicated that over one million Laotians had been killed, wounded, or turned into refugees[28]

The figure for Cambodia estimated at two million.[29] Under Nixon and Kissinger (Rockefeller agent), secret bombing in

Cambodia began in March 1969. The U.S. Air Force officially recorded the use of nearly 260,000 tons of bombs there.

Secret bombing missions over Laos began in late 1964 Around 230,000 tons of bombs were dropped just in northern

Laos alone in 1968-69[30] Bombs dropped in Laos over eight and a half years exceeded two

million tons.[31]

Three million Vietnamese were killed and 300,000 additional were missing in action. The U.S. lost almost 59,000 men and women with 2,000 missing in action. U.S. allies lost over 6,000. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, about 20,000 Viet Nam veterans committed suicide. Hundreds of thousands of "boat-people" died in the China Sea, and countless thousands of former Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) Officers and other government officials died in 'reeducation' camps. The people of resource-rich Viet Nam became some of the poorest in the area.[32]

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War expenses amounted to $500 billion, paid to the government-friendly, banker-sponsored military/industrial complex. This destabilized the American economy. The conflict sapped the U.S. gold reserves, plentiful since 1945.[33] It was, after all, never about a military victory. Yet the war met the expectations of the Power Elite, according to their playbook.

Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,


1, The Illuminati and the CFR 2, Communism & NWO: Wall Street's Utopian Hoax By Henry Makow Ph.D. , March 16, 20033, We Fight For Oil by Ludwell Denny, Alfred A Knopf, 1928, Chapter 24, Crude Designs: The Rip-Off of Iraq's Oil Wealth By Greg Muttitt5, Keeping Iraq's Oil in the Ground By Greg Palast, AlterNet, Wednesday 14 June 20066, Ibid7, Strategic Questions For Our Future, Summary Of Views8, Crude Designs: The Rip-Off of Iraq's Oil Wealth By Greg Muttitt9, Keeping Iraq's Oil in the Ground By Greg Palast, AlterNet, Wednesday 14 June 200610, Top 100 Companies and Organizations11, The right side won the Vietnam War by Allen Myers, February 8, 200712, Ibid13, President Eisenhower's Remarks at Governors' Conference, August 4, 1953, Public Papers of the Presidents, 1953, p. 54014, History of Shell in Indonesia15, Black Gold Hot Gold, Ch. 3, by Marshall Douglas Smith16, The Rockefeller Archive Center, Laurance Spelman Rockefeller, 1910-200417, Douglas MacArthur18, Black Gold Hot Gold, Ch. 4, by Marshall Douglas Smith19, Jennifer Harper, Washington Times, January 21, 2001, Follow the Money! Bush Fortune Soaked in Blood20, Bohemian Grove21, The Modern History Project22, None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen, Chapter 6, pg. 11223, Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia, Key Events in the Presidency of Herbert Hoover.24, Behind the Conservative Curtain: Pseudo Grassroots Organizations Front for Corporate/Government Takeover.25, United States War Crimes by Lenora Foerstel and Brian Willson, January 26, 2002, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)26, Ibid27, Ibid28, Ibid29, Ibid30, Ibid

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31, Ibid32, The Republic of Viet Nam President Ngo Dinh Diem33, The Eagle Has Crash Landed by Immanuel Wallerstein



February 6, 2008

It only took three million slaughtered Vietnamese, almost 58,000 Americans, Agent Orange, napalm, the destruction of Viet Nam's infrastructure, billions of American tax dollars, about 30 years of American intervention, and almost 20 years of economic sanctions. Viet Nam is now democratized and safe for corporate plunder. Are the profits worth it? Their probable answer might equate to the response that Madeleine Albright gave when asked about the 500,000 children who perished during the U.S. sanctions of Iraq: "We think the price is worth it."[1]

Three major oil companies existed from 1910 to 1914: (1) Rockefeller's Standard Oil with its many veiled subsidiaries; (2) BP (British-Persian Petroleum Company); (3) and Royal Dutch Shell. John D. Rockefeller "resolved to take over control of both the British-Persian Petroleum Company and Royal Dutch Shell."[2] Standard Oil and BP began merging as early as 1961.[3] Amoco (Standard) merged with BP in 1998. Standard took over BP's leases at Prudhoe Bay giving Standard control over production (suppression) in Alaska.[4] Standard Oil has the U.S. monopoly under the names Exxon/Mobil, Chevron and BP.[5] It is significant that Exxon/Mobil is still appealing the punitive damages resulting from the March 24, 1989 oil spill. They have fought it all the way to the "business-friendly" Supreme Court. It is due to be heard again in the spring of 2008. Twenty percent of the plaintiffs have died since the suit began. Justice Samuel Alito will recuse himself as he owns between $100,000 and $250,000 in Exxon stock.[6]

Standard Oil currently operates in: Africa, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Benelux (Netherlands), Bermuda, Brazil, British Columbia, the Canal Zone, Czech Republic, Chile, China, Columbia, Ecuador, Egypt, Europe, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Iberia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mauritius*, some areas in the Middle East, Norway, Paraguay, Poland, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Slovakia, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. The following countries kicked Standard Oil out and nationalized their oil: Cuba (1960), Algeria (1962), Bolivia (1942), Libya (1970), and Peru (1968). Standard was in Venezuela from 1921-1943 and then sold their interests to an affiliate. Standard was in Iran from 1954-1979.[7] Despite everything that the Bush oil family has done, Standard is not in Iraq yet - apparently the

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"insurgents" are still fighting it. Now we know how the enemies are targeted.

On February 24, 1907, the Dutch merged their very successful Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Exploitatie van Petroleum-bronnen in NederlandschIndië (Royal Dutch Company for Exploration of Petroleum sources in the Netherlands Indies)[8] with the Shell Transport and Trading Company, a British concern, to form Royal Dutch Shell. On June 24, 1911, the very competitive Royal Dutch Shell purchased the last independent oil producer - The Dordtsche Petroleum Mij giving Shell domination of the oil industry in Indonesia.[9]

The Duri and Minas oil fields, located in the central Sumatran basin, were discovered just prior to World War II by Caltex, a joint venture between the American companies Chevron and Texaco (Standard Oil). Production did not begin until the 1950s. By 1963 the Duri and Minas oil fields accounted for 50 percent of Indonesia's oil production. Things changed - Indonesia exercised greater control over its oil resources during the 1950s and 1960s by escalating the operations of government-owned oil companies. They also introduced a new contract - the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) which gave Indonesia more of the profits after the foreign oil companies recouped their exploration costs.[10] However, oil company fascists frown upon such things. As a consequence, resource-rich Indonesia has been plagued by violence and political corruption.[11]

"Indonesia had proven oil reserves in 1990 equal to 5.14 billion barrels, with probable reserves of an additional 5.79 billion barrels. Throughout the area of the South China Sea archipelago, as of 1993 "there were sixty known basins with oil potential; only thirty-six basins had been explored and only fourteen were producing. The majority of unexplored areas were more than 200 meters beneath the surface of the sea."[12]

Imperialist France, encouraged by Royal Dutch Shell's early oil discoveries in Indonesia, hoped to find oil in Indochina and the many islands in the South China Sea including the Spratly and Paracel Islands. After extensive geographical mapping, France's Service des Mines, headquartered in Hanoi, found hydrocarbon seepages in a number of sandstone and limestone formations as early as 1920 in the Red River Valley, 75 miles northwest of Hanoi. In approximately 1935, a distinct petroleum odor emanated from the vicinity of Route 9, Viet Nam's principle east-west road at about the 17th parallel. Coincidently, this is the very same route that was so heavily guarded by the American-managed South Viet Nam government during America's war in Viet Nam. Five wells were drilled without finding "exploitable deposits" so the operation was abandoned.[13]

While Southeast Asia was still under France's ruling thumb, oil-hungry Japan invaded, occupied, and organized two drilling operations during World War II - one in southern Laos in 1944 and the other by the city of

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Qui Nhon on the South Vietnamese coast which included offshore drilling from pontoons. The Japanese, like other imperialists, occupied the archipelago to seize its rich natural resources. Drilling ceased in 1945, especially after the bombing of non-military targets in Hiroshima and Nagasaki which sent a very clear message.[14]

In 1954, the Borneo (Kalimantan) oil fields were opened.[15] Shell Oil had been doing some exploratory drilling in Tunisia, Algeria, Nigeria, Trinidad and offshore in British Borneo between 1945 and 1955.

The Power Elite organized and control both The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the United Nations. They use the combined talents and resources of both organizations to identify, evaluate and measure the world's resources, including prime real estate, with the objective of confiscating, privatizing, manipulating, and suppressing them in order to control the masses and attain ever increasing power and wealth. The oil monopolist Rockefeller family purchased the land that the United Nations sits on.

The United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE), established in 1947, entered the oil exploration business. In 1957, ECAFE "organized a seminar in New Delhi on the development of petroleum resources.[16] The U.N. sponsored the ECAFE Working Party of Senior Geologists who met in Bangkok in August 1966.[17] ECAFE concluded that "rich undersea oil reserves" are a real possibility despite the unfavorable "geology on land." However, offshore drilling is expensive and technologically challenging. Therefore, the U.N. would have to turn that task over to experts - like Standard Oil.

To facilitate operations, "The Coordinating Committee for Offshore Prospecting in Asia (CCOP) was initiated in 1966 by China, Japan, Republic of Korea and the Philippines under the auspices of ECAFE (now ESCAP) and the United Nations. CCOP became an independent intergovernmental organization in 1987 based on the common understanding of its member countries and the aspirations of the United Nations (its controllers). The name was changed in 1994, but the acronym CCOP was retained. CCOP has during this period devoted itself to co-ordination of, and co-operation in, scientific activities related to coastal and offshore areas with respect to geological/geophysical surveys, regional map compilations, database development, and development of human resources and transfer of state of the art technology."[18]

CCOP developed a 99 page survey and Geological Map (second edition) covering several countries, probably very similar to the resource survey developed by geologist Herbert Hoover ** in the 1920s (mentioned in part 7). The U.N. also produced the same kind of survey for the trouble-ridden East Timor entitled Geology and Mineral Resources of Timor-Leste (East Timor).[19] East Timor has substantial oil and gas resources.[20] A committee report for Viet Nam was created in 1967 and an actual geological survey began in 1968 with

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two ships, explosives and a team of geologists. Explosives (mini bombs?) were necessary to expose the salt dome structures signaling oil deposits deep under the sea.[21]

One of the goals of the CCOP was to stimulate the interest of oil companies - and according to their report: the top priority was Viet Nam and the Sunda Shelf adjoining that country, a very good reason to "save it from communism," Of great significance is the CCOP-coordinated reconnaissance seismic and magnetic profiling survey over the Sunda Shelf during the summer of 1969 covering the countries of Borneo (Kalimantan), Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Viet Nam - all in the South China Sea.[22] Other countries have also developed seismic technology.[23] "By the end of 1969, the entire Sunda Shelf are had been let out in oil concessions except for that off Viet Nam. The major oil companies had become very interested in the area, and were willing and prepared to overcome their nervousness over the unsettled political situation there."[24] The political situation may have provided a huge distraction.

Project Magnet was developed by the U.S. Department of Defense's, Naval Oceanographic Office. By using aircraft from 1951 through 1994, the U.S. "derived aeromagnetic data which were collected world wide to aid the geomagnetic field modeling efforts" and to support "the U.S. Defense Mapping Agency's world magnetic modeling and charting program."[25] Quite fortuitously, a new phase of Project Magnet (1974 to 1979) brought about the "establishment of national offshore data storage/retrieval centers and compilation of maps and geological syntheses of petroliferous basins."[26] Data was now available for assessing geologic structures favorable for fossil fuel deposits. It was especially helpful in the flights over most of South Viet Nam. It would appear that the U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon) along with the CCOP were/are on the Rockefeller's vast payroll. Project Magnet was also used extensively in the Philippines for petroleum exploration. Scroll down and see chart.

"In 1987 CCOP became an independent intergovernmental organization, based in Bangkok, and in 1994 changed its name to the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and South-East Asia. By 2004 it had 11 members: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam - and the support of 14 donor countries."[27] As of 2007, they still maintain that office in Bangkok and publish reports.[28]

On July 3, 1973 fifteen companies united to form seven consortiums and submitted bids to the Republic of Viet Nam (South Viet Nam). Pecten Viet Nam (80% of Pecten is owned by a subsidiary of Shell Oil Company, which itself is wholly owned by Royal Dutch Shell - third-largest corporation in the world by revenues after ExxonMobil and Wal-Mart) joined with Cities Service, Mobil (now ExxonMobil), ESSO (Standard Oil) and Sunningdale (a group of Canadian firms) were

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awarded exploration rights on various blocks of Vietnam's continental shelf. However, the greatest potential for vast oil resources was in deeper waters - in the northern part of the Brunei-Saigon Basin. Three major oil companies - Cities Service, Mobil and ESSO (Standard Oil) obtained rights in those deeper waters.[29] The initial arrangement between the oil companies and the government was the concession system which allowed the oil company to explore and produce petroleum in a specific area, determined by the state.[30] The company paid the "host country compulsory taxes" at a fixed rate. The Saigon Administration had this concession system arrangement, which obviously favored the oil companies.[31]

The companies were required to begin exploration within three months and to start drilling the first well within a two year period of time. All the companies began their seismic studies immediately. However, only Pecten and Mobil began their drilling process before everything shut down in April 1975, ESSO and Sunningdale were to begin operations in the summer. "The first well was begun by Pecten on August 15, 1974, less than one year after the contract signing."[32]

By March 1975, significant progress had been made by Pecten. Mobil had made encouraging discoveries. By April 1975, everything stopped - due to the deteriorating military situation. Rigs were removed and personnel left.[33]

During a 1995 BBC TV documentary about the oil industry, the president of one of Standard Oil's spin-off companies said: "It was quite a coincidence that we finished our offshore oil survey on the very last day of the war, just as the last helicopter was leaving the roof of the embassy in Saigon."[34]

Oil companies from Norway, Britain, Holland, Russia, Germany and Australia won bids and started in their allotted areas. Interestingly, none of them hit oil. In contrast, Standard Oil's allotted area has vast oil reserves. I guess it pays to have the Pentagon and the Department of Defense in your pocket. Project Magnet and their "undersea seismic research appears to have paid off."[35] Since the survey was conducted by the Navy, Standard Oil wasn't out any money - just the taxpayers! - To be continued -

* I wrote about Mauritius in an article about Diego Garcia which was a part of Mauritius. In 1962, Standard Oil started marketing their oil at the same time that the U.S. government took an interest in Diego Garcia. The U.S. military deported all of the citizens. Diego Garcia is now home to a military/torture facility.[36]

** Hoover was instrumental in the resignation of General Smedley Butler USMC, America's Most Decorated General, who vociferously maintained that war is a racket to enrich big business. Hoover was present in Paris, France on May 30, 1919 for the organizational meetings of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of

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International Affairs. Hoover attended the Paris Peace Conference with Bernard Baruch in 1919. While Secretary of Commerce, Hoover was responsible for The Radio Act of 1927 which placed the responsibility of licensing and regulating (censorship) radio stations in the hands of the federal government.

Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,


1, See interview: Madeleine Albright on 60 minutes - "worth it"; See also: "We Think the Price Is Worth It," Media uncurious about Iraq policy's effects- there or here By Rahul Mahajan 2, Chazzsongs Black Gold, Chapter 1 3, Standard Oil 1961 4, BP merged with Standard Oil of Ohio, an early player in what turned out to be the Alaskan oil boom. 5, Standard Oil Today 6, Supreme Court to review Exxon Valdez case High court to decide whether energy giant should pay punitive damages , October. 29, 2007

7, Standard Oil's World History 8, Indonesia by William H. Frederick and Robert L. Worden, Indonesia: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1993 9, The History Of Shell in Indonesia 10, Indonesia by William H. Frederick and Robert L. Worden, Indonesia: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1993 11, The Mass Killings in Indonesia After 40 Years by John Roosa and Joseph Nevins, October 31, 2005, 12, Indonesia by William H. Frederick and Robert L. Worden, Indonesia: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1993 13, The Development of Vietnam's Petroleum Resources by David G. Brown, Asian Survey, Vol. 16, No. 6 (Jun., 1976), pp. 553-570, University of California Press 14, Ibid 15, Ibid 16, The Greener Path 17, Geographical Map of Asia and the Far East 18, The CCOP, Petroleum Resource Classification System, March 1999, 19, Geology and Mineral Resources of Timor-Leste 20, East Timor, Oil and the Challenge of Nation Building 21, The Development of Vietnam's Petroleum Resources by David G. Brown, Asian Survey, Vol. 16, No. 6 (Jun., 1976), pp. 553-570, University of California Press 22, Ibid 23, Cooperative Monitoring in the South China Sea: Satellite Imagery, Confidence-Building Measures, and the Spratly Islands Disputes by John C. Baker and David G. Wiencek, Publisher: Praeger. Westport, CT. 2002, pgs. 38, 110 24, The Development of Vietnam's Petroleum Resources by David G. Brown, Asian Survey, Vol. 16, No. 6 (Jun., 1976), pp. 553-570,

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University of California Press; See also Structural Framework Of The Sunda Shelf and Vicinity by Zvi Ben-Avraham, B.Sc., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1969, Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, January 1973 25, Aeromagnetics Project Magnet Data (1953-1994), User's Manual by Allen M. Hittelman, Ronald W. Buhmann and Stewart D. Racey, National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, Colorado 26, Forty Years Of The Coordinating Committee For Geoscience Programmes In East And Southeast Asia (CCOP), 1966 - 2006, pg. 24 27, The Greener Path 28, Coordinating Committee For Geoscience Programmes In East And Southeast Asia (CCOP)29, The Development of Vietnam's Petroleum Resources by David G. Brown, Asian Survey, Vol. 16, No. 6 (Jun., 1976), pp. 553-570, University of California Press 30, "In the Concession model, sometimes known as the tax and royalty system, the government grants a private company (or more often, a consortium of private companies) a license to extract oil, which becomes the company's property (to sell, transport or refine) once extracted. The company pays the government taxes and royalties for the oil." Crude Designs: The Rip-Off of Iraq's Oil Wealth By Greg Muttitt 31, Vietnam Petroleum Agreements 32, The Development of Vietnam's Petroleum Resources by David G. Brown, Asian Survey, Vol. 16, No. 6 (Jun., 1976), pp. 553-570, University of California Press 33, Ibid 34, Black Gold Hot Gold, The Rise of Fascism in the American Energy Business 35, The New U.S. -British Oil Imperialism, Part 1, By Norman D. Livergood 36, The Shame of Diego Garcia By Andy Worthington, October 20 / 21, 2007



February 24, 2008

Under Ngo Dinh Diem, South Viet Nam’s U.S. puppet, things ran as expected for a while. Sure, there was religious persecution, rigged elections, prohibition of free speech, a managed press and the absence of liberty for the majority – all made acceptable by Article 98 of Diem’s amended constitution. Despite the power perks, Diem began to resent America’s escalating role. Between 1961 and 1963, the U.S. chaos-creating military presence had engaged in “hundreds of firefights” and

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thousands of bombing raids against “Vietcong positions.” This predictably provoked an angry response from North Viet Nam who wanted to eliminate the “U.S. imperialists” and the “Ngo Dinh Diem clique” and reunite the country.[1]

Ngo Dinh Nhu, Diem’s brother/political advisor, further clinched the Ngo family fate when he told a news interviewer in the spring of 1963: “I am anti-communist from the point of view of doctrine, but I am not anti-communist from the point of politics of humanity. I consider the communists as brothers, lost sheep. I am not for an assault against the communists because we are a small country, and we only want to live in peace.”[2] Furthermore, the U.S. wanted to build a military base at strategic Cam Ranh Bay, great for aerial surveillance of South Vietnam's coastal waters. That did it – Diem and his brother Nhu were assassinated on November 1, 1963 on the instructions of W. Averell Harriman. The airfield at Cam Ranh Bay was opened on November 1, 1965. Pictures are here.

Almost four years after the Ngo assassinations, Nguyen van Thieu became America’s more obedient puppet president, serving from September of 1967 until just nine days before North Viet Nam’s invasion of Saigon in April 1975. He consolidated political power in the executive branch by seizing authority from congress. During the final days of the Saigon regime, Graham Martin, U.S. Ambassador to Viet Nam, micro-managed by Henry Kissinger, convinced Thieu to resign.[3] Thieu resigned in anger, saying the U.S. had failed to keep its monetary promises and its commitment to help South Viet Nam fight for its freedom. He also claimed that Kissinger tricked him into signing the Paris Peace (January 1973) by promising additional aid.

Rockefeller agent, Kissinger, purportedly orchestrated Watergate, a distracting media circus that ultimately benefited Kissinger, Ford and Rockefeller.[4] Nixon was replaced by the unelected Vice President Gerald Ford on August 9, 1974, possibly as a reward for his accommodating cover-up tactics on the Warren Commission. Ford then used the 25th Amendment to appoint presidential wannabe, Nelson Rockefeller, as his Vice President.

Attorney Hillary Rodham, along with Fred Thompson, Trent Lott, and Howard Baker,[5] were on the legal staff of the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate fiasco to help prepare articles of impeachment against Nixon. She landed this job right out of law school, thanks to Ted Kennedy and Burke Marshall. Allegedly, her legal procedures were ethically flawed.[6] [7] Later, Bill Clinton took up residence in the Arkansas Governor’s mansion with the assistance of the very influential Winthrop Rockefeller, a former governor of Arkansas.[8]

Mobil Oil and Pecten began exploration drilling in 1975 in the Nam Con Son and Cuu Long basins and found the largest oil field in the South China Sea. Nam Con Son is said to contain 20% of Viet Nam’s oil

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resources and Cuu Long is said to contain 30% of Viet Nam’s total hydrocarbon resources.[9] However, all exploration and drilling ended with the 1975 unification of Vietnam.[10] Mobil Oil Corp. would have to wait almost twenty years (December 21, 1993) to finalize an agreement to continue exploiting Viet Nam’s oil in those same offshore basins.[11] [12]

The new unified government would not honor the paltry concession agreements previously made with the South Viet Nam puppet government. On June 3, 1974, the Provisional Revolutionary Government (PRG) of the Republic of South Viet Nam Foreign Ministry statement: “The Nguyen Van Thieu administration has no qualifications and right to represent the South Vietnamese people. All the agreements between the Nguyen Van Thieu administration with whatsoever foreign country, whatsoever foreign company or whatsoever corporation on the exploration and exploitation of natural resources in South Viet Nam including oil resources are illegal and unvaluable and completely have no bound on the South Vietnamese people and the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Viet Nam.”[13]

The unified government was open to new joint venture agreements on the condition that they offered increased financial benefits for Viet Nam so they could rebuild their country. This request, rather than the POW/MIA situation, was probably the reason the corporate-controlled U.S. government imposed economic sanctions.

By January 1976, American companies had recognized the business opportunities in Viet Nam with millions of potential consumers and well-educated, hard-working laborers. Viet Nam also had four billion untapped barrels of offshore oil.[14] The North Vietnamese had, through the war years, received free oil from their Russia allies. Interestingly, on October 31, 1976, Russia altered its Vietnam oil policy and told the Vietnamese they would henceforth have to pay for their oil.[15]

Up until 1975, North Viet Nam had a state-owned bank – the National Bank of Vietnam. Commercial facilities were non existent. Foreign trade was difficult until an import-export bank, advantageously established in 1989, promoted foreign investment and transactions. Thereafter, foreign commercial banks were allowed to establish branch offices.[16] Anxious to attract capital, Viet Nam established very liberal foreign investment laws. But the bulk of the new business profit ends up in foreign banks.[17]

Petro Viet Nam, established in 1975, chose to use Production Sharing Contacts (PSC) with oil companies which allowed greater flexibility and more rights for oil companies on a number of issues. But it wasn’t enough – oil companies wanted more.[18] Modifications were made! The Law of Foreign Investment in Vietnam (1987) and the Petroleum Law (1993) plus a system of specialized legal documents and

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regulations “played an important role in attracting foreign investment into the oil and gas industry.” This included the Joint Operating Agreement (JOA). Further Amendments to the Petroleum Law since June 2000 have given even greater incentives (more money) for foreign investment in the industry.[19] PetroVietnam has foreign partners: BP Amoco of the United Kingdom, Conoco of the United States, and ONGC of India.[20] Standard Oil (Rockefeller) bought out British Petroleum (BP) on January 27, 1988 and renamed the newly-merged company BP-America. Almost immediately, BP-America bought and merged with smaller companies and is now known as BP-AMOCO.[21] Standard Oil also owns Mobil (Exxon-Mobil).

Vietnam, through the 1980s failed to produce sufficient grain to feed its citizens. Years of war had created major agricultural problems. Catastrophic contamination and deforestation of 16% of the land by “approximately 72 million liters of herbicides” affected food production and “Vietnam's timber industry. In addition to the chemical warfare, large tracts of land in Vietnam were bulldozed during the war, destroying both vegetation and topsoil. Finally, the nearly 25 million deep craters left behind from the war have left many rice paddies unusable.”[22]

In 1991, the Soviet Union conveniently collapsed – a calamity to the already unstable Viet Nam economy. This cost Viet Nam almost $2 billion in trade and aid from their Soviet ally. Desperately, Viet Nam's leaders attempted to arrange trade agreements with their neighbors – China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore. In addition, they looked to America.[23]

In late 1992, George H. W. Bush allowed U.S. companies to open offices in Vietnam to conduct feasibility studies, but they were prohibited from doing business.[24] Despite opposition from groups such as the National League of POW/MIA Families, the Viet Nam sanctions were lifted by Clinton in 1994 after Viet Nam abandoned all claims for the promised war reparations or any future compensation, including damages for the horrific health consequences resulting from America’s chemical warfare.[25] Article 21 of the 1973 peace agreement promised reconstruction aid after the end of the war. President Nixon defined it further “with a list of $3.25 billion worth of projects.”[26] Watergate happened! Rather than the U.S. paying for the willful obliteration of their infrastructure, Viet Nam had to borrow money from the World Bank.[27] The morning after Clinton lifted the sanctions, samples of Pepsi were handed out at street stands in Ho Chi Minh City.[28]

Additionally, the POW/MIA emotional argument was challenging for draft-dodger Clinton. Interestingly, the Senate resolution to lift the sanctions was sponsored by Democrat John Kerry and Republican John McCain, both Viet Nam veterans. “That gave Clinton political cover. Kerry gained prominence as a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, while McCain spent seven years as a prisoner of war.”[29]

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Standard Oil money had backed the anti-war movement. Most dissenters probably never recognized that fact with the possible exception of Skull and Bones loyalist, John Kerry. Many citizens believe that “the war ended because of strong U.S. sentiment against the war” and antagonism for the profitable military/industrial complex.[30]

The vanquished Vietnamese had finally conceded! They were receptive to “foreign investment,” newspeak for pillaging. American businesses had paid millions of lobby dollars to compromised congressional leaders to “normalize relations,”[31] a euphemism for access to cheap labor which means bigger profits for multinational companies. By 1994, BankAmerica, Caterpillar, Citibank and General Electric had offices in Hanoi and Saigon, now known as Ho Chi Minh City.[32]

After the oil and gas companies infested Viet Nam, opportunists from all areas of commerce, followed. They came “from banking and tourism, to consumer goods and heavy machinery.”[33] It may be similar to the Halliburton bonanza in the Iraq feeding frenzy. In 1996, the U.S. government made an energy study of every country, like Herbert Hoover’s original study. You may see it here or as a PDF file. Privatization, sanctioned by the corporate-controlled U.S. government, puts the people’s resources into the hands of a few – the Power Elite!

“In 1994, oil made up 27% of Vietnams total exports of US$3.6 billion. In 1993, annual production of crude oil was 6.3 million tons and reached 7 million tons in 1994. This ranked Vietnam fourth amongst crude oil exporting countries in South East Asia, after Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Since 1988, PetroVietnam has signed 26 PSCs, including a contract to develop and operate the Big Bear field with a consortium of foreign companies led by BP Petroleum (Rockefeller) and a contract with another consortium, which includes Mobil Corporation (Rockefeller).”[34] As of 2004, “Vietnam was the third-largest oil producer in Southeast Asia with output of 400,000 barrels per day. Indonesia is the region's number one producer, followed by Malaysia.”[35]

By 1995, about 70% of the population was employed in agriculture which generated 50% of GDP with rice as the top product. At that time “Vietnam was the world's third-largest rice exporter, with 1.7 million tons exported in 1993.” Other major exports were rubber (80,000 tons exported in 1993), coffee (more than 100,000 tons), and tea (20,000 tons).”[36]

Viet Nam was required to join the Geneva-based World Trade Organization (WTO) [37] organized on January 1, 1995 as the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Viet Nam, who applied on January 4, 1995, finally met the rigid requirements and became the WTO's 150th member on 11 January 2007.[38] The goal of the WTO is the incremental destruction of sovereignty wherein corporations are identified as sovereign entities while legitimate countries are relegated to a subservient status upon

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which the organization imposes laws. Regulations are unconstitutionally imposed in all “free trade” agreements including the Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) between Viet Nam and the U.S. which was formalized on December 10, 2001.[39]

Despite rich natural resources – oil, natural gas, coal, minerals, agricultural land, forests and marine resources, Viet Nam is one of the world’s poorest countries. It is the 13th largest country in the world. In 1995, Viet Nam’s GDP (gross domestic product) was 14.86 billion but their per capita income was only $220.[40] [41] Currently, there are approximately 85.2 million people in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with a literacy rate of 90.3% and a per capita income in 2006 of $720.[42] The GDP in 2006 was $61 billion. The principle exports are: garments/textiles, crude oil, footwear, rice (now the second-largest exporter in world), sea products, coffee, rubber, and handicrafts.[43] Unprotected by inadequate environmental laws, Viet Nam, like China, endures serious pollution emanating from all of those new factories. Due to the economic boom, Viet Nam suffers from overcrowded cities, traffic jams, hard drugs, prostitution and the inevitable disintegration of families.[44]

At least 270 ships pass through the South China Sea region per day, including more than half the world’s tanker traffic. Tanker traffic through the South China Sea is over three times greater than through the Suez Canal and five times more than through the Panama Canal; twenty five percent of the world’s crude oil passes through the South China Sea. “Oil deposits have been found in most of the adjacent countries of the South China Sea. The South China Sea region has proven oil reserves estimated at about 7.0 billion barrels, and estimated oil production of around 2.5 million barrels per day.”[45]

In 2002, Viet Nam was the fifth largest producer of anthracite in the world, the sixth largest producer of crude petroleum, and one of the top producers of limonite and zirconium in Asia and the Pacific region.[46]

“BP and its partners, ConocoPhillips, ONGC Videsh Limited of India, and PetroVietnam, brought the first phase of the $1.3 billion Nam Con Son project on stream and delivered the first gas in November 2002. The project included development of an off shore gas field; construction of a 399-km pipeline to carry the gas ashore; development of onshore gas-processing facilities; and construction of the 716-megawatt Phu My 3 power plant, which was expected to come on stream in late 2003.”[47]

BP Magazine said in 2006: “After more than 15 years in Vietnam, BP can fairly claim to have a stake in the country’s progress. Only a handful of other large foreign companies can boast the continuity of BP’s presence since Hanoi took the first steps towards re-opening Vietnam to foreign investment in 1986 – 11 years after reunification of north and south in 1975 and the end of three decades of war and

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conflict. Vietnam’s current president, Tran Duc Luong, has described BP as a ‘strategic partner’ in the country’s economic development.”[48]

That’s war and U.S. foreign policy. Empower third world countries by selling or giving them armaments. If those country’s leaders prove uncooperative, vilify and invade them under false pretenses; give no-bid contracts to “friends” to build permanent military bases to protect the energy resources in the surrounding area.[49] There are 702 American military bases worldwide which are justifiably the target of a growing anti-war movement.[50] This full-spectrum dominance strategy (total control of any situation), used for decades, was formally laid out in Joint Vision 2020, released May 30, 2000 and signed by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Henry Shelton.[51] That is what “America’s War in Viet Nam” was all about!

Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,


1, Overthrow, America's Century of Regime Change From Hawaii to Iraq by Stephen Kinzer, 2006, Chapter 72, Ibid3, National Security Council Meeting, April 28, 1975, 7:23 pm4, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, Chapter 75, Watergate Survivors by Jeanne Meserve, June 12, 19976, Without Honor: Crimes of Camelot and the Impeachment of President Nixon by Jerry Zeifman, New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 1995, Chapter 17, Hillary Rodham's 1974 Watergate "Procedures were Ethically Flawed," by Jerry Zeifman, August 16. 19998, Black Gold, Chapter 49, Prospects for Oil and Gas Industry of Vietnam10, PetroVietnam Exploration & Production, before 1975: Overview11, New Goal in Vietnam Is Money, Not MIAs by Michael Rust, Insight on the News, Vol. 10, February 28, 1994.12, Back to Vietnam by Don Luce, The Nation. Volume: 258. Issue: 8, February 28, 1994. Page Number: 25713, PRG Statement on GVN Oil Exploration Activity, June 3, 1974, History of the Vietnam War in Microfilm as quoted by David G. Brown14, Vietnam By Barbara R. Farrell, James R. Downing, and Patricia Healy15, Ibid16, The Economy of Viet Nam17, Back to Vietnam by Don Luce, The Nation. Volume: 258. Issue: 8, February 28, 1994. Page Number: 25718, Vietnam Petroleum Agreements19, Ibid20, The Mineral Industry Of Vietnam By John C. Wu21, The New U.S.-British Oil Imperialism, Part 1, By Norman D.

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Livergood22, Vietnam By Barbara R. Farrell, James R. Downing, and Patricia Healy23, Ibid24, New Goal in Vietnam Is Money, Not MIAs by Michael Rust, Insight on the News, Vol. 10, February 28, 1994.25, The Case of Agent Orange, by Michael G. Palmer, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Volume: 29. Issue: 1, 2007, Page 172+. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)26, Back to Vietnam by Don Luce, The Nation. Volume: 258. Issue: 8, February 28, 1994. Page Number: 25727, Ibid28, Ibid29, New Goal in Vietnam Is Money, Not MIAs by Michael Rust, Insight on the News, Vol. 10, February 28, 1994.30, Black Gold, chapter 331, New Goal in Vietnam Is Money, Not MIAs by Michael Rust, Insight on the News, Vol. 10, February 28, 1994.32, Ibid33, Vietnam By Barbara R. Farrell, James R. Downing, and Patricia Healy34, The Petroleum Industry, 1997 Price Waterhouse World Firm Services BV, Inc.35, Energy Bulletin, Vietnam oil find fuels China's worries by Tran Dinh Thanh Lam, October 26, 2004 by Asia Times Online/Inter Press Service36, Vietnam By Barbara R. Farrell, James R. Downing, and Patricia Healy37, The Vietnam-U.S. Bilateral Trade Agreement38, World Trade Organization, Viet Nam39, The Vietnam-U.S. Bilateral Trade Agreement40, Vietnam By Barbara R. Farrell, James R. Downing, and Patricia Healy41, V V G ~ Economic Indicators, Vietnam Venture Group, Inc., Updated September 21, 200742, Ibid43, Background Note: Vietnam44, Back to Vietnam by Don Luce, The Nation. Volume: 258. Issue: 8, February 28, 1994. Page Number: 25745, South China Sea, Oil46, The Mineral Industry Of Vietnam By John C. Wu47, Ibid48, BP Magazine, Issue One, 2006 - Vietnam49, The New U.S.-British Oil Imperialism, Part 1, By Norman D. Livergood50, Close All Military Bases Worldwide51, Joint Vision 2020 Emphasizes Full-spectrum Dominance By Jim Garamone, American Forces Press Service

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Deanna Spingola has been a quilt designer and is the author of two books. She has traveled extensively teaching and lecturing on her unique methods. She has always been an avid reader of non-fiction works designed to educate rather than entertain. She is active in family history research and lectures on that topic. Currently she is the director of the local Family History Center. She has a great interest in politics and the direction of current government policies, particularly as they relate to the Constitution.

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