Download - The power of video

  • 1. The power of videos. By Splash Copywriters

2. Videos. Every website needs them. Need some convincing? 3. Then here are some facts and figures. 4. Recent research shows that Having a video on a landing page makes it 53% more likely to show up on page one of Google. On average, videos double the amount of time a visitor spends on your website. 5. The information retained in one minute of online video is equal to about 1.8million written words. Videos can increase click-through rates by more than 90%. 6. Approximately 80% of internet users watch a video ad. Of those 80%, 46% will take some sort of related action after watching the ad. 7. An estimated 46% of people say theyd be more likely to seek out information about a product or service after seeing it in an online video. Videos now appear in 70% of all search results. 8. Some info about YouTube. Its a good idea to start your own channel and regularly post up videos. Why? 9. Because YouTube is the worlds second largest search engine. Over 1billion unique visitors head to YouTube each month to watch more than 6billion hours of video. 10. Over 700 YouTube videos are shared on Twitter every minute. And, of course, dont forget that Google owns YouTube. 11. Need help? You dont have to be an expert to make a video, particularly when it comes to presentations. But if you want to guarantee quality, Splash Copywriters recommends Orchid Digital. Youll find them here: 12. Also. You dont have to make loads of videos either. Just incorporate them into your website strategy in one form or another. 13. Its worked for us. Splash Copywriters are experienced, creative copywriters who have written for some of the UKs biggest companies. 14. We know how to write words that work, so if you think we can help you in any way, get in touch. 15. Call Matt on 07812 581 297 or take a look at our website:

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