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JFK vs. Vice President Nixon

TV changed politics Camelot Only Roman

Catholic President The New Frontier VP Lyndon B.

Johnson Democrats

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Cuba In 1959 Fidel Castro led

a revolt against US supported dictator Batista with the help of Che Guevara

Becomes communist US begins embargo

In 1960 Cuba signed a trade agreement with the Soviet Union

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Bay of Pigs Invasion Eisenhower warns JFK of

need to do something about spread of communism in Latin America

US plans invasion Bay of Pigs Cuba by helping led a revolt against Castro in April 1961

Castro found out about the plans and held invasion off

Failed after three days & 1200 exiles jailed; eventually we paid the Cubans $52 million in supplies as an apology & for their release

Cuba strengthens relationship with Soviets

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Berlin Wall

In 1961 increased tension between the Soviets and US over West and East Berlin force the construction of the Berlin Wall

Wall falls in Nov. 1989

JFK calls for Americans to build bomb shelters in homes and both countries send troops to there part of Berlin

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Cuban Missile Crisis October 1962 US has missiles in Turkey Khrushchev begins putting more

aid into Cuba by giving them anti-aircraft weapons called SAMs (surface to air missiles)

US spy planes detect and JFK demands the Soviets remove them

Khrushchev threats if US invades Cuba there will be war

US sets up blockade Khrushchev sends letter if US

agrees not to invade Cuba and to remove its missiles in Turkey he would dismantle weapons

We did not agree to the second letter ridding of our missiles in Turkey

*Closest we came to nuclear war! After Soviets, GB, and US sign Limited Nuclear Test Ban

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Peace Corps- group that traveled to Asia, Africa, and Latin America as educators, medical professionals, farm advisors, etc

Space Race- in 1961 Soviets put a man in space so Kennedy increased money in the Space program

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November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas

Killed by Lee Harvey Oswald

Oswald was then killed by Jack Ruby

Warren Commission- investigated conspiracy and closed case after 10 months

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The Presidency of LBJ

Lyndon B. Johnson became President 1963 after JFK killed

Reelected 1964 The Great Society

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The Great Society

War on Poverty-Economic Opportunity

Act-started Job Corps

training Medicaid &

Medicare- healthcare poor and retired

Started PBS- Public Broadcasting System

Signed the Civil Rights Act 1964 & 1968 and Voting Rights Act 1965

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A Time of Riots

August 1964-Patterson-Jersey City-Elizabeth-African Americans

unhappy with treatment by police

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A Time of Riots

July 1967: Newark Riots

-Cab driver arrested for passing police car, citizens become angry over police brutality

-led to 10 days of looting and destruction left many injured and several dead

Plainfield Riots-started two days later after a fight in a bar

-National Guard called out

*Riots in Chicago, Detroit, etc.

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The Decline of the Great Society

Because of the anti-war sentiment in Vietnam LBJ does not run for reelection in 1968

Robert Kennedy runs and is assassinated by a 24 year old Christian-Palestinian named Sirhan Sirhan in Los Angeles, California

Sirhan was upset over Kennedy’s alliance with Israel (Six Day war June 1967 Israel VS. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, & Arab countries)

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President Richard Nixon


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