Page 1: The President’s Message 2015 Newsletter.pdfHEARTLAND NAIFA 2013-2014 MEETING CALENDAR Feb. 5, 2015 Legislative Day in Lincoln. Feb. 20, 2015 Joint meeting with Central. Nebraska



Advocate, Educate, Legislate & Motivate

The President’s Message

February 2015

Board of Directors

Matt Green, President

Dave Skutnik, Past

President and National

Committee Person

Kristy Cavanaugh,

President Elect

Patti Wissing, Secretary/


Ty Benton

Jeb Brant

JJ Green

Michael Hutchinson

Kent Koch

Dan Yost

Inside this issue:

Birthdays/Anniversaries 2

Calendar of Events 3

Joint Meeting 2-20-2015 4

Legislative Update 5

Legislative Update 6

Photos from January meeting 7

LUTCF Information 8

Code of Ethics 9

Vision & Mission Statement 10

Membership 11

IFAPAC Contribution Form 12

Corporate Sponsors 13

Board of Directors 14

Matt Green, President

Heartland NAIFA Members~

Please take the time to update your NAIFA profile on the NAIFA website, On the top section of the homepage, click on the ‘Profile’ tab. Please update your contact information, demographics, and communications. NIAFA National would especially like you to update your home address.

While you are out updating your profile information on the NAIFA website, please take the time to update your IFAPAC contribution amount and electronically sign your directive form!

Please mark you calendars for 2 important upcoming dates, March 5th and April 16th-17th. March 5th will be the semi-annual NAIFA CE day. There will be more details coming out in the near future about the topic and location for the CE day. The April 16th-17th dates will be this year’s NAIFA State Convention. This year’s convention will be moving back to the LaVista Embassy Suites. Please watch for coming details on this meeting as well!

I look forward to seeing some of you tomorrow at NAIFA’s State Legislative Day!

Matt S. Green, FSS

Heartland NAIFA President

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Ardyce Biede (Duane’s Wife) 3-2

Laura Huber (Loren’s Wife) 3-16

Erin Marick 3-22

Todd Anania 3-23

Lora Norlen (Scott’s Wife) 3-23

Kristy Cavanaugh 3-27

Randy Rhodes 3-31

Ginger and Alfonso Arvizo 3-5

Patti and Jeff Wissing 3-14


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Feb. 5, 2015 Legislative Day in Lincoln.

Feb. 20, 2015 Joint meeting with Central. Nebraska Nature and Visitor Center in Alda. See next page for more details.

Apr. 15-17 NAIFA Forum—Embassy Suites in LaVista, NE (tentative) 2015 More details to follow.

Apr. 24, 2015 Annual Awards Luncheon—Riverside Golf Club, Grand Island. More details to follow.

May 19-20 NAIFA Congressional Conference, Washington DC. More 2015 details to follow

We sincerely hope all of you will attend as

many meetings as possible. We will strive to

have the best meetings and speakers


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Josh is a master team builder. For the last 15 years, he has been impacting teams: businesses, high schools, colleges, churches, non-profits, and athletic teams of all levels.

Josh has a unique gift for bringing teams into unity so positive change can be achieved.

Meeting is at the Nebraska Nature and Visitor Center from 9:30-Noon with lunch provided.

Please RSVP to Pam Pedersen at the following email address: [email protected]

Or feel free to contact Diane Volden at [email protected]

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President’s FY 2016 Budget Proposal Hits COLI, Capital Gains, Estate Tax

Issue: Tax Reform

Date: February 3, 2015

Action Taken: On February 2, President Obama submitted to Congress his fiscal year (FY) 2016 budget

proposal. The $4 trillion proposal proposes $640 billion in new taxes, including new levies on company-

owned life insurance (COLI), an increase in the estate tax, a higher capital gains tax, a new income tax on

certain inheritances, a cap retirement savings, and income-based limits on tax benefits (including on

pension contributions and on employer-paid health insurance). NAIFA and industry partners are deeply

concerned about provisions in the administration’s proposed 2016 budget that amount to new taxes on

products that provide security and peace of mind.

The budget includes a mix of spending increases, middle class tax cuts, federal program reductions

(discretionary spending cuts), and tax hikes on wealthy taxpayers and on corporate money held abroad.

The proposal does not balance the federal budget, something House GOP lawmakers insist they will do

when Congress crafts its budget in the upcoming months. But it does keep deficits to what the

Administration calls “a manageable level” of three percent of gross domestic product (GDP).

Obama officials say the budget as proposed would result in a $474 billion deficit next year (down more

than 50 percent from the $1+ trillion level peak in recent years). It would produce $1.8 trillion in new

deficit reduction over the next 10 years, including $400 billion in health savings achieved by “delivering

health care more efficiently,” Administration personnel said.

Individual tax proposals: The new revenue will come from proposals that would increase taxes on the

country’s wealthiest taxpayers by:

Business tax proposals: The Obama budget recommends business tax reform, including lowering the

top corporate rate to 28 percent (25 percent for domestic manufacturing companies). The budget

also includes an international tax reform plan, the highlight of which is a new tax on foreign

earnings. A one-time mandatory tax on U.S. company earnings currently held abroad would be

earmarked to replenish the Highway Trust Fund.

Retirement Plan Proposals: The Obama budget contains a number of retirement savings proposals.

Estate tax: The Obama budget proposal also contains a series of estate tax provisions. Among them is

a proposal to restore the estate, gift and generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax rules that were in

effect in 2009 ($3.5 million exemption for estate and GST taxes and $1 million for gift taxes; and a

45 percent top rate). This is an increase in the top rate from the current 40 percent and a reduction

in the current exemption amount of $5 million. Also included are proposals to require consistency

in value for transfer and income tax purposes, modification of transfer tax and GST exclusion rules for certain

trusts, and simplification of the gift tax exclusion for annual gifts.

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President’s FY 2016 Budget Proposal Hits COLI, Capital Gains, Estate Tax

Issue: Tax Reform


Medicare proposals: The Obama budget also reprises its perennial suggestion that first-dollar Medigap

coverage be taxed so that seniors are forced to incur some cost-sharing in their medical costs. There

are also proposals to recalculate Medicare Advantage payments.

The Obama budget also proposes a new fee of seven basis points assessed on certain liabilities of the

some 100 financial institutions (including insurers) with $50 billion or more in assets.

Prospects: Much—perhaps most—of the specific proposals have met instant opposition from the GOP-

controlled Congress, but there are some suggestions that could provide common ground for Admin-

istration-Congressional negotiations. In short, although the package as a whole is—as is usual—“dead

on arrival” on Capitol Hill, specific elements in it could find their way into legislation that might move

through Congress this year.

Next Steps: NAIFA and industry partners will continue to explain the importance of life insurance products to

the financial and retirement security. In addition to individual and coalition meetings, NAIFA members from

every state will collectively meet with their lawmakers during the May 19-20, 2015 Congressional Conference.

Register today to join us in explaining how industry products, services and financial advice benefit 75 million

American families and thousands of businesses across the country.

To read the entire article follow this link.’s-fy-2016-budget-proposal-hits-coli,-cap

Page 7: The President’s Message 2015 Newsletter.pdfHEARTLAND NAIFA 2013-2014 MEETING CALENDAR Feb. 5, 2015 Legislative Day in Lincoln. Feb. 20, 2015 Joint meeting with Central. Nebraska

Pictures from 1-16-15 General Membership Meeting

President, Matt Green, discusses,

IFAPAC and Advocacy at our

January General Membership


President Elect, Kristy Cavanaugh,

introduces our guest speaker to the


Guest Speaker: Malcolm Leal-Castaneda

Malcolm is a Tax and Accounting

Consultant for Clear Point Tax and

Accounting Solutions, and works heavily

with the Hispanic community. He

helped us understand how the Hispanic

community views financial products.

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PREAMBLE: Helping my clients protect their assets and establish financial security, independence and eco-nomic freedom for themselves and those they care about is a noble endeavor and deserves my promise to support high standards of integrity, trust and profes-sionalism throughout my career as an insurance and financial professional. With these principles as a foun-dation, I freely accept the following obligations:

To help maintain my clients’ confidences and pro-tect their right to privacy. To work diligently to satisfy the needs of my clients. To present, accurately and honestly, all facts essen-tial to my clients’ financial decisions. To render timely and proper service to my clients and ultimately their beneficiaries. To continually enhance professionalism by develop-ing my skills and increasing my knowledge through ed-ucation. To obey the letter and spirit of all laws and regula-tions which govern my profession. To conduct all business dealings in a manner which would reflect favorably on NAIFA and my profession. To cooperate with others whose services best pro-mote the interests of my clients. To protect the financial interests of my clients, their financial products and my profession, through political advocacy.

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The Vision and Mission of NAIFA

Page 8

Vision Statement:

The National Association of Insurance and

Financial Advisors protects and promotes the

critical role of insurance in a sound financial plan

and the essential role provided by our professional

agents and advisors.

Mission Statement:

The mission of the National Association of

Insurance and Financial Advisors is to advocate for

a positive legislative and regulatory environment,

enhance business and professional skills, and

promote the ethical conduct of our members.

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Heidi Adams, Todd Anania, Kevin Armstrong, Ginger Arvizo,

Judy Barnes, Ty Benton, Duane Biede, Jeb Brant, Brad Carlson,

Nate Casey, Kristy Cavanaugh, Vincent Christensen, Jamie Cole,

Martin Demuth, Mike Fergen, Matt Geiser, Sean Gellatly,

J.J. Green, Matt Green, Monte Hack, Shannon Hannappel,

John Haynes, Steve Heath, Paul Hoos, Loren Huber, Rodney Hunt,

Lisa Huismann, Michael Hutchinson, Jeremy Jensen,

Kris Jerke, Holly Johnson, Rocky Kershaw, Kent Koch,

Cheryl Kosmicki, Jerry Kuhlmann, Tony Larsen, Cory Lenners,

Michael Lorenz, Craig Marmie, Erin Marick, Dennis McCarty,

Dayla Mamot-Sack, Joshua Meier, Julie Meier, James Meyer,

Lee Mohr, Thomas Mortimer, Scott Norlen, Tim O’Connor,

Terry Regan, Tom Reisdorph, Randy Rhodes, Joni Rodabaugh,

Stacey Rust, Steve Ryan, Vincent Ryan, Bill Sabatka,

Melisa Salter, Greg Sanchez, Mary Santin, Kay Sawyer,

Kyle Sawyers, Larry Schanaman, Laura Schneider,

Adam Schwoerer, Allen Sjuts, Dave Skutnik, Jon Smith,

Don South, Anita Speece, Randy Spiehs, Ken Steinbeck,

Tom Strand, Mike Theis, Diane Volden, Sydney Widga,

Lisa Willman, Patti Wissing, Denise Wray, Dan Yost,

Denise Zabka.

IFAPAC contributor names are in blue






As of


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Three Easy Ways to Contribute to IFAPAC

Name ____________________________________________ __________NAIFA Member # __________________

Company _______________________________________________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________________________________________

City _____________________________________________State ___________________ Zip ___________________

❏❏ I would like to make my contribution in one annual amount:

❏❏ Enclosed is my personal check for $_______________

❏❏ Please charge my personal (circle one) q Visa q MasterCard q American Express q Discover

Account # _________________________________________ Exp. Date _______________ Security Code __________

For a single, annual amount $ ________________ Signature ___________________________________________________ (PLEASE NOTE: WE CANNOT CHARGE CREDIT CARDS MONTHLY)


❏❏ I currently give on bank draft at $_________ a month. Please increase my monthly contribution to $_________ per

month. Signature_______________________________________________________________________________________

❏❏ I would like to enroll in the monthly bank draft plan. Enclosed is my check for the first month’s payment. I have

completed the information requested below.

I hereby authorize IFAPAC to withdraw from my account the amount specified below every month. This authorization will remain in effect until re-

voked by me in writing and, until IFAPAC receives such notice, I agree that IFAPAC shall be fully protected in honoring such withdrawals. In consider-ation of IFAPAC’s compliance with such request and authorization, I agree that IFAPAC’s treatment of each such check and IFAPAC’s rights in re-spect to it, shall be the same as if it were signed personally by me and that if any such check be dishonored, IFAPAC shall be under no liability whatso-

ever even though such dishonor results in the forfeiture of IFAPAC membership.


Name of depositor as shown on bank records


Account number _________________________ Routing number ________________________________________

Name of bank and address of bank branch where account is maintained ____________________________________

4. Amount of draft per month $ ___________________________________

5. Signature of depositor (s) as shown on bank records: __________________________________________ Date

_________________(if joint) ______________________________________________________________________________

Return form & contributions (or voided check) to: IFAPAC; 2901 Telestar Court; Falls Church, VA 22042-1205 or

fax bank draft application with voided check or credit card contribution to 703-770-8151. Contribute online at

Contributions to IFAPAC are voluntary and contributed to candidates for elective office. Your contributions will be divided between your state association IFAPAC and IFAPAC National, if you have directed NAIFA to do so (see reverse side). You can contribute more or less than the suggested amount. The amount contributed will not benefit or disadvantage you in any way. You have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Corporate contributions to IFAPAC’s political fund are prohibited. Contributions to IFAPAC are not deductible for federal income

tax purposes.


Capitol $5,000 $416.00/month

Emissary $2,500 to $4,999 $210.00/month

Diplomat $1,000 to $2,499 $84.00/month

Envoy $500 to $999 $42.00/month

Statesman $300 to $499 $25.00/month

Ambassador $200 to $299 $17.00/month

Century $100 to $199 $8.50/month

Investor $50 to $99 $5.00/month (minimum for bank draft)

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Kent Koch, Board Director Dan Yost, Board Director Diane Volden, Executive Director

Matt Green, President Dave Skutnik, Past President &

National Committee Person

Kristy Cavanaugh, President Elect Patti Wissing, Secretary/


Ty Benton, Board Director Jeb Brant, Board Director JJ Green, Board Director Michael Hutchinson, Board


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