  • 1. The Principaled Principal Dr. James F. BursonSolution-Based Basketballwww.jimburson.com17th Annual Educators Luncheon Ohio University ZanesvilleMarch 7, 2012

2. Buy or Sell?Public education is a miracle and this is its most hopeful time. - Jamie Vollmer, The Blueberry Story 3. Buy or Sell?We build a better society whenour students are educated.- Larry Miller 4. Buy or Sell?Who do you work for? Look in the mirror. You cant fool the mirror. 5. Buy or Sell?A teacher meets students wherever they arebut never leaves them there. - Dr. Paul Muller 6. Buy or Sell?Its no use walking anywhere to preach [teach] unless yourpreaching [teaching] is your walking. - St. Francis of Assisi 7. Buy or Sell? Be ashamed to die until you have won some victoryfor humanity. - Horace Mann, father of theCommon School & the Normal School 8. Administrators Hit the WALLL 9. WORK Hard and SmartAdjust and Change 10. ATTITUDEPositive and InspiringAdjust to Change Whos Your Hero? Woody HayesThe Blueberry StoryJamie Vollmer changed his attitude 11. LEARNING A little learning is a dangerous thing.Its never too late to learn. (70)Technical Vision InterpersonalChangeLenvoi by Rudyard Kipling Adolph Rupp 12. LEADERA little learning is a dangerous thing....School leaders not just a titleEmpower The Teddy Story Who led whom?Do it. Do it right. Do it right now. 13. LOVER Whos the worlds greatest lover?East H.S. - George Washington SmithYou must love (have passion for) what you are doing. 14. Buy or Sell?Its easy to make a living,but its hard to make a difference. 15. Buy or Sell?Education is alwaysin the middle of change. 16. Buy or Sell?Cling to unchanging principles. 17. Giving thanks. 18. Buy or Sell? The game you are playing is a simplegame calledYou make a difference.The winner getsto create the future. 19. Thank you for your time. For your convenience,all references & articles are listed here:www.jimbursoncom/educators/

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