Page 1: The Psychology Of Motivation

Conan Fitness Platinum WebinarsThe Psychology of Motivation

Page 2: The Psychology Of Motivation

1) Motivation

2) Lack of personal control

3) Lack of a proper plan

4) Consistency

5) Prosperity mindset

Top 5 Reasons Why Most People Don’t Succeed

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Types of Motivation: Intrinsic / Extrinsic Toward / Away

Is Motivation Really the Answer?

Pain + Pleasure Negative vs Positive goals

“Nature has placed mankind under the government of two sovereign masters, Pain and Pleasure…they govern us in all we do, in all we

say, in all we think: every effort we can make to throw off our subjection, will serve but to demonstrate and confirm it.”

– Jeremy Bentham.

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Motive – reason, drive, want, purpose, WHY

Belief – certainty, faith, conviction, trust

Motive + Belief

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Stages of Change1. Pre-Contemplation

2. Contemplation

3. Preparation4. Action

5. Maintenance

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1) Pain + Pleasure (emotional creatures)

2) Values + Human Needs (our highest priorities)

3) Standards and Expectations (preconceived notion of what is acceptable, desirable, etc)

4) Identity – consistency with WHO YOU ARE

Strongest Drives

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1) Prioritise / Visualise2) Set new STANDARDS and ACCEPT nothing less3) 5 steps to building motive (pain/pleasure)4) Get a Plan – research, consult, continually tweak it5) Make it a lifestyle / part of your identity6) Hand around people who’s standards + expectations

are higher than yours, let it rub off on you7) Build Belief – read stories, break the goal down8) Act!

Practical Strategies

5 Steps to building MotiveWrite down:1. What you really desire, specifically and measurably4. The specific actions/routines you may need to change/adopt to get there2. The consequences of NOT acting on this desire (PAIN associated to procrastinating)3. The positive benefits of achieving this (PLEASURE associated to acting)5. Focus everyday on these consequences of PAIN and these reasons of PLEASURE and you will continually have your MOTIVE at the front of your mind!

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Conan Fitness Platinum WebinarsThe Psychology of Motivation

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