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    WIN National Youth Pastors & Leaders ConferenceA Firm Foundation for the Next Decade

    By Paolo Manuel

    continued on page 2

    A quarterly publication of The Pyros Youth Ministry of Word International Ministries Los Angeles.

    I S S U E


    O F 2 0 1 0

    On January 15, 2010, something historical

    happened for Word International Ministries. For

    the first time ever, key workers of the youth

    ministries of the WIN churches in North America

    gathered in Houston, Texas for the first youth

    pastors and youth leaders conference entitled A

    Firm Foundation for the Next Decade.

    WIN US National Youth Coordinator Pastor Mark

    Briones saw that it was necessary for the forerunnersof the WIN youth ministries to come together and

    discuss the future of the church, as well as to unite

    the body of young believers. Though there has been

    a growing cohesion between the network of WIN

    youth groups in the US, mainly through Soul Anchor,

    the annual youth summer camp in California, there

    was still a need to bring the leaders of the individual

    ministries together to forge a stronger bond with one

    another as well as to capture a unified vision.

    The dream of gathering the workers of the youth

    ministry was first realized six years ago, and after

    much prayer and planning, the conference finally

    came together in January of 2010, just in time to

    begin the new decade. California delegates from

    Artesia, Inland Empire, Los Angeles, San Francisco,

    and Silicon Valley, met with our brethren from the

    East, consisting of New Jersey and Toronto, Canada,

    as well as with our distant WIN family from the

    islands of Hawaii. The network of churches in Texas

    consisting of Southwest Houston, Northwest

    Houston, Northeast Houston, and Dallas stepped up

    to the challenge of hosting these delegates and key

    workers in the ministry for this unprecedented event

    that took place at the WIN Southwest Houston

    worship center.

    The conference began on Friday afternoon with

    Pastor Mark Briones of WIN Los Angeles outlining the

    importance of the conference. With the growingnumber of youth groups in North America, it is

    imperative that each ministry catch the same global

    vision that emphasizes on the development of

    discipleship within the youth ministry.

    The first session was led by Pastor Jong Duterte, the

    International Youth Coordinator, who also pastors the

    church in Toronto. He spoke on the topic of The

    Process and Development of Youth Ministry where

    Delegates listen in during a session at the first youth conference.

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    ISSUETHIRTEEN he outlined the

    inner workings of

    the ministry and

    emphasized the

    dedication each

    youth leader must

    deliver to see

    success in itsendeavors. Pastor

    Jong asserted the

    importance of self-

    assessment in

    order to see what

    changes need to be made to better carry out the

    ministrys purposes and goals. Delegates were

    taught about carefully laying down the foundations

    of the ministry, investing in emerging leaders to

    strengthen the commitment within the team, and

    the multiplication and delegation of leadership for


    In the evening, a signature Crosspoint youth rally

    was held at the WIN SW Houston church which

    attracted 90 people, the largest turnout for a youth

    rally yet. Following the anointed praise and worship

    led by the Sheena Silguera of WIN NE Houston and

    Ron Apura of WIN SW Houston was the message

    delivered by Pastor Perry Escalera of WIN Silicon

    Valley, who drilled into the receptive audience to

    stop hesitating Gods call. Like a successful

    advertising tag line, Just do it! became the mottoof the rest of conference among the youth,

    delegates, and pastors alike.

    Day two of the conference began with ministry

    reports and updates from the various WIN churches

    represented in the conference. Following the

    reports was the second session led again by Pastor

    Jong Duterte, who at this time shared on the topic

    of The Person God Can Use in Youth Ministry.

    The next two sessions were delivered by Pastor

    Mark Briones, on the topics of Principles of

    Discipleship in the Youth Ministry and Planning for

    Youth Ministry. In his first session, he discussed

    the importance of a strong discipleship program in

    the ministry. He challenged leaders to follow the

    example of Christ by investing in the lives of those

    in the ministry, training them to be effective leadersfor the future. In his second session, Pastor Mark

    shared about being a purpose-driven and goal-

    oriented ministry. He also reminded the delegates

    that the youth ministry should build bridges

    between other ministries in the church and to

    partner up with them for support.

    In addition to the sessions were two practical

    workshops: Sensory Pleasures: How Much Do You

    Indulge? and Balancing Family, School, and

    Ministry. The first workshop was shared by Pastor

    Erwin Tanjuaquio of WIN San Francisco/Bridgepoint

    who gave a fresh look on the youth cultures media

    and technology consumption, while the latter was

    led by Sis. Fedelyn Rapinan, Youth Ministry Head of

    Pyros of Los Angeles, who gave treasured insight

    on time management for the youth leaders who are

    often not only dedicated in the youth ministry but

    often in other ministries, as well as being engrossed

    in school work.

    The conference would not have been successful

    without the hard work and dedication of the WIN

    family in Texas. They accepted the challenge ofhosting the conference and did a great job in

    executing every detail of the event from the logistics

    to entertainment. Though comprised of four

    different churches, the youth of WIN Texas did not

    fail to exemplify the type of relationship that each of

    the WIN churches should have with one another.

    They all came together to deliver the best possible

    first conference the delegates could have asked for.

    Because of their collaborative efforts, thirst forcontinued on page 3


    Pastor Jong Duterte, International

    Youth Coordinator, speaking on

    The Process and Development of

    Youth Ministry.

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    excellence, and commitment to carrying out the

    work for the youth ministries of WIN, the conference

    was undoubtedly a great success. Additionally, the

    hospitality of the families that hosted the delegates

    cannot go unnoticed, as they displayed a genuine

    compassion towards their guests. It was a blessing

    to see the support of our WIN family in action.

    This first-ever youth pastors and youth leaders

    conference is only the beginning of bigger plans to

    come. There is still much to be done, but the bold

    vision for the youth ministries of Word International

    Ministries is strong, and the drive to carry out that

    vision is even stronger.

    Let us together enter this new decade with a

    renewed support of the endeavors of our youth, the

    future of our church.

    Typhoon Ondoy:By Joanna Cordero

    In a span of 38 days, the Philippines was hit by a

    series of typhoons. On September 26, 2009,Typhoon Ondoy made landfall and swept through

    Metro Manila and parts of Central Luzon, causing

    devastating destruction. Soon after, Typhoon

    Pepeng struck Northern and Central Luzon and was

    then followed by typhoons Oedan, Ramil, Santi, and


    Fourteen WIN pastors living in Metro Manila,

    Laguna, and Cagayan, were affected by the

    typhoon. A total of thirteen WIN churches were

    affected: five in Metro Manila, four in Laguna, one

    each in Bulacan, Ilocos, Pangasinan, and Cagayan.As of the report release, 1046 families from WIN

    churches in Metro Manila and 1,189 families from

    churches in Laguna/Quezon, Cavite and Central

    Luzon were affected by the typhoon.

    Along with monetary donations from WIN churches

    worldwide, local churches in the Philippines

    mobilized to provide help to members affected by

    the typhoons.

    Responding immediately, the churches launched

    relief operations within two days after Ondoy. WINMakati was able to distribute relief goods in

    squatter areas in Makati where they have feeding

    centers to the poor children. WIN Manila was able

    to distribute goods as far as Montalban where we

    have an outreach and a church. Marikina was able

    to mobilize their workers to provide help to their

    members. WIN Alabang rushed to help their

    members living on stilt houses by the waters and

    brought them food & clothing. Due to monetary

    donations, WIN was also able to help thirty-three

    Laguna pastors and workers fix their homes, and

    hundreds of members to receive relief goods.

    Full recovery is still on the way as many have lost

    their homes, crops, and livelihood, but through

    support and prayer, hope is not lost.

    To help our brethren in the Philippines recover,

    please mail cash or checks to Sis. Nickie Paulate at

    7101 58th St. CT. W University Place, WA 98466.

    Victims of TyphoonOndoy (Ketsana)

    flee for help as

    their town

    immerses in heavyrainfall.


    WIN Family Helps MembersAffected by Ondoy Tragedy.


    This first-ever youth pastors and youthleaders conference is only the beginning ofbigger plans to come. There is still much to

    be done, but the bold vision for the youthministries of Word International Ministriesis strong, and the drive to carry out thatvision is even stronger.

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    Word International Ministries - Los Angeles celebrated

    its 19th anniversary with a simple but intense servicethat ushered in the beginning of a new season of

    boldness and blessings. WIN LA celebrated its 19th

    year with a special Sunday service on October 11,

    2009, a culmination of the year-long theme Come

    Boldly Before The Throne of Grace, based on Hebrews


    After an amazing time of praise and worship, the

    childrens ministry did a special dance number, with

    several of its adorable little members dressed as

    cowboys singing and dancing to three Western-inspired

    songs. The couples ministry, Gideons Sword, led by

    Paloo and Alma Guiuan also gave their own choral

    rendition of a song entitled We Will Stand by Avalon.

    Pastor Chito Corderos message that day was titled

    Key Indicators of Church Health and served as a

    reminder to the congregation about the factors and

    characteristics that make a church powerful and

    effective. The sermon served as an encouragement to

    the church to seek God with more fervor as a united

    body. In line with the theme, Pastor Chito also

    reminded the congregation to continue to step boldlyinto their inheritance as Gods children, claiming their

    blessings and influencing the world around them as a

    strong, united, and proactive community of believers.

    The anniversary service was the highlight of the month;

    previous and subsequent Sundays in October also

    featured video presentations from the different church

    ministries, such as Pyros and Deborah's Fire, as a part

    of the month-long anniversary celebration.



    WIN LA Celebrates Its 19th Year

    Pyros YouthLeader, Angelica

    Pons, lifts her

    hand during the

    amazing time ofpraise and


    The little cowboys and cowgirlsof the childrens ministry

    perform western-style dances.

    Members of the couplesministry, Gideons

    Sword, sing We Will

    Stand by Avalon.

    Let us then approach the throneof grace with confidence,

    so that we may receive mercyand find grace to help us

    in our time of need.

    Hebrews 4:16

    Boldness Blessings &By Pauline Guiuan

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    By Verna Abante

    In an effort to reach out to those in need, the

    Pyros Youth Ministry sought Seeds of Hope,

    a sponsorship founded by Word

    International Ministries that help

    underprivileged school children and their

    families in the Philippines. Seeds of Hope

    was first introduced by Sis. Cynthia de

    Castro of WIN LA and became the perfect

    outreach opportunity for Pyros. By fall 2009,Pyros started donating money to the

    organization, splitting the pledges amongst

    the different bible study groups in the Los

    Angeles, Glendale, and Cerritos areas. A

    total of $90 a month is mailed by Pyros

    youth pastor, Mark Briones to the Seeds of

    Hope director of the US, Sis. Nickie Paulate.

    Additionally, a portion of the donation goes

    to the Marinduque Feeding Program.

    In December, Pyros was able to successfully

    raise money from their annual Christmasparty to give to Seeds of Hope; with their

    donation, the children of the program were

    able to enjoy their very own Jollibee

    Christmas Party in the Philippines.

    Prayerfully, Pyros intends to continue its

    donations this year and even begin adopting

    three individual profiles by March 2010. As it is

    written, He has distributed freely, he has given

    to the poor; his righteousness endures

    forever (2 Corinthians 9:9). Its not too late to

    give and help those who need.



    If you would like to donate to Seeds of Hope, please

    contact Pauline Guiuan (Glendale), Rizza Aldaba (LA),

    or Verna Abante (Cerritos).

    For more information, please contact Sis. Cynthia de

    Castro at [email protected].

    WIN LA HostsInternationalPrayer CongressBy Rizza Aldaba

    United Nations Day, October 24, marks another

    unprecedented event in WIN Los Angeles history

    as they host this years International Day of Prayer.

    Spearheaded by WIN LAs Intercessory Prayer

    Ministry led by Pastor Harun Kimani, it was

    certainly a timely occasion that was much neededin the church and in the globe as a whole.

    The prayer service started off with a time of

    worship ushered in by WIN LAs main worship

    team. Members of the different WIN LA ministries

    and a number of Pyros attended the event; various

    members of churches from different ethnicities

    also came as a sign of support. Pastors from

    other churches were also in the congregation and

    were asked to exhort in between prayer sessions.

    Pastors of WIN LA and guests exhorted and

    interceded over the needs of the hour, such as

    praying for our respective families, our churches,

    our nation, and the world.

    After a brief, satisfying lunch, the Pyros praise

    team led the congregation into a time of praise

    before entering into another phase of the prayer

    conference. Pastor Lyndon Aldaba of WIN LA

    shared a video by David Wilkerson on the heeding

    the call to anguish. Subsequently, the Messianic

    Sisters sang Israels anthem and interceded for

    their broken country as well.

    Concluding this world-changing event is Pastor

    Harun Kimani, who fervently encouraged those

    who came to seek out the glory of God in their

    own relevant lives. It certainly intensifies the need

    of the church to stand in the gap and be a force

    that will touch heaven to change the earth, as well

    as be representatives of our own churches,

    people, and our nations.

    There before me was a great multitude that no one

    could count, from every nation, tribe, people and

    language, standing before the throne and in front of

    the Lamb. Revelations 7:9


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    young adults from both Los Angeles and Orange

    County groups, supervised by Pastor Mark Briones,

    came together to hike up the trail towards the worldfamous Hollywood sign. Rain or shine, and with their

    hiking shoes ready, the young adults persevered and

    trekked five miles of rock-strewn terrain. It was the

    opportune time to connect and reconnect with fellow

    YAMmers as they climb up, even taking pictures

    along the way.

    There were much sighs of relief as everyone finally

    and successfully reached the end of the trail. Upon

    arriving at their destination, the group ate their

    packed lunches, consisting of rice and entrees in

    zipper bags, trail mix and sandwiches, off the route

    while enjoying the Los Angeles skyline and thefellowship. After a much-deserved break, they

    headed back into the trail under the beaming sun,

    continuing to converse and walk along with each


    It was truly a memorable bonding experience for

    everyone who came. Not only did they gain a

    physically fulfilling experience, they were able to

    reestablish ties with one other and share an

    adventurous, enjoyable time amidst Gods creation.


    Young Adults fromGlendale, Los Angeles,

    and Orange County hike

    up a 5-mile trail to see

    the famous Hollywood



    upcoming eventsFebruary 14

    February 21

    March 5 - 7

    Crosspoint Youth Rally at WIN LA

    Solace Conference

    Soul Anchor 2010

    March 19

    May 20 - 21

    June 28 - July 2

    Valentines Luncheon & Dance

    Pyros goes to WIN San Diego

    WIN New Jersey Trip

    Young Adults MinistryYAM Hike Up the Hollywood Sign!By Rizza Aldaba

    On a warm November morning,

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    The annual Pyros Christmas party took place on

    December 19. The party, hosted at WIN Los Angeles

    Victory Hall, was attended by Pyros youth and friends

    from WIN Inland Empires youth ministry. Guests

    feasted on a buffet of roast beef, fried chicken,

    spaghetti, mashed potatoes, and other holiday treats.

    When the meal was over, Pastor Mark Briones shared

    about where the true focus of Christmas lay. He

    reminded the group that Christmas should be

    centered around Christ, the gift of salvation that God

    freely gave, despite the busyness of the season. The

    group was then asked to reflect on how God has

    moved within each individuals life in the past year

    and to start looking forward to the new things in store

    for 2010.

    Afterwards, there was a budget-conscious white

    elephant gift exchange. Each participating guest

    brought a slightly used item from home to exchange

    with someone else. The fun continued as the group

    played games such as The Ship is SinkingTwelve

    Days of Christmas style, where guests broke out into

    the different groups mentioned in the carol, and

    Telephone Charades, where group members acted

    out the title of a Christmas song for their team to

    guess. The day ended with a few intense rounds of

    candy cane relay races. Guests headed home with

    happy hearts, full stomachs, and plenty of Christmas


    As you celebrate with your friends and family,

    remember: Jesus is the reason of the season!

    PYROS Christmas PartyAn Annual Celebration in Honor of JesusBy Sandra Cordero


    Pyros Youth Ministrycelebrate with one

    another in a time of

    fellowship, food, and

    faith, while remembering

    that Jesus is the reasonfor the season!

    Stephanie Bautista andPastor Mark Briones of

    WIN LA and Kristy Guiuan

    of WIN OC engage in some

    rather amusing game,

    telephone charades.


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    Breakthrough an act or instance of removing or surpassing an obstruction or restriction,

    overcoming of a stalemate; any significant or sudden advance, achievement or increase.

    Just 15 days into the New Year, we convened the 1st WIN National Youth Pastors and Leaders

    Conference in Houston, Texas. It was a wonderful sight to behold, seeing more than 30 youth

    pastors and leaders from all over the US converge in one place to learn and be equipped to

    minister to the youth of this generation. This was a major breakthrough for our youth ministries

    here in the US, and I am really excited as to what the Lord has in store for us.

    I believe 2010 will be a year of BREAKTHROUGH for the youth ministry of WIN here in the US

    region. Regional youth camps are being set up for the summer with the goal of reaching out to

    more young people in their cities and regions; mission trips are being planned, more extensive

    discipleship programs are being done, greater awareness for the needs of the poor and needy

    in the third world nations are being looked on and the training of new leaders are being put into

    place. These are just some of the programs and thrust that the youth ministers will be focusing

    on as we press on for the breakthrough that the Lord has in store for us. God is taking each

    one of us to our Baal-perazim, the place of Breakthrough.

    As we all have started a new year and new decade, we all have our own share of challenges

    and obstacles before us, but as we continue to seek and inquire of the Lord just as David did

    when the Philistines heard that he was appointed King and challenged his authority,

    BREAKTHROUGH will take place.

    Press through for your Breakthrough!

    Pastor Mark Briones

    FIRESIDEAnd David came to Baal-perazim, and he smote them there, and said,

    The Lord has broken through my enemies before me, like the bursting out of great waters.

    So he called the name of that place Baal-perazim [Lord of breaking through].

    2 Samuel 5:20(Amplified Bible)


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    THEPYROSTORCH530 s. benton way

    los angeles, california


    verna abanterizza aldaba

    joanna corderosandra corderopauline guiuanpaolo manuel


    verna abantepaolo manuel


    pastor mark briones

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