Page 1: The Resident - March 2012


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Page 2: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - www.theresident.eu2

EDITORIAL¡Este fin de semana, las elecciones Andaluzas! Una vez más, los que no somos españoles no podremos votar, ya que no tenemos derecho al voto, pero creo que ya conocéis mi opinión al respecto. Lo importante de todo ello es el hecho de que puede que con estas elecciones haya un cambio radical en el gobierno andaluz. Después de treinta años de gobierno socialista (PSOE) puede que haya un cambio a favor del Partido Popular, ésto sería la primera vez que ocurriera después de la autonomía andaluza en 1982. Tendremos que esperar hasta el lunes para ver si se ha cambiado la historia este fin de semana.También el pueblo ejercerá su derecho democrático, de otra manera. Dentro de unos cuantos días, el jueves 29 de Marzo está prevista una huelga general organizada por los sindicatos. Una vez más me abstengo de dar mis opiniones personales en política pero tan solo diré que no le veo razón alguna excepto que estemos cerca del primer fin de semana antes de la Semana Santa, quiero decir que para trabajar un día antes de la Semana Santa, podríamos también

This weekend sees Andalucia go to the polls to elect the region’s government – the Junta de Andalucia. Once again all of us non-Spaniards will have to sit this one out, as we do not have the right to vote in this one, but I think you must know by now my opinions on this matter. No, the real importance of this election is the fact that, if the opinion polls are to be believed we could see a dramatic change in the political makeup of the Junta. After thirty years of rule by the socialist PSOE and their allies it is widely believed that the conservative Partido Popular will take control for the first time since autonomy was granted in 1982. We’ll just have to wait until Monday to see if history has been made this weekend.The populace is exercising its democratic rights in another form this coming week in the shape of a General Strike calle by unions on Thursday March 29. Again I’m not going to argue politics but I can’t see the point other than it’s well timed proximity to the first weekend of Easter week, After all it’s hardly worth going back to work for just one day is it?

cogerlo de puente. ¿Verdad?Hablando de Semana Santa, ya están listo todos los preparativos: procesiones, costaleros… Tan solo esperemos que este año el tiempo sea amable y todos los preparativos no sean en vano. Para más detalles de horarios con respecto a las procesiones en esta zona, visite nuestra nueva página web reformada y modernizada en He mencionado en recientes editoriales el proyecto en que estamos trabajando, el cual en los próximos días y semanas verá la luz. Para más información sobre este proyecto, podréis ver el artículo que se encuentra en la página 10.Y finalmente, no podréis olvidaros que este fin de semana hay cambio de hora, nuestros relojes se adelantarán una hora más a las dos de la madrugada del Domingo 25 de Marzo. A pesar de perder una hora de sueño, merece la pena vivir ya las tardes más largas.Esto es todo por este mes, espero que tengáis y disfrutéis de unas estupenda Semana Santa y os veo el próximo mes.Un saludo.Editor

Talking of Easter preparations are well underway for the Semana Santa celebrations, with marching bands busy rehearsing and the ‘costaleros’ in training for the processions. Let’s hope that this year the weather is kind and all the preparations are not in vain. For full details of timings for processions in this area visit our newly revamped website at’ve mentioned in recent editorials a project we have been working on, which we are now ready to roll-out in the coming days and weeks. For more information on this project see the article on page 10.And finally, don’t forget that this weekend sees the start of European Summer Time with the clocks going forward one hour at 2 am on Sunday March 25. Despite losing an hour’s kip it’s still worth it for those light evenings.That’s it for this month, I hope you all have a good Easter, and I’ll see you next month.




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Page 3: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - 3San Roque

Operarios de la Delegación de Obras y Servicios han retirado el cable aéreo que se instaló de manera provisional en 2001 para dotar de electricidad el Edificio Diego Salinas y la Jefatura de Policía, un trenzado que cruzaba toda la Plaza de las Constituciones. Con estos trabajos se ha mejorado la estética de la zona, a la vez que se proporciona mayor seguridad a los transeuntes. Además, el material retirado puede reutilizarse.

Cuatro grandes espectáculos para el mes de mayo en el Teatro Juan Luis Galiardo

The Juan Luis Galiardo theatre will host four major events in May with concerts by Pastora Soler, Alejandra Rodriguez and Pedro Guerra and a performance of Mozart’s opera “Don Giovanni” by the Southern Symphony Orchestra. Four different musical styles performed by top nationwide artists.Pastora Soler’s concert will be held on Saturday 5 May at 9 pm. Pastora Soler will be representing Spain at the Eurovision Song Contest later in May so I’m sure many of you will want to give her a good send

Four great shows lined up for the month of May at San Roque’s Juan Luis Galiardo theatre

off. Organized by Baluarte Producciones, tickets can be purchased in advance by calling 956 079 806.Tickets are 25€ and 30€.On Saturday 12 May at 8:30 pm, the performance of the opera “Don Giovanni” by Mozart will begin, with musical director Alejandro Galindo and stage director Anton Armendariz.Organized by Orquesta Sur Sinfónica, tickets cost 27 euros if purchased in advance and 30 euros on the day.On Friday 18 May, at 9 pm, Alejandra

Retirada del cable aéreo instalado en 2001 y que cruzaba la Plaza de las ConstitucionesEl Teatro Juan Luis Galiardo acogerá

el mes de mayo cuatro grandes espectáculos: los conciertos de Pastora Soler, Alejandra Rodríguez y Pedro Guerra y la representación de la ópera “Don Giovanni”, de Mozart, a cargo la Orquesta Sur Sinfónica. Por lo tanto, cuatro estilos musicales distintos interpretados por artistas de primera línea nacional.Tendrá lugar el sábado 5 de Mayo a las 21.00 horas el concierto de Pastora Soler, la representante de España en Eurovisión el 26 de mayo. Con la organización de Baluarte Producciones, las entradas pueden adquirirse de manera anticipada llamando al teléfono 956 07 98 06 a 30 euros en butacas y a 25 euros en anfiteatro.El sábado 12 de mayo, a las 20.30 horas, comenzará la representación de la ópera “Don Giovanni”, de Mozart, con la dirección musical de Alejandro Galindo y la dirección de escena de Antón Armendáriz. Con la organización de Orquesta Sur Sinfónica, la entrada (única) costará 27 euros si se adquiere de manera anticipada, y 30 euros en

San Roque council workers have finally removed the temporary cable installed in 2001 to provide power to the Diego Salinas building and the police headquarters.The removal of the cable which crossed the Plaza de las Constituciones has greatly improved the image of the area as well as the safety of pedestrians.

‘Temporary’ power cable removed after eleven years

taquilla.El viernes 18 de mayo, a las 21.00 horas, tendrá lugar el concierto de copla de Alejandra Rodríguez, del programa de televisión ‘Se llama Copla’. Organizado por Baluarte Producciones, las entradas pueden adquirirse de manera anticipada llamando al teléfono 956 07 98 06 a 15 euros en butaca y a 12 euros en anfiteatro.

Finalmente, el sábado 26 de mayo a las 21.00 horas comenzará el concierto de Pedro Guerra, que presentará su último disco, “El mono espabilado”. Con la organización de Thatmusic Entertaiment, las entradas pueden adquirirse de manera anticipada llamando al teléfono 956 78 10 74, al precio de 20 euros en butacas y 15 euros en anfiteatro.

Rodriguez, from television’s ‘Se Llama Copla’ will be performing a concert. Organized by Baluarte Producciones, tickets can be purchased in advance by calling 956 079 806. Tickets are 12€ and 15€.Finally, on Saturday 26 May at 9 pm Pedro Guerra will present his latest album, “El mono Espabilado”. Organized by Thatmusic Entertainment tickets can be purchased in advance by calling 956 78 10 74. Tickets are 15€ and 20€.

La escuela del Arsenal en la Costa del Sol ultima los preparativos para el 5º aniversario de su torneo de fútbol base internacional. El Trofeo Ibérico por la Paz pretende fomentar el fútbol sin barreras, basado en valores tan importantes como el respeto, la deportividad y el juego limpio.El torneo, que contará con la presencia de equipos de Israel, Marruecos, España y Gibraltar, se celebrará del 2 al 4 de abril en las instalaciones deportivas de Castellar de la Frontera (San Roque) en horario de 3 a 7 de la tarde. Además, conmemorando su 5º aniversario, celebrarán un mini torneo de fútbol femenino con el fin de mostrar su apoyo al desarrollo de este deporte entre las féminas.El torneo dará comienzo con un encuentro social entre todos los equipos en la plaza del ayuntamiento de Castellar de la frontera, donde se ofrecerá un almuerzo en un ambiente neutro. La ceremonia de inauguración, que contará con el desfile de banderas y presentación de los equipos, tendrá lugar a las 2 de la tarde para a continuación dar paso al partido inaugural que enfrentará a la UD Castellar y Misgav FC de Israel.

Llega el V Trofeo Ibérico por la Paz

The Arsenal Soccer School in Costa del Sol finalizes details for the 5th anniversary of its international grassroots football tournament. The aim of the Iberian Trophy for Peace is to promote football without barriers, based on important

V Iberian Trophy for Peace is back values such as respect, sportsmanship and fair play.The event, with the participation of teams from Israel, Morocco, Spain and Gibraltar, will take place from 2nd to 4th April at the Castellar de la Frontera (San Roque) sport facilities from 3 pm to 7 pm. Moreover, to commemorate the 5th anniversary, there will also be a girl’s football tournament with the purpose of showing support to the development of this sport among women.The tournament will kick off with all participating teams enjoying a get together and lunch at the Castellar de la Frontera town square. The opening ceremony, with a flag parade and presentation of the teams, will take place at 2 pm and will be followed by the opening match between UD Castellar and Misgav FC from Israel.Arsenal Soccer Schools Spain has been supporting football without barriers since 2008 and it is through events such as this that you can appreciate the true meaning of this sport, a fair game without cultural or religious differences.

Arsenal Soccer Schools España lleva apoyando un fútbol sin barreras desde 2008 y es en torneos como estos donde se puede apreciar el verdadero sentido de este deporte, un deporte limpio sin diferencias culturales y religiosas.

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Page 4: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - www.theresident.eu4 Casares

Casares Bridge ClubThe club meets every Tuesday at 6.15pm for 6.30pm start.

We play Duplicate Bridge at the Community hall located on the Casares road MA8300, 1km. from the A7, and can be found to the right of the

first roundabout. We operate a Host system ... players without partners (including visitors) can be accommodated and are most welcome.

Uno de los dos grupos de la Escuela Municipal de Baile de Casares y El Secadero que participaron en el certamen de baile “Vive tu sueño” se ha clasificado para la final.En total han sido más de 460 bailarines los que han participado en esta fase clasificatoria que se celebraba en el Teatro Moderno de Chiclana el pasado domingo y que abarca todos los géneros, desde los bailes de salón, el flamenco, los ritmos latinos, la danza española, pasando por el hip hop, danzas orientales, bollywood, o chilli-out.Aunque todavía no hay fecha para la

fase final de este concurso se prevé que acudan en torno al millar de bailarines de toda Andalucía que se disputará los primeros premios de cada disciplina de baile.

La Escuela Municipal de Baile de Casares se clasifica en el concurso ‘Vive tu sueño’

One of the two groups from the Municipal Dance School in Casares and El Secadero that took part in the ‘Vive tu sueño’ competition have gone through to the final.In total over 460 dancers participated in the first stage of the competition held in the Teatro Moderno de Chiclana this month.

The Municipal Dance School in Casares reaches the finals of the ‘Live your Dream’ contest

All genres of dance are covered, from flamenco to hip-hop.Although the date for the final stage of the competition has not yet been set, around a thousand dancers are expected to attend from all over Andalucia to compete for first place in each category of dance.

El día 26 de marzo y 14 de abril el pueblo de Casares hospedará a visitantes de cruceros operados por Travel Dynamics International.Con base en Nueva York, la empresa dedicada a cruceros culturales en pequeñas embarcaciones de lujo.Casares será parte de un itinerario de visita y las antiguas ciudades de Marruecos y Andalucía.Casares ha sido elegido como típico ‘Pueblo Blanco’ y por su bello entorno.

Crucero americano incluye a Casares en su itinerario

On March 26 and April 14 the town of Casares will host visitors from cruise ships operated by Travel Dynamics International.The New York based operator specialises in cultural cruises and Casares will be part of an itinerary which takes in the Ancient Cities of Morocco and Andalucia.Casares has been chosen as a typical

US cruise line puts Casares on its itinerary

‘Pueblo Blanco’ as well as for its stunning location.

El grupo de música británico Molotov Jukebox graba desde ayer un video en el casco histórico de Casares.Molotov Jukebox tiene un estilo de música muy peculiar que mezcla calipso, funk, ska, flamenco, samba, house, electro, pop, reggae y soul.

Un grupo británico graba un vídeo en Casares

The British band Molotov Jukebox has been filming a video this week in Casares town’s historical centreThe band which has roots in Spanish flamenco as well as British house music sees Romanian trumpet sounds married

British band in Casares to film their latest video with old school Ska, folk fiddle merged with cacophonic accordion and all topped with the rich and creamy soulful voice.They will be playing a few dates in Spain before returning to the UK.

La agrupación está compuesta por: Natalia Tena – Vocalista, Acordeón. Sam Apley – Vocalista, Violín. Adam Burke – Guitarra. Tom Wilson – Bajo. Max Burnett-Wain – Batería. Angus Moncrieff – Trompeta.

El 29 de Febrero tuvo lugar la primera salida este año del club del almuerzo. El menú resultó excelente, y a un precio razonable, la mayoría de los 54 asistentes lo disfrutaron. Armstrongs se ha ofrecido como patrocinador del primer Torneo de Golf del año que tendrá lugar en Doña Julia el 22 de Marzo, salida a las 10.00h para una ronda de 9 hoyos, buggy y almuerzo por 40€. Miembros de Doña Julia golf, no jugadores e invitados abonarán 15€ por el almuerzo.El Club hará su Rastrillo Anual el sábado 7 de abril de 11:00h a 16.00h. Para los no miembros, las mesas o el espacio que quieran usar costará 10€. El Rastrillo se llevará a cabo en las instalaciones del Ayuntamiento en la Urb. Marina de Casares.Juan Sánchez, del Ayuntamiento de

Casares, ha pedido al club, así como a otros, que presenten poemas para la celebración de la “ Plantada de árboles” en los Jardines del Rosario en fecha aún por determinar. Los poemas pueden escribirse en español o inglés. Todos los habitantes de Casares serán bienvenidos.Los miembros del Club están entrenando todos los lunes por la mañana de 11.00h a 13.00h para una competición de tenis de mesa, dardos y billar a tres bandas con el Club, el Ayuntamiento de Casares y El Secadero. El Club ofrecerá al final de los juegos una merienda, y está previsto en algún momento durante Junio o Julio.Información relativa al Club: [email protected] o 952 892 030

Vecinos y Amigos de Marina de Casares

The luncheon Club had its first outing of 2012 on the 29th of February. The menu was excellent and reasonably priced and enjoyed by the 54 diners. Armstrong’s have now offered to sponsor the club’s 1st Golf Tournament of the year which was played at Doña Julia on the 22nd March.The Club is to have its annual Table Top Sale on Saturday 7th of April at 11 am to 4 pm. Tables or equal spaces are available to non members for 10€. The sale is to be held in the Ayuntamiento premises at the Marina de Casares Urbanization.The Club has been asked by Juan Sanchez of Casares Ayuntamiento along with others to contribute appropriate Poems to celebrate the “Tree Planting” at

Friends and Neighbours of Marina de CasaresEl Rosario Gardens in Casares Costa at a date to be advised. The poems may be written in Spanish or English. Those living within in Casares boundaries are welcome to submit a poem.Women and men of the club are now in training every Monday morning from 11 am to 1 pm for the table tennis, darts, and pool, 3 corner competitions with between the Club, Casares Town and Secadero. The club will be providing a tea after the games that are planned for sometime during June or July.For information relating to the club: [email protected] or 952 89 20 30

For more information contact Manilva Media Workshop SllC/. Mijas 6, 29692, Sabinillas, Manilva, Malaga

Telephone: 952 936 198 Mob: 607 043 [email protected]

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Page 5: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - 5Manilva

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Ya ha comenzado la rehabilitación de la urbanización Monteviñas de Manilva, seriamente afectada por un corrimiento de tierra a consecuencia del fuerte temporal registrado durante el pasado año 2010.Los trabajos, que tendrán un coste cercano al millón de euros, tienen como principal objetivo estabilizar los inmuebles para garantizar la seguridad de los vecinos.Los daños causados por las fuertes precipitaciones registradas en 2010 destrozaron terrazas, suministros de luz y agua e incluso el vial de acceso a la urbanización. Prácticamente quedaron reducidos a escombros por un corrimiento de tierra que puso en serio riesgo de derrumbe diversos inmuebles.Dos años después de aquellos acontecimientos y fruto de intensas negociaciones, y un Ayuntamiento volcado con la causa, los trabajos de reconstrucción de las terrazas de un total de diez casas así como del vial este que da acceso a la urbanización ya están en marcha.A principio de semana tuvo lugar el acta de replanteo de la obra en el área de actuación prevista, momento al que asistieron, entre otros, autoridades municipales como la alcaldesa, Antonia Muñoz, y el concejal de Urbanismo,

Diego Urieta, el administrador de la comunidad y distintos vecinos de la urbanización.La primera edil calificaba la jornada de “muy importante” para los 101 vecinos residentes en este enclave, después de una espera que se ha prolongado dos años.Cabe recordar que el consejo de la Gerencia de Urbanismo daba el pasado 23 de diciembre de 2011 luz verde a la reconstrucción del vial y las terrazas, por un montante cercano a los 960.000 euros, íntegramente financiado por el Consorcio de Compensaciones de Seguros.Según la primera edil, la actuaciones se prolongarán durante unos 8 meses y además permitirá la generación de puestos de trabajo. Muñoz prosiguió diciendo que: “Hoy se hace el acta de replanteo de la obra que consiste principalmente en estabilizar las viviendas para garantizar la seguridad de los vecinos. La próxima semana las máquinas empezarán a extraer toda la tierra para comenzar el pilotaje tanto del camino de acceso como de la terraza. Quiero felicitar a vecinos, y a todos los participantes que han hecho posible que este proyecto sea una realidad al objeto de que la urbanización recupere la normalidad”, finalizó diciendo.

Finally, works have begun at the Monteviñas urbanisation in Manilva to rectify the serious damage resulting from the landslip which occurred during the long spell of bad weather back in 2010.The works which have a budget of around 1 million euros will stabilise the hillside guaranteeing the safety of the buildings and their occupants.The damage caused by the heavy downfalls recorded in 2010 destroyed terraces, water and electric services and the access road to the bottom of the urbanisation, and left some ten properties uninhabitable due to the risk of imminent collapse.

Works begin to rectify the damage at Monteviñas caused by the 2010 landslip

Now, two years later and as a result of intense negotiations by the Town Council and the property owners, the underpinning, piling and reconstruction of the terraces and road has finally begunAt a site meeting before the start of works the Mayoress, along with councillors and representatives from the residents and contractor, met to celebrate the occasion. Mayoress Muñoz said “this is a very important day for the 101 residents after a wait of two years”.The work is expected to take some eight months for completion.

Comienza la rehabilitación de la urbanización Monteviñas

Cambio de horaEl domingo 25 de Marzo

se adelanta 1h.a las 2:00 am serán las 3:00 am.

Clocks changeOn Sunday 25 March

the clocks go forward one hourfrom 2 am to 3am.

A local estate agent in Sabinillas was so incensed by the robbery of a client in a supermarket car park in the village that he has written to their head office in Germany demanding they take action over the rise of such crimes on their premises.The pensioner was putting her shopping away when a man asked her for directions, whilst the woman was distracted his accomplice stole her handbag from her car and the pair made off.Although she reported the theft in the store the staff told her it wasn’t their responsibility and that she should go to the police.In an email response the company’s

Distraction burglaries on the rise againcustomer attention department stated that “we would like to inform you that our store in Manilva has a special type of security now”. It will be interesting to see if this reduces such incidents in the future.Although these distraction burglaries are quite common and not restricted to this one particular store we do receive regular reports of people falling victim at this location.Don’t forget whilst out shopping, etc., to keep your bags and wallets secure and if approached by a stranger just be aware of what may be going on just out of sight.

Geuma Otorga la licencia al Camping La Bella VistaEl consejo de Administración de la Gerencia Municipal de Urbanismo reunido hoy ha aprobado la licencia de primera ocupación y de apertura del camping La Bella Vista con lo cual, según informa el concejal de Urbanismo, Diego Urieta, se culmina

toda la tramitación para que este nuevo equipamiento turístico de la localidad pueda abrir sus puertas al público a partir del próximo 31 de marzo, fecha en la que está prevista su inauguración oficial.

Manilva’s planning department has given the final approval for the Licence of First Occupancy and Opening Licence for La

Camping Bella Vista receives the green light to open at the end of March

Bella Vista camping site which is due to open for business on March 31, the date given for its official opening.

Robos por distracción aumentan de nuevoUna agencia inmobiliaria en Sabinillas estuvo tan indignado por el robo de un cliente en un aparcamiento de coches en un supermercado que ha escrito a su sede en Alemania demandando algún tipo de actuación contra este tipo de delitos en sus locales.La mujer ya jubilada estaba guardando sus compras cuando un hombre le pidió direcciones, mientras tanto, su cómplice robó su bolso del coche.Aunque la mujer informó del robo en el supermercado, los empleados le dijeron que no era responsabilidad suya y le aconsejaron ir a la policía.En una respuesta por email del departamento de atención al cliente del negocio nos informan que ‘Ahora nuestro local en Manilva tiene un tipo de seguridad especial’. Será interesante ver si esto reduce sucesos como estos en el futuro.Aunque estos robos por distracción son bastante comunes y no están restringidos a este supermercado en particular sí recibimos informes con regularidad de personas víctimas de estos crímenes en esa localización.

No olvides que mientras estás fuera haciendo la compra,etc., mantén siempre tu bolso o cartera en un lugar seguro y si se acerca un desconocido ten en cuenta lo que puede estar pasando justo detrás de tí.

Page 6: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - www.theresident.eu6 Manilva

Manilva Solicitors SLPThe secrets of Marbella Solicitors Group’s success despite the crisis: Reduce their rates by 15 %Legal and Tax services provided by Marbella Solicitors Group are now an average of 15% cheaper than in 2008. This reduction of their rates has allowed this Law Office to; benefit from the worst financial crisis in modern times by improving their share of the market; to open new premises; and to attract new clients throughout the whole of the Costa del Sol.In this way Marbella Solicitors Group clients save thousands of Euro in legal and tax services. The company policy and strategy is based, according to the Senior Partner of the Marbella office, Mr. Lopez-Avalos, in 2 essential points: The reduction of the rates to a minimum, and the provision of an even better quality of professional services.To facilitate this, Marbella Solicitors Group has reduced all their rates by 15 % and has centralized all new enquiries of possible clients to just one telephone number, (Tel.: 952 901 225), and to just one e-mail address ([email protected]), both of which are permanently attended.

All clients receive an instant free reply to any enquiry, as there is firm commitment to, answering all enquiries within 24 hours, and to meeting all clients within 48 h, free of charge.This philosophy works and, because of it, the financial crisis has not been a problem, but an opportunity for opening new premises and obtaining new clients along the Costa.

Provide local access for the comfort of their clientsHaving small, modest, and well located local premises is another of the secrets of Marbella Solicitors Group. They are close to their clients who, therefore, do not have to travel long distances to meet them, here again saving time and money.Jose M. lopez-avalosSenior PartnerManilva SolicitorsTel. 952 901 225Fax 951 901 226E-mail: [email protected]

Manilva SolicitorsLos secretos del éxito del Grupo Marbella solicitors a pesar de la Crisis:Reducir sus precios sobre un 15%Los servicios legales y fiscales prestados por el Grupo Marbella Solicitors son ahora una media del 15% más baratos que en el año 2008. Esta reducción de sus precios ha permitido a este despacho de abogados beneficiarse de la peor crisis económica de la época actual aumentando su cuota de mercado, abriendo nuevas oficinas y atrayendo a nuevo clientes a lo largo de toda la costa del Sol.De esta manera, los clientes del Grupo Marbella Solicitors se han ahorrado miles de euros en servicios legales y fiscales. La política y la estrategia de la empresa está basada, de acuerdo con el abogado Senior de la oficina de Marbella, Sr Lopez Ávalos, en 2 puntos esenciales: La reducción de precios al mínimo y la prestación de servicios profesionales con una calidad aún mayor.Para facilitar esto, el Grupo Marbella Solicitors ha reducido sus precios sobre un 15% y ha centralizado todas las nuevas consultas de posibles clientes en un único número de teléfono (Tel 952 901 225) y una única dirección de correo electrónico ([email protected]), ambos están permanentemente

atendidos. Todos los clientes reciben una respuesta inmediata y gratuita a cualquier consulta, ya que hay un firme compromiso a ello, respondiendo todas las cuestiones en el plazo de 24 horas y reuniéndose con los clientes en el plazo de 48 horas, sin ningún coste.Esta filosofía funciona y, por ello, la Crisis Económica no ha sido un problema, sino una oportunidad para abrir nuevas oficinas y obtener nuevos clientes a lo largo de la Costa.

Ofrecer acceso local para la comodidad de sus clientsEl hecho de tener oficinas locales, pequeñas, modestas y bien situadas es otro de los secretos del Grupo Marbella solicitors. Ellos están cerca de sus clientes, quienes, por tanto, no tienen que desplazarse grandes distancias para reunirse con ellos, ahorrando nuevamente tiempo y dinero.Jose M López AvalosSenior PartnerManilva SolicitorsTel. 952 901 225Fax 951 901 226Email: [email protected]

Oficina de los Extranjeros ResidentesLa Oficina de los Extranjeros Residentes está ubicada en el Castillo de la Duquesa y está abierta de las 08:00h hasta las 15.00h, de lunes a viernes, con horario de atención al público, entre 10:00h y 15:00h. Ayudan y aconsejan con respeto a los problemas de los extranjeros residentes registrados en el municipio de Manilva. Pueden contactar por teléfono al 952 893 548 o por e mail

The Foreign Residents office can be found in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa and is open to the public from 8 am to 3 pm, Mondays to Fridays, to help and advise with any problems incurred by foreign residents registered in the municipality of Manilva. Telephone 952 893 548 or email [email protected] can also find Chris Olsen at the Tourist

Manilva Foreign Residents office

The Team: L-R Paqui, Dean, Valentina, Diego, Beli, and Chris

Office in the Mikonos Building, Puerto de la Duquesa from 3.00 to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays.Dean Shelton is available for all community and urbanisation matters - Tues & Wed 11 am to 2 pm; Thurs 4 - 7 pm in the Tourist Office in the Port.Visit or for more information.

[email protected]én podéis contactar con Chris Olsen en la Oficina de Turismo en el Edificio Mikonos, del Puerto de la Duquesa desde las 3 hasta las 7 pm, de lunes a Viernes, y de 10 a 2 pm los Sábados.Visita o para más información.

Extranjeros Residentes Programa de actividades

Mercadillo de artistas7 de abril - El Castillo

Charla informativaA cargo de Manilva Solicitors19 de abril - Villa MatildeCharla informativa sobre los impuestos para extranjeros sobre la renta en españa y otros impuestos, seguido por una invitación a nuestra oficinapara tomar una copa y unos canapés.Charla ofrecida por Eduardo Pérez Mazuecos, sobre “El impuesto sobre la renta en España” El Sr. Pérez Mazuecos es abogado del despacho de Manilva Solicitors y especialista en Derecho Fiscal de residentes. Explicará cómo opera el impuesto sobre la renta; sujetos obligados al pago; plazo de presentación, (mayo y junio cada año); utilidad del NIE y alta en la Agencia Tributaria; tipos aplicables; calendario fiscal; etc. Compartirá con nosotros su experiencia y aclarará las preguntas y cuestiones que los asistentes puedan plantear teniendo en cuenta en pocos días (mayo y junio 2012), se debe presentar la declaración de la renta del 2011. Después de la charla nos gustaría invitar a todos los asistentes a visitar nuestra oficina, al lado de Casa Matilde, para tomar una copa y unos canapés con nosotros.

“Acercarte” Artists’ marketApril 7 – CastleNumerous local artists present their works to the public, who have the opportunity to buy any of the pieces on display.

‘Income Tax in Spain’A talk by Manilva SolicitorsApril 19 – Villa MatildeInformative talk about income tax and other taxes for foreigners in Spain, followed by an invitation to a drink and canapés in our Manilva office.

This talk will be given by Eduardo Pérez Mazuecos on “Income Tax in Spain” Mr. Pérez Mazuecos is a lawyer with MANILVA SOLICITORS specializing in Tax Law. He will explain; how the income tax system functions; who is liable to pay it; when the deadlines for payments are; the significance of an NIE number; about your registration in the tax system; the applicable rates; and he will deal with the Spanish Fiscal Calendar etc. He will share his experience with you, and clarify any questions and issues that attendees may have. This talk is particularly useful, taking in to account that in a few days, (May and June 2012), your Income Tax Returns for 2011 are due. After the talk we would like to invite all attendees to see our office, just next door, to join us in a drink and some canapés.

Foreign ResidentsProgramme of activities

Concierto del Día San Jorge22 de abril - Sabinillas, 14.00h

St George’s Day ConcertApril 22 – Sabinillas 2 - 8 pm

Numerosos artistas locales presentan sus trabajos al público, quines tienen la oportunidad de comprar cualquiera de las obras exhibidas.

On the square opposite Fathoms BarWith music by: EquisAce of SladesChloe LawrenceClive AtlasNothing PersonalBrian & Daniela

En la plaza en frente de Bar FathomsCon música de: EquisAce of SladesChloe LawrenceClive AtlasNothing PersonalBrian & Daniela

Page 7: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - 7Manilva

La consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía colabora con la delegación de Medio Ambiente del Ayuntamiento de Manilva y la Dirección General de Costas para una actuación en más de dos kilómetros del litoral de Manilva que pretende mejorar su flora.Según indicaron fuentes del Consistorio, en diez días se han plantado más de 6.000 ejemplares de especies autóctonas. El concejal delegado de Medio Ambiente, Emilio López, y el concejal de Limpieza, Antonio de Haro, visitaron los trabajos

hace unos días y contemplaron una planta en peligro de extinción de la que solo existen ejemplares en la costa de Manilva y en el norte de África.Las obras se prolongarán en las próximas semanas y el Ayuntamiento anunció que vigilará el cumplimiento y el cuidado de las plantaciones. Así, López quiso hacer un llamamiento a la ciudadanía para mantener esta actuación medio ambiental, que califica como «la más importante llevada a cabo jamás en Manilva».

Plantan 6.000 ejemplares de especies autóctonas en el litoral de Manilva

The Regional Environmental Ministry working with the Environmental Department of Manilva and the Coastal Department will be carrying out work on over 2 kilometres of the Manilva coast to improve its native flora.In ten days over 6,000 native species have been planted. One of these is an

endangered species of plant found only on the coast of Manilva and the north of Africa.The work will continue in the coming weeks and the Town Hall has announced that it will make sure these specimens are cared for adequately, as this is an important environmental step forward for Manilva.

Manilva’s coast replanted with 6,000 native plants

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Eva Galindo, como concejala de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Manilva quiere informar sobre la creación de una nueva Escuela Municipal de Teatro. El objetivo de esta Delegación es fomentar las artes escénicas en nuestro Término Municipal, poniendo en escena el talento y la interpretación de todos aquellos que deseen inscribirse en dicho taller; se trata de una iniciativa con el reto de promover y alentar el trabajo de todo aquel que desee poner en escena su faceta artística.Este es un proyecto ambicioso, que la Delegación de Cultura quiere poner en marcha para dar mayor cobertura a las necesidades de nuestro municipio, a la vez que ampliaría la oferta cultural del mismo. Cualquier persona interesada puede llamar

al número de teléfono 952 89 30 92 o pasarse por la Delegación de Cultura, sita en Calle Mar, nº 1. En dichas instalaciones recibirán toda la información que deseen acerca de este proyecto.

Cultura pretende crear una Escuela Municipal de Teatro

Manilva’s councillor for culture, Eva Galindo has announced her department’s intentions to create a new municipal theatre school. The objective is to promote the performing arts in Manilva and to provide a platform for local artistic talent.This ambitious project is part of the culture

department’s aim to expand the cultural and artistic offerings within the municipality.All those interested should telephone 952 893 092 or visit the department’s office located at the top of Calle Mar for more information.

Culture department looks to create a Municipal Theatre School

Page 8: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - www.theresident.eu8 Manilva

La delegación municipal de Medio Ambiente, junto a su homónima en La Junta de Andalucía, están llevando a cabo una importante actuación en los mechinales existentes en los muros exteriores de la iglesia de Santa Ana en Manilva.Los Mechinales son una especie de agujeros en los que anidan habitualmente las palomas.En este sentido los técnicos medioambientales están disminuyendo la apertura de entrada a los mismos, para evitar que estos animales puedan

entrar y así dejar solo paso a otra especie que se encuentra en peligro como son los Cernícalos Vulgar y Primilla, una especie protegida por la legislación tanto andaluza como española.Se da la circunstancia de que estos animales emigran al continente africano normalmente durante los meses fríos, para regresar en primavera a criar. Sin embargo, en los últimos años ha quedado demostrado que ya no realizan ese vuelo migratorio, debido a las temperaturas templadas que se han venido registrando.

Medio Ambiente actúa en los machinales de la iglesia Santa Ana

Manilva’s environment department in conjunction with their regional counterparts are to make alterations to the structure of the Santa Ana church in Manilva to prevent access to doves and pigeons.There are a number of holes which are part of the fabric of the church and these holes will be reduced in size so that whilst barring entry to the larger doves and

pigeons they will still be accessible to protected species such as the Common Kestrel and the Lesser Kestrel both of which are protected species and use these the church for nesting.Although normally migratory these two species have recently been recorded as wintering in this area, probably due to the warmer winters of late.

Environmental alterations to be made to Manilva’s Santa Ana church

La BoutiqueLa BoutiqueHas Moved...We’d like to welcome all our customers old and new toour new boutique in Calle Marque de Larios, Sabinillas

Tel:648 622 829

Cafe BarNow Open

for BreakfastSnacks

& Drinks

Paseo Maritimo, San Luis de Sabinillas

Page 9: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - 9Manilva

La delegación de Turismo del Ayuntamiento de Manilva, que dirige Emilio López, ha puesto en marcha una nueva iniciativa para recopilar todo el material grafico, de audio o de video que pueda estar en posesión de nuestros vecinos, para recuperar parte de la historia de nuestro pueblo y sobre todo de nuestra gente y nuestras tradiciones.Por ello a partir del día de hoy, toda persona que pueda tener en su poder fotografías antiguas de nuestro pueblo, Manilva, o de nuestra gente, los manilveños, deberá ponerse en contacto con la Delegación de Turismo, con su Delegado, Emilio, López Berenguer o con la directora de Area, Pepi Valenzuela, para hacérselo saber.Todos y cada uno de los documentos gráficos de cualquier tipo que se ponga a disposición de la delegación de Turismo, será tratado como se merece y devuelto en perfecta condiciones una vez examinado y visto su interés. Con todo este material, la Delegación de Turismo, elaborara una

exposición itinerante, Manilva, Sabinillas y el Castillo, para que nuestros vecinos y visitantes puedan ver las verdaderas raíces de nuestra localidad.El material que se aporte a la delegación será scaneado y/o copiado de manera absolutamente respetuosa y previa autorización de su propietario, podría ser usado para elaborar una guía histórica de Manilva y de los manilveños. Incluso este material podría formara parte de un futuro museo etnográfico, que la delegación de turismo esta estudiando establecer.López Berenguer, primer Teniente de Alcalde y Delegado de Turismo, hace un llamamiento a todos los vecinos de nuestro pueblo e incluso a los vecinos de la comarca a que rebusquen en sus domicilios y encuentren esas viejas fotos familiares que, en la mayoría de los casos, están condenadas al olvido. El teléfono de la Delegación de Turismo es: 952 89 74 34

Turismo pone en marcha la campaña ”tal y como éramos”

The Manilva Town Hall’s Department of Tourism, run by Emilio Lopez, has launched a new initiative to collect all the graphic, audio or video material belonging to local residents, to recover some of the history of the town and especially the people and traditions.So from today, any person in posession of old photographs of the people of Manilva, aswell as Manilva itself can contact the department of Tourism , via Emilio Lopez Berenguer or the Area director, Pepi Valenzuela, to let them know.Each and every piece of graphic material of any kind made available to the delegation of Tourism will be treated as it deserves and returned in the same condition it was received in after it has been examined. The Department of Tourism means to develop

an exhibition using all the material they collect, including material from Manilva, Sabinillas and Castillo, so both local residents and visitors can see the real roots of the town.The material contributed will be scanned and / or copied in a respectful way with the permission of its owner, after which it mat be used to create a historical guide to the town. This material could even be part of a future ethnographic museum, which the department is looking into creating.Emilio Lopez calls on all residents of the town and even the neighbouring towns of the region to look in their homes to find those old family photos, which, in most cases, are doomed to oblivion. The phone number for the Department of Tourism is: 952 89 74 34

Tourism launches the “As We Were” campaign

The Sabinillas Sunday Rastro back in the days when it used to be in the heart of Sabinillas.


Belgian SpecialitiesOpen 10 am to 6 pmEvery day except Wednesday

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Come and see us and enjoy an illy coffee, breakfast, lunch or afternoon tea with homemade pancakes and Brussels waffles.

Enjoy a relaxing atmosphere with amazing views over the sea

El mercadillo del domingo de Sabinillas en los tiempos en los que se llevaba a cabo en el centro de Sabinillas.

Page 10: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - www.theresident.eu10 Manilva

Muchos de ustedes habrán notado la proliferación de los códigos QR (respuesta rápida), códigos, esos pequeños dibujos de cuadros elaborados y colocados ordenadamente, algunos suelen llamarlos códigos de barras en esteroides.Entonces, ¿qué es exactamente lo que hacen y en qué se diferencian de los códigos de barras? Bien, los códigos de barras se basan en el escáner de lectura horizontalmente, leyendo la diferencia entre la anchura de las líneas verticales, mientras que los códigos QR son leídos tanto horizontal como verticalmente permitiendo la codificación de mucha más información en la imagen.Originalmente diseñado para el control de existencias en la industria automovilística japonesa, la explosión en el uso de los teléfonos inteligentes con conexión a Internet 3G ha anunciado el inicio de la era QR.Los Smartphones pueden escanear los códigos que utilizan sus cámaras

incorporadas y aplicaciones sencillas que se pueden descargar de forma gratuita, tales como goggles o lector de QR y decodificar la información contenida en el código QR.Esta información puede variar desde simples datos de contacto, enlaces a páginas web, etcLos códigos QR son simples de usar, siempre y cuando se tengan en cuenta cómo van a ser vistos. Es importante tener en cuenta que el espectador, inevitablemente, va a utilizar un smartphone con una pantalla relativamente pequeña y por lo tanto, cualquier página web vinculada a un código QR debe ser optimizada para su visualización en un dispositivo móvil, lo ideal sería un diseño de una sola columna y con imágenes de tamaño reducido para adaptarse a la pantalla. Vale la pena crear una página de destino específicamente para los usuarios móviles, si usted va a explotar los códigos QR.

Movilidad web

Many of you will have noticed the proliferation of QR (quick response) codes, those squares of elaborately arranged boxes, described by some as bar codes on steroids.So, what exactly do they do, and how do they differ from bar codes? Well bar codes rely on the scanner reading horizontally the difference between the width of the vertical lines, whilst QR codes are read both horizontally and vertically allowing for the encoding of much more information into the image.Originally designed for stock control in the Japanese car industry, the explosion in the use of smartphones with 3G internet connection has heralded the dawn of the QR age.Smartphones can scan the codes using their inbuilt cameras and simple

applications that can be downloaded for free, such as Goggles or QR Reader, decoding the information in the QR code.This information can vary from simple contact details to links to webpages, etc.QR codes are simple to use as long as you bear in mind how they will be viewed. It’s important to bear in mind that the viewer will inevitably be using a smartphone with a relatively small screen and therefore any webpage linked to a QR code should be optimised for view on a mobile device, with ideally a single column layout and images reduced in size to fit the screen. It is well worth creating a landing page specifically for mobile users if you are going to exploit points enriching the experience for the municipality’s thousands of visitors and local residents alike.

Mobilising the web

Manilva Media Workshop, The Resident’s parent company, recently signed an agreement with Manilva Town Hall to install plaques on various municipal buildings and public spaces on which QR codes will enable visitors to access information relating to the specific location at the click of a button on the average smartphone with an internet connection. Through our website, which has been optimised for mobile use, information such as interesting facts, forthcoming events,

opening hours, contact information, etc., iis available in both Spanish and English which can be updated as required. The system which is supported by sponsors and advertising and at no cost to the public coffers, will be rolled out before the easter break and extended over the coming months to provide a network of information points enriching the experience for the municipality’s thousands of visitors and local residents alike.

QR codes and public information

There are a number of opportunities for businesses to promote their products and services through the above mentioned information system.

Contact Manilva Media Workshop SLL for more details on 952 936 198 or email [email protected]

Promote your business

Manilva Media Workshop ha firmado recientemente un acuerdo con el Ayuntamiento de Manilva para la instalación de placas en distintos edificios municipales y espacios públicos, en los que los códigos QR permitirán a los visitantes acceder a la información relativa a la ubicación específica con tan solo el tecleo de un botón en el teléfono inteligente con conexión a Internet. A través de nuestra página web, que ha sido mejorada para el uso móvil, se da información como: datos de interés, próximos eventos, horarios, información de contacto, etc, Está disponible en español y en Inglés, por

tanto se podrá actualizar según sea necesario. El sistema, que es apoyado por patrocinadores y publicidad y sin coste alguno para las arcas públicas, se pondrá en marcha antes de las vacaciones de Pascua y se extenderá durante los próximos meses para proporcionar una red de puntos de información, enriqueciendo la experiencia de miles de visitantes del municipio al igual que residentes locales.

Códigos QR e información pública

Hay una serie de oportunidades para las empresas de promocionar sus productos y servicios a través del sistema de información antes mencionado. Para más información, contacte con Manilva Media Workshop, S.L.L. en el teléfono 952 936 198 o a través de nuestro correo electrónico [email protected]

Promueva su negocio

Language Books & Dictionaries

Children’s Books • Local Maps & Guides

Helium Filled Balloons

Selection of Greetings Cards and Gifts

Passport Renewal Service

Agents for Offex, a Reliable, First ClassPostal Service for Sending and Receiving

Your mail to or from the UKand rest of the world

New Winter Opening HoursMon – Fri -10:00 to 14:00

and 16:00 to 18:30Sat 10:00 to 14:00

Page 11: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - 11Estepona

Advertise inThe Resident

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El alcalde anuncia que se ha puesto en funcionamiento el nuevo parque de bomberos, que estaba cerrado desde 2007 El alcalde de Estepona ha anunciado hoy en el acto institucional del patrón de los bomberos que desde ahora está operativo el nuevo parque de bomberos y que la plantilla, integrada por 34 efectivos, ya presta su servicio en estas nuevas instalaciones. El regidor ha recordado que se inauguraron en 2007, aunque nunca se pusieron en funcionamiento por parte de los anteriores responsables municipales.García Urbano ha destacado que ha sido una prioridad realizar las gestiones administrativas necesarias para que los bomberos pudieran contar con este nuevo inmueble, tomando posesión al inicio del mandato de estas instalaciones y realizando posteriormente los trabajos de adecuación necesarios para que entraran en funcionamiento.“Esta labor no ha sido fácil. En un principio se pensó que la apertura del Parque de Bomberos se podría producir en un corto plazo de tiempo, pero las malas condiciones en las que se encontraban las instalaciones, que han estado cerradas durante más de cuatro años y han sido víctima de numerosos actos vandálicos como consecuencia de la falta de vigilancia que ha habido durante años en este recinto, han dificultado esta puesta a punto”, ha explicado el primer edil.El alcalde ha destacado que se ha hecho un trabajo importante de acondicionamiento, reparación de elementos averiados, sustitución de cableado que estaba deteriorado y reposición de material que había sido sustraído por la falta de esta vigilancia durante años. En total, el Consistorio

ha realizado una inversión cercana a los 50.000 euros en la adecuación de estas instalaciones.Entre otras actuaciones, se ha reparado la cubierta del edificio, se ha realizado la acometida de electricidad y agua porque las existentes estaban en mal estado; además de reponer el mobiliario dañado y adecuar todas las instalaciones. De hecho, ahora se están dando los últimos retoques en ellas.“Estamos convencidos de que este equipamiento mejorará el servicio que se presta a los ciudadanos y las condiciones en las que trabajan los bomberos. Supone pasar a unas instalaciones modernas y de futuro, que nada tienen que ver con donde estaban ubicados hasta ahora”, ha señalado el alcalde, que ha agregado que “no se puede entender cómo los anteriores responsables municipales no fueron capaces de hacer esto en cuatro años”.Los esfuerzos del equipo de gobierno irán ahora dirigidos a cumplir, en la medida de las posibilidades del Ayuntamiento, con las peticiones planteadas por los bomberos, encaminadas a mejorar la dotación de recursos materiales con los que trabajan. En este sentido, el alcalde ha destacado que todos los vehículos están operativos en la actualidad, después de que hayan sido reparados y se les hayan pasado las correspondientes revisiones. “Algo que dista mucho a lo encontrado por este equipo de gobierno cuando llegamos a la Alcaldía. En ese momento había tres camiones averiados y otro fuera de Estepona pendiente de reparar por falta de pago”, ha detallado.

Estepona firefighters finally move into their new station five years after it was builtEstepona’s Fire Department has finally been able to move into their new station five years after it was completed.Speaking at an officially ceremony celebrating the patron saint of firefighters, Mayor José Maria Garcia Urbano stated that this had been one of the new administration’s priorities but it had been a bigger task than first anticipated. Although the construction had been completed five years of neglect and vandalism had meant the spending of over 50,000 euros to repair and replace damaged and stolen fixtures

and fitting as well as major repairs to the roof.The Mayor went on to say that now the task is to ensure that the local fire service receives all the material support they require to enable them to provide the level of service needed for Estepona. To this end all the emergency vehicles have now been restored to full service, including the three damaged and one being held for non-payment of repair bills that the current administration discovered on taking up the reins of government last year.

El Ayuntamiento recrimina a la Junta que haya engañado a los padres del colegio Los Altos y pide “soluciones” para los 286 niños matriculados en este colegio “fantasma”

El delegado provincial de Educación de la Junta, Antonio Escámez, no confía en que pueda estar terminado para el inicio del próximo curso.Los 286 menores llevan matriculados desde hace tres cursos en este “centro fantasma”. El delegado provincial de Educación se comprometió con los padres a que el centro estaría operativo para el curso escolar 2012-2013.El Consistorio cedió en noviembre de 2008 esta parcela para la construcción del centro educativo y que, tras casi cuatro años, todavía no se ha sacado a concurso la ejecución de las obras.

La Junta de Andalucía no puede usar la excusa y justificar el retraso argumentando que la parcela donde se va a construir el colegio no es la más adecuada, ya que la Administración andaluza la dio por buena en noviembre de 2008, sin haber solicitado en este tiempo otros terrenos alternativos.El equipo de gobierno desde hace meses cuenta con el proyecto de urbanización para dotar de todas las infraestructuras necesarias a la parcela donde se ubicará el nuevo centro. De hecho, el Consistorio tiene reservada una partida de 546.922 euros para estos trabajos.

The provincial delegate of education from the Junta, Antonio Escámez, doubts that the school will be completed by the beginning of next term.The 286 children have been registered for three years in this “phantom centre”. The provincial delegate of education promised parents that the centre would be operational for the 2012-2013 school year.The town hall provided land for the school to be built on in November 2008 and, after nearly four years, work on the facility has still not begun.The Junta de Andalucía can not justify the delay by arguing that the place where the school will be built is not the most appropriate, since the Andalucian Administration agreed on the location in November 2008, and made no effort to search for other alternative sites.The government team has had the project ready for months to provide all the infrastructure necessary to the plot which will house the new centre. In fact, they already have an allocated sum of 546,922 euros for this work.

The Town Hall accuses the Junta of deceiving the Los Altos school parents and calls for “solutions” for the 286 children enrolled in this ‘ghost’ school

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Page 12: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - www.theresident.eu12 Estepona

La concejala adscrita al área de Turismo, Marina Segovia, ha anunciado hoy que el ‘stock’ de 3.400 viviendas residenciales turísticas sin vender en Estepona será comercializado en países europeos como Alemania, Rusia o Bulgaria a través del producto ‘Living Costa del Sol’, que el Patronato de Turismo de la Costa del Sol presentó ayer en la feria ITB de Berlín.Segovia ha señalado que se trata de un proyecto “muy interesante” para el municipio, ya que atraerá a un número importante de ciudadanos europeos que podrán adquirir “con todas las garantías jurídicas, urbanísticas y administrativas” una vivienda en Estepona en la que pasar la mayor parte del año. En concreto, ‘Living Costa del Sol’ es un programa de colaboración entre el Patronato de Turismo, la Asociación de Constructores y Promotores de Málaga (ACP), inmobiliarias extranjeras y despachos de abogados españoles y de

Estepona y el Patronato de Turismo promoverán la venta de 3.400 viviendas en ‘stock’ a residentes europeos

otros países europeos, para comercializar la bolsa de 35.000 viviendas terminadas en toda la provincia y que están teniendo dificultades para ser vendidas por la crisis económica.La edil adscrita a Turismo, que asistió a la firma del acuerdo por el que se pondrá en marcha ‘Living Costa del Sol’, ha explicado que la iniciativa “garantiza” a los posibles compradores europeos “unos parámetros de seguridad jurídica” que “reducirá de manera considerable los posibles miedos” que estos inversores pudiesen tener al adquirir una vivienda en un país extranjero. “Si a eso le sumamos nuestra oferta turística de sol, playa, golf, cultura y salud, estamos ofreciendo unos productos residenciales muy atractivos para esas personas que desean pasar en nuestra comarca la mayor parte del año”, ha apuntado Segovia, que añade que el proyecto será presentado también en ferias turísticas de Rusia y Bulgaria.

3,400 unsold properties in Estepona are earmarked for a scheme to market them to buyers across Europe including Germany, , France, the UK, Russia and Bulgaria. So announcedEstepona’s Tourism Councillor, Marina Segovia, at the ITB tourism fair in Berlin recently.The scheme is entitled ‘Living Costa del Sol’ and is a collaboration between the Costa del Sol Tourism Board, the Malaga Association of Builders and Promoters (ACP) which aims to market some 35,000 properties on the Costa del Sol to buyers who are likely to spend at least six months

in these homes.Councillor Segovia explained that under the terms of the ‘Living Costa del Sol’ scheme buyers will be guaranteed to be legally sound, thus removing the fear and uncertainty of some overseas buyers in making such a major investment in a foreign country. This along with the offer of sun, beach, golf, culture and health, added the councillor, makes it a very attractive proposition for these buyers to spend a large part of the year here.The project will also be presented at forthcoming tourism fairs in Russia and Bulgaria.

Estepona and Costa del Sol Tourist Board to promote unsold properties across Europe

El alcalde de Estepona, José María García Urbano, ha criticado que la Junta de Andalucía mantiene paralizada la obra de ampliación de la depuradora de Guadalmansa desde el pasado verano. Ha referido a otro incumplimiento de un proyecto estrella por parte de la

El alcalde critica la paralización por la Junta de la obra de ampliación de la depuradora de Guadalmansa

Administración regional y ha señalado que la localidad esteponera es la gran olvidada por las administraciones socialistas, que, según él, no han cumplido con sus obligaciones en el municipio.

The Mayor of Estepona, José María García Urbano, has criticised the Junta de Andalucia for stalling the expansion works at the waste water treatment plant at Guadalmansa since last summer.

He referred to this major project as yet another example of the regional government’s continued failure to fulfill their obligations to the people of Estepona.

The Mayor criticises the Junta for failure to carry expansion works at the Guadalmansa water treatment plant

La Policía Local inicia una campaña de control del uso del cinturón y de los sistemas de retención infantilesLa Jefatura de Policía Local de Estepona ha puesto en marcha una nueva campaña de control preventivo de Tráfico y Seguridad Vial, correspondiente a la planificación del presente año 2012. En esta ocasión, la campaña vigilará el buen uso del cinturón de seguridad y de los sistemas de retención infantiles. Al margen del contenido específico de ésta, los agentes comprobarán al mismo tiempo, toda la documentación del vehículo y la autorización administrativa para conducirlos.La comprobación de los sistemas de retención infantil se realizarán preferentemente en horarios de entrada y salida de los colegios, en un principio para mentalizar a los padres y madres o tutores de los menores de la obligación del uso de estos sistemas, informando del obligado cumplimiento de esta norma.Sobre este asunto, la pasada semana, la Policía Local de Estepona llevó a cabo

el desarrollo de la campaña sobre el uso del móvil y distracciones al volante. En total, se controlaron un total de 971 vehículos de los cuales, de los que ocho conductores fueron sancionados por ir haciendo uso de un terminal de telefonía mientras conducían, y dos conductores fueron denunciados por otro tipo de distracciones al volante.El presente plan de campañas y controles podrá estar sujeto a modificaciones puntuales para adecuarlo a las campañas que en el mismo sentido ponga en marcha la Dirección General de Tráfico, a las que como viene siendo habitual, se adhiere la Policía Local de Estepona. Otras campañas que forman parte del calendario anual confeccionado por la Policía Local de Estepona son las de velocidad, ITV, documentación y permisos, motocicletas y ciclomotores, alcoholemia, camiones y furgonetas y transporte escolar.

local police launch campaign for the use of seatbelts and child seatsLocal police in Estepona have launched a new preventive Traffic and Road Safety campaign for this year, which will monitor the proper use of seat belts and child seats. Beyond this specific content, officers will check all the vehicles documentation and the driver’s licence.Cars with child seats will be stopped at entry and exit times from school, initially to get parents or guardians into the mentality that children under a certain age, by law, must use adequate seats.Recently, the local police in Estepona

conducted a campaign on mobile phone use and driving distractions. In total, 971 vehicles were stopped, of which eight drivers were penalized for the use of a telephone while driving, and two drivers were reported for other distractions while driving.Other campaigns that are part of the annual schedule prepared by the local police in Estepona are speed, ITV, documentation and permits, motorcycles and mopeds, alcohol, trucks and vans and school buses campaigns.

Page 13: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - 13Estepona

El Ayuntamiento pone en funcionamiento el departamento municipal de adopcionesLa concejala adscrita al área de Participación Ciudadana, Susana Casaño, ha presentado hoy el departamento municipal de adopciones, un proyecto con el que se pretende dar un servicio de información y asesoramiento a la población en materia de acogimiento y adopción infantil tanto en el ámbito nacional como el internacional. Los usuarios que necesiten asesoramiento en esta materia serán atendidos de lunes a viernes y de 08:00 a 15:00 horas en las dependencias de la delegación de Participación Ciudadana.La concejala ha señalado que el equipo de gobierno, sensibilizado con las necesidades que pueden tener los ciudadanos interesados en iniciar los trámites para una adopción, ha considerado necesario poner en funcionamiento esta oficina, que tiene la finalidad de informar, apoyar

y asesorar de forma gratuita. Ha señalado que la información sobre los trámites administrativos para completar un expediente de adopción suponen la mayor dificultad, por lo que consideramos importante que la administración ofrezca toda la ayuda posible.Se pretende facilitar al adoptante toda la información necesaria, y que ésta sea veraz y actualizada , queremos preservar al adoptante de cualquier información distorsionada, de cualquier engaño ha comentado la edil. Además, este departamento actuará, a petición de los interesados, como nexo ante las embajadas y consulados, siempre dentro del territorio español, para recaudar información y realizar un seguimiento de la fase en el que se encuentra el expediente de adopción internacional.

The Town Hall opens its adoption deparment departmentCouncillor Susana Casaño introduced the municipal department of adoptions recently, a project which aims to provide information and advice to those people involved in foster care and adoption of children at both national and international levels. Anyone in need of advice in this area will be attended from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 3 pm at the premises of the delegación de participación ciudadana.The government team, sensitive to the needs and difficulties of citizens initiating adoption proceedings, found the opening of this new department a necessity, to provide information, support and advice

for free . Information on administrative procedures to complete an adoption file pose the greatest difficulty, so it is considered important that the Goverment provide all possible assistance.Along with providing assistance the department also hopes to correct any distorted information provided to the adopting party aswell as any attempts to deceive them in any way. In addition, the department will act at the request of any interested citizen, as a link to the embassies and consulates, always within the Spanish territory, to collect information and track the adoption file.

anúnciese conthe resident

advertise inthe resident

Tlf.952 936 19

Los próximos días 30 de Marzo y 1 de Abril se celebrará en el polideportivo El Carmen de Estepona el I Curso Regional de Kendo “Villa de Estepona”, que será organizado por el Club Shion Dojo de Málaga y el Club de Kendo de Estepona, y que contará con la colaboración del Ilmo. Ayuntamiento de Estepona.Las clases serán impartidas por Jesús González, Maestro Nacional y 6º Dan, y Asun González, 5º Dan de la especialidad. Se espera que acudan Kenshis de todo el territorio nacional. El precio del curso es de 15 euros. Para participar en el curso es imprescindible contar con licencia federativa, pero aquellas personas que tengan curiosidad

I Curso Regional de KendoVilla de Estepona

en conocer en que consiste este bello arte marcial están invitados a asistir como público.

El calendario del curso será el siguiente:Sábado 30 de Marzo11:00 - 13:30: Keiko 17:00 - 19:30: KeikoDomingo 1 de Abril11:00 - 13:30: KeikoExamen de Kyu para los miembros del Dojo.

Para información e inscripciones contactar con [email protected]. Para la realización del curso es imprescindible la licencia federativa.

On March 30 and April 1 the I Regional Kendo Course ‘Villa de Estepona’ will take place at the El Carmen de Estepona sports pavillion, organized by the Shion Dojo club in Málaga and Club Kendo in Estepona, in collaboration with the Estepona Town Hall.The lessons will be given by Jesús González, national master and 6th Dan, and Asun González, 5th Dan. Kenshis from all over the country are expected to attend. The course costs 15 euros. To participate you must have a federation licence, although those interested in learning what this beautiful martial art is all about are invited to come along and spectate for free.Here is the timetable for the course:Saturday 30 March:11:00 - 13:30: Keiko17:00 - 19:30: Keiko

Kendo Course ‘Villa de Estepona’Sunday april 1:11:00 - 13:30: KeikoKyu exam for members of the Dojo.For further information or registration contact [email protected]. You must have a federation licence to participate in the course.

La Policía Local detiene a seis individuos mientras robaban en el interior de una viviendaLa Policía Local de Estepona ha informado hoy que durante la pasada madrugada seis individuos han sido detenidos mientras robaban en el interior de una vivienda situada en una urbanización del municipio. Los agentes sospecharon del robo tras comprobar que tres personas portaban un televisor de grandes dimensiones en un vehículo con el motor encendido, por lo que solicitaron la identificación de los mismos.Mientras la documentación era revisada, los agentes comprueban que otros tres individuos que portaban varios

objetos estaban saltando el muro de una vivienda próxima. Tras realizar una inspección ocular de la casa comprueban que una de las ventanas se encuentra rota y que el interior estaba muy desordenado. Además, junto a la ventana se encontraban varios objetos apilados con intención de ser portados en el vehículo que espera en el exterior.La Policía Local procedió a la detención de los seis individuos que fueron puestos a disposición de la Comisaría de la Policía Nacional de Estepona, y se apoderaron del vehículo y los objetos.

local Police detain six individuals during attempted house burglaryThe Estepona Local Police informed that yesterday morning six individuals were arrested while attempting to rob a house in one of the municipalities urbanisations. Officers became suspicious when they spotted 3 people in a running vehicle with a large television, so they proceeded to ask for ID.While they were going over the documentation, the officers saw 3 more

individuals climbing over the wall of a nearby house with various objects. After inspecting the house the officers found broken windows and signs of theft inside the house. Also, they found a pile of objects just outside the house waiting to be loaded on to the vehicle waiting outside.The local police detained the six individuals while the vehicle and objects were seized.

Page 14: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - www.theresident.eu14 EsteponaEl Ayuntamiento retoma el programa de senderismo deportivo Los Caminos de Estepona con nuevas rutas

El Ayuntamiento de Estepona retoma el programa de rutas senderísticas que ofrece la delegación municipal de Deportes a los ciudadanos de la localidad. El concejal adscrito a este área, Alfonso Caravaca, ha presentado hoy la nueva temporada del programa de senderismo deportivo Los Caminos de Estepona, integrado dentro del programa de dinamización de senderos, que organiza la Diputación Provincial de Málaga y la Federación Andaluza de Montañismo.En este sentido, Caravaca ha adelantado que dentro de la campaña Estepona

Ciudad Europea del Deporte se va a crear una red de señalización de senderos, con el objetivo de potenciar esta disciplina.El ciclo de primavera prevé nuevas rutas que se desarrollarán durante abril y mayo, siendo las siguientes:

15 de abril: Ronda-Arriate29 de abril: Montejaque-Cueva del Gato-Benaoján27 de mayo: Estepona-Peñas Blancas

Para mas información contacta la Delegación de Deportes, telf: 952 802 444, email: [email protected]

The Town Hall continues the los Caminos de Estepona hiking programme with new routesThe Estepona Town Hall continues the hiking routes programme offered to people living in the area by the Sports Department. The councillor responsible for this department announced the new programme a few days ago as a part of the provincial hiking programme re-vamp.Also, with the Estepona European Sports City campaign under way, hiking routes are to be signposted, to promote this activity.

The Spring programme of routes will be carried out through April and May:

April 15: Ronda-ArriateApril 29: Montejaque-Cueva del Gato-BenaojánMay 27: Estepona-Peñas Blancas

For further information contact the Sports Department Tel: 952 802 444, or email: [email protected]

Estepona Today and Viewpoint

A weekly radio programme in English each Saturdayfrom 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm.

National and local news; what's on; where to go;club and association information, etc.

Also interviews and discussions.It is planned to have a 'round table' discussion once or twice

a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.

Alumnos de la Escuela Municipal de Ajedrez participan con éxito en campeonatos provincialesLas delegaciones municipales de Alumnos de la Escuela de Ajedrez han participado con gran éxito en los Campeonatos Provinciales de Ajedrez, en las categorías Sub 10 y Sub 12, disputados el pasado sábado en las instalaciones de la Delegación Malagueña de Ajedrez, en la capital.En la prueba de la categoría Sub-10 participaron un total de 24 jugadores, resultando vencedor, tras las cinco partidas disputadas, el alumno esteponero César Carraso Pérez.La prueba Sub-12 contó con una participación de 14 jugadores; tras las cinco partidas disputadas hubo triple empate en cabeza a 4 puntos, decidiéndose la clasificación final por desempate.Los resultados de los campeonatos han sido los siguientes:

SUB-10:César Carrasco Pérez - CampeónMario Torres García - Sub CampeónSofía Lenker Andrade - Sub Campeona

Delia Gómez Montes Gómez-Green - 3ª Clasificada

SUB-12:Alejandro Pérez García - Sub Campeón Celia Gillis Onieva - 3ª Clasificada

Estepona Chess School students achieve success at provincial championshipsStudents of the Municipal Chess School have participated, with great success, in the Provincial Chess Championships in the Under 10 and Under 12 categories, which took place last Saturday at the premises of the Málaga Chess Delegation in the capital.A total of 24 competitors entered in the under 10 category, resulting in the victory, after five games, of Estepona’s Cesar Perez Carrasco.Another 14 chess players entered in the under 12 category, and after five games had been played the outcome was a three-way tie, all three in the lead by 4 points, with the final victor decided on in a tie breaker.

The results of the championships are as follows:U-10:Cesar Perez Carrasco - ChampionMario Garcia Torres - Runner UpLenker Sofia Andrade - Runner UpDelia Gomez Montes Gomez-Green - Third Place

U-12:Alejandro Perez Garcia - Runner UpCelia Gillis Onieva - Third Place

All participants received trophies and are classified to play in the Andalucia Championship, taking place between 12 and 15 April in Isla Antilla (Huelva).

César Carrasco Pérez - Campeón

Estepona acogerá el Circuito Municipal de Pádel que este año incorpora nuevos torneosA partir del 30 de marzo y hasta el mes de junio se desarrollarán los partidos del Circuito Municipal de Pádel, que organiza anualmente la delegación de Deportes del Ayuntamiento de Estepona.Según ha informado hoy el concejal adscrito al área de Deportes, Alfonso Caravaca, este año se han aumentado los encuentros que se disputarán en las pistas municipales de pádel, en las categorías masculina, femenina, mixta, junior e infantil, y seguirán el siguiente calendario:1º Torneo: 30, 31 de marzo y 1 de abril de 2012.2º Torneo: 18, 19 y 20 de mayo de 2012.Máster: 15, 16 y 17 de junio de 2012.Previa confección de este calendario, se ha celebrado una reunión con los representantes de clubes y entidades locales relacionadas con esta práctica

deportiva, ‘para llegar a acuerdos y confeccionar una única agenda de torneos’, según ha explicado Caravaca.

Estepona will host this year’s Municipal Padel Circuit incorporating new tournamentsFrom 30 March to June the Municipal Padel Circuit will take place in Estepona, an event organized annually by the Estepona Sports Department.Councillor for Sport Alfonso Caravaca tells us that this year the number of matches held at the local paddle courts will be increased, in the male, female, mixed, junior and infant categories, following this schedule :

1st Tournament: March 30, 31 and April 1, 2012.2nd Tournament: May 18, 19, 20, 2012.Master: June 15, 16, 17, 2012.After the calendar had been decided, a meeting was held with representatives of local clubs and entities associated with this sport, ‘to reach agreements and come up with a universal tournament schedule’, as Caravaca explained.

Page 15: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - 15Estepona

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Día de los Residentes Extranjeros

Una vez más, Estepona celebra el día, 15 de abril su festival anual Día de los Residentes Extranjeros.El festival, que se celebra en el Palacio de Congresos es siempre popular entre los residentes y visitantes y un intenso programa de entretenimiento que se promete este año.El festival, celebra diversas comunid

extranjeros de Estepona, que aprovechan la ocasión para mostrar sus tradiciones, cultura, entretenimiento y gastronomía. También están presentes una serie de asociaciones locales, clubes y organizaciones de beneficencia que atienden a una amplia gama de intereses y necesidades.

Once again Estepona is holding its annual Foreign Residents Day festival on Sunday, 15th April.The festival, which is being held in the Palacio de Congresos is always popular with residents and visitors alike and a packed programme of entertainment is promised this year.

Estepona’s Foreign Residents DayThe festival, celebrates Estepona’s diverse foreign communit, who take the opportunity to show off their traditions, culture, entertainment and cuisine. Also present are a number of local associations, clubs and charities catering to a wide range of interests and requirements.

Put your mind at easeapply online today

Page 16: The Resident - March 2012
Page 17: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - 17Feature

Are there are any really good places to eat, drink and be merry in the hinterland of the Costa del Sol? If awards, customer reaction and long-lasting success are any measure then there is one such place in the sleepy village of Estación de Benaoján just 12 km from the mountain town of Ronda.Tucked in next to a waterfall and a mountain stream, Hotel Molino del Santo has been delighting visitors for over 25years. You will find here a stunning hotel with a restaurant and bar open to non-residents every day of the week from February to November. The food is imaginative and interesting and of exceptionally good quality – served in a relaxed yet professional manner.From light snacks to a full eight-course tasting menú with the possibility of delicious local matching wines, Molino del Santo is an ideal stopover if you are travelling inland or a perfect destination to head to for a special day out. You can also just stop in for a coffee or a drink – one lady did this recently, and liked it so much she ended up booking the whole hotel for a week for a special birthday.One reason that many people make the

Award-winning hotel is just a train ride away

journey to this converted watermill is that it can be reached by the local train from San Roque. The trip passes through stunning scenery and the hotel is just a three minute walk from the station in Benaoján. Train times are perfect – departing from San Roque at 12.01 and returning at 16,40 – the travelling time is just over an hour – and it’s a bargain: a return ticket costs about 10 euros..Many of the staff speak good English and are extremely generous with information about the local area as well as being knowledgeable about the food and drink on offer. There are also 18 very comfortable rooms, a heated swimming pool, an attractive lounge with log-fire and lovely shaded areas for relaxing as well as great walking routes from the hotel door. It’s been operating for 25 years so standards are well-established and your satisfaction guaranteed. Rooms with breakfast cost from 90 to 190 euros depending on season and type.Hotel, Bar , Restaurant Molino del Santo, Bda. Estación s/n, 29370 BENAOJAN, Málaga. Telf: 952 16 71 51.

El galardonado hotel está a sólo un paseo en tren¿Hay algún lugar verdaderamente bueno para comer, beber y ser feliz en el interior de la Costa del Sol? Si los premios, la reacción del cliente y el éxito de larga duración sirven de medida entonces uno de esos lugares se encuentra en el tranquilo pueblo de la Estación de Benaoján a sólo 12 km de la ciudad de Ronda.Ubicado al lado de una catarata y un arroyo de montaña, el Hotel Molino del Santo ha estado deleitando a visitantes durante más de 25 años. Encontrarás aquí un impresionante hotel con un restaurante y un bar abierto a los no residentes todos los días de la semana de febrero a noviembre. La comida es imaginativa e interesante y de calidad excepcionalmente buena - servido de manera relajada pero profesional.Desde aperitivos hasta un menú completo de degustación de ocho platos con la opción de deliciosos vinos locales de acompañante, Molino del Santo es ideal si estás viajando hacia el interior o un destino perfecto para un día especial. También puedes simplemente hacer una parada para tomar un café o una copa - una señora lo hizo recientemente, y le gustó tanto que al final acabó reservando todo el hotel durante una semana para un cumpleaños especial.Una de las razones por las que muchas personas hacen el viaje hasta este antiguo molino de agua es el tren local de San Roque. Durante el viaje el tren pasa a través de impresionantes paisajes y el hotel está a sólo tres minutos andando desde la estación de Benaoján. Los horarios del tren son perfectos - saliendo de San Roque a las 12:00 y regresando a las 16:40 - el

tiempo de viaje dura poco más de una hora - y es una ganga: Un billete de tren cuesta alrededor de € 10 ida y vuelta.Muchos de los empleados hablan Español y son muy generosos con la información sobre la zona, además de conocer bien la comida y la bebida que se ofrece.También hay 18 habitaciones muy cómodas, una piscina climatizada, un salón atractivo con fuego abierto de leña y preciosas zonas en la sombra para descansar, así como grandes rutas de senderismo desde la puerta del hotel. Ha estado en funcionamiento durante 25 años así que los valores están bien establecidas y su satisfacción está garantizada. Habitaciones con desayuno incluido cuestan de 90 a 190 euros, dependiendo de la temporada y el tipo de habitación.Hotel, Bar, Restaurante Molino del Santo, Bda. Estación s/n, 29370 Benaoján, Málaga.www.molinodelsanto.comTelf: 952 16 71 51.

Page 18: The Resident - March 2012

Gibraltar introduce una nueva ley respecto a los cascos de moto

The Resident - www.theresident.eu18 Information-InformaciónChiringuitoAlmijaraBeach Bar

& RestuarantBetween Sabinillas and Duquesa

GiG DaTes for your Diary

13th May - Zoe Louise Hughes (Pop, Soul, Motown)20th May - Sammy Davis (Rat Pack Live + Motown)27the May - Sam Oliver (Versatile singer Sinatra to Bocelli)6th June - Mel Williams - Still Rockin'10th June - Harmony Street (Acoustic Duo - wide range of music)17th June - The Rat Pack Live24th June - Daniela and Marcus

25th MarchDave Lee as Dean Martin(From the Rat Pack Live)

15th AprilMarcusSinger/Acoustic Guitarist

22nd AprilMartin Joseph as Frank Sinatra(From the Rat Pack Live)

29th AprilSouthern ImpactExplosive Duo - Rock, Pop, Funk, Soul and Disco

6th MayArran Harding(From Tres Divos) Classical to contemporary

Music starts around 2.30/3.00 pm

Cocina abierta 13:00 - 18:30 / Kitchen open from 1 pm to 6.30 pm

Desde el 10 de abril 2012 el uso de cascos conocidos como medio cascos o “quita multas” y cascos de chiste dejará de estar permitido en Gibraltar.Como parte de sus compromisos, y en respuesta a peticiones de ciudadanos preocupados, el Gobierno introducirá regulaciones, que ejercerán la ley para conductores de moto sobre el uso de cascos apropiados para su protección. Estas regulaciones dicen que todos los cascos siendo usados en Gibraltar NO deberán ser ni de media cabeza ni de chiste. Todos los cascos deberán ajustarse al estándard UNECE o a su equivalente británico.

Estas regulaciones se aplicarán tanto a visitantes como a residentes. Cualquier persona que no cumpla con estas regulaciones será culpable de un delito.

As from the 10th April 2012 the use of motorcycle helmets known as the half helmet “quita multa” (fine stopper), and novelty helmets will no longer be permitted in Gibraltar.As part of its manifesto commitments, and in response to requests by concerned parties, the Government will introduce Regulations, which will enforce that all motorcycle helmets used in Gibraltar must NOT be of the half helmet or novelty

Gibraltar introduces new law on motorcycle helmetshelmet model. Full-face, modular, off-road/motocross or open-face helmets must comply with any standard accepted by a member of the European Economic Area which offers a level of safety and protection equivalent to the British Standard.These Regulations will apply to both residents and visitors. Any person who fails to comply with these Regulations shall be guilty of an offence.

General strike in Spain - March 29Spain’s two biggest unions have called a General Strike for Thursday March 29.They claim the move is in response to the government’s overhaul of the country’s rigid employment laws.Anyone due to travel, whether by bus, rail or air on that day should contact their carrier for advice.

Anglican Church of Costa del Sol West

Holy Week & Easter 2012

Maundy Thursday 5 april- agape Meal

7.30 pm - San Pedro – Details Mavis Tolfree – 952 792 454 7.30 pm - Sotogrande – Details Ros Burns – 956 695 178

Good Friday 6 april - Meditation

12noon - Sotogrande – La Iglesia de nuestra Sra. de la Merced3pm - San Pedro – Hall of Parroquia Virgen del Rocio

Easter Sunday 8 april

Resurrection Holy Communion10.15am – San Pedro – as above11.45am – Sotogrande – as above

Easter Celebration Songs of Praise

7pm – Sabinillas - La Iglesia Parroquia de San Luis, the Church in the centre of Sabinillas

For further details contact: Revd. Alan Maude 952 808 605

Huelga General el jueves 29 de marzoLas dos uniones más grandes de España han organizado una Huelga General para el jueves 29 de marzo.Ellos dicen que la huelga pretende responder al cambio de los derechos laborales rígidos del país por parte del Gobierno.Cualquier persona que necesite transporte por autobús, tren o avión ese día debería ponerse en contacto con la compañía que pretenda usar para más información.

El Gobierno afirma que la obras de soterramiento de la A7 en San Pedro finalizarán en junioLa obras de soterramiento de la A7 en San Pedro de Alcántara abrirá en Junio. La ministra Ana Pastor informó que solo dias después de tomar su nuevo cargo, la contactó el alcalde de Marbella, Ángeles Muñoz, y prometió que estaría terminada.Las obras llevarán a la A-7 através de un paso inferior, dejando libre 90.000m2 en el centro de la ciudad.Las obras deberian haber acabado en 2009, y el año pasado el Ministerio prometió que estarían acabadas para 2012.El Ministerio anterior, a cargo de José

Blanco, fue severamente criticado por el Partido Popular a causa de los retrasos en las obras por la falta de pagos.Sin embargo, el nuevo equipo PP ha prometido que las obras ‘tendrán prioridad’ y explicó que aun faltan 10 millones de euros en pagos.Las obras empezaron hace casi 5 años para que la carretera dejara de dividir la ciudad en dos, y para que pudieran quitar los pasos de peatones y semáforos para mayor fluidez de tráfico.Una vez completado se espera que alrededor de 65.000 coches usarán el paso cada día.

San Pedro de Alcantara’s underpass will be opened in June. So said Minister Ana Pastor who revealed that within days of taking up her position, she was called by Marbella Mayor, Angeles Muñoz, and and undertook to see that the project was completed.The work was scheduled for completion in 2009, and last year the Ministry promised it would be done by early 2012.The new PP government has promised

San Pedro underpass to be open by Julythat they will give it “absolute priority” and explained that €10 million remains to be paid.Work began more almost five years ago in order to stop the motorway from dividing the area in two, and do away with the need for traffic lights and pedestrian crossings to make traffic flow more fluidly.Once completed an estimated 65,000 cars will use the one-kilometre underpass daily.

Page 19: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - 19Ocio What’s On

Más info/More

Broadcasting in English to the Campo de

Gibraltar and beyondBayFM

a breath of fresh airfor more information


Louie Louie Rock’n’Roll Bar

Los amantes de la música van a tener el placer de conocer este mes en Louie Louie’s a uno de los secretos mejor guardados del Rock’n’Roll andaluz, Freddie and The Filos. Imagina a Elvis acompañado por The Ramones o a Eddie Cochran al frente de The New

Music lovers are in for a treat at Louie Louie’s this month thanks to a visit by one of Andalucian Rock’n’Roll’s best kept secrets, Freddie and The Filos. Imagine Elvis with The Ramones as a backing group or Eddie Cochran fronting The New York Dolls, then you might get some idea of the kind of music they make. So if you like your rock’n’roll with a big dollop of punk and a side order of rockabilly then make sure you get down to Louie Louie’s, Estepona on March 30 from 10 pm. Tickets just 3 euros.

York Dolls, entonces podrás tener una idea del tipo de música que producen. Así que si te gusta tu rock’n’roll con un poco de punk y un poco más de rockabilly, asegúrate de estar en Louie Louie’s en Estepona el 30 de marzo desde las 22:00 h. Entradas solo 3 euros.

Freddie and the Filos en conciertoViernes 30 de marzo a las 22.00 hLouie Louie R’n’R Bar, Calle Real, Estepona

Freddie and the FilosFriday 30 March at 10 pmLouie Louie’s, Estepona

La Banda Municipal de Música de Estepona, bajo la batuta de José Antonio López Camacho, su director titular, ofrecerá el próximo sábado, 24 de marzo, el concierto titulado “Pórtico de la Semana Santa” organizado por la Delegación Municipal de Cultura y, este año, en colaboración con la Hermandad del Cristo de la Vera Cruz.La actuación monográfica incluye una selección de obras de reconocidos autores, y dará inicio a las 20:30 horas en la Parroquia de Ntra. Sra. del Carmen, con entrada libre hasta completar el aforo.

Concierto pórtico de la Semana Santa

The Estepona Town Band, under the baton of José Antonio López Camacho, will be performing a concert on Saturday 24 March entitled “A Gateway to Semana Santa”.The programme will feature music typical of Semana Santa including processional pieces.The concert is organised by the Cultural

Department in collaboration with the Hermandad del Cristo de la Vera Cruz brotherhood.The performance will take place at the Parroquia de Ntra Sra. del Carmen church from 8.30 pm. Entrance is free.

Concert: “Gateway toSemana Santa

Ati Edge & The ShadowbirdsViernes 20 abrilGarage/psychobilly/rockabilly

Los TwangsViernes 27 De AbrilGarage/rockabilly/surf

Fabuloso Combo EspectroSabado 28 De AbrilUna banda de rock/post-punk

HogjawMiércoles 2 De MayoGrupo de Southern Rock

anúnciese con the resident advertise in the resident

Tlf.952 936

Page 20: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - www.theresident.eu20 Ocio What’s On

El sábado 24 de marzo, el grupo The King’s Bruton Big Band dará un concierto en beneficio de ADANA en el Instituto Monteroso de Estepona. El grupo nos visitó hace 4 años y su concierto fue un éxito de asistencia.

There are not many chances these days to hear the music of the 1940s and 1950s played by a real classic big band. King’s Bruton School near Bath in Somerset bring their Big Band to the IES Monteroso School in Estepona on Saturday 24 March for a performance in aid of ADANA. King’s school Big Band is a nineteen piece Big Band with two vocalists. They performed in Spain four years ago to much acclaim, since then they have played in the Birmingham Jazz Festival and recorded a third CD. The Big Band play a mixture of Big Band styles including Swing, Latin and Funk. The enthusiasm and enjoyment these young musicians have is infectious, as is the music.King’s School Big Band is a swing band in the style of Duke Ellington/Glen Miller. The band has an extensive repertoire including many classics such as “In the Mood” and “Lullaby of Birdland” through to modern funk numbers such as “Chameleon” and

Kings Bruton School Big BandSabado, 24 Marzo - 21:00h - IES Monteroso, Estepona

Kings Bruton School Big BandSaturday, 24 March, from 9 pm - IES Monteroso, Estepona

Las entradas cuestan 15€ y están disponible en la Librería de Longman, la Plaza Manilva, Estepona y La Librería inglesa, Sabinillas. O llama 952 891 193.El programa comienza a las 21.00, apertura de puertas a las 20.30.

“Pick up the Pieces” two vocalists add to the fun, and at times it’s hard not to get up and dance. The band is well known in the UK, often playing at local charity events, be it a concert or dinner dance. Within the full 18 piece Big Band there is a smaller jazz quintet which offers an additional opportunity for both our students and for audiences. The quintet perform several numbers in what is termed “Cool” jazz style of Dave Brubeck and Miles Davis.So get out your jitterbug shoes and get in the groove. Last time the band was here the concert was a sell-out leaving many people disappointed. It is fondly remembered as one of ADANA’s best ever events.Programme starts at 21.00 hrs doors open at 20.30hrs There will be a full bar.Tickets are 15€ from Longman’s Bookshop, in Estepona, The English Bookshop, Sabinillas or phone 952 891 193More info:David McNally 952 891 193

Next Saturday 31st of March from midnight to 5:30 am the great Panthers 2012 party will be taking place in the Pabellón de Usos Múltiples in Manilva, organized in collaboration with the Youth Department. Entry will cost 5 euros, with a shot included.On the decks: DJ Dookie, José Moreno, DJ Botika, andDJ Karri.

Panthers FestivalSaturday, 31 March - Pabellón de Usos Múltiples, Manilva

El próximo sábado 31 de marzo desde las 00:00 hasta las 05:30 la gran fiesta de Panthers 2012 tendrá lugar en el Pabellón de Usos Múltiples de Manilva, organizado en colaboración con la Delegación de Juventud. El coste de la entrada será de 5 euros, con un chupito incluido.En cabina estarán: Deejay Dookie, José Moreno, DJ Botika y DJ Karri.

Katy Setterfield is back!The amazing Katy Setterfield is back at the Roman Oasis this summer.Winner of BBC TV’s show ‘The One and Only’ Katy will not only be bringing her Dusty Springfield show to Manilva, but Cher, Tina Turner and Annie Lennox too.These amazing, not to be missed summer evenings will be on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th of August and numbers will be limited.Full disco as well into the night with Pete Lane, and they will be raising funds for Animal in NeedBooking and contact details to follow.

Música SacraConcierto Coral - Magnum MysteriumJueves, 29 de marzo, 20:15h - Iglesia de San José

El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la Delegación Municipal de Cultural, informa que la Coral Magnum Mysterium ofrecerá el próximo jueves, 29 de marzo, a las 20:15 horas, un “Concierto de Música Sacra” en la Iglesia de San José, con el que iniciará los actos conmemorativos de su 25 aniversario.Bajo la dirección de Miguel Ángel Garrido Sánchez, esta agrupación coral interpretará 14 piezas musicales, acompañada por la pianista Brigitta Covacs.

Sacred MusicChoral concert- Magnum MysteriumThurs, 29 March, 8.15 pmIglesia de San José churchEstepona’s cultural department has announced a performance by the Magnum Mysterium choir who will be presenting a concert of ‘Sacred Music’ at the San José Church in Estepona on Thursday March 29 from 8.15 pm as part of their programme of

25th anniversary celebrations.Under the direction of Miguel Ángel Garrido Sánchez, this choral group will sing 14 works accompanied by Brigitta Covacs on piano.

Page 21: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - 21Información InformationAge Concern, Estepona and Manilva TalkAge Concern are very grateful to Manilva Solicitors who gave a talk on inheritance and property tax to people who came along to the charity’s Drop-In-Centre on the 20th March. Srs. Perez and Montiel explained the intricacies and pitfalls of the law as it currently stands on inheritance tax and stressed the importance of taking professional advice before making plans and wills for the future. The talk was followed by a lively question session when some of the audience’s concerns were answered. Eileen Dry, President of Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva, gave a vote of thanks to the speakers.

Foreign Residents Day 15 April This is a reminder that Age Concern will have two stands at the Foreign Residents Day being held at the Palacio de Congresos, Estepona on Sunday 15th April. Volunteers will be on hand to offer

advice and information to people and to explain what the charity does in the area.There will also be quality clothes for sale plus a tombola. Why not come along and have a chat with us and find out how we help older people in the area. Oh yes – items are needed for the tombola – if you can help by donating anything please give us a call on 951318234.

LifelineFor older people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650163928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is [email protected] and why not tune into our web site at

International Club of EsteponaThe ICE Club is a social club for all English-speaking people, and holds many events during the week, such as: Music, Dancing and Themed Supper Evenings, Film Nights, Social Evenings, Day and Holiday Coach Trips, Golf, Rambling, Drama, Cards, Chess, Needle Crafts, Gardening, Art, Quiz Night, Songs of Praise, Computer Instruction, Free WiFiLarge Screen TV for major events, Monthly 40 page Magazine.Free Book, DVD and Jigsaw Libraries, and much more. Every Sunday from 12.30 to 2.30pm and every Tuesday from 12.00am to 2pm the

bar is open for drinks and tapas. Every Thursday from 10.30am to 2.30pm the bar is open for drinks, weekly meeting 11.30am, 1.00pm lunch.

Special Events AprilFriday 6th April - Quiz Night Sunday 15th April - Foreign Residents DayFriday 20th April - Candlelit SupperMonday 23rd April - Trip to Ronda by Train & CoachTuesday 24th April - Golf Spring Cup & LunchSaturday 28th & Sunday 29th April – ICE Players Revue

iCE Club, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada, Entrada 4 or 5 at km 149, a7, Estepona Tel 952 802 549 Visit their website -

Club Charity and Pleasure is a social club, mostly appealing to British ex-pats - although open to all - who live in or near the El Paraiso area of Estepona. Its 300+ members enjoy many activities: on a weekly basis, including Wednesday coffee mornings held at El Caserio, next to Vivero Agro Jardin (when many weeks there is a speaker), there is whist and Chicago bridge, bowls, and a newly-formed singing group. On the last Friday of the month members can enjoy supper followed by a pub quiz. A coach to Gibraltar is provided on a monthly basis, trips such as visits to the theatre, exhibitions and places of local interest are organized; lunches and dinners are arranged at different venues along the coast, and their Summer and Winter Balls provide an excuse to dress up and party.But what makes this club different is that they raise money for local charities. This year so far they have been able to make donations to Aspandem, Cudeca, the Elliot George Foundation (Aprona), Age Concern, and the poor of Estepona

through food hampers, amounting to more than 4500 euros.The club produces a quarterly 64-page magazine for its members, but also reaches others through distribution to local golf clubs and other venues. Production is made possible by advertising, and the valuable support of several loyal businesses. More advertisers are always needed, however, and any business or individual wishing to bring their services to the attention of club members is invited to visit their website and contact the magazine editor. Links to your business will be provided on the site. Rates are very low. The website mainly keeps members updated with events, as well as providing information such as the club rules, current committee members, etc.For further information you are invited to contact the club President, Denise Ghazi, on 952 810989, or through the contact details on the website.

Club Charity and Pleasure

Estepona Floral Art Club will be holding next month’s flower arranging demonstration at Tikitano Restaurant, Estepona, on Tuesday, 17th April from 2.45 pm until 5 pm, when the demonstrator will be Jo Poulter, who is a NAFAS East of England Area Demonstrator from Peterborough. Jo Poulter qualified as an area demonstrator as recently as October 2010 and is very much the “new kid on the block”. She has been working with flowers since 2007 and as well as demonstrating, she works as a freelance wedding florist and also undertakes some commissions for corporate clients. Jo has her own website which is and shows some of her work.Jo is a volunteer at Peterborough Cathedral and was heavily involved in the flower displays created for the Christmas Eucharist, filmed by the BBC for Songs of Praise. Jo is also representing her club in the Flower Arranging competition at Chelsea Flower Show this year.

Established over 10 years ago, Estepona Floral Art Club is a very friendly club on the Costa del Sol, Spain, with members and visitors from Nerja to Gibraltar. Once a month there is a flower arranging demonstration, where spectacular displays are created live on stage. There are workshops for those who want to learn practical skills, coffee mornings and special events. Members and visitors are most welcome to attend and do not need any prior knowledge of flowers or flower arranging to enjoy the Club’s events. Members are of various nationalities but all meetings are in English.For more information and photographs, please see the Club’s the Facebook page at If you are already a Facebook user, please click ‘Like’ to receive regular updates on the Club’s activities and events. Alternatively, please call Barbara on 951 17 05 73 or send an email to [email protected] to join the mailing list.

Estepona Floral Art Club

Popular tenor Stephen Lloyd-Morgan’s album ‘To Where You Are’ was re-released on iTunes this week (and all other leading download stores).All of the income will go to charity - no commissions or costs whatsoever will be deducted, 100% of sales income will be donated to The Cudeca Cancer Care Hospice www.cudeca.orgGo to now and buy your copy, and don’t forget to tell your

friends. Your contribution to this amazing charity will be greatly appreciated, thank-you!Steve’s new Album ‘In My Father’s Footsteps’ will be released this Summer and once again all proceeds will be donated to The Cudeca Cancer Care Hospice and the Welsh cancer charity TENOVUS - more information visit

Tenor Stephen Lloyd-Morgan re-releases album on iTunes in aid of cancer charity Cudeca

Following the success of last year’s Last Night of the Proms, held at the open air theatre in Gibraltar’s Alameda Gardens, the Calpe Rooke Band together with a magnificent cast of home grown talent are presenting Les Miserables in Concert.Based on the 10th Anniversary Concert of the world’s most successful theatre show, the Calpe Rooke Band production will be held in the spectacular setting of St Michael’s Cave over two nights, the 11th and 12th of May 2012 with both performances starting at 8 pm.“To our knowledge, this is the first time Les Miserables has been held in a cave.” states Chris Music, the Band Master and Director. “We have been rehearsing flat out since the auditions were held back

in October 2011. The band, principals and the chorus will be working hard right up to the performances to perfect what will most definitely be a show not to be missed”. The show is expected to run for well over two hours plus a short interval for refreshments.Tickets are now on general sale and priced at £15 (20€) including the cost of coach transfer from the Alameda car park, located adjacent to the lower cable car station, up and into the upper nature reserve and the entrance to St Michael’s Cave.Tickets can be purchased from Sacarello’s Newsagents, 96 Main Street, Gibraltar or from Armstrongs Patisserie at Monte Duquesa, Manilva (up the hill from Duquesa Port).

Les Miserables in Concert to be performed in St Michael’s Cave

Send us details of your club, charity or association’s events and activities and even if we don’t have room in The Resident we will

publish it on our website at www.theresident.euSend copy and images to [email protected] by the 18th ofthe month for inclusion in the paper or anytime for publication

on the website.

Page 22: The Resident - March 2012

22 Puzzle

Soluciones página 27 all solutions on page 27

Fácil Easy

Difícil Hard

Nivel Medio Medium

Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz

En el quiz de este mes solo hay que nombrar las empresas u organizaciones representadas por estos logos. Respuestas en la página 27.

In this month's picture quiz just name the companies or organisations represented by these logos. Answers on page 27.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

13 14 15

10 11 12

Page 23: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - 23Information

Marlows is a modern, and spacious comfortable restaurant with an outside terrace to accommodate smokers. At Marlows you will find expertly fried fish & chips, north sea haddock, cod, plaice, together with starters. Ribs, chicken, pies, sausages, salads, desserts and a kids menu at only €4. Marlows have 50 years plus in the fish & chip trade and in fact opened the very first fish & chip shop in Gibraltar, way back in 1966 (Irish Town Fisheries, for those of you old enough to remember it).Quality, Value and Service excel at Marlows. So why not try for yourself!Marlows can also cater for any party, Big or Small up to 100 people.

Marlows Fish & Chip Restaurant

EARLY BIRD NOW €7.501 Fish & Chips (Cod or Haddock)

1 Bread & Butter or 1 Peas1 Drink

Tea, coffee, beer, water or soft drink6pm - 7.30pm

Monday to ThursdayServed in the Restaurant

During the winter months there is a fantastic Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding lunch on Sunday served from 1pm - 4.30pm. Tel. 951 276 728

Advertise inThe Resident

Get off to a flying start in the New Year with an advert inThe Resident.

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We can also tailor make packages to suit your individual needs.

Call now for a consultation.

Children Half Price

An exciting new quality ladies hairdressing salon with separate ‘walk-in’ men’s barbershop area has recently opened at ‘The Courtyard’, Monte Duquesa, Manilva.The owners have been offering hairdressing in both ladies’ hair salons and men’s barber shops in the UK for over 14 years and know the requirements of men’s and ladies’ hairdressing are completely different.At Monte Duquesa Hair they have designed the salon with two completely separate hairdressing areas with differently skilled staff to offer their customers the best of both.In the men’s area you will find skilled female barber, Emma, who comes direct from their barber shop in the UK. Emma only works with men’s hair and is extremely experienced at clipper work, male styling and understands the need for men to leave feeling clean, sharp and smart.For the ladies is highly successful hairdresser, Layla. Layla is an exceptional hair stylist, she is renowned for her cutting skills and colour work and has the natural ability to achieve the most amazing look for each individual

client.Layla offers a very personal service working very closely with her clients to make sure their hair is always exactly how they want it, and to make sure once you become one of Layla’s clients you receive the best service possible, she always limits the amount of clients she has, so be quick!Monte Duquesa Hair is open from Tuesday to Saturday offering a ‘no appointment’ walk-in service for the men with a late night on Friday, and Layla is taking appointments on the same days but is always flexible to cater for your needs.On Friday afternoons for ladies, the salon is offering a blow dry service with Amy which includes a nail polish and complimentary glass of cava which is perfect to start your Friday night out, and to complete the team they have welcomed onboard Katie from ‘Nails by Katie’ who is offering a full nail bar service.To book a free consultation or appointment with Layla please contact her on 617 595 605.

Monte Duquesa Hair opens its ladies’ salon and men’s barber shop at ‘The Courtyard’

Page 24: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - www.theresident.eu24 Property

These are just a sample of the property bargains from our partneragencies and developers.

For more information on these or any other property queriesdon’t hesitate to contact us at

[email protected] or +34 630 318 730

The Resident Property SelectionA shop window on some of Call +34 630 318 730

the best property deals on the coast

We have partnered with a number of Estate agents, developers and promoters to bring you a selection of genuine property bargains.Serious buyers should not miss thisopportunity, as these offers are asgood as it gets.

Casares Costa €110,000



3 bed, 2 bath townhouse in Los Cortijos de la Bahia on the Casares Costa and close to Duquesa Marina. This 3 storey townhouse is south east facing with private garden and stunning roof terrace. Internally the living area is spacious.

Casares Costa €107,500

2 bed, 2 bath penthouse in Casares del Sol close to Finca Cortesin and 5 minutes from beach. Spacious and modern, aircon, SatTV, fully fitted kitchen. 80m2 roof terrace, underground parking, store room. Comm. gardens and pools.

Casares Costa €106,950

2 bed, 2 bath ground apartment in Terrazas de la Bahia. Stunning gardens, 2 pools and superb sea views. Private courtyard area and sunny south east facing terrace with sea views. There is a large open plan lounge that leads to the private terrace.

Casares Costa €90,000

2 bed 2 bath ground floor apartment in Estrella de la Bahia. The property has 2 double bedrooms, master with en-suite. Spacious living area and the kitchen is modern and fully fitted. Private parking space and large private terrace.


2 bed, 2 bath, ground floor apartment located on the popular Casares del Sol development next to the Finca Cortesin and Casares Golf club and just 5 minutes from the beach. These modern apartments are set within immaculate tropical gardens and pool areas. Fully fitted kitchen, utility room and granite breakfast bar. Sunny terrace is south facing with partial sea views. Spacious living area, 2 double bedrooms, an ensuite to the master bedroom and a family bathroom. The apartment is being sold with a large, private parking space in the underground garage and a large store room.


of the Month

Duquesa Village €102,500

2 bed, 2 bath penthouse with golf and sea views in Duquesa Village. Modern fully fitted kitchen, air con, telephone entry system, underground parking and a store room. Large open plan living lounge with direct access to the large terrace. 87


Manilva 199,950€

Large 4 bed, 2 bath townhouse situated 5 mins walk from Manilva, overlooking Sabinillas and Manilva coast. Built 2004 173+ square metres, benefits form large 50 square metre integral garage.Property is ready to be moved in and is sold with or without furniture.The property enjoys a very private situation and shares pool and garden with just 17 other properties. MUST BE SEEN!

Casares Costa 95,000€

Duquesa €99,700

2 bed, 2 bath apartment in Aldea Hills set amongst manicured gardens, with fantastic views of the pool, gardens and Mediterranean. Internally the apartment is light and spacious, private parking space in the underground garage.

Page 25: The Resident - March 2012


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Sotogrande OfficeCentro Commercial Mar y SolLocal 643-644Sotogrande, Cadiz 11310SpainTel: +34 956 796 911

Algarve OfficeRua Rainha Doña LeonorBloc A, 3rd Floor, Suite BP8100-501 loule, AlgarvePortugalTel: +351 289 432 397

Fiduciary Wealth is the private wealth arm of Fiduciary Group founded in 1982 and affiliated toGibraltar’s oldest legal practice Isolas 1892 named a leading law firm by The ILFR1000.

We are a boutique financial advisory and consulting practice offering bespoke tax led wealthmanagement solutions, asset management and financial planning services to private clients andbusinesses throughout the Iberian Peninsula and the UK. Specialists in cross border issues ourbusiness is to help clients build, protect and eventually pass on wealth.

We are co-hosting an Open Day with De Cotta Law on Wednesday 28th Marchfrom 10am until 5pm at the H10 Estepona Palace Hotel, Avda. Del Carmen, 99 Playa de Guadalobon, 29680 Estepona.

We will be covering cross border financial advice and tax efficient wealth management strategiesincluding QROPS, QNUPS and Tax Residency options.

To reserve your free private consultation contact us now. Tel: 956 796 911or email: [email protected]

Register on-line by clicking the “EVENTS” tab at

Take the opportunity to meet the team, ask your financial questions and enjoy some refreshments.

De Cotta Law will be advising on Wills, Tax, Probate and IHT. For your free legal consultation on the28th March please contact Tel: 952 931 781 or email: [email protected]

Page 26: The Resident - March 2012

The established office on the coast for all your needsADVICE AND ASSITANCE WITH ALL THE ASPECTS OF LIVING IN SPAIN TAXES:

Costa advice bureau helps you to subtantially reduce the costof all your transactions Telephone 0034 952 79 78 21

26 Information-Información

Timeshare refund

Having firstly been coerced by persuasive timeshare agents, these owners have been approached by a company which is using hard sell tactics to convince them, that they can assist them in offloading what often has become an expensive burden.The fees charged for this service vary. The charges could be in excess of five thousand euros. One of these owners, perturbed by the agreement they had signed visited me in my office. The costs they were quoted were in the region of six thousand euros, part of which they had already paid, the sum of two thousand and eight hundred euros. They still owe the balance of three thousand euros.On checking the contracts and reading the power of attorney, I knew something was amiss. I suggested that the couple immediately made their way to a notary to have the power of attorney revoked. The entity they had signed with consisted of at least three different companies located both in Spain and the UK. You would have thought that alarm bells would have rung with the discovery that the company they had paid the deposit to was registered in the Seychelles. With my assistance, they are now able to dispose of their timeshare and are attempting to recover the funds lost.

Costa Advice Bureau

For information on any of the above, please contact:

Myra azzopardiCosta advice BureauCalle Real 58, EsteponaTel: 952 797

Speeding fines

A couple from the UK, who hired a vehicle to visit a sick son in Spain, have incurred over 2,000 euros in speeding fines. The demand for the money was received at their UK address. The problem occurred

The Resident -

a new government ruling for homeowners

This decree (real decreto ley 6/2012) was published on the 10th of March 2012.The ruling which is for those, who are without resources to be able to meet their monthly repayments, has now been approved.What appears to be an olive branch, may only serve to further confuse those in financial difficulties.To avail of the advantage, you must meet the strict criteria providing all the information and documentation required. You may find that you might be worse off. The decree may in fact be a clever ploy, benefiting the banks, enabling them to repossess the property by an easier and less expensive route.

when they lent the vehicle to a friend who did not respect the speed limits.Please take note that if you consider loaning your vehicle to a third party, that you will be responsible for any fines or accidents perpetrated by the person you may have trusted to drive your vehicle. You will only be exempt from the responsibility of accidents if the person driving is mentioned on your insurance certificate.

El Veterinario

Vet’s Corner

En la actualidad existe una vacuna contra la leishmaniosis, vulgarmente conocida como fiebre de la mosca de la arena. Esta insidiosa enfermedad ha provocado indecibles sufrimientos y la muerte de muchos de nuestros amigos caninos. Esta enfermedad, que se remonta a los tiempos bíblicos, ha sido la perdición de muchos veterinarios, por no hablar de lo que los médicos han tenido que enfrentar. Por lo menos, pacientes humanos desarrollan inmunidad, mientras que los perros no lo hacen. Ahora, por primera vez la investigación finalmente ha dado fruto en forma de una prevención eficaz, más allá de simples repelentes, la única medida preventiva hasta ahora disponible. Los

Una muy esperada vacuna por fin ha llegado

There is now a vaccine against Leishmaniasis, commonly known as Sand Fly Fever. This insidious disease has brought about untold suffering and the death of many of our canine friends. This disease, dating back to biblical times, has been the bane of many a Veterinarian not to mention what Physicians have had to deal with. At least human patients develop immunity while dogs do not. Now for the first time research has finally given us hope in the form of effective prevention, above and beyond simple repellents, the only preventative measure this far available. Treatments, currently available, are only designed to control the disease of dogs that test positive. In this authors opinion the same curative treatment for people has only been palliative for dogs, this is even true of newer, less toxic treatments. This new vaccine is available through your veterinarian who will explain in greater

The long awaited vaccine has finally arrived

Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M.Sabinillas - Tel: 952 891 387

Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M.Sabinillas - Tel: 952 891 387

tratamientos, mas corrientes hoy en día, sólo están diseñados para controlar la enfermedad de los perros que dan positivo. En el opinión de este autor, el mismo tratamiento curativo para las personas, es sólo paliativo para los perros, lo que es cierto, incluso referente a los tratamientos más nuevos, o sea, los tratamientos menos tóxicos. Esta nueva vacuna está disponible a través de su veterinario, quien le explicará con mayor detalle la pauta para su administración correcta y cualquier otra pregunta o duda que pueda tener referente a ello.

detail the protocol for its administration and any other questions you may have regarding it.

The male and female Phlebotomus papataxii, the vector for Sandfly Fever


Modern apartment, fully furnished in gated community, 2

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Page 27: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - 27En la Residencia de las PalabrasSoluciones Puzzle Page Solutions

Fácil Easy

Difícil Hard

Nivel Medio Medium

Respuestas correspondientesa la página 22- Picture Quiz answers frompage 22

1 Paramount. 2 Cruzcampo.

3 Amnesty International.

4 Tuenti. 5 Repsol. 6 Yamaha.

7 Santander. 8 Starbucks. 9 Java.

10 Bacardi. 11 Adidas. 12 Mazda.

13 Carrefour. 14 Fendi.

15 Correos.

La eternidad de la lunaLe dijeron a la luna que era eterna.Dios se lo dijo,pero ella no se lo creía,dejaba en el mar la rosa de su vida.El hombre la contemplabay amaba el ámbar;besaba la luna el trigo,al huerto de la tierra le dejaba su alma;se convirtió en pan, en sal, en olivo, en viñedosde la gloria material;y la luna aparecía siempre,esbozada en la cerámica y en la orfebrería, en los tejidos y en la arquitectura,llevaba la luna la mirada del sol,se colmaba de fresas y muchachos del cielo,y aun así, la lunano creía que se mereciera la eternidad.

18 de octubre de 1986Francisco Rodríguez HerreraDel libro: “Esa luna del sur”

Al sur del horizonte no hay país sino hombres

Se decoloran las banderas.Se difuminan las fronteras

Pero siguen arribando pateras.

Juan Emilio Ríos Vera“La Color de la Mar”

Y la ve la luna,y la mira el agua,y los peces sabenque las madres llorany que están cansadas.

Y la ve la luna,delfín de la nocheen jabalí se encarna,que los padres quierenconocer España.

Y la ve la luna, la barca que encalla,

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera

y tres serafines leones que arrasan.

Y la ve la luna,fronteras no callan,allí decoloran banderas,nadie sabe nada,muere una ilusión,nace una palabra,y un poema en duelohoy sigue su rumbo,exiliado al vientoen patera del alma.

Y la ve la luna,mis hijos son tres,la mar y el color,linfa sobre el agua.

Francisco Rodríguez HerreraDel libro: “Esa luna del sur”

EncontrarseDespierto, pienso y me pregunto,¿cómo ha llegado esta rosa o música hasta mi?¿Es la luz que mima la huerta? ¿El viento que irrumpe en las mejilla de la ventana?¿Un rocío que adoba de polvo de estrella el porche?

Mi otro yo, mi naturaleza que se pasea por la casa.

Me calzo, y el destino del hombre es caminar para encontrarse.(Encontrase a sí mismo es merecerse.)La mañana es especial en el sur,y esa luna de ayer no se ha marchado,escucho sobre la menta una cigarra altivay un resorte en los jardines me empuja a cielos de agua,a colores y versos, a destinos de poetas que cantan.Me calzo, y el destino del hombre es encontrarse.

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Esaluna del sur”

Un nuevo hogar y su lechoUn día se vay abre la noche su pecho,los amantes optimistasno dejan de darse besos.

Un día se vay la luna busca un puertodonde quedarse a dormir,que los amantes no quierendejarla sobre los cielos.

Un día se vay abre la noche su pecho,son Romeo y Julietaestrellas sin universo,y la luna les ha dadoun nuevo hogar y su lecho.

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Esa luna del sur”

asociación dediscapacitados

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actividades diversas de formación, animación e integración.

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El artista Ángel Garó ofrecerá el próximo miércoles 28 de marzo de 2012, a las 20:30 horas, en el Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, un Recital de Poesía basado en su libro “Málaga de mi Pasión” dedicado a la Semana Santa malagueña,

Recital Poético

Málaga de Mi PasiónCentro Cultural Padre ManuelMiércoles, 28 marzo 2012, 20:30 h.

Page 28: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - www.theresident.eu28 Health

A Healthier Life

JoJo France and Claudia Norris

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Home Tutorsin your home, office or a group

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1 to 1 dedicated tuition at your place.Group lessons also available.Friendly, gain confidence, learn properly.

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Too much or too little

Hi everyoneCan you believe it is March already? Summer is just around the corner. Last month we did a quiz about how much exercise you did and what you ate, this month we are looking at what happens if you do too much or too little.

Too little ExerciseTwo thirds of all people get too little exerciseYour body will begin to store the extra energy (fat) your body has not used - this eventually will build up in places like your arteries, intestines, etc., causing illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressures, etc.Your body would mainly show the lack of exercise externally by showing the extra weight and body surface.Lack of exercise would mean your joints would be weak, your muscles would be less toned, your weight would increase, your breathing rate would increase and you would be more likely to catch illnesses.

Too Much ExerciseSymptoms of over training can be as simple as having no energy- to either finish your workout or for everyday stuff.Abnormal aches and pains, nagging injuries that seem not to heal, or other related symptoms are usually brought on by the “cumulative microtrauma” of overtraining. Succumbing easily and frequently to cold or flu bugs or other pathogens in the environment, which signifies a compromised immune system.Muscle wasting or easily putting on fat despite low calorie dieting. Interestingly overtraining is almost always accompanied by appetite suppression despite increasing energy expenditureIf the point of exhaustion comes earlier and earlier with each workout then they are overtraining, these clients ought to back off at this point. “Those who don’t listen are the people you see in the gym week after week month after month with the exact same body they had when they started”

Just Right Twenty minutes of aerobic exercise, three or four times a week, at moderate exertion will get you significant benefits [source: MedicineNet]. Moderate exertion is when your pulse and breathing rate increase, but you can still talk comfortably -- you’re not out of breath. Jogging and jump-ing rope are good examples. On the higher end, the Cen-ter for Disease Control (CDC) recommends 30 minutes a day with only a couple of days off each week, or about 150 minutes per week. For someone who doesn’t love exer-cise but is looking to significantly benefit his or her heart, the ideal amount is probably somewhere in between: 30 minutes a day at least three days a week. At 90 minutes a week, and it doesn’t seem to matter whether you do 30 minutes at a time or two 15-minute sessions a day, you can help your heart get stronger, provide more oxygen to your cells, lower your blood pressure and improve your cholesterol numbers. It’s a manageable amount of activity, too, so it’s easier for people to maintain, which is key to getting the heart benefits you’re after.My recommendation would be to include some resistance training within your workouts (weights, bands or even body weight exercise) this will improve your muscle tone and help with bone density, increased muscle mass will increase the general metabolic rate, and if you add to that some good stretches you will have the perfect workout.

As you get fitter you can increase the intensity of your workout, not necessarily the duration just train wiser not longer, unless you are training for a specfic sport or event.

NutritionLast month we helped you identify the signs that you might be over-doing it and possibly reaching ‘burn out’. When we are too stressed our blood sugar (and diet) can go haywire and this further stresses our adrenals (the little glands that sit above our kidneys and produce our stress hormones). Here are the top 5 things we can eat to help manage stress and replenish our reserves: 1. Start the day by eating breakfast and make sure you include some protein with it. It could be toast with a couple of boiled eggs or pitta with a slice of chicken. This will give you much more energy and resilience for the morning ahead than say, a piece of toast with jam or a croissant. 2. Cut right down on sugar and caffeine as this only gives you a false energy high but very soon you may come crashing down. I used to refer to sugary foods as ‘empty calories’ because they didn’t provide the body with any real nutrition but now I have seen how the term is misleading as sugar can be incredibly toxic to the body. 3. Avoid rushed and hectic meals where you have to quickly gulp down your food. As well as giving you indigestion, you may not assimilate nutrients from the food as easily. Try to make your meals a relaxed and restorative experience where you chew every mouthful. 4. Eat little and often. You will avoid feeling hungry and the associated mood swings, low energy, fatigue that accompanies it. The best way to do this is to be organised. Plan your meals and in advance and keep emergency snacks in the car, the office etc. 5. There are certain nutrients that are particularly important for the adrenals. Vitamin C is needed for the body to make stress hormones and is found in coloured veg and fruit such as green leafy veg, tomatoes, peppers and oranges. Magnesium acts like a spark plug for your adrenals and is vital for energy production. Food sources include dark green leafy veg, brown rice, beans, nuts, seeds, and seaweed. Building yourself back up after you’ve overdone it can take time. Be patient with yourself and remember to get as much sleep as possible.Good luck, just remember to consult your GP before starting any new exercise programme.

For more info on getting fit call JoJo 687 030 047For more on Nutrition call Claudia 671 142 960

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jojo's fitness

All jojo's classes and personal training have moved to a new premises.

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For more information about the new timetable or help with losing weight and

getting fit

Please [email protected]

or call 687 030 047


Call: 616 697 758

Page 29: The Resident - March 2012

Ronda by Train (return by coach)Every Thursday - By coach to Algeciras, then mountain train to Ronda, on a single-tack line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful stations en route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach.Adults: Normal price 43€ The Resident price 41€ Children: Normal price 33€ Resident price 31€.

CordobaEvery Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€. Entrance to Mesquita included.

TangierEvery Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED!By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.) After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain.Adults: Normal price: 79€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 75€ Children: Normal price 61€ The Resident price 58€.A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this tripPASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING

SevilleEvery Friday (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the capital of Andalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”, built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps

Have a day out with The Resident

take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. - Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal 45€ Resident price 42€

GranadaEvery Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€)The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city.Adults: Normal price 74€ The Resident price 70€ Children: Normal price 55€ The Resident price 53€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)

NerjaEvery Tuesday (includes breakfast) - Visit the eastern side of the Costa del Sol including a visit to its most famous town of Nerja. Our trip takes us first to the small town of El Palo, where we enjoy a typical Andalucian breakfast. After breakfast we will visit the famous cave of Nerja, with the 32m high ‘Cataclysmic Hall’. After the cave, we visit the town of Nerja, with free time to explore the sites such as the Balcon de Europa or just amble amongst the shops and bars of this interesting town Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 32€

Gibraltar - a choice of trips:Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays

Gibraltar - Shopping only:Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar.Adults: Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: Normal price 15€ The Resident price 13€

Gibraltar Rock tour and shoppingYour mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shopping Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 32€

Dolphin boat trip & shopping Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc.Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€

Gibraltar - Rock the boatCombined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time.Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 52€ The Resident price 50€Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!

Fuengirola Market & MijasEvery Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€

Fuengirola ZooEvery Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.

The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months.As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month

Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658or email [email protected]

Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the

resident to receive these special prices.

Building & Maintenance• Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment, Design Service Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:[email protected]• Emasur - Installation, repair and maintenance of all types of electical installations, air-con solar energy, and other clean energy systems - both electricity and hot water. Tel: 952 892 515

inmobiliaria Estate Agents

• Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216• Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas. Small, indepen-dent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517• Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444

Educación Education

• Home Tutors English and Spanish lessons 952892163

Property management • Manilva Casa Care - Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207

Holiday accommodation• Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain Tel. 952 936 216

Bares y Restaurantes

• Armstrongs Restaurant Rio Manilva Road. Exten-sive menu and weekly entertainment. Tel. 952 892 690 or 664 442 629

Professional•  Manilva Solicitors provide a broad range of legal and fiscal services to both private individuals and companies. Tel 952 901 225 or e-mail: [email protected]• Mateo Lawyers is a firm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123• All types of translation & interpreting work. Qualified Translators & Interpreters, legal contracts, books, websites & certified translations. 951 977 320 [email protected] • Leyva - wide range of fireplaces, marble and granite, supplied and fitted. Polígono Industrial Manilva. Tel: 951 97 20 08, 609 713 619.

Auto• English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066• Simple Leasing. Car rentals and leasing. Document transfers. 0034 697 820 253 or visit

ATR SPAINReforms - Maintenance

Project ManagementTel. 678 962 588

[email protected]

we will also select a featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only.You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email [email protected]. Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!

Business Directory

Entertainment• Costa Karaoke the best entertainment on the Coast. Visit one of our gigs - see for list or tel: 0034 952 800 765

Mortgage & Financial Services• Fiduciary Wealth Management - Financial advisory and consulting practice offering tax led wealth management. 956 796 911• Hamilton Insurance for expatriate insurance be it health, car, travel or home and contents 952 897 347

Produced by ManilvaMedia Workshop S.L.L.

Dep Leg: MA -158-2006

Director/EditorGary [email protected]

Sub EditorsGary Walters

ContributorsRonald RosenfeldFrances BeaumontFrancisco RodríguezMyra AzzopardiJoJo FranceClaudia Norris

Advertising EnquiriesTel. 952 936 [email protected]

General [email protected]

Printed byIniciativas de Publicaciones e Impresión, S.L.

Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores.

This Publication accepts no responsibility for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.

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The Marmalade Run (Spanish Lakes & Orchards)

Every Tuesday (Lunch optional €12) - Our trip takes us inland, to an old Olive Mill, for a fully guided tour and, when in season, where we see the full olive oil production process. (Light refreshments included.) We then visit an authentic citrus fruit farm of around 17,000 trees where, if in season, we can sample fresh fruit straight from the tree. A tour of the scenic Spanish Lake District follows, via the dramatic El Chorro Gorge, stopping for lunch, before then returning to the coast.Adults: Normal price 46€ The Resident price 44€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 31€

Sun Breaks SpainShort Term Holiday Lets

Long Term RentalsApartments, villas or

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La Bodegadel Genals

International tapas Paseo Maritimo, SabinillasCall 672 398 895

For reservationsSee

Hair and Beauty

MarlowsFish & Chips

Takeaway or eat inExtensive menu

Call 951 276 728For reservations


Monte Duquesa HairLadies’ StylistMen’s BarberThe Courtyard

Monte Duquesa 617 595 605


Page 30: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - www.theresident.eu30 Information-Información

4º Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella21-24 Junio, 2012

Todos los artistas que buscan exponer ante un numeroso público y entrar en contacto con compradores de arte, no deben perder la oportunidad de exponer en la próxima edición de FIAM IV. Este año celebra ya su cuarta edición, como en ocasiones anteriores el Festival Internacional de Arte de Marbella se celebrará en la Avenida de Mar y en el Parque de la Alameda, las fechas de este evento cultural serán del 21-24 de Junio.El periodo de inscripción está ya abierto para todos los artistas que quieran participar en este gran evento cultural y ser considerados en el proceso de selección de la organización. El festival dura tres días y acoge a unos 100 artistas entre expositores individuales y galerías de arte de diversas nacionalidades y procedencias.Con aproximadamente 20.000 visitantes durante los tres días del evento, el Festival Internacional de Arte da una excelente oportunidad a los artistas para exponer sus obras ante un gran público amante del arte. El jurado de selección está compuesto por expertos de mundo del arte internacional. Significativo del éxito de este evento cultural es el hecho de que muchos de los

artistas que han expuesto en las 3 anteriores ediciones, repiten su experiencia.Hay que recordar que el FIAM incluye un completo programa de espectáculos y entretenimientos gratuitos para toda la familia a parte de las obras expuestas, lo cual ha hecho que se convierta en uno de los eventos culturales más importantes del año enMarbella. Además, todos los años cuenta con el completo apoyo del Ayuntamiento de Marbella, así como de importantes patrocinadores. Una dinámica campaña de promoción y un sólido grupo logístico asegurarán la excelencia de este evento para los artistas participantes en FIAM IV en Junio 2012.Las solicitudes son para artistas profesionales que deben presentar su curriculum vitae y 4 imágenes de su obras, así como una tarifa de inscripción de 30!.Por favor, para inscripciones mande un email a FIAM [email protected], no más tarde del 30 de Abril de 2012.Para más información sobe FIAM IV, por favor visite:

4th International Art Marbella Festival - 21-24 JuneAll artists looking for exposure to a vast, art-buying public should take the opportunity to exhibit at the next edition of the FIAM festival. Now entering its fourth edition, the Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella will be held in the Avenida del Mar and Alameda Park, Marbella from 21-24 June 2012.Inscription is now open to gain selection into the increasingly popular cultural event that showcases the work and talents of around 100 artists and galleries from a wide range of nationalities and geographic locations.With approximately 20,000 visitors over the three-day event, the Festival Internacional de Arte gives artists excellent exposure to an avid, art-loving international crowd. The judges include a panel of experts in the international art world. Many of the artists now entering their work have previously exhibited at FIAM festivals over the past three editions.With a full-programme of free entertainment for all the family, the FIAM festival has become one of the leading cultural events in the town’s annual calendar, and has the full support of the Marbella City Hall along with many leading corporate sponsors. A dynamic promotional campaign and strong logistics team will

ensure excellent exposure for the participating artists at FIAM IV in June 2012.Entries are encouraged from professional artists who are requested to submit a currículum vitae and 4 images of their artworks, along with a 30€ inscription fee.Please email the FIAM panel on [email protected] for details of inscription, no later than 30th April 2012.For further information on FIAM IV, please visit:

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There is a cost free solutionCall the Helpline 600 379 110

Apartamento/ApartmentSe Alquila en el Puerto de la Duquesa - For Rent in Duquesa Port

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2 bed apartment in Duquesa Port, 2 bath, fitted kitchen. Terrace with sea view.

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Page 31: The Resident - March 2012

The Resident - 31Deportes Sport

After the launch of female training sessions in Marbella in January, the Arsenal Soccer School, Costa del Sol has been working with a group of young female players with the aim of building an official team for the school.After a month of training sessions, the team played its first friendly match where players that train both in Sotogrande and Marbella were involved. The team played well despite it being the first time they’d played together as a team and they achieved a draw.Both in Sotogrande and Marbella, the girls attend a weekly training session and it is at these friendly matches where they can work together as a squad and keep progressing. They played their second match last Sunday and you could notice their improvement, working well as a

El equipo femenino de Arsenal va cogiendo forma

Tras el lanzamiento de entrenamientos femeninos en Marbella el pasado mes de enero, la escuela del Arsenal en la Costa del Sol ha estado trabajando con un grupo de jóvenes jugadoras con el fin de formar el equipo oficial de la escuela.Tras un mes de entrenamientos, el equipo disputó su primer encuentro amistoso donde participaron jugadoras que entrenan tanto en Marbella como en Sotogrande. El equipo hizo un buen juego a pesar de ser la primera vez que jugaban juntas y lograron un empate.Tanto en Sotogrande como en Marbella, las chicas entrenan semanalmente y es en estos encuentros amistosos donde pueden trabajar como equipo y seguir progresando. El pasado domingo

celebraron su segundo partido y se notó la mejora de las jóvenes jugadoras, las cuales compaginaron perfectamente como equipo y mostraron su entendimiento en el terreno de juego. En esta ocasión lograron una victoria de 0-4 que dejó entrever el gran potencial del conjunto y su determinación a seguir creciendo. Será en Semana Santa donde, como parte de la V edición del Trofeo Ibérico por la Paz celebrado del 2 al 4 de abril en Castellar de la Frontera, el equipo femenino de Arsenal Soccer Schools España demostrará que el fútbol no es sólo cosa de niños, jugando un mini torneo de fútbol femenino.La escuela del Arsenal anima a todas las chicas de entre 12 y 17 años a unirse a

team and showing understanding on the field. On this occasion they managed a 0-4 victory and we could begin to see the great potential of the team and their determination to keep progressing.It will be at Easter where, as part of the V Iberian Trophy for Peace celebrated from 2nd to 4th april at Castellar de la Frontera, the Arsenal Soccer Schools Spain female team will show that football is not only a men’s game, taking part in a small tournament for girls.The Arsenal school encourages all girls aged 12 to 17 years old to join the soccer school, either in Sotogrande or Marbella, and keep promoting the development of female football.For more information contact Sara on [email protected]

Arsenal Soccer School’s girls team shows great promise

Earlier this month the International Fencing Club of Estepona competed at the Andalucia fencing trials in Maracena, Granada in the U15 and under U17 categories.The Club had a good competition with swordswoman Olatz Bilbao taking the gold medal in both categories. The youngster Claudia Kamstra also took to the podium with a bronze in the Under 15 and was just one hit off taking the bronze in the U17 competition.

Tres medallas para el Club Internacional de Esgrima en la primera Copa de Andalucía de EsgrimaEl pasado fin de semana se celebró la prueba Oficial del Calendario de Esgrima en Andalucía en Maracena (Granada) en categoría de menores de 15 y menores de 17 años.El Club Internacional de Esgrima de Estepona realizó una muy buena actuación obteniendo la tiradora Olatz Bilbao la medalla de oro de espada en ambas categorías . La joven deportista Claudia Kamstra también subió al podio para recibir su medalla de bronce en categoría de menores de 15 años y a un solo tocado de obtener otro bronce

en menores de 17 años.Buenos resultados también para Cristina Gavira clasificándose entre las 10 mejores tiradoras del torneo. En categoría masculina Eduardo Lozano y Henry Shields terminaron 5º y 6º con una magnífica actuación tambien de Nassim El Jammali y Gonzalo Toledo, mostrándose muy competitivos en toda la prueba.Enhorabuena por el trabajo a todos los componentes del club y sus maestros A. Zerrada, Y. Zidane, P. Holder y R. Vindel.

Good results too for Cristina Gavira who was classified among the tournament’s top ten , whilst in the men’s category Eduardo Lozano and Henry Shields came fifth and sixth with a magnificent performance also registered by Nassim El Jammali and Gonzalo Toledo, who looked very competitive throughout the competition.Congratulations go to all the competitors, along with their trainers A. Zerrada, Y. Zidane, P. Holder and R. Vindel.

Three medals for Estepona’s International Fencing Club at the Andalucia Cup

la escuela, tanto en Sotogrande como en Marbella, y seguir avanzando en el desarrollo del fútbol femenino. Para

más información contacten con Sara en [email protected].

Julien Quesne produced the round of his life on the final day of the Open de Andalucía Costa del Sol and with it walked away with the €166,660 winner’s prize.The 31 year old Frenchman, who graduated from last season’s Challenge Tour, had never before won more than the €22,464 he took home for finishing 17th at last month’s Avantha Masters in a European

Exhibición y victoria de Julien Quesne en el Open de Andalucía Costa del Sol

De entre la multitud de jugadores que hoy partían con posibilidades de victoria, pocos habrían apostado por Julien Quesne, que ha llegado esta temporada al Tour a través del Challenge y contaba con un decimoséptimo puesto como mejor resultado. Pero el francés de 31 años ha sido el gran tapado del Open de Andalucía Costa del Sol y se ha llevado el título con la mejor vuelta del día, 64

golpes, ocho incontestables birdies para De la Riva, Manassero y Jiménez, los grandes damnificados de la exhibición del galo.“Es el día más feliz de mi vida”, acertaba a decir, aún tembloroso, al terminar su vuelta rodeado de todos los jugadores franceses que han celebrado con euforia su sensacional birdie del 18.

Tour event.But an eight under par 64 – matching the Aloha course record – took him to 17 under par and neither Matteo Manassero nor Eduardo De La Riva could catch him.“It’s the best day of my life,” said Quesne, after becoming the 400th different European Tour winner.

Quesne wins his first tournament at the Andalucia Open

Quesne green 18 ©M Álvarez

Page 32: The Resident - March 2012

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