


It Was Held at Washington Yesterdayafternoon.


President and General Miles Agreed on

all Important Points.


Santiago Is Taken Porto Rico

Will Be inriftei


(amara'i Véasela Reported ta Be

Mallín* KnMw»ri-Th» Harrender

**t Manila Expected.(.npt.iln-t.rlie-

rai tritull Realien».

wAsamcnoif, r>. *-., june «.-The>.t- plan« of oiimpulim for th* con-

duct of the war against SpuAn will be ad-

\d to, and will be puniied with vigor

aad eneriry. decision was reached at a war

:l held at the Whito House to-day,at which wore present Pre^lilen. MoKln-

t I in» A1k«st and Long, General

Mile-. Afii-'ant-Si r.-tatry Melkiejohn,Admiral Blcard, and Captain BeSuXU.

Of ootnse there will be tome slightmodifications, naad© nccçrsaury by the

changes that have occurred alnco the

baftiir.lng of hostilities bat then«, after

all, will not affect the general plans of

(**<onsL Gen^iul Miles returned from

Fiorina "With tnnch Information re^eot-

g the mmmBUtOO of th« troops. dlfftouV-

t'en to be expected In the progrès of the

campaign BT'l needs In the matter of

transportation and terminal facilities that

I ' frirly availed of to correct the

defects In the pr100*1 pystcm that experi-

ence has developed. Tlio conference was

entirely harmonious. Th«*- only reason

the White }! ay was 1

of a desire or V» r'***t Uial«unid have the bene-

fit of eltal of his obser-

vations at fitlOSt i" BU FlieUED.

The stories thai th«"-re has !.. n friction

s an.l otbar ofTlcialB

Bre pi to ba absurd by all con-

cerned, oí tur» e.i-

dence of the the har-

mony characterizes the relations I-

tin military branches

Of t'as *>me diff.

of opinion, an

1, but 11 I" «BO

disposition in any quarter to resist for an

v :.! h has a«.

the approval of U -it.

The Uoa to the effect thait

the campaign*

does not BOean an iimi

a, although such ad-

It do.-3 mean

g army in condition where


at any point or pointa at a'most a mo-

en.1 the troopinow la cal oroucbly trained

«nd : ; h'ave the

Unit. ment will be the

best a soldier lit for ai.

wet or dry, cold or hot. With such

tin army I A, PUmbSltBg no

Be, tin tmtot of Habanaromain in doubl when it is

I ujion It.r expeditionary

go furw_rd 01

POR Um «

w .¡k there will be

.. If aU or most

1 tur thi->aid to

: In his orders, pro-

bat«.fron. n the

tow. ; reg-


babljr kno« loten«runior whl« h

to-day to the effect«liaham'a


BfaaftOf at i-'intiago,

i oo th.- 11.a? i ud and

litif-rp, late t:

to, which aie now in llarop-As a iuatter of fact, lOOTO

tarjl Algi-r Ha\ld thifc I«. Iilllg ta

a» y x y.\,n no oii'i* for tho ».endingaway from Camp Algier, nor

had be ordered an extensive movement

II liUMl'Ut.Tlio rooms of -Secretary Alger were

»'«onued to-day by friends of the many

candidates for appointment from civil

hfe as second lleatenants in the army.

Tb.-re are to be 200 of these appolnt-tntitui, and it wai announced this after-

that their names would b« made- m the newspaper! Monday tnurn-

irt*W«nra «nue to the Kav/ Department

through the agency of the State Depament that the Spanish Cadix floet 1

Mill headed eastward to-day. The bn

»f the report Is not known, but is p

ta.iMy the skipper of some merchant v

tai who his t tasad the squadron, for I

of courage, have long since estai

the range of observation of the lookc

at GKbn Kar.'1111«: MYSTKR10T**S SQUAr"T"ON\

All reports relative to the movemer

nf the my.Krlous Cadiz 6(|uadron are i

eehred by the naval officials ßubjeet-inliii'ifitlon, for experience has taugl'a« m that the Spanish are freely ava

lag themselves of the rather puerile d

vice of pending out numerous false i

lorts of naval movements to mislead oi

iitnpalagn directors.Therefore, in the case of this last r

port, It may turn out to be unfoundt

Ukd tint the Bqua«lron reversed H

aourse after nightfall and turned wesa

va id through the. Straits, bound for th

Tanaiiee. No confirmation has «roaohi1ère of the reixirt from Spanish source

hat the Spanish food-laden srteanie

ur-rlstma Cone« pclon has maaaged t

Up into Manzanillo, Cuba. If this shouli

urn out to be the case there Is a stroni

lisposition to hold somebody accountable

While the town mentioned is not with

n the blockading lines, It Is felt tha«

vith due vigilance the vessel could hav«

een captured by one of the Anuricar

rulsers. Tho vexatious feature of th«

oat's arrival at Manzanillo Is that the

upplies she carries are probably within

each of the Spanish defenders of San-

iago, whom Admiral Sampson Is now

rylng to starve. There are other Ppan-

<h forces In the "neighborhood reportedo be In desperate straits as to food and

inmunitlon, who may be enabled, If this

umor prov«*» tru«j, to continue effective

eslstance for some time.

TIIIKD CALL PKOBABLK.It has been suggested that, owirn; to

y demand for troops, which have

ar exceeded tho number originally be-

¡ttved to be SOflolent, there will be oc-

aakm to lsniie another call for volunteers.

Jlaivlng in mind the length of tima re-

\StrmA to develop raw material Into sea-

soldiers, as revealed by the experl-

!ii es ut Chicluunauga, Tampa, and Camp

tiare Is no doubt tha President

rill be forehanded in this matter, and

hat upon the existence of a reasonable

oubt as to the »ufrlciency of the present

unitary forco, he will take steps to ln-

reaao It. Hut Ixrfore any effurt la made

o ralso mora troops, the War Depart-

ment will see to It that the amplest camp

acllities are provided, and that tho équip-

aient shall be ready for the men.

Angustí Haa Probably Iteaigned.

MAI>KU>, June IB, 4 P. M.-It Is said

ere this afternoon that Captain-General.ngbsti has resigned the military leader-

hip at Manila to the fc.punh»h generalommandlng thera, *o tbat the capltula-

ion of that place may be signed by the

itter and thin have less Importance la

he eyes of tho native» than if signed !y the Captain-General of the Philippine ,

tianda. I I

Tbe Qowa that th» Spanish fleet he» i

been sighted off Gibraltar ha« can-tod i«

feeling of gTeat satlafact'on h«

ARRIVAL OF UUNBUTIOllftThere was much anticipation in official

circles to-ntght of the oflicial dispatch«**telling of the arrival of the Santiago and

first Philippine expeditions at their re-

kpectlve destinations» "Secretary Long, In

response to a query as to the probabledate of arrival of the first Philippine ex-

pedition, said to-night: "It is likely to

reach there any day now; I should thinkto-morrow."Asked when word of the landing of «the

Santiago expedition mlnht be reciv.îd,his reply was: "Polblj to-morrow after-noon. Probably Monday inoruing."


Tbf Hennit of Humiliation Causedby Arrest.

WINCHKSTKK. VA., June 18.-(Hpecial.)T. B. Almond, the well-known real estateand loan broker, who forfeited his bondby failing to appoar for trial when outt'ti bail and under charge of obtainingProm H. Boxwell a sum of _neO0f bypretending to secure i» loan for hint fromI building association, and who was laterarrested and plaoed In Juli, was releasedat a late hour Ittat nl^ht on a wrft of'habeas corpus obtained by his counsel,William L. MeCunn, from Judge W. M.Atkinson, of the Corporation Conrt. Theground for granting me writ was an errorIn the commitment. This wna remedied,and olflcers were pot on Almond's track.L'nconscioas of their approHch. Almond,who had been on the verge of a physicalcollapse on account of the severe ordealand humiliation of arrest, was suddenlylittackod with apoplexy on Main street,md fell, inflictiií^í a severe gaah In hisbead, from which he nearly bled to death.He was removed to bis home In a semi-conscious son iltion. guarded by an officer.He rallied under im-dic-u.1 treatment, andwhen pronounc<"wl out of danger thismorning was removed to Jail.Mrs. Marlon G Wood, wife of Daniel T.

Wood, one of the wealthiest citizens ofIhe county, died at h.*-r residence at RedFud, near here, last night after a linger-.Ing Illness; aged 67 years. She Is stir-

-..v-d by her husband, one son, and thre*daughters.


A. J. Leedr Badly Wounded byAmbrose Snarely.

WYTIIEVILLE, VA.. June 18.-(Special.)The news has Just reached Wyth*villeof the shooting of a young man namedA. J. Leed y, by another young man namedAmbrose Snavely, In the Q**OOtOTM ee'.tlonof this county late Wednesday is a farmer and comes of respecta-ble people, in company with two negromen Leedy went to Perkins's dlstilN ryIn tho neighborhood and started to returnhome. Passing the barn-yard of youngSnavely, the three attempted, It Is

charged, to "lift" some chickens, whenSnavely, being on the watch, appearedon the soene with a shotgun. Leedy ran.

¡ind Snavely shot hint», the entlra loadtaking effect In his side Immediately abovethe hip. Le««dy Is now in a precarious-ondltion. H« le a married man withthree small children.A warrant is out for his arrest; also,

for the arrest of the negroes. Leedy de-file« that they were "lifting" the chicken.«.3navely says they were. Doth have large.onnec.lon In this c.ur.ty.

Bedford Democrats.BEIWOED CITY. VA. June 18..iSpe-

'lal.V-Mr. 11. (A Humphries, th«j of the Democratic Executive Coin»nltte«», has Issued a call tur meetings inhe various magisterial districts to holf.-ld on Saturday, the »th tust tint, for:he purpose of electing deieg»tes to Ibf«invention to be held In Lyitahburg July2th. Ib-dford is entitled to thlrto-on*lelegotes, who will eucli have thy righto choose an alternate. The new lax to

,. llllp'ia-ed ttpoil tul« O b»» CKU'ieJ

nach dissatisfaction among the manu-

'acturers of smoking tobacco here bytasun oi its «¡aulrem«»»* .



STARVATION AT CAIMANERA.Lark of Ammunition for the Guns,

mm Well na of Bread for the

People . Insnraent« Ail \ ¡tin I ok.

Cables Cut.

(Copyright. lv)\ by th« Associated Tre««.)CAMP M'CALLA, OUTBB HABBOR

OF GUANTANAMO, Friday. June 17.noon, pev the Associated Press dispatch-boat Wnnta, via KSEOEtOE, JAMAICA.Saturday, June 18..8.«15 A. M..The fol-lowing Intercepted report from the Fpan-1 :i military commander at Guantanamowas taken from the body of an unfortu-nate messenger, who attempted to passthe Cuban lines. It gives the offlcl.tlSpanish version of the attack of theAmerican fleet and the capture of theouter harbor of (Juantannmo a week ago,and discloses the far* that starvation isfacing the Spanish 'troops in EasternCuha.This is verified by extract« already tele-

graphod. taken from a recent issue of a

newspaper of Santiago do Cuba, andfrom the fact that a number of Spanishregular soldiers have surrend«red to Cap-tain McCaHa, ofletrlng sji a reason foruj doing the. neoesatty of obtaining food.

A.'.DHMM Or PROJECTILES.The letter reads as follows:"Caimanera, June 13..To the General

Comrnandrfn'T the Military Division of San-tiago do Cuba: At dawn on Saturdayseven ships appeared before the port ofCaimanera and fired grape-shot and allkinds of projectiles on the Playa del Esteand the Cayo Toro, until they set tire tothe fort on the Playa del Est«, burningthe houses of tho pllirte, which were 00>eupled by a detachment of Americanmarinos. «

"The cannonading, with more or le*sintensity, continued until 4 cfclook in theafternoon. As the Playa del Ente hadonly two nruzzle-loadlng gun« and sand11: trench Hi* ntfc, the detachment could donothing before six ships firing ou themfrom all sides, and they retired Into M_w-nagua and to Cuzco Hill, where tl»ey to*main to-day, making sallies on the beaich."From that day tho soldiurs occupied

Punta Caracoles, observing the move-

ments of tho ¿hip«», which occupy all ".hoouter port with war transports, a varia-ble number of armed ships, other vesselsof war and armed merchant-ships. Thetotal Is never less than four.

"I have also taken the Enr.nto Passea,and the vigilant gunboat Magnet I» here'rtiftdy to fall on them where damage can

be done. I remain In Caimanera, andwill only leave when I think it Is neces-

sary. I have not b.*n able to antagonizethe American ships with rltie-flre, as theships retired to the middle of the chan-nel or the middle of the bay. Bandovalhas not over seven rounds of armor-

pkrclng projectiles and Caimanera bat-tery did not flre, reserving its flr« until

the «hips should enter tho channel, whichIs where its guns reach.

AMERICAN« AT HOME.'1 am told that tho insurgent farces at

Baracoa have come down to Slgnabos,being apparently greatly yleaaed at

noting that the American squadron hastaken possession of tha outer bay, as iffor a base of operation^ tin Aid.*..!- n

ships having anchored as If In one oftheir own ports."Since Saturday the Americans have

cut tho Cablea which are at the entrance

and the centre of the harbor, and I have

not been able to repair them, but theyhave not aRain molested mo. except withtwo cannon-shots on Monday."

It appears from the work which Is be-

ing dono that tho Americans are pre-paring to plant the harbor with mines,or to place th^ir ship« so as to disembark

i at Playa del Beta» thels favorite

place. If this turns out to be the ease,

and I hive been the first to call yourattention to It. I would suggest that some

of our' vessels should come here. Themembers of the fire brigade are In goodpitlia I continue to atari out rationsof everything, but shall be able to reachto the end of the month only, especiallyIn bread. I have no flour of any kind,as I-have previously said, and I luxeno way of getting any, as there has beenno grain here for some time past. Weare euually short of quinine In the hos-pitala However, I have taken posses-sion of the private drugstores, and willhave enough to the end of tho month.

TOWN SUFFERING."The town Is suffering from privation."On Saturday we hud only two men

wounded. At Cralgo Morro tho cable-house was riddled with shell, but it stillstands, and if the Americans abandonthe port, which I doubt, everything pos-sible will be done to re-establish com-

munication, to which end I have every-thing ready. To-day there Is in theharbor a large armored vessel, the Ore-gon, and seven more vessuls, with a largetransport, tho St. Paul, which appearsto te a store-ship. They patrol thePlayo with armed launches."I return to Caimanera after seeing

the bearer of this dispatch started. HeJs worthy of my coiitld.-nce. I earnestlycommend him tu your Excellency, shouldhe arrive. (Signed) FELIX PARAJA,"Commanding Second Brigade, EasUrnMilitary Division of Cuba."


líe Wilt Proltubly Aceept Transferto the Llao.

WASHINGTON*, D. C, June 18..(Spe-daly.Sow that the President is to beauthorized to transfer Asslstant-Kaval-Comstructor Hobson to the line and ap-point him a lieutenant-commander, theyoung hero will most likely accept thehonor, although his bent is so stronglytoward mechanics and Inventions. If heshould elect to remain In the constructiondépartaient, he could not rise higher thanthe assimilated rutik of commodore,whereas, in th. line he would attain therank of stinlur rear admiral by regularpromotion btfore he reached tho age of65. If the grade, respectively, of viceadmiral and full admiral, or elthur ofthhtn, should be revived and made per-manent. Hobson would retire with thehighest rank.

I'll - « -oï-i-im ROUIIl l).

Burglars' Work at VI i if.nla Beach.i in«, »i« i li Lena ne.

NORFOLK. VA. June 18.-<gpe«»lal.)-The post-ortlee at Virginia Beach w-.srobbed last night. The safe was bio a i»

opea and the robbers staured betweent*M*> and Woo In cash and IsáO In stamps,as well as papers belonging to Postman- j' .¿tene Gurwoo 1. Mr. Garwood catmeto Norfolk eurly this morning in an ef-fort to find home clue to the robbery.This was one of the several post-ofh e

robberies that have occurred In Eaaf.rnVirginia and North Carolina recently.The post-office ut Plymouth, N. C, w_.srobbed last Monday of considerablecash and a large quantity of stamp:«.

,-n.oe-Inspector H. T. Gregory Isexpected here from Weldon, N. C, to

look into last night'» robbery.It u statod Uut tha ncgutiatioua Which,

have been on for some time between thenew management of the Norfolk and

n View Railway Company and theNorfolk, Willoughby Spit, and Old PointHallway Company, by which th* formerline was to operate the Litter's equip-loent, are about to bo consummated.The State Conference of Epworth

Loegoeri begins here next Thursday attho Academy of Muslt«, and wilt continuein suasion until and including the follow-ing hunday.Tha fishing-smack Glimpse, from

Hampton Roads to New York, with ao«rgo of bltiHUh. struck a wreck In Cti*s-aponhe Ray last night and waa sunk.Her crew landed nt Orron View In small

h. The Glimpso was 001Bed In NewYork. She will probably be raised. Thewreck on which ehe «truck is supposedto be that of th» old schooner WalkerFarmlngton.


First Octnohm -tit for Jitcb «onvllle.

\iuai Reserves and Immune*.

KORF-OLK. VA.. Juno lÄ.-(SpecIal.)Tlie recruiting detail from the Third Bat-

talion, Fourth Virginia Regiment, whichIs here from Jacksonville, sent Its Ar«t dotachmant of recruits to Camp Cuba Librethis afternuon. Private Beaton i» in

command of the detuchment They will

arrive In JackKonvlll« about S o'clock

Sunday afternoon. Tha mea will be dis-tributed among the companies of theThird Battalion, Aotlng-Major H, H.Sheen. About thirty men arrived he»eto-day from Staunton, for Captain FinryA. Wise's company of Immune«. Therewas one uniformed military cadet amongthe new men.Lieutenants Adams and Weaver, of th*

nival reserves, are in Washington tobring Influence to bear, it is understood.

the Navy Department, to have theVirginia Reserv««* mustered In.The Treadwell and Wine companies

(immunes) hava not as yet completedtheir arrangements for going to the placaof rendezvous at Fred.ricksburg. Th*mustering officer is expectid here In a

few days. Roth companies are recruitedup to th* required strength, and the phy-sical and mental examination of th* re-

cruits of Captain Breeoo'l company atengineers will begin here next Tuesdayor Wednesday. Thoy may get off toPoOKsvllle, N. Y., th« place of rendexvous,by the end of next week.

«miden Death la Ktn-g Oeorge.

CO-dORN. KINO GEORGE COUNTY,VA.. June IS..(Special.).This whole com-

munity was shocked and saddened yes-terday by the sudden death of Mr. John

Purks, a wheelwright and black-unith, d</lng business at Potomac church,near this place. He at* his breakfastThursday morning, work-id hard in hisshop» several hours, and haattened off toFassapatanzy, a distance of eight OlliMLon his bicycle, to attend to some busi-ness. Immediately on his arrival at l'as-sapatanzy he complr.lned of sufferingviolent pains, which he thought worecramps. He grew rapidly worse andstarted for hla home, making about threemiles of the distance homeward beforehe became too 111 to prooeed further.Some friend brought him in a vehicle thebalance of the way. Dr. Minor was sum-moned yesterday, but when he arrived,Mr. Purks was a corpso.


One, It la Believed, ie FatallyHart.

WYTHKWILLE, VA, Juno ÎA-Opeclal.)Two negro women.Amanda Gallowayand Josie Allison.who live on east Wash-ington street in this place, engaged ina light this evening about 7 o'clock, duringwhich the former cut tho latter in theface, on th« hand, and In tho brsast witha razor, Inflleting painful but not dan-gerous wounds, and the latter struckthe former in th« head twlc« with a largostone, fracturing tne skull oh we th«right eye. The attending physicians «aythat Amanda Galloway will dit». She isnow unconscious. There is a good dealof encltement among tha negroes ta thatB&rt of the town. ...



ALL HONOLULU TURKS 00T.A Royal .Welcome, la Boat Démo-

cratie »Ole, Accorded tha Repre-

sentative* of Uacto gam.Kaeoptfom

at Executive Bfanaloa.

VICTORIA. B. C, June JJ.~Adv_ees to-

day, per steamer Mlowra, from Honolulu

say: Tho United States transports Cityof Pekln. City of Sydney, and Australiaarrived there together on tho 1st instant.

Tho weather was pleasant, and tho ves-

sels travelled abreast moat of that way,although It was necessary for tho Peklnand Australia to slow up and wait fortho City of Sydney.As soon aa th« vessels were sighted«

all Honolulu turned out to welcome thasoldiers. The docks were lined with peo- .

pie, and as the ship« «ntered th« harborthe spectators yelled thenuolves hoarao.Such a seno of enthu.ia.m hud nevar

witnessed in Honolulu a» when th«vessels were docked. It was late, so thaorder was given to allow no ono aahore,but the next morning about onVhalf ofthe troops were allowed to land. Duringth« day they wer« given th* treeuom ofthe city. A commute« of citizens fur-nished free cars and other convoyan. * *.

The majority visited Wniklkl and oth«*points of interest, and had a pleasant timagenerally. At noon President Dole andhis Cabinet received th« officers of theexpedition. During th« reception th«stairs and grounds of th« executiv« build-ing were thronged with people.Jun« Sd tho soidiers wero entertained

on tho grounds of th« executive building.1'resldent Dole welcomed thorn. Th« visit-ing troops wer« introduced to the Presi-dent by members of the National Guardand citizens generally. The utmost fr-ea-doin prevailed, the affair being very in-formal. To each th« Chief Ex«oit1\"agava a word of welcome to Honolulu.An outdoor luncheon was served by thaladles of tho city. Th« United SiaUatraiinports left for Manila on th« 4th.Th« Charleston began to draw anchor

about T o'clock. She steamed outside andwaited lor tho fleet, which got away about10 o'clock, with the Charleston in th« r«*_v

While tho vessels wer« in port they tooltIn the neighborhood of 1,60«) ton« of ooaLOf the 2,000 men among the varioas »ea-

sels, but two desertions wer« rsoortad.rii»y wer« from an Oregon regiment. Twomen wer« left behind; eyie wus dischargedfor disability; th« other Is in a« authorities have captured a part

of the opium «cargo brought to thla coun-

try by tho schooner Labrador, whb-h isnow on th* beach at Maksna MauL 'tisetroare 1.300 tins In the oonttgntnstA, Th««Japanese co >k of th« Libnulor dtsck_nedtho plaivi where th« opium had bt-on bid«Arno.

1 vi o I'-lranllona.WOODSTOCK. VA., gun« IS..(«pedal.)

Sbenandouh eoanty Democrats wtll t. -,

contesting delegation« at the SuvenrhVirginia District C&uventlon to b« heh»at Ch.irli'ii --.ule en July »lih next. Twocalls appear in ibis week's oounty pa-per».ono signed by J. N. Br«auMOM__ichairman, and th« other, oiaimuig Irrég-ularité*, by S. P. PogaJ. chairman p*t>tcm. The first calls primaries to meetJune 2éth to elect delegates to six dis-trict conventions, while the latter «aalIsfor primarle« on June 19th to seledt dele-gates to th« comity convention to be holdhero on Jun« 21st.Hon. r. A. Tavenncr, Judge of th«

County Court, has appoint« «1 C. Shirleylor, to fill out the unexplred

term of Abraham Garbcr, who died to*cently.

Reception la Nottoway.BLACK8TOKE. VA.. Juna 18..«Special.)

Mr. nnl Mrs. R. W. Tuckar gavo a mostdeHghtful reception In honor of Miss An-nie Hoy and brother, of Petersburg, attheir beautiful country home last night.Among tlioso pn tit wer« Mms JudioGoodwyn with V. II. Hardaway, Miss Bet-

--Hiwyn with Robert L. Clalbome,Mitas NettaTuggle with Frank Epes, MissMaria Tuggle with R. A Epos, T. Free-man Epes with Miss Jennie Low, P. R.Pipes with Mbs Fainnlo Jone«, Rev. J. A.Doane with Ml?3 Mary Sy.lnor, RenhamMorris with Ml*s Catherine McFnery, W,A. Tnylcr with Miss P.*>.u!lno McKnery.I)«llghrful inicie was furnished by thoBlaekatone string band. At 1:30 A. M.supper was sorv 1.

The Weather.


cast for Sunday:For Virginia, North Carolina,

and South «.'.»rollna.Shower» andthunder-storms; light, variable wind«.

TIT!-. WEATHER IN RICHMONDYESTERDAY was damp and disagr««.abie. with H«.ht shower*.Sttte of thermometer:

« A. M.«4» A. M.Il \f.TII '. M.75i P. M.R

TI Si.M.71

Mean temperature .TO l-|

'I he Weather ludlratloaa.

ulltlons are unsettled in t!..s seo-tla rw" sal«l Mr. Evans, of the Weather

i yesterday, "but slowly rising teu_-re Is Indicated for this vtotnity.**

Tho forecast tells of shower« tor to-day, but th« cloud« are speeding aw«7,and tho sun U expected to w-tke n«

.ee to-morrow.The weather conditions prevailing la

other parts of th* ceuntry y««ter<Uy ar«Indicated in the following olDclal an-lio'imThe 1 r pressure is hlghoet on

th« o i. Idle Atiantia coasts andlowest Lik* region. Th» turn*perat en in nearly aH d_fltrt«taexcept the Middle Atlantl« and New Eng-land States, wht-r« it has remained aboutstationary. Th« wsalhfr U generallyclear In th-> Southwest, the Oqif 1 portions of the South Atlant!« andMiddle Atlaptlo State»; «l««-wh«fu, R \m i

lair to cloudy, with rainy w.<arh*r in tha11 portion of th« South Atlantlo

States. Rain ha« fall« a daring the pasttwenty-four hours in th« South Atlantloand Rast Gulf State«, and at "Matteredpoints west of th» Mississippi VaiWy.

No Iuita«dlat« Retara of Groat Keat«(New York Harald.)

Th« cool ware whkh hag regal*! thoMiddle Atlantic States stac« Ttaesday lasth.i» drifted out into th« ocean. But aasever« hot wave I* in sight. Au th« morelment of th« atmospher« ov*r th« countryIs almost «verywhere «xoaptlonuily al«g-gtsh and weak, and th« tfudenoy of tha' '

a«r on th« We_t*ru Atlantlo la to ovar-flew our Eastern c*>a_»is, t. »re La XSssstireason to anticipât« an immediate catlain of th« rect-m h.*a fr mperatuio h


this tosmûliy. ^

m '

IF MONEY TALKS, THEN 5PAIN IS SPEECHLESS.Reproduced from the New York Journal.)

Top Related