
Mike Sloggatt

Presented by

Mike Sloggatt

The RIGHTAngle

Arbitrary Values

Feet / Inches



Circular measurement


30 day / month

360 Days per Year

Sun & Moon were the time keepers

Sun Looked like a circle

60 Base

60 divisible by 2,3,4,5,6,10,12,15

Seemed like a GOOD IDEA…….

12/ 12 Pitch = 45*

6/ 12 Pitch = ??

4/12 Pitch = ??

6/12 pitch= 26.57*

/12 pitch= 18.43*


Pythagoras was the first to prove the square of the hypotenuse is the sum of the sides squared

Pythagorean theorem

The Pythagorean theorem states that the square

of the hypotenuse is the sum of the squares of the

other two sides, that is: c2 = a2 + b2

Hypotenuse : Side Opposite the Right angle in a triangle – b

Opposite side : The side opposite the angle we are working with - a

Adjacent : Side next to the angle we are working with - C

Sine = Opposite / Hypotenuse

Cosine= Adjacent/ Hypotenuse

Tangent = Opposite / Adjacent

Scenario -

Length of side b

We know length of c & a or the angle of A>

A= 3’

B= 4

C= 5

Angle = ??*

To find b

Sine of angle = a/b

Sine of angle = 3/5

Sine of a = .6

With a Trig calculator – enter .6 sine angle result is 36.87 *


To figure out any part of Out Triangle :

Any 2 Elements will enable us to calculate the rest of

the Triangle


Known roof Pitch of 12/12

a= 12 c =12 Use the Tangent Function O/A

12/12 = 1

Angle of A> = tangent of 1 = 45 degrees

Solve for B length

Sine of 45* = .70711

Sine = O / H 12 / X = 1

12 / .70711 = 16.97049

This requires a Scientific Calculator,

A Note book to remember the Formulas

A Trigonometric Chart

A good memory

1. Foundations

2. Squaring Up

3. Plate Layout

4. Materiel Calculations

5. Cut List Calculations

6. Roof Rafter Calculations

7. Radius Framing Calculations

Volume Measurements ( Concrete )

Cylindrical Measurements

Radius Functions ( Arcs,Segments,Chords)

Stair Calculations ( Rise Run Tread Riser Stringer Headroom)

Compound Mitre Cuts For Crown Molding

Roof Framing , Common, Hip , Irregular Hips

Jacks, Gable Studs , Radius Gable studs

Pitch is always opposite the Rise of the Triangle


Foundation 1a.skp

Sketchup Drawing


Known Values

Height of Man 5’ 8 5/8 “

Length of Mans Shadow 13’ 1 ¾”

Shadow of Pole 45’ 5” 3/4

Pitch = ??? Mans Height = RiseMans Shadow = Run

Solve For Pitch = 23.51*

Pole Height Pitch ( angle of sun) 23.51*Shadow Length = Run

Solve for Rise =19’ 9 7/16 “

Control Lines & Layout

Square up Foundation

Establish Parallel Lines

Square up Control Lines

Square up Corners from Control Lines

Clear Lacquer Control lines & Intersections

Control Lines


Elevation Control

Control lines - index

Useful for later reference


SketchUp Gable


Gable Skp

Work Sheet :

1. Run Of Building including sheathing

2. Thickness of Ridge

3. Adjusted Run of Building = Run - ridge Thickness

4. Divide by 2 for adjusted run of rafter

5. Enter Pitch , Enter adjusted Run

6. Calculate rafter Length

Run 22’

Ridge Thickness 3”

Adjusted Run 22’ – 3” = 21’9”

½ Run of Building 21’ 9” / 2 = 10’ 10”


Pitch 8”

Diagonal 13’ 0 13/16 “

Angles PL – 33.69 LVL



Roof Layout File

Rafter Skp



SketchUp Drawing

Cabinet skp

For more Information :

Visit JLC Forums

Gary M Katz website

Most of the Sketchup files are on Gary’s Website

Free Sketchup – Google Sketchup – Link on Gary’s site

Mike Sloggatt email : [email protected]

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