Page 1: The rise of industrialization pp and dbq instructions

The Rise of Industrialization

Page 2: The rise of industrialization pp and dbq instructions

Day 1 Goals

WotD: Industrialization

Essential Question: Why did industrialization take

place in England?

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The process in which a traditionally

agricultural society transforms itself into

one based on manufacturing goods and


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The process when people move from rural communities (towns) to

urban communities (cities).

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Neolithic Revolution

15,000-20,000 years ago

Small communities of nomads settled in a single


Rise of agriculture and domestication of animals.

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Agricultural Based Society

Primarily Rural Society

Labor intensive

Lives driven by the seasons and weather

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Family Units in Agricultural

Based Societies

Each member is responsible for adding to survival of family.

Survival and subsistence was goal – Avoid Famine.

Resistant to change

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Agricultural Revolution

A massive change in the nature of agriculture that increased

efficiency and allowed for more people to be fed with less


New Technology

New Farming Techniques and Crops

New Animal Breeding

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New Crop: The Introduction

of the Potatoes

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The Introduction of the

Potatoes J. C. Curwen, The Rural Economy of Ireland, 1818

The first and most important object in the rural economics of

Ireland is the crop of potatoes, for on these exclusively depends

the existence of all the lower orders not resident in towns. The

potato, which in some points of view, may justly be regarded as

one of the greatest blessings to our species, is capable of

operating the greatest calamities, when it exclusively furnishes

the food on which a community is content to exist, for as the

cultivation of a single statute acre may successfully and easily

be attended by one individual and as its produce on an average

would give food for at least ten persons the year round…

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Technology of the

Agricultural Revolution Mechanical drill for sowing seed (c. 1701)

More efficient seed planting

Less waste

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Farming Techniques

Lord Townshend's four-year crop rotation system

Wheat, Barley, Turnips, Clover

Kept land “fresh” More Crops

Livestock Feed on Clover More fertilizer

Turnips Food for Livestock in Winter Longer Lives

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Livestock Breeding

Breeding Livestock with Desired Characteristics

More meat, better wool, more milk

Year Sheep (lbs) Cattle (lbs)

1710 28 370

1795 80 800

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Results of the Agricultural


Increased Crop Yield

Healthier Population

Lower Mortality Rate (Infants especially)

Population doubled from 5 million to 10 million in

England during the 1700’s

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Results of the Agricultural


Less Labor required to feed the country

Owners kicked tenets off land Huge amount of

unemployment People moved to cities looking for work

Cheap labor available in cities

More wool and available to the Textile Industry

More materials to make clothes from

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Key Inventions - Textiles

Spinning Jenny (1764)

Spinning wheel with 8 threads

Water powered by (1787)

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Key Invention - Transportation

Steam Engine

First widely used during early 1800’s



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The Industrial Revolution

The time period in which the output of machine-made goods

drastically increased in England during the 1700’s.

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Document Based Question

Question: Why did industrialization take place in England?

You will be reading and evaluating a series of short documents

that will help you answer this question.

1. Read each document and answer the short question using

complete sentences.

2. Develop a thesis statement that identifies the two main reasons

why Industrialization took place in England.

3. Write a body paragraph that explains both reasons.

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Example Paragraph Outline

Thesis: Industrialization took place in England because of the natural resources and scientific inventiveness of the country.

CD on Reason #1: Natural Resources

Two sentences of CM explaining why this allowed Industrialization in England.

CD on Reason #2: Scientific Inventiveness

Two sentences of CM explaining why this allowed Industrialization in England.

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Notes about your

DBQ Paragraph

Start with a clear thesis that addresses your topic and

provides two clear reasons.

Write in formal language and include transitions.

Introduce and integrate your sources into your

writing…Lead and Tag

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Lead & Tag (And Commentary)

Lead: Providing an introduction and context for your quotation.

Tag: The key information from the quotation that you are using.

Scientific inventiveness was key to Industrialization in England as was stated by Oxford historian Thomas Ashton who claimed that “the stream of English scientific thought was one of the main causes of the industrial revolution” (Document 5).

This willingness to challenge preexisting ideas and to create new inventions allowed for English scientists to create new technologies such as the steam engine and flying shuttle which drastically increased production to the point where a textile factory would be not only possible but also profitable. This was important to the rise of industrialization in England because it showed that the English were not afraid to try new things and welcomed the change that was required to create an industrial society.

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