  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878



  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878




    OF THE





  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


    Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1878,By H. WILKINSON,

    In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C

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    OBNG COMDT OF K T.Gen. Sr Kt Wrd whn a cmdy o K T i

    abt t b opnd wht bcms yr dty.Wrd. T se th sntnl i a lis pst & th asyl

    dly grd.Gen. Tu wl ascrtn if w ar s grd.^Vix\. " " " Sr Kt Gen Th sntnl is a lis

    pst & til asylm dly grdd.Gen. Sr Kt "Wrd yu wl infrm th sntnl th

    cmdry o K T No i abt t b opnd

  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


    C G. Attention Sr Kts fll in. ^ ^ *(The Sir Knights heing seated, tvill alivays,

    at the command, Attention, Sir Knights,rise to their feet and stand fast until othercommands are given.) The Sword Bearer,Standard Bearer and Warden do not fall inwith the rest, bnt remain standing in theWest, facing the East. The grading orsizing being completed, the Captain-Gen-eral will command,C G. Front face.When the Sir Knights will face to the

    left. The Jnnior Warden, who does notfall in with the rest, will take his post onthe extreme left of the line. The SeniorWarden having taken his post on the exactpoint where the right of the line is to rest,the Captain-General will command.

    Attention, Sir KnightsRightDressFront.

    The positions of the officers and SirKnights will then be as illustrated by thefollowing diagram :

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    In the above and in the diagrams follow-ing, the officers will be numbered, for con-venience^ as follows : 1. Eminent Com-mander ; 2. Generalissimo ; 3. Captain-General ; 4 Prelate ; 5. Treasurer ; 6. Ee-corder ; 7. Senior Warden ; 8.. Junior War-den ; 9. Sword Bearer ; 10. StandardBearer ; 11. Warden ; 12. Captain of theGuard.The Sir Knights being formed in one

    rank, or line, as above explained, the Cap-tain-General will draw his sword, and ad-vance to the centre and front of the lineand command.

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    Attention, Sir KnightsHandleSwokds DrmvSwords CarryArms

    Cam. off from the Eight by Twos.The first Sir Knight on the left of the

    Senior Warden pronounces " One ;" the nextSir Knight, "Tivo/' the next, "One/' thenext, "Tiuo/' and so on, through the Hne.The Senior and Junior Wardens do not

    count. The counting being completed, theCaptain-Ganeral will command,

    In Tioo DivisionsRightFaceMarch.At the command. Face, the whole linewill turn one quarter round to the right.At the command, March, those numbered

    One will stand fast, while those numberedTwo will step briskly to the right side ofnumbers One.The Sir Knights are now formed into

    files of two abreast. Those of the numbersOne constitute the " First Division,'' andthose of the numbers Tivo constitute the"Second Division."

    Care should be taken that the space or

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    interval made vacant by the numbers Ticois preserved, and that at the command,March, every number Two should make thestep to the right at the same moment.

    This movement being completed, theCaj)tain-General will command.

    OfficersPosts.At the command, \ Posts, the Senior

    T^^arden will tahe command of the FirstDivision. The Junior AYarden will take hispost on the right and command the SecondDivision.

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    The Captain-General will tlien command,Attention, Sir KnightsFrontFace.The positions of the officers and divisions

    will then be as follows :

    a :i a 3 c B n s LI :j Q n a n 8

    To Poem into Line in Two Divisions.The Sir Knights being in two divisions,

    and /octcZ to the front, the Captain-Generalwill command.

    Attention, First DivisionFrom Center Side Step to the Right and LeftMaech, sufficient space ha^dng been madefor the Standard Guard, he will commandHalt.

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    Attention, Standard GuardHandleSwoeds DraivSwords CarryArmsBightFact:forluard

    File LeftMarch.When opposite the interval made in the

    first division, he mil command,HaltBigJdFace.Attention, Sir KnightsPresentArms.

    And after the Standard Guard has ac-knowledged the salute to the banner, heAvill command,Standard Gua7xlInto LineMarchAboutFace.

    Attention, Sir KnightsCarryArms.He will then command,In two Dvisns right face.Forward march file left file left counter

    march by files right Sc left Halt front face.To THE Eear Open Order.

    At the command. To the Bear OpenOrder, the Junior Warden will step backthree paces ; the Captain-General will thencommand.

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    Maech.At this command the second division will

    fall back three paces, on line with theJunior Warden.

    Attention, Sir KnightsBightDressFrontFirst DivisionAboutFace.C G. Sr K Gen th lines ar frmd for th

    rcptn o th E C.Gen. St Kts S & J "Wrdns yu wl rtre t th

    aprtmnts of th E C cfe infrm hm tht th Insar frmd cfe await lis plsure.

    ^ -H- ^Wrd. Sr Kt Gen Th E C aprchs.Gen. Sr Kt C G Th E C aprchs.C G. Present arms ^ ^ ^

    ' E C. Carry arms, about face to yr pstsmrch.E C. Sr Kt Gen are yu a K T.

    Gen. That i m titl.E C. Whr wre yu created a K T.Gen. I a Igl cmdy o K T.E 0. Wht number cmpse sch a cmndry.Gen. Thr i an indspnsbl nmbr k thr i a


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    ens nmbr.E C. Wht i til indspnsbl nmbr.Gen. Thr.E C. Undr wht crcmstancs ma thr b em-

    pwrcl t frm & opn a cmnclry.Gen. Thr K Ts hlng fr thr dfrnt cmdrs

    ma undr th scnctn o a wrnt or chrtr from aGrnd cmndrj frm & opn a cmdry fr thdsptch o bsns.E C. Wht i th cnstitutnl nmbr.Gen. Nine Elvn or mre.E C. Whn cmpsd o elvn wh ar itsmmbrs.Gen. The E C Gen C G Prelat S&J

    Wrdns Tr Kecrdr Stndrd Br Swrd Br &Wrdr.E C. Th Wrdrs stn.Gen. O th 1ft o th stndrd Brer i th W.E C. Sr K Wrdr yr dty.Wrd. T anounce th aprch & dprtnre of

    th E C ct fie tilt th sntnls ar a thr rspctvepsts & th avenues leadg t th asjlm ar dljgrdd.E C. Th Swrd Brs stn.


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    "WrcL O th rght o th Stndrd Brr i tli W.E C. Sr Kt Sw Br yr city.Sw B. T asst i th protcn o tli bnnrs o th

    ordr wtch al sgnls from th E C & execut hscmmnds.E C. Th Stnd Brs stn.Sw B. I th wst.E C. Sr Kt Stndrd Br yr dty.St B. To dspla sprt & protect th bnnrs o

    th ord.E C. Wh i th Stndrd Brs stn i th W.St B. Tht th brlnt rays of th rsng snshddng thr Istr o th bnrs o th ord ma

    animat & encourag al vahent & magnani-mous Kts & dsmay thr enems.E C. Th Kecrdrs stn.St B. O th 1ft i frnt o th C G.E C. Sr Kt Eec yr dty.Bee. Ethfly t rcrd th trnsactns o th cm-

    ndry cllct th revenue

  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


    Tr. T rcve i clirg th fnds ct prprty o tlicmncliy pa al ordrs o tk trsury & rndr a jst& ftlifl accnt o til sme whn rquird.E C. Th J W stn.

    Tr. At th N W angl o th triangl & o th1ft o th send dvsn.E C. Sr Kt Jr Wrdn yr dty.J W. T atnd o wry plgrms trvlng from

    afr ans al qustns fr tlim A: iinaly introdcethm int th asylmn b th prmsn o th E CE C. Th S W Stn.J W. At th S W angl o th triangl & o thright o th frst dvsn.E C. Sr Kt S W yr dty.S W. T atnd o plgrm wrriors gve council

    k sprt t plgrm pnitnts & rcmmnd thm t toth th fvr & prtctn o th E C.E C. Th Prlts stn.S W. O th rght o th Gen.E C. Sr Kt Prlt yr dty.Prlt. T prsde a th alt admnstr th obi &offr np prayers ct oblations to th deity.E C. Th C G Stn.


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    Prlt. O th 1ft o th E C & o th 1ft o th lenoKts.E C. Sr Kt C G yr dty.C G. T se tht th prpr ofcrs mke du prpr-

    tns fr th mtngs o th cmdrj & tht th asylmi i suitabl array fr th rcptn o th E C & thdsptch o bsns als t cmncte al ordrs issud byth E C t th ofcrs o th Ine.E C. Th Gen Stn. C G. O th rght o th E C & o th rght o th

    Ine o kts.EC. Sr K Gen yr dty.Gen. T rcve & cmncte al petitns sgns &

    orders asst th E C i hs various dts & i hsabsnc prsde i th cmndry.E C. Th E C Stn.Gen. I th E.E C. Hs dty.Gen. T dspnse alms t poor & wry plgrms

    fd th Imngr succor th needy clth th nkd &bnd np th wnds o th afflctd t inculcateth solme prncpls o charity & hsptahtp &gvrn th cmndry wth jstce & moderatn.E C. Sir C G i i m crd tht th Ins b frmd


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    fr th prps of opsng tbs cmdy o Kt Tmp.C G. Attention Sir Kt Fall in * * "

    Count o i twos frm rglit t left i two dvsnsrglit fee front To tli rear opn ordr mcli Firstd^dsn abt Face. Present Arms.

    E. C. Peepaee for Kehearsal.Attention^ Sir Knvjhts Carry Arms

    OfficersPosts.At the command, Posts, the Captain-General will place himself on the left, andthe GeneraHssimo on the right of the Emi-nent Commander ; the Senior Warden onthe left of the first di\dsion ; the JuniorWarden on the left of the second division,and the Standard Guard at the opening atthe foot of the lines facing the EminentCommander. The officers having takentheir respective posts, the Eminent Com-mander will command,

    Attention, Fiy^st DivisionOn Center Side Step to the Right and Left

    MarchHaltAboutFace.Attention, Sir KnightsTake Distance by the Point of

    the Sword.15

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    At this command, each Sir Knight in thetwo divisions will drop the point of hissword to his left, and extend the right armacross the body, so that the right hand willrest against the left breast, the back of thehand to the front, the blade of the swordextending horizontally across the breast ofthe Sir Knight next on his left.The Senior Warden will immediatelycommand.

    First DivisionSide Step to your Rigid.The Junior Warden will, at the same

    time, command.Second DivisionSide Step to the Left.The preparatory commands given, the

    Eminent Commandee will add,Makch.

    At this command, the Sir Knights willturn their heads toward the East, and by aside step to the West gain distance equal tothe length of the sword blade from the SirKnight next toward the East, and Halt.The Standard Guard will retreat with theextention of the lines toward the West.


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    The Sir Knights, as soon as thej are inposition and have halted, will carry arms.The Sir Knights of the second division willbe careful to align upon the corresprndiogSir Knights of the first division, so thatthej will be exactly opposite each other.The leading files on the right, or East, onthe extension of the fines, stand fast.The following ifiustrates the positions at

    the completion of the movements.

    ^ill2The are communicated either through

    or across the lines, or alternately, at the dis-cretion of the Eminent Commander.


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    To communicate through the lines, tlisEminent Commander will face to the Gen-eralissimo, and command,E C. Attention Sr K Gen yu wl advnc ct

    cmmuncte th J cntrsgn ^ ' '"" J B E-cve i frtil Sr Kt o yr rght.E C. Sr Kt C G yu wl advnc & cmncte t

    me th J cntrsgnJB rcve it frm th Sr Kto yr 1ft.Gen. Attn Sr Kt advnce k cmnct t m th

    J cntrsrn '" "" * Ecve i fr th Sr Kt o jt rghtvr "Jf ^C G. Attn Sr Kt advnc & cmncte to me

    th J cntrsgn -^ - ^C G. Ecve i fr th Sr Kt o yr 1ft - " -J W. Sr Kt S W Advnce & rcve frm m

    th J Cntrsgn "' ^ ^S W. E C I am i th pssn o th Jwsh

    cntrsgn whc lis cme dwn t m throu th InsE C. Yu wl advnc k cmncte i -^ -^^ ^ "E C. Th cntrsgn i crct About Face t yr

    pst mrcli.EC. Sr Kt Gen yu wl advnce & cmncte


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    t m th Prsn pss >^ - - T S bE C. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr rglit.E C, Sr Kt C G yu wl aclvnc & cmclct tm th Prsn pss -^ * - T S bE C. Ecv i fr th Sr Kt o yr 1ft.Gen. Attn Sr K advnc & cmnct t m th

    Prsn ps ^ ^'" *Gen. Rev i fr Ih Sr Kt o yr rght.C G. Attn Sr Kt advne & emnet t m th

    Prsnps "' " ^'C G. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr 1ft - - -J ^\. Sr Kt S W advnc & rcve frm m thPrsn ps "^^ ^' ^S W. EC Th Prsn ps hs erne dwn t m

    thr Ins.E C. Yu wl abvne & emnet i S SE C. Th pss i rght Abt faee t yr pst mreh.E C. Sr Kt Gen yn avI advne & emncte tm th R C wrd - -E C. Reve i fr th Sr Kt o yr rght.Gen. Attn Sr Kt advn & cmnct t m th RClWord '^ ^ - ^Gen. Reve i fr th Sr Kt o yr rght.


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    E C. Attn Sr Kt C G Advnc & cmnct tm til K C wrd.E C. Ecv i fr Sr Kt o yr 1ft.J W. Sr Kt S W advnc & rev fr m tli RWord - - - ^S W. E C I am i pssn o th R C wrd a ihs cme dwn thr tli Ins.E C. Yu wl advnc & cmncte i * -^ -^^ ^E C. Til wrd i rglit Abt fee t yr pst mrcli.E C. Sr Kt Gen yu wl advnc & cmnct t

    me th G Sgn G & Wrd o a K o th R CE C. Yu wl rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr rght.Gen. Attn Sr Kt advnc & cmnct to m thG S G & W o a K o th R CGen. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr rght.E C. Attn Sr Kt C G Advnc & cmnct tm th G S G & W o a Kt o th R C

    4f ^ ^ ^E C. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr 1ft.C G. Attn Sr Kt advnc & cmn th G S G


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    cfe W o a K o th R C * ^ " "J W. Attn Sr Kt S W advnc Sc rev fr mth G S G & ^X o a K o tli R C " '' " "S W. E C I am i pssn o tli G S G & W

    o a K o til R C a i lis cm dwn tlir th Ins.E C. Advnc & coinct i ^ -^ -^ ^E C Th G S G & W ar rght abt face t yrpst mrch.E C. Sr Kt Gen yu wl advnc & cmncte tm th Plgr Wrriors ps " ' "E C. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr rght.Gen. Attn Sr Kt yu avI advnc cfe cmnct th

    Plgrms wrrs ]:>ss - ^ ^ ^Gen. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr rght.E C. Attn Sr Kt C G yu wl ad & cmnct

    th Plgr wrrs pss - * ^> -E C. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr 1ft.C G. Attn Sr Kt yu wl advnc c^' cmnct th

    Plgr wrrs pss ^ ^ ^ -C G. Reev i fr th Sr Kt o yr 1ft.J W. Sr Kt S W advTic & rev fr m thPlgr wrrs pss ^^ ^ ^ ^S W. E C I a i pssn o th Plgr wrss pss

    as i hs cme dwn t m thr th Ins.21

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    E C. Yu wl advnc & cmnct { ^ ^ ^ ^E C. Til ps i rgli about fee to yr pst

    mrcli.E C. Attn Gen yu wl advnce & cmnct tli

    Plgrm Penitent pss ^ - ^ -E C. Ecvi i fr th Sr Kt o yr rglit - - - -Gen. Attn Sr Kt advnc & cmnct t m thPlgrm pntn pss - - ^' --Gen. Kcve i fr tli Sr Kt o }- r rglit.E C. Attn C G advnc & cmnct th Plgr

    pnitnt pss ^ - ^ ^

    E 0. Ecv i fr th Sr Kt o yr 1ft.C G. Attn Sr Kt advnc ct cmnct th PlgrPen pss * -5^ ^ *C G. Ecv i fr th Sr Kt o yr Kt.J W. Attn S W Advnc & rev fr m th

    P P pss ^ * " *S W. E C I a i pssn o th P P pss a i hscm dwn t m thr th Ins.E C. Yu wl advnc & cmnct i ^ =i^ ^^^ *E C. Th ps i rght abt fee t yr pst mrch."When communicated across the hues, the

    command is,22

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    Attention, SirKnightsPeepaee to Guaed.At the command, Peepaee to Guaed,

    each Sir Knight will bring his sworcl to thesame position as jjresent. The EminentCommander will then command,First Division Advance and Communicate to

    the Second Division . Guaed.At the command, Guaed, each Sir Knight

    of both divisions will promptly advance hisright foot about eighteen inches, resting theAveight of his body principally on his left,and at the same instant extend his rightarm directly in front, the back of his handto the rear, the flat of his blade to the front,and cross swords v/ith the Sir Knight di-rectly opposite to him \- the swords crossingeach other at nearly a right angle, andabout midway between the point and thehilt. To secure uniformity of motion, theEminent Commander will do well to call offthe cuts by their numbers ; at least, untilhis command are familiar with them. Thecommunication having passed, he will com-mand,


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    The First and Second Divisions shouldadvance and communicate alternately.The exercises being completed, the Emi-

    nent Commander, should he desire it, willsaj,E C. Attn Sr Kts Return Swords.E C. Sr Kt Opt Gen yu wl frm th Sr Kts

    arnd th triangle preparetorj t their devotns.The Eminent Commander and Generalis-

    simo haying returned to their stations in theEast, the Captain-General will command,Attention, First DivisionAboutFaceSecond DivisionClose OrderMakch.When the second division has arrived at

    its proper distance behind the files of thefirst division, he will command,

    Second DivisionInto LineMaech.At the command, March, the second di-

    \ision will step to the left and front andtake its position as in one rank, the SeniorWarden taking his post on the right, theJunior Warden on the left of the line.


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    The Captain-General will command,Attention, Sir KnightsRightDressFront Call off from the

    Right by ThreesIn Three DivisionsRightFaceMarch Officers

    Posts."When the Officers take their posts as in

    forming into Three Divisions, each faced tothe right. The Captain-General will com-mand,

    Close IntervalsMarch.At the command, March, the first file of

    three, composing the leading files of eachdivision, stand fast, the others closing upon them, leaving a space or interval ofabout thirteen inches between each file, andhalt.The Captain-General will then command.Attention, Sir KnightsForm Triangle.The officers of divisions will then give

    promptly the following orders :The Senior Warden


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    First DivisionCountekmakch byFile Left.

    The Sword BearerSecond DivisionFile Left.

    The Junior WardenThird DivisionMake Tiihe.

    The preparatory commands given, theCaptain-General will command,


    The first and second divisions will moveoff simultaneously,the first countermarch-ing to the West, the second filing to theNorth. The Sword Bearer should step onepace forward before filing to the left, so asto clear the first division. As soon as thelast Sir Knight in the second division filesto the left, the Junior Warden will com-mand,

    Third DivisionFile LeftMajich.When the Senior Warden arrives at thepoint upon which the base of the triangle is

    to rest, he will command.26

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    First D ivisionHaltRightFaceLeftDressFront.

    When the Sword Bearer reaches theproper North, he will file to the left ; and,on arriving opposite the Senior Warden, hewill again file to the left, and march his di-vision to the South, on a line at right anglesto the first division, his right resting on theSenior Warden. He will then command.

    Second DivisionHaltFrontFaceRightDressFront.

    When the Junior Warden arrives at thepoint ojDposite the Senior Warden, he willcommand.Third DivisionHaltFron Face

    Righ tDressFront.The movements executed, the Captain-

    General wdll command.First mid Third DivisionsLeft and Right

    WheelMarchHalt.The Senior and Junior Warden will

    then align their divisionsthe first by left,the latter by right, dresswhen the Cap-tain-General will command,


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    He will then announce to the EminentCommander that the triangle is formed.The following diagram illustrates the posi-tions of the officers and divisions. Thedotted lines show the line of march of theseveral divisions from their place of start-ing

    E C. Attention Sr Kts About face. De-posit Helmets About Face. T yr dvtns SrKts knl. Sr iCt ou Prlt w wll asst yu.

    Prit. : : "


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    Pratjev at Ox^ening a Com-mandevy,

    Onr Father who art in heaven, hallowedbe Thy Name. Thj kingdom come. Thywill bo done, on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread, and>for-give us our trespasses, as we forgive thosewho trespass against us. And lead us notinto temptation ; but deliver us from evil.For Thine is the kingdom, and the jDower,and the glory forever and ever. Amen.E C. Sr K Gen yu wl gv m th imcltwrd * - "Kcv i fr th S K o y rght - - ^-E C. Ars S K atnd t gvng th sgns.About Face.Eecover Helmets. About Face, To your

    Posts, Marcli.E C. Sr Kt Kec I wl thnk yu t rd th mts

    o ou 1st cnclve.Rcr. Rds mnts.E C. Ar thr an ptns o yr dsk fr th ordro

    o Ktbd.


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    Ecr. Thr ar Emnt. (rcls ptus & cmmittereport.)E C. Sr Kts yn ar nw abt to bit o the

    ptns of A B (fe C t rev tli ordrs of Ktlid itlis cmndry al i fvr wl dpst a wlit bl be crfli yr bit. ^ * ^E C. Th cndts ar elct t rcvd tli ordr of tli

    H C i tlis cmmndry tli bis bng al wht.E C. Sr Kt Eec is thr an bsns o jv dsk tcme bfr ths cmndry o K T i not w will ellof fr th prps of opng a cneil o K o th R C.Waiving al frthr crmny I nw del ths emndryof K Ts dly elsd fr th prpse of opng a enelo Kts of th R C. Sr Kt Wrdn infrm thsntnl.Wrd. ^--^ " " * ^"- Em Com Th sntnl i


    OI>JE]>f KTS OF TMB R C.Sov M. Sr Kt Chanclr ar yu a E Kt.Chn. Tht i m prfsn.S M. Hw wl yn b trd.


  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


    Chn. B th tst o trtli.S M. Wh b th tst of trth.Clm. Bcse nn bt gel mn & tru ar enttlcl

    b the hnrs o th ord.S M. Whr eld jw rev th hnrs o th ord.Chn. I a Igl cncl o E C Kts.S M. Wht nmbr compse a cncl.Chn. Thr i a indspncbl nmbr & a thr. i

    cnstutnl nmbr.S M. Wht i th indspncbl nmbr.Chn. Thr.S M. Undr wht crcmstncs ma thr b em-

    2:)wrd t frm & opn a cncl o R C Kts.Chn. Thr Kts of the R C wh ar als K T

    hlng frm thr dfrnt Cmndrs ma uhdr th sncno a wrnt o clirtr frm a Grnd Cmndrj frm &opn Oj cncl fr th dsptch of bsns.S M. Wht i ill ens fcitnl nmbr.Chn. S^Ti Nne Elvn o mre.S M. Whn cmpsd o elvn wh ar i mmbrs.Chn. Ths Mstr Cnclr Mstr o th Pice

    Prlt Mstr o Finnce Mstr o Dsptchs Mstr oCvlry Mstr o Infntry Stndrd Brr Sd Br &Wrdr.


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    S M. Th Wrdrs stn.Chn. O th 1ft o th Stncl Br i th W.S M. Sr Kt Wrdr yr dty.Wrd. T annc th aprch & dprtre o th

    Swrn M & se tht th sntnls ar at thr rsptvepsts.SM. ThSwrdBrStn.Wrd. O th rght o th Stnd Bro i th W.S M. Sr Kt Sw Br yr dty.S B. T ast i th prtctn of th bnrs of th ord

    wtch al sgns frm th 8 M

  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


    atly frmd & o tli 1ft o th will whn frmd i Ine.S M. Sr Ki Mstr o Inf yr dtj.M o I. T cmmnd th send Divsn o Ine o Inf

    tell tlim tlir dty & exercs prpre tli endt ansal qstns fr lim & fnaly intrdee lim int illenel.S M. Th Mstr o evlry stn.M o I. O th rght o th frst dvsn whn sprtly


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    cncl pa al orclrs o tli trsry & rnclr a jst &ftlifl accnt o th sme wlm rqrd.S M. Th Palts stn.M o r. O th rght i frnt o th Chncb.S M. Sr K Prlt yr city.Prlt. T prsde i th R A Cncl admnstr th

    oblgn ct ofr up piyrs & oblations t th daity.SM. Th M o th Pice stn.Prlt. O th 1ft o th Svrn Mstr.S M. Sr Kt Mo th Pic yr dty.M o P. T se tht th prpr ofcrs mke du

    prprns fr th mtngs o th cncl & tht th cnclchmbr i i stbl array fr th rcptn o ends & thdsptch o bsns als t cmmct al ords isud by thS 31 t th Ofcrs o th Ine.S M. Th Chnchs stn.M o P. O th rght o th Swn M.S M. Sr Kt Chncb yr dty.Clinclr. T rev & comncte al jDtns sgns &

    ordrs t asst th S M i lis various dts & i hsabsnc t prsde i th cncl.S M. Th S M stn.Chnclr. I th E.S M. Hs dtv.


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    Chn. T prsd ovr & gvrn the cncl prsrvinviolte th Iws & cnstitutns o th ore! cnfrths ord o Ktlid o tlis wlim th cncl shl aprvt dspnce jstce rwrd mrt encrge trth spprersprofanity and dfse th sblme prncple o nni-Trsl bnvlce.S M. Sr Kt our Piit wl yu Id in prayer.

    I^rayer at Opening a Council.O Thou eternal, immortal, and invisible

    God : we would desire to come into Thypresence, at this time, with grateful hearts,to render thanks and praise for the wonder-ful display of Thy goodness and mercy. BeThou pleased, O God, to be with Thy ser-vants who are now assembled in Thy name ;lift upon each one of us the hght of Thycountenance ; defend us from the evil in-tentions of our enemies, while traveling thejourney of life ; and when we shall finallycome into Thy presence, to be freed fromthe chains of sin, and the Sdck-cloth of re-pentance,be Thou merciful unto us, O God,not according to our deserts, but according


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    to our necessities ; and Thine shall be thepraise, forever and ever. Amen.

    Response.So mote it be.S M. Attn Sr Kts I nw dclr ths cncl o

    Kts o th E C dlj opnd. Sr Kt Wrdrinfrmth Sntnl ggggggggg

    ggg ggg gggWrdr. S M, th sntnl i infrmd.S M. Sr Kt AYrdr yii wl rtre & ascrtn i

    thr ar any cndts i wtng fr ths ordr o Kthdtfe rprt -^ "- "^Wrdr. SMI fnd i wtng Cmpns A B

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    Mho I. A cmpn wh hs bn I'prlr in psd t thdgr o F C rasd t th sblm dpr o ^1 M Ad-vncd t th hniy dgr o M M M elctd ci' prsdd aM i th chr rcvd & acknldgd a M E M exUdt th agst dgr o R A M cfe n\v sUcts th hnr obng created a Kt o th illstrs ord o th E, C.M o C. I ths o yr ow fr wl & acrd.

    Cndt. I i.M o C. I h wrthy & wl qlfd well skid i thpr?dg dgrs.M o 1. H i.Mo C. B wht frthr rght o bnft ds h expctt gn admsn.M o I. B th bnft o a ps.M o C. Hs h th ps.M o I. H hs.M o C. Advnc

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    dgi' o F C rascl t tli sblm dgro M M advncdt til limy dgr o MM M elected & prsided aMi th chr rcvd & acknldgd aM EM exaltd t tliaugst dgr o R A M & nw slits th linr o bugcreatd a Kt o th illustrious ord o E, C.

    Prlt. I ths a act o hs ow fr wl & acrd.M o C. I i.Prlt. I h dlj & try prprd wrth & wl qlfd

    & wl skid i th prsdg dgrs.M o C. H i.Prlt. B wht frthr rght o bnft ds h expct t

    gn adinsn.M o C. B th bnft o th ps which h lis gvncrrctly.

    Prlt. Ths bug tru yu wl admt hm t th CChmbr.

    (Cndt i admt & advucs twrd th alt wth Mof I, but prior to his admittance th M o thPic wl command.

    Attention Escort.

    BBJELATE'S ESCOHT.The Senior Warden will command the Sir

    Knights to

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    Fall In.He will form them into two divisions, withswords at a carry ^ and will order the Warderto inform the Prelate that the escort isready, and awaits his pleasure. The Warderwil] accompany the Prelate to his post, onthe left of the escort. As the Prelatereaches the right of the lines, the SeniorWarden will command.

    PresentArms.And when the Prelate reaches the left, theSenior Warden will command.CarryArmsRight Face Forward

    File Xe/yMarch.On arriving at the Prelate's chamber, the

    Senior Warden (if the aj^artments will al-low of it) will command.

    OiJen OrderMarch.At the command, March, the two divis-

    ions will obhque to the right and left (with-out shortening the steps), until the spacerequired is gained by tlie fi)'st files ; thenthey Avill march directly forward.


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    of prtcpting i tlise cllbrtns a ths tme i wl bncsrv tilt jn asme tli nine & clirc^r o Zvblon o til prncs o tli lise o Jdli whs liiids lilpdt la til fndtns o tli scud Tmp & whs hndsthLrd lid prmsd slild cmplt i Attnd nw a Issnfrm th rcrds o ou fthrs.

    Reading of Scripture,Now in the second year of their coming

    nnto the house of God at Jerusalem, in thesecond month, began Zerubabbel, the son ofShealtiel, and Jesliua, the son of . Jozadak,and the remnant of their brethren, thepriests and Levites, and all they that w^erecome out of the captivity nnto Jerusalemand appointed the Levites, from twentyyears old and upw^ard, to set forward thework of the house of the Lord. Then stoodJesliua, wdth his sons and his brethren,Kadmiel, and his sons, the sons of Judali,together, to set forw^ard the w-orkmen in thehouse of God ; the sons of Henedad, withtheir sons and brethren, the Levites. Andwhen the builders laid the foundation of thetemple of the Lord, thy set the priests intheir apparel with trumpets, and the Levites,


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    the sorfcs of Asaph, with cymbals, to j^i'aisethe Lord, after the ordmance of David, kingof Israel. And they sung together bycourse, in praising and giving thanks untothe Lord, because he is good, for his mercyendureth forever toward Israel. And all thepeople shouted with a great shout when theypraised the Lord, because the foundation ofthe house of the Lord was laid. Ezra iii.811.Now when the adversaries of Judah and

    Benjamin heard that the children of thecaptivity builded the temple unto the LordGod of Israel, then they came to Zerub-babel, and to the chief of the fathers, andsaid unto them. Let us build with youfor we seek your God as ye do ; and we dosacrifice unto him, since the days of Esar-haddon, king of Assur, which brougLt us uphither. But Zerubbabel and Jeshua, andthe rest of the chief of the fathers of Israel,said unto them, ye have nothing to do withus to build an house unto our God ; but weourselves together Avill build unto the LordGod of Israel, as king Cyrus, the king ofPersia, hath commanded us. Then the peo-


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    ipie of the land weakened the hands of thepeople of Judah, and troubled them inbuilding, and hired counsellors against4hem, to frustrate their purpose, all the daysof Cyrus, king of Persia, even until the reignof Darius, king of Persia. And in the reignof Ahasuerus, in the beginning of his reigu,wrote they unto him an accusation againstthe inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem.And in the days of Artaxerzes wrote Bish-1am, Mithredath, Tabeel, and the rest oftheir companions, unto Artaxerxes, king ofPersia ; and the writing of the letter waswritten in the Syrian tongue, and inter-preted in the Syrian tongue : E-ehum, theChancellor, and Shimshai, the scribe, wrotea letter against Jerusalem to Artaxerxes,the king, in this sort : This is a copy of theletter that they sent unto him, even uutoArtaxerxes, the king :Thy servants, themen on this side the river, and at such atime. Be it known unto the king, that theJews, which came up from thee to us, arecome into Jerusalem, building the rebel-hous and the bad cit}-, and have set up thewalls thereof, and joined the foundations.


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    Be it known now unto the king, that if thiscity be builJecl, and the walls set tip againthen will they not pay toll, tribute and cus-tom, and so thou shalt endamage the rev-*enue of the kingvS. Now because we havemaintainence from the king's palace, and itwas not meet for us to see the king's dis-honor, therefore have we sent and certifiedthe king ; that search may be made in thebook of the records of thy fathers ; so thatthou find in the book of the records, andknow that this city is a rebellious city, andhurtful unto kings and provinces, and thatthey have moved sedition wdthin the sameof old time ; for which cause w^as this citydestroyed. Wo certify the king, that if thiscity be builded again, and the walls thereofset up, by this means thou shalt have noportion on this side tho river. Then sentthe king an answer tuitj E-ehum, the chan-cellor, and to Shimshai, tho scribe, and tothe rest of their companions that dwell inSamaria, and unto the rest beyond tho river.Peace, and at such a time. The letter whichyo sent us hath been plainly i ead before me.And I commanded, and search hath been


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    made, and it is found that this city of oldtime hath made insmTection against kings,and that rebelHon and sedition have beenmade therein. There have been mightykings also over Jerusalem, which have ruledover all countries beyond the river; andtoll, tribute and custom Avas paid unto them.Give ye now commandment to cause thesemen to cease, and tliat this city be notbuilded, until another commandment begiven from me. Take heed how that ye failnot to do this : why should damage grow tothe hurt of kings ? Now, wJien the copy ofking Artaxerxes' letter was read beforeEehum, and Shimshai, the scribe, and the rcompanions, they went up in haste to Jeru--salem, unto the Jews, and made thcin tocease by force and power. Then ceased thework of the house of God, which is at Jeru-salem. So it ceased unto the second yearof the reign of Darius, king of Persia.Ezra iv.

    M o I. M E Prlt oil Sovrn Lrd Dari th knghvng asnd th thru o Prs nw hps ar ins|)rdoprtctn & sprt i th nbl & glrs uudnkg whchsbn s Ing impeded l) ou advrsrs o th othr sde


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    o th rvr. Fr whl li ws yt a mn i prvt Ife hmde a slmn yw to G tlit shld h evr asnd tlithrn o Prsa li wld rbld on ctj & Tmp & sndal th h\j vssls rmng i Bbln bck t Jrslm. OuM E ct ftlifl cmpn Zerbl wh ws frmly linrdwtli th fvr ntce & frndshp o th king whn iprvt Ife nw ofrs hs srvcs t encntr th hazrdrsentrprse o trvrsng th Prsn dmns & skng ad-msn int th prsnc o th kng whn th frst fvrablmoment wl b szd t rmnd hm o hs vw & im-prs npo hs mnd th ahnghtj free & impt otrth & fr hs wl knwn piety no dbt en b en-trtnd of obtng hs cncnt tht our enems brmvd fr hnce

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    rglit frmg a sq rgbt liiid grspng th lilt o yrswrd yr 1ft Imd rstng o tli grt Igths & twcrsd swrds.)Yu wl sa I, prnce yr nme i fl

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    Iwfl sgns & smns gvu m b a wrth Sr Kt oths ord i cnstnt s t do & wl oby alrglr smns snt t m frm a Igl cncl o B C Ktsi wtlm th dstnc of frty mis ntrl inlrmts &unavdbl acdnts onl excsng m.Fthrmre I wl cnfrm t & abde by th Iws

    rls & rgltns o ths o an othr cncl o Kts o thR C o whc I ma bcm a mmbr Th cnstn Iws& edcts o th Gr Cmndr imdr whc th sme mab hldn tgthr wth thse o th Gr Enc o th US s fr a thy ma cme t m knldg.T al o Avhc I d slmly & sncrly prmc & vw

    bndng myslf undr n Is a pnlty thn tht o hvngm hse p\d dwn th tmbrs thr fst tip & I hngthrn & whn th 1st trmp shl snd b frvi' .excldfr th socty o al trii & crteons Sr Kts shld Ievr b glty o wlfly violtg ths m slm oa o oblno a Kt o th R C s hip m Gd & kp m stdfst(KssbK.)

    Prlt. Yu wl nw ars. T wl nw invst yuwth ths grn sash a a mrk o on pr^cQ fvr ttestm yn wl wr i a a prptnl meihorl tostnnilte yu to th fthti ])rfnmc o evry dty bngassnrd tht th mmory o hm wli fls i a jst csei ever blsd & shl ilrsh Ike th green bay tr.


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    Our M o C wl nw invst yu wth th Jwsh cn-trsgn.M o G. Til Jwsh cntrsgn i g^Ti by fr cts o

    th sw tfc unclr a arc o stl J B.Prlt. Yu wl nw cmnc yr jrny & ma scess

    atnd yu Zerb frewl - - ^After the ceremonies for which the escort

    was formed are concluded, the JuniorWarden will command,Attention, Sir KnightsRe-coverCarry

    Arms -- Left and Hiyht-r-FACE.Foriuard!March.And when they have arrived at the East, in

    open order he will command,Halt.

    Attention, Sir KnightsInwardFaceBeturnSwoRDS Left and BightFace To your PostsMarch.

    If it is desired to escort the Prelate fromhis apartments in the manner as above di-rected, the escort will stand fast, at openorder, inward faced, until the Prelate haspassed through the lines to the East, when


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    the escort will be dismissed. No salute willbe given as he passes through the lines onhis return to the East.

    1st G. Hit wh cms lire.Ans. A fmd.1st G. Advnc & gv tli cntrsgn ^ "^^^1st G. Th ps i rght ps o ^ '^ ^2nd G. Wh cms lire.A. A F2nd G. Adv a gv th cntrs " ^^^2nd G. Th P i r ps o.

    (Cms t brdge.)M o I. Yu lir prcve a brdg dvdg th Jwshfr th Prsn dmns fthr I cnnt acmpny yu & ayu liv prmcd t trvrse th Prsn dmns yu wllive t g b yrslf.Mts Prsn G.Pr G. Wh cms hr.A. AFrP G. Adv & gv th cntrs * * ^P G. Grds asmbl A sp a enem aprchs.M o I. Wh us tlis violenc wh trt m ths I

    a nthr a enem nr a sp.


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    P G. Wh ar yn.M o I, A prnc o th hse o Jdli & clsr aaiidnc wtli yr Svrn i psbl.P Grcl. A prnc o tli lis o Jclli yu ar ou

    prsnr & en onl apr bfr lim a ou cptv & slvd yu cnst.

    Cndt. I d.P G. Tim grds dvst hm o tht swrd & ssh

    invst hm wtli a grb o slvr bnd lis Imds wtlielms o (triangular links) pt sek eltli & aslisupo lis lid tht a a ctv & slv h ma apr bfr ousvrn.

    (Tkn t enel elimbr.)Wrdr. Wh cms hr.Grd. A dtclimt o lis mjstys grd wh hv

    mde prsnr o on wh says h i a prnc o th hseo Jdh.Wrd. Whne cm yu.M o I. Frm Jrslm.Wrd. Wh ar yu.M o I. A chf amng m eqls a msn fre b

    rght bt nw a cptv & slv i dstrs (o b msfr-tne).Wrd. Wht i yr nme.


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    M o I. Zerbl.Wrd. Wht d yn dsre.M o I. A audnc wtli yr Svrn i psbl.Wrd. Yu wl wt untl h i infrmd o yr rqst& lis ans rtrnd.(Etrns t cncl.)S M. Sr Kt Wrdr wht i th cse o tlit alrm.Wrd. A dtclimt o yr mgstys grds wh liv

    mde prsn o on, wh elms t b a prnc o th hseo Jdh.S M. Frm whnc cme h.Wrd. Fr Jrslm.S M. Wht i h.Wrd. A chf amng lis eqls a msn fr b rght

    bt nw a cptv & sive in dstrs (b msfrtne.S M. Wht i hs nme.Wrd. Zerbl.S M. Wht i hs dsre.AVrd. An audnc wth yr mgsty i psbl.S M. Aftr livng ascrtnd tht h i armd wth

    n hstle wpn } u wl admt lim.Wrd. (Out side.) I h armd wth an hstl



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    rqst bt wl bstw upo yu on o tli prncple ofcsi m pic o cndtn tlit yu rvl t m tli scrts o FM.M o I. Wlm ou anc G M S Kng o I in-sttcl til hnrble frtrnty o frmsnry h tglit utht trth ws a dvne atrbt & th fndatn o evrvrtu T be gd & tr i th frst Isn w ar tght imsnr M enggemts ar inviobl & i I en obtnyr mjstys clmncy onl a th expnse o m in-tgrty I hmbl bg Ive t dcln yr royal fvr & wlchrfly sbmt t a hnrble exile o a gbs dth.S M. Zrbl yr vrtu & intgrity ar

    truly cmndble & yr fidlty t yr enggmtswrthy o imitn yr rqst i grntd frm ths mmntyu ar fr M grds wl dvst yu o ths chns & thtgrb o slvry & clth yu i stbl hblmts to atnda bnquet t whc I hv ths da invitd th prncs& nbls o m rim Grds dvst hm o tht grb oslvry

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    S M. Prnc Clniclr M o tli P

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    o til Kng. Bt tilt abve al trtli brtli tli vc-try.S M. Til adtn yu liv mde t m qstn i a

    imprtnt on Sr Kts i i m pis tlit yu asmbl itil cncl clniibr prprd wtli stbl argmnts tsprt yr opns Sr Kt Wrdr brk up tli bnqt.

    (Rtrn t cncl climbr.)S M. Sr Kt Prnc Clm a ou bnqt o ystrd

    i ans t til qstn propndd yu gy i a yr opn thtwne i til strongst.

    THE STRENGTH OF WINE.Cliii. O 3^0 pricces and rulers, how ex-

    ceeding strong is wine ! It causeth all mento err that drink it ; it maketli the mind ofthe king and the beggar to be all one ; ofthe bondman and freeman ; of the poor manand of the rich ; it turneth also everythought into jollity and mirth, so that a manremembereth neither sorrow or del -t ; itchangeth and elevateth the spirits, and en-liveneth the heavy hearts of the miserable.It maketh a man forget his brethren, anddraw his sword against his best friends. Oye princes and rulers, is not wine the strong-est, that forceth us to do these things ?


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    THE POWER OF KINGS.S M. M o til P wilt do yu sa : It is be-

    yond dispute, O princes and rulers, thatGod lias made man master of all things un-der the sun ; to command them, to makeuse ot them, and to apply them to hisservdce as he pleases ; but whereas menhave only dominion over other sublunarycreatures, kings have an authority even overmen themselves, and a right of ruling themby will and pleasure. Now, he that is mas-ter of those who are masters of all thingselse, has no earthly thing above him.

    THE POWER OF WOMEN, AND OF TRUTH.S M. Zerbl wht is yr argmt : O princes

    and rulers, the force of wine is not to bedenied, neither is that of kings, that unitesso many men in one common bond of al-legiance, but the supereminency of womenis- yet above all this ; for Idmjs are but thegifts of women, and they are also themothers of those that cultivate our vine-yards. Women have the power to make usabandon our very country and relations,and many times to forget the best friends


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    we have in the world, and forsaking allother comforts, to live and die with them.But when all is said, neither they, nor wine,nor kings, are comparable to the ahxiightyforce of truth. As for all other things, theyare mortal and transient, but truth alone isunchangeable and everlasting ; the benefitswe receive from it are subject to no varia-tions or vicissitudes of time and fortune.In her judgment is no unrighteousness, andshe is the strength, wisdo ai, power and ma-jesty of all ages. Blessed be the God oftruth.

    Response.Blessed, thrice blessed, be theGod of truth.S M. Wl hst tho ansd Zerbl ask wht tho

    wit & i sill b grnt th bcse tho art fnd wstamng thy cmpns.

    THE IONG's vow.O king, remember thy vow, which thouhast vowed, to build Jerusalem in the daj^when thou shouldst come to thy kingdom,and to restore the holy vessels which weretaken away out of Jerusalem. Thou hastalso vowed to build up the temple, which


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    & prtct yu Ths swrd wth whc yu wre in-vstd b yr frncls 1 enbl yu t dfncl yrslf agnstyr ennis & o whc yu wre drprvd b m grds Inw wth plsr rstr t yu fr th nbl & glrs prpseof prtctg injrd innocnce & opprssd vrtu. Iyr linds a a tru & crts Kt i i endwd wtli thrmst estmbl qlts its hit wth Fth i bid wthHpe & i ptr wth Chrty

  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


    rtlier tlin drw i i tli cse o injstc o oprsn frtrth jstc & rational Ibrfcy ar th Gr Cbrstcs oths ord.S M. Sr Kt yii wl b std amng tli Sr Kts.S M. Sr Kt Wrdr i i m wl & plsr tht tlis

    cncl o Kts o til R C b nw dsslvd fr th prpseo clsng whn a cncl o Kts o tli R C i abt t bclsd wilt bcms yr dty.Wrdr. T se th ofcrs a thr rsptv stn & th

    cncl dly grd.S M. Sr Kt Wrd yu wl infrm the sntnl

    tht ths cncl o Kts o th R C i nw abt t bclsd h wl tk du ntc tlirf & gvrn limslf acrdly.

    Waiving al frthr frm & crmny I herbydclr ths cncl o Kts o th R C dly clsd Sr KtWrdr Idfrm th Sntnl.(When closed in frm i i the same as the

    opening.)gg gg gg gg g

    OBJDER OF K. T.E C. Sr Kt Jr AV yu wl intrdce the cndtint th chmbr o rflctn whr h wl ans th qstns


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    cntaind in ths book, wlic li wl do i wrtng aftrwlic li wl prfrm tli cstmiy abltns.

    ^ -^f -SfJ Wrdn rtrs & intrdcs cndt lidwrked int

    til climbr o rflctu, aftr rmvg th hdwrk.J W. Sr Kt yu ar nw i a rm eld tli climbr

    o rflctn whr jn wl b 1ft i sine & sltde t cnsdrOYr & gve yr ans t tlir dfrnt qstns wlic yuwl fnd bfre yu i wrtng tlis qstns yu ar rqstdb th rls o ou ord t ans agrbly t th dcts o yrcncnce & cmmt yr ans t ppr b sgn ea qstnys o n a yu sli se cse & sbscrbg yr nme a thbtni tlis livng bn dne yu wl wsh yr hnds iwtr wlic yu wl fnd bfre yu & wpe thni o thnpkn Thn mk a alrm & I wl b wth yu (J Wrtrs).

    Cndt. g g g.J W rntrs & tks th bk.J W. Sr Kt wt hre a tme untl th E C i

    mfrmd o yr rqst & lis ans rtrnd.J W mks a alrm.Wrd. Wht ocns ths alrm.J W. Thr i i th climbr o rflctn a wrthy

    Kt o th K C w h livng rcvd th ncsry dgrs i nwI 02

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    dsrs o bng created a Kt o tli vlnt & mgnmsordotli T.Wrd. Hs h ansrd tli ncsry qstns prpndd

    t bm.J W (Prsntg til ans). H lis & i tkn o lis

    sncrty lis prfrmd tli crmny o abltn,Wrd. IVt untl th E C i iDfrmd o lis rqst& lis ans rtrnd.E C. Sr Kt Wrd wlit occns tli alrm.Wrd. Thr i i th climbr o rflctn a Sr Kt o

    til R C wli livng rcvd al tli nsry dgrs i mi nw dsr o bug crtd a Kt o th ylnt & mgn-nims ord o th T.E C. Hs h aHS th nscrj qstns prpnd t

    hm.Wrd. H hs & i tkn o hs sncrty hs prfrmd

    th crmny o ablutn.E C. Prsnt th ans - "^ ^Ths fr hs ans ar stsfctry bt a a tril o hs

    ptnc & prsvrnc I enjn npo hm th prfrms osvn jYS o plgrmgc und the drctn o th J Wdrst i plgrms wds wth sndls stf & scrp.Wrd (To J W). Ths fr hs ans ar stsfctrybt a a tli o hs ptnc & prsvrnc th E C enjns


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    i. Hrkn t a Isn t clir tli o thy wa & asnr tlio sccss.And Abraham rose up early in the morn-

    ing, and took bread and a Lottie of water andgave it unto Hagar (putting it on hershoulder) and the child, and sent her away,and she departed and wandered in the wil-derness, and the water was spent in the bot-tle, and she cast the child under one of theshmbs ; and the angel of God called toHagar out of Heaven, saying, xlrise, lift upthe lad and hold him in thine hand for Iwill make him a great nation ; and Godopened her eyes, and she saw a well ofwatt r. By faith Abraham sojourned in theland of promise as in a strange country,dwelling in tabernacles ; for he looked for acity which had foundations, whose builderand maker is God. Be ye therefore follow-ers of God, as dear children, rejoicing in theLord always ; and again say, rejoice.Plgrm farewell God speed thee on

    thy way.

    2ud G. Hit wh cms lire.65

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    J W. A wrj plgrm trying frm afr t jnwtli ths wli live gne bfre t ofr np hs dvtnsa til lily slirii.2nd G. Plgnn I grt tli. Slvr & gld live

    I line bt sell a I live gve I unt the cm int mtnt B std yu apr t b wry tke sme rfrslimtlir i gd brd & pre wtr sch a wiy plgniis ndIt m exmii tli scrj) thy brd i nrly exhstd I^\l rplnsn tli stre Th wtr i nrly spnt It mrplnsh i Hrkii t a Issn to chr th o thy wa &asr th o sees.

    If a brother or sister be naked and desti-tute of daily food, and one of you say, De-part in j)eace, be ye warmed and filled, andye give them not of those things which areneedful for the body, what doth it profit ?To do good and communicate, forget not,for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.Beware, lest any man spoil you throughphilosophy and vain deceit, after the tradi-tions of men ; after the rudiments of theworld, and not after Christ ; for in himdwelleth all the fullness of the godheadbodily.

    Farewell Plgrm God speed thee onthy way.


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    3f -^f -Sf

    Tlird G. Hit wli cms hr.J W. A wry plgrm trvlng fr afr t jn wtli

    ths wli hve gn bfre t ofr up lis dvtns a tlilily slirn.

    3rd G. Plgrm I grt tli (sme a 1st & 2ndGrd) Hrku unt a Isn t clir tli o tli wa &asre tli o sccss.He that receiveth you receivetli me, and

    lie that receivetli me receiveth him that sentme. Come unto me all ye that labor andare heavy laden, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you and learn of me,for I am meek and lowly in heart, and yeshall find lest unto your souls, for myyoke i-i easy and my burden is light. Who-soever shall give to drink unto one of theselittle ones a cup of cold water only, in thename of a disciple, verily I say unto you heshall in no wise lose his reward.

    Farewell Plgrm God speed thee onthy way.

    "" " "' Alrm a tli asylm.Wrd. Wh cms hr.J W. A wry pig trvlg fr afr wh hvng pr-


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    frmd fL tbr Ing yrs o plgrmge crvs nw prmsni i 2:>ls th E C frtliwth t dvte tli fr rmng yrsto dels o mre exaltd usflns & i dmd wrtliy lisstrng dsr nw is t b admtd amng ths vlnfcKts wlis wl ernd fme lis sprd btli fr

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    E C. Ths bng tm Sr Kt Prit yu wl cnclctth wrJ plgrm t tli lily alt & aftr li lis tkn a ob-Ign frvr t b ftlifl t tli trst rpsci i lim yu wlinvst lim wth a swrd & bcklr tht a a plgrmwrior h ma prfrm s^tl yrs o wrfre undr thdrctn o th S W.E C. Sr Kt S W yu wl selct a dtchment

    (of trps) & cndct on illstrs Piit t hs aprt-mnt.S Yr. Attention EscortFall InCount off in twos fr right t left.In two divisions right face.S W. Sr Kt Prelate th escrt i frmd &

    awts yr plsr. Attention Sr Kts PresentArms.

    Prlt. Sr Kt S W lead on. S W. Carr}' Arms forward March ^ "' *on arvg a th Prlts aprtmt the S W wl com-mand Open Order March Inward FacePresent Arms.

    Prlt. Attention Sr Kts Uncover.(Candt entrs.)Prlt. Plgrm bfr w en prcd an fthr i bcms

    ncsr tht yu tke a slm vow hrr t kp inviolt69

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    al til scrts bug cmmctd t 3^11 a tlis tme ar yuwing t tk tlis obln.Candt. (I a.)

    Prlt. I i b o yr o fr wl tfc acrd yu wl ad-ync & knl a tli alt i du frm knlg o crss swi-dsbtli Imds rstng iipo tli thr grt Igts & twswrds crsd.Yu wl sa I pruc yr nme i fl & rpt aftr mo my ow fr ^\\ Sc acrd i tli prsnc o Almt G &ths cmudr o Kts T erctd t G & ddctd t StJn til Almoner d lierby & brn mst slmly ctsncrly prmce & swr tlit I wl 111 cmnct thscrts o til ordr o K T nr an prt tlirf t anyprsn i til wrld excpt i b t a tru ct Iwfl Sr Kt

    i a Igl cmndr o K T ct nt unt lim o tlimuntl aftr strct trl du exmntn o Iwll infrmtn1 sill liy fnd lim o tlim a jstly entln t tlisme a I a m5^slf.

    I frtlirmr prmc & sw tlit I wl nt asst o bprsnt a tli cnfrng tlis ordr o Ktlid upo anyon wli lis nt rcyd tli prcdg dgrs of E A, FC, M M, M M M, P M, M E M, E A M, &Kt o th R C i a jst & Igl ninr t ni il & entrestsfctn.

    Ftlirmre I wl nt b prsnt a tli opng o clsng70

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    a cmnd o K T unless tlir b prsnt nne rglrSr Kts o til ord o th rprsntvs of tlir dfrntcmndrs actn^^ iindr Igl authrty.Frthrmre I wl ai ct ast wtli m cncl sw

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    strck o

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    Prlt. Wtli cnfdnc i tlis yr prclmtn ou SW Avl nw invst jn wth tli wrrs ps.S W. Til Plgr WITS ps i gvn b fr cts o tli

    sw k unci a arc o st MSHB.(S W & Cndt rtr.)S W ct Canclt. I wl wlcl m sw i dfnc o ino

    mds dstte wds hlpls orpli k th chr relg.1st G. Hit wli cms lire.S W. A plgr Avrrior trlvg fr afr wh i mst

    dsrs o bng admtd t tli bnrs & rwrds wlicawt th vlnt T.

    1st G. Hs li th wrriors ps.S W. H hs.1st Gd. AdvDC S: gve i " ^ " th 2:>s i

    rght ps on (S W & Candt.)I wl wld m sw

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    Wrd. "Wilt srty en li offr tlit li i no a imp.S W. Th cmmndatu o a vlnt Kt tli S W

    wli rcmmnds t th E C a rmsn o th fr rmngyrs o wrfre.Wrd. B wht frthr rght o bnft ds h expct

    t gn admsn.S W. B th bnft o th wrriors pss.Wrd. Hshthps.S W. He hs.Wrd. Ad^Tic & gve i -^ -^ ^S W. Th ps i rght yn wl wt a tme wth

    cnstncy & crge & sn an ans shl b rtrnd tyr rqst.Wrdr rtrns t asylm.E C. Sr Kt Wrd wht occns tht ah'm.Wrd. A Plgm wrrr trvlg fr afr wh hvng

    prfrmd il thr hig yra o wrfre i nw mst dsrso bng admtd t th hnrs & rwrds whc awt aYhit ktE C. Wilt srt}^ en h ofr tht h i n a imp.Wrd. Th cmmdtn o a vlnt Kt th S Wwh remnds t th E C a rmsn o th fr rmng

    yrs o ^T:fre.E C. B wht frthr rght o bnft ds h expett gn admsn.

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    Wrd. B til bnft o tli Pig wrrs ps wlic lisbn cmnetd.EC. Tbs bng trii yu wl admt hm.(Candt i admtd c^' advncs t th SW bse o th

    trngl.)EC. M frnd wlit dclr liv yii nw t ink i

    tstniv o yr ftns t b rcvd a a Kt arang n.Cndt aftr S W.I 11w dclr i trtli & sbrnss tlit I pss n

    enimt o il wl agnst a si o eart wlic I wld ntfrly rcncle prvd I fnd i lim a crspndg ds-pstii.

    E C. Plgr til sntmts yn iitr a wrtliy o tlicse i whc yu ar enggd bt stl av mst rqr smefrtlir prf of yr elms t ou fvr tli pr w rqr i tlityu prtcpt i fve Ibtns tlis Lvng bn dnewe wl rcve & rcrd yn a Kt amng n th ele-mnts o ill Ibtns ar o th frst fr wne & wtr oth ftli pre wne Ar yn wing t prtcpt i tlisIbtns.

    Cndt. I a.E C. Yn wl tke on o th gblts whc yu sebfr yu in yr Imd ct prtcpt i th frst Ibtn.

    C^dt rptg aftr E G.T th mmory o ou mst exclnt G M SolKng o I " " "

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    Cnclt rptg aftr th E C.T th mmiy o on anc GM Hrm Kng o TrCndt rptg aftr tliE-C.T th mmrj o on wrth G M H Xh th wds

    sn wh 1st hs Ife i clfnc o hs intg.E C. Ths Ibtns ar mde t th mmry o onanc G M t rmd us tht bth ords wre frmlygvrnd b th sme G M tt tht th sme grt prn-cpls o univrsl bnvlnc shld gvru bth Bt thord int whc yn ar abt t b admtd i fndd npothchrstn rlgn ct th prtc o th chrstn vrisAttnd nw t a Issn fr th hly evnglst.

    Prlt. Then one of the twelve called JndasIscariot, went nnto the chief priests, andsaid nnto them, What will ye give me, andI will deliver him nnto yon ? And theycovenanted with him for thirty pieces ofsilver. And from that time he songlit op-portunity to betray him. Now the first dayof the feast of unleavened bread, the dis-ciples came to Jesus, saying nnto him,where wilt thou that we prepare for thee toeat the passover ? And he said, Go intothe city to such a man, and say unto him.The master saith. My time is at hand ; Iwill keep the passover at thy house with my


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    disciples. And the disciples did as Jesushad appointed them, and they made readythe passover. Now when the even wascome, he sat down with the twelve. And asthey did eat, he said, Yeiil}' I say unto you,that one of you shall betray t-e. And theywere exceeding sorrowful, and began everyone of them to say unto him, Lord is it I ?And he answered and said. He that dip-])etli his hand with me iii the dish, the sameshall betray me. The Son of man goeth,as it is written of him ; but wo unto thatman by whom the Son of man is betrayed !It had been good for that man if he hadnot been born. Then Judas, which be-treyed him, answered and said, Master, is itI ? He said unto him. Thou hast said.3Iatf. xxvl. 14 25.E C. Plgr th twl tprs o th trngl crrspnd

    to th nmbr o th aptls o ou k Mstr whn oeart, on o whm fl. b trnsgrsn k btrd lis Lrd &mstr A a cnstnt admonitn.t yu evr t prsvr ith pths o hnr intgrty k trth

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    yiolt lis vw i wrtliy o n bttr fte tlm tht whcJds sifrcl Attnd t antlir Issn.Then cometli Jesus with them unto a

    place called Gethsemane, and said unto thedisciples, Sit je here, while I go and prayyonder. And he took with him Peter andthe two sons of Zebedee, and began to besorrowful and very heavy. Then saith heunto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful,even unto death ; tarry ye here, and watchwith me. And he went a little further, andfell on his face, and prayed, saying, O myFather, if it be possible, let this cup passfrom me ; nevertheless, not as I will, but asthou wilt. And he cometli unto the dis-ciples, and findeth them asleep, and saithunto Peter, What ! could ye not watch withme one hour ? Watch and J^ray that yeenter not into temptation ; the spirit indeedis willing, but the flesh is weik. He wentaway again the second time, and prayed,saying, O my Father if this cup may notpass away from me, except I drink it, thywill be done. And he came and found themasleep again ; for their eyes were heavy.And he left them, and went away again, and


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    prayed the third time, saying the samewords. Then cometh he to his disciples,and saith unto them, Sleep on now, andtake yonr rest ; behold, the hour is at hand,and the Son of man is betrayed into thehands of sinners. Eise, let us be going :behold he is at hand that doth betray me.And while he yet spake, lo, Judas, one ofllie twelve, came, and with him a greatmultitude, with swords and staves, from thechief priests and elders of the people. Nowhe that betrayed him gave them a sign, say-ing, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same ishe, hold him fast. And forthwith he cameto Jesus, and s:id. Hail, master ; and kissedhim.iVatt. xxvi. 36-49.E C (uncvrng ski). Plgi'm yu lire bhld

    mrtlty sprtd b dvnty a hmn ski rstg upo thH B whc i t rmnd yu tlit amng th trls &vcstuds w ar dstnd t encntr whl trying tlirthe plgrmg o If a frm rlnce o dxn Prvdnc enaln afrd tbt cnsltn stfctn & pee o mnd whcth wrld cnnt gve o tk awa.

    Attnd t anthr Issn fr th lily evnglst.Prlt. When Pilate saw that he could pre-

    vail nothing, but rather a iumult was made,


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    he took water, and washed his hands be-fore the multitude, saying, I am innocent ofthe blood of this just person ; see ye to it.Then answered all the people and said, Hisblood be on us, and on our children. Thenreleased he Barabbas unto them ; and whenhe had scourged Jesus, he dehvered him tobe crucified. Then the soldiers of the gov-ernor took Jesus into the common hall, andgathered unto him the whole band of sold-iers. And they stripped him, and put onhim a scarlet robe. And when they hadplatted a crown of thorns, they put it uponhis head, and a reed in his right hand : andthey bowed the knee before him, andmocked him, saying. Hail king of the Jews !And they spit upon him, and took the reedand smote him on the head. And after thatthey had mocked him, they took the robeoff from him and put his own raiment onhim, and led him away to crucify him. Andas they came out they found a man of Cy-rene, Simon by name : him they compelledto bear his cross. [And when they weiecome unto a place called Golgotha, that isto say, A place of a skull, they gave him

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    vinegar to drink, miDgled mth gall : andwhen he had tasted thereof he would notdrink. And they crucified him, and partedhis garments, casting lots. And sittingdown, they w^atched him there ; and set upover his head his accusation written, TIiihis Jesus the King of the Jews.']3Iatt. xxvii.24-38.E C (Tks up ski k advncs twrd cndt).Hw strkng i ths emb o mrtlty one animtd Ikourslvs bt nw bhld i hs csd t act k evii tothnk 1 vtl energs ar extnct & al th pwrs o IfliY csd thr oprtns. T ths stte w ar al hstngLt us thn spnd th rmng spn o Ife a t sere aintrst i th blsd immnl s tht whn ou wk &frl bds Ike ths mmnt shl bcm eld & inanimtou dsembdd sprts ma sr abve & b admtd intth rgns o Ife etrnl, thr t prtcpt i tht glrs in-hrtnce prprd bfre th fndtns o th wrld fr altru k fthfl flwrs o th Imb yu wl nw attndanthr Issn fr th hly evanglst.In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to

    dawn toward the first day of the week, cameMary Magdalene, and the other Mary, tosee the sepulcher. And behold, there wasa great earthquake: for the angel of the


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    Lord descended from Heaven, and cameand rolled back the stone from the dcor andsat upon it. His countenance was likelightning, and his raiment white as snowAnd for fear of him the keepei^ did shakeand become as dead men. And the angelanswered and said unto the women. Fearnot ye : for I know that ye seek Jesus whichis crucified. He is not here, for he hasrsen as he said. Come see the place wherethe Lord lay : and go quickly and tell hisdisciples that he is risen from the dead ;and behold, he goetli before you into Gali-lee : there shal ye see him : lo, I have toldyou. And they departed quickly from thesejDulcher with fear and great joy, and didrun to bring his disciples word. And asthey went to tell his disciples, behold Jesusmet them, saying, All Hail. And they cameand held him by Ihe feet and worshippedhim. Then Jesus said unto them, Be notafraid : go tell my brethren that they go in-to Galilee, and there shall they see me.Matt xxviii. 1-10.

    (Note.This is sometimes read by the S.W. before the ascention.)82

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    E C. Plgmi Th fth Ibtn i prfrmd i a viyslm mnr bt bfre ju cu b prmted t prtcpt i iI enjn upo yu th prfrmc o on yr o pnc uiidrth drctn o th S & J Ws wth ths ski i on hud& a brng tpr i th othr t rmnd ju tht wthpnc & hmlty yii shkl s It yr Ight s shne bfremn tht thy sng yr gd wrks ma ghiy yr fthwhc i in hvn Plgr frewl.

    1st G. Wh cms hr.S W. A pig pntnt trvlg fr afr wli crvs

    frm u prmssn hre t rst & a th sln-n o on dprtLrd t ofr up lis pryrs k mdtns.

    Grd. Hs h th Pen ps.S W. H hs i nt I hv i fr hm.Grd. Advnc & gve i ^' - ^Grd. Th ps i rght pss on.S W. Plgr w ar nw abt t ps a rprsnttn oth accntn o ou Lrd cfc s\t whc i to tch yu tht

    alth i is appntd fr a mn one t die yt a th svro th wrld rse fr th dd s th scrpt infrm u thrgheous shl arse t Ife evrlstng.

    (S W (fe Cndt entr. Ascntn.)The rising God forsakes the tomb,Up to His Father's coui't he flies,


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    CheiTibic legions guard him home,And shont him welcome to the skies.Break off jour tears, ye saints, and tellHow high our great Deliverer reignsSing how he spoil'd the hosts of hellAnd led the monster death in chains.Say " Live for ever, wondrous King,Born to redeem, and strong to save ?"Then ask the tyrant, where's thy sting ?And where's thy victory, boasting gi'ave ?Prlt. Pig th sen bfr yu I'prsnts th splndd

    cnclsn o th hllwd scrfce ofrd b th rdmr o thwrld t propcte th angi' o an ofndd deity,Ths scrd ylmn infrms u tht ou svr aftr h^Tigsffrd th pns o dsolutn dcndd into th pic odprtd sprts & tht o th thrd da h brst thbnds o dth triumphd ovr th grv

  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


    Jss wh dd tilt Tu mglit Ive Plgi' tli crmns iwhc TU ar nw enggJ ar intnd t dplv irnprsjT mnd c^' I trst wl liv a Istng ct bppy effctupo jr chrctr, ya vrre frst a a tril o yr ptnce

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    S W. B bnft o th P P pss.Wrd. Hs h th ps.S W. Hhsntllivifrhm.Wrd. Advnc & gve i ^ - ^Wrd. Til ps i rglit yu tsI wt a tme wtli

    IDtnce & limlty & sn a ans shl b rtrnd t yrrqst.(Wrd rtrn t asjl.)E C. Sr Kt Wrd wh dre aprcli th pcful

    asl o oil cmmndr t intrpt ou shit mdtns.(or wht occtns th ah'ni.AYrd. A P P trvhig fr afr wh hvngprfrmd hs yr o puce i nw dsrs o bng prmtd

    t prtcpt i th fth btii thrby t si h ft.E C. Wht srty en h ofr tht h i no a imj\Wrd. Th cmndtn o tw vhit Kts th S ct J

    Wrdns.E C. B wht frthr rght o bnft ds h expct tgn admssn.Wrd. B th bnft o th Pen ps whch hs bn

    cmnctd.E C. Ths bDg tru yu wl admt hm.(Thy ent

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    to frmng als a tragi wtli thr arms fldcl ctlicls bwd A ppc mst b 1ft a tli bsc sfcnt taclmt til tw W clns wtli th Cnclt btwn thm,als a til apex t aclmt th tlire prncpl ofcrswh tgtlir wth th Prlt ar i thr stns.)E C. WJi hve ju thr i chrg Sr Kts.S W. A Plgrm pntnt trvlcg fr afr wh

    livng prfrmd lis yr o pnce i nw dsrs o bngprmtd t prtcpte i th fth Ibtn Ihrby t si lisftc.E C. Plgr yr yr o pnce hs indd exprd- btyr trm of pnce en nvr end untl ths mrtl shllive pt o imrtlty bcse al mn e'er & erng iidrpntnce Pntnt b grntg yr rqst & rcvng yu aKt amng u I en onl ofr yu rgh hbt crse diet& svie dty i o ths cndtns yu stl dsr t jn ouord & enlst und ou bnr yu tvI advnc & kl ath bse o th trngl.

    (E C Gen

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    dnt prars ws nt exmt Frui ths o a smlr cpliv al Kts Tmplrs prtku bfre yu & t assr yntht w prtc ]i impstii I gve yu a pldg (Fls A:drnks) Yu wl tke ths cp i yr rglit hnd

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    Kt wli sill bslj btry hs trst o ^dolt lis vw)(this is sometimes used.)E C. Yu lire bhld tli swrds o th Sr Kts

    prsntd t yr dfiicls brst Thj ar embbr.tcl o thswrd o jstce ct ar t rmnd yn tht shld yiiprve rcrnt t 3^r vws p Ktlid thy wl b drwn tinflct jstce bt o th entry we gve yu ths mystcassurance (h lire rses lis liiid a whc' sgn thKts frm a cnopy o stl ovr th cndts hd thtshld yu prve ftlifll to yr vws tlise wtli thsndso otlirs i dmd ncsry wl b drwn t ufnd yu ith obsrvnc o th sme & insre yu a glrs vctryovr yr enms.E C. Attn Sr Kts Ecvr. Rtrn Swrds.Ths i eld th sld ob bcse an enggmt entrd

    int prmc mde o scrt rpsd i rfrnc t ths Ibtn icnsdrd b Ks T mre bndg thn an}^ othr atndnw to a Issn fr th acts o th apstls.Prlt. And in those days Peter stood upin the midst of the disciples, and said (thenumber of the names tjgethtr were aboutan hundred and twenty), Men and brethren,this Scripture must needs have been ful-filled, which the Holy Ghost, by the mouthof David, spake before, concerning Judas,which was guide to them that took Jesus.


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    For he was numbered with us, and had ob-tained a part of this ministry. Now thisman purchased a field with the reward ofhis iniquity ; and, faUing headlong, he burstasunder in the midst, and all his bowelsgaslied out. And it was known to all thedwellers at Jerusalem : insomuch as thatfield is called, in their proper tongue, Acel-dama, that is to say, the field of blood. Forit is written in the Book of Psalms. Lethis habitation be desolate, and no mandwell therein ; and his bishopric let anotherlake. Wherefore, of th se men Avhich havecompanied with us all the time that theLord Jesus went in and out among us, be-gioning from the baptism of John, unto thatsame day that he was taken up from us,mu-t bo one ordained to be a witness withus of his resiuTection. And they appointedtwo, Joseph, called Barsabas, who was sur-named Justus, and Matthias. And theyprayed and said, Thou, Lord, which know-est the hearts of all men, shew whet er ofthese two thou hast chosen, that lie maytake part of this ministry and apostleship,from which Judas by transgression fell, that


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    lie might go to liis own place. And theygave fortii their lots : and the lot fell uponMatthias ; and he was numbered with theeleven apostles. Acts i. 15-26.

    Gen. E C I prove b th extngshd tpr o thtrngl tht thr i a vcncy i on cmnidry I thifrprpse i b fld fr amng ths vlnt Kts ^vh hv cn-frmd t th rls o th ordr.E C. Lt th bits b est (dne b S & J W whanc th rslt.E C. Pntnt th Its hve bn est i thy fvr

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    E C (Prsntg sw). I nw invst jn wtli tlisswrd wlic i yr Imcls a a vlnt k ingnmims KT i eDclwd Avtli tlir addtul mst (exclut) es-timable qlts its hit wth jstce imprtl i l)ldewtli frtde nndnt & i pnt wtli mrcj k tclisths imprtnt Isn tht whn w drw ou swrds wshld b wl assrd o th jstce o ou cse ths hvDgbn ascrtnd w shld prsvre wth th mst und-ntd frtdd & hvng sbdd on enemy int o pwrw shld rmmbr tht h i an enem n Ingr & ex-tnd t hm tht mst grcs atrbt o deity Mrcy.E C. I wl nw invst 3*u wth th Pen Pss.Th P P Ps i g^^n b fr cts o th swrd cfe nnda arch o st ^./'j^^^^ G. Pic o a s.Picvr Swrd Ktrn Swrd. ,Ths i th Pnl sgn & aids t th pnlty o th obThs is th Gr H Sg o a K T i aids t th ps oth Svr whn extnd up th cr. Ths i th Grp - '"' '

    I a nw i a pstn t gve yu th wrd * "' "" Yn arnw i a psn t gve it t m. Th wrd i I G wth n.Ths Grp tchs n tht a ou fngrs a strngly

    intried s shl ou hrts b frmly untd i brtly Ivect frndshp Th mtto o th ord i inscrbd upo thbnnr In Hoc Signo Yinces sgnfyg B ths sgnsht th cnqr.


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    (Til cndt nw rtrs i ordr tlit tli hi ma bprprd t cnfr tli ordr o inlta whc cnsts smplji rmvg til triangle & expsiig t view tli Biinr

    til ordr wlic i a plain Avliite field with ared passion cross in tli centre Tli motto1 N R I in red or gold. If metal appearsas lace or fringe i should be gold.)Ths ord ma b cnfrd o svii smltaneousljif til ordr is cnfrd immediatly aftr tli order

    o ill Tmpl i ma b cnfrd b cninctn, it is notnecessary then for the candidate to retirebut til E C will state that owing to the late-ness o hour he will confer the order by com-munication.

    ORDB O MLTA B CMNCTN.E C. Th ordr o Mlt i appndnt t th ordr

    o th Tmpl k i cnfrd eitlir b cmntn o at amtg st aprt fr Hit prpse whcli i rglry cnvnd.Yr sld ob sprsds tli ucsty o layng yu undrany frtlir obln i rfrnc t ths ordr I mstliwevr rqr yu t nike a slm oblgtn wlic I amauthrzd t prpse t yu. Yu wl drw jv swrd.E C. (Tks i hldg i hrzntly wth bth linds.Pic yr 1ft hnd o th bide 5 r rglit o yr lirt.Attn Sr Kts) (all arise k uncvr) Ept aftr m

    (Cndt rpts I slmy pld m hnr a a Kt liyng

  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


    rfrnce t m ^IcI ob tht I wl nt ast o b prsnta til cnfi'Dg o tbs ord avLI imcl tb jrsdctn otb Gr Enc o U S iipo any on ^vb bs nti-liT rcTd tb SYi-l dgrs o E A, r C. M M, MM M, P M, M E M, E A M & Kt o tb E Cci' Kt o tb Tmpl i a jst & Igi mnr t m fl &entr stfctn

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    hand. And when the barbarians saw thevenomous beast hang on his hand, theysaid among themselves, No doubt this manis a murderer, whom, though he hath es-caped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth notto hve. And he shook off the 1 east into thefire and felt no harm. Acfs xxviii. 1-5.E C. Ths sgn i gvn a i wrmg yr hnds a afre thn grpng tli plm o tli 1ft wth th thmb

    & fr fng o th rght & thrng i away i ths mnr->^ vr v:- J nYae i Mlta th anc nme o th islnd oMlt.

    E C. W wl nw Istn to anthr Isn fr th hlyEvang.Prlt. But Thomas, one of the twelve,

    called Didymus, was not with them whenJesus came. The other disciples, thereforesaid unto him. We have seen the Lord.But he said unto them. Except I shall seein his hands the print of the nails^ and putmy finger into the print of the nails, andthrust my hand into his side, I will not be-lieve. And after eight days, agaia his dis-ciples were within, and Thomas with them.Then came Jesus, the doors being shut, andstood in the midst, and said Peace be with


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    you. Then said lie to Thomas, Beach hitherthy finger, and behold my hands ; and reachhither thy hand, and thrust it into my side ;and be not faithless, but believing. AndThomas answered and said unto him, MyLord and mj^ God. John xx. 24-28.E C. Kch hthr thy fng k bhld m hnds(gvng sgn) rch hthr thy Imd k thrst i intm sde k b nt fthls bt blvng (gvng sgn) Thsar til grps sgns k wrds k aide t tli unblf oThms. M Ird k M G, tli nme o ths grp iinfedlts.

    E C. We wl nw Istn t anthr Issn.Prlt. And Pilate wrote a title, and put iton the cross. And the writing was, Jesus ofNazareth the King of the Jews.John six. 19.E C. Th prncpl wrds o th ordr ar EexE-egum Dominas Dominorum sgnfy kng okngs c^: Ird o Irds.Th mtto o the ord yu wl se inscrbd

    upo th bnnr 1, N, E, I, thy ar th intls o thItn wrds leses Nazerini Eex ludaorumsgnfying Jss o Nzrtli Kng o th Jws. Thcrs upo th bnnr i th crs o clvry o wdic thsvr ws crsfd I i usd i ths crmns i prfrnc t thmltry crss o th ord on accnt o th rltn whc


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    th mtto brs t i & tli slm & intrstng asciatnswlic wlm tkn tgtlir tlij ar clculated t awkni til mnd And nw Sr K i blilf o m cmpns Iagn bd yu a hrtj wlcme t al tli rghts &prvlgs evil t tilt dsintrsted frndslip & un-bndd lisptly wlic lis & w trst wl Ing cn-tnue t dstngsli adm & clirtrse tlis nbl ordrsWill til age & octn wlic gve tLm brtli tliradvntrs & wrlke sprt lis psd awa Bt tlir mrl& bnfcnt clirctr stl rrnns brglit i al i prmtvebty & Ivlinss t excte a i tli das o tlir grtstglry tilt sprt o rfnd & mrl clivlry wlic slildprmt us t prss onwrd i th cse o trtli & jstcestmlte lis t exrtn i blilf o tli dstte & oprs twld til swrd i nd be wlin pre cfe uiidfld rlgnels us i lir dfnce & i a brtlirs cse t do al tlitbcms mn.

    Tliy als tch th trimpli o imrtlty tht thodth hts its stng its inflctn i bt fr a mmnt.Tilt tlis frl orgnztu tho hre sbjct t th mnyils tht flsli i heir t possess an etlirl prncpltht sill sr t th rims o endls bis & bynd thpwr o chng lye frvr (cndt is std).

    E. C. Sr Kt Ecc ar yu rdy with th mnts ?Ecr. E Sr I am rdy.E C. Yu wl rd thm.98

  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


    Pvc] d. (Rcls mnts.)EC. Sr Kts ar tli mnts crrct a rd i so Iwl dclr tlim aprvd. tli ar s aprd. g.E C. Sr Kt Ecrd i thr any bsns o yr dskt cme bfre tlis cmndry bfre w pred t els ?

    Eec. Eds bsness.E C. Ds any Sr Kt kno o any Sr Kt iscknss o dstrs ?

    I any state them.E C. Sr Kt "Wrdr whn a cmnd o KtsTmpl i abt t b clsd wlit bcms yr dty ?Wrd. T se tli sntl i a lis pst

  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


    CUTS & WORDS.J. C.XXX _ J. B.'P. P.XXXX ^ T. S-B.E. C. W. XXX 4-L. L. _G. S. G. & W. of K C. K. X s XXX gr. V. T.P. W. P. XXXX ^ M-S-H-Br. p. p. XXXX ^ G. P. of S.I. W.When a Cncl of Mlta is specially con-vened the accompanying diagram will show

    the position of the officers and form of Cncl


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    OBDB O 3ILT.E C. Sr Kt "W'rdr stsf yrslf tlit al prsntareKtsoMlt - - -Wr. I a gtfcl Em tht al prsnt ar Kts o

    Mlt.E C. Th ofcrs wl rpr t tlir stns.E C. Sr Kt Gen ar yu a Kt o MltGen. I h\e bn Imrd wtli tht trst.E C. Hw mny cmpse a Cncl o th ord o

    Mlt.Gen. Svn, nne, elvn o nire.E C. Wlin cmpsd o t^vl o whin ds i cnsst.Gen. Th E C, Gen., C G., Prlt, S W, JW, Trs, Ecrd, Erst

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    St B. T dspl sprt & prtct th bnrs o tliord.E C. Th fst G Stn.St B. O th rght i frnt o th C G i th S.E C. Sr Kt 1st Grd yr dty.1st Grd. T chlng al strngrs atmptng t ps

    my stn a rprt thm t th C Gen.E C. The send G Stn.1st G. O th rght i frnt o th Gen i th AY.E C. Sr Kt send Grd yr dty.2d G. T ehlng al strngrs atmptng t ps m

    stn & rprt thm t th Gen.E C. Th Eec stn.2d G. O th 1ft i frnt o th E C.E C. Sr Kt Ecrd yr dty.Berd. Fthfly t rcrd th trnsactns o th cncl

    cllet th rvnue & pa i oyt t th trs.E C. Th Trs stn.Kcrd. O th rghti frnt o the E C.E C. Sr Kt Trs yr dty.Tr. T rcve i chrg th fnds & proprty o thcncl pa al ordrs o th trsry & rndr a jst &

    acrt acnt o th sme whn rqud.102

  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


    E C. Th J W stn.Tr. O til rglit o th send dvsn & o th 1ft o

    th whle whn frmcl i Ine.E C. Sr Kt J W yr dtj.J W. T tke chrg o th cndt acmpny hm o

    lis jrny ans qstns fr hm & prsnt hs ptn t thGen.E C. Th S W stn.J W. O th rght o th first dvsn & o th rght

    o th whl whn frmd i Ine.E C. Sr Kt SW yr dty.S W. T cmmnd th Sr Kts & frm a th EC shl drct.E C. Th Prlts stn.S W. O th rght o th E C.EC. SrKtPrltyrdty.Prlt. T admstr a th altr Sc ofr up prars &

    obltns t th deity.E C. Th C G stn.Prlt. I th S.E C. Sr Kt C G yr dty.C. G. T cxmne al strngrs rprtd t me b th

    Urst G ^ se tht nne ps m statn bt sell a ardfy qlfd.


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    E C. Th Gen stn.C G. I til -W.E C. Sr Kt Gen yr city.Gen. T rcve al cndts fr tlis orcI & aftr

    strct c xmtn i fnd wrtli rcmnci thm t th E C.E C. Th E C stn.Gen. I th E.E C. Hs dty.Gen. T prsd ow & gvrn th cncl wth im-

    prtialy frmns & dcsn t cnfr ths ord npo alwh shl b fnd wrthy

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    nw clclr a ciicl o tli orclr o Mlt opnd i dufrm. Sr Kt Wrd infrm tli 8ntnl.

    (Note.Til cucil o Mlt ma b clsd by dela-tion at option.)WRK O KT O MLT.

    (Cndt, clthd

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    iJ W. B th bnft o th Plgrm Pen ps.Wrd. Hs h th pas.JW. Hlis.Wrd. Advnc & gve i.Cndt. " " ^.Wrd. Th ps i rght yn wl wt untl th E C

    i infrmd o jr rqst & hs ans rtrnd. (Yr^rdrrtrns t cncl.)E C. Sr Kt Wrdr wht occtns tht akrn.Wrd- Thr i wtht Sr A B wh hs bn crid k

    dbd a Kt o th vlnt Sz mgnms ord o th Tmp,& nw slcts th frthr hnr o bng created a Kto th ordr o Mlt.E C. Wht srty en h ofr tht h i nt a imp.Wrd. Th commdtn o a tni & crts Kt thJW.E C. B wht frthr rght o bnft ds h expct

    t gn admssn.Wrd. B bnft o th P P ps who hs bn cm-

    mncatd.E C. Ths bng tru h hs prmsn t entr.(J. W. & cndt entr & ps one arnd th lill a

    i th E A dgr, whr thy ar accstd b th frst Gi the S.) {K B.Durmg a rcptn th twGrds ar mrchng wth drwn swrds to

  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


    1st G. Wli cms lire.J W. A frncl.1st G. Frncl stnd. Sr Kt C G a strngr

    wsbs t ps.C G. Wh psses hre.J W. A Kt o th Tmpl.C G. Sr Kt adync & gve tli cntrsgn(Cnds gv pent ps - ^ ^.)C G. Th wrd i rglit, ps on. (Thy ps t tn

    W.)2d G. Wh cms hre.J W. A frnd dsrs an intrvw wth }t Gen.2d G. Frnd stnd until th Gen i infrmd o

    yr rqst.2d G. Sr Kt Gen, a strngr dsrs a intrvw.Gen. Wh psses hre.J W. Sr A B, wh hs bn creatd

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    I mst rqre sme evdnce tht yn live bn stblyprfcnt i ill prcdg dgrs & ords t enttle yu tth linr yu sk. Yu wl fee tli E & exlibt t mth sgns o ea dgr a yu advnc. (Cndt advncsundr til stp dugrd & sgn o ea dgr cmmucgwth th E A, th J W o hs rght & th Gen ohs 1ft.) ^ * ".

    Gen. Th evdnc i stfctry.Gen. Emnt Sr, I live th hnr t prsnt t yu

    Sr A B, wli lis bn creatd & dbd a Knt o thvlnt & nignnis ord o th Tmp & nw ofrs lim-slf a a cndt fr th ord o Mlt, H lis exhbtdt m th rqrd evdnce o lis prfncy i th prcdgdgrs & ords. I a als i pssn o stfctry assu-rances th h hs tkn upo limslf th sld obln &thrfr rcmnd lim t ju a flly enttld t th hnr hslits. (Gen. rtrn-9 1 hs stn.)E C. Sr Kt I am hppy t Irn tht yu liv bnabl t stfy ni Gen i rspct t yr prfncy i th prcdg

    dgrs & tht yu ar Igly enttled t th frtlir hnro bng creatd a Kt o Mlt. Bfr prcdg t cnfrwlic, liowevr, It us i accrdnc wth a tme linrdMsnc usage unite wth ou exclnt Piit i a ad-drs t th Thru o Mrcy.E C. Attn Sr Kts t yr dvtns.

    108 I

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    (Th Kts frm a lillw sqr abt th cnclt knl orght Im. Hlmt hid b 1ft Imcl o 1ft slilclr.Prlt rets til Lrcls Prar al rptg aftr hm. Thnarse & rsme stns.)

    (Piemarl:.If time presses all th prced-ing reception may be omitted. Th cndtbng intrdcd without an alrm by th J W kcndctd directly t th E in which case th cndtis iufrmd tht owng t t!i lateness o th hr etcth full ceremonies of th rcptn will be omit-ted of course i will be understood tht incase th plan suggested by this remark isadopted th officers retain their positions asin a cmmndr}^ of K T. Moreover it doesnot appear essential that th triangle shouldbe removed.)

    N. B.In case th full work is used it isof course proper for th E C to order laborin th order o th temple dispensed with anddclr a cncl o Mlt opn fr wrk aftr whc thsIttr is t b dclrd clsd k Ibr rsmd i th ord o thTmp which evr mthd is adptd th wrk o cn-frng th ordr o Mlt i a flws.E C. (Cndt i th E.) Th ord o Mlt i

    apndnt t th ord o th Tmp & i ths entry icnfrd eithr i th asylm o a emndr o i a enel


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    rgliij cnvenecl fr tht prpse. Yr slcl obsjDrscls th necstj o m layng yu undr a prtclron i rfrnce t ths ordr. I mst livr rqre yu tmke til slin dclrtn whc I am authrzd t prpset yu. Yu v{\ drw yr swrd (E C tks i hldg ilirizntly wth bth linds). Pic yr 1ft lind o thbid, yr rglit lind o yr lirt. Attention SrKts. UncoYer. Eept aftr m.I slmly pldg m Imr a a Kt livng rfrnc t msld obln tilt I wl nt asst o b prsnt a tli cn-frng o tlis ord will undr tli jrsdctn o tli GrEnc o til U S A upo any on wli lis nt rglryrcvd th svrl dgrs o E A, F C, M M, M MM, P M, M E M, E A M, Kt o th E C

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    nme o tli island o Mlt & aids t tli slipwrcko St PL Th scrptrs infrm iis tlit Avlin thatdstngtiislied Apstl ws o lis pssg t Erne t btrd by Aug Csar li ws est awa o th island ofMai Sc tilt th ntvs entrtnd hm

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    wth thm h ansrd Nazarisi Rex ludaorumBgnfng Jss o Nth Kng o th jws. Th crssiipo th bnr i th crss o clvary o who th Svrws crsfd, i i usd i ths crmns i prfrnc t thniltry crss o th ordr o acct o th rltn wlic th


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    mtto brs t i cfe th slm & intrstng asctns whcwlm tkn tgtlir thy ar clcultd t awkn i tlimnd, & nw sr Kt i bhlf o m cmpns I agn bclyvL a lirty T^'lcme t al tli rglits ct prvldgs evnt tht disintrstd frndsbp & iinbndd bsptltywhc bs & w trst wl Ing cntnue t dstngsb,adm tfc cbrtrise tbs nbl ordrs wtb tb age &occtu wbc gve tbm brtb. Tbr advntrs ctwrlke sprt bs psd awa. Bt tbr mre

  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


  • 8/8/2019 The Ritual of the Commandery 1878


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