Download - THE ROMANS !!



THE ROMANS !!By Sarah, Beth and Ruby

Romulus and RemusOnce there was two boys and their uncle did not like them so he threw them on a lake A while later a she-wolf saw them and protected them from danger and took care of them very well . A few years later a shepherd heard the babies crying and went to see what was wrong . The babies were safe and sound . So the shepherd took them and took care of them until they were young men. Romulus and Remus wanted to build a city ,Later then Romulus killed Remus and continued to build the City and soon called the city Rome after himself .

Then it froze in time for 2000 years. After 1700 years a man was digging in his garden and found a Pompeii brick wall and ever since they kept on digging it up .Now in Italy you can go see the buildings !!! _____________________________Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79 What happened

Clothes and fashionClothes , jewellery and hair cuts changed from time to time. Women wore gold head to toe. Some women wore wigs made from slaves hair . Women put chalk all over them because pale skin was thought to be attractive . Men and women wore tunics , citizens could wear togas . Richer women wore a dress called a stola .

Romans ate very unusual food . This is one of their recipes !! A chicken inside a duck and duck inside a pig then the pig inside a cow !! . They also liked peahens , peacocks And peacocks tongues .

Food !!What They Ate !!!Picture !!!!

Romans liked to play , fighting , board games, plays and lots more. They would fight in Amphitheatres . They fought against dangerous animals like lions and bears. Entertainment

Facts !!!Fact 1 : Romans had a place called a vomitarium so they would get sick there. Fact 2: The romans brought roads , wine , pizza and lots lots more to other countries. Fact 3: most words in english are derived from Latin .

The End !!!By Beth ,Sarah and Ruby

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