Transcript 1

The Royal British Legion

Hornsea and District Branch


October 2017

In this edition



Poppy Appeal


Coffee Mornings


Branch Meetings


Veterans’ Gateway



Sunday Parade


Great Pilgrimage 90


Latest Legion News


There are 4 branch newsletters every year: January, April, July and October

The deadline for articles to be included in the January 2018 edition is 22nd December 2017.

Any content for the newsletter should be sent to Gary Smith, preferably by email to

[email protected]

If you prefer to provide hard copies please phone 07912410327 after 6pm and I will pass you

my address or arrange to collect the articles from you. 2


Welcome to the October 2017 edition of the Hornsea and District branch newsletter. This is only

the second newsletter we have produced and I am still experimenting with the layout so please

bear with me.

There has been plenty of things happening with the branch as you will read and plans for events

next year are already under way. We had three new members attend the September branch

meeting and we welcome Susan, Paul and Helen to the branch. Remembrance and the poppy

appeal are almost upon us and I have also included some information about national Royal British

Legion events and information.

I do hope you enjoy reading the newsletter and keeping up to date with branch events and


Gary Smith

A message from our Poppy Appeal Organiser, Keith Twigg

As Poppy Appeal Organiser for Hornsea and District I am asking if you can spare a couple of hours of your time to man the collection point that we have been allocated at Tesco in Hornsea. This collection will start at 10am on Monday 30th October and end at 5.30pm on Saturday 11th November and will be inside the store. This will ensure that it is not too

cold and seats will be provided for those who cannot stand for too long. The tables and displays will be set up when you arrive and all you have to do is collect money and chat to customers. Tesco staff will look after you and their staff cafe is open should you want a drink. I have started a Rota which consists of two hour stints but if anyone can do only an hour they will be more than welcome. The times will be 10am to 12noon, 12noon to 2pm, 2pm to 4pm and 4pm to 5.30pm. On Sunday 5th November it will be 10am to 12noon - 12noon to 2pm, and 2pm to 4pm. If there are enough volunteers I would also like to have a collection in the Coop from Monday 6th November to Saturday 11th November. Would those of you who have a preference for either Tesco or the Coop please indicate in your reply. I would appreciate it if those of you who are members of 'organisations' e.g. RBL, Air Cadets, Army Cadets, The Lions, U3A, Choirs, Town Council and the Churches could pass the message on. Please get back to me as soon as you can with times that suit you and I will complete a Rota and circulate it to all volunteers. It would be wonderful if those of you from the uniformed services could wear uniform and/or medals. Please contact me on; 01964 536995 or 07414 987641 or email [email protected] Thank you Keith Twigg 3

Coffee Mornings

Since the last newsletter we have held a couple of coffee

mornings in the Methodist Church Hall, Hornsea. These have

raised over £230 and ensures we keep the Royal British Legion

and our branch in the public eye.

A few thanks from the Chairman to …… Hilary and Keith

Hinsworth who donated the cost of the hall. Maureen

(Methodist church lady) who donated a Victoria sponge. Tesco who donated their freshly baked

Tea Cakes. Mel Watson, Keith Twigg, Stephanie, Gill Fletcher and a friend who offered to help out

Janet Thompson.

The next coffee morning is Friday 27th October in the Methodist Church hall.

Saturday 4th November, the United Reformed Church Poppy Appeal coffee morning will be held.

Friday 24th November, the Christmas Coffee Morning will be at the Methodist Church hall.

If anyone can give some physical support on the days and or donate any home baking, please

contact Glynis and Vernon North at the earliest opportunity.

Taken at the coffee morning Friday 8th September. Photograph courtesy of the Holderness & Hornsea Gazette 4

Branch Meetings The next branch meetings are as follows. Please try to attend the meetings as they are really important for first-hand communication and a chance for you to input your questions, ideas and concerns. All meetings are held at Hornsea Ex-Servicemen’s Club, Southgate, Hornsea and start at 7.30pm. Wednesday 25th October (Annual General Meeting) Wednesday 22nd November Wednesday 24th January

Veterans’ Gateway Information has been included in recent editions of the Legion magazine but here is some condensed information and links to the resources.

There is a huge network of organisations supporting the Armed Forces community, so finding the

right one for your needs can be tricky. Veterans’ Gateway make it quick and easy by being your

first point of contact for whatever support you need, whether you are based in the UK or abroad.

Many of the team are veterans themselves so they understand the issues that people face after

leaving the Armed Forces. They work with people on a one-to-one basis, connecting them with the

right support as soon as possible.

Veterans’ Gateway is made up of a consortium of organisations and Armed Forces charities,

including The Royal British Legion, SSAFA – the Armed Forces charity, Poppyscotland, Combat

Stress and Connect Assist.

Veterans’ Gateway connections with additional key referral partners and information

organisations – both within and outside the Armed Forces sector – means they can get you to the

right organisation who can help.

You can speak to one of the team by phone or email. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a

week, to put you in touch with the help you need, or direct you to the information you are looking


You can use the Self Help service to find information yourself. This includes advice from a range of

organisations covering issues from employment, finances and housing, to independent living,

mental wellbeing, physical health, and families and communities. 5

Remembrance Sunday parade

The format of the parade will be similar to 2016

and Parade Marshall will be Frazer North. Details

about timings and form up locations will be

passed to you as soon as possible. Please note

that this year will be the final year that the Women’s Section standard will be on parade.

Great Pilgrimage 90

In the biggest membership event in its history, The Royal British Legion is recreating its 1928 pilgrimage to World War One battlefields.

A decade after the end of WW1, veterans and war widows visited the battlefields of the Somme and Ypres before marching to the Menin Gate in Ypres on 8 August 1928.

Exactly 90 years later on 8 August 2018, thousands of Legion members will carry their standards along the same route to the Menin Gate, to commemorate the last 100 days of WW1 and represent an entire generation that served while defending their country.

The branch are keen to support 2 members to represent us at the event(s) in Belgium. The cost for 2 members will be £1000 and The Rotary Club of Hornsea have kindly donated the cost. One of the members attending will be required to carry the standard and it should be noted that there are some long distances to march. There has been some interest from a couple of members to represent us but please pass your names to the branch Chairman or Secretary if you are also interested.

For more information please visit the dedicated Great Pilgrimage 90 page on The Royal British Legion website. Information is sparse at the moment but will develop over time.

Latest Legion News

Click on the link to go to The Royal British Legion website for more information.

Friday 20th October 2017 Poppy Appeal to accept contactless card donations

Wednesday 18th October National Memorial Arboretum awarded Guinness World Record

Monday 16th October TV presenter Helen Skelton ask nation to ‘Help Us, Help Them’

Thursday 5th October Legion helps fund service leavers towards a career in media

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