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Definitions of Sacraments:

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Definitions of Sacraments:According to St. Paul

In the Latin bible, the word “sacramentum” is used to translate the Greek word mysterion (mystery). Mystery is the term used by St. Paul when he referred to God’s hidden plan of always wanting us to save, renew and unite all things in Christ (Eph. 1:9; 3:3, 9). God’s mystery, his sacrament according to St. Paul, is revealed most perfectly in our Savior Jesus, the person who unifies us and reconciles us with the Father.

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Definitions of Sacraments:According to St. Augustine

St. Augustine’s definition of sacrament stressed the notion of sign or symbol. For Augustine, a sacrament was a sign of sacred reality. It is a Holy sign, a symbol or image or, expression- through which the believer can both perceive and receive an invisible grace. The sign or symbols points to a deeper reality of a spiritual world, a world where friendship with God can be realized.

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Definitions of Sacraments:According to St. Thomas Aquinas

For Him, a sacrament was an efficacious symbol. An “efficacious symbol” , is one that affects what it symbolizes and symbolizes hat its effects. What is symbolized happens. An ordinary symbol or sign points to a deeper reality; it doesn’t cause it.A sacrament, though, is a special sign that brings about what it symbolizes and symbolizes what it brings about.In a special way, the sacrament is a sign that we can perceive through our senses which puts us into real contact with the saving Jesus. In a sacrament, there is a pointing to and an effecting of the reality symbolized. Thus, a sacrament is a very special kind of symbol.

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Other definition of a SACRAMENT:o“A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.”1) A Sacrament is a sign. As we have already seen, a sacrament is a special visible sign that put us into special contact with out Lord. The seven ritual sacraments, furthermore, are particular signs that represents particular actions and values of Jesus. These signs re-enact and re-present what has taken place in the past. They make present and real today what Jesus has accomplished by His saving deeds.

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2.) A sacrament was instituted by Christ. The sacraments are ultimately traceable to Jesus. The seven sacraments highlights the Paschal Mystery, the message of Jesus. They help us remember what Jesus Christ has done for us, and they enable us to celebrate his glorious deeds today

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3.) A sacrament gives grace. Jesus, Himself, is grace. Grace is the gift of God's friendship for us. Grace is the story of God’s constant love for us. Grace is God’s free invitation to us to live in union with him.

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according to ST. AUGUSTINE

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PRINCIPLES:The sign itself--Signs and symbols use in every sacrament.

What it signifies—the things use in sacraments.

Reality alone– the spiritual effect or the grace we received.

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Elements of the Sacraments:WORDS/FORMThe words of the Priest in administering the sacrament.

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Elements of the Sacraments:MINISTER

who confers the Sacrament with the intention of doing that which the Church intends.

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Elements of the Sacraments:MATTER of the sacraments

The things which are sanctified.Bread, wine, water, oil, light, incense, vestments, gold, bells and organs.

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Make people HolyBuild up the Body of ChristGive worship to God

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Functions of the Sacraments:Commemorate what happened in the past.Demonstrates in the present that Jesus Christ lives.Prefigures our glorious future with Christ at the end of time.

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What is SACRAMENTAL?are all of the physical ways that we marks the occasions of life holy. All of them have the power to spur on devotion, encouraging Catholics to express and deepen their love, sorrow, and joy. And almost every sacramental includes prayers.

*examples:the most popular ones are rosaries, little

books, icons. But there are many others, such as ashes (at Lent), bows and prostrations, vigil candles, holy water, incense, the sign of the cross, and chant.

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Difference between SACRAMENTS and SACRAMENTALS

The Sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ and the Sacramental's were instituted by the Church; The Sacraments give grace of themselves when we place no obstacle in the way; the sacramental's excite in us pious dispositions, by means of which we may obtain grace.

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Three Divisions or Groups:The sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist)-first sacrament to be received by an individual.The sacraments of healing (Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick)-Christ heals us not only physical but also spiritual.The Sacraments of Service and Commitment(Holy Orders, Matrimony)-directed towards the salvation of Christ.

*all this sacraments have their special graces since they all manifest the different ways in which Christ comes to us, meeting us at all the decisive and ordinary moments of our lives.

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*Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders imprint a character on the soul, an indelible spiritual sign, so that these three sacraments cannot be repeated. Not every Christian has the power to preached the word and to administer all the sacraments, therefore, Ordination is necessary. Penance, gives reconciliation; Anointing prepares the body of resurrection. The Eucharist and Matrimony establish loving interpersonal communication which is a beginning of heavenly fulfillment.

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Through Baptism we are born into the Mystical Body of Christ so that with Him we are children of God.Through Confirmation we become mature enough to exert a social influence on the world as witness to Christ.Through Holy Eucharist we are fed with Christ, the bread of life, in a community banquet.Through Penance we are revitalized, if our sins have weakened or killed our friendship with Christ and our fellow human beings.

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Through the Anointing of the sick we regain health or gain strength from Christ to pass through death into eternal life.In Holy Orders priest are chosen to preach the Good news, form communities and administer the sacraments which activates Christ’s love for the people of God.In Matrimony, partners are chosen by one another to live a life of responsible love which mirrors within the family circle Christ’s love for His Church.

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*This personal approach to the sacrament should make us not only know our faith but live it. We must look on them not just as ceremonies that make us Holy, but as divine encounters which draw loving responses from us, so that we freely commits ourselves to a friendship that will never die. If we make use of the sacraments in this personal way, then our lives will be truly Christ- centered.

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Sacrament each Divisions:The sacraments of initiation

BAPTISM- The first sacrament of initiation. It is the sacrament we received before all the others. Without it we cannot received the others.It is received only once, for it imprints an indelible mark or character on the soul which is visible wherever we may be in the next life.It is the door to the Holy Spirit and to the other sacraments . By Baptism, the believer is freed from sin, reborn as God's child, made a member of Christ and of the Church, and given a share in the Church's mission.The richness of Baptism is unfolded in the fullness of mature Christian life.

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CONFIRMATONConfirmation is necessary to complete the baptismal grace. We become fuller member of the church.By Confirmation, the baptized are more bound to the Church, enriched by a special strength of the Spirit, and more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith.In this sacrament we are consecrated to God and the spirit dwelling within us calls us to life of prayer and service.

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We are given more gifts by the Holy Spirit so that we may be able to witness Christ more courageously to others at all times. It calls us to be PUBLIC WITNESS of the faith:

a)witness to the kingdom of God;b)witness to Jesus, the Christ, as the

unique savior of all;c)witness to the freedom from the

slavery of sin;d)witness to the love of God;e)witness to Christ’s real presence in

the Christian community.

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EUCHARISTThose baptized and confirmed are fully initiated into the Church by receiving first Eucharist.At the Last Supper, Our Lord instituted the Eucharistic sacrifice to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross throughout the ages. In this memorial of his death and Resurrection "Christ is consumed, the mind is filled with grace and a pledge of future glory is given“The Church is kept in being by the Eucharist (the sign and cause of the unity of God's People). In the Eucharist we are united with the heavenly liturgy and anticipate eternal life with God.

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Eucharist as:Memorial of Christ’s sacrifice—Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross.Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper—Jesus institute the sacrament of the Eucharist during the last supper in the context of Passover meal.Center of Christ’s sacramental presence—the Holy Eucharist is the only sacrament in which our Lord is personally contained, offered and received.

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The sacraments of healing RECONCILIATION

Those who approach the sacrament of Penance receive God's mercy for their sins and are reconciled to the ChurchThrough this sacrament, the church continue the ministry of forgiveness that Jesus entrusted to His followers.It celebrates the Father compassionate love , through Christ’s forgiveness in the Holy Spirit and our sorrow for sin.The fullness of overcoming sin and its effects.

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ANOINTING OF THE SICKBy this sacred anointing, the Church asks the glorified Lord to raise up and save the sick person. The person is asked to help the Church by their union with Christ's sufferings and death.We called to be compassionate healers.

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The healing brought about by this sacrament does not refer to a cure of the disease or the defect which the medical profession pursues, but to a more holistic care that touches the body, mind and spirit of the sick person.This sacrament, primarily puts the sick person at peace by the assurance of God’s love and mercy and the prayer and concern of the entire Christian community.

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The Sacraments of Service and Commitment

HOLY ORDERSBelievers (already consecrated by Baptism and Confirmation) receive a particular consecration through Holy Orders "to feed the Church by the Word and grace of God.“Ordained ministers participates in Jesus’ priestly ministry.

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They are empowered to exercise in a special way the mission Jesus entrusted to His apostles.Through Holy Orders, the mission given by Christ to his apostles is continued until the end of time in three degrees: bishop, priest, and deacon.By ordination, one is qualified to act a representative of Christ, Head of the church and His triple function of Priest, Prophet, and King.

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MATRIMONYBy their matrimonial Covenant, a man and a woman establish a partnership of the whole of life. This Covenant is by nature ordered to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring. Between the baptized, Christ has raised this Covenant to the dignity of a sacrament.Marriage is part of God’s plan. Every human person is called to love one another sharing in God’s own life and love. This mutual love is disclosed clearly in the love of husband and wife.

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