  • £




    ]BEFORE you bave read verv far into this littie story you wilZvery lilcely decide that the strango adventnres that hotel! Biekwere nothing btat a very extraurdcnary clrcam brought un by too

    hcarty enj ovnicnt of cakes ansi uther slelieaeics provicled at bis lasibirthday party. Von inay have come rather eluse to the truth intaking this view of the Inatter bui notxvithstandiaig this you tnnstrealize that Meccanulanci is no “droam cunntry” hut a very real andglorious land whcre stnrdy boys uve a life ci juy aud ma

    Neariy all the inliabitants of this snnny realaa aro boys—niilliunsof theni—and they are all happy. ‘l’ho younger ones aro revcllingarnung aaiiniatnre bridges, vaguns, windnills, trneks aaid tuwers, thatthey build and set to worlc ineehaoically. T’ho ulder unes are huildingand playing with larger strnctnres—real engiueering in miniatnre—-atad all aro busilv engaged in inventiag new ami ingeniuus modelsaacl movenlents. All these boys have thoir uwn inacazine, the“Jlereano i[aqasi;ze” which cleals xvith the topics tliat E-leccano hevslove tu reati ahont they spend happy hoairs in invontiaig and buildingmore and better inodels.

    Manv hoys have liveci in Xleccanolaad for more chan 20 y’earsmitI every day more bava ai-e orowding mIto the conntry cagor tuiearn of its vundors anci tu ,juin the tua. tcecaau fnra rnalces beysglad tu he alive; it strengtiieias thoir chziracters, sets their hrainivsirleing and teaches thom somothing that xviii nialce them. gruw upintu successiul rnen.

    The snii nevor sets 00 Meccanoland—there is always lite andjoy. ‘The gatos are never elused and the unly’ passpurt you require inurder to entor this woaclerful laud is a Moccanu Outfit.

    Get voer passpurts tuday ansi don’t stay another minuto in thecold dreary wurld outside.

    NOTE—,’lIl the nrodcls illi,stratcd io thzis boohc ‘ceith the crcr/’tion

    ofi i/re Dzpledoens ;aay ho bui/i ze’itlj se ,V’o. I IlIcc’ca;zp (Jntjìt.

    Il] uI)11111151111[v)IlIIlI





    TO put it plainly, xvas feeling “ted np.” ‘l’ho previuns sia luciha-a niy hirihda ami xvc liul bui a vcrv ,juliv evoning-, hnt at thetime uf sviso-li I xx rite I xvas ciecidodlv uff ouiur I Of c’unrso tho

    rea-sua sons unite c’lear tu inc for, uN I oxplainecl to ovcrvono, I liad Ieeici ver iii irk ci at s’hui d. I cannot i inng in e svliv mv I iruther Jack shunidhave clnined a j ast t hs’n xvi tls si i mt hi ng ahunt ‘‘...uverxvurkings’osirself witls hirtlsday- eakos ami jolIy tarts yun nioan I” Anyxvav, therest uf the iainily svero enjuying thoinselves in the living ruolo hntI jtast felt tlnt I xi anted tu ho bIt alone—for a xvhiIe at loast

    As I xvanclerc’d ainilessly ahuut, the qniotncss uf the honssi sec-motiIuust clepressing after the pri-vi mi night’s nuiso ansI oxcitinent. Alllan’ hirtlsday presenti stili lav un the tahlo hnt I ounhln’t talco ntiehintt’rest in thetn at the time. It scemed an ago silo-o mv birthclay partyxvhun 1 asIc dio part uf Oh! Father Time in the charado. I had declared

    1 couhl do this quito wehli menu si’ I alreaclv hai! 1usdsI 1115’ cxperience uf aotingat schssnl, ansi I think iroally was nnkincl of Jacktu renlind overvono uf the

    si‘I ;s• -

    i, i-\ -i:.

    luite nnneeossary faet thatlxiv sléhnt un that uccasionhad heen in a miinsr part— -tu ho canditi, uno uf thesheep iii the school ilay“Liti/e Bo-Per/a”

    Ps it was, thingsivere dead against me as

    1 11(10 One


    “1 am Ring \leccano the Great”

  • Fother ‘lime, aithuugh I aiimit I xvas te hianie tu suole extent in not

    iii se’svering untii after I baci entered the reami that my ‘‘beard” wasgnnving Ss e eo’here rounci my ielt ear I Bern then I think I shssuid havepassesi tiff alright, if that ciunisy Bnhhie had riot steppeil un mv toe.Pani inc li liii IOC afterwards that when I asieeil the ‘‘sii iv cioavn” te mmdxvhere 1w avas guing she knew at OnCe I coiiitiii’t reaHy be n uid mari.iiut then I’anhne is verv young ami aeree haci mnch iinagination

    Web. ali that happenetl on mv hirthtlay and I xvas in a very differentironie ni minsi at the time wiien this stery reaiiv starti. I had pick-ed

    nii a fine volume ci “Gidhie’rr’s iravels’ that my uncie baci given me,and xvith nly’ chair drawn pi cinse tu the lire xvas eleep in the huok.

    1 eannot sa’ hoav iong I hacl bern reaelmg but I renieniber thatGuflivt’r hall returned home safeiy froni bis ailventure xvith the Liii—pnlians. I haci laici down the bonk br a iew inimites te think over whatI haci reati, wiien a slight nome attracteii iii)’ attt’ntiun tu a esirilee nf theo ‘ciin n’bere I baci lelt my new Meeeaivi O uti’it....Sureiy seme—tixing moveil, I thenght, buI I cenici see nnthing. I baci ainsist rlecidedtixat I w’as nnstaken ‘when the noise was repeateci, anci again I turneel rriyeyes lii that parI ci the reom. l’bis tiene, imagine mv surprise tu see,stataiiug in a soniewhat defiant attittide by the side ai a tiny tahiie, anequafly tiny aliti very qnaint Sgure clresseei in a briiihant red tenie andxveai-ing what appeared te be shining arinor on bis’’trnis and iegs.

    I)ouhting my senses I attenipted tu eross the rooin fo investigate hut,tu nyaiarni, lound that I was bonnel te iny chair—--beusai not hy nieremedi bit in a vcryxvorkinanhke rnannerwith sproeieet chains amistripi. Incieed, I was

    hteraiiy hoitesi donai i(;iaiteing again at

    the tinv figure I nìtieeeia qliet’r kind oi sniiie

    over his face. Ilesevineil te cvsnsist of asiniiiar kinci cI niateriaite tiiat useci in my bendi1cr be fairly giisteneciin the firehght. Bisheatl (Pile fascinatedme. It was a beautiiuigoiden tint ami per—leetiy monti, ai vvere

    los eyes, o »e in ci nstuth.I illei isareiy taL-en iii these sietaiis when I was startied to hear

    a x’dce, ha rd anei nietaii ie, adciressi ng me’.“Yuu musI pards in the hiserty I have token with yon, bnt 05 110

    doubt von xviii agree iater, it is iii yonr cxvii intereht that I have tiene so.”I trieci io rise, but, of cvsurse, I eouiel noi move an ineh. Except

    fnr iny head, I iaight jnst as web bave been paraiyzeei.“I nin King ?vleeesno the Great,” suici my visitor, after a fexv

    moments, appaeentiy in- wav of intrtscinctis in. ‘‘I bave xvaiteei br thisoppsrtni-sitx- 1cr a issig time hut 1101 unici to—night bave I bern aisie tuenter volle hfe. i alla new gsting te show von seme things ol whieh Iva i iiett mi i ing te i e a Ir aiei pio in uii ci aixvavs remain ignorant.’’

    Ho, thei—e I’’ he eried, ansi ai I icoiced ronnsi expeetantiv txvo tinyhisys in xvii itt’ eiìeekeil sxvealers tnnihi cii mt frisni somt’whe:t’. Qnicieiv;tviuiiiq themseives e,- ith serece viri vers levi spannees tbev coiìuiseuct4iruntecitti lvi)- to i miseli mv shaek’ies.

    To 1113’ hsirrm— I duomi that as mv isoncis avere i,’oseii somv’thingavas bappeiting tu me. Like “Ahee in \Vunvierianvi” I was rapiviivdiniiaish ing iii i me. i I yon ean imagine the seusations nf a hoii’ vn ehatis heing sion-iv emptied cf ito gas, yon xviii bave a very goud iviea 01 In)’ieehn go al that nionient Sinai 1cr anti sinai ire I became nntii liv the li memv hai Nhaei

  • As I dresv 01) vvith a sigla of reiief hy bis sale, the King asstiredme of bis ahiiit tu resture atte to my normal size as sons as bis ohjeet

    was aecomphshed. The hovs, ire explaiiied, MIre itrclinary Meccanoboys xvlio had been captured while asleep tit their Oatfits, for whichcrune they had heen bronght to the Meecanolaud Court to act as theKing’s Bodygnard. “in this capacity,” saiel the King, “they are expected to learn the error of their ways, 1cr in my country nohucly creisieeps The boys seein tu be enjoying tiieniselves tliuronghly, however,”be added, scrateh ing bis head duhiuusly. “In faet, as far as I can secthey doa’t want ever to rettirii tu your world isgaia’’

    The King then threw opec a tiny cloor in ti’ e base bsard andbeckoned me to foilow him.

    “Ne now enter the great reami of Meceanolasmi,” he said, and asbe spoke he seeined literaily tu giow with pride, and trnly he had goodcause 1cr pride, I thotaght, as i stuod cii the frontier of the hriglitestand most woaderfui eountry I had ever seen.

    A vast plain lay before me, siiimmeriug in briiliant sunshine, anilprosperous-iooking Iands stretched away into the distanee as far ascould sec. Close at hand xvere hundreds of Meeeanitians bustling ahonton their variuus oceupations and presenting a scene of such aetivityand happiness thast I eouid seareely heiieve rrmy eyes.

    I AM INTRODUCRD TO MECCANOLANI)“These womsierfnl lands cI mine,” said my road guide, “are rich

    with new ideas and great possibihties, hidden froni sight md keptstrietly secret. There are naw, hovever, aver a nmillion boys in ali partsof yonr world who bave sworn allegianee to rne--—althongh sonie do iaot

    know it- —noti the gates oliuy country areahvays operitu these hoys .Ali thar theyrequire iii oriler to emiter it isour usurai passpt irt.

    \Vhat is the passpurt, yoiiaslc i” I lis eyes twinkied audsp;srkimh “XVliy jtist a 11cr-eano ()ntit , ami neariy everv

    boy bus that. I wdeomne roiy

    unii e vere Is a’, 1cm w iug Uateach oue svili do bis share to;vards iuaiung th is romuitry

    eremi more prosperous tiran it

    is to-cia)’, for I numrmher aniougniy yonng f rieirds the he,trilici brightest boys ai everynat iuta in a-cnr world.

    “I liose avho xvorlc rord seekdii igerrtlv w i Il tinti la idelentreastare, somnctimes in themost uuexpeeted placca. ‘Io letyon imito a seeret, I muay telifuu tliat suflae creo iliseover

    great treasures aitil great Each time the cliinber carne tumhling down

    sibilitics hiclden io tìic’m.celrjes! They realize the valne of their finds—perhap years later——ima their li fe in vota world, for it is there that they

    vill reap the greatest rewardfor their work and clevotionhere.”

    I was spellhooml nt thepri mpeet riti foliled by the King,aod as we walkecl in I\Iercanoland rny. arnazenient increased

    cccii more. IVe ‘were surrorintle.l hy hosts ai littie peo—pIe o i tlae suore type as nayeonipanion, every one ofwhoni seemriecl to be intent oneramming as mneh mn as pos—sihle into bis or Irer hfe.

    “F’vc’ii the Meceanitians


    An acrobat doing some extraordiaary sttmnts on a seesaw

    The Oldest Tnhahitantl’aqe Pomo’

    Page Iflve

  • Ilitl’t’ i! tele Itt (lithtu’S tI’, 31(11 sec,’’ retnark’eti the lKing, as uve entered a

    grcat alnnseti)rnt park crnwdetl with a bnl] iant thrtstg’. Fiere ux as everx’

    intan inable cievice f tr atnnctnent—Saving’., )Jerrv—gtt—rttnntl e, Ferri sWlteels amI Seenic Railuvavs—ali matle nf sttlicj stee! hrautifnliv etti—

    t’reti in ree! ami greca uvith bere ami thcre the glint of bright iuetal alle!

    p tlishtti brass,i SWIN G’—itieture sta page 2. The corel iii tlus niodei ti j’a s i t wiee

    t’attuA the 5” l’ui ieys at the tup et the swittg aiA then c’sane te,i tu the“banda” et the ‘‘Meceanitian,’’ ‘the hai bis teet (twej Aegle liraelceti)iitserted betteath the Sectur t’tale itt-tnteg pai t ed the base cii the Steeeg.A ttight pnl i ne the ether eed e1 the mcd tedi staet the Swtng, whce est’“Meccanitian” ieili roek te and fra sa thottgh 5w fa dtung all the werichitnteltt The iegs ci the littie teihtw who geta the hest finì are, apeeiallyetade (ity nteans ci 1” I{eversed Angie li t’aek’ets) lt tt the Swteg— per—tapa thia in the reatoe why he ttea’er gett est tu gtve lui fetend a ride

    Near the entrance I noticed a voung Meccanitian enJttylltR a tlt rt!i—

    bg ride throngh space. 1k was holding ti!) tt) a sllort cross—har inteci ina ‘tebeci rullningUltt’tlt aia lllChnCC

    rupe, oid frtmthe’ g ire’ in! cx—

    (‘III in

    fart’ I I sUd irtt —ag (te ti e I’ auncithe expt’ ne I1CC de—liglitf iii,

    (A E tI I A LF l,iGH ‘5’ — pie-tu e tU Page 3.

    The in tiee ft’anteeets sputi ttvu 1”I’tillc’3 ‘%Viteeiu,the Ande asaingthrttttgit a 2’2”ie‘/“ [totAle Aegle

    The Spinning Buetona Sertt15e1het1 t the

    5t ‘“x:t/’” Fletitee’l l’latt’ itt lite 1 ,aae. M’i,’it lite 5’ te’ e idee’ ha’ t’eae Iteti secentI ci the c’urti, the titetlel ella” le’ i (teli 50 t i:ut ie re t netta t t, e ite ttlt ne enti.)

    His Majesty beeame more anti mt tre exeitett sa n’e ntinglrd ‘iththe crowcl. Indeed, ‘teNue uvatching the Gre’ttse’tI Itttle, be i;etig ben sttinneh canti tinte the elimber carne tunahliitg donia that isis jrtiitts !itera!lvrnttled ane! bis hotlygnttre! anciuns1y tirevv the’ir seretveirivers in casetime shonlti be needecl

    (CJfitASElt i’OLI’D——itietetee un i age 5 The chnaber’u aetnt celi iegsnec euiteee’te,l ltrntel y tu itia 1cr! , the lo itt betitg ieck-ntttted, A pAce ctc’orti a eotttterteti tet hi i banda aetl paia t’i ttuer alt Ad e Rud al the topot tite iede, thenee thwe titreegh the d”latteetl l’late at Lite itase, Ancthet’escA a lieti tt, bit fee t enti alio lcd t n’ct’ the teli ttt the pie eitta’n te tueitaae Nate, ‘i ti’,, 35/” Rulli iaaeeted itt the latter unti ai guidea tu thec’t,rtia. lIy uteeatttt g theae eoe’ls the figo re usd1 eliteit or Itt inble tlee’n tlteitute aa t e’tttieed itt a ntea t t’eahstie- inaertee)

    Jtmt t!teit I, nottced a queer !ttt!e ttg itre prupeihng Itimseif eig’urtnit——I)’ aittng in a ao’lirel chair. ‘“I’!tat is onr etleiest mhahitant,” said the Ring

    in ret1y te nty qtsestien, “A ‘ta’ontlerfnl old rnan—he has a face as buffi asbrass, a cctnstitlltion as strctitg as stee!, ‘et 1w eaimot waTh for nuts

    The champion tight-rope wa!ker gives no exhibition(OL1’IEST 1NJTAIIITANT—ttictetee un tage 5, The citate tluea cee pre

    acm taticit it t’tt,’n tty, ita tt inetital lartu beittg taet ì Scelse i’iatea attd fottr557” Stt’t1 u, attd A nulla un tiieee i” I’ttilev W’Iteeia—une itt tetttte attd tace attu e baiA, (Sta’ ,tf theae (ttet via itie itt lite 1tttc tttgt aptt I tieivea tty curA att—altec i” I’uiley W’iteel, the altatt ot avltitiit al att t’ttt’etet a Bealt VheeI, Aiciii Ite aceti, a 2t/’ Stt’tp ti 1tie tIni al mie ettd tu liti5 ]f,tilt Wheel atttt altit e i ittie e tu te aeeuttd 21 “ Stetp wittch, eoekittg attttett alt Axic jettettaiiedtheengh ta eeitiee htde, tu agattt ptveted tu lite ttl,l tttatt’ a battA, Ai tue litea’ eapattt, hc bue disietiseti au’itlt itia lega altugetitee, tue he tioean’t neqttineAt eitt tei tit in’ it te leixutrtunu aviteci- chate 1 liii tteek ia a HaI Bnacket biietght t (te’ itrepe’litttg) at’t)t natI iiati t (I otte Aitgle il raek’et, ecc S’a” ReverietiAitgie asili tte,a Flat dieaelueta, ati ti bis icft anitt—tIte It atiti of which ti itoitetiotuel e tu the eh air— ta ltrtned 57’ theee Attgie li racketa, Thia ia a tttuat

    atitua ieg itt tie ttiedei attd ha a a uv’atticet,ti A ncahatic appearattee. ‘Whenu’heeied ai, tttg tite taide tue I ittie teli, ,w apiteaea tu pttih hitnaelt etteegeticuU aiuti]),

    Hi ?tItiests’ itext tiren— me atteittitjn tea ltls aentbat going’ thnong’lsst liSe extraord itta ne “stunta’’ (ina ‘,ec-sauv, nmeh io the attinse—meni ai a eresIa! of adnnrers,l—lere I saw aIa’ two \fecraiaitians rteking ttt anel fru at liseenti’ ttf uu’hat apiteaned tu lx an—i si/cr sec-san’, ‘tebile betweentl’tetu t’veti hnge dises’—nut uniilceenrt—tu’laeels—te-hirherl rcttintl atarirt tinti ueith tremendttus speed,

    tAl’JfoiiAT AN]) SItE-SAW’‘—‘pcI cee ‘ut page 1. le thia tttutteithe iteatti - e tuttituaed ci three 11’ 2”Slnga, nt,eka aitut,tt aa AxIe Retit’e aaerl eitt’tutgh the feti e 5t 2”)trtpa tnetii tug tite lega ci clictitettiel - ‘l’tttt 5’,” Scritta aee letie—t’i te the l’ta eged l’ide ttt theiaac td lite tnt’iei, atttl rtteet ti, The Disnppeaning Meceanitian

    Pagc Si-eJ’tltje’ Sevt’te

  • forte a beartng fee a shnrt AsIc grippeil by the Bush Vheei, whiet, Icire.seats the body ai the Acrohat. The hearing ia rea,tereed bv a ‘ Reversed Angie Braeket, sud the shoi-t AsIc rarrtes a I” PulIey Wheel iviecliis euenected in card te the Ctank Haadie. A FIat Tetinnion ti baTteI tethe eentre ef ene ai the stile itrips ai the reekieg-hea,n atad ts r,nete-rtedliv thtn pieces ot elastie te each end ed the 5½” Fiangetl Plate. it nsiiiga few additional parti little fignres can he ttted ta eaeh entI et the irenate. Anothea- tnethed et eperating thii inedel ia by etainectiag the pececi elastie te the Sectoe I’lates shrntn a sltght toarh Uiiaii either ti i theI atter then being sufficien t tu acini ene stile ai the heana ttp Or tua li

    (THE SPTNNING BUTTONS—pictare un page 6. The Sector Platei,te which the ihtereanitiaii i are haitetl, ai-e jave ited tu the base a s a haivnte the phutugraph. le ti evieieat ttiat ,ahat i) tA ,Ieacrihea as ‘eattwheels’ in Xleecaautan,I ate 01 real life titerely pacI- sized Iiiittus ai’ »tttted on striteg thread Start the ntttdel as felice a —Twiit the tu renda a

    ed tie web —car fingers, pali the \let-ea,aitino, eitttt ai-il. then release thetn shaepl yAa stata at ti, e hattoas ai-e spteining, aslight de tetine ar,t t, ca li nt the feet il eac tihgere IS sii tiìcieat ti’ teep theni iran g i.

    A ievpttces farther aiongthe Ringagain ad —ti re t se titne.

    “Per -itttti-t yo ttk a o te ai—reativ,” bitsttiti, ‘ ‘thata gooti tienial excitetnettt ;v a tarottsecl tuoIrery iongago tntitiig

    Nitreano boys coecernittg the eccentric hehavior cf onr tight—ropenalker. Eser titae ti f nt y,ntttg suhj etti, \Nite) aaw the acrubat perftirrtt—ing declartti that itt rt’ahty be was sttutportttl iti itis precarious w-aik bytn eittiiess rupe, attd that attyone etitaiti make hixn waik itt any tiirectit ittthty tiesirttl by turning a hattciie. Ilut do you thittk he tvotaiti do justai thty watittti? Nob itt!”

    Pur a taatitaatnt I trieti itard to tiaittk jtast ;viaere anti itow I iattti urtIheard abottt tit i s fanaous acrubat. far it ali seetned fanti iittr il) ne. T1atI’ing’s ttext retatarks eathgitteneti me imtnetiiately.

    ‘The tnaiter aretttstti so nturh iuteresh thah ntv irittad tite iftiivirof time iI,’ccattu ijttijttzittc tttt,k it ttp. i—lt coiitrtetl ittmtttirtds oh’ tpiniOamsfretta aH paris o f 2t{pt’eatttaianti attri settitti tht aviatie qttestit itt uttet

    A. daring Motar Cyclist on a miniature racing track

    atttci fttr all itt tite )siagazine’“\Vhv, uf ctittrse, I rentena—

    her ntltv “ I excltuttaeti. “liteJfciitor offereei itrizts br eorrtrt sttitttiotts of the ituzzie. Isent nt’- itiea itt anti received aietter ruttathntentittg rtte ttpottatn weirk—,” I aeitied avitlt. i lione,btre’naittg natttitttv.

    “Bravo! bravt’ erieti titeI-Gng, atati titttttapeti nte on thebach tvihit otar of itis tttetaiiicarnas. ‘½-\taei nttv, behttiti Thecltainptttn tiglat—rtqte tvaiker ofiMeccttnoland !“

    R.eet tveritag rny- breath aittietfnii)riuna ai best I cttoid, Iittoktti rottnd, and sitre enottgitthere wits tite itttip fig-ttrt’ steati- Captsin Bush—Wheeier waxes elnquenti lt purstting his periiotts advttttce tal’ ‘ng tite rupe

    (-rIIF: TlaIT-RopF: \VALKER-—t’trture on page 7. The corti io thiaiiiii,ieI IS celi t,ttititti i aol ti given a eteatilete torti monti tue i” PitIIeya and_\xle Re,i, ad eaclt e,,,I af the neutrI. The i,iiver leogth ot mcd paaaesthmtiagii the Angle Brarket fttrtitt,t g the Meceanittan’s rtglit feet, tei,,ie thettppem iength ti te,i onder the baiaitciitg-pole ami throogh the reiitre hoteal the Fiat Tiantati, which retireaetlts his boily. The acreIiat alwayaadvances t’tward the Crattk ilaetiie, Irrestieetive ef the dtrectiitti iii wI,tetithe latter ti eittate,tt.

    ‘fite wontiers o1 titia atnazittg pleasure—grotttati ttitpearecl tu ltax-eno lituit. Ai far ai I et»titi sec, the happy throtig sttrgeti itt waves ofcolor, taatttlerittg friina otte antusetnetat tu attotlter. \Ve itattsed he(itreone httie ieiltnv whose stridpnt vltiee itad attrarteti the attetttitttt ci acranti ef peapie. -

    “I-li. titere Look 1k- a few sitopie passe I cata eattse ntvseif tuthsappear beiore yuur vcri- eves !“ Anti trtte tu his word, he protnptiyvartisitei. Fttr a aatjtttettt there was a silence, tht’a a wave of iattghteri wegt the gran-ti. It was quite ati ohvitttts trick, latt they- appeareti tttcttjoy it tittirattghiv.

    (TJIF: D1SAPPEARINcj MECCAN1TIAN—piet,ire 00 page 7. Theiatt tani ci the )nx-ithe portien ai this inoilei coeiatsts ai a 5’Ftangett Flate, csiatist three S’/a” Stetps boited to upright 21/a” Strips ternieach stile astI thrte 2t/z”xb” Donhte Angie Strips ronstitute the eii,is.The ud, wh,ch is n.onnted pivutalir on sa Aste ReI, eoaststs of twe Sectar Platei betteil tn5ether. Eunsttt bandi are tini to the sides iii theseiitates. seI cenoecte,t tu a R,d passed througii the - h,itte,n ai che bea.The itiercaintian aliti ti eonneeted to this Roit hp pieres il elastie. Unmireisttig the md ot the rear Seetor Piace, the tiri alleni sntiieienti tu aliitw the fignre te be drawn balIe, an,t the,, sitata ltaek Ato itiare. At manked Eent Strtp ii hoited at the haeh ot the 6 gite- aiid re sts agaittstthe etige ot the Sectar Piste).Pago Eigìtu

    l’ttgt’ ‘sitte

  • A sltort tlistance itWitv frorn the Disappearing Meccanitiati stuoti a sintilarfigure sltouting to anuther 1-cnut of speetators whu, I nuticed, ivere eyeiug Mi thsuspicion a big bux that stoud near thespeaker’s ieet. Fhis littie felluw wasearnestly itnpressing tpstn bis I istenershow very stupiti and silly ivere the effurtso f bis neighher, and Ite ended up by saying tbat ho was about tu show thentsi tntt’thing- tbat wonld mal-ce the vanishinglt-ide fatte intii in. urti i ticattee. I-le thenenticai-stresi tu 1tre5 a purtun o i the boxsvithont beittg seen, arsil a second Neccaritiats suddetsly appearrel. Iint the confurer’s efferts ivere greeted with thesante good-natured laughter. Apparentiyit is duiììcnlt, thought I, tu ltootlw-inkibese ),Ieccanitians

    _\. I itti e fa rth or al itag,nty contp;tnion once more

    drew- tne insicle tu point outa claring ntutor—cr-clist.

    ;vho was careering round afui iatttre r aci ng —trarlo atin extraordinary speerl.


    \Vhile uve ivere standing bere I nitticefi a littie figure bustlingtttu,ards us_

    ‘‘HeIlu i’ exclaim—ccl the Kittg. ‘‘bere isCaptain BushVi liee’lrr. lles tnyCiti ci Engineer araiDirectttr of Antusemento .‘ In a feuvntttntcnls that gentienian was deep in di aCUsattin ivitii His.lajesty cuncernnigpiatte fur fttrtlteoini ng trnpri tvenients inNeccantilasud. TheirV’IL-Cs graduaily roseI onvler unti iouder,ami tha (.ttptain, ho—citnuing veri cacireti,ivavrt.l Inc artnstticoet tu sudi an cxtent titat I fearedtltt’v tecnici workI itoise.

    cc anoiandgru e so fast thatne catt scarcelv kerrppace witIt i» The Revolving Gymnasts

    sairi ecciteclly. “Oniy a fen- minntes ago I mnet several bundrefi Mec—Canit 1)1)375 whn had jnst arriveri fuli of splendid new incas. \Tour Maj —

    (:OINIAT1JIUr CVCLE TRACK—pictnre un page a. A 2l’:”xt” PontileAnglehtrip torme the croce- liar al the carte, and tlte tttttit wheel torti-eattil haotllehars eonsist ci two 2½” Stripo ami one 2” Axle 11ml. The twobach ;vheels al-e nmnntett in a Crankecl font Strip hnltetl ti’ the seeondhole troni the end ai the eross-har, and set at a slight attgle so that tttecycltst traccio in a cirettiai- tlirectton. A Flat Trnnnion tonno the ritter’slttttly, while each leg io ronotrneted frnm a %“ Reveroe,l Angie Brarketaad nne Angie Braeket, and his arnm are lormeti by Ftat .Braeketo aitdAngie Brackets. Pia teet ore holted to the fiest and thirtt holeo respeetively ot the Strip seeured tu the Craek Itandie in the ceittre vi thetrark. ‘The cirele ai eanlboard iorming the teark may tte mt tu anydesired size).

    X sudden appearance(A sl:Jul)EN Al’PEAltiANCE_i,ict,tre

    on page Il. The itt alt Sectut- l’la te. ti ‘rlttiitgthe liti, io carrie,t tivotallv tit al) Axle Itnticaning th rmtglt itt solco, tlt lee I; ileo fe, nt

    the et.d, a iti the re-ar Sec tsr l’mie to i’io—tttetl itt a sintilar iran Ire, exrttttItat the Rei ti :lt io case patoes th:- etgh the fenrth hole tr,tnt the ettit.I’iecet et thtn e tattO ore tted te tlte noi inttes in eaeh oitle ot the te’tittSertor l’la te, a r i te osi dosenti, zitti tre ctttitet-tetl te the‘-tttis vf ocreto-o a e rito i t,ttmnof the Per lite iterrottitiatii o plaeed fare ti’ ,tottst ai-do ostile the i tv, is-ith itt5 feetti ttvnrti o the far enti itt theitttttli’l. Tite tel tott iii ‘ti theelootte itttldtog t ho liti sittittitiI te sotti etettt to tace tt it un itithto restii,. (itt t ltiitg thestlote sligittlv, ltt!wever, iteovili ottiltie iii, sito tttt ott t fe’ tu

    Ite I tvtc_ ti rato-it liv t Ito citi clicI tattds ctttt ttec tetl itt ti temec traotoo-eroe ai t,2” lt, ti) -

    A. iViotor Cyclist ‘ovith Passenger

    Pttj Tese Fage Elevett

  • (t;IÀNT STItIE)E---pietsi-e un page12. This O pOte easv so nake, tsrthe letai Is alt veII show in ar il—Is tratioa. XVe inagine onr )ieceaoi—tiaus san st fissi this a very esch,Iarat—iig pasti aia, tsr a SI ight turii si the1” l’ultey Wheel at the tp si thesostaI svili sensi the little mesi fi ytngsassi iii space in a 51505 t thrsltsngi sia a se a)

    ‘File Kiitg next slaow-ed me an—other excitiitg ‘‘stnnt” indulgeti inby tiaese littie peopie. Two gyin—nasts, holding oaa tu iong revoiviag

    ;srtns, vere whizzing rouad ideepia xvheels. Evea tu watrla themsnasie ree feei qsaite tu zzy

    esty, illese boys are inalcing tbis the hrightest ansi hest country nnder

    the piaa!”“Yes, and my frietsd bere is one of our latest recrtuts,” rephed

    the King, waving his artn in nsy dirertion.

    Presentiy, the [King having ciisnsissed Captain Bush-XVheeler witlt

    a ‘‘good—eiay,’’ xve snoved off againon otar tour of iuspection.

    “How ;sjosid 3-en lUce to take

    a littie ride un that?” he asked, as

    ve stood watching two )vleccanitians,

    snspentieei by ropes frona the top of

    a high polo anci flving round ansironnd in space. “I deaa’t think I

    shonid hke il very ntuch,” I replied.

    ‘‘Fui then l’in not as strongiy bnilt

    flS your stihjects, ytsti k-uow.”

    again. I avas cosaaforted h remesnhering, isosvever, that I msw owned a

    Meccano Onttìt, ansi that I coniti quite easiiy hecome a reguiar “in—

    hahi tant” of )sleccanoianei.

    F’iiiieei avith tisis exciting thought, I begaia to walk qsnckly ansi

    more euickiy, hut I oniy reahzed this when I found that I had ieft my

    royal guide some clistance heiainci, where he was panting aitd gasping

    a-hiie his bodygnard pheel their scresvdrivers, for in his hurrv he had

    5 svorkecl all his joints clangerousiy“Ri,

    there uot ho fast,’’ he crieti, as soon as he had regaineti

    bis hreath. “I ;vant to introduce von tu my friend Professor Fiat Trun—

    niola,” he added, when ho caught nis tu me. ‘‘Ho is in charge of our

    Meccano Schoois.”

    The Professor boaved a swift aeknowiedgment tu me ansi as I re—

    tumneti his greetiug I had a horribie fear that this highly—piaced per

    sounge i) f the scholastic world might bt-gin tu sluestion me un generai

    loucnvledge or Greco verhs, iogarithsns, or something eqnaily bering.

    Ilonever, tu issy rehef 1w began chatting re ay merriy osi the most

    interesting suhjects, ansi sceineil sueh un amiahle old gentieman that I

    pluelceci np coasmage tu asic him if bis schoiars hicesi going tu schoesi.

    “Likc going tu school, did von say ?“ he exclaimed, ‘‘Why, theyhlce it SS) aveli thal I souaetimes have a job tu get them tu take any


    “Of eonrse” chiinciila) the King, the reasuafor tisat is thnt thePro fessor eiensonstrates

    all bis lectnres withMeceano. la fact, heosta rude ottt the i*mn

    cipiesof tiae most ab

    strtase and consphcated

    snoveaarnts in this way,assi! you anay be sure bispsspils find it really fase iaatmg.’’

    I-Iaviag ieft the l’ro- Enjoying a game of hilliardstessor on the hroadsteei steps ci the Sprocket Institute, ;ve strolled down the heantifnHy

    iaiti-ont Architrave Drive.

    The nsain road vas thronged with truffe of alI k-inds and I was

    (REV( )LVING i; VhIXAS’F i-- pie- The Giant Stridetssre uss page 11. Thts amici in siniplee csustrssct, lssst care stsosslst te talcesi tu see ttat the lsttle £gssres taresnfTsciesst etearassee withiss tue s-evclrtssg strips. Theie arsns shoaist Le rsessltyti osai tu the positiuss stiMa) -

    Xt Iast sve carne te tiae curi uf the grea.t Atnusesnestt Parlo andcnsergesl issto a beantifnl city xvhich I coalelasded nsast be the eapital cithe cenatry. It was as bnsy as New \ork ansi as cleasa as \Vashingtou,assisi its iniaalsitants appeared to he as happy as ffiose e f the Never—Never—Lnnd I

    ‘the fnrther I wandered with Ring )Jecs-aau the usure iaseinatedI hecanse vith the ;voaders Ge slssswed sue, ansi I actaally hegsns tefeci regret that I slstsulei bave te rrturn ti the great oetside xvsrlsl

    ì’suc ?‘zc’ela’e J1ugc This-tcess

  • baro.’’ The nioilei slionid he lii ted at one end for tlns pni-pnse. Theplut ttgraph siuiws the Pritfessur helcl raptive ity means of sniali elastie

    Is I.2iIv guitle hurrietl inc along te vhere a cttnple of svrestlers vere

    vainly entleavnring ho throw each other. They svere very evenlyinatched, ancl tliuuglt they often tossed each other clean over theirheads, sornehosv the-e always inanaged to lanti on their feet.

    (ThE \VRESTLEICS—pirtnre un page 16. TirO 21 ?‘x1 “ Douhie Angle Strips, tue ti irli irh in hulted ti, the Bnsh \Vheel shiiwn, torto theano s il thv ivrestiers. The Iegs are all iitvoted liv nteans oh ln,lts andlucio -uots. Sharp irregniar Oitiveloeitts of the Crank Ilandie ivili reottit tuantosing anhics ity- the wrestlers).

    Shortly aftersvartls ve carne across a pair of eccentric tlancervho vere engaged in come avonclerful perfnrmance un a smali circnlarplatt orni.

    (TTIE EC’CENTRTC DANCERS---picture on page 17. The right artus,,f the danrers ai-e bui lcd buon y ttigether hy ineans nt a Reversed Anglehlrachet. Their onter “lego’’ shnnld be lork-nutted ho the Flat Trunnions.The utodel i5 uperated I y rotating a 1” Poiley beneath the danee- floor (ae irrubar piere if ra rdl,oartb ntoonted un a 512” Flangeil Plate i. Tini T’ai -113 is secureil tu a short lati carrp ing the Bush \Viieei un which the,iancer stve tuonnt ed. Il de sired the I’nliey may he roanerteti hy cord toa (‘vanTi Tiandle sottably tnt,unted ah a distanre ).

    i stenti gazing for a long time at a-ct another woinlertnl gymnastsvito seeined tu he attempting tu dislocate hisarnis with hornbie regu—larit 1 1 Te avas turning over aitti over upon a horizontal bar withoutonce changing the positino of bis arins, aitti when he at last began totire, Im svas hclped ronnd hy one of bis frientls, who pulieti npon a cordattached to the horizontal bar. Next, Inyattentiou was attracted33’ tavo fencers svho fuught a-aliantly and with a great amonnt of skill.

    (TIfF: t;YMNAST—pirttirc 01) page 15. Ts easily eonstrorted hy fai—loivnig the- aeroinpanviag illostration. Jtts eniopanioo demoastrates anotheriuetlio,l of avuti-ring liv invano al a rord, whirli shuuld hc ovi,nnd twireronnd the i” Pulie o \)‘iieel)

    - 1TTIF2 FENCEIfS—pirtorr ‘ci page 19. Conio ave attarlie,i ho the footiii carli feacer and passed hhronglt suitable holes ht the Flanged T’lateso lhat whent’iibled hhey avilit’anse hiin (thefeto’ Cr) tu turoiii iits pivot.

    t rettI fan cani e i, ai ai ith t hisnualei if tu-oieiipie ore pia e

    bg web ti,oltre carli con

    ake a ratti andattt’ltipt itt otit—

    cnr e h lir nth cv.L’h e tigarraiianhi 1 e i (voi

    a liv ci inerteriho the leg 011whirh theyo tali ci tu ena i leturni tu luitbeir free legacieae vI theI ,iahe i.

    “Liked geing ho school, did you say 7”

    arnazed to notice tEse great speedat -which everything inoved, Ijuinped back ai a znntor-cycliAwith a passenger dashed by at aterrifie pace. I was reassorecl,however, when the King told methere avere no soci ihiogs asaccidents in uc[eccaooiantl, 1cr thesiinple reasuo that the Meccani—tians xvere ali skilfnl ami careful,ami in any case they avere far tootoiigh to be lairt or evenscratched, ho-wever ninrh votiknock-ed them abontl

    “Iii that boilding,” said theRing, iiirecting my attention toari imposing strnctnre, t1you svititinti biliiariis and bagatelie in fetis-e-ing, and indecd glrnost evervother forrn of indoor recreation.Ton xviii soon learn that the io—hahitants o I Mec-cauolanel are never icile. The 1mw iaonrs that they are

    able tu snatch troni their hnsv da)- are not ittied aavay—on the con—

    trary, the)’ are packetl hill ci real iuta msi enjo ineet. Fa-eri-’ tiaymore ami more liovs iii yoor world are iearniog tlos secret of busylmappiiiess.”

    GYMINASTICS AND SPORTVVr rntered a handsonae ltnilitimmg a fesa )-arels fnrthec doavai the

    road, nati I iountt mysei I iii a aa-eil—rtuinppecl yimmasiutrm.l’ho tirst persuo tu attract utw attention in this estahiisimmnent was

    latine other than Professom— Strong arai, avho, I xvas teild, avas fttiimntmsfa- ms feats it1 strength 011 the Paraliel Pare. M’e foond himn tearingahuuh the floor on a pale cI huge har—helis. I avas rather ciiarnaed,thinking’ ho ss-calci ltovl ims aver, hut lie stoppeci, iuckily, just in time,anel placing the weiglets uitomt the bars ho turned te nie. ‘‘Sorry I gavevon a turo,” lv saiti, “taii omte gooei hnrma desei-ves another, \kratch!’’

    Pie tlmen itroeeecleti t)) give a woncierful exhihition, ttarning overenei ca-cr svimile keeping the weights balanced ma the bars aotl mnovingte anci fro aletng their whoie iength.

    (PI{OliESSOit STRONGAIdi-T—pirtnrr vo page iS. The ranstcartioaaf iii io muCci in o bosco emei te dea niy. Ivaslier a ioa te plnre1 heta’een thei” Pubie vo atici the AngIe li nacket a t—epresrioni g the l’note a sai-a hands,noci il these are ndj nsted sa as tu utre si shghtis- a gaiiist the tvlirels, thegyno,ast is iii ilescnibe complete i-ei oiut ha, o in the a, heeis amore abong the

    [1 ‘ta

    Professor Strongarm on the Fnrallel BarsPeiye [-oii i-te ett ltnqe Piftcesr

  • Proni the gvmnasiuni niy guide lcd tue to all the inost interesting

    sights of the city, md it would indeed be diflicult to write down ala

    acconnt ci all the fascinating things I saw, or a deseription of the thou—

    saixl ciifferent sensations that I experienced. The city seemed craarnaied

    with woncierful things—gigantic steel bnildings, eugineeriiig works and

    railsvays gracefui bridges and pleasure gardens.

    Ao we enierged freni the itteccano Science Inseunt, Elio Ilajestymtrueiuced me tu the tallest nian iii the Empire—an awe—inspiringspeeinten attired in rnihtary dress. Elio name, I learned, was MajorMcKarno. I \vas a fterwards preseaateci with a signed photographdi hiui taken standing by the cotintry’s sniallest nian, as a sonvenirof my visit to Meccanolauci. I nanaeci thetn “lJigteitv aacl Intpudeace,’’nineh tu the King’s aniusernent.

    (131C;NTTV AND IMPUD ESCE —pictnre e” page 20. The canstetie4 tino of these queer figuees is clearly shosvn in the illustratioze. isfiajer4 1lrKaree,e wears a neilitary eleeak, ceeenposeef ol two Seetor Platee jeiaeed

    hy 2½” Strips, sviti, Deeeehle lteachets as epateiets).\Ii the more pepular formo of sport ape well kaown and appreciatesi

    iii )e[eccattoiand, attd I xvas ShoWfl a spiendiel recreation groinci, vherea ‘‘seiccer” taiatele was iii progress.A penalty kick was being talcenj eest as xve appeared un the scene.liasehall and tennis avere in fuliswiag in other parts ef theground, br the Ieeeauitiaeas payno respect to the seasoas.

    (THE l’ESALTI” KICK---pietare ne page 2(1. Tue guai-postaare ceenstrecteel froeee 5-” Stripaapaeeel by Doeeleie Iieaekets at thetal) and ½” Reverseel Angiellraekets at the battene. The rross—liar consiste o1 three 125.’2’ Stripe.A pieeg-pong hall neay ho used herthe football. l’ei take a penaitykeela, piace the forefingere ce theelastici bande, draw bach figureiveth the thuaebs, anel eelease litea catapiilt. 1\lany faseinatinggarnees cculd Pe played witln aininiatuee football set eoneteeecteelce sienelar linee te this aaodelf.


    Two doughty Wrestlers DIPLOI)OCUSVsTe avere in the act of ernerging from the recreatiori ground when.

    ave beeame aware of the fact that sonaething very unusual aad excitingwas in the air. An extraordinary uproar was taking piace ah tontepoint not very far distant, and soon fignres avere tu be seen tearing te—vvards us doavu the bread avhite road. Foremost aemeag the rnneeers,

    traveihug as fast as a lair te i r\.itgIe Brackets ami tavo Fiat Brackebs

    couid carry hitai, -c’ao Professor Fiat Trunnion. Ao he eireaa levei avith

    ns he recognized the I’ing, and tlashed ttp tee hini.

    are attarked !“ he sheeuted. “VVe are attacked hv a terrihie

    itrehistoric monster The Dipiodocus is on our trail CaH np the

    police! Bring out the lire brigade He eteeieei avith a gasp.

    “Only the artny cnn save ua now_\nel avithout waiting for un to recover from oter surprise he avas

    etfl again bice the avind.Noav the avhole crtovtI avas rushing past, fleeing as thetugh threat—

    ened by the most eireaeiful caIaenity- ituaginable. For a avhile ave avere

    almesst suhenerged by the tlootI of )vleceanitiaees, hut presentiy, when theavorst of the creishe had passetl hy, ave avere abie tu look ureeund. Then

    ave saw the cause oi tbeir terresr, aud I meest confess that the bioochseemed to frecce in my veins ett the sight of the awfui apparitiote thatsloavly caute imito vieav Ao br the King, he seeuaed te) be strucheenutieeeiless.

    LiL-e the l’rofessor, I coneiuded that avhat I saav coulti eenly hoetonte ghastly prehistoric creature that, by sotue extraordinary trickof time or nature, hadavandered into onr ntidst.lmnagine, if you cnn, asloa-c— neeea-ing reptile—Iikeiaieetmster, toweriug a hun—elred feet ahove our headsand clavarting even thegreett beeildings df the city.Itt uechc, which aieeueseeneed as long as thestreet, ended in a big,stumpy hody supporfed cmifour gigantic lego, avluchavere ci a glowiug redcoieer. It had a sniali, cvii—ieokiug haead, amI its eyes The Eccentric Dancersseeneed to lix us avidi a balefui giare. Itt feet avere of oncia size thatI am sure it could have crnshed a dozen peopie avith one biow. Truiyave aeed the rest of time inhabitants of the city iaad gouei cause for frigimt

    XVe stood avhere ave avere, wonderiug what tu do, or rather, avhichavay to ram. We avere altnost despairing ci escapiug the beast’s ciutchesavheu suddeeeiy a glinenier of hope returmmech—heip avas coming. Ahaud of iutrepid Meccanitians, avhmom I recoguized by their trim uniborneo md smart appearatece no the City Peeiice, avere advancing rather

    Page .Si.irteeee Pttge Sez’cee lecce


    heigiit ssheu it l,urst upun bis viro The molti is verveaty tu uonstruet, ltnta tew parta a re requireti itt iuhlit hai lo a o. I fOnt fi t).

    So endei inc o f the biggest thrills that )tleccanoland hai ever

    experienced. It tttok a littie time for the cit tu siip hack again into

    its normal rontine, but everyhody seemetl tu enjov the joke. Everv—

    bodv that is, with the exeeption of Professttr Flat Trunnion qviut,

    I was tt titi a littie later, was a trifle anttoyeei ahout the ineident, especially

    in s’iew of the faet that ite was booked tu tieliver on the folluwing day

    a iectnre 011 prehistnric


    waveringiy up ti-le street, uncler the leadership of )Jajttr McKarno aiidCaptain Eusit—Witeeier.

    The galiant Major was issuing orders itt a shriii vuiee, ;vltile theCaptain was ntaking a detotir w-ith a hociv of no tunteti men artnetiviti, machine guns, no tictttht with the itttentiou of taicing the monsterin tite flank. Siowiy, with punderous freud, the creature ativanceticiown the road and the attaekers, equaily slowl), attoveci to tneet it.

    The intervening space grew stnalier altri smailer untii oaiiy a htnnclred yards or so rentaitted. Then the ?vfeecanitians stuppeti short, attian extraortiittarv itoise pruceedeti frutti the Dipitdtcus.

    I coulei seareeiy helieve nty cara. SureLv titat xvas a shout oflanghter I hearti ? I look-ed intentiy at the attttclcing ltarty attd noticedthat the)- istked deridedly foohsii. I even spottei the tali forni ofl\Iajor Mckartto siink-iag dexvn a side street, iii an eftttrt te retnovehitnsei i frotu tite scene as quick-iy and unobtrnsiveiy as itussibie. Finaliv

    Tua Maj estv, who hai retrtainetl siiettt h nty sue ttntii this ntuaneut,hurst inttt a very tnerrv chtiekie. I looketi agaitt ai the now ntotittniessnptnster atti then I, tuo, svas ahie ai j cm itt the uierrintent.

    Clustered retunti eaehci its feet and ali alortgi ts mOtO ose tai I tvere liti tt—(ireds ci itE cccanitituts svho,it was note quite attpltreut,vere responsibie noI uniybr its aetivities hut alatfor its desigtt and constrttetittn. The Kittg tnidtue titat he recognized tltemas stncIents of the variousueiversities, aitti rio (ittnbtthe ereation ol tite Dipio(locos tvas aaereiy a puhliritv stunt ttt “boost” theirittt sititai — d;sv Ct ti leuti enEcco xvhile ite svas speakittzdttzetas tti stutiettts, artnetiwitit coliectittn boxes, itoredown upon us in trinntph.

    (The Dipto,tocus inesnat lo,tk - so eery dreatitalta the torture sa page 21,bue we can ove11 intagtttethe mai e it gave Dirla ‘ ttittst I (e reatetal tered, ;s’asosi y attt,nt the ce tue los in

    l’tipe Eigltteeo

    “ìsfy tinte is getting

    sitert.” rettattrked tite

    Kiitg ci itt eectttt olattri,‘httt I wii i j ust rttit Vttttovc-r te one ne nur Itritt—cipai air statiotto beforeyou etti yonr totir.” Sosaying he set off at abrisie pace anti I soonbutti that we xverehetsthittp fer the opto


    “fIere is sottaetitiitgthat ciii interest yttu,’’he stiri, as ove overe

    A bout ovith the buspasstitg some farin

    bniidiag-s, atti 1-le pointed tu a inachitte that was beittg clettited ami oiicci.

    “Titia isa ntachitte ove uso frtr lttty—mak-ing, br, as yttu knoov, the

    fJcccanitians tre as husiiv entployeci in agricultural work as tltey ttrc

    in tnv t ttiter itts lastre.’’

    (IIAY-)tÀKiNr, \IÀCItINE——itirtttre in pace 22. The base ot thisttot,iel ts oca structed fettm toro Scotto PIste o ltttlteti together. The AttgleItrackets retteesesttng lite teet oi the tiereanietan or the rear ci lite ma,. httt rare i,,oerte,i lte,teatit azi ciao tie itaitti oteetrlt ed arross lite enti ttt liteSertttr Pia te. The Meccantttatt is rotture (cii ttivttally ity a 2 t’i” Stetti te ti!taslt \Vlteel seetteed tn the staft ai lite theeoluttg witeei, whieh Is etttttteiietttu lite rrtatt-,eiteei h3t ait eittlless etteti. lite ,ieiree io snttttoeted tttt a oea(

    eotnttt si-il itt a 1,4” Reveeoe,i Attgie Braeket anti 2( “ )( 1,4” DttttltleÀngleStettti,

    i’here overe ntanv iottls noti more elahttrtttr’ inttchittes ttt be seenori tltis farnt—evcrs- intaginabir tasia. it aititeared. ovas perforuted ho’ttt;tchttterv.


  • Crossing a ;veli—kept gai f conrse, which I nuticeti was throngeclavith enthusiastic players, ave approacheti a tali strncture I had ebservedSOfltC wav hack-. )dy guide in—frmecl inc that this avas annirshi p monring—inast. Duringcccv travels I baci seen a iargenttrnber of aeroplanes arati air—ships avhirring te arati fro abovecray head, tinti i avas thereforepat-tienlarly pleaseci to tintiun’sei f in nne ed the principalMeecano aerutlrocnes.

    ‘‘Von sec ave are quite np tudate; alinost a liltie heyond it,tuo, if i ma) veuture tu sav so,”said the Ring avith a touch cfprole. ‘‘We bave hriictglat everyforni o f transpiirt np to thehighest pnssible state uf perIre—tino. Vie trave! a absoloteerinafì trt, avhether ave go hy road,rai, ora or air.’’

    CAllI SII!? il (tU RING3tAST-- corto re ‘iii cinge 23_ Theelcvatur cnr la gui ,Ird hy I,,

    Iengths ,ìl rioni e ied ci, iiiji i, uil bit luna at the t,iiver ti id pa 9i,an thr, iitgliclic fluii,r ut che cnr. l’o Iiicirg ciipcS, o’riireil ‘iii citl,er sole ‘‘i clii unge,paia ilver guide fluita in the tue ut the tnwer, aitil are ueciiri,l tia clicltnuh ‘\ liceI (in clic niuiiiliig sta il, carli lìest beicig given a fese (tiro o cuilipponile itiree una i cirnitil the sii alt. The latter i5 deiven ti un the ttrai,lullandle li’— uneacin iif a 1 alt assi ng roianil I” Itclleys no the fae sile E tu ein,nleI. ruce ti tieni the rar risi o nt a irE canI1(mcd, acri a 3i:” S taci ne creaan a senti.

    I avas uext lcd over tu the aeroplane han ars avhere His )alajesty

    asked a pilot ho take us for a shorh triti in tine of the scont hipianes

    that avere kept always in reacliness. Never sitail I forget the thrilis of

    £ma- tirst tiight in a Meeeano aeroplane ! The speeci at which ave

    travelieti was territie ami ave covereti scoees of muco dnringthe shttrt time ave spent iii the air.



    ‘‘Lode aver there !“ the Ring shttnteti ahove tite rttar of the engine,

    and foiliiaving with ai eyes the threctitsca uitdieatecl by his waving acm

    I notiecil ave were approadhing the eoast. Here on the month of a

    river was a hage seaport, avitlc harhors anel tloeies crammeci hill al shipsef everv imaginahie kintl. Trniv it avas a avoncierfui sight, but only

    one of ncany others that i avasafterwarcls slittavo. I avas verv reluetaneto leave tlaat aeroplarce, von may be snre

    It wciuld tctke mmcv bonks tu ciescrihe hai i the other amazing things

    I save anti dici, or the avontiero the Ring of XI eecano ciescribed to me.\5,Te ninst have covereti cnany naiies altogetiter, at times richng thronghthe streels aia littie trolleys tiìat went as fast as you wishecl, or in theKing’s splenchti lintotcsines. Sometimes ave covereti miie after noie inthe heauti fnlly—fitteti I-Iornhy Puilman caro beionging te the finest anci

    most cflieient railway system I Icad ever seeu.

    Hoaaever, all good tlnngs ntust conte to ait enti soine time or an—other, ami at last the Ring tubi me that the time baci risme tu taLe mehorne, fur it avas getting iate. I avas quite chtwitcast ah the lhonghe afieaving tlais sunny lanci, hnt he remindeti me that I conld enter hiseistintrv as often as I hk-eci, dure I had becinne a )Jeerano hutv.

    ‘Arati nuw that a-ou have tasted seme of its joys,” ice aculei!. “Islacci! exltect 300 tct return again anci again.”

    Dignity ciad Impudenee

    The liipladocus, whose unexpected appearance created consternation in Meccanoland

    Pipe TeeeufvA Penalty Ifick

    Page ieiictct;’..oci’

  • Thi checreil inc up. andwhen I thunght of ali thethings I ceulci teli ack andsh ov li i in ui di my Out ft, Iecco becaine cager tu gethacic.

    “Von inay be cure I shaiicome again as sobri an I can,nur \Iaj est),” I said. “I

    unii cvisim I Paci kuo\ui iongago abont the cvonciers of)Ieceanoianci. \ict I bnngcmv hrnther ;vith inc nexttime ?“

    course you can,” re—pimed the Ring. “Ànd many

    — ——— other boys tuo I hope. It

    A nmenTher of Captain Busti Wheeler’sTroop of Lancera takes much time ani hard

    wurk tu teli everybiidy in yonr world about tIeccanoiamid and yrn vili

    be ehiiig ne ag reat service by spreading the goud news, even if vonteli uniy two or thrce huys.”

    Later tlsat evening I fotmnd

    an opportunity tu teli Jacic

    abuut iny wonderfni adven—

    tures. \Vhen he had hearci the

    wiirde storv be cvas treinendunslv cx—

    ci:ed and ciemaiuied tu he toPi it

    again and again. I am surry tu sav

    it was iong past our ufficiai bed

    time hefore this cnriusitv cunid be

    satisaed suflìcientiy tu a1.iu’ us buth

    to no tu sieep


    ! :jtu niv norniai size anci once

    acre sitting in rny chair vith

    the lire neariy uut!ii.Às I sat np hnrriediy, Jnck

    burst intu the ruuni yeiiing uut

    tu me tu come and juia in

    anuther set uf charades. Even

    as Pe spuke there seemed tu be

    a hasty muvement in my Mcc

    camiu Outfìt, and I was aimust

    certain I sani a Fiat Trunniun

    and a I” Puliev \Vheel 5 uinpbalie intu their piace jn st iii

    the nick of time


    Jeedless tu say, I inade a resoicition then noci therc tu rupe io ali

    nv ciiuins and simpii invacie the ruuetrv

    l\’hiist this cuilversatiun vvas iii prugress xve had heen .speeiiing in

    ami electricaliy-propelled cnr tu—

    wards the eity noci had ai ready

    renehed the outslcirts. A few

    nmomnents amore hruught w t the

    chief reicIentiaI cluarter,

    .AIighting at Theudolite Pal—

    ace, the Kiugs resideuce, Pe Ieri

    ne incide. Pass ing dava a long

    currielor ecc cane tu a svoocien

    door, which the Kiag upened,

    brswing gravely ne he did so. _ks

    soon as I passed thrutigh, the

    di e’r shnt svitii a hang behind

    inc noci I funuri navseij rettirneli

    — i

    I’nqc Tacci y-two

    In the havfleid


    II)ick’s awakening


    IPmijc Tzc’cnim—iìnec i

  • ThIIE NEW MEC CANOEngineering for Jloys

    le \Ieecanu iNIt’fl1 is coniposed uf SOIOC 200 parta. e-aeh uno uf• mcli tini a specihed inechanieal purpuse. These parta conihine te

    rai a complete miniature engilleeriiig systeni with avhich practicallyy nm.uvcinent knovvn in niechanies may be reproduceil.

    Model.Building -mvith Meccanocan conunence te htnld

    )aleccano irodels iinmediateiyymn opto your Oulfit 110 studyor premono eacperieflee io necessary. The only tuoi reqtaired ioa screiv—driver aud even thi isprovitied in yunr (hatht.

    The New tieccan() in Colera.Already knoo-n no the greatestconstructional system iii theworld, ?vleccanu xmw lias ali adelitaunal attraetinai — mtaany steelparta are brightiy cnaiaelled incolors. This io an iniproveraientthat grcatly enhanceo the beautynoi realisin of the marino.

    New Mecrano Outfies‘‘The New Meccanu Is suId in a serios af mogressive osaSte. radi complete inltse li mmmiio cremO 0) tu i. Every i mmittit trota m. Il iijwaut e nmay ho a jan-erbe1mb rio inc next higlter hy aai accessor3 tmotfit anO thus the mtitfit y o corri-uterine se ti uhay ho huilt op by degrees io a E. 6. A contplete Pece Le nt ot

    )otfits is gh cii below.

    The Meccnno Magazine is the Mecnano boy’s mvii newspaper. it keepslilla constantly infonaaed of the mt—est mmews freni itfect-anolantl—newmnodcls, prize commtests. new parts,avliat other Meecano boys are doiug, iaeipful laimats on naodel-build—ing; also there are interesting articlesori cugine, airplanes, bridges andother engineering wonders ef theworld. In earh issue the Editer rephieste lettera from his readers.If von have not already ieen a COPYof thris fine magazine, seud 5 centoin noia or stampo for a sample copy

    I e61( r ‘e’: ‘ ‘sa. ..,


    Na. I Meceano Ontfii, Price


    ‘i lime io the ommttmt lhat Imiolmie time unitile tua itrabemi in ehis i,ookiet. Fmiilv

    il los tra tel or sIria tu no tue I muiltlin g 3ù5io .1cm ;Lrr muelniied.

    ‘i ..


    Meccano Price ListOutfits

    li) 7mIm’canem I Stella $1.00 vo 2x\lrmu.muXi Il “ ‘ 2.00 03XII “ “ 3.00 Xm.3xN’ lo ‘ 5.00 \r. 4N 2 “ ‘ 6.00 No. 5

    Nu. 6 Mcm armi (lnttlt $45.00

    Accessory OutfitsNo Oa Meccano flotte $1.25 No. Sa Ncccauo OntitI $0.00No. la “ ‘ 3.00 No. 4a ‘‘ ‘ 7.50No. ia “ “ 3.00 No. Sa “ ‘ 20.00

    E-I 1\lercaimo Elertrir iL ti tr orme— emay, os-ith psmHc- atrI imiti $3.50E—a Memmmiim Elertrim iii ti o, rere-moing, reich jolley anil piniimo 4.50



    I toThe Editor, Meccano Magazine, $

    Dept. XV., Elizabeth, N. J.


    _47i t


    mii i mm 57.50




    I mimjm’ 1zsv;mt’—fo mi,



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