
2. My History SVP of Fractl, a boutique content marketing agency that specializes in creating and promoting viral content. 8 Years of viral content marketing experience Hundreds of successful campaigns Millions and millions of views Over this time, Ive been witness to a revolution in how audiences and brands interact. 3. Lets Begin By Acknowledging the Obvious... Marketing has fundamentally changed Survival means understanding this change, and adapting The good news is that opportunity is everywhere, if you know where to look 4. Todays Consumer 2/3 on FTCs Do not call list (Via the FTC) 44% of all direct mail goes directly in the trash (via the EPA) 86% of people dont watch television ads (Via Deloitte) Print ad spending is at an all time low, circulation is dismal. Todays consumer is most reachable ONLINE 5. Where is Todays Consumer? 6. Whats Driving the Change? 7. Whats Driving the Change? 8. The Changing Consumer In todays marketing world, consumers are BOMBARDED, and they are becoming increasingly allergic to old-style push marketing tactics. Brand Loyalty can no longer be bought in the same way, it must now be EARNED. 9. The Empowered Consumer Migrating away from old-style push marketing as they move to digital channels Dont want push marketing to follow them online See push marketing as intrusive and ineffective 10. The Empowered Consumer Over 50 Million users have installed adblock on their browsers and phones. 11. The Empowered Consumer 12. Profile of Todays Consumer More discerning, less trusting More empowered/powerful Believe marketing and advertising can and should provide value. 13. Succeeding in the New Environment 14. How is this done? BY CREATING GREAT CONTENT!!! The Solution: Provide Value, Encourage Sharing, Be Human 15. Mo Content Mo Problems 16. Rising Above If you want to rise above the glut of content, you must create something people really want to talk about and share Content that is highly shareable is called VIRAL 17. Viral Marketing Dont Try to Do it All Sales Funnel Usefulness Relative Ease Successful? Awareness Extremely High Easy All Interest High Difficult Few Evaluation High Extremely Difficult Very Few Commitment High Extremely Difficult Almost no one Referral High Extremely Difficult Some *Know your goals, and know what viral can realistically accomplish* 18. Viral Marketing Best Fit 19. What About The Bottom of the Funnel? Branding Brand Impressions Brand Followers Brand Advocates Captive Audience Move Down the Funnel Search High Visibility Social Sharing & Links Improved Search Ranking Move Down the Funnel 20. Getting to Viral What is True Virality? K = Ratio of the number of new viewers brought in due to the sharing of each viewer. 21. Defining Viral Factors Defining Variables Shared Audience (p) Conversion Rate (c) Shares Per Viewer (i) Total Organic Views Organic Growth Type Viral Cycle Time k = i*p*c 22. Improving the Viral Coefficient Increasing Shared Audience Shared Audience (p) Average number of people who are exposed to the content for each share. 23. Improving the Viral Coefficient Increasing Conversion Rate Conversion Rate (c) Percent of shared audience (p) that are exposed to the content and then actually click on it. 24. Improving the Viral Coefficient Increasing Shares Per Viewer Shares Per Viewer (i) Percent of people who see the content that share it. 25. Do we Need Truly Viral to Find Success? 26. When the Magic Happens When you are able to get i, p, and c high enough, their product will bring k>1, and you will see a truly viral effect. Notice the exponential nature of the curve. Play with the tool featured here: 27. Success Even When K

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