Download - The Shining Notes

Page 1: The Shining Notes

The Shining (1980)-Extreme long shots while establishing scenes-Rather unnerving music contrasting green, tranquil and open scenery -Red Pillars may be used for foreshadowing due to the colours connotations-Photographs on wall show the tranquil scenes we saw earlier-Theme of change, childhood innocence.-Red is a recurring colour throughout the Interview, covers all of Jack while a window covers Ullman’s head and red only covers him from the neck down suggesting he is free from this.-Jack has a dark colour scheme while interview has a much more diverse palate-Jack is frequently shown around the colour red-Rather schizophrenic behaviour from Danny -Brief insert of twins for a potential foreshadow?

-The family relationship seems rather stale which can be seen through the sarcastic tones -Hotel is shown in the clouds giving it a heavenly appearance-Sight of twins could be a symbol of schizophrenia?

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-Jack and Wendy’s clothes match the colours of the apartment symbolising they are being consumed by the hotel?-Freezer, foreshadowing the cold and of Jacks demise-Indian face on powder can in storage, Indian burial ground -Repeating mention of ghosts and horror (carrying on from the interview)-Telekinesis and secrecy theme-Ice cream used as a childhood symbol-Tone immediately changes when room 237 is mentioned-Tricycle connotes innocence -Sun and warm weather connotes happiness, the pleasant weather fades in conjunction with Jacks happiness.-Wendy surrounded by red when on the radio while the officer is surrounded by open whites-Danny passes through a red room which triggers the twin’s appearance -The visions of the twins degrade Danny’s mental state, his after Jacks.-Themes of mental breakdown -Jack seen as productive at first but then seen just sat staring at a wall-Jack interacts with Danny while wearing a cold blue

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-Jack shown smiling (sadistically) while Danny is seen as somewhat terrified-“You would never hurt me or mummy would you?” blatant foreshadow-Wendy and Danny seen happily wondering the peaceful maze while Jack is seen aggressively throwing a tennis ball around the hotel -Jack looks over the miniature maze giving him a god-like appearance -False suspense reoccurs throughout-The music gets slowly more chilling as we zoom into the miniature where Wendy and Danny seemingly are, the suggestion being that Jack is developing the killing idea?-Room looks paler and Jacks actions are much more dramatic as his mental state collapses, snaps at family -Wendy shown with her head in a white column surrounded by black to show her innocence -We see Danny in an Apollo 11 jumper, could this link to his idea of an escape?-Jack fights his mental decay which is seen by him screaming at his nightmare that foreshadows the end of the film -Danny slowly enters the scene from Room 237, he is shown as a silhouette to suggest mystery -Danny and Jacks minds collapse first therefore portraying females as stronger.

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-“I’d sell my soul” returning mention of horror/ghosts-Jack starts hallucinating-Alcohol loosens his tongue to which he expresses his hate for Wendy -Wendy comes down the same corridor into the same room mirroring Jacks actions -“You out of your mind?” this could be Jacks denial?-Thumping consistent throughout multiple scenes, what we assume to be a heartbeat -Bath in centre of the frame to suggest isolation therefore Jack wishes to join the woman in it.-Jack is frequently seen through mirrors, schizophrenia?-Red rum is the liquid coming out of the lift?-Jack walks down the corridor to the gold room in the same way he did before, monotony-He is seen as out of place in his own fantasy-Post-modern (at the time) designed toilet with a mainly red colour scheme-Shot reverse shot symbolising Jacks mental stability having two sides-Jack always appears in front of Grady, dominant because this is his fantasy -“an outsider” makes us believe this will be spiritual

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-Dick is then painted as the hero, he gets a plane and then drives to the hotel, and throughout the driving scene we see a prominent blue colour scheme -Theme of deceit between Jack and Wendy-Jack becomes isolated in storage room-Doctors mentioned for both males, female dominance-We learn Danny called upon Dick via “the Shining”-Danny entered the maze with his mother which led to happiness while when he did this with his father it almost led to his demise-Wendy hallucinates throughout Jack chasing Danny meaning every mental state collapsed therefore chaos-Cross cutting between Jack and Danny as well as Wendy-Jack experiences true isolation when Wendy and Danny leave.-Smoke/mist sets in after Wendy and Danny escape suggesting they have escaped to heaven?-History is doomed to repeat itself with the final image.

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