Page 1: The sound system of English with approximately 44 sounds
Page 2: The sound system of English with approximately 44 sounds

The sound system of English with

approximately 44 sounds

Page 3: The sound system of English with approximately 44 sounds

• 1.Phoneme• 2. Grapheme• 3. Phonological

awareness • knowledge about sound


• 4. Phonemic awareness • ability to manipulate

sounds orally

• 5. Phonics - Instruction about phoneme-grapheme correspondences and spelling rules

Page 4: The sound system of English with approximately 44 sounds

The structural system of English that governs how words are combined into


Page 5: The sound system of English with approximately 44 sounds

• Syntax– The structure or grammar of

a sentence

• Morpheme– The smallest meaningful

unit of language

• Free morpheme– A morpheme that can stand

alone as a word

• Bound morpheme– A morpheme that must be

attached to a free morpheme; these are typically affixes

They call it a relation “ship” because it so often sinks.

Page 6: The sound system of English with approximately 44 sounds

The meaning system of English that focuses on


Page 7: The sound system of English with approximately 44 sounds

• Semantics – the study of how

meaning in language is created by the use and interrelationships of words phrases, and sentences

I’m not fat.

I’m just fluffy.

Page 8: The sound system of English with approximately 44 sounds

The system of English that varies language according to social and cultural uses

Page 9: The sound system of English with approximately 44 sounds

Ebonics:*Befo’ you know it, he had done aced de


(Before you know it, hewill have already aced

the tests)

1.Function – the purpose for language

2.Standard English3.Nonstandard


*from “Ebonics: Study Skill or Slavery Set Back

Page 10: The sound system of English with approximately 44 sounds

*Redneck Computer TermsBACKUP - What you do when you run

across a skunk in the woodsBAR CODE - Them's the fight'n rules

down at the local tavernBUG - The reason you give for calling in

sickBYTE - What your pit bull dun to cusin

JethroCACHE - Needed when you run out of

food stampsCHIP - Pasture muffins that you try not

to step inCRASH - When you go to Junior's party

uninvitedDIGITAL - The art of counting on your

fingersDISKETTE - Female Disco dancer

FAX - What you lie about to the IRSHACKER - Uncle Leroy after 32 years

of smoking

•HARDCOPY - Picture looked at when selecting tattoos INTERNET - Where cafeteria workers put their hair KEYBOARD - Where you hang the keys to the John Deere

MEGAHERTZ - How your head feels after 17 beers

MODEM - What ya did when the grass and weeds got too tall

MOUSE PAD - Where Mickey and Minnie live

NETWORK - Scoop'n up a big fish before it breaks the line

ONLINE - Where to stay when taking the sobriety test

ROM - Where the pope lives

SCREEN - Helps keep the skeeters off the porch


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