Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1891-11-03 [p 8]....UJi, IU1 U3 PI M3U.t B 1(X) Mil. Cera. ijf... tu)i piiU u n ii t.tu iiSJNortb Amcr... IMS lbii lsu! ihW m Mi'.S.Y.A.S.l.n...)7".J 37M ntl'J



!., lftTt.'

, ,

' Inl L7 WW WWMWHl' F1XAXCU.L ...V f.OM3ttUtUAI.f H,v .

Kv"i'' New York H.oels Exc-iin- ge Salea Nor. --.

.......VET Winn RTATFfl AKD STATIS nOSDI UN SI.000.12GTnm.Stt.!l PUJil lOTenn.Pat 6 101M

LtlKi.' closing rmcs or usiricn states jiosdiHK JHI --,.. PI.I. ei

bVK. I'. s.r. r H.rt4 - t. R. fa, 11(1 .1121.K Kr ,s.4s, r !"' 1l7: v . . is.i7, i inki'. I'.KIkC H'l't Hi I L.b.e, lt)JS..117J -


-- .?? r, Aichison 4s sitf. l.Min'paAM. L.lst,

v; . n 10 Vnii, a Ohio mi... noH-- f. n fit. MMIcU.i 6s. lutil.loil

. i' HI tU'il I Nor. Pac. Istc. ,.llitjhi; bo Atchison m m, SU-- ur. Fai. in. 6i... Ml

Kv 84 tB; ' j i) tijij 17 s.2

Ki, r, ,; ) .Nt.ri. a u.t ,ifV 11 "'! i N J.c. gni. 6a. r.lou

)) So .) 6N J.ieni kmi 6e.lloBFV u ins 2N.Y. Lint, 1st c. 124H', in tuii. r, N.l.cen.deh.As .ion1.ii. r. .!) HiNush. ACbat. lit.l.'tit( 14 lit ION. T. A Nol.2dl . 61( VO. H H"l 3X I.IUM.UII t"4&! - IUO 12 Ml 8. II. Co. lit . U7f', 2l!iir.0.K.A N.. 0, Jh.U.rn. 1U7.,

ir ' 1 1. A o. en r. .iiiu 2 ..)u. As. iii2V 1 i In. aii. s. u m. 103,4 '" !' ' "'H fti llll.i II. L A A. iMIIilo.iu.t'nl. ... 0H K" in in 73 Mlrfirimi.Uin ...HUM

H K, 7CII.A All ,S. K... 11H t.4

B K , nc. ii.Ag.cmr... .urn 2 in,1i fi, ... mute i Hit. a . r.T. no . hii)

B ti 21' . A Minn H7 II IIU. W. r.T.t.. Ml'Xf 1"7) 1 Millffi' : iu7 4 m.?m If, a io;; r. m

H ltirtiie. a.s. I', lit.. 7hU a r,.v,H RA ir, ru.-- U. 111.m1i.c1. iii ;iin..AO.e.r.ioin' 8 Col. I'oul U ll'l'-- 1 Kuck III. I. Cl,...IOO

(.,. 41 70 H 101My ",,..." ........... 7u)i 2Itillnnl.4i... K3XM I.', 10 CMC. lint L. A C. 10 KtuJlllK lit pt.ln. IU

M? Co Ut 84 HI (

01' Cbic a l. inc :iii r. t.t'MH S', 7 :uH 1 r.v'mljf, r.Dcl A 11,'UA loxlt t.. WH K r, l.rm en. --M Kpi'ii lf P.evllntt 2d pt. In. W)H iv 2 liuu ir. rxnH ' 1 iduonl.. 111. lit .100 10l!rn.iinir3il pf. In. .inM .t, 4 t lint AT. Ml it. I'. altloO. W.lll 77XB ,' II. fi I3 1 7tt

IHI " 1 Fl.Unrtli lit 1U1.S 2J '"'A(J . II A h. A. Ill, l BclntnV.AN.E4l. 754W.illv P5 1M I'UI.LJk IKX.lStl

f : Green Bar In .WH 2nt I". lit.H.H.a..llift IU ... 3. l ht. L..I-V- ) VV lit, B7'I! 1 1 Murium lit, r Uti'J 27M.. a .2i .. 8"i'J

r. Hoc k. vul. k ins it so,,j 7 11. at, is. cuiii .. H a nanI 10 Iron Mt lit . .leu 2MnA A A.I'.lrtUl IIIS 4 Kananl'40. rnn .IlilU, 2TM. I'nc. lit 6a... 8r

fa 2J hu. A Tox. 4i ... 7lil 21 Tex. Iic2dtn.... nlB - r. 7tlJi 22 3IK

u in 7n r, 8iUr 1 kii.T.3it... 4414 11 uiu& 4 44lj ITcrrell.-.Mnf.....l(V.-

t 2u 4. 1 Till. All. C.fjt.. .104Wf, 10 ! STMin. C. I. A K.

V '. --, 4f.), lit, Trnn. dlv no1 ,f 1 KllHlMllcAII lit IIU 6T.M.L4K.(,,llt,W(

:;- - Laclcli Cm lit. . 77 21'lllon l,ui.,W...10SV 4 77W 2 Lnlun l'.lit, 'HfU.llOVi'A 1 Ij.o Mioro lit. r.lltt 1 In. I'ar.C.T. 4)i,i.

M 11 l.ou. A .s. en ..112k 2 Lnlan hi lit 107MI it 2L.1U. A.S . .S.O. A SlU. r,U.10, lit. 74LJM.dlv 11S! I 74 U

B f r 2 11H 2Ulluibllt 14lb (, Loil,Ml.ud4 ... toil UHall ilrti.8 n ... 44I 1 jji, t.ur.v. . lit. .1111 a. Lniinicoi. Oi.. wM1 t! r, I.O., K. A bt. L. &., Kl( LMWslbliur. 41 Jul't,i AM 10 HI 1 K'J

V 1 Man 1I.II.L.4 4U 1 lO.'U

U VJ , l. Interelt.

J ? Bj Total inlti of rllwir boudii (pr luo. S1.0B1.O0O.

H XL.OAX AND OTTIEn SlUKtH.Hi 17 B 6i,ri Uijlf low 7oW .

U (. i"2. '. ''t lift. Ai'x--

1 ' H AdAmlF.xprrii.l.Al IMl ISO 1411 miJ RC3r.Auitr. lotion . .'!( 27,4 -- "'( 27)1 27I ;S TUAuicr. 1'. Olluf. Ii)l M J r.O4 k!? 2

; 8.".iAttL.T.A V. 42:J 4.' J 4lV,lIKJAllnljtlo A rc. .',(, f.W .',( :,jj

&! 4WlluII..H.icn.AP. 4t, 4('i 40 40 (A

B B Ml 24V. fun Muututru.. 11". n.;, r,ti; eu,?r. ( 7mii tics. a onio.... 2)J 2,--2 :r,'i, 2.'.?J 20Hi 4111 C. All. lit pf... ! r.K M (J io

1 HOC'.AO. 2ilpt. .. yc '"H 3"! "f'i,1 () I tile. A l.mtllL 70 70 7ll 7li 71J ... MM ''7! W.i MX M't1 :t.VJ;., C.L.AM.- -. 71 7la 71 714. 714.

I, Mf 27f0Clllc.A.V. H....11H llllh. 11M 1M' 111,4I lTll.M I).. II. A li I'rt IJt H7i 117 1 hI &imi)L'.M.ABl. I'... 74 7r.fJ 71- 7rAv 7.V

2ISC.N.AM. T. plls 11 lltl IIM'4 llr(C SlKiOf, II. 1. - ro.. M'X b.'lj Hl( HJ) K.'iJfi jii.t. I olorado i'oul . 7j! "S '" !" HliK loiur.i, ih.aiol aitj hi hi aiM siit

I kB ;t.iocm.Lubit ..i.u ISA 1.1.1 i.i-i- i.nH Ff- -B lhfWlnL Alllldion. l7Ji 1211 - 1U0H S bonlll. l.lik.A rt 1 ikJJ 14HU'i 140 14HM

Ir'-- B JiOUDlitllllliK A O.K. 014 bH Mil ClJi r.2! .. ;. nil "'-- w! t!14j ?, I'.J'. K.llfon II. K 1.71 '7 D74t D7L (Kj

Ev JiAMIt. 110 110 lu-- i 111bSJ Kin III. Ltntral Kil?a lolH 101. 101)4 10JJ? ) 100 lxi. st 1.. AT., li.'-- j lii-- a 11 H 1 17r,H ui.i)i.. I .AUttern. In;. nu nsi H'H 20)4

H rS mm ike .shorn.... 12J 124 121 Ij' 12,loJ'al 78' 7M1, 77J 7 i?.( l(Allxiull..N.A.AU. 2,l!j .. 2i;S 2.i 24bMnlliatt nti,n.lOJ)i In.'U 102j lout, 10J

v. S41iMIourll-c.- .. .M tl-i- ..i rn'7 M"4sSJ Eo&)iu..Kin 2.1W ar,u smi 2t,)J. BJ IIU) .Null. I.. Oil 21 21; 211J 20lJ 22'- .- HXl.Nat' KM 10 .. 32 12 li.' i .UI, hoj.n J. cntrui.. .H4Ji lir.H 1)4 lir, li.--ii'lBl 10.JON. .icntrai. ..Hi 11.1 lin 112 IK:

- JIKl.N.V Lily A.S pt. 17 17 17 17 IS'1 lomat-e.-. UJi, IU1 U3 PI M3U. B 1(X) Mil. Cera. ijf... tu)i piiU u n ii t.tut iiSJNortb Amcr ... IMS lbii lsu ! ihW

m Mi'.S.Y.A.S.l.n.. .)7".J 37M ntl'J 37i. 1BI.S.Y. II. .22 2J1I 22 227 2141., JO0N. .(. IM, K in 201( 20 211 2ll!, ' lb44i.. i.I.l-.AW- . .li'i 2W? llj lJ;' B iiKis.i .1 1. .t p. 11 14 tiiij oil',' j iiiitj

K. II 27.--.

.S. KA W !i tii-- j int 111 nilff, W 1'MV.rinlL-M- t. JhU ImU Ihlu 17 IK

S 24,.O.Sorthcrnlac .. 27W 27VT 271 27 27)1 j2Ktlu.Niutli. I'ac pf.. 71j 73iJ i4 7! 73it Jioocntstlii- - ttelt. Hit. 11' ll'U l'UE 13 ll.'illrti;. lib l, 2)J 2liJ 2.1 2.1 14

. I HI. limol-tici- i c.Mnll .'ins ::, nii. j. 4jE Jr 14 hi rc ,d ,v i.v.. iu2 ii''-- ai-- ihiJ mllr miooibi!. :tM( '.; s;, .111

; Ci 41, - I' I ...K IlL IT. 14U ir. IllS IS 4IO Till. IV. I trfolTo 17o 17". 17.". 17rt1, U Iml'.l'.l'.AM.U MH 2i U 2it 2E'; 2.IWK :'i7l'.l'.l IM L.(f nilti lit, 111IU 11 4 twu;' H IHOQiiliLo.ltt--r of . 2I 211 20 4 21!U .IKIlllol.MllIc W 41M ! 4l' 41lJ 42V fi .III !..(.... li.:-- ' '. t' 743 72' T--4 72-- 7.11; 11 SnlJKlcliArt I'.:.. l;.LJ 14 l.l)j 11)3 14i it .l M XD ....lloLj lll Ho 110 11JUI ir.lM. I. - U . Ml, hVv h) H II- d'.'MSt. i n iiy, jr.w lT.u H.w

i" ifopt.i'. a Djiutii. :r..j :vi 3.--. 37).

it HIM. P. A Inn Jit U7 !i7 117 !i7 I'll'. H 410M. i. AU'imlm 3 Hi r.i'i :,; :u ,i- I lmlM.I-.M..- M....11.1H lr-)- j ll.. ill 114

III IftlM Jo. A II I . 7U 7W 7 1. II Hi (J H'OTtnn.raui-i- ,. :'.i mo? nil nt( 37

viiT, ijraciiic . i.uj i:.i.; i: 1.IU !,--,' B SMIT.A A A S !. IM lit IK IK 111PI 74.'.", 1 n'liii r.icinc. :.n"f 4nu n"ij 411H 4ii1 la 1.1 .s.cxpr. ... m m r.i mi' Ll '.now, M.I. .1 p. . .i, i.n, 1 I'.j 14 uB 4 AO U . St I. A V it. ;, 111 j 27t! Wi Jtli' B IMlUtUc A I.. .. :i7 .Hi? .174 37jJ :iH)n

4i IIU .11 r ,l .71.- - 771. 7..J 77)3 77Vi,' IUIKi.Iiiiii-- I. 1KJJ IM4 IMj lb

7. 1.1 tank or&loi.L. i eio 2U.b'.'7 .Har- d-

VM.isrkD DLrtUTJIKST Tr.VS'ltCTIOV.(;;i- - tA- - Ijtic Clt

r " V ''. ' in,a t.4r,'i Airier. nc.Hcf rn .. N..V h.iii h'.'ii 82liJw.Alicr Sii. lit ill HI ;u

J bid Nail In..l1rillt ... HI HI HI It)' .mo i'ii -- mo ci u. . . . ;.'. 05 01 cif BOSTON QUOTUTOKn..' '' 'cl.i fll ,I,J.f Pol i Alhany.MI-- "! 'T'lOli-H'ion- 47W 4

Crul. .. HI 18 Weil hnti'Kr... 121. ).".);Jltrliliiiiif .73 7,'l" Uoll i.dl.tnl ir.i 11.C:f. V A .S i: l. lf iHii'iiti A Mnu J 4.'U

, lct nl. 4i 7JK 72 llutte Alli.lon I4'4, i . CI I I'o.oliy "li.O iCllumct A II .2.-.-J sv

Aincr Hill Tcl.lbJ 1I iK.iii.i lr vl o :n 40. . 4J').j 44 A..T.Al-- MIM H.'H

k h LliS! Ill . Ul!tlA..l.A.1. rum. Ujjf L4.'i' 'i HIlLADKUnU riOSINO Q30TATI0VR.

;.. '. .'(.i rnr r cuish voiic,. 41114 mi penja. n.n.. mm mhi', 4jiJ M)

A Monday, "ov. 'J.

J TI10 manner In which thei stook market twttd& ' 1 to-di- y lias rqulvalvnt to an cxprohiloii from

1 t!io flnuni'Inl cominunltr tluit tlio exfifctcrl ImJ'p hnlilifiifc!. Inotliorwoidi. thu collapse of tlm

it Wuvorlrk National Dunk of ISohton doonjfi I dlu?ountoiL r.vrrjr rciisonnblo eftoit to p.tvoJf I i tho iiihtltutlou lind liL'i-- mnilo. Init in.ulnj fl'( upon tlio bfllof that tlm lost of loss' H thiM half n million dollars Incurred- 11, ''y "1 bank throu.;h r.iium it Co.2? IB f' wan tlio extent of its misfortunes. ItX was that thu bunk Mould KUffer InX Jj t

' jiubllo I'stliiiiitlnn on that account, nnd that Its'J) 1 envious rompctltors wrmld put on all tlioVJ" fl fy piihsuratlipy toiild, with tlivvlrwuf nucurliiffXL M r to tlir'iuM'lM'h tlio liiihliiccH of a BocnilnfilyM il r l Ihu 1'ollitpho or the bankfeH X tinder modoiatoiiii.rbuio Win Itself ovlduncu

klB 4- - "'''' "b """''''" i'coiunioilutlon to a Binclo

vH -- tcck liouso 01 fpocuhitor Is not ulone ro- -iWm '-

sponsible for tlio confession of insolvoncy.

hBfll ?' Fortunately ucltlivr Wall streot nor tho'BB t Jlnanclul community as airhole, takes Doston"II ,' nt Its onn ostiinutu. Tho failure of a Lank)n with ten mlllionb of deposits Is an important111 ' event, especially In a provincial town.

i'lB " but it does not mean that tho worldBBj Jinn como to an end or will orrn ttundOb ' still until it iccoM'rs from tho shock.BB i. Of cotirso, conlldenro niffor.s whenever

,BB It is domonstratoil that liumnn n.ttur UiBB S weaker than tho temptation to which it yields;,BB f-- but human nnturo Is yieldltm continually, and

k'H that fact Is ever taken Into consideration byI'BB ''" buhincss men. In tho presenthSBM ;. c.110. suspicions which up to tho nu-sen-t timeIwBB Boomed to bo hlnlater prove to havoIj-'B- 'v' boon well (.'rounded, and In -

iUbb ' queuco ttioio who luivo money will for aUtno nt lcfl6t '' "mt "iey ar" moru compe- -II y,. toiit to hauillo It than any one olso. Bomo

BVJ j very handsome fortunes have boon amassedBH w" other pooplo's money ns a basis of opera.

LbVJ & Won, but when tlio venture Is unsuccessful anHBBI If extremely pitiable bpcetuele Is presented, andBflB- -i

eonlldonco In human ijnture nuffors a shockfrom nhlch the recovery Ih slow.

IKVBf It may bo that iu tho present enso tlie.o.i- -

BBH' erul piosficrityof tlio rountn nnd tho hope.HbBBt4 ' ultot,H ' UiL' rieor'lf vvill pro'luco 11 result at

'1 varluucu with Uoctonliiii rcotUm. ulid If to- -

BnBr day's stock market Is un nccurnto reflection ofBbBIW publloBontimont, that is exactly what willflBBH s'! happen. The defeot in this vlow Is that the

' buUUo la not deall In titoc- -a extonsivoly at J

RPwBRtl . 7,,to.,. . ., -

the moment On the other hand, tho public. Isunquestionably a larce holder of securities,liavlnfr acquired thorn durlne tlio Boptomberrise, nnd shows no disposition to part withthem.'1 ho first prices y wcro about 1 tf cent

lower thnnthoso of Knturday. but thcro wasrenlly no pressure to sell stocks, and nftor thofirst half hour whutovor uneasiness the boarshad experienced seemed to pass away. Thoroninlndnr of tho day tho market was dull, butfirm, until tho ln- -t hour, when It was strontr onthonM-nln- up of short contracts on accountof tlio suspension of buslnossCons Idorlni? tho low condition of speculation,tho absence of a London market and the sus-

pension of buslnoss the market asa whole showed surprising stronRth. It wasmoderately nctlvc owlne chiefly to tho strenu-ous efforts made to depress prlcos early In thoday and to tho disposition to cover shoits atthe close.

Tho heaviest deallncs wero In Atchison, BtTiiul, Krio. C, U. and Qulncr. anil.ClileacoGas. Tho only onn of thoso that sustained anoteworthy loss was C D. and Qulncr. andthat was barely 1 ? cent The coal stockswero exceptionally firm, and Lackawannaclosed a shado hlchor on light transactions.Iilchmond Terminal was also an excettlonIn closing hlghor than on Saturday. Effortsto place that company upon a soundfinancial basis appuur to havo been misunderstood In certain quartors, but It Is notprobable that that fact will lntorforo with thesuccess of sincere nnd earnest offortfl by thosomost lareoly Intorcstod In tho property tofinance tho company. It Is proper to stntothat, whntovorcliancos may bo effected In thomannrrement. If Indeed any aro mnde. will boby rtencrnl consent and with tho view of

tho best Interests of all security hold-

ers Tho closlnc was strong, but tho nvorasoof prices was lower than that of Saturday.

Finnl salos compare with thoso of Saturdayas follows: Krr. t Of. Tf. A- T- J.A.T. B.r.. 431 42M NorttiWitrnm.llOH linxAmor. Cot. OIL 27 3"U .Sor, I'ac. pr.... 74)4 73ssBull. R. A P... 4014 40 ,.s. V. Central... 112W ll'.'JjCtn.Soutbern. OniJ Civtf N. V. A .s. K ... SVj 37O.. II. A O . ... lisH H7! Ontario W... l'.iij lliyj( HICAIO llai .. M Mlfi I'ucilli Mall.... 7U 37Del, L. A ... 140 140,4 lli-- k lliiUKl.... hJW k;Del. A lludi.nn.12KM I2H Klcli. A . P... l.'ltj 14riUt. AC.K.Co. MkJ MM Peanut ntnZ 311

Jrl SO 2hj2 M.I'unlcom... H4 7.114,

lloek Vnller... 3IH altj St. Paul pf I1KW IlKit,lll.i'cntral ....10IM 101S,Ti'm I. A It... Ht'.ii aiBiIuu. A Nmb. 7H)J lfH tnlonl'aclnc. 4(iJ 40'JLake Miore ...124 12 i;i'Wah. A P. coin. II 131JI.lUeF.. A W .. lll' J Wab A P. pf . 2KIJ 2WMo I'arlllc M I. Ubeel. A L. B.. 38 HtJNat. Conla;e.. H1)J IW4 W. A --. H. PC. 77M 77JJKorlb Aiu. Co.. ID 16U

Government bonds steady at unchansodquotations. Hallway bonds Irregular. Thofeatures: Canada Kouthorn lsts. Union e,

Denver and Gulf lsts. Richmond nndTorminuifi!". Ontario nnd Western consol 54,N. Y. and Northern 'ds. Chesapenko nnd Ohioconsols, Atchison. Knnsas and Texa, ltead-Int- r.

St. Imis and Southwestern. Tmxhs Pnolllonnd W.ibn'11. The moro Important net ad-vances worn Chesapeake nnd Ohio c.iiiboIs, iJ cent, to 1(h: X. Y. nnd Northern de. 1 i, torio: Ontario nnd Western consol Os. Sj, to 08;Hie hmond nnd Terminnl 5s. i(, 57, nnd Unionr.toifle. Denver and Gulf lsts. . V eont., to74,'j. The noteworthy declines wero In Atch-ison 4s. .'4 T cent, to Kl'C Cannda fiouthernI'ts '4. tol' "U: ht. Louis nnd rmuthwesternlids '. toilO'.; Texas l'aclllo 2ds. ','.tn31S,and Wabash detientur.s. series I), . to 44.

Silver bullion rortlfleatos for 103,000 ouncessold nt lOV-O.- V;. liar silver in London.44 1 -- lOd. Tho offers to sell stock to tho Treas-ury y acKrented l.'2U.'l.0(XJ ounces. Thopurchases were 1(jH.0(ki ounces, as follows:fill.OiK) ounces at Stllio. 318.000 ounces at

0.1I37.'5. and 100.000 ounces at 0.158UMoney on call. 3 'ioi7 i cent., averaclnc about

4 cent. Time money In Kood supply ut 4 Vcent for sixty dan. 4 rleent for four monthsnnd S V cent for six months, on prime Commercial nnperln bot-te- r

demand. 1'rime endorsed bills receivubloaro quoted nt lisr-i- l'. V cent., and urt-cl- s6inRle-nnni- o paper at U. ' cent

-- terllne exchange steady, but dull. Totedasking rates. S4 Ml'., for Ions bills anil S4.Krifordemand. Actual rtttesaro: liOntr bills. S4.rjU'a(a 4.r.0''; sight drafts. $4.83 7i4.84,nndenblotrati'-fors-. $4.84. Francs aro quoted at 5.21 '.Wr.'l'4 for sight and 5.'J5(&.24'; for long;rolfhsmaiks 1'5!,' for short nnd U4,'ttfU4 0

for long: guilders. W;i(2'Mi for long and 40r40'( for short

The all-ra- east-boun- d shipments of dondfreight Irom Chicago lai-- t week were 50.701tons, agnlnst 07.737 tons the previous week,and U'.,3o3 tons the corresponding week, lastyear.

Imports of specie y were $500,000.making a total since bept 12 of S21.00U.(MKJ.The amount known to bo in transit is

The transactions on tho New Y01 k Stock Ex-change during October included H.7tJ.V17shares of stuck, a decreaso of .Titl.S'.'S ai com-Mitf- d

with tlm same month of hi't year. Thodealings in Stntn and railway bonds, par value,were $j,454.5i0, an increase of 7.74U.WrU.

Tho Louisville, and Nashvlllo Itallroad ro- -

Forts gross ,'uinings forbeptember ofnn Increase of ,5157.37 ns compared with

the same month of last year, nnd net Jii8.t,784.nn Increase of $70,144. Tor the three monthsending Seit 30, tho gross earnings weroK.4sr.0; increase of S508.101 nseomparedwith the corresponding period of last year,and net ?2.03-,- 3, an increase of $UW.593.

TlieAVestein New Y'ork and Pennsylvanianallrond Company reports for the year endingJuno 3o: hi; Mil riT..Oro.i earnltiin SIM.', Pec. J7S387opcrat'g eip u'l. atH.VWO Dec. 16D,wi7

.Nat eamlniri $1.07U(bil t'.li.S4f,1 Inc. S7M20Other incomo was $4,074. making total

Sl.OHU.iliTO. All chnrgps wero &j.TJ.77.".lening a surplus of $448,185. The comranynnld equipment notes, J221S.7. IS, nnd spent forbetterments S31,ii'ri. The tlanoe sheetsIiowh current liabilities of 5807.'j-jO- . ofT3ot by1781.045 cash nhsets

The Heorganlzatlon Commit loo of the RanAntonio and Aransas Tass itallroad Companyl'iisreceled the following from V. 1J. Hobln-so- n:

"Concerning reports of my resignationiiHgeneinl mnnager. I beg to say that itw.istlm result of dllTorenccN botweenthe court, thurecelMirs. and myself as to the senpo of my au-thority, nnd not from nny dissatisfaction what-ever as to th physical condition and earningcapacity of tho property. I have thoroughlye.Mtniined tho road within the past ton days.uml find it to he In fully as good shnpo physi-cally its a mn;orltyof roads in the IStato.Now that the Waco extension is completed. Ibellevo its eurning capacity will meet your

When tlm roorgnnlratlon isrnni-pli'to- d

the road will be able to meet all iudun ees undertlie plan." Tho connection ruudoon tlio Waco lino completed all construction, the entire system 700 miles of thor-oughly equipped road.

Hlehard V. Harnett A Co. sold by auction attho ileal Kstate Ltchnnge y the followingsi eurities among otheis:12sliareirhatbain National Rank S420

llovierr UnLk 30HO.iurea Curn htclianite Hunk 241The Tenns Ivnnla Itallrnml Company has de-

clared a semi-annu- dividend of 3 V cent.,pu ubl on Nor. 28.

Tho debt statement Issued y shows anlneionHoln the aggreato of the publln debtdining October of S1,SI0..V1 There km areduction of S4.027.527 In thebeai Ing debt, an Increase of $2,000 in the In-terest bearing debt, and 11 decrease of $5,310,-H- 8

In the surplus cash In tho Treusury. Thototal of Inteiii't and bearing debt

less t3!MU7,!io net rush balance,or htiiplus, and the SIOO.000,000 coldreserie. Is $4U,0::8.05iJ. Of this amountS5S5.02iJ.720 Is Interest bearing debt;iuihIh up of $.ri5!l,002.220 4 V cent, mid

4)iS continued at "1 cent. Tho eushin the Treasury y itggregati'S fs74O.03u,-35-

made up of $203,774,711 In gold coin andbullion. $410,110,007 In silver and bul-lion. $4&.7lt.'l.7Hi) in pnpor money, anddeposited In national banksAgainst this aggregate amount there arolliibllitles to meet gold and silver certifi-cates in circulation. ngreatin 1MIO..3ili,410. and current Hahiltios amount-ing to 40.478.0ia The gold coin nnd bullionturn! In tho Treasuiy y aggregates $203.-i4,4-

an Increase of nlxmt nineteen mil-lions during tin) rru--t month, nnd thu silverfund to-d- a amounts to $410,110, or about onmillion moro than a month ago. UoiorumontncelptH from nil smirces during Octoberaggregated S2R500.652. ngalnst $40.215 850in Octolier. 1800. Customs receipts Instmonthwero $13.080.1187. against In

18JK). Internal revenue receipts wereJi:i.0dl.401. against $12,840 250 In October.J8IHJ, and reci'li.ts from miscellaneous sourceswere $1,401,413, against S1.447,bOO In Octobora ear ago.

Expenses during the four months of tho cur-re,- lt

A".7rl?,'.nr.-fl"Sr-i?at-- no.280.85(), orabout t:w than during July. Au-gust, beptembcr. nnd October. l!t:1; while '.'

ti!',,.r Iui,t rol,r months amountud tollti.74U.rdi.-)-. or about $35.000 000 less than

lor tho coi four months of lbOttI'ostmtister-Gonera- l Wanamnker has In-

formed the Treasury Department thut a re-port recently received by him states that '' afalling off that linn become uppnront In thratio of increase of the postal revenue duringthe quiirivr endingJuns 30 and Kept 30. 1801,is attributed to riulncss In business nmlas nn Indication of this dulncss, that tlioamount ofcustonis duties collected at tho portof New York has of late coiisidernbly cbi.creased." Ileiequestedto be furnlbheil with11 htntomept of tho. amount of oubtomsduties collected at Now York during thoporiod .mentioned, as compared withtho, collection during the correspondingperiod of lust rear. In reply, Actloc oucretery

was as follows: Quartor ended Juno JO. lwil).J38.lJH8.412; quarter ended Bept 30.$45,020,010: quartor ended Juno JO. IM 1.$24,308,455; qunrtor ended Hppt JO. 1801.$:il.7-il,Ot- 7, thus showing n falling off of

during tho last six monthsThe coinage of the mints of theLtlnltetl

Blatos during October was: Oold,silver. S1.825.0O0. and subsidiary. $144,100. atotal of $3,040,100.

Tho amount of 4S V cont. bonds rodoomodto-d- was $103,750, ranking the total re-

demptions to date 2i,ijou,000. and leavingoutstanding $4,407,760.

Treasury balanoos comparo with those ofSaturday as follows:

Cold foln and bnlllon....127?2i8filJfilter coin anJ bullion.. S,26,4Ui 4.0iO,3JtLejtal tender-Includ- lnf ....., W.018,074Triatuxy noiia.

tetata 137.O7O,O00 I1S8.1B3.I7S

Deposits In national banks. $14,822 740,gainst 1Q.21.17H last Haturday. In add!-tlo- n

to tho foregoing the Treasury rpportasilver bullion purchnsed undortheaotof July14. 1800. $08.iJ0.014. and Treasury notes is-

sued ngalnst tho same. $08,723,130, of whichtuaoD.'.'-l- tt aro outstanding.

Money In London. 2(3 cent ,Rnto ofdiscount In the open market for both sliortnndthree montliB bills. 3'iffl3 cent Parisadvices quote 3 V cents nt t5 francs and

on London at 25 francs 22 centimosbeing a legal holiday tho banks

and Exchanges will bo closod.The sales of mining stocks at tho Now York

Consolidated Stock nnd Potrolouia Exchangey wore as follows:

Ail. .Vne. Opening. BigMl. Loiefrt. CToWaff.

200Alplia W W 00 IdllonoAitoria 1 I 1 1200Helcbcr 1 80 1 80 1 RO 1 80IPOIiruniwick 10 ID 10 10inn lUrcelonn a t! 0ltHit'ronn Point... 1 10 110 110 110nuiComit'ckT.Co. HI 18 HI IUHhll'nl Black 11... 04 '4 lit 111

MXlUadrllle ir. Hi" lr. 1541 HI M. b. A Kiln Co. Ki Ml M MlUOPbcrn.orArli.. 60 60 60 tO

Ilia total Ale.i era 2.900 lb aril.

Eleetric Htoek Qnot-tlo- us

Bono". Not. 2 Tnl latcil tiectrlo itock qaotattomy werai

( -- tlf.Fulern Fleclrlc Cah'e m. pref. Ml")Tbornion-llontto- Hectrlc Co 47 Ml 4K 14) I.lectric Co. pret.,.2'1 7 2110.)

ort Wayne l.icclrlc Co 13 124 1.1 7.112 Co 1360

Kajtr Tor- - Marked,MoKtiir. Kor. 2. Fioca itn MAt The market wai

nnicttlril. olo.ini dull nnd we ik. qaote.i. Klour.ll hlilllno.$.T-'i)t-l. : eiipe.-lln- 3 .". i,l 85: .So 2ktra.3:K3S4: So. 1 extrn $4 104i4ho; rleara. SAMifj

S4,76; itralfliti, 4,703J": patents, irrinir, . 15rSn mi, irinler, H l4iJ"..-- rtly nulla ililpnlnir estraa, Kyetiour. r1 .", loof-in.,- .Corn meal. libl. $3 3031 O lor ll ea'ern. and 1 7r

S1so tor llraudylne. lluckwlioat Uuur, 12(i$.'.10y 1001M.

Cottoi FntutTB opened lower: the early monthsfurther declined, partially reco cred. cloalnir itea. atn decline of 8 to 10 pointh on near, and C to pMnt onlate tnontha. from Sa nrday 1 clnilmr priria 1 lie bullagot tt In the and the weilc onea eufteredbadly, especially tlio.e whiibale been, am inn December-Ja-

nuary rontracla. They liad to contend mtli it dropct 43-n4d- . In the Liverpool market, cnoruioua receipt aat tho porla, a full Interior tnoeuient, and continuednne weather for tnaturttir and lacurinjr the crop. Adrop in ontraeta lor March (which now aia.imcsthe to 8 60c. broufrht forward buyern withconsiderable vlffor, bot without arrei-titif- f thedecline, and there wae a sate at 8 47c. ThenIt sni aeen that the later month bar beenfretting Into irood poiltion for a bull market. The coatof rarnlmr haeheen ftreati) reduced, prlceaare lerylow, nnd It reqiilreabut the chamreot a ilnrle circum-atanc- e

to i.romote a rile, anialler receipti at tho porta.0, smaller interior moveminl. a better mar-ket, or bad iviather at the south; either of ttieae inuat(run i frenblnipnlae to epeculatlon for the riae. nbtlethe l.aara require that ever Ibtnir ahall contlnatitn theirfaor. Therefore, ft bull moement may be expectiilIn the latter pirt of thla eek Spot cotton waslower: Mlddllnit upland!. 8r-18-c: do. nuira.fcfi'. Thofobi.H inir are the detail! of tho traniactlom lu future!,with files 01 GJ.OOO balea:

Mrlh Clrmity I'Hr. VtghrM. JyttrtM. .Siilr.No.ember 80miKn7 K.lo K05 S.100December K IMiK lfl 8 23 811 I5MO.Tnnuary B27-K- 28 833 8 2.1 42,(iolebruarr 8:waH3l 8 43 8.15 21,000March 8MK4HM 86.1 8411 24.noApril 8ill(,8rtJ 8114 8611 0.70OMay K71(H7J 8.73 81111 7 Ika)June 881liriH2 8K3 8KO 4 4KI.Inly Ki.fsiil IMU 8I1O 2ToOAU.USt b.'j7KU4 UtKJ 81K) 8.700

, .Vilaowl of .

18H1 92. 1 V9ISSJ.ll'. iiilf

Port rerelpti thli day KIH4 n.miPreloul slncescpt.l 2.18043J Sept. 1 104KWH 1.2'.7.20fctoekant porta lAKAUUS 642.620

i1iiiviioi! Lard futurea were a llitle firmer. In tm-pa'h- y

wild thoilearercom market Also the deinerlei01 lontructa at the lleit were amaller than expected.Salea 7.VI tea at fl 42fflC 47c. for Janiarv. After,'riintre the clone waa steady at HSOc. for December,ft 4c. tor January, 0.57c. for February, and 0ii7c. forMurcb. Sput lard waa more active at a fort her decline:aaleiOOtta prime city at 5 UOc . and l.&oo tea. prunelleatern at 0 27HC. reiruiar:reilnel for the Continentquoted at H401A.6.76C. I'ork quiet and itmlianirod.guided: Now mesa slo.2.v,$l0 76; old mesa. 1)7.','4SIO, eMra prune. SlOMlftll. nnd abort clear. SlantS16. cut meats were more active, but at a decided da-- 1

hue: Mica 26.000 res. pickled bellies. 10412 llis . at 7Uc and at the West 160 Ics.skinned hams. and l.V) tea. aweet pickled ahouldera. California cut. at lie. Quoted: Plikled belliea,7W7?ic : pli kled ihou.dera. 6!Mc.: hauls plylOc.Dressed hoa lower at 6H69c : ultra. 644141-- . Ileerla steady: quoted at 57.,. $8 26 for extra mess. $1 M)&41060 tor packet, S1K412 for family si bbL. andMilMi-asiupe- r tee. for India mesa. Beef name naietat tl2 60'puhl Tallow more active: sales (V. Sleurlne at 7S7KC In hhdi. and lis

la quoted at fiKc. llntter ia dull at 23Q31C.for creamery. Cheese dull at swisse. for btate

full cream. Ireah er?aI.M4lsll heat futurea opined tinner on the newa that

Rneaia prohibited theexportutlon oticreali biitrecededwhen it waa f'.und that wheat wua not Included aalean.1108 000 bu.h. at Jl 06,S1 iwu for December. l.oii)i

l ii"H Tor .latiuari. Sl.0xx.3SI.i0 lor lebriiary,SI losafl.ll lor IfarcS and Sl.lOH.l.l'-'- forMay. bpot wheat was actle at about auiidyrruea. shippera took 200.000 bnsh Quoted!Fprinir P)W.I08: red winter. McwxiOfl; white,P4c (?$1 on The aalea were 2111000 bush, inclu line-N-

1. Northern sprint at SI 054,134' 015 jitloat.No 3 hard winter at llVr , and white sprlnir at l)7)ic.Indian corn futurea were decide Ily blither for the win-ter and Mirlmr inontha. owintr to Pussla a prohibition ofexports Salea .J,3rtixi 4)oiAii5)-.c- . for No-vember. 67(j,5Ke. tor December, 64U(S6.r.l4c. for Janu-ary, B4V(f,r4Mc. for February, and 62uri6.(;c. forMa). Spot corn waa in bttteraupply and ilunper, butat the decline there was more activity; shippers took

Quoted, Wittern mixed, IIUSil'tH- - ; tin.yellow. tKa70c,: white, The salea weremainly No. 1 mixed at HUlslWiir. In delatorand ai nit. but included new at dilc. nn track,and niltel for December. 54i8 64ic.Data were active and buoyant on fie Itussiau protiilntlun of exports, bhlppeia were bti)rrs to the extent ofaliou, threOHmiirter million llliatiels Hulea 1,I50ISjObuab Inrludlni; No 2 mixed at for Nontn-ber- ,

37(si7We. tor December. 37il3a79ic for January,and for Hay: nnd on the spot. mUed at 3IG4 .and white at 37H42c aaln quatlt): also Nn. J i.lii'.oat :A(4lK)yC. eloalor. and No J mixed at 3iM.17-- .111 elevator. Ilje in deman 1 and linn at H7r (.. I 02.-a- rl-y quoted at 70c. for No. 2 Milwaukee hut Westernfr.lnK'U'diorexpirlai61r. to the extent of 60000tMU,h. llliikwheat iptoted at67i4dlc. Alter 'ChaluroWheat closed easy: No. 2 red winter for Nncmbel.S1.U4: Deceiuher. .l.ti'iU; January. 51 07: lebruary.SI Ooff: Marih. 5I.10W: Apnl.Sl.ll: llay.51 11. CoraHeadj. Nn 2 mixed for November IHJtJc, Ilscelnbir,67fac ; January. 64 14c : hebltlar), 641 e : Ma), 52Jac,dale nrm: No. mixed for Nominl.r. MlT:c ; Pei-t-

Isr, .iTisc : Jam ary, 37Hc: May, 3Jc : No. 2 v lute forNuvemlier 3sc: DeceiuUr, CKUc: January, 3k)c.

Now York Prisluie Kxcliabiro alatcuieill ot llilblabaturday, Oct. 31, Ibul:

IU ll. (brn. 0- - -- Vs. Barley.Flour la

atore andafloat .. -I- .S1 7H J.a.175 I.1M.II5 S.519.TM 3.17-1- 11

Increaaa... l.i;,r; -'- ,8-.Deereaaa CQ.IVI -.- 0I3

Corrrv Options advanced on cnierltia: by "aherla"and aotne baylnir tor hurnpean aciimni. closius;

to 2(1 points a.Unnce Irom talurdiil'l CosineIirtraa Kacelpta at ftlo lotil-- bacs- - at Samoa, le.omi

I.xehaiii.-- in III. easier at I3)(d hale '.0 760bufa. c!iialuiralrud).wiliaelUiaat theti l.uwlnjf r'rsaiNoienber.,11 7ec. Kebruary.,11 40c May .... 11.47.:Dermber .11 i."e .Mircli,.., Il,4ic June It 4Sc.Jaiiuurj....!! 4uc l.ipril 11 4c..luly .. , ,11.46c.The eot market wua moderately aitlia and atrady:Klo nuiited nt 12?li;r. for No. 7: salea 1,CAXI bnca l.loNo toarrlte per Kate lawcett ut K'hc.. 26ra)bni(ado do to be shipped ut 12J(c : 2,r00hu!--a Samoa No llto be shipped at l;iUi-.- ; 2,000 ba-r- a Klo do No. U, 30011tiuKado No 7 and 1,000 bj;ado. No. K at USar. r. midf.and l.&OO tiaea do. Ni.s. U, 7, and Sat 11 1. r. and f.Mild crudes llrmer, but quiet: aalea 760 biira Maraculbu'at ll'Mc. lurifood Lunula, aud 120 bags C'eulral Americaon n. 1.

hiuia, Ac Futures were dull and unchnni-ed- ; noaale, iloaiui; dull 1.1 3 24& 1 ,'Uc. for Not ember and 3 2 JQ3 Hoc. tor Dei ember. Tucsiioi market was without1 liainre and Priu at 6c. for fair - muacot ado ond3 for standard cenlrirund'r. Iiellned waaln fairdemand and atiady. Quoted: Cut loaf and cruahol,Ca5Xc.: cube. H(f4t,c : powdered.imiiiulated, 4 mould "A." 4!4V4Kc:other while, a yellows. 0Molasses was fairly aillve for new crop domeatiu at40465 . but otherwise the market waa quiet. Quoted!Porto Kiro. 26(43r,c.: dumestlc. ordinary to fair, PCsll(c; rood to me, 'OCs'.Hc and choice to fancy, 2119&&c. Hice was m. dcratelyaetiva and steady. Quoted!Domestic, common to fair, 4)4s44Hc ; Rood to tine. 63R)ye.; prime to choice. Bkaiiir.i Ban.oon, 4H4kc ;Pains 4!44K.: Japan. 4ka6!ic : Jaia 60.

MrTiLs straits tin was dull aud unclmned: aetlllngprlie for apot. jvsxjc : for January, IP eon. Imrot eo- -

ouiat but Heady: setllinir pneu for November Ike,I.iun. waa dull ami wiuk at a alight ttllnt price for spot. l:Kcflu h Sroaa -- fpirlta turij-ntin- waa dull nndialuealei lined a trill., rloilnir ui nnUig'li )c lor r and

ni-- 17c. lor Mat limes Jlo.ln sji qukt but iieml),Quotedi Common to coid airniuvd nt 51 not.! aU:'E." f" i M,"SI.76, I."1K7, -- i.'I.'IO, "K."2.3aj"M."2IAIl ".N."3 60:"ll J."14;

i'l toW-- J" nrm Mt ,-

- ' U' yich """ 'Pxriiouiii-Natlo- nal csrtlncatss wars mors

active at an adtanrel upenlnc at l4'.'. selllDit atBH4'4u,e.. an I clonns- - steady at eoc.lnd. aaleaOOUbbU KeUne.t In blla, e iS(il 4iie.( bulk, aiac :caisa 7.80c; irudt In tL.a,6.BOc ; bulk, 3 10c. Naph-tha, 5 76c,

bin Stock lict.Mrw Torn. Monday, Nov. 2 -- Receipti of beersi

yeiterday and, today were 8,8811 head, luclnd-I-57 car loada for export, t'.u car loads for

thcui.rm-l- . and 101 car loada direct to alauyhiereraThe tradina- waa active at an advance, of lOo. tTino as ,and tb tarda were rully cleared Puorrst to beat (fancy)steert sold at 1 a.iiiH loo rbi ; Texaniandl'oiora-lo- a

at 53 069.4 26; bulla and dry cowi at St 27053 60.Pressed beef Illiberal Hk( for nam a aides.Latest cable from London quotes American steers nrmailisjllc. ', dremd welaht. aud American refrig-erated bear ateadyat scant 7c. lift, rlpuienla

300 best is.Receipts or calves yesterday and to day were 644

".'i'l ilkatWc W -.-lower audi ery dull Vcilseoldal S6J57 60W 1L0 -- a : itransri at 252 40.nereipta of iheep and Inmbs letterday and today

were. lUB.ii head, Includlnit 13 can direct, sheepstiwdy. lambs acme and irond UmbaJic VI tb. lilKher.' 53)54 60 vTlOU li; Iambi at 4.76Dretaed mutton steady at r)M8c, r .ilambs Brm at

Receipts of bOKs ytiicrdsy and wers 18.081

9Viiniwbc"''1' UuUi "bU ,,'i'

t.-i-1 i N. .Vv.'..'.'.?iCi.yf T'..


By William w. Foiri! PuMIe auction sals of the three,lory brick dwelling with lot 20x76.4 Renjelc katraat,

weal side, 75 fuel aoulh of Sprint strtet, for 58.5,6.

Rent --itnte Trnnsffra.0th at, n a. .123 2d av, 8; Cmll Roes- -aertandwifelociiaalTeller SJ.500

4th at, n n cor 1 Istb at, 25xliy; l.tls J Well- -

wood to Martin li 06,000wt. na, Biom fitiiav, 2xl"i.ll I Alfred R

lomiialn and Alfrol K Fountain, Jr. andwives to Alrred K fountain 26.000

83d it, w Av A, .'.1x102.2; Henry Ar--

nold and wits to John lleaa 22,6002dav. wa 25(1 n 73d it. 23fix75: Chrlitlan

Lnehler and wife to llonlnncitrelcher 10,360llsth at,n a, 1,(1 let av, 2KX60.6; Avery T

Brown and ano. trus C I SatchelUto BavldJanls 0,000

13th at, n a. 126 w nih av, 20x100; John T Hep- - ..- -bunietaltoSheppard Knapp

Waihlnitloii .'15x100, lot 2(lmap Mel- -

rote llernardlna Wiener to Ionlia Stein 6,000With it na.(3o2dav,2Ril()08; tmll Iloes- -

sett and wire to Franx Lhwatal 22,,42iw8tli av. 60x2O4.4 to 73d st;

Roilna lloniey tu Itlcbard M Hnoley.......... 1Tlntnn av. tiljli Penman pi. 17xb6: John O

lahland wife 10 V JhHxrailel 4,60071atit. aa, 20Oe2dav 26x1004; Louis Stern

and wile toJamca O'Oormau 1 20,00041st st. ti a, 101 w 4th av, 256x1187: Alfred

Ian tamoordto Lincoln barn Deposit Co.... 60,0007th av. e a, 27 n llidh at, 27xn8: oeorga J

Col en and wife to Maria Anstli 40.0007Hth 2d a.COxl0J.2i llenry W

Sacket, ref, toJohn Malhaws 2,0005th at, a a. 220a Lexllurton av, 20x100 5:

8 Nancy Aaron toAnnleJonca 18,0004th Central Park West. 16x102.2:DatldlUchey to varah II Mcl-- od 80.000

Madison st, 848; Haruit bolinuor to Ida hot--

lneer 1Cornelia tt, n a. lot 13. 25x8rt: Mary A nnd

Matthew U Henry to Michael scanlon 20,60064th at, n s, 265 e Columbus av, 20x100.8;

Kxor Ernest Kmmel to ileo F Mattlae 27,000Bidtest, ws. 160 n Stanton it, 25x1 00: Mejer

I.lbraan and Itobt lloin to karl M, W'allach.,,. 83.0007tli ii.ii cor 2ath at. 44xP8.4; Margare- t-MorrletoJnhn A Morria 37.00047th at. sa. 475 e 7th ax. 18.11x1006; Cbai 8

Lelynnd wlfeto Horence 11 nyan 1Same property; CliasT Rianand wife to Cnashliy 1"that. II J; Fredk Huff and Jacob Groix to Bob

onion Stranskv 1Atith st. 11 a, 600 w 8th av, 25x1106: Peter

Sihercrtn Leonhnrd Daub 24,000Beikmnn at, i7a 60alleech Terrace. 25x100:

franklin l.ym hand wtte to UU.laui II IlealLandlmptCo 2,000

141st st, n t. 160 4 iv Beekman, 25x107.10:William K. Bcnl Land lmpt Co tolrankllnLynch 2,600

83.1 at. a s. 148 w Ar It. 25x102 2: AgnesDreihcrinJ.vnnlWrnT and wife 22,600

Meet Houston st, n s HUH w Bedford It, 25 11XI2H.7: An tier Ws'nslein and wire to fcd- -

ward 0 llcprwaien 20,0007th m, w-- a, 14 11 a I4.M st, 76x75: Cltll and

fluu P Lindu tiiiioutJi'iirrlir 31,0006.1.1st. a a, ll'5u IO1I1 av, 25x100 6: Jane Pot-

ter to IraueiaMltrliell 18,000Mailtsnn si. alii; Nathan and Maiks Kosenber?

and wives to Ai.ron Kurlan 10.000Duano st, 111'; exrs Murla bchrady to John

sclintdyet nl . 1Same prnpert); .Martha M Scbrady et alto

same 1Same propcrli ; Jus p Campbell, rcf, to John

sclirxd) it nl 83,000llotll at. a s. 225 o Pleasant av. 24 0x100.1 1;

Henry nnd wirotosusaii M Thall.. 10,000C1.I at. 11 a .'75 w I'tn ar, 25xI0u&; Cailnato

llroa to T Mice 82,000111th at, 11 a. 60 w Madison nr, 60x10011:

Norrla Stilnbardt to Johns Scott 100tiCltb looe.M ai. 27 JxllMK: Maria and

Wl.ltum P luatlutoOrurKCS Cohen 26,00060th at. lis. 275 e 2d nv, 111x1006; William

Kno-pk- e and wife to Meyer stvrti 15,000Bllth 11, 140 West; D. Willis James and wile to

lleors'eshaw- - 40,000Morton st. 11 w cor Bedford st, 30x Irreg: Hy M

Brush and wire to Mary Carter 7,260Ooenk at. 113; J - Wellcnkainp to Anna Vogel e.&UOllasliinirton at, w a, 75 n Wa ts. 25x100; exors

John 1) Noma to John Dickson 1Same property; Kato C llalai-- and Eliza 1,

Nornsto John Dickson, trus 17,260Vvriuilyta a.n c cor Academy at: Cornelius

J D,uioan and wife toJos M icmandrz. .. 106.1.1 at, n a. 250 e Amsterdam av, 20x100,

Itlrhurd M ! en and w ire to Vary A llarksy. 10,00011!. td at, a s. 2VJ e 2d av, 26x100 10, Jamel

Werner and wife to Airnes Drcai her 28.000Lenox av, n e rur 137th st 24.11x75; Wm

losilklt toexora I.IUJ Koadick 1,060Same prnpertv; Wm H losdlik to Saml Lynch. 1Lt.dlnw at. lit); Mary i uhrken to lirael Josef- -

sohn 20,6007(lih n. rallies!: I dinund Culhcrt and wlfeto

Wmi'and I.uimarorr 100Forsyth It, c a. Ill .11 n Heater St. 24x100:

James J Loom und F. ugeuo Parker andwltcstolda Mtihallakv 40,000 st, s s 21 5 e 3d av, .'0x102.2: Karl IVal- -

loco to lluldah. wlfa Bobert Mnlll 19,6002(1 av. wa, 12n.8a 60th at. 21 2xsO. fcrnat Hop- -

r ruuirknud wife to l.iuelte s 16,00014i,th at. 117 e 3d a. 25x100; Mar McCann to

Joa MesscrsLhmitt 8,260140th st. a a. 1L2 e3d a.74x : same to sime. 1Al A. ae lor SHib st. 25 2x1(0; Chaa btcg- -

niHierand wife toJohti s.hrelner. Jr 17.000-- eJdnv. 21 Gx)8 l), Anna l'ruhar to

Iriink 17.60012lh t n s. () w 2.1 av, 20 HxU'3 3; Frederick

Jtntreniind wlfeto llmry Kololt 28,800Park row, John siliradj to Martha M

Schrad) 1SameiTopcrtj: exors Maria bihrady to Mar-

tha l scbrady 1Christie et. Hi, Jns P Camubcu, nferee, to

Martha ll et al 23,600Park row, 142 144, a -- no to same 311,800lat av, n e roiutr 117th at, 25 2x01; MaxS

korn to laldorl" Wittenberg 10011th uv. aw cur 81st st. 10.2x100. BenJabM

Martin to Ilenr) Blleeelman 10043.1 at. a a. 30 e 8th or, 2uxli0fi; Alex Moors

and wife to Thomaa H smith 143.1 at. a a. 280 e 8th av, 20x100 5; tame to

same 1Cannon st,S3:Adn!pu Roth and wlfoloSulo- -

munSpandau 11,000Broa.lwai, 11 w ior 61d at. 608x425; LttA

WoodruittoniorglaP. Will. ami 47,000Earns prop.rt). ll.nrD Uotcbkiaa, aaalgnee,

to l.'eorsliP Williams 47,000Fame properly, la inline S Woodruff uisame. 1Mroomc at, lLl-lo- ti; Markl Cbambcra to Max

h korn 10040!li.t. n s. 160 e 4th av, 2lxli8H, 107 Laat:

John M Knox nn.l wife to Gertrude L Wcllina- - 24,000Croioiia iiv.o a, 4114 a hlmiood pt. 25xinl 1;

John J Rridyah I wife to llltz P Gallagher... 6,030Ud.'t.BS 24 e )0'h m. 22x1181), ldwar.1 A

Mnitb, drxlsee I. tac k smith, to Juiub A- -peu .... ..... o,u-- al. na. 12li I ast; bllaull Van loorhls to0 Graxson Martin 1

looth st 11 a. 111 w M ai. 10x100 ll; irtne BIln bins, cxtrx N 11 l.i. Herts, to Thoa.l Oatra 1.800

24tli st n s. -" w l'lh nt. 25x1.8 0. Jos It( ukllu an ano, exors Mth Couklin, to ChasA Itoblilson 15,860

Famet.iottrti; ouiia I. Conklm to Chas AR ibins.-- . 1

Croti liu av c a lota 1 k and 1 p, map R er home- -

stint 4.'4xlll2x48xUil.2; JoLnJ -- railyandwl e toMirliael Ilullt 2,625

Oakland pluie, n a 124 w-- Prospect ar, 24XIliH same ami wire to Wlltlaiu ,) Knnnngh . 540

Oaxlali.t l.luci'. aa. 128 sxlue mail. 24 'IxloOHx.'ortxfoi). same mMlrluel Kiithroski . . 540

Crotonn aie.w a, 175 s Lebanon at, 60x85, same to tJpni. er Harrow ., ,.

I'rospci t u. n a .V) a Oaa.anl plate, 25x100;shuii to John shernlin 600

Tremont ai.n s lis) ar,48tixl45xIrreg; same lo John Flui.a, 640

8thnr, 2.171; Kli.41b11tbJ1.n0un to AbrahamMejer 1

Alton st, 185; Lnrenz li.irbaucr to Philip kot- -lonsky 13,740

Foxst.w a. 112 (In Hintb at, 33x84; llenry DTlf!an to G Dl l4iri no. . 1

H luh st, ti e a. 122 0 IV tox st, 25xil7; same toame.. . 1,250

lllli st. a a. 2UKw Ar I). 25x70. Ac; Minnieriiltii,rornel,rau 34,100

1231st, ss, Iile8tliav,25xl0illl; .Stephen11 llrigue to Itt'uiitmini's ... .. 20,000

Dili av. a w cor 7i,th st. 40x102.2; AlexanderMcsor.ey to J llcsorley.. 130,760

4(that. as, 3IO-7I- I1 av, 15x100 4; Alfnd 11

I rlietoA r Iielr'.c's 10,000Cist at, 11 s, 2r4iw 1. ih av, 20xloo 5; Thomas

htokestol. M hti.lsi 184th st. 25 West, Hi.. Id lllrbey to DS slawion. 1007th nr. e s. 60 11 n 120th st, M.11.X77; George

(currier to i' I Inde 41,000PHUiM.ll a,24llv Av 11, lOOxlOUb; II) man

bnnn to J Sihrelner. 27,000PliM.inst 21111; Joseph Mcntztn NMomon.... ll.sooI. xliuton ar, 1,(11, Ll'inr to A Haairin lit.6ta)42d St. 314 hast; V. II llnin.'ton to L 1. Harper.. 11.250bithat. na, IKi r,w4thnr, .'LxloO, BPP.unga

toChurcliot lle.oved Disciple 12,000811th st. n a, 1M5 w ltd n. 2."xl00: harsh

8 llnnse to Church or Peloted Disciple 1Delancvy at. 51; Jamea P Campbell, ref.

loHFYolieri 50,600r'drtiJgest,

Sl.r-- ly lor. F Cohen 1Same pror; John shrady. ext'r. tnsxms 1buuie prop. Maitbu M sbrudtosuuiti 1

rrcornin Lrairs.Aitor. wr.llnn B. to I, Bohm, lot 8. map Aitor

e.tnto Hull ward 2i)irs S760-o- vi)o,,-.:ephin I), lu r J Backes, 201 Madl- -

sonsi,5yra , &0Otin) al 1, Hubert, to V. U Goetlluif, H.'l Allnter- -

damu,& jn 5720 to 780

r.Fcornrp HonTGiczs.Appell. Jacob, to E A f unth, s s 23d it, a 10thu.t!r 816.000

Boss, John P. to J J Brady, n a Tremout av, eLlintoi)ut.:i)rs 8,000

Barrow, hpiiii-tr- , lojolin J Brady, nrsCrotonxai. s Lebiuoiist. 3)rs P80

Han-- , Harriet, tu fc, ei Ai II, sl4th tt,3r 10,000

Coin 11, George J, tu L Wutztnitein, s sOflth it,Kdut.lir 16,000

Cohen, tietifauiiii Y. to F lliddlebriKik, s wcorDelanrey and hldridge rta (4). lr 42,000

Conoier. f.l. to J O Johnston, a s lU2d St. whitouav. U rs 10,000

Chanter, Win A, to N Y Life Ins Co, e s 3d av, sWeatclieatiruv. 3 yra 15,000

Crear. Hand tofTllle Guar and Trust Co, olo.tliat, ollthavl.'i. 3)r 86.000

Coleman, soph. a, to Conn Mut Lire Ins Co,21.U1.1. wtlhuv. r.jra 10,000

Cotter, J A N. to llradle) A Currier Co, s s !38thSt. 1110a 14,000 I J 123dat. uhtliuv, 3)ra 15000

lie iirinzo, 1), to 8 II Hutchison, w s Fox st, nnii.ii!ki,;irs 1,100

U'flrrhni Kmllic, tu D.Muckny, s 13tli st,a. Jirs , . .... . W

pMli.iVrniflLS, to J Mi'lwtiod, s a 34lh at, elllli i . . .

Daub. Ioiihurd, to UhTruat Co, 11 s4'.H!i st, w8thav,5)r 12,000

Detrlrk, Adeline F, to L n Mocker, s s 40th st,llliar. 4 i , 2,000

Dug.ln, Charles, to J II Jinks nw cor41st ttai.d4tli ai, demand 13,600

Dull)', Michael, to J J Brady, a cor Crotona arandhlinwoodpl, 3 yra 1,515

Dwjer Denii J in 1 ilia Is L'r AssuranceSocictt, aal47ihn, w st Nlrboias ai 2)rs. 00,000

Lckul Helens 8, to Irankltnsuiina's Bunk, sacor 7Hi er nnd 2Wh at, 1 yr. .. 27000

I rem h, A, , Ut j J Brody, w s Prospect ar, nOakland place 3)ra. 720

forioug, Martin, to Lmigrant Industrial baring. Mh av, nfO'.hit, t yr .... 10,000 Joseph M, lu 8 a biullb, s s 13011) St.w7lliav . 10,000

Fatorai, Johanna D, to Title Guarantee andTrust Co, as 114lh at, w Lexington ar. Syrs., 12,000

Fuiler. J b. to C A While, a a 2- -d st. e 7tb ar,I yr 8,000

Fernandez. Joseph M, to F BCoudsrt, 6thav. a 41H list, lyr 8000

Olass. John, in M - Breeie. ss cor Ganievoortat and Waihlnto at. 6)ra 85,000

Gr iu, George, to F Kulin, a s tlth it, w Ar D, di-ms ml . 6,000

Grrenfeld. Samuel, to N H Walker, Jr, 110Columbia at, 3)n. . . , . . 10,000

Gallagher, i: I. to .1 J Brad), lota 17. bl 00.HI. 141. and 142. .Max Itjer homestead, a )n. 8,878

llalgb, WlUlaui. to Equitable Life Aisur boc.s l2d st. w bt Nicholas ar, 2 yrs 16,000

Uen, Jobs to U Arnutd. 83d st, w AvsnusA.lnitaUs TT 7,600

Ilerdtfeldsr, Ellzabslh. to M B 163UliiUi I tt, 6 yrs....,,, .,,,,,,, --1,100

?MH ,y. Vk , V t$$HS&i&

Jones, Annla, to N Aaron, t tuth st, of Lax- -Ington av, 2 yr , , 8,800

Jarvls, David, to M Raynolda n s 118th it, e litav, 8 rn.. , 4XXX)knollioff. John F, toJ EGUmm, s 24th St.' a

7tliav.Ayrs ,...i....... , 17,000Knttowik). Philip, to P J Mlddlebrook, w -

Allen it. n Stanton itl rr .. 10.000KNtanagh, William J. to John J Brady, n

Oakland place w Prospect av, 8 yrs 824Knapp. hheppard, to J T Hepburn, u s,

wfilhMV.W yrs 10,000Lynch, Samuel, to W It Fosdlck, n e cor Lenox

avand is7thst, Ojnoa 7,600Llude. Catharine, to ti O Currier, e a ,th ar. n

1201b it. lyr (21 , 8,600Lnmley. Alex, to 0 N' Elliott, s 27th it, ej (1th

ar. nyra... , 25,000Lynch. Franklls to WR Beat Land Imp Co, n

al4lalai. wBeekman ar. 8yrs ., 1,760XHtehell, Frances, to J Potter, 1 63d st. a 10th

av. (2)1 year. 14.000llogrew, Nils, to Emigrant Industrial Barings

Bunk. 12(1 Henry at, 1 rr...., . 12,600Martin. W llllam K II, to D Mackay, n 86th at,

wridar.a yrs.. 20,000Miller. Ellzs to ti 8 Lit Ins Co. 53 and 65

Catharine st, 5 yrs 27,000Martin, O Grayson, to 0 - Tracy, 12U East 80th

1,3 yrs , 22,600MlchaUky, Ida, to J J Loonle,ea Forsyth st.s

lloter si. (3) 76,860Mnhlker, Henry, to A 11 l)arles,n w cor Park

av and 115th it (2 6 yrs 85.000McElroy, Owen F. to J W Merent, n s Ofith st,

e Lexington ar, demand , 7,000O'Gonnan, James, to L 8ttrs l s 71lt it, a 2d

ar.Oyra. 4,000Oeatrlcher, Benamln, to O Oehler, w 2d ar, n

7,'ld at. Inatalla , 4,500Orr, William L, to Emigrant Indnatrlal Barings

Bxnk, aa7(ltliit. elithav. lyr 15.000Oatea, Thomaa J, to I. B Roberts, n 100th st,

W2darayra t 1,200rontw, (IRE. toGreenwlcb Barings Bank. 317

West 4th it, lyr 2.000Qnackenbuah. Abraham, to German Bartngi

Bank. ss26ihat, w7th ar, 1 yr 81,000George D. to B E luiniford, 85 Lib-

erty st. 0 mos..., 8,875Relm. Maggie, to A Trentel, n l&lst it, w

Courtlandt ar, 8 yrs 2.200--nblnton, Charles A, to II A A Woodcock, n

24th at. w nth ar. 3 yrs. 6,000bhortenmsler, Charles, to II SllUman, a 11th

av, smith at, nyra 10.000Smith. Thomas II, to A Moore, 48d tt, a 8th

ar, 2 rrs 10,000Bonn, Itytnan to Institution for the Savings of

Merchants' Clerks secor Harrison andureen- -

wlchets,3)rs 85,000Bchrelner, Joseph, to 11 Sons n s 88th at, w at

11(2). 1 yr... 40.270Shaw, i,eo, to D W James, 84th tt, w Mb ar,

3xra 80,0006eolt,.IohnS. lo.ll Stelnbardt. n s llllh at, w

Madlaonur. 1 )r 14,000The Church of the Beloved Dlaclplo to 8 8

Itungo. iisSuthat, w4th ar.l r 11,600Vmrel, Artnle, to J Cohen, w s Goerck st, a Stan- -

tnnst.Cyrs 4,600Victor, Amalle, to A Wallack, 133 East 03d st,

3)ra 1,000Vaughns Tatrlck. to C. Cooper, n o cor Cam

brellngand Columbia area. Hrra 1,000Van der Etude Itelnhold to Manhattan Sartnga

Inet a e cor 3d ar and 11.1th at. 1 yr 2,000Wittenberg. laidor V, to M 8 Kurn, s e cor 1st

ar and 11 7th at. 3 yrs 0,500Welling, Gertrude U to Lenox Library, n

4litli st. e 4th av, 5 rrs 17,000Wilmurt. Francis, tnnrsdley A Cnrrler Co, ss

Kuth st, w llthav, :iyrs(2) 0,000Weil Gettrben, to PA 11 Jackson, ws lit av,

s52dst.5)rs 7,000

(lrciio.ijj autl fflftltogs.r O. TCCX-LIN-

O, JR. BREwisio

128th tt. and 10th ar Sow York. Oct. 10. 1891.Theunnual election for seten trustees of this r

will bo held at tho brewery, 128th it and loth av.on Monday, Nov. u, 181)1, between tho hours of 4 P.M.and 6 P. it.

The transfer books wUl remain closed from Oct 14until Nur. u Inclusive.

J01IS BTBAITO.V. Secretary.

NEW .(IRK. Oct. 8, lH'.ll.EAST TEVJIE;SKE,


Notice I hereby given that the annual meeting of thastockholders of the i:nstTennAaaoe,l trglnla and GeorglARailway Company, for the purpose of electing directorsfor the ettaiitng) car and the tranaactlonof such otherbualneaa aamay properly come before the meeting. wiUbeluld at theoillceof tbocompauy in the cltyof Knox-vlll-

Tenn . on M eanesooy. Nov. 18, 18111.The transfer hooka will be cioasd at 13 o'clock M. on

Saturday, the 17th da) of October, and reopened at 10o clock X M. on Thursday, Nov. 11), 17H1.

L. M. bCIIWAN. Secretary.

1.1V YORK AND NORTHERS RAILWAY CO OrBcaN of Secretary and Treasurer. 32 N'asiau at. Newlurk, Oct. 21, 1881 Sotlce la hereby glten that theannual meeting of the stockholders of the N'ew Yorkand Northern Hallway Company, for the purpose of theelection of directors and for the transaction of suchother bualneaa aB may properly come before it, will boheld at the ottlt e of the company, 32 Nnaaau st , In thecity at New lork. on the lltfi day ot Noieuiber, noon

Transfer hooka wlU close Wednciday, Oct. 28. and roopen Thunday. Nor. 12,

O. O. HAVES. JR.. Secretary.

NINTH SATIONALBANK. NEW IORK. NOV. 2. 18D1.apcilnl meeting of the Board of Directors

beld thla ilitr Mr. John K. Cllley was unanimouslyelided Pre. Ident of thla bank In place of Mr. C. IlinryGarden, res gned, and Mr. C. Henry Garuen waa

elected I 11. li. NAZgO. Cashier.

STECIAL MEETING A special meeting or theof the Berdan Manufacturing Company wlU

bo held at the niltce of the southwestern Coal and IronCompany. 33 Wall st.. on Nov. 4, at elexen (11) o'clockA. M ror election of oftlccrs. Stock transfer books willclose on No. 2. and remain closed until Noi. 5.

c. I.AWIih.NCE Secretary.


NEW IORK. Oct. 18. IBM.The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Man-

hattan Railway Company will be held at the company'sorhce in New York city. 71 Broadway, on the aecondWedmsday In November next (betas the 11th day ofsaid mon(h) at 12 o'clock noon.

A Board of Directors for the ensuing year is tobaelected and three Inspectors of Election.

The directors thus elected will bo directorsof the Metropolitan LlevateJ, Railway Company for thesame term.

The transfer books will remain open from Oct 0. at8 o'clock P. M, untUNn-,.12- . at lOo'clock A. M.

D. W. Mill ILLIAMs. Secretary.

"'"on hoiiaihold rurnitnro without removal.

RADCLIFFE. 317 Broadway. New lork, and 375fruiton st. Brooklyn.



85 MILE ST.. BOSTON', Oct. 20. 1801.




Bl'E NOV. 1. 1801.Holders of thet boadi, principal of which Is dne Nor.

1 prox. are notified that they can pretent their bonds

with final coupon. aUo due Nor, 1, for payment atoffices this company In Boston, or BARIN'O, MAGOL'S

k CO. 15 WALL ST., SEW YORK, en and after Nor. 1prox.

Holders are also notified that they tiara the opticsuntil Sor. 10 proximo, of accepting In exchange fortheir bunds at par, with cash bonus of 26 per cent ,


tached, payable January and July In each year.Holders accepting this option wlU receive for each

A. A P. Central Division Bond, wttbfinal coupon of Nor. 1. 1801, accompanying,A. --: P. Guaranteed Trust 4 Per

Cent, Gold llond (with all coupons at-

tached, beginning w Ith that due Jan. 1, 18ft 3,containing accrued Interest four months),

IN IIONIIH, par and accrued Interest $1,013 34CASH HONl'H.

26 per cent, of $1,000 1260 00Lcis accrued Interest at above.. ... 13 84

8230 00Final coupon ot Nor. 1, 1801, A.

P. C. I). (1 per cent, bond 80 00

IN CAHII 208 60

IN ALL 51.20 00

Holders desiring to avail themselves ot the optionsrlll address

J, TV, REINTUBT.. ' 5 Milk it , Boston.J. W. XelB-r- t,

Oeorse C. -I-itEOun,Chairman

ST. JOSEPH & GRAJND ISLANDrlECOXU MOKTGAGr. IN CO UK IIONIIH.Holders of I he d bondaaro tut In d to com

munlc-l- e, either personally or by letter, with the I

for the purpoae of agreeing upon a planwhich may protect Ibeir mutual Interetti, and the en-forcement of an agreement betw sen the Et. Joseph andGrand Island Railroad and the Union PaclUo HallwayCompany, bearing data July 1, 1886,

E. C. HEN EDICT f2 CO.,Broad Ht



N. W. HARRIS & CO.,IS Wall Htreet, NEW YORK.



maturing quarterly from IBOltolOOO.FEB CENT. WATJ--K WOKKtJ BONDS


45 iTA- -Ji It,

f .


What Isan Abstract of Title ?Tt- -. An abstract ii deluil ve tecnrlty ot title that

generally falls an owner at the critical moment. Itll given to bin) with the endorsement of hlilawyer.ltthe latter chooses to put himself on record at all, to thestreet that If no one hat made anymlitskra In the sur-

rey or searches, or In statements of facts In court pro-

ceedings, he thinks the tide It good. Five yearsafterward the owner may tell the property and thatitle be declined became of a reitrlctlve covenant upon

It of which he prevlomly knew nothing. InvestigationwlU ihow him somewhere In his abstract a

reference to the reitrictlon. ot which he ihould haretaken more careful notice: and he will And hlmielfremedilfw.

What is a Policyof Titto Insurance ?

Tt- -, A policy of title Iniurance It not only a promise

to pay for defects however arising; It Is a promise todefend any lawsuit brought to prove a defect. Propertyowner, are not to mueh afraid of having their propertyultimately taken away from them, at of having atUckt made upon their title and becoming tntotved In

burdensome litigation over It, If a policy had nothingelse to commend It over the d but delusiveabstract and opinion of title. It would be enough that Itpays for Its own lawiutti, while the latter leaves theclient to pay for them. Owners should be certain also

that they ret a title Insurance policy that contracti tocarry thli rery oneront liability.



CA-IT- AM SMTLIJS, .$2,500,259.

JOHN W. MURRAY. C. It. KP.LSET.President.


Etephen P. Nash, Richard Ingraham,Geo. F. Domareit, Newell Martin.

ffaylani 1ml & Co.

Bankers and Stock Brokers.18 Wnll Street, New York,

Crmnss--t a regular banking business tnctudlng the pur.tfeaae aid aale on aommtitlon cf securities dsalt lm althe Kew York sleek Exchange,




Vptoxvn Offlcei1.1 CZ nro-dwn- y. bet. -- 71 h eind 9.h wtw.



Members of the Sew York Stock Exchange.





The Scenic Line to the West

TRAINS IjEAVE STATION- -, foot ofI)esbrosscs und Cortlandt fetrccts, asfollows: '

(Jn and after SHPTaiHEK 7, 1801.

THE FAST LINE.9rOO A. SI. Pullman Vestibule Sleepfm, nd Parlor

Cars. Amies cloieland 5 25 A. M . Columbus 5.10A. M . Indianapolis 11 40 A. M Chicago 4 65 P. M .and fit Loula . 0. p. ll. next day. Connects also forToledo, except Saturday.

THE PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED.lOrOO A. M. Composed exrluitvely of Pullman Ves-

tibule Drnwin? and state Room. Sleeping. Dining.Smoking, and observation Cars, presenting financialreports, atenographirs and typewritera, batliroomafor both aexea, laillia' maid, barber ehup, library, andall tbecotneiiicnceaof home or olltcc. Lighted bystationary and tnoable electric lights. An nee Cin-cinnati (I40A M , Indlauapolia 11.40 A. M. and Chi-cago U 45 A. M. next day.

ST. LOUIS .uid CINCINNATI ESTEEMS.UrOO P. HI. Pullinxn lestlbute Sleeping Cars frum

New York an 1 Dintng Cars from New lork to St.I uls and Cincinnati 1'i.ssengir Co ich New York toColumbus Arrllra C'nctunatl 11.25 A. M.. and bt.Louis 8 OOP M nextila).

TUECOI.-MUIA- N EXl'nES.4rOO P. U. Pullman lostlbule Sleeping. Dining,

smoking, and Penns)ltanlu ltailroa.1 Itsdbule PaaaeuscrCoa. hea from New lork to Chicago. ArritcsIn Chicago 5 15 P. 31. next da).

THE WESTERN EXPRESS.OiriO P. St. Pullman Vetlbule sleeping Car N'ew

lork to Pittsburgh. St. onls Chicago. Cincinnati,Cleveland, and Mtnllihls. Ditiiug Cars New lork toPhiladelphia, and Pittsburgh to itlcliiuoiul an 1 Chi-cago Ariite. al Columbus 1 36 P. M. Clmiiinall6 30 P. II , Chicago 11 30 P. M. next .In) , and st. Ixiula7 (xl A .11 . sev-- t ml mi ruiiu C.uiiiuita furClotilaudaud Toledo dally, except

PACIFIC EXPRESS.0rOO P. M. Pullman Buftvt sleei Ing Car New York

to Cbicago. New-- York to Memphis lia tlio Shenan-doah l.iti.y; arrliesweek da)sul Coliunbtii 7:15 P.M ,1 leeuiud 35P. M next da), and dally at

Hcond luornli g connects for Toledodaily, and for Clcieiund uud Culumbua except batur-d- a

v.eiiOO P. M. Shenandoah Valley Express withthrough Bullet slieper lu Now Orleans.BALTIMORE, WANIIINGTON. AND THE

SOL'TII." Waahlngtnn Llmltsd Kxprrsa " of Pullman Parlor Cars

(with Dining Car to Baltimore) dall), except Sunday.10.10 A M . arrlie 60 P. M . and "Cm"fres oual Limited" daii), with Dining Car. at3 20

arrlie Washington 8 26 P. .11 : regular express,6.211. 8 00.8 30. and 11 110 A. M : 2: (a), an. I11 Oil P. 11.. and 1.' 15 night For Btlilmnre only. 1 00P. M, Numlay, ll 16 ami 8 3d A. M . 4.30, 61)0, andHOOP M, and 12 15 nllht

FDR ATLANTIC CITY, 1 00 P. M. week dnys, withThrough Dav CoschFOB CAl't MAY. 1 00 P M. week days.

FOR PHILADELPHIA.Exnrest' 0.20. 7 20, 11 00. K so, n 00(10 00 Pennsylva-

nia I Imttcl, with Dtmn Car. an I 11110 W'nihtiiktnnLimited, with Dining (ar), and 11.00 A. !.. 1220I 00, '.111, lit .1 111. 4 00 4 30. 5:00. II 00. (I 308 (K), and ti 00 P M..111I 12 15 night. Arroinmoila'tlon 11:10 A M, I 40 and 7 OOP ll. Kulul lya 11 15, 8 :ki. 11 isi do (a) limited) and 11)00 1

.. 4 00 4 30. 5 UO. (I .'to 8 Oil, and i 00 p. Mand 12.16 ulirlit. AcioiuinodatlonT (ai P. M

For Tlmr-tiible- of trains to local points un the Penn-ey It la It illroail S) sle.ll apply at the rollow inglllllicea- - Noi 4,'l". 84li anil 1)41 Broadway. I AstorHousi.ati'l toot of Distiro-se- a and ats , 4Court at . 860 Fulton st . and lirookiin Annex Ktationfoot of Fulton st . Bruokl) n, 75 Hudsou at , Hobuken:Stulion. city,The.New loik rrm.sfor Company will call for andchrrk luggage fruin hotels and residmcee tbruugb tu

deatlliatloti.chas E. rroit. J. B. wood.

General Jl a General I'aaa'r Agent.


IIKTW'hKNNew York, Pkll:illlilii,

llultlniore and eTaahUctovCEVTR4!, RA!LH0ADA0P KS JERSEY.

rii..-i...rH.- .. ,iD n.:..9i.(j r. r.,BALTIMOKK A..D OHIO II. 11.

Alllratu. t,sMi.iiK.llr'iui in! lo ml an. bigas I neiiiiulVd dining cni aeri i,e. ".T1MPTIHI.I.. JUNI. 21. ISIULeave N rn Yoi from fool of Liberty it , N ftr.rl'hllaililpnlat4 .10,7 46 M i) looj.lljlo A MI'tW. 2 IS). 3 .UI 4 la) r.lsi 0l) 7 a.) 1" M I J I..

ji-. ..

I.M.l. it .lightparlor cars u d..j trains Sleepers on night trains.?.". fi" "' T'"1'"' ' "" seats i an be aeriiri-- s: 7 1. 172

ly1't12tt'l. 131 last IB', li st New York: 4 ( o'irtst Tial st. I'l llroa.lwa, ikllll Newt'ranif rConipaii; i II roll (oi alii cLeik bjggjjs froujHotel or nru to

lfJfT-WI"l--rr LE""'" VALLr-- RAILROAD

I.earo foot of Cortl-ind- or Pes- -


bro,e,,t. 7,8llO. II and 11 30A.M..1,' 3 40, 4 60. B.20 and 7 30 P, M

" The plrturesijue route between NewU Yark and Eaatou. Betlilehein. Allin

town. Potlnllle, Muuiht'liunk, tVllkesbarre, Pitt Ion, Itlia.'i, Genu a, IVaverlyVTatklni Glen r uulra, I'.giheiter, UuSalo. MajarA laUTerontu, Detroit.

ClIICAOll, ST. LOUIS and ALL POINTS IVE..T.Ticket! and tleeplnccar berths can be secured at the

Geasral Eastern O lues, 235 Brosd way, er 180 East 125tkst. TUeNssr YorkTraosftr Compaay will call for aniktek (na bttU ex (MUtasti u

gnllroatte. IijLur.RicjBowjrT railroad' INEW Y C-NT- RAI

I--4 I

Hudson River Railroad. ITHE FOUn-TIUC- TIIDNK LINE. D I

Operating the fastest and most Iperfect hrough-trai- n sorrico inv Wtho world. 'K

Eeachingby its through cars Itho most important commercial Icontros of tho Unitotl States nndCanada, nnd tho groatost of Amori- - Vca's henlth and ploasuro resorts. m,

DIRECT LINE Tf NIAGARA FALLS. B.All trains atrire and depart from B

GRAND CENTRAL STATION, I4th ar. and 4C at. New York. K

Centre ot Hotel and Resldenoe Section. HTUB ONLY RAILROAD STATION IN TUE CITT.

Trains leave as follows! B- -

EMPIRE STATE EXPRESS.lOOA. M. Dallr except Sundays Fastest train lathe world; 440 miles In 604 minutes: actual runningtime. 62M miles per hour. Due Albany ll 45A.MUllcal'AiW'. M. Syracuse 2'4.' P.M. Rochester 4iUP. M . IliiflMo 5:40 P.M. Wanner Buffet, Emoktn,a d Library Cir. BulTet Drawing Room Car and twornachea, vctlbuled. Meal, served In roaches. Draw.Ing Room, and Bunet Cara. No extra fare.

FAST MAIL.OllO A. JT. For Albany, Saratoga. Montreal. Ctlca.

8) recuse. Rochester. Bilarlo, due at Buffalo 8 10 r M

NEW YORK AND CHICAGO LIMITF.d!IOiOO A. M, Composed exclusively of Wagner lea- - '

ttbuie Biiftet. Smokfiig and Library. Dining PrivateCoinpartmmts, and slxudard Sleeping and DrawingBoom Curs. Due Chicago litis A. M. next day.

CHICAGO DAY EXPRESS.10i30 A. XI. Dally, except Sundaya Connecti withail Important Now lork state lines diverging Satur-day train not run w rit of Cle eland an 1 Detroit. .

'SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED. '1 130 P. M. Wagner Vestibule Drawing Room. Blear-ing, Bullet, smoking aud Library, Dining, and rateCara. Duo Cincinnati Hi sii a. M . Indianapolis II 56A. M.. fat. Louis 7H6 P. M. next day. No extra rare.

WORLD'S FAIR SPECIAL.lino P. M. Wagner Vestibule Drawing Room, SleoIng, Bullet, smoking ami Library, and Dining Cars.Stops at Albany 5 UO, Utlca 7.20 Syracuse 8 40.

Rochester 10 35P.M.: Buflato I2i20 night. DueM next day. No extra tare,

AJ.MANY, TROY. AND SARATOGAn 1 I A Ij.tOtno P. Ht. Duo Albany 7:"15 Troy7.;. Saratofa


4 ISO P. M. Wagner Vestibule lliiDet, Drawing Room,siieoinx, and Dining Cars. Duo Detroit U.15A.M.Chicago 4 50 P.M.

FAST WESTERN EXPRESS.0:00 P. M. Wagner Vestibule Drawing Room Sleep-

ing and Dining Cara. Due Buiraluoiln A M, Niagaralulls A. 51 . lleieland It) 35 A M. Detroit! 10P. M.. Chliago ll IX) P. ll. St. Lou.a 7.15 A. M.


0 19 P. M. Wagner Sleeping Cars to riattiburgk.due ll 35 A ll : t Burlington, duo 6 00 A. M., and toMontreal, due 7:16 A. M.


TifJO P. M. Wagner Fleeplng Cars. New York toButtaln. due 7 60 A. M.; Niagara Falls, P 00 A SI.

CINCINNATI AND nT. LOUIS EXPRESS.HiOO P. Miraalier Vestibule bleeping Cars Due

t incluiiuti 7 30 P. M. Indianapolis 10 JO p. M , t.Luuls7loOA. M.

LIMITED FAST MAILUrOO P. M. Sleeping car paiseti.'ers for Rochestsr

only larru d on this tram.CHICAGO NIGRT EXPRESS. I

Oil P. M.W'ngiier sleeping Cars N'ew York lo Buf- - Ifalo, Detroit, und Chicago, also to Cape Vincent dallyexcept Saturday,

F1S1IK1LL (N1-.- BI'ROH). rOl'OHKEEPRIE, RHINE- - ICL11 - (KINGSTON AND CAlshlLl. MOUNTAINS).AM) Hl'D(IN-t7-- 30. tlOJO. A. M : (3 30.8 65 8 J5 P. II : also for Poug ikeepsle, 1 30, tJ 16, ,Lt4 65. 0 OO. l) 25, 7.311. 8 00, H.I5 P. M ; for Cul.klli Tstation l(atsklll). 17 30. 41130 A. II ; 13 30,3 66. M

P. ll : for Garrison. (Weat Point). 17.30, til 30A ll ; 12.1',. til 30 I 55. 4:55, H 25 P. M

ALBANY AND TBOY ti 30, 111 00. ll 11), 10 00, (10 80A. M . 1 ..0. 13 60. 3 55. 4 60. t) 00. 7 80. b UO. ..16.til 51) P. M : also for Troy. (I 25 P. M.

sai:ato(ia-- i; no. tu 10, no jo. tii:so a. v.; 13 so,25.111 5!) P.M.

UTICA AND SYIUCUSE-t7.- 30. tt) 00. .la 10 00.tld 30. til 30 A. M.; 1:30, 4.60, tiiOO, 7 JO. 8O0.ll 15 III 61) P. M

ROrlli-sTI.l- t AND BrFFALO 19 00, 0 10.410.).tll 30A.M.1 30.4'60.6) 780. 8 00. ..15,til 511 P. V : also for Rochester, P. M.

MIGAltl FALLS-- tli 00. II 10. 10 00, 110.30 A. If.4 60. 8 OO 7 3D. til 61) P M.



WKHO ill-.'l- ) P. 31 also for Cape Vincent and Clay-ton. ll 15 P.M.; for Oswego. U. 10. 10 00. 111.80 A,M : 8 OO P. M.

At'lll'RN. (II NEVA. AND CASANDAIGUA-0.- 14 10.00. . 1H0 3OA.M.7 30, 8 00. tU.15.tll:6UP.l f,'j


VIA HARLEM DIVISION.Two trains w ith through Drawing Itoom cart to

01 A. M . due I'lttslleld 1 30. North Adamt 2 80P. M : t.l 60 P. M. due Pittiheld b 10, North Adams..10 p. M (

1 or tickets and apace In sleeping Cars apply at Grand ,CenlralMutiou.nrat 41,1.785 1)42 Broadw a). 1.164 Othav., 12 Park place. 6.1 West 125lh at. and 138th St. sta- - 1tlon. New lork: Washington st . 728 Fulton si., and ,3U8 Bedford uv., t.l), Bru.kln; 10. Hudson St.. Jer- - !

'w e.tiott'a Express ralla for and checks bsggage from I

hotils mi I residences through to destination (tDaily extent Sunday. IDuily except baturday. Other (

trains run tliill). fAbuie trains except those leaving at t) 00 I) 10 A M . ,

2'15. a 30. 3 rj J 55, 4 65, and 11 51) P. M., Hop at l188th st stallr n C


Gilicral Manager. General Pass. Agent. t

New York and Boston All Rail.Lcuie. Bywavof Due Ji

I) (ai A M., Sprlnglleld and tVnrcester. STOP V.10 00 I. v., Ni'i'lliilonaud Prolldeu.e. 4 HO P ll. I11 isi A .11, siiriiiio id and Worcester 6 ,ti p. M. t12 on M. Hartford and N. Y and N K oO p. ll :loOP M. Provldinee. 7 KIP M I3 00 P. M . llllliiiiHiitl.andN I nndN.E H iai p. M i4.0O P. M , .prlngtiildanil Worcistir. hum p "I :6 (i P. M . 'Now London and Provi.lmce. 11 () P. M.

11 (ai P. M., i riliglleld aud llnrci-stir- . .!. A M. J12 () P. M New Loudon and Prolldtnce. 7 00 A. M, t

Buna Dailv, Including Sundays cIteluril si nice, same lioursan.l by same ro'ites. JThrough parlur or rara li) i hi li train V

U. T. Hl'MI'sTbAD, I Puss Agent. ,j

ERIE LH.ES.m Direct rom tu rnnair. l'Atr(n. TuxeJo O

burKti. MhMlttov-ii- . I'urtJem. Mnntinllo White r,LaKp, IIi.nK(lult, brraiituii, itintfDMtniitii Klin Ith. f.rorntnff, Wiilkln- - fil.n, Hith. HmiinmniVpfirt, ,oii ohpriiiicH, i.odjfitier. IluriHIlUe, litiRnto, Nufrirt Falls ,Turi'iuo, t'liautuii'jui. Jj.Iu, Ci. !mi rincumutt m. fIxiuu, riiiLUKu uinl all puitft Wtrt. Train. l.a -

ork. loot ot (.'.iiui.iH rn At . an frjllown, n4 Ut iilnutelrli"r miIH- - ntli.rn 11. Mmwn. from Vnnt '!MH., fi

9W M,lMHv-- U Maifarn Kftllnnii'l i hnuiAuqua ftImVv I'arlor ow . ork toiluflalo bJtep.r h

lliirn Uhi Mf. in Ciiirlnnutl r' lin I'. M.lMlly v.tlhnlplimltfi1. 8oll1 train for A0Vii'lntao, xtaChaiitAU'iua Luke, lthillnlrig furto ...ilcatfo. t.iL.p.11 to Cblcaifo. .loveUuJ, and Cm- -

cinnatlO Jni. M exefpt Hun-la- Mountain exprpu for'0 miuba.iuon, (loin'MUIe. anil Mnntirellith 11 1 ' M.liilolll trsiintnl'tiKAtru.vlaNiafcara

FivUKdlm ami ((ran Trunk R.iIIv.a, per. toIt i it Jtoctifnter, Ttirontd ami Clin ajro It

n'M Dally Wa riiautau'iua and MarO.OU urn ral, holhl train to Ohlcasu lo "Mi'itHin i iii'iiiffi, an H'ini innatl uPiltT Jh.. J ir A it n.VM. ,

A, M (! M -- I 7 U). IA M.ll IA M.ll' M,it no 1. ,M 1. 1' ,M , 7 l M . k mi l. M bumla) V A. I , J

V M . II I'. M . H I'. MM H ,WI 1' M wVrhttJIUlN D.i. 4 lf.A M 'JSUt 8 W). B YXV AM, I! r. I'. M , 4 4? l M 0 J. M., 7 1 M. bun- - o.i.t-- t. A..V . ' V M.fll. M. f'piCKIeT.SASiUa'M.MAN ACCOMMOP .TIONH at 401.X ai", anU 107 l.roailway t Iinintirr An'lU-- t -- Ut.lcrrit" Nx'u ctrk, ,M1 aik! .M.U nt.Hnv.- -Iy: I7 rni.r . an I m

tlitnaoii bt , ll.iltiskiu mid J true) city nation KriTranrir I'mnpiny tnlU I it an.1 ilieika tiacrf-rf- o frotutiutvU ainl thpMifrli tutli ntuf tni. J

W. C. ltIM:AIO.S. Ufii.ial .- r Ajrnt,

PA'T0. &0HI0R. R. fFttat F.ipres. Trntne via1'HILAMELPHIA to


ST. LOUIS,And All Poluta Wees..

rVl.l.M . Alt KKltUCK Q. A.l. TltAl.M1 rate Ner York foot uf 1 ibsrly at .aarotlowsiion IIICICO. 3 P.M. 12 15 AMluri'ISi INA'II ST LOllS.liA ll 6P.MtoriVAsiirnroN haltivokb, b a m hi oa u.

Dining i 4i ,. ism I I' M . D.ulng i al), 6 I' 11. 12 14A M Al Iran a run daily

lorMJIIIOI.K. lis Bsyilna. 2 00 P it wek days.Ticket ollUm 1,2. 2tll.4l',aud I 140 MW

roik, and l.. Broadway, Hrookl)ii STATION loolr4BE!.rY ,r (Central li It of N I)- York TratislerCoinpsiiy will M ro; ana castakat'.ags from Loisl ur residents to di-iU- sa-

Long Island & Eastern States Line.ltUOOI.I.YN AMI HO-TO- N,

W aleihiiry. Iliistnl. New Britain. Ilarif. r.l ilanchiiler,Wllliuuiidc I'ulllaui, Blacksl.-ii- nnl I ink.laSOLID PULl.tlAN VITIItt Mill.Tlt..l.S WITIHIL'S' CHANGEleavellrookln(llxlbu.h Av siadon L I R 11)11 Oft

and Long l.iand city at 11 10 P u dally (luclnd ng ;Sunday) due lu lln.ion at 7 30 A M Lorrtspondlog tIr.ilu returning .... x

Tickets and sleeping ear berthantlli.t.. 71 :i5l. 41 .. UMI, I UO ant 131.1 Broadway.Brookl)li. 3.11 Hiltmist. 107 Broa.lwnj liiar I.lsndI Mires, ralla for and chick, bag. ago from residence todj.tiuailon ., ft

'jjilvitlriljs iiuil 3atfff?t'

of 0NF. DUI.LiK , PIHrslntr.-wi- l biaiiti.ii ihoi iu Hock of ins H

Th.illisrli-Hiui.ti.i- l hieiluc I ulliiany on Mot 14 1H.1, H Yto alockbulUsrs of rsiord at ilo.e ot builasaii Nov. e, B ,

ISf'l. . (!The transfer books of the common stock will be close ssa ymfrom Nor. 6 to Nov 14. both dsys inclusive. inBr order of tht Board ot Directors -

, &aiyM,o.L3j,iwu, Um

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