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The T in LGBT

The T in LGBTWhat does it mean to be transgender?

Defining TransgenderTransgender is when your gender identity doesnt match the gender assigned to you.Gender identity? Gender assignment?FtM = Someone who was born female, but identifies as/is male = A transgender man. Feelings of being in the wrong body assigned the wrong gender.

Current EventsDecember 28th, 2014 - Leelah AlcornUnsupportive parents, conversion therapyFix society. Please. Misgendered even after death.


80% of transgender students feel unsafe at school.41% of transgender people have attempted suicide. Supportive parents make a huge difference!Out of 433 transgender people, 72% reported life satisfaction, 70% described their mental health positively, and only 23% suffered depression.75% of transgender individuals without supportive parents have suffered depression, and 57% have attempted suicide.

Laverne CoxTransgender activist, actress, and public speaker.Active on social media Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. (Leelah Alcorn)Transgender pride and current events.It Gets BetterThe T WordOrange is the New BlackAllure MagazineTime 100 Most Influential People

Three Things to Know about Being Transgender with Laverne Cox"Please do not ask us about our genitalia unless you are a health care professional or if you are seriously interested in dating us.""We are so much more than the sum of our parts as human beings. Please don't reduce a transgender person to what surgery they have had or haven't had.""Pronouns matter, so please ask a trans person what pronoun they prefer to be referred to as.

Fight for Gender-neutral BathroomsDoC survey find that 70% of transgender people have issues in the bathroom.Importance of creating a safe-space for everyone.


Victories for the Transgender CommunityPlanet FitnessWomans membership revoked for complaining about a transgender women in the locker room. Planet Fitness is committed to creating a non-intimidating, welcoming environment for our members. Our gender identity non-discrimination policy states that members and guests may use all gym facilities based on their sincere self-reported gender identity. The manner in which this member expressed her concerns about the policy exhibited behavior that management at the Midland club deemed inappropriate and disruptive to other members, which is a violation of the membership agreement and as a result her membership was cancelled.

Refuge RestroomsHelps transgender people to locate gender-neutral bathrooms.Non-gender conforming individuals.

How to HelpDon't be invasive! - Just like "normal" people, they don't want to be asked about their genitalia, sexual orientation, or private sex life. It's important to remind yourself that just because a person is transgender does not mean they aren't human. Don't ask a transgender person any questions that you wouldn't ask any other person.Don't assume! - If you're unsure about the proper pronoun usage, ask what pronouns he/she prefers! Although pronouns are short words, they mean a world of a difference to a transgender person. Using the correct pronoun when referring to your friend is a huge way of showing your support and acceptance.Provide emotional support! - If a friend or a loved one is coming to you to discuss how he/she is feeling, silence that iPhone of yours, sit with him/her, and truly listen. Do not turn your back on a friend who needs you. Help. Listen. Be a friend. Be an ally.Practice confidentiality! -Coming out is an incredibly difficult process. If a friend is coming out to you about being transgender, it is crucial that you respect them enough to keep such a big announcement to yourself until he/she is ready to share with others. Become an ally!

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