Page 1: THE THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · 2020. 11. 16. · for the 20-21school year. We are offering five days of in-person learning or remote learning. For moreinformation or

St. Therese Chinese Catholic School starting a new school year on Monday, August 24, 2020.

We are so excited to welcome all of our students back for the 20-21 school year. Whether thestudent is an in-person or remote learner, St. Therese School is committed to continuing ourrigorous award winning curriculum. Our teachers and staff members are busy getting ourcampuses ready to safely welcome back our students. In-person learning (5 days per week) starts on Monday, August 24. Our classrooms have beenreconfigured to ensure students are safely socially distanced throughout the school day. Ourschool is cleaned and disinfected throughout the day as well as other health safety practices perCDC recom-mendations and other health authorities. Students enter and leave school byhomeroom or cohort group using a staggered schedule. Doing so reduces the chances andlimits the time students would be physically near other stu-dents or staff who are not part of theirhomeroom or cohort group. Students remain in their homerooms to reduce the number ofpeople who are physical-ly near students throughout the day. For example, teachers who are nothomeroom teachers will teach students in their homeroom/cohort. These and other proceduresprotect students and staff by minimizing any potential health risks. Remote learning starts on Tuesday, September 8 and is led by our St. Therese teachers andfollows our curriculum. K-8 students enrolled in our remote learning option have a wealth ofeducational resources, including a school-issued electronic device. Students are provided withrecorded lessons and educational materials that follow our rigorous award winning curricu-lum.These resources can be quite valuable because students can replay recorded lessons to catchthings they might have missed earlier. Students also interact with teachers, staff, and otherstudents in a live format so stu-dent’s individual needs can be better met. Our remote learningoption pro-vides great opportunities for students to learn and is an excellent choice for many families. St. Therese Chinese Catholic School is still registering students in all grades for the 20-21school year. We are offering five days of in-person learning or remote learning. For moreinformation or to schedule a school tour, please email [email protected].

















Nov. 15,


Blessed are you who fear the LORD. — Psalm 128:1a

Page 2: THE THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · 2020. 11. 16. · for the 20-21school year. We are offering five days of in-person learning or remote learning. For moreinformation or

Safety Reminder With the recent reports of the increasing COVID-19 infection rates in Chicago, we would like to remind you all to continue to observe all CDC and Archdiocese COVID-19 guidelines in all of our facilities: Wearing a mask fully covering your mouth and nose Practicing social distancing Washing your hands as often as possible Avoiding large group gatherings Let’s do our best to keep ourselves and each other safe and healthy; and let’s continue to pray for an end to the pandemic and for God’s healing power upon all sufferers. Thank YOU for your cooperation and for being super cautious. Join us on Facebook Our parish has a new Facebook page and it is Please like us and follow us for parish events. Praying the Rosary St. Mother Teresa loved praying the rosary and taught her sisters to love this wonderful devotion too. She taught that our fervent praying of the rosary is a very special way for us to contemplate with our Heavenly Mother the mys-teries of Jesus’ life that she shared so fully. Yes, we must always be very faithful and never give up praying the Rosary. Our parish offers the following regular opportunities to pray the rosary together: 1. 5:30am on Sundays at St. Barbara Church 2. 5pm on Mondays with Sisters of the Missionaries of Cha- rity at St. Therese Church 3. 2:30pm on Tuesdays in Mandarin on Zoom 4. 7pm on Wednesdays in English on Zoom 5. First Friday of the Month at 7pm at St. Therese Church Please email Jing Zhang for the Mandarin Zoom information at [email protected] or contact Perry Lau via our parish of-fices at 312-842-7979 or 312-842-6777 for the English Zoom information. In Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed November is a special time to pray for all the faithful departed. Our parish has three more Memorial Masses particularly for our deceased parishioners and family and group members during last year: Nov. 15th 12 noon at St. Therese Church-St. Rocco Nov. 22nd 12:30pm at St. Therese Church-Mandarin Group Eternal rest grant unto him/her (them), O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him/her (them). May he/she (they) rest in peace. Amen. May their souls and the souls of all the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen Thanksgiving Day Mass Schedule

St. Barbara Church: 9am St. Therese Church: 8am and 10am

Weekday Masses 8:00 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday — St. Therese Church

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday —St. Barbara Chapel

Bible Sharing Our parish offers bi-weekly Mandarin and weekly Cantonese Bible Sharing on Zoom during this pandemic. All are welcome to join. For the Mandarin group, please email Jing Zhang for the Zoom information at [email protected] or contact John Lin via our parish offices at 312-842-7979 or 312-842-6777 for the Cantonese Zoom information. Baby Bottle Project This year our parish will once again participate in the Baby Bot-tle Project. You can pick up a bottle both at St. Barbara Church and at St. Therese Church on the weekend of Nov. 22 after all the masses (the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe) and return it on the weekend before Christmas. Your support will help: The Ministry of the Women’s Center Teen parents with their babies Pregnant women with babies People of good will to have a great opportunity for conver-

sations about life and to help people in our community and beyond who might be in need. We depend on you, and they depend on us.

Thank you in advance for your support. Faith Formation Series Continues All parishioners are invited to join Dr. Thomas Howard for this year’s ONLINE parent faith formation series: Sunday, November 15, 2020, 9-9:45 am; Topic: Advent

and Sacraments • Sunday, January 10, 2021, 9-9:45 am; Topic: Theology of

Eucharist and Confirmation • Sunday, February 7, 2021, 9-9:45 am; Topic: Theology of

Reconciliation and Lent To attend via Zoom, please email [email protected] and you will receive the link.

Statement of Cardinal Cupich on the 2020 Election

Nov. 7, 2020 As we now have the results of the election, it is good to remember that our strength in America lies in our unity. We commend all who had the courage to com-pete in the electoral process and participate in our de-mocracy. We pray that the Lord will enlighten and sustain those elected in their service to all the people of our country. Let us also ask God to free our hearts of regrets and resentments, of pride and contemptu-ousness. Particularly in this time of pandemic, we must set aside whatever partisan concerns have divid-ed us and turn our energy and passion to serving the common good. As Pope Francis has said, “God will-ing, after all this, we will think no longer in terms of ‘them’ and ‘those’, but only ‘us.’”

Page 3: THE THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · 2020. 11. 16. · for the 20-21school year. We are offering five days of in-person learning or remote learning. For moreinformation or



As we are quickly approaching the end of this liturgical year and starting a new year on Sunday Nov. 29th, the First Sunday of Advent, our Sunday readings continue to teach us about the Kingdom of God and to “stay alert and sober”. Last Sunday we heard the parable of the ten virgins, which reminds us of our need to accumulate “oils” in our daily lives. There are certain things in life that we can’t borrow and we have to cultivate personal-ly with the help of God’s grace. This Sunday we have another powerful parable through which Jesus continues to teach us to know our talents and our responsibilities, and to use them wisely and to fulfill them seriously for the good of our salvation as well as our brothers and sisters.

I found Pope Francis’ explanation of this parable helpful, which is quoted below for your reflection as we col-lectively listen and ponder on the meaning of the Word for each of our lives on this Sunday.

The man in the parable represents Jesus, we are the servants, and the talents are the inheritance that the Lord entrusts to us. What is the inheritance? His Word, the Eucharist, faith in the Heavenly Father, his forgiveness…, in other words, so many things, his most precious treasures. This is the inheritance that He entrusts to us, not only to safeguard, but to make fruitful! While in common usage the term “talent” indicates a pronounced individual quality, for example talent in music, in sport, and so on, in the parable, talents represent the riches of the Lord, which He entrusts to us so that we make them bear fruit. The hole dug into the soil by the “wicked and slothful servant” (v. 26) points to the fear of risk which blocks creativity and the fruitfulness of love, because the fear of the risks of love stop us. Jesus does not ask us to store his grace in a safe! Jesus does not ask us for this, but He wants us to use it to benefit others. All the goods that we have received are to give to others, and thus they increase, as if He were to tell us: “Here is my mercy, my tenderness, my forgiveness: take them and make ample use of them”. And what have we done with them? Whom have we “infected” with our faith? How many people have we encouraged with our hope? How much love have we shared with our neighbor? These are questions that will do us good to ask ourselves. Any environment, even the furthest and most impractical, can become a place where our talents can bear fruit. There are no situations or places precluded from the Christian presence and witness. The witness which Jesus asks of us is not closed, but is open, it is in our hands.

Clearly our God-given talents need to be shared. Our parish Patroness, St. Mother Teresa, knows this so well. She simply puts, “A life not lived for others is not a life.” Using our talents for the good of others and for building up our community, our Church, and our World is an indispensable part of our discipleship. We know there is much work of unity, justice, and reconciliation to be done in our Church and in society at large. Let’s not be afraid to invest our God-given gifts now so that, when the time comes, we too can hear these words from our Master, “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master’s joy.”

Peace Fr. Francis

Page 4: THE THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · 2020. 11. 16. · for the 20-21school year. We are offering five days of in-person learning or remote learning. For moreinformation or

HELP NEEDED! A 60 year old blind man needs a ride with some as-sistance from Bonfield and Hillock to dialysis at 22nd and Western. This would be three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). He would need to be dropped off and then picked up later in the day. He can offer some financial compensation for gas/time/help. If you are able to help, please call Mike at 773-616-4200.


Following is the final list of the donations received to he “Carry On The Mission Appeal”. $150 and Above: Mr. & Mrs. Ken Ricci-$1,000, Mrs. Rose Stronczek-$350, Mrs. Karen Bikos-$300, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sierzega-$300, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spalla-$300, Mr. Bernard Krygowski-$250, Ms. Yolanda Boba-dilla-$225, Ms. Dolores Becatti-$200, Mr. Ronald Kash-$200, Ms. Christine Kisielente-$200, Ms. Judy Lukwin-ski-$200, Mrs. Barbara Rekar-$200, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lakomiak-$150, Fr. Francis Li-$150, Ms. Marilyn S. Rzasa-$150 $125: Anonymous, Ms. Diann Bak, Ms. JoAnn Balasa, Mr. & Mrs. James Bertucci, Mr, & Mrs. David Czar-necki, Mr. Henry Diaz DeLeon, Mr. & Mrs. Minh Do, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dybala, Mrs. Bernadette Glabicki, The Hudren Family, Ms. Christine Krupa. Mrs. Eliza-beth Pienta, Ms. Eleanor Pollock, Ms. Maria Rolon, Mr. Stanley Rzasa, Mrs. Adeline Skokal, Ms. Marisol Torres, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Whitehouse, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Whitehouse, Mr. & Mrs. Jake Yan, Ms. Irene Zima Under $125: Ms. Rose LaVelle-$110, Mr. Andy Mo-stacchio-$100, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hurckes-$75, Mr. & Mrs. Hector Feliciano-$50, Mrs. Wladyslawa Lazowski- $50, Ms. Mary Kay McCann-$50, Ms. Diane M. Rzasa- $50, Mrs. Rowena Supetran-$50, Ms. Elizabeth Nardi- $30, Mr. Sylvester Maryas-$25, Mrs. Barbara Ziemba- $25, Ms. Christine Encina-$20, Mr. Joe Boniewicz-$10, Mr. & Mrs. Juan Herrera-$10, Anonymous-$10 THANK YOU for your support of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish!

Supporting Alpha An individual who is unfamiliar with the Catholic faith but who regularly attends our ALPHA pilot re-cently stated, “I love the fact that there is no pressure during Alpha. The discussions, films, and atmos-phere are very chill. Everyone should feel welcome to check it out!” Perhaps you know someone similar, someone with a good heart but unaffiliated with any institutional faith. This person most likely is not yet ready to join you for mass, but perhaps they might consider at-tending one of the dynamic, interactive, and upbeat ALPHA ZOOM sessions in the spring (dates, TBA). Please consider putting together a list of people who you can invite. Jing and I will provide a template for your invitation with registration information soon. God Bless Thomas Howard Director of Religious Education St. Therese Chinese Catholic School


Next week our special collection will support the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. For-ty million people in the United States live in poverty. This collection supports programs that empower people to identify and address the obstacles they face as they work to bring permanent and positive change to their communities. Learn more about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development at

Page 5: THE THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · 2020. 11. 16. · for the 20-21school year. We are offering five days of in-person learning or remote learning. For moreinformation or

SAINT OF THE WEEK As part of our Religious Education Program, St. Therese School’s 7th grade, 8th grade students and Parish PREP studengs began work on their Saint Project. Their research and reflection was conducted in preparation for both All Saints Day and their Confirmation next spring. Following are the first two in a series entitled “The Saint of the Week”.

Page 6: THE THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · 2020. 11. 16. · for the 20-21school year. We are offering five days of in-person learning or remote learning. For moreinformation or

Saturday, November 14 - Vigil of The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. + 1st Ann.: Kathy Frenzel (Spalla Family) + Frank Trejo, Sr. (Arellano/Cervantes Families) + Andrea Yu (Hazel & Angeleo Alonzo & Family) + Vivencio Battung (Hazel & Angeleo Alonzo & Fam.) + Gary J. Fssl (Hazel & Angeleo Alonzo & Fam.) + Fe Alonzo (Hazel & Angeleo Alonzo & Fam.) Divine Mercy for All (C. Kisielente Family) Sunday, November 15 - The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 6:00 a.m. Health Blessings: Larry Noga (Aunt Rose Stronczek) 9:30 a.m. + Ed Helma (B. Glabicki) + John Malone (Daughter, Carol) + Teresita Villafuerte Holcomb (Angelica, Emmanuel & Jeremy King) God’s Blessings: Edward and Maria Sraga Monday, November 16 - St. Margaret of Scotland; St. Gertrude 8:00 a.m. Mass at St. Therese Church Tuesday, November 17 - St. Elizabeth of Hungary 8:00 a.m. + Adele Terry (Mr. & Mrs. Stan Nawracaj and Family) Wednesday, November 18 - The Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter and Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne 8:00 a.m. Mass at St. Therese Church + Michael Gasior (Margie Mezatis) Thursday, November 19 - Weekday 8:00 a.m. + Ed Helma (Daughter) Friday, November 20 - Weekday 8:00 a.m. Mass at St. Therese Church Saturday, November 21 - The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 a.m. Father’s Day Remembrance Saturday, November 21 - Vigil of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 5:00 p.m. + Ed Glabicki (Wife) + Josephine Campione (JoAnn Balasa) + Ann Parulski (Mr. & Mrs. Stan Nawracaj and Family) + Victoria David (Steve) + All Forgotten Souls in Purgatory (Dominic Barbaro) Sunday, November 22 - Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 6:00 a.m. + Victoria David (Steve) 9:30 a.m. + Joan Bocian (B. Glabicki) + Tom Potthoff (B. Glabicki) + Virginia Pienta (Sandy Brandenburg Ninow) + Mary Diaz DeLeon (Family) + Teresita Villafuerte Holcomb (Angelica, Emmanuel & Jeremy King) + Jose, Ofelia, Maria and Ricky Lara (Marta Herrera) + Victoria David (Steve)

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21ST 5:00 p.m. Eucharistic Minister: J. Lukwinski Lector: K. Ricci SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND 6:00 a.m. Altar Server: G. Vanderford Eucharistic Minister: J. Balasa Lector: J. Bertucci 9:30 a.m. Eucharistic Minister: H. Alonzo or A. Alonzo Lector: Sr. K. McNulty, osf


For those unable to attend Mass due to illness or for those who do not have access to the internet, please be sure to watch the Mass on television:

Until January 1, 2021 Cardinal Cupich Mass from

Holy Name Cathedral ABC-TV Channel 7 - Chicago

Sunday Mass: 9:30 am Year–Round

Mercy Home - Sunday Mass at 9:30 am WGN- TV Channel 9 - Chicago

Sunday Mass: 9:30 am

Sunday Envelopes: $ 772.25 Sunday Loose: $ 190.00 Total Collection: $ 962.25 Debt Reduction $ 148.00 Weekly Budget: $ 2,200.00 July 1st to Present (Actual): $ 31,644.32 July 1st to Present (Budgeted): $ 41,800.00

Collection - Week of November 7th - 8th

Electronic giving through is the safe and secure way to make your weekly donations to St. Barbara. Donate via credit card or electronic check (ACH). Sign up by visiting St. Barbara’s home WEB page and follow the prompts.

ATTEND MASS ONLINE The Archdiocese of Chicago broadcasts Masses from Holy Name Cathedral every Sunday in English, Spanish and Polish. The Masses are available on the YouTube channel: Chicago.

Page 7: THE THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · 2020. 11. 16. · for the 20-21school year. We are offering five days of in-person learning or remote learning. For moreinformation or

Baptisms: Parents must be registered practicing parishioners and attend a baptismal preparation session before a baptism will be scheduled. Call the rectory office for further information. Communion Calls: Please contact the Rectory when someone who is homebound or in the hospital wishes a visit to receive Holy Communion or the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. The Anointing of the Sick is for anyone seriously sick and not only for those near death. Ministry of Care: Eucharistic Ministers are available to visit, pray with, and bring Holy Communion to those who are sick and unable to attend Mass. Notify the Parish Office when this service is needed. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a program for anyone inquiring and seeking information about entering the Catholic faith. Weddings: Weddings need to be scheduled at least six months in advance. Couples are reminded to secure the Church date before the reception hall.

Please pray for those homebound, hospitalized and in need of continued prayers: Amalia Agins, Austin Agins, Bernadette Agins, Joyce Agins, Stephen Agins, Mary Aguirre, Debbie Annerino, Walter Annerino, Amy Averet, Kimberly Babe, Geraldine Baldwin, Tony Baressi, Judith Beaudry, Christine Bertucci, Joseph ‘Joey’ Bertucci, Lonnie & Theresa Bertucci-Falls, Jennifer Bond, Fr. Michael Bowler, Jeff Bowman, Andrea Brongiel, Mary Camarda, Anthony Capone Sr., Adele Castro, Laverne Connolly, Tim Consola, Joe Cruz, Patti Cuchetto, Paul DeGrazia, Henry Diaz DeLeon, Jacqueline Dybas, Kathy Egle, Nenita Feliciano, Jerry Felske, Minnie Ford, Natalia Francone, Bill Frank, Darlene Frost, Harold Frost, Paul Gadomski, Ray Gadomski, Lily Ann Galloway, John Gasca, Cheryl Lynn Gilhooly, Bernadette Glabicki, Ed Glos, Pat Grieco, Koen Guest, Jose P. Gutierrez, Kellar Harris, Lynette Heidemann, Jasmine Henson, Denise Holland, Gwen Holub, Morris Humphrey, Michaeline Hunter, Ted Hunter, Suzanne Ivester, Jennifer Janson, Chester Jendryczka, Dr. Joe, John Kaput, Dorothy Kawalerski, Rose Kisielowski, Stanley Kiwala, Anna Kolendo, Janice Kutansky, Craig Labudda, Ken Labudda, Sunny Labudda, Baby Kinsley Paige Leschinsky, Kiera Litwin, Lenny Loretto, Richard Lyznicki, Nancy Mallory, John Mangan, Kayle Marth, Paul Martinez, Bill Marczuk, Zena Masi, Maria Mawgwi, Lil’ Joe Michalak, Cindy Moore, Dr. Mike, Cydney Muti, Stephanie Nicks, Deacon Jack O’Leary, Theresa Oleszkiewicz, Allison Pakula, Virginia Pakula, Eva Castillion Parcon, Josie Petkus, Michael Petruck, Dolores Pienta, Mitchell Pienta, Ellen Pietrzak, Beverly Pirelli, Ray Polakowski, Robert Potter, James Pzarek, Barbara Rekar, Josephine Richardson, Sandra Rios, Joel Rivera, Jose Rodriguez, Jose C. Rodriguez, Mila Rolon, Dolly Roti, Ellen Ryan, Therese Ryndak, Maria Saludo, Edward John Schmit, Jr., Laverne Scianna, Kennedy Shepski, Adeline Skokal, Raymond Smolinski, Gary Solverson, Sharon Solverson, Rosalie Spalla, Diane Spata, Joanne Stewart, Lauren Stronczek, Rose Stronczek, Robert Synal, Baby Zachary Synal, Emily Rose Thomas, Norbert Trojanowski, Bill Ufferman, Dolores Ufferman, Dave Ulczycki, George Vanderford Sr., George Vanderford Jr., Juan Vargas, Joyce Vogt, Ava Walczak, Sadie Walker, Barbara Webb, Bill Webb, Sylvia Wiertel, Madison Young, Eugene & John Zabek, Evelyn Zaleski, Virginia Zawacki, Irene Zima

MASS SCHEDULE WEEKEND LITURGIES St. Barbara: Saturday: 5:00 pm; Sunday: 6:00am, 9:30 am St. Therese: Mandarin Mass on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 4:00 pm followed by Bible sharing and food. Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:30 am; and Mandarin Mass on the 4th Sunday of each month at 12:30 p.m.

WEEKDAY LITURGIES St. Barbara: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 8:00 am St. Therese: Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 am HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION St. Barbara: Vigil Mass: 7:00 pm; Holy Day Masses: 6:00 am, 8:00 am St. Therese: 8:00 am, 7:00 pm FIRST FRIDAY HOLY HOUR: St. Therese - 7:00 pm FIRST SATURDAY HEALING MASS: St. Barbara Chapel - 8:00 am CONFESSION St. Barbara: Saturday 4:15 - 4:45 pm or by appointment St. Therese: By appointment THE ROSARY St. Barbara: The Rosary is prayed on Sunday at 5:30 a.m. before 6:00 am Mass.

Pastor: Fr . Francis Li [email protected] Resident: Fr. John Cuff [email protected] School Principal: Ms. Lisa Deborah Oi [email protected] Oper. Director: Mr. Piotr M. Wojtasik [email protected] Music Director: Ms. Eva Mrgan [email protected] Parish Secretaries: Ms. Dolores Becatti [email protected] Ms. Judy Lukwinski [email protected]

St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish St. Barbara Church

2859 South Throop Street Chicago, Illinois 60608 Rectory Phone: (312) 842-7979 Rectory Fax: (312) 842-7978 School Phone: (312) 326-6243 School Fax: (312) 842-7960

St. Therese Church 218 West Alexander Street

Chicago, Illinois 60616

Rectory Phone: (312) 842-6777

OFFICE HOURS: Monday, and Wednesday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm and Friday: 9:00 am - Noon. At the present time, the office is closed on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

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