Page 1: The three types of style sheet lesson two fourth quarter fourth year

The Three Types of Style Sheet

Inline, Internal (Embedded), and External Style Sheet

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Inline Style Sheet

▪ This is placed inside the tag itself

▪ They are declared with the ”style =“ attribute.

▪ Example:<p style = “color:red”> This text will be color red. </p>

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Internal Style Sheet

▪ Is used if you want your HTML to have a unique style

▪ Is define using the <style> tag and goes in the head section of the HTML document

▪ The <style> tag specifies the content type of a style sheet with its type attribute which should be set to “text/css”

<style type=“text/css”>Styles go here


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Internal Style Sheet

▪ Example:<html>

<head><style type=“text/css”>p {color:maroon}</style>


<p>this text is color maroon</p><p>and this one too</p>


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Internal Style Sheet

▪ This style sheets specifies that the text in all instances of the <p> tag in the <body> section will be colored maroon.

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External Style Sheet

▪ Used to apply one or more styles to many pages.

▪ If you make any changes with the external style sheet, the change is applied to all the pages where the style sheet is used

▪ Declared in a separate file with a .css extension

▪ Called by pages whose interface it will affect

▪ They are called with the used of <link> tag that is place in the head section of an HTML document

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External Style Sheet

▪ The <link> tag should be written like this:– <link rel=“stylesheet” type=text/css” href=“test.css” />

▪ Wherein the tag above has three attributes respectively as follows:

▪ rel- when using an external style sheet on a webpage, this attribute takes the value “stylesheet.”

▪ Type - when using an external style sheet on a web page, this attribute takes the value “text/css”

▪ href – indicates the name and location of the external style sheet to be used.

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More on CSS

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

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Multiple Style Sheet

▪ You can use multiple style sheets in one page

▪ You can apply an inline style sheet and an internal style sheet at the same time or an external and internal style sheet simultaneously

▪ But consider what should have the highest priority from the two

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Style sheet by priority

▪ Inline Style Sheet– It has the highest priority– It will override styles declared in an internal style

sheet, an external style sheet, and a web browser’s default style

▪ Internal Style Sheet– An Internal style sheet has the second has the second

highest priority– It will override styles declared in an external style

sheet and a web browsers default style

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Style sheet by priority

▪ External Style Sheet–Has the third highest priority– It will override web browsers default style

▪ Browsers Default Style–Has the lowest priority– It is used when there is no style set for an

element in an inline, internal, or external style sheet

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Creating id’s and classes

▪ The Class Selector– It is used to specify a style for a group of elements– Allows you to set a particular style for many HTML elements with

the same class

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Creating id’s and classes








<h1 class = “center”> This heading is aligned center.</h1>



The class selector is defined starting with “.” followed by its name

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Creating id’s and classes

▪ The id Selector– Specify style for a single and unique element– Its defined with # sign before its name– Can be written in an external and internal style sheet

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Creating id’s and classes








<h1 id = “center”> This heading is aligned center.</h1>



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