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Today in the Cowles Library Reading Room will hold a presentation looking at Drake University’s changing housing polices and the relationship between Drake University and the Drake Neighborhood community. The presentation is, “ Home Away From Home: Drake Student Housing through the Decades”

Professor Maura Lyons, an associate professor of art history at Drake University, and Jen James, one of the leaders of an intensive Drake Neighborhood Association historical survey will be presenting Thursday. The presentation was an invitation from the library to talk about the architecture of Drake and the link between the University and the community.

“The residential area and the Drake campus were designed at the same time and they were intended to compliment each other,” said Lyons.

The presentation will be looking

at the history of the campus and community relationship over the years. It is relevant now that there is a softening of the borders of the university, with the visual and physical relationship between the two. The removal of the hedge from in front of Old Main is an example of that.

“The history of the campus and of the neighborhood are inextricable,” Lyons said. “The health of the University is dependant on the health of the Drake community and the health of the Drake community is dependant on the health of the University. It is a benefit for both communities.”

There will also be interesting facts about student housing and how it has evolved and expanded from the period after World War II. It focuses on the on campus housing available for women. During that time period there was only one housing option for women and that was Moorhouse Hall, which housed about 60 women. That expanded into the quad area for women’s housing and men’s housing was in the Goodwin-Kirk hall.

Each year, thousands of children in Belize are denied a basic education because they lack the resources and financial means.

The average family in Belize survives on $375 a year. However, the books and uniforms required for a single child to attend high school average $200 a year.

Drake is teaming up with the James Arthur Albert Foundation to host the Belize Dance Marathon this Saturday. The goal is to raise $50,000 to support education for the children of Belize. The marathon will last from noon until midnight and will include live bands, DJs, prizes and entertainment.

Belize is the smallest country in its region and has a population of only 320,000 people. Previously known as British Honduras, Belize has grown into its own independent and democratic country. However, it is still considered a developing country. Of its six districts, the Toledo area is the poorest.

Grade school children are forced to teach themselves by reading any books they can find. If they are lucky enough to attend school, many of them must travel by canoe. It is not uncommon for high school kids to attend class until 9 p.m.

“I’m excited to be a part of this,” first-year Maggie Sandquist said. “I love to dance and I’ll be having fun while making a difference. These kids deserve to get an



VAAD is selling student art today $15-$45

Hassling honks: one woman’s gripe

‘Tis the season. Tornado season.

Iowa State edges Drake 2-1 in softball





All that can be heard amid the inhales and exhales is the quiet traffic on the street outside. And the occasional stomach grumble. A few people are positioned atop cushions in neat rows on the floor, others sit upright on one of the metal folding chairs lining three sides of the room. A bell rings, and each pair of eyelids droops shut.

“The task is to diligently focus on the breathing and refocus on the breathing,” Charlie Day tells the group gathered in the partitioned room at the Friends Meeting House in Des Moines.

“Breathing in, breathing out,” Day says encouragingly before he, too, descends into silence.

The Des Moines Meditation and Mindfulness Group, founded by Day, meets every Tuesday at the Friends Meeting House on Grand Avenue. Anyone, practiced Buddhist or curious amateur, is welcome in the sitting meditation from 7:30 until 8:10 p.m., the 20-minute dharma talk that follows, the half hour concluding sitting meditation or any combination.

“Especially with the lifestyles we live, I think just to slow down and stop is beneficial,” said Todd Brown, a non-traditional student at Drake University. “Meditation is very beneficial no matter what religion you practice…The root meditation that Charlie teaches, just watching the breath, is used in every religion that I’m aware of.”

Research supports Day’s claims. A 2004

study conducted by the National Academy of Sciences measured brain activity of eight long-term Buddhist practitioners during and outside of meditation. The electrical activity in their brains rose significantly during meditation, and their measured activity while not meditating also differed from non-practitioners in a way that suggested elevated consciousness. The researchers concluded that the brain’s resting

state, along with attention and affective processes within the brain, could be altered by long-term meditative practices.

Brown, who is a year away from finishing his undergraduate degree from Drale, was raised Catholic. But around three years ago, he began exploring Buddhism and the practice of meditation more deeply.

“I changed my lifestyle,” he said. That

entailed quitting drinking and, after 17 years away, going back to school to finish the degree in religion he had started at DePaul University in Chicago.

“I’ve always been searching for something,” Brown said. And when he was introduced to meditation at a treatment facility, he said, it resonated with him.

“You can see what the Buddha was teaching about how we cause our own suffering. You can really see through these attachments and storylines that you produce in your head, in your mind, that really have no basis except in thought,” he said. “It becomes very freeing in a way.”

More people are seeking the sort of peace and spirituality Brown discovered. Meditation’s popularity in the community seems to be increasing, said Day, who co-teaches on Tuesdays with Paul Lambakis.

“It seems like there’s been a spur in the growth in the past year, there’s a lot more interest,” he said. When Day, 73, started the group in 1994 upon his return from working in Thailand, it had only five or six members. Now the weekly sessions have 35 to 45 participants.

He attributes the expansion to a growing familiarity with meditation practices to more media coverage and word-of-mouth promotion.

A retired psychologist, Day has spent over 45 years studying meditation and mystical traditions in the U.S., India and Thailand. He was also one of Brown’s first teachers, and

After a run-off election, a round of suspensions and a total of 110 votes, Adam Lutz was elected the next College of Business and Public Administration Senator Monday night.

Both candidates — Lutz and Nick Kollauf — were write-in candidates after being suspended from the ballot after missing a mandatory “publicity blitz” said Election Commission Co-Chair Alex Bergman. Once voting was over, Kollauf was disqualified for violating terms set by the Election Commission Rules and Regulations packet. The commission filed the complaint, but Bergman could not disclose more information to The Times-Delphic at this time because of the nature of the complaint.

“It warranted the maximum penalty,” he said. The commission then voted unanimously to disqualify Kollauf.

Lutz garnered 58 percent of the votes after the election was over. He will join the other educational senators on the Academic Affairs committee.


Just breathe. A unique method to escape from end-of-semester stressby Ann SchnoebelenNews [email protected]

A history of homes away from homeby Andi SummersStaff [email protected]

CONNOR MCCOURTNEY | photo editor

Presentations for the eighth-annual Drake University Conference on Undergraduate Research in the Sciences (DUCURS) will range from topics on Nintendo Wii to zebra finches.

There was a record number of submissions for the conference this year; 55 posters and seven student speakers will represent nine science departments at the conference.

DUCURS provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to professionally present their research to peers and other professors.

“The goal is to showcase and celebrate undergraduate research,” Associate Professor of Biology and Co-organizer of DUCURS Heidi Sleister said.

Students can attend DUCURS to learn

about the current research happening on campus and the broad research opportunities that are available to them.

Kami Wenzel, senior psychology major, said the presenters want to encourage students to take advantage of being able to conduct undergraduate research at Drake.

“Especially for underclassmen, it’s a really nice way to recognize the importance of research first-hand and potentially recognize that these professors really do let students do research with them,” Wenzel said.

Wenzel said DUCURS is beneficial to students because of the practice and background knowledge they are able to obtain that may help them in the future, especially if they are planning to pursue graduate school.

“It’s a really a good foundation for me to figure out exactly how things are done,” Wenzel said. “If my research goes on to be

MOREHOUSE HALL was once an all-women residence hall. At-tendees will learn more about this and aspects of Drake’s housing history and unique architecture during a lecture by Maura Lyons and Jen James. “Home Away From Home: Drake Student Housing through the Decades” is tonight at 7 p.m. in the Reading Room.

DUCURS lets science students show their stuff

photo illustration by CONNOR MCCOURTNEY | photo editor

Dancing for Charity

by Jessica LangStaff [email protected]


Belize Dance marathon goal is $50,000 for education

by Christine SetsodiStaff [email protected]

Presentations are today in upper Olmsted

New CPBA senatorby Lauren HorschCopy [email protected]





I promise I’m not jogging so that you can creepily watch me, and these Target gym shorts I’m wearing are not for your benefit.


quotedayof the

12:26 p.m. April 7Two female staff members witnessed an adult male running from Aliber Hall with a laptop computer in hand. The two staffers followed the culprit at a safe distance and observed him entering a business at 2703 Cottage Grove Ave. Security arrived and apprehended the suspect and called the police. The victim, who is a male student, also arrived to identify the stolen property. The police then

arrested the thief. The culprit had also been previously advised on trespass on campus. In a weird turn of events, the thief used to run on the same track team as one of the security officers.

9:11 p.m. April 7A male staff member backed his vehicle into a parked vehicle in the 1300 block of 27th Street, causing extensive bumper damage to the

parked vehicle registered to a Drake student. The police were called and a report was filed. The student and the staff member came to the scene.

11:40 p.m.A staff member reported a former Drake student was using his ID, which expired in 2008, to enter the Bell and Knapp Centers. The former student was advised on trespass for the two facilities and the expired ID was confiscated.

3:33 p.m. April 8A male staff member reported a removed light switch cover from the second floor of Herriott Residence Hall twice in one week. The electrical wires were left dangling from the wall which could have created a very dangerous situation.

12:32 p.m. April 8A female student reported she observed a suspicious male walking up and down the fourth floor of the Goodwin-Kirk Residence Hall

and attempting to open exterior doors. She called security and then observed the male coming out of the women’s restroom. He made eye contact with the student and ran away.

5:50 a.m. April 9A security officer found a male lying face down in the mud on the west side of Medbury Hall. The student was awakened and stated he was merely chilling and waiting for the officers so they all could party. The underage male student stated he had called security earlier to party, but they would not answer the phone. The student could not provide much information and said that he knew no one to call. Police were called and a fake driver’s license was confiscated from the student. He was then arrested for public intoxication and taken to jail.

11:54 p.m. April 9Security responded to a Drake parking lot located in the 1200 block

of 30th Street based on report of an intoxicated male, who appeared to be harassing people. The former Drake student had to be awakened and stated he had no form of identification on him. Police were called and the subject was advised on trespass, and he was allowed to walk away.

2:50 p.m. April 10Security responded to Hubbell Dining Hall based on report of a fire. It was determined there was a small fire between the burners where wood had caught fire. Employees extinguished the fire.

1:19 a.m. April 11A security officer witnessed a vehicle backing into another vehicle in the 3100 block of Carpenter Avenue. A phone message was left with the male student victim and a male student is a possible suspect. The matter is currently being investigated.

A 21-year-old male student was found in what appeared to be an intoxicated state. He was stumbling and unable to walk straight. He had slurred speech and stated he had no one to call to come and pick him up. He let the officers know on several occasions that his father was a judge and his uncle was in the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Police were called and the student was given the alternative of calling a cab or getting a free trip to jail, and he chose the cab. The dean of students was advised.


SECURITY REPORTS1:58 a.m. April 9

extends an invitation for conversation with anyone who is interested in learning more about meditation practices. In his classes and lectures, he likens many of the practices and ideas of Buddhism to the relaxation techniques employed by psychotherapists.

He said there are a lot of reasons for its appeal but for many people, Buddhism just makes sense. “Buddhism teaches in a way that’s really logical and rational and more easy to practice in everyday life.”

Drake sophomore Erika Owen began meditating around a year ago, and she says the Buddhist emphasis on balance is what most appeals to her.

“It sounds cliché, but being one with yourself and what’s around you is really interesting,” she said. “It just helps every day to clear my head and figure out what needs to get done.”

Owen usually meditates for short amounts of time at least twice daily, including practicing walking meditation. This method is exactly what it sounds like, she said — meditating while walking.

“You don’t look any different; you’re just walking around,” she explained. This can work well for busy students, she said, and still provides a worthwhile reflection.

Whether sitting or walking, area practitioners of meditation seem to agree on the mental health and emotional well-being it brings to their lives.

“It calms the mind, so it helps one live more comfortably, peaceably and harmoniously,” Day said. “There’s lots of scientific evidence

now that the practice of meditation does lead to higher grades, for example, improved relationships within families, improved relationships at work, improved health — both physical and psychological.”

Those transformations can lead to different worldviews, habits and lifestyles.

“It completely changed my life,” Brown said. Along with being able to further develop his personal spirituality, Brown also described some more tangible manifestations he’s noticed since he began meditating.

“You have the physical things, of course,” he said. “Less anxious, I’ve got some anxiety problems that meditation helps me with. Also, the focus. It really helps on the schoolwork.”

Sophomore Sarah Laughlin hasn’t noticed those kind of results after the meditation sessions she does with the crew team during the offseason.

“I really don’t like it,” she said. “I would rather just go home and shower.”

She said she finds it hard to focus, especially when she and her teammates gather after Saturday winter practices. “It’s a lot more difficult than you would think.”

At the Meeting House, the bell rings again to close the first sitting meditation. Eyes flutter open and adjust to the light as Day and Lambakis open the next 20 minutes for a question and answer session.

One student, a young woman, talks about struggling to keep her mind from straying to negative thoughts during meditation. “What do I do?” she asks. “I mean, is it just about thinking of something else?”

Lambakis nods sympathetically. “Well,” he says. “You see, it’s all about the breath…”

Technique doesn’t work for everyone

education and have opportunities.”All participants and volunteers are required

to register prior to the event. Participants raise a minimum of $200 in pledges, the equivalent of the amount a child pays to attend high school in Belize for a year.

“It seems like a lot of money, and it is,” first-year Rachel Oberheide said. “But JAAF is committed to helping everyone reach their goal. There’s a link on its website for people to donate

to dancers, and they provide us with contact information for people who have donated in the past.”

The JAAF will use the money raised to send grade-school and high-school children to school in the Toledo district. It works to provide scholarships, build and improve learning facilities, donate books and supplies and advocate for women’s education.

To register for the Belize Dance Marathon or to find out more about the JAAF and the children of Belize, visit

Money provides scholarships, school supplies



This Friday, the Visual Arts Association of Drake will be having its first student-run art sale feature art from Drake art students. The art sale will be held near Pomerantz stage in Olmsted Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

This is the first student art sale that has been at Drake in years. The show will feature drawings, prints and sculptures. The art will be on a fixed price scale where everything is $5, $10, $15, $25 or $45. The profits of the sale will be divided: 95 percent of that will go back to the students and the remaining 5 percent will go to the Visual Arts Association Organization.

“Students will be pricing work at affordable prices for the Drake community,” said Lucca Wang, president of VAAD. “It is making the art accessible and affordable.”

VAAD is open to all Drake students and their main purposes are to unify the Drake arts community, to encourage professional development of emerging artists and to network with other established artists.

VAAD also has a biweekly movie event on Fridays and on alternate Fridays VAAD visits different art galleries in the Des Moines area.

Student art sale todayby Andi SummersStaff [email protected]

Zen Center at 4116 Oak Forest DrWednesdays/Sundays 6 - 6:50 p.m. and Sundays, 7:10 - 7:50 am & 8:00 - 8:40 a.m.Contact: Vicky Goldsmith, 255-5286 or Eido Bruce Espe, 279-2270

Ryumonji Zen Monastery, 2452 Ryumon Road, Dorchester, IAThursdays 7:30 p.m. and Sundays 9 a.m. Contact: Rev. Shoken Winecoff, 563-546-1309, [email protected],

Friends Meeting House4211 Grand Ave.Tuesdays 7:30 - 9 pm. Contact: Charlie Day, 255-8398, [email protected]

First Unitarian Church1800 Bell AveWednesdays 6:30 -7:30 pm. Contact: Denise Daniels, 278-1081

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1015 N. HylandSundays 6 - 7 pm. Contact: Faith Winchester, [email protected], or UU Fellowship of Ames at 515-292-5960

Grand View College Rasmussen Hall Room 216 1201 Grandview Ave Wednesdays 12 - 12:30 pm. Contact: Tom Peterson, 263-6187.

Contact: Deborah Guthrie, 274-3863Call for location First Sunday of the month10 – 11:30 am.

>>Where to find peace

Mindfulness/Vipassana (Theravada) Tradition

Zen (Mahayana)Tradition

MemoriaUnion, Iowa State University, Ames, call regarding room #Sundays 9 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Contact: Tim Mullaney, (515)

Tibetan (Vajrayana) Tradition

Chanting (Soka Gakkai) Tradition

There are several Buddhist and meditation groups meeting regularly in the surrounding communities. To learn more, check out one or all of these Des Moines area meditation sessions and groups.

Event develops support for undergrad research

presented at a national conference or is published in a journal, I would like to know everything I can about my research before I talk to scientists around the world.”

DUCURS began in 2004 and was started

with the idea that this event would bring support for undergraduate research across campus. The annual event has proven to be successful and has facilitated opportunities for collaboration between students and faculty.

DUCURS will be held in upper Olmsted from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. today.


opinions&editorials Drake men’s tennis is ranked No. 63in the country.



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The Times-Delphic’s business office is located at 2507 University Avenue, 124B Meredith Hall, Des Moines, IA 50311. The Times-Delphic is published on Mondays and Thursdays during the university’s fall and spring academic terms. The newspaper is distributed for free around the Drake campus. All advertising information is to be submitted noon Tuesday for the Thursday edition, and noon Friday for the Monday edition. Advertisements can be designed by The Times-Delphic or submitted via e-mail. We accept cash and check. A 10 percent discount is offered for prepayment on advertisements. The business office can be contacted at 515-271-2148.

© The Times-Delphic


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LIZZIE PINE, [email protected]

JESSICA MATTES, Managing [email protected]

MATT MORAN, Sports [email protected]

CONNOR MCCOURTNEY, Photo [email protected]

KRISTEN SMITH, Copy [email protected]

REED ALLEN, Business [email protected]

JILL VAN WYKE, Faculty [email protected]

ANN SCHNOEBELEN, News [email protected]

KATIE MINNICK, Sports Design [email protected]

KAILA SWAIN, Digital [email protected]

LAUREN HORSCH, Copy [email protected]

MARY HONEYMAN, Ads [email protected]

Ah. Baseball season. It’s chockfull of tradi-tion, fills its fans up with warm and fuzzy feel-ings and makes us all want to grab our mitts, go out and play catch with our dads. Unlike other sports, baseball is steeped in tradition that some things within the sport that will just never change. The Yankees will always be the evil em-pire, the White Sox will never be as popular as the Cubs (I mean seriously, more people showed up to my Bar Mitzvah than to the Sox’s champi-onship parade). And the Cubs… Well, the Cubs will never win a World Series.

Although there are some great football, bas-ketball and hockey movies out there, baseball films were always the ones that captured my imagination and never got old. After all this is America, where the themes of friendship, over-coming obstacles and accomplishing the impos-sible are the building blocks to what we consider the American dream to be.

That being said, I decided to dedicate this piece to ranking what I consider to be the top five baseball films of all time. (Note: I apologize in advance to every die-hard Iowan who reads this piece. Field of Dreams did not make this list.)

#5. A League of Their Own (1992)Okay so this isn’t a baseball movie, but soft-ball is close enough. The acting is superb (yes, even Rosie O’Donnell), and the film’s focus on the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League which captured the hearts of the nation during WWII. Simply put, this is a story that deserves to be told. Finally, to the credit of these women, the ball that was played during this film was very impressive. They looked like pros.

#4. Rookie of the Year (1993)Hey, don’t laugh. You loved this movie. Wasn’t it everyone’s dream to play in the majors at the tender age of 12? I mean, come on! The kid breaks his arm, miraculously learns to throw a 90-mph fastball and leads the Cubbies to a World Series! As a Cubs fan, this movie is as close as I’ll ever get to a World Series, and as a result, it must be given its proper due.

#3. The Natural (1984)My dad’s favorite, no doubt. Some say it’s over-rated, some call it the greatest baseball movie of all time. Despite Robert Redford’s understated brilliance and a touching plot, it’s good, but not great.

#2. Major League (1989) Find me another sports movie that has had a bigger impact on the franchise it represented. It’s true, the Cleveland Indian community has embraced this movie (and thankfully has for-gotten its sequel) and would probably consider signing Ricky “Wild Thing” Vaughn and Willy Mays Hays right now, if given the chance. I own this movie and have probably seen it fifteen times. It NEVER gets old.

#1. The Sandlot (1993)The ’90s were truly the decade of great chil-dren’s sports movies. Fact: I cheered as much for the Coach Bombay’s Mighty Ducks as I did for Michael Jordan’s Chicago Bulls. I wasn’t around to see the 1985 Bears take the nation by storm, but I loved “The Little Giants.” In all, there was no team I loved as much as “The Sandlot” crew. Scotty Smalls killed me every time. Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez reached Jordan-esque heights with his athletic exploits and his epic outrunning of the beast. And finally, Hamilton “Ham” Por-ter was the toughest, meanest, tobacco-chewing 12-year-old of all time. This movie embodied what it meant to be a kid, to love baseball and to live through an all-American summer. It is a masterpiece of a film that I watched as a kid, still watch as a young adult and will one day watch with my own son, who I can only hope will have the same love for this film that I do.

“Although there are some great football, basketball and hockey movies out there, baseball films were always the ones that captured my imagination and never got old.

Five all-time favorite baseball movies

I’m not sure exactly how it became socially acceptable to honk and catcall at girls when you, see us walking around Des Moines, but I assure you it doesn’t turn us on. I promise I’m not jogging so that you can creepily watch me, and these Target gym shorts I’m wearing are not for your benefit.

Here are a few things that girls don’t think when you honk and/or catcall at them:

That boy must be hot and well-endowed.Oh baby, I love being objectified.Yes, in fact, I do want to get in your car with you.Let me just start by informing you that I am not even a little

bit attractive when I am jogging. I promise there is nothing about my appearance that could possibly entice you to honk at me. And if I’m wearing high heels and a skirt that goes up to Tahiti, it’s still creepy and misogynistic when you honk at me—I promise.

What exactly do you expect to come of your honking/objecti-fying slur encounter? I have no idea who you are, and since you’ve now insinuated that I’m a veritable piece of meat, I really don’t want to find out. I promise no level of “Hey girl, what you doing tonight?” will make me want to get into the back of your Corolla.

It does not make me feel excited that I’ve finally caught your attention, which I was so seeking, because I am not seeking your attention. Also, those girls walking a block ahead of me? They

don’t want it either. Really. And when my friend flips you off and I yell, “hell, yeah, sexism!” this is not an invitation for you to come back and say “hi.”

When you honk and catcall at us, it may seem like innocent flirting to you. Perhaps you think you flatter us with your witty at-tention, or you’re showing off for the charming boys also residing in your car. I like to think that you honk because you’re compen-sating for something. Or maybe you’re chastising me for being a woman jogging at night, a reminder that the streets are not safe for us poor, fragile little girls. Because here’s what it feels like when you call out to me: a threat.

This is what actually goes through my head when you honk: What if he turns around and comes after me? Why does he au-tomatically think he can intimidate and objectify me? Is ‘idiot’ contagious?

When you honk and yell demeaning things as I pass your car or house, it does not make me want to get to know you better. It actually makes me want to slap you.

This street is not yours and neither is any part of me you can see while I walk down University Avenue. It’s ridiculous that you can generally walk around without fear of harassment from pass-ing cars, but for women, it’s expected that we suck it up and take it in stride every time we leave a building.

Weirdly enough, I have the right to walk somewhere without being called out to, honked at or leered at, no matter what time of day or type of attire, and just because you can’t meet girls in a normal context does not make it OK for you to be a jerk. Leave me alone, and take your sexist, drunken, creepy friends with you.

YONI SOLOMON | COLUMNIST Soloman is a senior advertising major and can be contacted at [email protected]

Street harassment and sexism hand-in-hand problems

CATE O’DONNELL | COLUMNIST O’Donnell is a junior secondary education major and can be contacted at [email protected]

A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN (top left) is a 1992 film about two sisters who join the first female baseball team.

THE SANDLOT (top right), one of the most beloved baseball movies of all time, centers on the new kid who wishes to learn the game.

THE NATURAL (above) starring Robert Redford as the no-name player who earns a legendary title.

MAJOR LEAGUE (middle right) focuses on the team’s inability that turns into a winning streak.

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR (right) stars Thomas Ian Nicholas as a young pitcher who gets the gift of a lifetime: to pitch for the Chicago Cubs.

film covers from


don’tmissthis Get ready to paint tomorrow!It better not snow.

Advertising students will compete in the National Student Advertising Competition on tomorrow in Kansas City with the hopes of bringing home the District 9 championship. The top school from this district and each of the other 14 districts across the nation will move on to the national NASC competition in San Diego. There, the schools will have a chance to compete against over 200 colleges for the national title.

Advertising creative track and account management majors, along with advertising minors in the Drake University advertising capstone class, participate in this competition every year. In this class, students are “hired” by a fictitious advertising agency called Blue, Inc. and are given the opportunity to provide advertising for a national company as part of the competition.

The advertising seniors have participated in this event for seven years, but they have never moved on from districts. Blue, Inc. has earned second and third place finishes in years prior, but only the top team moves on to the national competition. This year, Blue, Inc. hopes to be the first Drake team to compete at the national level.

Kara Rhodes, a creative advertising major and member of Blue, Inc., believes they can be the first Drake team to make it nationals.

“I am extremely confident entering this competition. We have studied campaigns from previous years and learned what works and what doesn’t,” Rhodes said. “This year, we not only have an innovative campaign, but we also have knowledge on how to win. This, com-bined with a talented and passionate group of students, will put us on top.”

J.C. Penney is the company for the com-petition this year. J.C. Penney is looking to get more women aged 25-34 into its stores and to get those women spending more money in stores and online. The students are to create a media plan, a multimedia campaign and an overall strategy to entice the target audience effectively.

The students began the process by creat-ing a 32-page plans book of their recommen-dation for J.C. Penney, which they sent off a few weeks ago to the judges. This plans book contained the print advertisements and other important print pieces used in the execution of the J.C. Penney media plan.

Next, the students created a 20-minute sales pitch, which they will give this Friday, to accompany the plans book. This pitch explains their advertising executions to the same judges who received the four-color plans book a few weeks prior. The pitch contains not only the ideas for the promotions but also the actual multimedia advertisements, blown-up versions of the print ads and videos created by the stu-dents. For example, the students developed a choose-your-destination advertisement that they uploaded to YouTube, which will be in the flash presentation with the pitch.

Upon completion of the competition, the students will receive feedback on their adver-tising executions from the judges, who are real advertising professionals. The judges this year consist of three corporate executives from J.C. Penney and two members of J.C. Penney’s advertising agency, Saatchi & Saatchi. This gives the students the opportunity to receive real-world advice from others outside of the advertising department at Drake, being that they had to create the entire project without any outside help.

In addition to generating the project on their own, the students had to fund the project. They were able to produce their own print ads and commercials in Meredith Hall. For other costs, they had to resort to their own funding. This is why the class held a silent auction in early February and an ugly sweater sale in December. Overall, they raised about $4,700 through their fundraising efforts.

Even if they do not make it to the nation-al competition this year, the Blue, Inc. team members feel this project is not a waste.

“The capstone has been a great learning experience,” said Erika Sevigny, Blue, Inc. marketing director. “It provided a chance for us to work with a national, well-known brand and come up with unique and innovative solu-tions to their business challenges.”

by Eryn SwainStaff [email protected]

Advertising capstone Blue, Inc. heads to Kansas City for final project

Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition I opens in Anderson Gallery

Stephanie AndersonJamie BaileyNicholas BargerAlex BattaniJacqueline BlankAndrew BriceMary BrueggemannStephanie BrunerDanielle CheeverSarah ChestnutSusan ClausenJames DavisPaige FisherMegan Fratzke

Allison GeorgeAndria KelzenbergWhitley KembleBenjamin LiuKatlyn MalcomsonKelsey MazerJohnathan McDonaldEvan McKenzieLydia MetzgerApril MeyerAmanda NewhouseEllen O’ByrneJenna PateCourtney Petty

Tokunbo PillotEmily PomaslKara RhodesNicholas SellersErika SevignySamual ShanahanBenjamin ShoffMegan SlymanYehonatan SolomonTyler TranDanielle WhiteAlison WrightRachel Yancey

Capstone Members

Artists on DisplayRachel CrownHannah BoomHannah HoffmanLindsay TrabinLucca Wang

Anderson & Weeks GalleryApril 8-22

“GLOBAL GARDENER” (above) photography and designs was compiled by Hannah Hoffman.

HANNAH HOFFMAN’S (left) linoleum relief print title “Peacock.”

LINDSAY TRABIN’S (bottom left) untitled piece.

LAURA WOOD’S (right) oil and acrylic paint on wood.

HANNAH BOOM’S (right) lithographic print titled “Woods.”

DSM ADDY (above) was received by an advertising team for their 2010 campaign.LIZZIE PINE | editor-in-chief


Ben Rector has remained relatively low key on the popular music spectrum up to this point. Originally from Tulsa, Okla., this pop/rock singer and songwriter has been slowly getting his foot in the door on the national music scene. He has toured nationally, including a show he performed Tuesday, April 5, at People’s Court in down-town Des Moines.

Last year, he toured with both Dave Barnes and radio-friendly piano rockers Five for Fighting. His style is very evocative of these artists, drawing from heavily produced songs ripe with repeating piano licks and lightly strummed acoustic guitars.

On Rector’s most recent release, “Into the Morning,” he shows some pretty decent chops. He is coming into his own as an arranger with tunes full of strings and the like. “Autumn” in particular breaks the mold on “Morning” with a feathery flute arrangement that com-pliments the wistful theme of the song’s melody.

Most of his tunes would sound right at home on any top-40 sta-tion; there are a lot of simple things going on. In that regard, how-ever, the album is somewhat repetitive. At times it seems you could swap any song for another. The formula is basically the same, in-cluding chord progressions and rhythms that keep popping up from tunes like “Loving You is Easy” and “White Dress.” Just pop in a suspended chord on the guitar and play a little lick on the keyboard, gently breathe the verses and show off the pipes at the chorus. It’s pretty basic stuff, and for the most part, pretty generic.

It’s clear that Rector is looking for radio play. Songs like “The Beat” and “Out of my Head” are very similar in style to his tour mates Five for Fighting and pop keyboardist singer-songwriter Gavin DeGraw. When you listen to Rector sing, it’s somewhere between DeGraw and Michael Buble on “Haven’t Met You Yet,” with maybe a little bit of Chris Martin mixed in for good measure. Think Jason Mraz with a deeper tone of voice.

From all technical aspects, Rector’s voice is very well polished and groomed for his style of tune—a nice even vibrato and modula-tion, shifting seamlessly into head voice for those notes slightly out of range. It’s kind of what has come to be expected from this genre of pseudo blue-eyed soul. Furthermore, all the songs follow the basic formula of “boy loves girl.” There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a love song, but one can’t help but get a little sick of love when that’s all there is for 38 minutes.

Granted, there are a couple of songs that stand out on “Morn-ing.” The album picks up a bit near the end with tunes like “Autumn” and “When I Get There”—a more lively, syncopated groove that sort of goes beyond the lovey-dovey music on the rest of the record. Actu-ally, I did start tapping my foot during the final number on “Morn-ing,” which is called “Dance with me Baby.” Most of the songs are pretty catchy, if that’s what floats your boat; they get stuck in your head. But so does Rebecca Black’s “Friday.”

Rector has a very good head start on his career. At 25, he’s al-ready been pretty prolific with his releases, having already produced three albums. And with the proper management, there’s no reason that Rector won’t be on the radio in a couple of years. If you’re interested in learning more about Ben Rector or listening to his al-bum for yourself, you can find him at or at

by Frank MerchlewitzStaff [email protected]

‘Into the Morning’ produces popular but repetitive sound


“At 25, he’s already been pretty prolific with his releases, having already produced three albums. And with the proper management, there’s no reason Rector won’t be on the radio in a couple of years.

BEN RECTOR (left),25, has toured with Dave Barnes and Five for Fighting. His style reflects that of the artists he tours with.

“INTO THE MORNING” (below) was released Feb. 16, 2010.

Similar SoundsJason MrazGavin DegrawMichael Buble

In Tornado Alley, is Drake’s procedure safe?

Iowa falls in the center of Tornado Alley, an area stretching from the Rocky Mountains through the Texas panhandle and the Dakotas, where more tornadoes occur than anywhere else in the world.

Within minutes a severe thunderstorm can transform into a twister, trailed by a path of destruction caused by gushing winds, hail and flooding. Sirens sound to warn about the de-veloping danger, but Mother Nature cannot be contained.

William Gallus, Iowa State University pro-fessor of synoptic and mesoscale meteorology, said maximum activity in Tornado Alley oc-curs from April to June. 34 tornadoes smacked Iowa during peak season last year, according to the National Weather Service.

Des Moines saw its first early season severe storms March 22 when heavy rains and hail came through southern Iowa. The National Weather Service reported tornados in the southwestern portion of the state and near Norwalk.

The sirens blared throughout Drake Uni-versity’s campus that Tuesday evening. Still, students and staff were confused and not properly identified about the threat, said Da-vid Wright, the associate dean of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication.

“My concern is the mixed messaging,” Wright said. “The sirens and radios were go-ing off, but no action.”

The National Weather Service issued the tornado warning for southern Polk County at 6:24 p.m. Provost Michael Renner sent an email to faculty, students and staff about gen-eral tornado safety guidelines at 5:34 p.m. that was unrelated to the severe weather at the time.

Renner outlined the importance for the campus community to appropriately respond when warning sirens sound and an emergency message is received. However, Drake did not send any specific notifications about the tor-nado warning that Tuesday.

“We need to be clear about this and what to follow,” Wright said. “Who is determining who we are getting the information from?”

Renner said Campus Security Services co-ordinates the course of action in severe weath-er situations by monitoring information from the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Johnston.

The National Weather Service issues a warning if winds of at least 70 mph are fore-cast or occurring, or if a tornado or funnel cloud is reported by a trained spotter. The warning is received at all three Public Safety Answering Points Communication Centers in Polk County. The centers then start sirens for any threatened areas in their jurisdiction.

In the past, all 132 sirens were activated for the warning within Polk County. Assistant Coordinator for the Polk County Emergency Management Agency Jon Davis said they are moving toward a more precise notification sys-tem that reduces the number of sirens set off.

“Now we’re trying to base it on the project-ed path of the tornado, but there are limita-tions to the system,” Davis said.

Sometimes a siren location doesn’t match a storm’s predicted path. Depending on the size of the storm and the surrounding area, overlap can occur to areas not under a direct threat, Davis said.

Although Des Moines was under a tornado warning March 22, Renner said Campus Se-curity Services didn’t determine a direct dan-ger to campus or a reason to activate the emer-gency communications system.

“We did find some things that didn’t work,”

Renner said. “There should have been a tor-nado drill before the first storm. We have spent a lot of time in the last two weeks going over things to prepare for the next time.”

Drake participated in a tornado drill co-ordinated by the city of Des Moines on the morning of April 6. Faculty and staff led stu-dents to designated tornado shelters according to signs in all buildings on campus.

Campus Security Services tested the emer-gency communications system by either tex-ting or calling students five minutes before the drill. Renner said this system is Drake’s last defense and is only used in direct threat situ-ations, such as a lockdown or if a tornado was racing down University Avenue.

Wright said that is not enough. He advised activating the system whenever a severe weath-er warning is issued to prevent disasters.

“It’s better to be overreacting than under-reacting because if something happens, we’re responsible,” Wright said.

Not only does the system alert students about possible danger, but parents are also no-tified. Senior Resident Assistant Kodee Wright sees this as a major flaw that only creates fur-ther confusion. She suggested having students routinely practice safety precautions.

“The most practical and effective way to educate about tornados is through legitimate drills,” Kodee Wright said. “There needs to be a plan. They need to be more frequent.”

Renner noted these issues with the emer-gency alert system, saying their administrative structures haven’t fully adjusted to advanced technological capabilities yet. Despite this, Renner urged students to take precautions in severe weather by seeking shelter and staying updated on condition changes.

“Tornados are the most concentrated de-structive force in nature,” Renner said. “These storms are to be taken seriously.”

by Jackie WallentinStaff [email protected]

Tornado Safety Myths Debunked

1. Never crawl under the girders of a highway overpass. If a tornado is hitting, the wind blows even faster under the bridge.

2. Tornadoes don’t avoid big cities or bodies of water.

3. Keep windows closed. Opening them could make the damage worse.

4. The safest place is not the southwest corner of a basement. Winds blow in a circle, which can easily blow debris to the corner.

photos from

Spring semester sits in the middle of peak tornado activity, and Drake’s warning system has caused past confusion about proper safety guidelines

information provided by William Gallus


sportsThe Drake volleyball team finally filled its vacant coaching position, hiring Drake grad and former Bulldog assistant coach Tony Sunga. Sunga has been an assistant coach at Wyoming the past three years, after assisting Drake from 2005-07. Sunga played a key role in recruiting several of the Drake seniors who helped turn the program around under Phil McDaniel, who left this year to take the head coaching position at South Dakota State.


MENOn Sunday, Drake posted an extraordinary

6-1 win over the Illinois State Redbirds and sent a message to the rest of the Missouri Val-ley Conference: If you want to win the confer-ence title, you will have to go through the No. 63 Drake Bulldogs to do so.

The win was Drake’s 11th straight victory, which gave the team a perfect 8-0 record at home to go along with a 9-2 record on the road. Combined with the win against Bradley last Saturday, the weekend’s victories moved the Bulldogs up nine spaces in the national rank-ings.

After recognizing senior Mauricio Ballivian’s achievements in a special senior day ceremo-ny on the court, the Bulldogs began Sunday’s match with brutal efficiency at doubles.

Ballivian and sophomore Anis Ghorbel, once again, led the way at the top spot with a rou-tine 8-1 dispatching of Alexander Pelaez and Timon Reichelt of Illinois State. The duo de-feated the same team earlier this season to earn the Missouri Valley Conference Individuals title in doubles.

Sophomores Jean Erasmus and James McKie brought an uncanny amount of raw energy into their match at second doubles, as the duo rushed out to a 7-3 lead before sealing the match at 8-5 against Tuomas Manner and Matej Zlatkovic.

With the doubles point already won in fa-vor of the Bulldogs, the squad looked to make a clean sweep in doubles with a victory from freshman Robin Goodman and junior Ce-sar Bracho. After trailing much of the match, Goodman and Bracho were able to fight back to pull within match-point in the tiebreaker. The Drake duo was unable to convert their lone match point, though, and the Redbird duo of Mya Smith-Dennis and Filip Miljevic prevailed 8-7.

Nonetheless, it was the Bulldogs who carried the momentum into singles play as they looked to quickly expand their 1-0 lead. At the top po-sition, it was a battle of MVC Co-Players of the Year, as Ballivian and Reichelt shared the honor last season. Empowered by a crowd cheering

him on during his last home match, Ballivian played his best tennis of the spring season. Bal-livian didn’t let his opponent find rhythm or fo-cus, and the senior from Santa Cruz, Bolivia, put Drake up 2-0 with a workman-like 6-1, 6-0 win. If Ballivian can continue his stellar play throughout the remainder of the season and conference tournament, he will be a likely can-didate for player of the year once again.

“Every tennis player looks to have days like this where you play your best tennis,” Ballivian said.

The Redbirds took the next match with a vic-tory over Drake’s Bracho, but the Bulldogs re-fused to let the match get any closer. In a quick response to the loss at the sixth singles spot, it was Goodman who moved Drake one match closer to victory with a 6-0, 6-4 win over Man-ner.

“I’ve played him twice before, and he beat me both times,” Goodman said. “I knew he didn’t hit very many winners and wasn’t very aggres-sive, so I just had to make a lot of balls to start out with.”

The Bulldogs claimed victory off of a gruel-ing straight-set win by McKie at the third sin-gles position. The Drake sophomore overcame an incredibly persistent opponent in Miljevic to win 7-5, 7-5. After winning the final point, McKie let out the same audible roar that was heard from his court throughout the day.

As the Drake players congratulated McKie on court 3, Ghorbel and Erasmus closed out their matches on courts 2 and 4, respectively. Ghorbel played his best tennis of his Drake ca-reer as he dispatched Pelaez, last year’s MVC Freshman of the Year. Ghorbel’s powerful groundstrokes caused problems for the speedy Redbird, as the Drake sophomore posted a 7-6, 6-4 win.

“I fought so hard to play my best tennis and to stay focused,” Ghorbel said. “With the good players, you know you have to play your best tennis.”

Erasmus made it a 6-1 victory for the Bull-dogs with his 6-4, 6-4 triumph over Zlatkovic.

“The one difference between our team and their team today was we were a little bit tough-er,” head coach Evan Austin said. “That comes from the work we put in, and it comes from our guys getting together and really wanting this.”

Ballivian believed that all of the Bulldogs stepped up their level of play for this match, and that it will be something they will have to continue to do here on out if they want to win the conference championship to earn a spot in the NCAA tournament.

“We showed we are a team that fights with heart,” he said.

Drake will travel to Carbondale, Ill., this Sunday for a matchup with the Southern Illi-nois Salukis. The match is one of two remain-ing conference tilts before the State Farm MVC Championship over Relays weekend.

WOMENDrake came back strong from last Saturday’s

loss with a dominant 6-1 win on Sunday after-noon against the Bradley Braves. The Bulldogs dealt the Braves their fourth loss in conference play. The win was Drake’s first in the MVC this season.

The Bulldogs began with an immediate ad-vantage over the Braves, as Bradley failed to field a third doubles team for competition, giv-ing the Bulldogs the match at third doubles by default. With the cards already in their favor, the Bulldogs looked to take advantage of their

opponent’s weakened roster.Juniors Amanda Aragon and Jessica Aguilera

dominated their competitors with a quick 8-3 victory at second doubles. Junior Gabby Demos and sophomore Manca Krizman also pushed to a comfortable 8-5 victory at the top spot.

The Bulldogs’ 1-0 lead was extended to 2-0 at the beginning of singles play, as the Braves failed to present a competitor at sixth singles, which was therefore forfeited to sophomore Ali Patterson. The Drake squad quickly clinched the victory as freshman Klavdija Rebol and ju-nior Earlynn Lauer both won in straight sets. Rebol won 6-0, 6-2 to bring the lead to 3-0, while Lauer clinched the victory with a 6-2, 6-2 win.

Drake’s only loss of the day came at second singles, as Demos couldn’t convert when the match went into a third set super-tiebreaker. On the other hand, Krizman was able to take the match at the top spot with a victory in the third set super-tiebreaker.

The Bulldogs will return home this weekend for a Saturday match against the Evansville Purple Aces. The match begins at 1 p.m. in the Roger Knapp Tennis Center.


by Dominic JohnsonStaff [email protected]

Drake men climb to No. 63 in national rankings

SENIOR MAURICIO BALLIVIAN smashes a shot. Ballivian went out in style in his final home match of his career on Sunday against Illinois State. He defeated the Redbirds’ top player, Timon Reichelt, in straight sets in a battle between the 2010 MVC Co-Players of the Year.

CONNOR MCCOURTNEY | photo editor


Bulldogs set for run at MAAC Championship

A year after missing out on third place in the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference Champion-ship by one point, the Drake crew members are hoping to redeem themselves.

On Sunday, the rowing team will compete in the MAAC Championship in Princeton, N.J., against seven other teams.

“Our goal, like the other teams, is to win con-ference and, at the very least, finish better than last year,” head coach Charlie DiSilvestro said.

Freshman Taylor Armstrong said taking the conference title would be the ultimate way for the team to see that all of its hard work paid off.

“Winning conference would mean that every time we’ve ever wondered why we wake up so early, doubted our ability, questioned our com-

mitment and felt discouraged was senseless,” Armstrong said.

On April 2, Drake’s varsity 8 boat beat boats from fellow conference teams Fairfield, Iona and Sacred Heart to win the MAAC Invita-tional.

Drake has yet to race additional conference teams, such as Marist, Manhattan, defending champion Loyola-Maryland and newest mem-ber Robert Morris.

“We know the competition’s good, and ev-eryone is gearing up,” DiSilvestro said. “We’ve yet to see the second half of our conference, so going into this weekend the girls need to be there mentally and physically, ready to fight it out stroke for stroke. We can’t be overconfident going in.”

The champion will be determined by the fin-ish times of each team’s varsity 8, junior varsity 8 and varsity 4 boats. The races will proceed in

that order. Provided that there are no weather complications, the races will begin at 10 a.m., and the 2011 MAAC champion will be deter-mined slightly after 11 a.m.

Determination of the champion in this man-ner is new to the MAAC this year.

Last year, the NCAA passed a ruling that the conference champion will automatically qualify to compete at the NCAA rowing championship starting in 2013. For this reason, the MAAC has decided to adopt the NCAA competition format.

“This year it is, once again, a new ball game,” assistant coach Jaclyn Aldworth said. “This change is to follow the NCAA championship format and to act as a practice run for teams. If our team can finish well without any seniors, it puts us in a good place for the coming seasons.”

This change requires that teams race 20 dif-ferent rowers and three coxswains. In previous

years, teams were able to place the same rowers in multiple races to ensure optimal finishes.

“I really like this race format. It shows the depth of a team because every rower is rowing for points,” DiSilvestro said. “You can’t just row your best rowers. Now the novice [rowers] and all the girls contribute significantly to the win.”

After the MAAC champion is determined, additional races will be held. Drake plans to enter two boats in the open 4+ category and a single boat in the novice 4+ category. These races will not count for points, but are meant to further gage the teams’ abilities.

“With conference only a few days away, we need to be completely invested in practice,” ju-nior Brittney Smith said. “We’ve been working hard at practice all year but specifically in the weeks leading up to conference. Winning the MAAC is the ultimate reward and I think we are ready to fight for it.”

by Monica WorsleyStaff [email protected]

MONICA WORSLEY | staff writer

THE WOMEN’S ROWING TEAM faces a tall task this week at the MAAC Championship in Princeton, N.J., this Sunday. Drake’s biggest competition will be Loyola-Maryland, which has won the past two MAAC titles.

>>Drake sweeps weekly awardsSenior Mauricio Ballivian and sophomore Manca Krizman both received MVC Player of the Week honors on Tuesday. Both players have led the Bulldogs all season at the top singles and doubles slots, and both displayed their dominance last week. Ballivian won the award for the eighth time in his career and was the fifth Bulldog to garner the honor this season. Ballivian pounded defending conference champion Illinois State’s top player on Sunday in a 6-1, 6-0 rout. Krizman earned player of the week for the first time in her career

courtesy of Drake Athletics

courtesy of Drake Athletics

and became the third Drake women’s player to receive the honor this season. Krizman won her fifth-straight singles match on Sunday against Bradley.


After splitting a doubleheader with the Wich-ita State Shockers last Saturday, Drake had an opportunity for revenge the next day. The Bull-dogs took full advantage of the rubber match on Sunday, beating the Shockers 6-0. On Tuesday, Drake dropped a heartbreaker to Iowa State 2-1 in 10 innings.

Senior Jenna DeLong took the circle for the Bulldogs on Sunday, tossing a complete game and holding a no-hitter through five innings. The win moved DeLong’s season total to 13 and the Bulldogs’ Missouri Valley Conference record to 10-1. DeLong also registered eight strikeouts, moving her career total to 668, which is two shy of the all-time Drake record.

The Bulldogs jumped out to take the lead in the third inning, thanks to a grand slam by junior Torey Craddock to score junior Jaimie Duffek, DeLong and freshman Amy Pierce. Af-ter the grand slam, the Bulldogs never looked back. Drake ended the inning with a 5-0 lead after senior Molly McClelland hit a solo home run two batters after Craddock. Drake tallied their sixth and final run in the fourth inning when sophomore Sam West scored on an error.

“I think we did a great job refocusing and get-ting the win on Sunday,” Craddock said. “We feel really good about being in first place in the MVC right now, but we are not satisfied.”

The Bulldogs followed up their win on Sun-day with a nonconference match up on Tuesday against Iowa State at Buel Field. Similar to the

first game against Wichita State last Saturday, Pierce came to the plate in the bottom of the seventh in a 1-1 tie with the bases loaded and two outs, but was unable to convert, flying out to center and sending the game to extra innings.

“It’s definitely a bummer that we lost,” Pierce said, “but we feel it’s OK because we played well. It was a close game.”

Senior Brynne Dordel was in the circle for the game, going 5.1 innings and garnering a no-decision.

Iowa State was finally able to score on an er-ror in the 10th inning to go up 2-1, and Drake was unable to answer in the bottom half.

“We need to have a lot of determination and focus to have another great winning streak,” Pierce said.

The Bulldog bats were weaker than usual, racking up only six hits against the Cyclones. Iowa State pitcher Rachel Zabriskie went the distance, with four walks and eight strikeouts.

The Bulldogs have another shot at the Cy-clones, traveling to Ames this afternoon for a 4 p.m. rematch.

“We know we have a tough schedule ahead and need to remain focused,” Craddock said.

The Bulldogs jump back into MVC play on Saturday and Sunday, taking on Northern Iowa at Buel Field at noon both days.

“I feel good about us in the MVC right now,” Pierce said. “We still have tough teams to play, but if we play like we can, we have a good chance to win.”

Drake sits atop the MVC standings. Illinois State trails at 9-2.


by Blake MillerStaff [email protected]

SENIOR ERIN MOLLOHAN squares up a pitch on Tuesday as her teammates cheer her on. Iowa State edged Drake 2-1 in 10 innings, but the Bulldogs will get another shot at the Cyclones today in Ames.

CONNOR MCCOURTNEY | photo editor

Iowa State sneaks by Drake in 10 innings

Bulldogs take two out of three from WSU to move to 10-1 in MVC, sit one game ahead of Illinois State for first

Mathwick paces Bulldogs as team shoots lowest score of spring campaign

Team hitting its stride heading into the final month of the season



Bulldog fans will get their first opportunity to watch the 2011 track and field teams com-pete in a home meet this weekend when Drake Stadium hosts the Jim Duncan Invitational.

Head coach Natasha Brown is expecting a big performance from the team in front of the home crowd.

“Normally, this is a kind of a transitional meet for us,” Brown said. “We have done some really high-level competition, and now we kind of bring it down a little bit and really try and focus on some things we weren’t focusing on because the competition level was so high. It becomes more of a technical, relaxed meet for us.”

Brown added that the team has benefitted from the recent nice weather because it allows them to practice outdoors every day.

“We got into this funk with Spring Break and some transition with the weather, and it wasn’t cooperating,” Brown added. “We want-ed to be outside as soon as the indoor season was over and we couldn’t. So we went back to practicing indoors for outdoor season which is always confusing. I think we are finally un-derstanding what it’s like to be outside in the elements.”

Action begins with the men’s high jump at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow afternoon. Friday will consist of mainly distance and field events.

Multiple throwing events begin at 4 p.m. to-morrow with the women’s discus, men’s javelin and men’s shot put. Sophomore Kevin Harp and freshman Phillip Beeler are two athletes to catch at the javelin during this time frame.

Harp is coming off a school-record perfor-mance last weekend. Junior Megan Pierce-Cramer has had an impressive start to the season after offseason surgery and should be throwing the discus.

“It’s really nice to now have them outdoors doing their thing and doing it very well,” Brown said about her throwers.

As far as running events tomorrow, the day will consist mainly of distance races. The 5,000-meter and 10,000-meter runs, and the 3,000-meter steeplechase will all be run to-morrow evening, starting at 5 p.m. Senior Casey McDermott is the school record holder in the steeplechase and is coming off a victory in the event last weekend.

Saturday is a full day of track and field with events starting at 8:30 a.m. and the final event scheduled to conclude at 6:30 p.m.

Senior Tyse Samani will be in the high jump at 11:30 a.m., sophomore Dan Karys should be competing in the long jump at 10:30 a.m. and the triple jump at 3:30 p.m., and the men’s hammer throw will have school record holder sophomore Isaac Twombly and freshman Andy Curtis throwing at 12:30 p.m.

The men’s team has several freshmen who have been enjoying early season success in the 1,500-meter, which begins at 11:30 a.m. At 1 p.m., the women’s 100-meter hurdles begins where sophomores Sarah Yeager and Marissa Smith have excelled to start the outdoor sea-son. Junior Jon DeGrave, who had an excel-lent indoor season, has been closing in on the school record for the 400-meter hurdles this outdoor season, but was scratched from the lineup this weekend due injury.

“All of [the events] are going to be great,” Brown said. “You really can’t go wrong.”

With the season quickly coming to a close, Drake accomplished one of its goals for the sea-son en route to finishing in third place at the Wichita State Spring Invitational on Monday and Tuesday.

The team had a goal of having at least four out of the five golfers shoot rounds in the 70s. The Bulldogs came away from the two-day meet accomplishing this goal by shooting an overall score of 307, which is the team’s lowest score of the season.

“We were just kind of trying to benchmark where we’re at and where we need to be in the next couple weeks,” head coach Leanne Smith said. “I think we accomplished what we needed to in this tournament.”

Once again, weather proved to be an obsta-cle in the beginning of the meet. On Monday, golfers faced 30 mph winds. Despite the harsh wind, the team was able to walk away from the first day with a score of 326 to start day two in third place.

“In the difficult conditions, we stuck with it and kept trying to get better,” senior Michelle

Mathwick said. “It’s difficult and it wears you down a little bit, but you have to stay focused and not worry if you hit a couple bad shots be-cause that will happen with weather like that.”

Mathwick in particular was able to stay strong and focused in spite of the adverse weather. After the first day, she was leading the team with a 77 in the opening round. She was the only Drake golfer that day that was able to shoot in the 70s.

On Tuesday, three other Bulldogs were able to join Mathwick in shooting in the 70s. Im-proved weather and team determination al-lowed the team to step it up in the final day of the meet to maintain its third-place standing.

“After a rough [Monday] everyone came back and played their best today,” Mathwick said. Smith agreed that the nicer weather made it easier for the team to play better on Tuesday.

Mathwick’s success continued as she went on to shoot a team-low of 72 and walked away in fifth place overall. Junior Chelsey Falk walked away with a 78, freshman Hadley Jennings with a 79, senior Kaitlyn Mauk with a 78 and junior Christy Wittmer with an 84.

“It’s definitely a confidence booster for every-one to play well today,” Mathwick said.

Now the team is preparing for the upcom-

ing State Farm Missouri Valley Conference Championship on April 22-23. Last year, Drake placed second in the MVC tournament. The team is looking to do just as well if not better in this year’s meet.

The Bulldogs will continue to do the same things they have been doing to prepare, Smith said. Working on their short game has been one

of their main focus points and it will continue to be as they approach the MVC tournament.

“We’ll continue working on the short game and learning how to keep bogies from turning into double bogies,” Smith said. “Overall, we’re happy with where we sit going into conference in the next couple weeks.”

by David JohnsonStaff [email protected]

by Elizabeth RobinsonStaff [email protected]

Drake prepares to host Jim Duncan Invitational

Drake places third at Wichita State Spring Invitational

>>Jim Ducan

>>Wichita State Spring Invitational

InvitationalWHERE: Drake Stadium

WHEN: Friday, 3:30 - 7:35 p.m., and Saturday, 8:30 a.m.

– 6:30 p.m.

WHO: The Bulldogs will host their annual tune-up track meet before Drake Relays. Some of the top teams in the Midwest will compete, and there will also be high school events for local young track stars.

MEET NOTES: Sophomore Kevin Harp will look to break his school record in the javelin throw on Friday at 4 p.m. The Drake women’s squad will be without versatile star senior Ari Curtis, who got injured after falling over a hurdle at the Tom Botts Invitational last Saturday. Junior Jon DeGrave is closing in the school record in the 400-meter hurdles, but will not get a chance to break it this week because he will not compete due to injury.

INDIVIDUAL RESULTS5. Michelle Mathwick 77-72 = 14916. Chelsey Falk 82-78 = 16019. Hadley Jennings 85-79 = 16423. Kaitlyn Mauk 88-78 = 16623. Christy Wittmer 82-84 = 166

TEAM RESULTS3. Drake University 326-307 = 633


Now accepting applications for next year’s The Times-Delphic staff. Positions include:

Features Editor | Relays Editor | Page Designers

If interested, please send questions or a cover letter and resume toKristen Smith at [email protected].

Photo Editor | Web Assistant

Come for the races, stay for the _____.

On Friday, I’m going to go to Street Painting.

I’ll paint all over ______ with my ______. My ______ gets really messy.

Paint is ______ in my ______. That’s fine because I’m already ______. I covered

______’s ______ in ______ paint. It takes me ______ hours of showering to get all

the paint off. This is a ______ way to start off Relays!

I’ll ______ at the Relays for the Rest of Us on Wednesday. Compared to professional

athletes, I’m ______. I’m going to get ______ place!

I can’t wait to watch the Relays. I like seeing the athletes run in all the events. My favorite

event is ______. I’m impressed with how ______ they are at ______.

At the carnival, I’ll pig out on ______ and play on the ______.

When all the alumni come, it gets really ______. I like to ______ with them and hear

how they ______ while they were at Drake.

On Friday, I’ll head to Court Avenue to see the ______.

It’ll be fun because so many people will ______ with me.

Saturday’s the best because I ______ all day. I may not run around the track ______

times, but I like to ______. When ______ races,

I make sure to be at the blue oval.

I’ll eat ______ pancakes covered in ______ on Saturday at the Pancake Breakfast.

At the Beautiful Bulldog contest, I want ______ to win.

It will take me ______ minutes to run the Grand Blue Mile.

The rest of the time I’ll spend ______ with ______.

As for homework, I’ll ______ it on ______.







noun adjective

















noun noun

How do you fill in the blank?




person adjective




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