Page 1: The Towel and Basin - · HPC Calendar 9 Your HPC 10 8 March 2020 Hamburg Presbyterian Church The Towel and Basin Mission: To be a ... Bring a sandwich & stay for

Inside this issue:

CE Ministry News 2 Lenten Events 3 PW Happenings & Mission 4 Spring’s Grace 5 Time to Serve? 6 #CandlesCoffee&Prayers 7 Minutes of Session 8 HPC Calendar 9 Your HPC 10



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March 2020

Hamburg Presbyterian Church

The Towel and Basin

Mission: To be a spiritually passionate congregation that lives out Christ’s teachings; through love-filled relationship building, we prayerfully seek

to share our lives and resources with the community and the world

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Christian Education


Children / Youth Sunday School Calendar 3/1 No Class, Children’s Song & Memory Verse during Worship 3/8 Sunday School Class (During Worship) 3/15 Sunday School Class (During Worship) 3/22 Sunday School Class (During Worship) 3/29 Sunday School Class (During Worship)

Adult Sunday School (9:00-10:00) Sunday Mornings We welcome all adults to join us in our continued study of the Nooma video series by Rob Bell.

What We’ve Been Up To...

Sunday School “Souper” Bowl of Caring Skit (Jan 26) 3 kids from the Sunday School Class performed a skit to promote the “Souper” Bowl of Caring on Sun-day February 2nd. The skit was called The Good Neighbor. Its message was that being a good neigh-bor can be as simple as having a conversation and sharing a meal. It also stressed that there are many around us that we aren’t always aware of, who are struggling to make ends meet. “Souper” Bowl of Caring (Feb 2nd) We collected $272. This will go towards supplies for helping folks on Code Blue Nights. Thank you for your generosity! Children’s Song & Memory Verse (Feb 2nd) The Sunday School kids performed the song The Fruit of The Spirit during worship. Our memory verse was Galatians 5:22-23.

Youth First Sunday: Youth Group Meeting (Feb 2nd) 5 youth and 2 Adults met for our first Youth Group meeting of the year! We discussed what it means to be a good neighbor and a disciple of Jesus. The kids enjoyed lunch, snacks, and many games! *See Pictures Above Laser Tag @ Lasertron (Feb 29th) This event took place after the Newsletter was fin-ished. See next month’s Towel & Basin for details.

Youth Calendar (Grades 6-12)

3/01 First Sunday: Youth Group Meeting- Bible Study,

Games, Food, Fellowship (11:00-12:30)

3/21 Friends of Night People-The Youth Group will be

helping with several tasks (12:00-3:00pm)

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Recommended by Pastor Rachel

Devotionals Now Available

Copies of this year’s Lenten devotional

and the new issue of “Our Daily Bread” are now available.

Be sure to pick one up (one per family, please) after worship service.



6PM – 7:30PM

Topic of Study: The Mission of Jesus: Series 14

By Ray Vander Laan

Please join us in the church

fellowship hall for a light supper

at 6:00pm followed by video

study and discussion. Sign up

in the narthex today!

Sponsored by Worship & Music Ministry

Deadline for ministry team notes

for Session is Monday, March 9

at Noon.


[email protected]

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Shaving Cream and Razors

In March, Mission Team is collecting shaving cream and razors for hygiene kits

used at Friends of Night People.

A collection basket is located in the Narthex.

Thank you!


March Circle Gatherings Hannah- Wed., 3/11 at 10:00am (CL)

Elizabeth – Thurs., 3/12 at 9:30am at Jean F’s home

Ruth – Wed., 3/18 at 12:30pm (ALR)

Mission Quilters Wed., Mar. 18 only in FH at 9:30am

Everyone is welcome!

Bring a sandwich & stay for lunch.

Annual Ministry Team

Reports are due

no later than May 15

Please include informative summaries dating

June 2019 – April 2020. Items may be sub-

mitted in Word (or a pdf is fine). In the case

of larger documents, please do not number

the pages in individual reports.

Please email to:

[email protected]


Thanks to your generosity we have been able to sup-

port the City of Buffalo Code Blue efforts this winter


"Code Blue" is the City of Buffalo’s emergency weath-

er safety plan that provides outreach, transportation,

shelter and a warm meal to Buffalo's homeless popu-

lation on evenings when temperatures and wind chill

fall to 15 degrees or below from November 15 to

March 15. The Code Blue Shelters are located at:

Harbor House at 241 Genesee Street and St. Luke's

Mission of Mercy at 325 Walden Avenue.

So far this year Hamburg Presbyterian Church has

made and delivered 1500 sandwiches to the code

blue shelter at St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy.

December – 400 Sandwiches

January – 400 Sandwiches

February – 700 Sandwiches

This is over and above the

regular sandwich Sunday

sandwiches we deliver every

third Sunday of the month.

And with your support of the


campaign, we raised an addi-

tional $272 to support the remaining code blue efforts

this winter.

If you would like more information on the Hamburg

Presbyterian Church Code Blue program please con-

tact Leeann Howe, ([email protected]).

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Springtime in the Country 2020 (Fairgrounds Event Center )

March 27 ~ 29

Springtime is Coming! Outside may look wintry, but inside the Fair-grounds Event Center March 27 through 29 it will be Springtime in the Country. Premier Pro-motions again wants Hamburg Presbyterians (and friends) to be the smiling faces at the doors of this major craft show. If you missed Christmas or Yuletide in the Country, here's your chance to help out. See me (Janie Smith) to reserve your place or to ask any questions. I have the list with me.

And fellows… I won't make you shop!

Thanks for the help.


992-3479 or 868-6153 email: [email protected]

Easter Flowers

Your Name


Circle One:

In Honor of or In Memory of

Name _______________________________________

Circle choices: Gerbera Daisy Tulip Daffodil

I am keeping my plant.


I am donating my plant for a shut-in.

Cost is $6.00 each and payment is due upon ordering.

Orders will be taken February 23, March 1 and 8 in the chapel,

dropped off at the church office or in the lock box anytime.

Orders due 3/8

Flowers may be picked up April 12 after Worship.

Gracious God, you are our way in the wilderness. In our own times of testing be our spiritual nourishment, protect us with your angels, and show your authority in our lives, so that we may hunger for righteousness and live in peace and safety, worshiping and serving you alone; through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Luke 4:1-13

New Member Class at HPC

A New Member class will be held following wor-ship on Sunday, March 22 from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM and will

include lunch. This class will be for those who worship with us and have in-terest in joining HPC, wish to transfer your membership to HPC, or just want to attend to learn more about HPC and be-ing a Presbyterian. Following the class, should you wish to join or transfer mem-bership, you will be received at worship on Sunday April 19, 2020. If you have interest, please feel free to contact Cheryl Koelmel at 984-7717, the church office at 649-1970, or via email: [email protected].



B e l o n g

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Greetings HPC! It is that time of the year again. Soon the nominating committee will begin seeking out mem-

bers who are ready, willing and able to serve our church in various roles. Elders, Deacons, Clerk of Session, and Commissioners to Presbytery are all needed to contribute to the mission of Hamburg Presbyterian Church: “To be a spiritually passionate congregation that lives out Christ’s teachings; through love-filled relationship building, we prayerfully seek to share our lives and resources with the community and the world.”

Are you ready to serve? Have you been a Deacon or an Elder before and find yourself called to fill that role again? Have you not served in the past and are you now ready to take a step to share your time, talents and faith by serving? Are you young, older, working, retired, raising kids, an empty nest-er? No matter your answer, there could be a spot that works perfectly for you.

As an Elder, you will represent the congregation and make decisions concerning worship, Christian Education, the spiritual nurture of the congregation as well as tend to the business of the church, primarily the building and the budget. Session meets once monthly, typically for 60-90 minutes. You will be asked to lead or act as a liaison to a ministry team and attend that monthly meet-ing. So- 2 meetings a month and a few additional hours completing the tasks related to the team you lead.

The Clerk of Session attends the monthly Session meeting, records and distributes minutes, is responsible for the general record keeping of the congregation and communication with Presbytery. As a Commissioner to Presbytery, you are asked to attend 4 Presbytery meetings a year and share with Session the discussion and decisions of those meetings.

A Deacon at HPC offers caring support to our church family in many ways such as communion preparation, communicating with and picking up group home residents, making sure our sanctuary is filled with beautiful flowers at Easter and Christmas, as well as outreach to members who are unable to attend church for various reasons, through visitation and card sending. Meetings are held once monthly. The meeting and the labors of love noted above account for approximately 5-7 hours per month. As one Deacon noted, “a small price in time for the amount of joy it brings to all our commit-tee members.”

As you consider the possibility of serving I’d like to share with you the thoughts of some cur-rent Elders and Deacons regarding the reasons they serve and the joy the realize from doing so:

“I choose to serve the Hamburg Presbyterian Church community in an attempt to help expand the re-

sources available to grow the kingdom of God. When I do, I find that I benefit! My spiritual faith deepens, I improve my relationships with other Christians and I grow closer with God.”

“My service to HPC and my Father is the thread that binds me to my faith journey. 1 Peter 4:10… As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”

“As a Deacon I am pleased to care for the church family in our midst. Whether they are here week to week or at home, it takes such little time and brings a lot of satisfaction. Being the light in God's kingdom is a privilege and a responsibility. God loves a cheerful giver!”

We will be reaching out to members in the coming weeks to begin conversations about serving HPC. If you’re interested in serving or ready to ask some questions, please feel free to reach out to anyone on the nom-inating committee or a current Elder or Deacon. We would love to help you down the path to serving. With thanks and God’s blessings from the nominating committee, Kris McGuire, Chair Cheryl Koelmel Jeff Leyonmark Anna Robinson

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March 2 ~ Pat Smith

March 5 ~ Alan Hall

March 6 ~ Weston Ferro

March 7 ~ Garrett Herman,

Leanne Howe & Gail Wheaton

March 9 ~ Kathryn Griffin

March 10 ~ Sue Ganey

& Bob Webster

March 12 ~ Joshua Howe

March 14 ~ Yvonne Michaels,

Dick Reynolds & Laurie Smith

March 15 ~ Rebecca Whipple

March 17 ~ Kelly Ring

March 18 ~ Campbell Calder

March 21 ~ Patricia Baltes

& Ken Walker

March 27 ~ Don Robinson

March 28 ~ Nicholas Nelson

& Louise Zittel

... for the needs of our fellow church members

Geralyn Bahruth, Hollis Bahruth, Donna Burns, Virginia Calkins, Lucy Charles, Connie Crossan,

Bob Catalino, Jonah DeLang, Emma Duggan, Sue Ganey, Gwen Green, Betty Lynn Griffin,

Alan Hall, Duane Hartloff, Richard Monckton, Marcella Toney, Kim VanTine, Gail Wheaton, and Sydney Zimmerman

Don’t forget to contact the Church Office when a loved one is ill, injured, or hospitalized.

Be a




SERVING COMMUNION Christel Beers, Kris McGuire,

Tony Cimorelli, Gary Lauchert &

Carole Mitchell (Choir)

1– Joanne Yoviene 8 –Anna Robinson

15 – George Ackerman 22—Carole Mitchell

29—Diane Hall


8—Amy Brodie 15—Diane Hall 22—Bill Brodie

29—Carole Mitchell

ACOLYTES 1– Claire Mills

8—Abby DellaPenta 15—Ben Reagan

22—Abby DellaPenta 29—Abby / Cole Nash

FELLOWSHIP 1– Church Life

8—Christian Ed. 15—Building & Grounds

22—Session 29—PW ~ All Circles

HEAD USHER 1– Lamont Beers 8 –Nathan Low

15 – Don Robinson 22—Tony Cimorelli 29—Patrick Reagan

Transportation Reminder

Deacons are available for transportation to and from church. Contact Mandy in the office at 649-1970

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SESSION MINUTES: The Session Minutes of December 9, 2019 were approved as written.

PASTOR’S REPORT: This years’ Women’s Retreat will be Sunday. March 8, 2020.


DEACON REPORT: Cindy updated the elders on the status of the volunteers who are doing communion and writing cards. There is still a need for assistance with visitations

COMM TO PRESBYTERY: The next Presbytery meeting is Saturday, January 25 at 10:00 a.m. at the Presbytery Office in Cheektowaga. Cher-yl has notified the commissioners Craig Schmittendorf and Terri Vogler. Kris McGuire volunteered to attend if needed.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The following figures reflect the Profit and Loss Statement ending December 31, 2019. INCOME; $27,671.15 SAVINGS; $117,394.50 EXPENSES: $21,453.10 CHECKING: $ 29,356.67 In Blair’s absence, he emailed the following information to the elders. Total pledged income received was $214, 917 compared to the budgeted amount of $192,674.

MINISTRY TEAMS REQUIRING ACTION: The following teams emailed their team minutes to the el-ders prior to the meeting: Financial Management, Worship and Music, and Deacons. Worship & Music…..Joyce Huen circulated the 2020 Com-munion Schedule for approval. The MOTION from committee was seconded, and approved. and the schedule is as follows: February 2, February 26 (Ash Wednesday at Noon and 7:00 p.m.), March 1, March 29 at Springtime in the Coun-try, April 5, April 9, April 12, Mary 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, September 6, October 4, November 1, November 8 at Christmas in the Country, December 6 (HPC and Yuletide in the Country), December 24, and January 2, 2021.


NEW BUSINESS: Cheryl Koelmel, Clerk, circulated a memo and cover letter to the elders requesting that four families be contacted to determine active membership status at HPC. A MOTION was, made, seconded, and approved to send out the letter. .

DISCUSSION: Gary reported for Personnel that Mandy is now back in the office Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Ken-dra will be working about 4 hours a week assisting in other church matters. Christel reported that the Lenten Series will begin on Thursday, March 5 and continue through April 2. Hand shaking during worship greeting and Passing the Peace will be optional during the flu season. The organ is in need of repair and Music & Worship Team, Wayne Hines, and Sandy Ackerman are talking with Allen Organs. An email vote by session will be taken when final costs are submitted. Hand shaking during worship greeting and Passing the Peace will be optional during the flu season. Jeff Leyonmark will be responsible for devotions at the February meeting. The communion sign-up was circulated. Moment for Ministry (4th Sunday)…..Christel will represent Worship & Music in January and will discuss the Lenten Series and Kris McGuire will represent Nominating in Feb-ruary. The Sacrament of Holy Communion was celebrated on December 24, 2019 at the 9:00 p.m. worship service and on January 5, 2020 at the 10:00 a.m. worship service. The next Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrat-ed on February 2, 2020 at the 10:00 a.m. worship service. Our next meeting is February 10, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Prayer requests were lifted up and Pastor Rachel closed the meet-ing with prayer at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Cheryl Koelmel – Clerk of Session

Rev. Rachel Brown, Moderator, called the meeting to order with prayer at 7:01 p.m. A quorum was present. Elders in attendance were: Kris McGuire, Christel Beers, Joyce Huen, Gary Lauchert, Tony Cimorelli, Don Robinson, Jeff Leyon-mark, Leanne Howe, and Cheryl Koelmel, Clerk. Elders excused: Holly Bortel, Jim Beatty, Blair Webster, and Joe Smith. Guest: Cindy Ferguson, Deacon. Gary Lauchert gave the evening’s devotions.

Minutes of Session ~ January 13, 2020

Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunday, May 24, 2020 Join us for a light lunch after Worship as we review the Life and Ministry of HPC from 2019-2020.

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March 2020 ~ Hamburg Presbyterian Church

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 9:00am Adult Sunday School 9:00am Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10:00am Worship Service & Communion Sunday (No Youth Church)

2 10:00am Church Life 6:00pm Christian Ed. 7:00pm Financial Mgmt. (ALR) 7:00pm Personnel (BAL) 7:30pm AlAnon (FH)

3 9:30am Worship Plan-ning (ALR) 5:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 6:15pm Bell Choir Rehearsal

4 7:30pm AA (FH)

Haiti Mission Team Departs

5 1:00pm Jean C’s Small Group 6:00pm Lenten Supper / Video Series (FH) 7:00pm YogaFaith w. Erin (CL)

6 9:00pm AA (FH)

7 9:30am-3pm Unit-ed Church of God (FH)

8 9:00am Adult Sunday School 9:00am Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10:00am Worship Service & Youth Church 11:30am Celebrate Women Sunday After-noon Retreat

9 Ministry Team Minutes Due

9:30am Caregivers (ALR) 7:00pm Session (CL) 7:30pm AlAnon (FH)

10 9:30am Worship Plan-ning (ALR) 5:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 6:15pm Bell Choir 7:00pm Ken W’s Small Group (@J Streamer’s )

11 10:00am Hannah Circle (CL) 7:30pm AA (FH)

12 9:30am Elizabeth Circle (at Jean F’s) 6:00pm Lenten Supper / Video Series (FH) 7:00pm YogaFaith w. Erin (CL)

Haiti Mission Team Returns

13 9:00pm AA (FH)

14 9:30am-3pm Unit-ed Church of God (FH) 9:30am Women’s Breakfast Group at ZJs

15 9:00am Adult Sunday School 9:00am Bell Rehearsal 10:00am Worship Service & Youth Church Sandwich Sunday

16 7:00pm Worship and Music (ALR) 7:30pm AlAnon (FH)

17 9:30am Worship Plan-ning (ALR) 5:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 6:15pm Bell Choir 7:15pm Deacons (ALR)

18 Newsletter Articles Due

9:30am Quilters (FH) 12:30pm Ruth Circle (ALR) 7:00pm Mission (CL) 7:30pm AA (FH)

19 1:00pm Jean C’s Small Group 6:00pm Lenten Supper / Video Series (FH) 7:00pm YogaFaith w. Erin (CL)

20 9:00pm AA (FH)

21 9:30am-3pm Unit-ed Church of God (FH)

22 9:00am Adult Sunday School 9:00am Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10:00am Worship Service & Youth Church

23 7:00pm Building and Grounds (ALR) 7:30pm AlAnon (FH)

24 9:30am Worship Plan-ning (ALR) 5:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 6:15pm Bell Choir 7:00pm Ken W’s Small Group (@J Streamer’s) 7:15pm Christian Nur-ture Service for People with Disabilities

25 7:30pm AA (FH)

26 6:00pm Lenten Supper / Video Series (FH) 7:00pm YogaFaith w. Erin (CL)

27 9:00pm AA (FH)

28 9:30am-3pm Unit-ed Church of God (FH)

29 9:00am Adult Sunday School 9:00am Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10:00am Worship Service & Youth Church

30 7:30pm AlAnon (FH)

31 9:30am Worship Plan-ning (ALR) 10:30am Staff (ALR) 5:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 6:15pm Bell Choir

Meeting dates and times subject to change. Updated 2/26/20

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Sunday Worship

& Christian Ed


9:00am Adult Sunday School

10:00am Worship Service (with Communion on the First Sunday of the Month)

and Children & Youth Church

Newsletter Deadline The deadine for the

April issue is

March 18.

Christian Nurture For People with Disabilities

Sing-along time Interactive message

Time for sharing joys, birthdays, and concerns

Participation is encouraged!

Worship and Praise 4th Tuesday of the Month

Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 7:15pm in the HPC Chapel

Join us!



Class of 2020

Jim Beatty, Christel Beers,

Joyce Huen, Kris McGuire

Class of 2021

Holly Bortel, Leanne Howe,

Jeff Leyonmark, Joe Smith, Sr.

Class of 2022

Tony Cimorelli, Gary Lauchert,

Don Robinson, Blair Webster


Class of 2020

Zach Nelson, Elyse Perry,

Marcella Toney, Cheryl Weyand

Class of 2021

Cindy Rotino Ferguson

Class of 2022

Anna Robinson


Hamburg, NY 14075

Pastor - Rev. Rachel Brown Christian Education Director - Matt Brooks

Pastoral Care Assistant - Wendy Zimmerman Treasurer - Blair Webster

Financial Secretary - Katie Gertner Church Office - Mandy Eppolito & Kendra Quinn-Moultrie

Sexton - Dave Monaco Office Phone - (716) 649-1970

E-mail - [email protected] Web Page -

Facebook - Sermons Online!!



Monday ~ Thursday

8:30am - 1:30pm

Closed Friday

In case of an emergency,

Rev. Rachel Brown may be

reached on her cell at


Thank you!

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