Page 1: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

The Transition to IA-64

Ken KroekerSenior Technical ConsultantPartner Technology Access Center

Hewlett-Packard Com pany

120 Century Road W est

Param us, New Jersey


Page 2: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application


Superscalar RISC~2 instructions / cycle



Tim e

RISC <1 instruction / cycle


.3 ins / cycle

1985 1990 1995

Next generationEPIC

CISC20-30% increase per year due to advances in underlying semiconductor technology

1 micron

.5 micron

.35 micron

.25 micron

.18 micron



ts in VLSI

.13 micron

Page 3: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

60 M Hz

Source: IEEE Spectrum (1989) (1976-1993)

600 M IPS

.12 M IPS



300 M Hz

1976 1993

Clock Cycle Im provem ent 2.7 M Hz 60 M Hz

55 M IPS .92 IPC



2.0 IPC

4600x 21x


Architectural Im provem ent.045 .92 IPC

M icroprocessor Perform ance G rowth

1976-1993 Parallelism and Clock speed both increase 20X

1993-1997 Clock Speed 5X

Parallelism 2X

Page 4: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

Today’s Architecture ChallengesToday’s Architecture Challenges! Performance barriers :

! Memory latency! Branches! Loop pipelining and call / return overhead

! Headroom constraints :! Hardware-based instruction scheduling

❖ Unable to efficiently schedule parallel execution! Resource constrained

❖ Too few registers❖ Unable to fully utilize multiple execution units

! Scalability limitations :! Memory addressing efficiency

IA-64 addresses these limitationsIA-64 addresses these limitations

Page 5: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

IA-64 MissionIA-64 Mission! Overcome the limitations of today’s architectures! Provide world-class floating-point performance! Support large memory needs with 64-bit addressing! Protect existing investments

! Full binary compatibility with existing IA-32 instructions in hardware! Full binary compatibility with PA-RISC instructions through software

translation! Support growing high-end application workloads

! E-business and internet applications! Scientific analysis and 3D graphics

Define the next generation computer architectureDefine the next generation computer architecture

Page 6: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

Hardware" Parallel path of PA-RISC and IA-64" IA-64-ready board upgradable system s

O perating system"HP-UX is IA-64 ready (m inor update)"No adm inistrator/operator interface changes"Collaboration with M icrosoft on NT transition"HP Labs - first port of Linux to IA-64"Sim ulators for early access to NT, Linux and HP-UX

Applications"No forced application rewrites"No data m igration"No forced applications recom piles"PTAC for ISV Porting/Certification

Architecting a Sm ooth Transition to IA-64

Page 7: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

IA-64 retains m any key PA-RISC characteristics:

" 1-to-1 m apping of perform ance-sensitive m achine-level instructions" PA-RISC virtual m em ory architecture" Identical data form ats" PA-RISC floating point (IA-64 is a superset)" PA-RISC m ultim edia (IA-64 is a superset)" PA-RISC graphics acceleration" M any other features still kept confidential

Benefits for PA-RISC custom ers:

" Sm oother transition to IA-64 architecture designed in" Easier ISV m igration m eans m ore applications available sooner" Better perform ance and reliability--functionality out sooner

Key: avoid “dead ends” where vendor can’t m ove custom ers forward

PA-RISC will live on through IA-64



Page 8: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

HP Microprocessor RoadmapHP Microprocessor Roadmap




‘98‘96 ‘00 ‘02 Future

180M Hz

240M Hz

360-440M Hz

M erced

M cKinley


M adison Perform ance

500-550M Hz





700M Hz

900M Hz


Page 9: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

Source: IDC 5/98: “Hewlett-Packard Prepares for Rapid Rise of IA64-Based System s”

IDC Expects Rapid Rise of IA-64

W W Server Revenue Forecast



2000 2001 2002



Page 10: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

The software and Services you need when you need them !O ur Partners are Com m itted to IA-64

Page 11: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

Transition Methods
























(C, C++, FTN, Java, COBOL)

















Dynamic Translator

PA ObjectCode

native IA-64 code

Use Dynamic Translator technologyApplication Binary Compatible (transparent)Good performance

Require recompilationApplication Source CompatibleBest performanceC, C++ & FTN generate both 32 & 64 Bit code

Source Recompile

Binary Compatibility(transparent)

Page 12: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

Source Code Impacts

From 9.X From 10.01 From 11.0

Potential Source ImpactsWhen Moving to IA-64

A clear jumping-off point

Page 13: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

Execution Environment
























HP-UX Operating System



User Libraries

























HP-UX Operating System

Middleware(e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs)


User Libraries

Native port


Dynamic Translation

Dynamic Translation


A Mixed EnvironmentPreserve the PA-RISC environmentAllow incremental transition

PA Code

IA-64 Code


Page 14: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

Dynamic TranslationDynamic Translation

! PA-RISC to IA-64 dynamic translator! Features:

! Highly reliable! Transparent! Good performance! Small set of limitations

! An integral part of HP-UX on IA-64, no installationrequired

! The Translator is user-level IA-64 code! Invocation is automatic! Optimization is unique to each execution

Page 15: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

Full Binary Compatibility for PA-RISCFull Binary Compatibility for PA-RISC! Transparency:

! Dynamic object code translator in HP-UX automaticallyconverts PA-RISC code to native IA-64 code

! Translated code is cached for later reuse! Correctness:

! Has passed the same tests as the PA-8500! Performance:

! Close PA-RISC to IA-64 instruction mapping! Translation on average takes 1-2% of the time Native

instruction execution takes 98-99%! Optimization done for wide instructions, predication,

speculation, large register sets, etc.! PA-RISC optimizations carry over to IA-64

Page 16: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

Translator LimitationsTranslator Limitations! If it doesn’t run on the PA version of HP-UX 11.x, it won’t

run on IA-64 HP-UX 11.x! No mixing of PA and IA-64 components

! PA executable w/ IA-64 shared libraries! IA-64 executable with PA shared libraries

! vfork acts like fork! No support for privileged instructions, which means:

! No kernel-intrusive codes! No device drivers! No home-grown operating systems

! No support for “/dev/kmem”! No support for real-time or timing sensitive applications! No support of signaling floating-point NaNs! No support of ptrace and ttrace system calls

Page 17: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

Impact on systemImpact on system! The Translator installs a translated code cache for

each PA process running on the IA-64 system in theapplication’s stack area.

! An additional 1-8MB of swap space, depending onthe size of the process and the swap-spacepressure on the system, will be needed by thetranslator for each PA process

! IA-64 systems will easily run many hundreds of PAprocesses simultaneously

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Translated Mode - PerformanceTranslated Mode - Performance

! Databases, OS calls, IO will all be nativecode - Applications spending little of theirtime in user code will run with nearNative mode performance

! Applications spending most of their timein the application code itself should bere-compiled

Page 19: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

And Remember, Intel says:And Remember, Intel says:

! Mckinley will double Merced’sperformance at introduction

! Mckinley will be available at clockspeeds >1Ghz

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What to look out for

Understand your environm ent - Do you reallyknow what code you run (All of it) and where itcam e from … ..

Are you on HP-UX 11.X - If not, Get there.

Are you dependent upon any code for whichyou do not have the source, and for which noIA-64 version is likely to be available - and isthat code perform ance sensitive?

There is no m ixed m ode. PA code cannot callIA-64 code and vice-versa. Client serverim plem entations can get around this.

Page 21: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

Creating a Transition Plan

✸ Take inventory✸ Ask your S/W vendors about their IA-64 plans✸ Confirm that your sources are really current✸ Take out the garbage

✸ If you are not there yet - Plan a transition to 11.0✸ Use HP services if necessary for 9.X -> 10.X✸ Use the 11.X STK to scan 11.X issues

✸ Understand your performance requirements✸ Set Native mode transition priorities✸ Can you keep running PA-RISC code (static apps?)✸ Get help from HP or others if necessary

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HP-UX 9.x to 10.0 version B.10.01 Manual9.X, 10.X, 11.X Release Notes9.X to 10.X Transition Manual11.0 Software Developers Guide IA-64 CDROMhttp://www.hp.com


HP-UX 9.x to 10.0 version B.10.01 Manual9.X, 10.X, 11.X Release Notes9.X to 10.X Transition Manual11.0 Software Developers Guide IA-64 CDROMhttp://www.hp.com

Tools9.X ->10.X System Tools9.X -> 10.X Application Tools10.X -> 11.0 STK11.0 -> 11.X (IA-64) STK

Tools9.X ->10.X System Tools9.X -> 10.X Application Tools10.X -> 11.0 STK11.0 -> 11.X (IA-64) STK

ServicesResponse Center O.S. Upgrade Assistance ServiceEPIC Readiness ServicesDeveloper Alliances LabDesigning the Future SeminarsCustomer Early Access Programs

ServicesResponse Center O.S. Upgrade Assistance ServiceEPIC Readiness ServicesDeveloper Alliances LabDesigning the Future SeminarsCustomer Early Access Programs

Helping You Prepare for the Future

Page 23: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

Future Systems Platforms

Outstanding PerformanceMassive ScaleabilityAvailabilityInteroperabilityCompatibility with PA-RISC & IA-32UNIX and NT on a single architecture


















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Paralle l with2048 CPUs PCI I/O






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PA-RISC and IA-64

Page 24: The Transition to IA-64€¦ · Architecting a Smooth Transition to IA-64. IA-64 retains many key PA-RISC characteristics: ... HP-UX Operating System (e.g. DBMS, Graphic libs) Application

What Do We Know AboutWhat Do We Know AboutIA-64 and the HP 3000?IA-64 and the HP 3000?

➨ New com parably perform ing PA-RISC processors are being introduced through 2002/2003➨ IA-64 M PE/iX will require a separate release➨ User PA-RISC applications will not have to be recom piled➨ CSY’s goal is to allow Classic HP 3000 binary code to run, unrecom piled on IA-64 HP 3000 Servers➨ Recom piled Classic and PA-RISC applications will run faster➨ Next generation servers will be board upgradeable to IA-64➨ M PE/iX support of IA-64 will occur beyond 2001➨ W hen IA-64 M PE/iX is introduced, PA-RISC M PE/iX will continue to be supported in parallel

Stay tuned for more details


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