
The Trinity Times March 2018 Volume 19

Keeping you informed of the timely happenings, news,

Mission and ministry of Trinity Christian Church

A Word from Terry “Where there is no vision the people perish.”

Proverbs 29:18

Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. 6 Be strong and

courageous, for you shall give this people possession of the land which I swore to their fathers to give

them. 7 Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My

servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success

wherever you go. 8 This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it

day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will

make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and

courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:5-9

The above passage from the book of Joshua seems very appropriate for Trinity as we turn 18 years old. It is often a passage used for those who graduate and are ready to go out in life and allow God's purpose and plan to guide through the rest of their lives. It has always been our intent to follow God's purpose and plan as a body of believers. There have been many adventures in the faith that we have enjoyed and weathered together in our 18 years. This anniversary year is made especially exciting as Matt Remsburg comes to join us as our Associate Pastor. Please continue to lift up Matt in your prayers. He is so excited to begin his work with us and we are so excited to have him join us. 18 year olds fondly look back on the security of the past and may face their future with great fear and trepidation. Joshua no doubt felt the same as he began to lead the children of Israel into the promised land. But God's message to him and God's message to us is the same: Be strong and courageous! I will be with you! Do all according to My Word! Do not tremble or be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go! Let us all hang on to that encouraging message of promise as we praise God for the blessings of our past and look to Him to provide us with His glorious blessings in the future! Happy 18th Anniversary Trinity! Until He returns! Terry

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The Word of God preached ~ The Word of God taught ~ God glorified in all that we do ~ Love, support, and care in times of crisis A place and a way to serve our Lord ~ Fellowship and friendship ~ Warmth and acceptance from our people

January in Review

March 18

Thank you for your

generous spirit!

March 21 —7:30 p.m.

We appreciate the generosity our members have shown to those who find themselves in need from time to time. The impact your gifts have made are great! Canned meat Canned Fruit Peanut Butter Cereal Detergent Dish soap Kleenex Just a reminder that the Pantry is open any time of the month to those who attend Trinity when there may be need. No appointment is necessary. Thank you and God bless!

Attendance Sunday School


January 7 49 145

January 14 57 144

January 21 64 146

January 28 56 156

General Fund Monthly Income/Expenses

January 7 $3,321.00

January 14 $4,480.00

January 21 $4,483.65

January 28 $3,825.00

Total Income $16,109.65

Expenses $20,313.80

Don’t forget—March 11th

March 4 March 11 March 18 March 25

Communion Meditation

Tracy Eivins Doug Tharp Brett Tharp Garry Palmer


Eldon Paxson Isaac Hall Owen Martsching Tyson Smith

Garry Palmer Jack Greenwood Rod Zimmerman David Peters

Doug Tharp Tim Boswell Ryan Olson Tim Covington

Pat Greenwood Tim Minnick Michael Redman Manny Atwood

Merrill Hamilton Chuck Clark Abram Hall Max Buckner

Eugene Yoder Tyson Smith Doug Tharp Eugene Yoder

Nick Morrell Manny Atwood Tracy Eivins Chuck Clark

Communion Prayer

Jack Trowbridge Doug Tharp Pat Greenwood Tim Minnick

Scripture Readers

Patti Grasso Janet Reed Max Buckner Kathie Patton

Nursery Workers

8:15 Service

Lorna Paxson Lorna Paxson Lorna Paxson Tyson Smith

Sunday School

L. Olson L. Scrivner M. Yutzy T. Clark

10:45 Service

M. Stoner & E. Hall

B. Herzberg & J. Scrivner

M. Yutzy & B. Boswell

B. Stoner & A. Hall

Wednesday Night

L. Paxson L. Paxson L. Paxson L. Paxson


8:15 service Linda Binning / David Imel

Sunday School Kevin & Betty Herzberg / Steve & Karen Bowen

10:45 service Rod Zimmerman / Greenwood family

Kitchen Hosts Communion Prep

Paul’s Sunday School Class

Pam Combs / Rhonda Tharp










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Good Friday services will be held on Friday, March 30th at 7:30 p.m. Please join us as we take a look at the final hours before His crucifixion in remembrance of His ultimate sacrifice for us. A special communion service will conclude the program.

Sunrise Service We will be celebrating the resurrection of our Lord with a Sunrise Service at 7:30 a.m. on Easter morning. For those of you who have never joined us for a Sunrise Service in past years, the service last approximately 20—30 minutes. It consists of the reading of appropriate scriptures and singing such Resurrection Sunday hymns such as He is Lord and Christ the Lord is Risen Today. The service is held outside, weather permitting. At the conclusion of the service, some of our men will be serving a wonderful breakfast in the fellowship hall. Join us for this special time of celebration!

Easter Worship Service

Please note that there will NOT be an early service on Easter morning. Our Sunday School hour will be moved up to 9:00 a.m. and our main worship service will be held at 10:00 a.m. By making these slight time changes, we hope to encourage more to join us for a full morning of worshipping our risen Lord and Savior.

Preparing For Easter

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Easter Sunday Services

As a family of believers committed to serving and glorifying God, we seek opportunities to share the joy of Christ and His Word with people of all ages everywhere.

As a family of believers committed to serving and glorifying God, we seek opportunities to share the joy of Christ and His Word with people of all ages everywhere.

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Pray for our Family and Friends! Please pray for the following members, loved ones and friends who need to be lifted up to the Father’s throne: Joe Amsden; Bill Applegate; Frank & Yvonne Andrew; Gary Ballantyne; Eldon Binning; George Bishop; Rod and Carol Ann Bollinger; Gary & Mary Boswell; Jeff & Priscilla Boswell; Candy Braby; Hazel Braby; Marilynn Braby; Roberta Brown; Orville & Ruth Dale; John & Pam Dowell; Maizel Dunn; Chris Dykes; Charlotte Elliott; Ralph Evans; Larry & Jeannie Eivins; Lee Fowler; Paul & Patty Grasso; Joel Greiner; Guy & Jeannine Hampton; Dale Harrington; Trent Helton; Betty Herzberg; Amber Hill; Garry Hill; Rova Johnston; Dan Klein; Marie Lewis; Mick & Brenda McBride; Melba McDaniel; Karen Meyer; Military personnel and families; Thelma Miller; Marge Mitchell; Nick Morrell; Oliver & Mary Mothershead; Sara McAlexander; Patty Oliver; Jeremy Parsons; Donna & Paul Percell; Michael Redman; Jack & Darlene Roberts; Jim Routh; Robin & Doug Schwandt; Dianne & Larry Schultes; Doris Swigart; Andrea Swennumson; Sara Telford; Bonnie Thomas; Betty Travis; Trinity Leadership & Missionaries; Travis Vaughn; Craig Warner; Marletta Warren; Shelly Waugh; Kyle Watson; Caroll Woodard; Alva & Alma Yoder; George Yoder; Marletta Warren; Cheryl Zimmerman; Karen Zion

Trinity Christian Church Ministries Sunday Morning Services Early Service 8:15 a.m. Sunday School (all ages) 9:30 a.m. 2nd Service 10:45 a.m. Nursery (newborn—3 yrs) provided during Sunday School and both worship services Jr. Church (4 –6 year olds ) provided at 10:45 service Refreshments served between Sunday School and 2nd Service.

Wednesday Evening 6:00 Supper for youth group participants and teachers 6:30- Kid’s Club, Courageous Youth and Adult Bible Studies Nursery services provided for those in need .

Support Groups Schedules vary—(Contact Terry for additional information)


If you would like a print out of your contributions to Trinity in 2017 for tax purposes, Mary Boswell, our treasurer, would be happy to assist you. You may make your request in person or via e-mail at [email protected]. Thank you!

As a family of believers committed to serving and glorifying God, we seek opportunities to share the joy of Christ and His Word with people of all ages everywhere.

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Join us March 4th for Trinity's 18th Anniversary Celebration! This year’s anniversary is made extra special as it will be the first Sunday that our Associate Pastor, Matt Remsburg, begins his work with us. We are planning a card shower for Matt that day. We invite you to bring a Casey's, Hy-Vee or Wal-Mart card for Matt to welcome him to our church family. We will be holding a potluck after second service that day. Please make plans to join us on this very special day to praise God for all of His blessings!

In these days of DVRs and streaming programming, it’s common courtesy to warn people before discussing a show’s plot or ending. How frustrating to inadvertently hear how a much-anticipated drama concludes! Knowing how everything ends is a blessing for Christians, however. Jesus’ victory over death gives us hope and confidence for this life — and for the life to come. “The church does not pretend … that it does not know what will happen with the crucified Jesus,” writes Thomas Hopko in The Orthodox Faith. “It does not sorrow and mourn over the Lord as if the church itself were not the very creation which has been produced from his wounded side and from the depths of his tomb. All through [Holy Week] services, the victory of Christ is contemplated and the resurrection is proclaimed.” Indeed, Jesus’ followers know how his story — and therefore our story — ends: in Easter life!

Trinity 18th

Mark your calendars!

We are planning to hold this year’s VBS from June

2nd—5th. This will start our session on a Saturday af-

ternoon instead of Sunday evening. Closing program

will be held on Tuesday night. Please start making

plans to joins us for this year’s VBS—Shipwrecked:

Rescued by Jesus!!

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11

Trinity Christian Church Membership

Membership Requirements—Open to All Who Have:

1. Repented of sin

2. Confessed faith in Jesus Christ

3. Been baptized by immersion into Him

4. Counseled with Pastor Terry Membership Expectations Worship One hour weekly Isa 43:21; Heb 12:28; Psalms 100:2; Heb 10:25 Bible Study One hour weekly 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17 Service One hour weekly Mark 10:25; 1 Cor 12:11; 1 Peter 4:10 Contribute to Unity Ephesians 4:1-3 Servant Requirements Genuine desire to serve Teachable Spirit and a positive attitude Ministry Leader Requirements Member of Trinity Christian Church Demonstrated love for the Lord and the church family FAT (Faithful—Approachable—Teachable) Ministry Leader Expectations Personal commitment to spiritual growth Commitment to pray daily for your ministry and other ministries of the church Willingness to mentor others


We want to keep our directory up-dated and will be asking our new members and attendees for an opportunity to photograph you and to gather some information. It is a good way for all of us to get to know each other quicker—attaching names to faces. Also, we have a new orientation program that Terry will be talking to you about in the near future—just some helpful assistance in becoming a part of our church family.

Trinity Christian Church

16773 State Highway 2

Decatur, IA 50067 (641) 446-8654

Contact Us

Terry (641) 446-3494 (Home) (641) 340-2610 (Cell)


Again, we are pleased to announce that Matt Remsberg will begin his ministry with us as Associate Minister next Sunday, March 4th. We are excited to have him join our staff and look forward to working and sharing with him in the months and years to come.

Matt’s main responsibilities as Associate Minister will be as follows: Minister to young couples and their families at Trinity Christian

Church. Oversee the Sunday School program at Trinity Christian Church. Manage the youth group program at Trinity Christian Church. Supervise and schedule programs/events at Trinity Life Center. Preach when Terry is gone from the pulpit for any reason. Be available for any emotional, physical and spiritual need that

should arise with anyone within the congregation.

Matt will be setting up his office in the Family Life Center. We will provide additional contact information for him once he gets settled. Please be in prayer for him, the Trinity leadership and the Trinity family as we all begin this new and exciting phase of ministry in the Kingdom!

From the Church Board Of Elders

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